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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #800 on: May 13, 2016, 04:14:25 PM »
Па сад, откуд знаш да човек не цени своју приватност?

Уосталом име ти ништа не би значило, има их на хиљаде с тим именом, једно од оних где ти ни средњи иницијал више не помаже да се распознаш у мору имењака...

Da, stvarno: otkud mi ideja da lice koje je bar 10 godina svakodnevno bilo u Javnom Domenu, i cije sam ime i prezime znao ali zaboravio (mada nisam siguran da su i milioni drugih gradjana i tzv. gradjana tzv. Srbije zaboravili), moze imati takvu neku preokupaciju; privatnost, pfffft.

Evo, reci mi to na Messages, ako te vec iritira javnost. Sta mislis da cu ja da uradim sa tom informacijom; da mu posaljem crvene beretke na vrata??

Ма јок него покушавам да установим колико ти вреди та информација :P

P.S. Шта су то тзв. црвене беретке? На то се још увек неко као ложи?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #801 on: May 13, 2016, 06:55:21 PM »
CBS 58 in Milwaukee reports two girls, 14 and 15, and a boy, 15, reportedly skipped school in January, and engaged in sex acts off school grounds, while streaming video live on Facebook. Four students watched the video on their phones while in health class at Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education.


We the child!
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"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #803 on: May 14, 2016, 12:00:02 AM »
nije mu loša dreška...

mada, ima i interesantnijih dizajna...

Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #804 on: May 16, 2016, 07:48:50 PM »
America Goes Away: Fred Left Behind in Mexico

FRED REED • MAY 12, 2016 • 1,100 WORDS • 87 COMMENTS • REPLY

Mail arrives in my inbox all the time, telling me that by going to Mexico I have sold out, fled, abandoned the United States. I’m a coward and a traitor, just like Lord Haw Haw, and Kim Philby, and probably hate America more than Barack Obama does.

It is is irrational. They think that just because I went to Mexico, I left the US. They don’t understand. I didn’t leave the United States. It left me. It was a bait-and-switch operation. I signed on to one country, and they slipped another in under me. I want my money back.

In the country where I grew up, if you woke up and found a naked intruder headed for daughter’s bedroom with a Bowie knife and a hard-on, you shot him and arranged to have the rugs cleaned. The sheriff wasn’t greatly interested and the county prosecutor didn’t see anything to prosecute. The scum floating on the gene pool wasn’t a protected species. It wasn’t the driving engine of the culture. It was just scum.

Today you would be charged with the use of excessive force. The cadaver’s family would sue. They would end up with your house unless they just ran you broke with legal bills. The outcome would depend on the racial make-up of you, the intruder, and the jury. Your daughter would be married with grandchildren before the courts reached any conclusion.

Think I’m exaggerating? When I used to have the police beat for the Washington Times in the Yankee capital, the cops told me, dead serious, that if I ever shot an intruder, I should shoot him again to make sure: You can’t afford to have two stories, they said, especially if he’s black which, in Washington, was pretty much a foregone conclusion. They’ll hang you, said the cops.

In the country I grew up in, you got on an airplane by walking up these funny little steps with wheels on them. Then you sat down. That’s all you did. I know, I know: You don’t believe this. It’s true. You just walked on. Further, the stewardesses were not merely civil but — so help me — friendly and pretty. Flying was actually enjoyable. The seats were big enough that you didn’t sit with your knees beside your ears and your feet in your pockets.

Today, getting aboard is like going into max security at some ghastly penitentiary. I once flew a bit around the old Soviet Union, as distinct from our new one, on a junket. Security was less oppressive, though the food was marginally worse unless you liked green chicken. The service was just as peremptory.

Maybe that’s what I miss most about the Old Country. People were courteous. They could afford to be because everyone else was too. It’s hard to be pleasant when the odds are even that the next official you deal with will be an ill-mannered lout who knows he can get away with it.

