Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763750 times)

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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2500 on: 10-07-2016, 09:36:48 »
Trenutno čitam dve nove knjige, friške s elektronskih štamparskih presa:

The Waking Fire (The Draconis Memoria #1) by Anthony Ryan

The Waking Fire is set in a vibrant new world where the blood of drakes—creatures similar to dragons—is valued beyond reckoning, and can be distilled into elixirs that grant fearsome powers to those who are “blood-blessed.” The novel follows an unregistered blood-blessed as he searches for an elusive variety of drake so potent, its capture would mean unrivalled riches; the second in command of a blood-burning ironclad ship; and a young woman in a lifelong contract to a trading syndicate, whose espionage mission places her on the front lines of a newly declared war. As empires clash and arcane mysteries reveal themselves, these characters are tested again and again and soon discover that the fate of the world rests on their shoulders.

The Draconis Memoria is a remarkable new epic fantasy series with steampunk flavor, full of the phenomenal worldbuilding and non-stop action that have gained Anthony Ryan a global fan base.

Stranger of Tempest (The God Fragments #1) by Tom Lloyd

Lynx is a mercenary with a sense of honour; a dying breed in the Shattered Kingdom. Failed by the nation he served and weary of the skirmishes that plague the continent's principalities, he walks the land in search of purpose. He wants for little so bodyguard work keeps his belly full and his mage-gun loaded. It might never bring a man fame or wealth, but he's not forced to rely on others or kill without cause. Little could compel Lynx to join a mercenary company, but he won't turn his back on a kidnapped girl. At least the job seems simple enough; the mercenaries less stupid and vicious than most he's met over the years. So long as there are no surprises or hidden agendas along the way, it should work out fine.

Obe knjige mešaju fantaziju sa stimpank estetikom, s tim da Lojd dodaje orijentalni začin, što mu je već manir u poslednje vreme, dok Rajan dodaje uštogljeni kvazibritanski mizanscen, koji grubo odgovara vremenu napoleonskih ratova iz našeg sveta. Ovo potonje, praćeno tipičnim uštogljenim engleskim jezikom, premda ne i nekim inače čestim tropima (konkretno, nižerazrednoj društvenoj ulozi žena, svedenih ili na kurve, zle špijunke, tupave plastične ukrase ili ljubavi protagoniste), što je malo osvežavajuće. Moram priznati da sam razočaran, budući da sam nakon Raven's Shadow očekivao nešto bliskije Martinu nego Sandersonu.
Lynx is a mercenary with a sense of honour; a dying breed in the Shattered Kingdom. Failed by the nation he served and weary of the skirmishes that plague the continent's principalities, he walks the land in search of purpose. He wants for little so bodyguard work keeps his belly full and his mage-gun loaded. It might never bring a man fame or wealth, but he's not forced to rely on others or kill without cause. Little could compel Lynx to join a mercenary company, but he won't turn his back on a kidnapped girl. At least the job seems simple enough; the mercenaries less stupid and vicious than most he's met over the years. So long as there are no surprises or hidden agendas along the way, it should work out fine.

Entoni Rajan je svojim prvim romanom napravio čudo i pokoru. Nažalost, ostatak te trilogije u velikoj meri je odstupio od postavke prvog romana, što je i dovelo do izvesne razočaranosti kod čitalaca.

The Waking Fire, početak nove trilogije, predstavlja dramatičnu odstupnicu od worldbuildinga prikazanog u trilogiji Raven's Shadow. Ovde imamo sekundarni svet koji se po civilizacijskom stepenu nalazi negde u ravni s našom Zemljom iz vremena napoleonskih ratova, premda malo razvijenije tehnologije.

Iako se vidi da je Rajan veoma uznapredovao kao pisac - jezik mu je sada veoma precizan, bez nepotrebnih lutanja, karakterizacija bolja - insistiranje na uštogljenoj verziji engleskog jezika, kakva nam je poznata iz ekranizacija romana Džejn Ostin, kao i opsednutost morem i pomorstvom, guši čitaoca - makar čitaoca koji dolazi van engleskog govornog područja.

