Tim, 1 hr ago
I would like to know exactly what blacks want. They
have a black president. Black members of congress in
the house and senate. They have a black attorney
general. They have a black man on the supreme
court. The country has countless black governors
mayors, state and city officials. The music and film
industries have multiple black artists who are all very
rich and prosperous. They have affirmative action
which guarantees that they get a job in preference to
any white person seeking the same job. They have
laws that protect them from discrimination, and get
to strike words from the English language that they
find offensive. They can use the n-word, whites
cannot. Now they want to take down a flag that
offends them So what more do they exactly want,
because no one can articulate that in a way that
makes sense. It is always done with ambiguity, and
never finalized, so there is always something to
complain about. They now want to alter the justice
system to accommodate the blacks who are career
criminals and victims, a system that works just fine
for the rest of the country. If we take the word
racism, racist, white privilege, white supremacy,
racial profiling, institutional racism, police brutality,
hands up don't shoot, I can't breathe, and black lives
matter, out of their vocabulary, they really have
nothing to say. There has never been a successful
Black country without reliance on White intellectual
and financial capital. No modern creations or
civilization exists in sub-Saharan Africa that was not
brought there by Whites. Put Whites on an island and
you get England; put Asians on an island and you get
Japan; put Blacks on an island and you get Haiti.
Blacks lived alone in sub-Saharan Africa, a vast
continent with temperate climates and abundant
resources for 60,000 years; so they cannot blame
racism, poverty, imperialism or anything else for their
failures. How could they live with all that shoreline
and never contemplate putting a sail on a ship like
every other culture did? They had a large head-start
so they should be the most advanced race; but they
are the least advanced race. And in fact they never
did develop until they were domesticated by Whites.