I think people were courteous also because they lived in an agreeable country and were pretty happy with things. The new country seems angry — quietly so, not sure what to do about it, but looking for someone to hit.

Yet further still, in the Old Country they didn’t have these funny little Japanese cars with itsy-bitsy four-bangers. Nope. They had great virile monsters thirty feet long with eight huge cylinders like buckets. A dog could have slept in them. Sure, those rocket-barges were probably ridiculous and left a trail of parts that fell off because quality control wasn’t that great, but they were real cars. They embodied a spirit I liked. Today cars seem to be designed with hair-dressers in mind.

The Old Country music was vibrant, vigorous, much of it springing from the great black bluesmen of Mississippi and then Chicago, some of it from the mountains and from the jazz dens of the big cities. In the music of the new country, the whites whine and the blacks grunt angrily and the lyrics seem to have been written by a retarded computer. From Tampa Red to Eminem is a long way down.

In the country I signed on to, things worked on the principle of individual responsibility. If you robbed a bank, which people generally didn’t, everyone figured you did it because you decided to, and you went to jail and everyone was satisfied, except you, which was the idea. Most people knew how to behave, and did. It saved a lot on police departments and you could walk around at night.

In the new country of course everything is somebody else’s fault, unless you are a white male, in which case everything is your fault. Never mind that if it weren’t for white males everybody else would be living on low-hanging fruit and saying “ugga-wugga” because they couldn’t figure out how to make a big-block hemi to crash into things with. Or figure out how to make anything else.

In the Old Country, the government was pretty much benign or actually useful. It built roads and largely left you alone. The public schools were not great but neither were they terrible. People ran their own lives. The federal government tended to be somewhere else, which was a splendid place for it, and you mostly didn’t notice.

In the country that is now where America used to be, the government is the cause of most major problems instead of a solution, however inefficient, to a fair number of them. The government keeps you from educating your children, holds standards down, prevents you from hiring the best people you can find to work in your business. It won’t allow local jurisdictions to control crime, prevents localities from enforcing such moral standards as they see fit, virtually illegalizes the religion of most of the population, and generally won’t permit people to live as they like.

Now, I used to be fond of the United States. Granted, I wasn’t much of a patriot. The word nowadays seems to mean one who doesn’t so much love his country as to dislike other people’s. I figured live and let live. A lot of other countries struck me as fine places. But America was my favorite. It just suited me. I liked the people in their wild variety and the countryside and the music and the brash independence. It wasn’t perfect. Still, given the sorry baseline for comportment in human agglomerations, it was about as good as you could get.

I’m still fond of the United States. I just can’t find it.

(Reprinted from Fred on Everything by permission of author or representative)
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #805 on: May 17, 2016, 10:13:23 PM »
nije mu loša dreška...

mada, ima i interesantnijih dizajna...

Украдено / инспирисано од

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #806 on: May 17, 2016, 10:14:01 PM »
Па сад, откуд знаш да човек не цени своју приватност?

Уосталом име ти ништа не би значило, има их на хиљаде с тим именом, једно од оних где ти ни средњи иницијал више не помаже да се распознаш у мору имењака...

Da, stvarno: otkud mi ideja da lice koje je bar 10 godina svakodnevno bilo u Javnom Domenu, i cije sam ime i prezime znao ali zaboravio (mada nisam siguran da su i milioni drugih gradjana i tzv. gradjana tzv. Srbije zaboravili), moze imati takvu neku preokupaciju; privatnost, pfffft.

Ипак није онај на кога сам сумњао, он ми па сад даде друго име...

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #807 on: May 17, 2016, 10:21:08 PM »
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #808 on: May 17, 2016, 10:29:34 PM »
Шта бре, ја све по ПС-у

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #809 on: May 18, 2016, 12:43:56 AM »
ima i interesantnijih dizajna...

Украдено / инспирисано од

nah, čisto sumnjam da su negde i primetili francuski logo...

dok se ovi non-stop vrte po sportskim kanalima...

Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #810 on: May 18, 2016, 03:31:01 PM »
то што кажеш, француски дрипци 1999. дрпили амерички заштитни знак из 1969.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #811 on: May 18, 2016, 08:38:30 PM »
Idioti ponovo.

Deutsche Bank shared:
Thousands of employees wore purple yesterday: according to the motto “Dress to express”, Deutsche Bank employees around the world were invited to come together to support the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT) and to raise awareness for an inclusive working environment. In 49 cities across 29 countries, employees demonstrated their support for LGBT rights and inclusion.   Meet some of our committed colleagues!

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #812 on: May 18, 2016, 08:53:48 PM »
Isto, jebote. Sve k'o ovde. Sotona zavladao.

Komisije za imenovanje trgova i ulica....

I vi tamo ste prdnuli u čabar. Posle uklanjanja spomenika na redu je rehabilitacija proverenih nitkova, a posle toga, the sky is the limit.

Cory Booker: Some Violent Crimes Should Not Be Defined as Violent Crimes

by KATIE MCHUGH17 May 2016764

New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker, who supports a pending sentencing reform bill that would reduce sentences for violent criminals, wants America to have a “candid conversation” about what violent crimes should be treated as violent crimes.

“We have an issue with violent crime in the sense that everybody makes a stark difference between violent offenders and nonviolent offenders,” Booker told on Tuesday. “But for people in the criminal justice working world, that is a gray line at best.”

You could have someone who’s in a car, driving a boyfriend, and the boyfriend decides to jump out, pull a gun out, rob somebody, jumps back in the car, and she keeps driving — and now she’s a violent criminal … we need to start having a better conversation about the many people who are languishing in prison for very long terms when their crime was not showing the right sense and stopping the car and exiting the car as a driver or what have you.

“I still think we have disproportionate punishments for people who are so-called violent criminals but don’t necessarily involve any direct actions of violence,” he added.

Booker is a supporter of the bipartisan Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015 (SRCA), which is being pushed by House Speaker Paul Ryan, President Barack Obama, plus left-wing and pro-business groups. Advocates say it would keep violent criminals in jail, but reduce penalties for non-violent criminals.

The sentencing reform bill is opposed by a growing group of GOP Senators, including Sen. Jeff Sessions, Sen. Tom Cotton and Sen. Marco Rubio.

“I’ll give you an example on an assault charge,” Booker continued.

“If you and I got into a bar fight, and you punched me, and I fell backward and I hit my head, and I died, that’s a horrible crime — but there are circumstances within that,” Booker said, demonstrating a lack of concern for the dead victim and his family. “Does that person deserve life imprisonment? I just think there’s a fear to have a candid conversation about proportionality when it comes to things that are labeled as violent crimes.”

Even violent criminals are less likely to commit more crime once they hit 50 or so, according to Booker, who wondered why it mattered to keep some locked up once they reach middle age.

Let’s look at the statistical reality. When people are in prison, maybe they commit a crime in their 20s, and now they’re in their 50s, 60s, and 70s and we’re still holding them in prison; there is so much data that shows that you hit a point in your age that your chances of committing another crime have gone down dramatically. There comes a point where you really have to ask yourself if we have achieved the societal end in keeping these people in prison for so long. Is the societal cost and expenditure worth it to keep somebody who’s older — higher medical costs and the like — in prison? This is a conversation this country really needs to have.

Not likely to be included in this conversation: Victims of crime, such as Army veteran Stanley Carter.

He died after Malcolm B. Benson robbed and shot him at a Detroit bus stop in September 2015. Benson got out of prison early for good behavior after taking a plea deal for second-degree murder and felony use of a firearm and served 19 years. He robbed and murdered Carter only months after his release.

Benson committed his second murder at age 49 — had Michigan’s tougher Truth in Sentencing guidelines that ordered convicts sentenced after 1998 (Benson killed his first victim in 1995) to serve their mandatory minimum sentence been in effect, Benson would have still been incarcerated and Carter would still be alive.