Takođe, iako to sasvim sigurno nije slučaj, Rajanov novi svet čita se kao kombinacija Sandersonovog Mistborna i Maklelanovog Powder Magea. To prilično smanjuje čitalački užitak. Pozitivno je što se Rajan i ovoga puta ograničio na trilogiju (koja inače sluti na SF a ne na klasičnu fantaziju), tako da su svi izgledi da ćemo za jedno tri godine dobiti nešto novo od ovog pisca koji za sada i dalje samo obećava.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2501 on: 12-07-2016, 20:12:32 »
U nekom trenutku, vratiću se pisanju prikaza čitavog sveta, naročito pošto je skoro objavljen peti deo seriala (u Laguninom izdanju).
Meni su Plime ponoci fenomenalne - ima li nade da se sledeca knjiga pojavi skorije nego sto su nas navikli?


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2502 on: 12-07-2016, 20:30:15 »
I imaš li neku informaciju da li se planira Redemption Ark. Oblast otkovenja, koju sam pre oko 2 meseca pročitao, mi je jedna od najboljih SF knjiga koje sam do sada pročitao.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2503 on: 26-07-2016, 13:22:46 »
I imaš li neku informaciju da li se planira Redemption Ark. Oblast otkovenja, koju sam pre oko 2 meseca pročitao, mi je jedna od najboljih SF knjiga koje sam do sada pročitao.

Rejnolds je kod nas pukao epohalno.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2504 on: 26-07-2016, 13:23:14 »
Stranger of Tempest by Tom Lloyd

 Stranger of Tempest je zametak novog serijala Toma Lojda, koji je svojim prvim fantazijskim serijalom (Twilight Reign) postigao umereni uspeh. Međutim, meni je prvi roman u tom serijalu bio odveć klišeiziran da bih ga tada svario, pa sam propustio ceo serijal.

Lojdu sam se pukim slučajem vratio romanom Moon's Artifice, u kojem se odmetnuo od generičke fantazije i potrudio se da svetu da veoma lični pečat, spajajući motive stimpanka i orijentalne postavke sveta (što je, istini za volju, vrlo popularno u poslednje vreme). Krajnji proizvod su dva vrlo dobra romana, koja neće promeniti žanr as we know it, ali su zabavni i osvežavajući, a malo li je to na ovu skupoću?

Stoga sam se i obradovao romanu Stranger of Tempest. Nažalost, razočarao sam se. Pisac eksperimentiše sa strukturom i unutrašnjom hronologijom romana, što nažalost ne dovodi do sjajnih rezultata. Iako su likovi solidno oslikani, priča se svodi na besmislenu jurnjavu uz random encounters iz monotonih RPG avantura. Nedostataka je bilo taman u dovoljnoj meri da sam se nosio mišlju da dignem ruke od čitanja. No, istrajao sam.

Sve u svemu, nikako ne bih preporučio Stranger of Tempest. Istini za volju, u ovom romanu se krije zametak potencijalno zanimljivog malazanolikog storilajna, ali ostaje da se vidi šta će Lojd da uradi s nastavkom. Što se mene tiče, više se nadam trećem nastavku njegovog prethodnog serijala
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2505 on: 27-07-2016, 22:51:47 »
Danas je objavljen novi naslov vunderkinda savremene fantastike, Maksa Gledstona - po mom sudu najboljeg novog pisca protekle decenije, posle Darila Gregorija.

The great city of Alt Coulumb is in crisis. The moon goddess Seril, long thought dead, is back—and the people of Alt Coulumb aren't happy. Protests rock the city, and Kos Everburning's creditors attempt a hostile takeover of the fire god's church. Tara Abernathy, the god's in-house Craftswoman, must defend the church against the world's fiercest necromantic firm—and against her old classmate, a rising star in the Craftwork world.

