Author Topic: Saradnja u EU  (Read 4153 times)

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Offline Daisy

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Saradnja u EU
« on: November 01, 2011, 09:52:07 AM »
SVET    | UTORAK 1.11.2011 | 10:21

Poljski huligani zovu srpske


Varšava -- Radikalni poljski nacionalisti uputili apele istomišljenicima širom Evrope da dođu u Varšavu 11. novembra na Marš nezavisnosti. Očekuju i huligane iz Srbije.

Svepoljska omladina, podmladak ultrakatoličke Lige poljskih porodica i radikalni nacinalisti iz Nacionalno radikalnog bloka organizuju svake godine pohod Varšavom na poljski nacionalni praznik na kome se redovno čuju slogani "Poljska cela biće bela" ili "Dosta jevrejske okupacije".

Svake godine marš ekstremista nastoje da blokiraju anarhisti, podmladak levičarskih partija ili najjača poljska nevladina organizacija koja se bori za prava seksualnih manjina, Kampanja protiv homofobije. Oni su se za blokadu marša ove godine okupili u inicijativu "Dogovor 11. novembra".

Prošle godine 11. novembra policija je imala pune ruke posla jer je pohod preko 2.000 radikala blokirala masa od oko 3.000 anarhista, aktivista za ljudska prava i simpatizera poljske levice, a očekuje se da će ovog godine biti zaista "vruće" jer se obe strane utrkuju ko će za 10 dana u Varšavu dovesti više međunarodnih istomišljenika.

Za sada ni policija ni mediji nemaju informacije ko će sa evropske neonacističke i esktremističke scene izaći u susret apelu poljskih radikala i doći u Varšavu, ali već je sigurno da će se na državni praznik na ulicama Varšave pojaviti fudbalski huligani.

Očekuju se huligani iz malih poljskih klubova, ali i zloglasni huligani Jagelonije iz Bjalistoka i oni iz oba fudbalska kluba iz Lođa. Oni će doputovati različitim autobusima, jer je njihova uzajamna mržnja tolika da u isto prevozno sredstvo ne može da ih okupi ni Marš nezavisnosti.
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

Offline Pijanista

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Re: Saradnja u EU
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2011, 03:54:18 PM »
Anarhisti su pokazali zavidan nivo organizacije.

Offline Hate mail

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Re: Saradnja u EU
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2011, 03:56:09 PM »
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Offline Pareski do

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Re: Saradnja u EU
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2011, 04:57:24 PM »
Anarhisti su pokazali zavidan nivo organizacije.

Анархосиндикалци заправо што је ваљда contradictio in adjecto колико и оно горе...

Offline Tromotorac

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Re: Saradnja u EU
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 07:08:33 PM »

Occupy until ‘2025’!

Protests planned into next decade

With Post Wire Services

Last Updated: 12:12 PM, November 7, 2011

Posted: 1:46 AM, November 7, 2011

Now they want to Occupy the Future.

Determined Occupy Wall Street demonstrators have vowed they’re not leaving Zuccotti Park anytime soon, and their online agenda suggests they mean business -- with events scheduled through Oct. 26, 2025.

“Maybe it’s a typo?” said Patricia Moore, 58, of Cedar Street, chair of Community Board 1’s quality-of-life committee.

“It will be Occupy Wall Street’s grandchildren. The community board will have to fight to build a school over there.

“It would be bad enough if it’s 2015. But if they keep getting donations like they are, who knows?”


MAY AS WELL GET COMFY: This Occupy Wall Street protester in Zuccotti Park yesterday looks as if he’s in it for the long haul.

The leaderless anti-greed movement has racked up $750,000 in donations from supporters and unions and gotten space for storage and portable toilets from the United Federation of Teachers.

“Noooo ! Not 2025,” groaned Mohammed, 38, a food-cart operator at Cedar Street and Broadway. “It was good business [before the protest], and now it’s so slow. 2025, I don’t think so. Never! I hope next month they’ll be gone.”

Their Web site suggests the radicals won’t be learning much over the next 14 years, as “Radical Economics 101” appears on the agenda every Sunday between now and then -- with no sign that “Radical Economics 202” or “303” is in the offing.

Neighbors already have been forced to endure weeks of constant noise from megaphones and drumming, as well as brawls, graffiti, public urination and defecation, as the number of vagrants, criminals and wackos squatting in the privately owned park has soared since the protest started Sept. 17.

But not everyone was ready to yank in the welcome mat.

“We passed a resolution saying they have the right to protest. If it takes 14 years, that’s their right,” said Julie Menin, chair of CB1, adding that quality-of-life issues could still be addressed without forcing OWS out.

City Hall, the NYPD and Brookfield Properties declined comment.

In other Occupy Wall Street developments:

* Only 10 protesters showed up for an “Occupy the MTA” protest at Union Square yesterday to demand that the jobless be allowed to ride for free.

* A Brooklyn public-school teacher was among the latest batch of demonstrators busted for clashing with NYPD -- becoming the second city educator arrested in a week.

Joshua Wiles, 27, of Bedford-Stuyvesant, was cuffed at 3:30 p.m. Saturday with 19 others at Centre and Pearl streets and charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly defying police orders to stop blocking traffic.

Bronx teacher David Suker already has been busted twice

* The mayor of Vancouver ordered the Canadian city’s protest shut down after two drug overdoses -- including one that killed a 20-year-old woman.

“There is a serious problem here,” Mayor Gregor Robertson declared.

The bums will always loose.

Offline Daisy

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Re: Saradnja u EU
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2016, 05:44:18 PM »
Did the Occupy Wall Street movement affect the way you view the world?

Yes   692   (19 %)
No   3011   (81 %)

Total number of votes: 3703

Related Article Measuring the impact of Occupy Wall Street, 5 years later

Occupy until ‘2025’!

Protests planned into next decade

Posted: 1:46 AM, November 7, 2011

Now they want to Occupy the Future.

Determined Occupy Wall Street demonstrators have vowed they’re not leaving Zuccotti Park anytime soon, and their online agenda suggests they mean business -- with events scheduled through Oct. 26, 2025.
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.