Booker also explained that the SRCA is only the beginning of what the bill’s progressive proponents want: He personally would like to see all mandatory minimum sentencing requirements for criminals sentenced to federal prisons scrapped entirely, leaving sentencing solely up to Obama-appointed judges’ discretions.
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #813 on: May 18, 2016, 10:02:39 PM »
Idioti su preuzeli kormilo i ovo ce sve da ode u picku lepu materinu.
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #814 on: May 19, 2016, 04:15:30 AM »
Dugo se, inače, u stručnoj javnosti raspravlja efikasnost i opravdanost američkog sistema drakonskih, dugotrajnih zatvorskih kazni za krivična dela sa elementima nasilja i u vezi sa opojnim drogama, sa različitim pristupima problemu, ali oko jednog su svi saglasni: tu se stvari ne smeju menjati preko noći, oštrim rezovima, jer bi ceo sistem bio uzdrman.

Iako se kod nas uglavnom izriču kazne ispod ili oko zakonskog minimuma (što će reći da je uspostavljen tačno suprotan režim), i mi smo imali nekoliko amnestija osuđenih kriminalaca, poslednji put kad je Toma dopanuo vlasti (pre njega se to desilo kad je pobedio Koštunica, mada kažu da m je obećanje bio dao Đinđić, ko se seća), zbog čega mnogi inače glasanje po zatvorima vide kao metod manipulacije i kupovine glasova. O pojedinačnim primerima - šta se desilo kad su ti divni ljudi ponovo udahnuli vazduh slobode - mogao bih satima da vam pričam.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #815 on: May 19, 2016, 03:06:19 PM »
 :P danas:

"Yuri Kochiyama (河内山 百合 Kōchiyama Yuri?, May 19, 1921 – June 1, 2014) was a Japanese American human rights activist[1]. She is notable as one of the few prominent non-black Black nationalists. Influenced by Marxism, Maoism, and the thoughts of Malcolm X, she was an advocate for many revolutionary movements."

Ova zemlja je, kao Rusija pre 100 godina, pala u ruke, nemilost i ropstvo jevrejskih Boljsevika...
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #816 on: May 19, 2016, 03:37:58 PM »
:P danas:

"Yuri Kochiyama (河内山 百合 Kōchiyama Yuri?, May 19, 1921 – June 1, 2014) was a Japanese American human rights activist[1]. She is notable as one of the few prominent non-black Black nationalists. Influenced by Marxism, Maoism, and the thoughts of Malcolm X, she was an advocate for many revolutionary movements."

vidim da je ovo nationalists, promenjeno na wiki sajtu u separatists...

pa pogledah revizije da vidim šta je u pitanju, neka greška ili...

i vidim da je ova wiki stranica u poslednja 2 (dva) sata, 50 (pedeset) puta korigovana...  xrotaeye

btw, Google Kanada ( danas nice, clean... nema Google Doodle...
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #817 on: May 19, 2016, 03:48:49 PM »
Ovu budalu je trebalo ubiti jos pre 50 godina. A neprijatelj je danas proslavlja "in your face".
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #818 on: May 19, 2016, 05:56:51 PM »
Јури Кочијама?  xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl

Мој тениски тренер Даки (онај који је имао тезу да је стање у земљи толико лоше да је "Крајње време да војска и полиција преузму ствар у своје руке") би онога од нас (најчешће себе), ко би пропустио поен због неактивности, звао "Кинески тенисер Лен Чу Га!"