As if that weren't enough, Cat and Raz, supporting characters from Three Parts Dead, are back too, fighting monster pirates; skeleton kings drink frozen cocktails, defying several principles of anatomy; jails, hospitals, and temples are broken into and out of; choirs of flame sing over Alt Coulumb; demons pose significant problems; a farmers' market proves more important to world affairs than seems likely; doctors of theology strike back; Monk-Technician Abelard performs several miracles; The Rats! play Walsh's Place; and dragons give almost-helpful counsel.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Irena Adler

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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2506 on: 27-07-2016, 22:58:51 »
Ja sam na 2/3 Three Parts Dead i uopšte nije loše (mada Alt Coulumb povremeno vuče na New Crobuzon).


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2507 on: 27-07-2016, 23:01:56 »
Meni je najveci problem njegova moronska hronologija romana. Pogledaj na netu raspored pre nego sto krenes sa sledecim.

Sent from Bigg Maggzzee

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Irena Adler

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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2508 on: 27-07-2016, 23:06:17 »
Hvala, hoću.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2509 on: 27-07-2016, 23:07:33 »
De nada. Sluzimo narodu ;)

Sent from Bigg Maggzzee

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2510 on: 02-08-2016, 09:00:44 »
Danas je objavljen novi naslov vunderkinda savremene fantastike, Maksa Gledstona - po mom sudu najboljeg novog pisca protekle decenije, posle Darila Gregorija.

The great city of Alt Coulumb is in crisis. The moon goddess Seril, long thought dead, is back—and the people of Alt Coulumb aren't happy. Protests rock the city, and Kos Everburning's creditors attempt a hostile takeover of the fire god's church. Tara Abernathy, the god's in-house Craftswoman, must defend the church against the world's fiercest necromantic firm—and against her old classmate, a rising star in the Craftwork world.

As if that weren't enough, Cat and Raz, supporting characters from Three Parts Dead, are back too, fighting monster pirates; skeleton kings drink frozen cocktails, defying several principles of anatomy; jails, hospitals, and temples are broken into and out of; choirs of flame sing over Alt Coulumb; demons pose significant problems; a farmers' market proves more important to world affairs than seems likely; doctors of theology strike back; Monk-Technician Abelard performs several miracles; The Rats! play Walsh's Place; and dragons give almost-helpful counsel.

Upravo sam pročitao. Odlično napisan roman i pravo uživanje za čitanje. Iako je reč o neposrednom nastavku prvog romana u "serijalu", ne pogađa čitaoca onoliko kao prvi. U neku ruku je i slabiji od prvog, ali ne mogu da razlučim da li je to zbog toga što je svet i manir pisanja sada već dobro poznat, ili je po sredi nešto drugo. U svakom slučaju, brilijantan niz romana, koji potpuno transformišu predstave o tome šta se može a šta ne može u žanru, a uz to i odbijaju klasifikacije i ne mogu se nimalo komotno smestiti ni u urbanu fantastiku, ni u postapokaliptičnu fantaziju, ni u jednu žanrovsku kutiju koje trenutno imamo na raspolaganju. Izvanredno.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2016.)
« Reply #2511 on: 24-08-2016, 10:15:08 »
Moj nedavno završeni odmor izgledao je ovako:

Behind the Throne (The Indranan War #1) by K.B. Wagers

Meet Hail: Captain. Gunrunner. Fugitive.

Quick, sarcastic, and lethal, Hailimi Bristol doesn't suffer fools gladly. She has made a name for herself in the galaxy for everything except what she was born to do: rule the Indranan Empire. That is, until two Trackers drag her back to her home planet to take her rightful place as the only remaining heir.

But trading her ship for a palace has more dangers than Hail could have anticipated. Caught in a web of plots and assassination attempts, Hail can't do the one thing she did twenty years ago: run away. She'll have to figure out who murdered her sisters if she wants to survive.

A gun smuggler inherits the throne in this Star Wars-style science fiction adventure from debut author K. B. Wagers. Full of action-packed space opera exploits and courtly conspiracy - not to mention an all-out galactic war - Behind the Throne will please fans of James S. A Corey, Becky Chambers and Lois McMaster Bujold, or anyone who wonders what would happen if a rogue like Han Solo were handed the keys to an empire . . .


