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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1850 on: December 24, 2016, 01:47:40 AM »
c, c, c, c.... diversion / bs / diversion / bs ...   :lol: :mrgreen:

 xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl

nastavi, molim te

 xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1851 on: December 24, 2016, 04:57:57 AM »
Neverovatan je.

Mada, bojim se za nj. Mislim da su demecija i opcenito propadanje (propadnost) tu poceli da rade.
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1852 on: December 24, 2016, 05:09:40 AM »
Prozlio se, k'o i svi stari ljudi. Ne daj mi Boze.
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1853 on: December 24, 2016, 05:14:03 PM »
Suspect arrested in Arkansas road rage killing of 3-year-old

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- A Little Rock man who fired his gun into a car, striking and killing a 3-year-old boy, did so because he thought the driver of that vehicle was following him too closely, police said in an affidavit released Friday following the suspect's arrest.

Gary Eugene Holmes, 33, turned himself in at police headquarters Thursday night, Little Rock police said in a statement Friday. Holmes was being held in the Pulaski County jail on preliminary charges of capital murder and committing a terroristic act in the shooting death last week of Acen (AY'-sin) King.

Holmes pleaded not guilty to the preliminary charges and was ordered jailed without bond after a brief video arraignment Friday morning. Court records do not list an attorney who can speak on his behalf.

Police said Acen was on a shopping trip with his grandmother Dec. 17 when he was struck by gunfire. The boy's grandmother, Kim King-Macon, told authorities that she had stopped at a stop sign in the pouring rain when a man honked his horn, then got out of his car and fired a gun.

The car involved in the shooting belonged to Holmes' girlfriend. The girlfriend told police that she was in the car with Holmes when the fatal shooting occurred. She told investigators that Holmes said a Dodge Charger was following him too closely, so he pulled over and let the car go past. The affidavit says the girlfriend told police that Holmes got out of the car and fired his gun after the Charger stopped at a stop sign for "a few minutes."

The girlfriend told police that Holmes said: "That's what you get for following me around."
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Offline Daisy

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1854 on: December 24, 2016, 09:07:24 PM »
Trampov saradnik: Obami u 2017. želim smrt, a Mišel gorilu

Na pitanje šta bi poželeo u narednoj godini, Karl Paladino je rekao da bi hteo da Obama "dobije bolest ludih krava i da od toga umre".

Za Mišel Obamu je rekao da bi voleo da ona "ponovo postane čovek i bude puštena u šumu Zimbabvea da bi mogla mirno da živi u pećini sa gorilom Maksijem".

Koje je ovo g...edo
(Krokodili dolaze, 24. decembar 2016 18:28)
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1855 on: December 24, 2016, 09:17:14 PM »
Tramp je tvitnuo i kompanija je izgubila. Opet

Tvit novoizabranog predsdnika SAD Donalda Trama opet je napravio haos na berzama.

Akcije Lokid Martina pale su drugi put ovog meseca zbog kritikaTrampa da je lovac F-35 preskup.

Akcije te kompanije pale su sat vremena nakon tvita za 1,7 odsto.

Tramp je na svom profilu na Tviteru pozvao konkurentski Boing da ponudi svoju cenu za F-18, potencijalnu alternativu za F-35.

Podsetimo, pre nekoliko dana, nakon Trampovog tvita da je cena konstrukcije i proizvodnje aviona lovca F-35 previsoka, Lokid Martin je izgubila 3,5 milijardi dolara.
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1856 on: December 24, 2016, 10:01:07 PM »
Šta misliš, koliko je Trampo milijuna napravio (preko trećih, "nepovezanih" lica) na ovom Lokidovom gubitku? A koliko njegovi drugari "republikanci"?

Bar da Hate tu, u toj močvari neku svoju radnju radi, skupa sa #pekarom, pa da čovek razume onoliko ludovanje.
I #pohvali.
Ili bar da radi bilo šta, za bilo koga, za bilo koju crkavicu.
Pa da taj neko #pravi neke #pare u ovom #pičvajzu, and than tip Hate.
Ali od ta #posla nema ništa.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1857 on: December 24, 2016, 10:03:30 PM »
"Prevedilac na ovaj film nek' je' govna".
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1858 on: December 24, 2016, 10:04:53 PM »
Vec se vidi ali priznaj svejedno, matori: neko te je, mozda in the line of duty, zesce provozao k'o Jovan kobilu i/ili usio za lovu tu skoro?
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1859 on: December 24, 2016, 10:31:46 PM »
Ne baš, ako ne misliš na ono što nisam direktno ušao u privatizaciju onog hotela, a nisam mnogo ni insistirao, jer je cela stvar od početka pravljena za jednog (mog) čoveka, koga, uzgred budi rečeno, u toj priči zastupam?