Док сам био ТАМО, упознао сам једном нејтив Американца који се звао нешто као Коњ Који Спава Џонс. Заборавио сам му право име, али мислим да га имам негде у ткомпјутеру, кад сам хотио да им дам отказ (мисли се на фирму бр. 1), меморисао сам пар дана пре тога све своје клијенте, па сам их по преласку у фирму бр. 2 обавестио о тој чињеници, као и о разлозима зашто сам се на таки корак одлучио. Бивши ГМ, који само што није експлодирао кад сам му у 5.01 последњег дана у месецу рекао да од сутра почињем да радим код конкуренције, није издржао ни месец дана да не дође у ту моју нову фирму, где смо као шатро неформално проћаскали, којом приликом ми је рекао да сам рили смарт гај. А радио сам вероватно најглупљи посао на свету.

Него, стварно, ко или шта вам је та што Јури Кочијама? Што се бре Хате због тих анонимуса толико податресаш? Боље види како да се договоримо за ону торбу. Одлучио сам се за онај њихов најпродаванији модел, од кога је све почело. Јесам ли ти рекао да ми пасује у величини "Л", боје кафе?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #820 on: May 23, 2016, 11:21:27 AM »

Debata u Njujorku: Uklanjati mačkama kandže ili ne?

Decenijama je hirurško uklanjanje kandži mačkama bio rutinski veterinarski postupak u SAD, ali to nije pedikir - ima tu anestezije, bola i amputacije delova prstiju.

IZVOR: BETA PONEDELJAK, 23.05.2016. | 08:50

Prvi predlog zakona u SAD, koji je pripremila država Njujork, o zabrani uklanjanje kandži mačkama izazvao je žestoku debatu među veterinarima i ljubiteljima mačaka, od kojih neki insistiraju da je uklanjanje nehumano, a drugi kažu da to treba dopustiti kao poslednje sredstvo za mačke koje grebu nameštaj, tepihe i ljude.

"Niko od nas ne voli taj postupak", rekao je Ričard Goldstin, veterinar u njujorškom Zdravstvenom centru za životinje i bivši predavač na Veterinarskom fakulteta Univerziteta Kornel. "Šta kada je alternativa doživotna osuda mačke na sklonište, ili na smrt? Zato mi to radimo".

Njujorške i američke veterinarske organizacije koje se protive zabrani uklanjanja kandži, kažu i da je to često jedini način da se spreči da mačke s problemima u ponašanju budu napuštene ili podvrgnute eutanaziji. Takve odluke treba prepustiti profesionalcima i vlasnicima mačaka, a ne poslanicima, kažu oni.

Realnost je da taj postupak sam po sebi uzbunjuje protivnike. Za razliku od ljudskih noktiju, kandže mačke su vezane za kosti, te njihovo uklanjanje zahteva da veterinar prereže tetive i nerve, i da ukloni poslednji segment kosti u svakom od prstiju mačke.

"To je amputacija. To je kao da se klještima čoveku odseče vrh prsta", rekao je Džener Konrad, kalifornijski veterinar koji je prošle nedelje doputovao u Olbani da bi lobirao među poslanicima da izglasaju predloženu zabranu.

Direktorka osnovne škole u Bruklinu Liza Fernandes rekla je da je dala da se njenoj mački uklone kandže jer nije znala šta to podrazumeva. Đaci njene škole sada učestvuju u kampanji lobiranja kojom pozivaju poslanike da podže zabranu. "Kada sam saznala šta je to, užasnula sam se", rekla je Fernandes.

Debata je izbila u vreme razvoja osećanja Amerikanaca prema četvoronožnim ljubimcima. Drugi njujorški zakon će ukinuti porez na promet na hranu za kućne ljubimce, a poslanici su prošle godine glasali i da se dopusti da se psi pridruže svojim prijateljima - ljudima u baštama restorana.

Nekoliko američkih država je zabranilo operacije uklanjanja glasnih žica pasa, a svih 50 američkih država ima propise po kojima je teška okrutnost prema životinjama krivično delo.

"Jača društvena briga o dobrobiti životinja", rekao je Vejn Pasel, predsednik i izvršni direktor američkog Društva za humanost (Humane Society of the United States). "Dokazali smo da je američka javnost duboko zabrinuta za dobrobit životinja - onih koji žive sa nama i onih koje se koriste za proizvodnju hrane".

