Author Topic: Stephen King is definitely working on a sequel to The Shining  (Read 2873 times)

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Stephen King is definitely working on a sequel to The Shining

by Sean O'Neal September 27, 2011

Stephen King has officially confirmed his long-rumored plan to craft a sequel to The Shining, his seminal novel about the horrors of hotels, ESP, alcoholism, and naked dead women in bathtubs. King has been discussing the possible follow-up since at least 2009, when he revealed plans to check in on the now-40-year-old Danny Torrance with Dr. Sleep, a story that would find Danny working as a hospice orderly and using his powers to ease them into the afterlife, perhaps by telling them all about the time he was a little kid trapped in a snowbound, haunted inn with his psychotic, homicidal father and the spirits of dozens of murdered guests, and thus what they’re going through isn’t all that scary, now is it, relatively speaking?

On the side, King said, Danny also exploits his gifts to bet on horse races, and oh yeah, then there’s the roving band of sort-of vampires called The Tribe who feed on psychic energy from people like him, and who “all have these kinda pirate names, because pirates is sort of what they are.” King laid all of these various convolutions out over the weekend during his appearance at George Mason University, video of which is below—including King reading an excerpt from the book. No word on a prospective publishing date yet, but given King’s machine-like proficiency—and the fact that he’s obviously been thinking about this for some time—you can probably expect Dr. Sleep to be optioned for a movie any day now. [via /Film]

Stephen King Discusses Dr. Sleep

Stephen King reading from new unpublished book!,62413/


Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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u prodaji, broširani povez, 392 strana, 20 cm, latinica
Beograd 2011.
1. izdanje
ISBN 978-86-7710-666-9

prevodilac Mišić Dušan
Izdavac: Alnari d.o.o

Isijavanje predstavlja oličenje savremenog horor romana i pruža pronicljiv uvid u jednu rasturenu porodicu, mračne hodnike duše i ljudsku slabost. Talenat Stivena Kinga ni u jednoj knjizi nije bio blistaviji. Džek Torens, njegova žena Vendi i sin Deni useljavaju se u hotel „Vidikovac“, gde je Džek dobio posao kućepazitelja za vreme zime. Mesecima odsečeni od civilizacije, Džek pokušava da se izbori sa alkoholizmom i napadima besa dok piše nov pozorišni komad. Međutim, sile tame koje borave u hotelu „Vidikovac“ – koji ima dugu istoriju nasilja – žele da se dočepaju Denija zbog njegovih snažnih prekognitivnih sposobnosti i služe se Džekovim slabostima kako bi ugrabile dečaka...
moj se postupak čitanja sastoji u visokoobdarenom prelistavanju.

srpski film je remek-delo koje treba da dobije sve prve nagrade.


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prevodilac Mišić Dušan

reče mi jedan čoek - da ovo nije pravi novi prevod, nego besramna dekroatizacija postojećeg hrvatskog prevoda.

poslao sam mu skenove svog izdanja, na hrvatskoj inačici srpskog, i on kaže da preliminarna istraga potvrđuje tu slutnju.

očekujem detaljniju expertizu i argumente.


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U petak mi pođe ruka da kupim ovo Isijavanje, ali odustadoh odma'. Kroz glavu mi je prošla činjenica da skoro ništa nisam mogao da dočitam od alnaraijevih, pa ni laguninih, prevoda Kinga. Tuga. :-x
Nijedan poraz nije konačan.


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Kojih Laguninih prevoda Kinga?
Jeremy Clarkson:
"After an overnight flight back to London, I find myself wondering once again if babies should travel with the baggage"

Джон Рейнольдс

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Мени је "Видовитост" давно однео један тип, али колико се сећам, хрватски превод је сасвим океј и декроатизација, ако је добро урађена, може бити боље решење од рађења изнова. Можда грешим, додуше.
America can't protect you, Allah can't protect you… And the KGB is everywhere.



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декроатизација, ако је добро урађена

rečeno mi je da NIJE dobro urađena.
tj. očigledna je.