A taj džiberski izraz "k'o Jovan kobilu" nisam čuo južno od Krnjače. Odakle ti to?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1860 on: December 25, 2016, 02:13:26 AM »
To ti je sa iste strane (sveta) kao i ono "Martin u Zagreb, Martin iz Zagreba" (vidi isto: slawen u Zagreb, slawen iz Zagreba).

Nego jel' ti treba para?
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1861 on: December 25, 2016, 06:24:51 AM »
ko hoće da zna?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1862 on: December 25, 2016, 07:02:06 AM »
Ako ti ne treba, da mu pozajmis, zato te pita. Treba mu za Ivana

Offline Daisy

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1863 on: December 26, 2016, 04:15:51 PM »
samo tetki da odnesem lek...

Donald Trump Inauguration: List of Musicians Who Said No

Andrea Bocelli
Celine Dion
Elton John
Garth Brooks

Donald Trump’s Inauguration: Full List of Musicians Who Will Perform

Jackie Evancho
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir?
The Radio City Rockettes?
Beau Davidson
The Reagan Years
DJ Freedom
A Place To Be Trio
The Star Spangled Singers
Right On Band
Darryl Worley
Chris Styles
For The Win
Sam Fazio
Pat Premier
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1864 on: December 26, 2016, 04:32:37 PM »

gde ga bre tozovac!
trampo, šta se dešava, kresanje budžeta? daj bre, ne preterujmo, pa nije to šaban!

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1865 on: December 26, 2016, 04:34:07 PM »
Ako ti ne treba, da mu pozajmis, zato te pita. Treba mu za Ivana

a ja sam mislio da im ide sjajno
hate, čoveče, pa pit'o sam te pre neki dan, što se ustežeš i snebivaš?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1866 on: December 27, 2016, 12:12:53 AM »
verovatno zato sto je ustezljiv i snebljivljiv i uspeva
tamo u NJ...
'на љуту рану - љуту траву..!'

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1867 on: December 27, 2016, 06:25:46 AM »
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1868 on: December 27, 2016, 06:28:25 AM »
eh, da su babi muda...

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1869 on: December 27, 2016, 06:52:23 AM »
...bila bi baba sa mudima, nkako deda

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1870 on: December 27, 2016, 06:52:33 AM »
...bila bi baba sa mudima, nikako deda

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1871 on: December 27, 2016, 07:27:48 AM »
WTF, Pijanisto? Senile much?
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1872 on: December 27, 2016, 07:10:08 PM »
Htedoh "edit" a udarih "quote". Nema veze, nije zgoreg citirati velike misli jos vecih ljudi, cak i kad su citirant i citee jedan te isti veliki (jos veci) ljud

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1873 on: December 27, 2016, 07:11:38 PM »
hehe rollingstone

"Numerous top music-business sources denied reports that Trump's administration was offering ambassadorships to potential inauguration performers or their representatives."

"At the end of the day, almost 50 percent of the country voted for the guy. I have artists who were pro-Trump — none of them have been called," says Allen Kovac, manager of Motley Crue, whose singer Vince Neil was "uninvited" to perform. "Musicians tend to be more liberal than the rest of the public — if you're black, or a woman, or Hispanic, you may have a point of view that makes you feel uncomfortable [after] a very contentious race for president."

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1874 on: December 27, 2016, 07:35:29 PM »
Sto se vi ludaci opsedate tim inauguralnim "performansima"?

Da li se secate uopste - no Google! - ko je svirao Obami 2013. i 2009.?



Koji ste vi dokonjaci.
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1875 on: December 27, 2016, 07:54:03 PM »
This impending situation is an all-around win-win for us. MAGA!

Pardon the interruption: Clinton allegation may force Obama to act; Clinton to admit

Executive orders barring offshore drilling in most U.S. Arctic waters; an abstention at the U.N. permitting the Security Council to declare all Israeli settlement activity to be illegal and an obstacle to peace; the possibility of further action at the U.N. to formalize the administration’s comprehensive vision of a two-state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict—Pres. Obama is sprinting, not jogging, to the finish-line.