Australija, Velika Britanija i još nekoliko evropskih zemalja već je zabranilo uklanjanje kandži mačkama. To je zabranjeno i u Los Anđelesu i nekim drugim gradovima Kalifornije. Procenjuje se da ta procedura primeni na oko četvrtini svih mačaka u domaćinstvima u SAD, a veterinari su rekli za AP da je to sve manje uobičajeno.

U prihvatilištu za životinje "Enimal hejven" na Menhetnu, pomoćnica direktora Kendra Mara je rekla da se uklanjanje kandži primenjuje na oko 10 odsto mačaka koje idu na usvajanje. Neke od mačaka podvrgnutih tome počinju da ujedaju što pre nisu činile, a neke prestaju da koriste kutiju s peskom jer im pesak pogoršava rane. "Nikada to ne ide lako", rekla je ona. Posle te procedure "uvek treba raditi na problemima ponašanja" mačke.

Stanovnik Menhetna Brajan Gari, jedan od nekoliko vlasnika mačaka koji su razgovarli sa AP, nasledio je 10-godišnju mačku Kiki kada je umro njegov otac i dao je da joj se uklone kandže jer je "nameštaj važniji od dobrobiti mačke". Gari je rekao da Kiki ima problema s korišćenjem kutije s peskom, te je drži u sobi čitavoj prekrivenoj novinama.

"To je noćna mora. Moram to nekako da rešim", rekao je on. "Ona je ipak veoma slatka. Ali je potpuno uvrnuta". Veterinari s kojima je razgovarala agencija AP, kažu da se vlasnici mačaka sve više okreću alternativama - redovno podrezivanje kandži ili postavljanje malih kapica preko kandži mačke.

Njujorško veterinarsko udruženje, međutim, protivi se potpunoj zabrani. Njegova predsednica Suzan Vajligala je rekla da je broj intervencija za uklanjanje kandži u njenoj oblasti Bafalo opao za više od 50 odsto u odnosu na pre samo tri godine. "Toga je znatno manje jer veterinari upućuju klijente u to šta su dostupne alternative", rekla je ona. "Ipak, to treba da ostane poslednja opcija", rekla je ona o hirurškom uklanjanju kandži.
'на љуту рану - љуту траву..!'

Offline Toza

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #821 on: May 23, 2016, 12:43:25 PM »
Не бој се, док то дође у Србију, твој мачор ће већ да буде на неком бољем месту:mrgreen:
Ко оно још беше од мачкара овде?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #822 on: May 23, 2016, 02:20:24 PM »
Ti slepci bi trebalo da prestanu da drze macke i pse po stanovima usred jebenog grada.

To je smislenije za onoga ko ima kucu i dvoriste.
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Offline Toza

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #823 on: May 23, 2016, 06:32:45 PM »
Otkud ti to?
Ja sam pre dva'espet godina imao barzoja - reprezentativan kućni pas - iako smo još i tada oskudevali u pustim srbskim kvadratima. Doduše, bio sam ga kao malog dresirao da juri komšijsku decu, jer je takvom psu potrebno svakodnevno istrčavanje, a deci thrill, pa je sve funkcionisalo ki pekarov sat, a živeo sam i blizu Šumarica, pa su deca imala gde da beže.
Jesam li ti pričao da je u opkoljenoj Zetri odneo sve moguće CACIBe, dok je sudija lamentirao "Za kaj će Srbinu takav pas?", a Mujo & Haso se jebali u bulju za kilo benzina?
LM, ništa nije falilo ni njemu, ni meni, a onda sam ja pametan rešio da se ženim....
Poenta je da ti ne trebaju kuća&dvorište, ak' živiš uz Central Park.