Foul Tide's Turning (Far Called Trilogy #2) by Stephen Hunt

Jacob Carnehan rescued his son from slavery but he may have started a war – one in which he is hopelessly overmatched – and his wits and ruthlessness will only take him so far.

Carter Carnehan has gone from slave to revolutionary – but what will his ideas be worth when they come under fire?

The Carnehans are about to find out…

2/5 Ovu trilogiju/serijal neću nastavljati.

Shattering the Ley (Erenthrall #1) by Joshua Palmatier

Erenthrall—sprawling city of light and magic, whose streets are packed with traders from a dozen lands and whose buildings and towers are grown and shaped in the space of a day.

 At the heart of the city is the Nexus, the hub of  a magical ley line system that powers Erenthrall. This ley line also links the city and the Baronial plains to rest of the continent and the world beyond. The Prime Wielders control the Nexus with secrecy and lies, but it is the Baron who controls the Wielders. The Baron also controls the rest of the Baronies through a web of brutal intimidation enforced by his bloodthirsty guardsmen and unnatural assasins.

 When the rebel Kormanley seek to destroy the ley system and the Baron’s chokehold, two people find themselves caught in the chaos that sweeps through Erenthrall and threatens the entire world: Kara Tremain, a young Wielder coming into her power, who discovers the forbidden truth behind the magic that powers the ley lines; and Alan Garrett, a recruit in the Baron’s guard, who learns that the city holds more mysteries and more danger than he could possibly have imagined . . . and who holds a secret within himself that could mean Erenthrall’s destruction -- or its salvation.

2/5 Ni ovo neću nastavljati. Potpuno non-engaging

The Guns of Empire (The Shadow Campaigns #4) by Django Wexler

As the “audacious and subversive”* Shadow Campaigns novels continue, the weather is growing warmer, but the frosty threat of Vordan’s enemies is only growing worse...

As the roar of the guns subsides and the smoke of battle clears, the country of Vordan is offered a fragile peace…

 After their shattering defeats at the hands of brilliant general Janus bet Vhalnich, the opposing powers have called all sides to the negotiating table, in hopes of securing an end to the war. Queen Raesinia of Vordan is anxious to see the return of peace, but Janus insists that any peace with the implacable Sworn Church of Elysium is doomed to fail. For their Priests of the Black, there can be no truce with heretics and demons they seek to destroy, and the war is to the death.
 Soldiers Marcus d’Ivoire and Winter Ihernglass find themselves caught between their general and their queen. Now, each must decide which leader truly commands their loyalty—and what price they might pay for final victory.
 And in the depths of Elysium, a malign force is rising—and defeating it might mean making sacrifices beyond anything they have ever imagined.

3/5 Verovatno najlošija knjiga u serijalu (do sada), ali i dalje dovoljno zabavna da bih nastavio s čitanjem. Doduše, ceo serijal se pokazao nedovoljno zabavnim da bih čitao novele objavljivane između romana.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2512 on: 30-03-2017, 12:38:54 »
Učinak za prvi kvartal ove godine:

The Bear and the Serpent by Tchaikovsky, Adrian 4/5
Silence Fallen by Briggs, Patricia 3/5
Crossroads of Canopy by  Dyer, Thoraiya 3/5
After the Crown by Wagers, K.B. 4/5
Confluence by Dunstall, S.K 4/5
Brother’s Ruin by  Newman, Emma 2/5
The Collapsing Empire by Scalzi, John 4/5
Sins of Empire by  McClellan, Brian 5/5

Maniye, child of Wolf and Tiger, has a new soul and a new shape. But as Champion of the Crown of the World, does she represent an opportunity for the North – or a threat? Travelling as a bodyguard to the Southern prince, with her warband of outcasts, she hopes to finally discover her true place in the world.