In dashing through his last few weeks in office, will one of Pres. Obama’s final acts be to pardon Hillary Clinton for any violations of federal law she might have committed while she was secretary of state?

It’s an interesting and complex question.

We should first note that the Obama administration’s decision not to prosecute Mrs. Clinton would not bind the Trump administration. Until relevant statutes of limitations have expired, she could still be prosecuted by the new administration. It is possible in my opinion for Clinton to be prosecuted for either her improper handling of classified information on “home brew,” or allegations of “pay to play” arrangements between the secretary of state and donors to the Clinton Foundation, which could constitute bribery.

The statute of limitations for most federal crimes is five years from the commission of the offense; that would apply to the two categories relevant to Mrs. Clinton. Her tenure as secretary of state ended Feb. 1, 2013, so it is possible that the statute of limitations will not run until Feb. 1, 2018, more than a year after Mr. Trump takes office.

What looks like one question—will the president pardon Mrs. Clinton?—turns out, on analysis, to be two. The first question is: Would Mrs. Clinton wish to receive a pardon?

That question seems to be a proverbial no-brainer. Surely, any person who had been in federal government would be eager to receive a presidential pardon, because it eliminates even the possibility of federal prosecution. That looks like all upside and no downside.

But there is a downside, and it isn’t trivial. A pardon must be accepted by the person who is pardoned if it is to effectively stymie any prosecution.

Furthermore, there is solid legal precedent that acceptance of a pardon is equivalent to confession of guilt. A U.S. Supreme Court case from 1915 called Burdick v. U.S. establishes that principle; it has never been overturned.

If acceptance of a pardon by Mrs. Clinton would amount to confession of guilt, would she nevertheless accept it? A multitude of factors would go into her decision.

She, together with her attorneys, would have to decide how likely it is that the Trump administration would prosecute her, and, if they did decide to prosecute, how likely it is they would be able to prove she had committed crimes.

Since being elected, Mr. Trump has been remarkably warm towards the person he used to call “crooked Hillary.” But how confident could Mrs. Clinton be that the Justice Department, under a Trump administration, would not prosecute?

Prosecutorial decisions are supposed to be independent of political considerations, so Mr. Trump’s recent friendliness should not be controlling once the new Attorney General is in office.

If Mrs. Clinton believes prosecutors might be able to make a strong case against her, the value to her of a pardon increases. If she is confident that any case against her would be weak or even futile, the pardon has less value.

If Mrs. Clinton decides that, everything considered, she would prefer to receive a pardon, she would no doubt be able to convey that message to Pres. Obama, and then the ball would be in his court. Thus, the second question is: Would Pres. Obama grant Mrs. Clinton’s request for a pardon?

From Pres. Obama’s perspective, the decision to grant or withhold a pardon is a political and a personal one. Legal considerations do not directly arise.

Like all presidents at the end of their terms, he is concerned about the “legacy” he leaves for history. Does he want his legacy to include a pardon of the secretary of state who served under him during the entirety of his first term in office?

Because acceptance of a pardon amounts to a confession of guilt, the acceptance by Mrs. Clinton would, to a degree, besmirch both Mrs. Clinton and also Pres. Obama. After all, Mrs. Clinton was Pres. Obama’s secretary of state. If she was committing illegal acts as secretary, it happened literally on his watch.

On the other hand, if the new administration were to prosecute and convict Mrs. Clinton of crimes committed while she was secretary, that might be an even greater embarrassment for Obama post-presidency.

In addition to calculations regarding his legacy, Pres. Obama and Mrs. Clinton surely have developed over many years, both as opponents and as teammates, a personal relationship. If Mrs. Clinton were to ask Pres. Obama for a pardon, how would that personal relationship play into his response? I cannot say.

Days after Mr. Trump won the election, the White House press secretary was asked by Jordan Fabian of The Hill whether Pres. Obama would consider pardoning Mrs. Clinton. He carefully avoided a direct answer.

Instead, the press secretary said that, in cases where Pres. Obama had granted pardons, “we didn’t talk in advance about those decisions.” He also expressed hope that the new administration would follow “a long tradition in this country of people in power not using the criminal justice system to exact political revenge.”

Of course, there is also a long tradition in this country that no one is above the law, no matter how high a position in government he or she might have formerly occupied.

So, those are the main considerations that would go into deciding a very complex question. It’s time for all of us to show our hands.