Štos'tiče mačaka, tu su stvari još jednostavnije: samo treba prozor ostaviti otvorenim.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #824 on: May 23, 2016, 07:27:36 PM »
... pa je sve funkcionisalo ki pekarov sat...

 :lol: :mrgreen:
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #825 on: May 26, 2016, 06:32:37 PM »
Dok je sedeo na wc šolji, ogroman piton ga je ujeo za "muškost"

Ženooo, imam pitona medju nogama!!!
Ne lupaj, znam koliki ti je.
(Gavra, 26. maj 2016 11:41)

zatvor za zmiju. kakva sloboda
(p,s, 26. maj 2016 12:00)

   Zbog zatvora je sve i pocelo...
   (One night in May, 26. maj 2016 12:37)

Od sada vrsim svu nuzdu na sudoperi!
(ares, 26. maj 2016 17:48)
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #826 on: June 01, 2016, 02:13:19 AM »
Pokret "Zaustavimo Trampa" najavljuje nezavisnog kandidata

Pokret "Stop Trump" je nastao na inicijativu republikanaca koji su nezadovoljni izostankom reakcije Republikanske stranke na pojavu Donalda Trampa kao potencijalnog predsedničkog kandidata stranke na izborima u novembru.

Bill Kristol:

Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Donald J. Trump:

If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

dakle, logično... republikanci najavljuju nezavisnog kandidata, sa nadam da njihov zvanični kandidat bude poražen...
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #827 on: June 01, 2016, 06:22:45 AM »
TRUMP 2016!!!
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #828 on: June 01, 2016, 05:35:06 PM »

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"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #830 on: June 12, 2016, 03:18:40 PM »
Bemtilebac...  :( :(

Police: 50 killed in Florida nightclub terror attack

Omar Saddiqui Mateen, 29


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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #831 on: June 12, 2016, 03:54:04 PM »
Court: No right to carry concealed weapons in public

Mladjanom Omaru oruzje, ocigledno, nije bilo concealed..


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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #832 on: June 12, 2016, 05:00:59 PM »
If you dine with the devil bring a long spoon.

Offline Ivan_D

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #833 on: June 12, 2016, 05:02:44 PM »
Police: 50 killed in Florida nightclub terror attack

and as usual there will be little to none condemnation from the peer group. moslimery for ya
If you dine with the devil bring a long spoon.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #834 on: June 12, 2016, 05:26:00 PM »
or the hookers...
'на љуту рану - љуту траву..!'

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #835 on: June 12, 2016, 06:49:08 PM »
and as usual there will be little to none condemnation from the peer group. moslimery for ya

Nesrecnik nije razumeo poruku islama.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #836 on: June 12, 2016, 07:43:49 PM »
'на љуту рану - љуту траву..!'

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #837 on: June 12, 2016, 09:29:04 PM »
Bemtilebac...  :( :(

Police: 50 killed in Florida nightclub terror attack


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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #838 on: June 14, 2016, 04:51:42 PM »

Offline Daisy

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #839 on: June 14, 2016, 05:06:20 PM »

Only in Amurkka

Relatives: How Else Was ‘He Gonna Get His Money?

yup... How else was he gonna get his money (or his bike)?
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #840 on: June 15, 2016, 06:18:38 PM »
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Offline Daisy

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #842 on: June 16, 2016, 09:28:21 PM »
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

Offline Hate mail

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"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Offline Ivan_D

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If you dine with the devil bring a long spoon.

Offline Hate mail

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"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Offline Hate mail

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #846 on: June 21, 2016, 07:45:35 PM »
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Offline Daisy

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #847 on: June 21, 2016, 07:54:36 PM »
Ne vidim ali po pare da su crnci?

... aj
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #848 on: June 21, 2016, 07:55:43 PM »

Povlacim ponudu.

Inace, INI, ne mogu da verujem da se znamo 15+ godina a da si ovako hteo da me prevaris za pare...
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #849 on: June 21, 2016, 08:19:35 PM »
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.