But if only it was that simple. Tensions rise, and new allies face up to old enemies as civil war threatens to tear the South apart. Royal twins can't share a throne, so one must be chosen. And whoever rules the southern Sun River Nation will hold the fate of the world in their hands. As the protector of one potential heir, Maniye soon finds herself at the eye of a political storm. Yet all the while, an enemy from the most ancient of times prepares for conquest, and could destroy everything in their path…

The Bear and the Serpent Adrijana Čajkovskog je za klasu lošiji od prvog dela u ovom serijalu. Od jedne angažovane, feminističke i prilično relevantne priče krećemo se ka gejmotronskom senzibilitetu i spoju s autorovim prethodnim fantazijskim serijalom, Shadows of Apt. I dalje se vidi da je Čajkovski silno napredovao u odnosu na svoje prvo, desetotomno čedo, ali ipak sam više očekivao od ovog romana i mislim da je autor prerano spojio svoja dva serijala, iako se taj pravac mogao naslutiti već u prethodnoj knjizi. 4/5

After the Crown by K.B. Wagers

Former gunrunner-turned-Empress Hail Bristol was dragged back to her home planet to fill her rightful position in the palace. With her sisters and parents murdered, the Indranan empire is on the brink of war. Hail must quickly make alliances with nearby worlds if she has any hope of surviving her rule.

 When peace talks turn violent and Hail realizes she's been betrayed, she must rely on her old gunrunning ways to get out of trouble. With help from an old boss and some surprising new allies, she must risk everything to save her world.

Moram priznati da sam malo zbunjen tendencijom u savremenoj fantastici da se autori feminizmom bave tako što pokazuju represiju žena nad muškarcima. Razumem (donekle) tehniku kojom se prikazuje nekadašnji i sadašnji loš položaj žena u društvu tako što se u izmaštanom svetu muškarci stavljaju u ulogu obespravljenih, ali to ume da ode u neprijatne krajnosti (Mirror Empire by Cameron Hurley) a ume i da nepotrebno opterećuje delo, naročito ako nije potkovano nekom unutrašnjom logikom. Paradoksalno, savrmeni autori u tom pogledu nisu ni prišli a kamoli nadmašili pokojnog Džordana i vrlo živahnog Dejvida Vebera, čija je Honor Haringtom - unatoč dramatičnom padu kvaliteta u poslednjih nekoliko knjiga - najbolji mogući primer militarističke spej opere i odličnog feminističkog serijala. Enivej, After the Crown nadoknađuje svoje sociološke nedostatke avanturističkim elementima. I dalje je reč o pristojnoj spejs operi, sa zanimljivo predstavljenom nezapadnjačkom civilizacijom, pa zato dobija zvezdicu više nego što bi inače. 4/5

Crossroadns of Canopy je zanimljivo osmišljen i pristojno realizovan roman, ali ne zaslužuje silan hajp koji ga je pratio i najavljivao. Ekološke i sociološke teme koje otvara jesu zanimljive, naročito u vremenu u kojem živimo, ali ni po čemu originalne niti se autor njima bavio na najbolji mogući način, pa čak ni najbolje što je mogao. U suštini, zanimljiv roman da se pročita ako se nema ništa bolje, ali ne i roman koji će se duže zadržati u sećanju nekog strastvenog čitaoca s mnogo knjiga na polici. 3/5

Brother’s Ruin je napisan pristojnim jezikom i postavka je dobra. S druge strane, ovaj roman je naprosto zbir propuštenih prilika, kako za razvoj radnje tako i za razvoj likova. Velika je šteta, jer je tema imala prilično potencijala, a izdavač je uložio pogolem trud u hajpovanje i pripremu terena. Nažalost, ovaj roman ne zadovoljava ni po kom merilu i manje-više je gubljenje vremena. 2/5