I’m saying yes, he will pardon her. Can you beat that?

David E. Weisberg is a semi-retired attorney and a member of the NYS Bar. He currently resides in Cary, N.C., and has published pieces on the Social Science Research Network and The Times of Israel.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1876 on: December 27, 2016, 08:07:31 PM »
ali pazi kad muzičari neće da imaju ništa sa njime

hej, ti, buđavi, dolazi ovamo!

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1877 on: December 27, 2016, 08:23:19 PM »
Muzicari = dumb entertainers, cirkusanti.

I sta kazes, ko je pevao i djipao Obami i ovim ostalim likovima?
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1878 on: December 28, 2016, 10:11:17 PM »
December 27, 2016
Infantile Rage on the Left
By James Lewis
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1879 on: December 29, 2016, 04:09:08 AM »

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1880 on: December 29, 2016, 05:36:25 AM »
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1881 on: December 29, 2016, 06:40:23 AM »

a da razumem - ne razumem
znam samo da mi ljudi sa kojima sam tamo pre pet godina radio pet meseci još uvek čestitaju novu godinu i ja njima

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1882 on: December 29, 2016, 06:48:06 AM »


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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1883 on: December 29, 2016, 07:25:10 AM »
Ah, kako vi seljaci patite od tih diploma. Osobito kad ste prvi a jos gore drugi kojima se posrecilo.

I kad je dobijete utucate to na neki (para)drzavni pos'o.

Zali boze cele te zajebancije, para iz budzeta itd.


Btw, znas da Bil GejC i onaj Cukerbrg nemaU diplome (the horror, the horror)?
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1884 on: December 29, 2016, 05:55:28 PM »
Nema je ni Aca ciganin koji nam je u vreme hiperinflacije čuvao red za mleko. Retko dobar čovek.
Doduše, Aca se ne druži sa Markom & Bilom, dočim ti... kaži im neku lepu reč za mene, sledeći put ka'se nađete na piću.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1885 on: December 29, 2016, 06:47:54 PM »
Jesi prvi ili nedajboze drugi?
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1886 on: December 29, 2016, 07:39:59 PM »
ah, sorbona...  xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl xrofl
kad ćeš da nam pričaš malo o viktoru?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1887 on: December 29, 2016, 07:43:55 PM »
A pre toga/njega - Bordeaux.

Da li se ti icemu vise radujes? To ti mene reci.
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1888 on: December 29, 2016, 08:00:38 PM »
LOL!  xrofl xrofl xrofl

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1889 on: December 29, 2016, 10:16:15 PM »

Da li se ti icemu vise radujes? To ti mene reci.

Radovalo bi me kada bi mi poklonio onu torbu što si mi obećao.
Ne zbog torbe, nego što bi ti ispao čovek od reči...

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1890 on: December 29, 2016, 10:22:35 PM »
in the meanwhile, mental trumpoline: 


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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1891 on: December 29, 2016, 10:28:25 PM »
Znaci mrka kapa. Nema radosti tu. Mozda samo smrt jos?
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1892 on: December 29, 2016, 10:34:00 PM »
o, da, ali ne moja

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1893 on: December 29, 2016, 10:45:09 PM »
Znaci uzas potpuni. Njena?  8-)
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1894 on: December 29, 2016, 11:00:20 PM »
Ljudi, koji vam je moj kurac, odkad ste vas dvojica na ratnoj nozi?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1895 on: December 29, 2016, 11:13:32 PM »
Od 1991., obojica?
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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1896 on: December 29, 2016, 11:56:14 PM »
S kime (tj protiv koga) ratujete?

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1897 on: December 30, 2016, 05:05:14 PM »
Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer resigns, compares Trump to Hitler

Jan Chamberlin has resigned from the famed choir - rather than perform for Donald Trump's inauguration.

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler.' And I certainly could never sing for him,"

Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1898 on: December 30, 2016, 08:50:00 PM »
S kime (tj protiv koga) ratujete?

stvarno bre, hate, mnogo jedeš govna, kad je to počelo da smeta i (don't shoot) the piano player-u.
oladi malo čoveče

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Re: Amerikanci, pokajtesja
« Reply #1899 on: December 30, 2016, 08:57:27 PM »
a šta drugo može da radi u nedostatku argumenata?
proba malo da oplete po drugim diskutantima (diversion), pa onda malo BS...
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.