The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi

Novi i dugu najavlivani Skalz(c?)ijev roman u suštini je ispunio očekivanja - ako su očekivanja bila još jedan konfekcijski, korektno napisani SF, tipično ravnog stila, bez mnogo duha i s izlizanom temom. U suštini, Collapsing Empire je razvodnjeni Dejvid Veber od pre nekog vremena, s mnogo manje infodampova, gotovo nimalo akcije, mnogo politike i nešto malo ekonomije. Istini za volju, karakterizacija je nešto bolja, naročito u odnosu na novija Veberova dela, ali stiče se utisak nedovoljne razvijenosti protagonista. Likovi su razrađeni taman toliko da ne budu dvodimenzionalni i sve to funkcioniše kao pitka priča, ali nikako ne opravdava silne pare koje je autor dobio za desetogodišnji ugovor, čiji je prvi plod upravo ovaj roman. U suštini, kao što je za mene bilo i sve što je Skalzi ranije napisao a ja pročitao, ovo je manje-više obrok u Meku, nekako neodređeno ukusan u trenutku jela, sa svešću da postoji i daleko bolja hrana, ali zaboravljen istog trenutka kada se smeće s poslužavnika sruči u kantu. 4/5

Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan

Još jedan povratak postojećem svetu. Maklelan je izveo isto što i Aberkrombi, odnosno započeo je nov serijal/x-logiju smešten(u) u svet svoje prve trilogije. U slučaju Maklelana, Powder Mage. Kao i kada je reč o Aberkrombijevom "Prvom zakonu", ni Sins of Empire ne mogu se smatrati nečim novim. Ne samo da je protagonista zapravo sporedni lik iz prethodne trilogije, već je jedan od dvojice protagonista iz prethodne trilogije sada sporedni lik u Sins of Empire. Svejedno, Maklelan je poboljšao pisanje, manje luta i svaka sličnost s Sandersonovim stilom potpuno je izbrisana. PRilično veliki napredak, koji mu je doneo i zvezdicu više u odnostu na prethodno troknjižje. 5/5
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2513 on: 18-08-2017, 13:19:39 »
Krenuo sam da čitam

The Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst

An idealistic young student and a banished warrior become allies in a battle to save their realm in this first book of a mesmerizing epic fantasy series, filled with political intrigue, violent magic, malevolent spirits, and thrilling adventure

Everything has a spirit: the willow tree with leaves that kiss the pond, the stream that feeds the river, the wind that exhales fresh snow . . .

But the spirits that reside within this land want to rid it of all humans. One woman stands between these malevolent spirits and the end of humankind: the queen. She alone has the magical power to prevent the spirits from destroying every man, woman, and child. But queens are still just human, and no matter how strong or good, the threat of danger always looms.

With the position so precarious, young women are chosen to train as heirs. Daleina, a seemingly quiet academy student, is under no illusions as to her claim to the throne, but simply wants to right the wrongs that have befallen the land. Ven, a disgraced champion, has spent his exile secretly fighting against the growing number of spirit attacks. Joining forces, these daring partners embark on a treacherous quest to find the source of the spirits’ restlessness—a journey that will test their courage and trust, and force them to stand against both enemies and friends to save their land . . . before it’s bathed in blood.

Reč je o YA fantastici, koju sam propustio kada je svojevremeno objavljena. Skoro je svetlost knjižara video nastavak ovog romana, pa me je to ponukalo da obratim pažnju. Za sada se čini da je Sara Bet Darst pismenija i umešnija od velike većine pregalaca na YA polju.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2514 on: 29-08-2017, 21:56:40 »
Queen of Blood je veoma solidno napisana knjiga, bez previše YA klišea - tek toliko da zadovolji osnovne postavke žanra. Štaviše, voleo bih da je ozbiljnije napisana i svet detaljnije razrađen, naročito pošto je motiv sukoba i međuzavisnosti civilizacije i prirode izuzetno dobro prikazan. Solidnih 4/5.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2515 on: 08-01-2018, 18:36:00 »
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2516 on: 09-01-2018, 18:14:45 »
Naslov koji najviše očekujem ove godine:

Redemption's Blade: After The War by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Ten years ago, the renegade demigod known as the Kinslayer returned. His armies of monsters issued from the pits of the earth, spearheaded by his brutal Yorughan soldiers. He won every battle, leaving burnt earth and corruption behind. Thrones toppled and cities fell as he drove all before him. And then he died. A handful of lucky heroes and some traitors amongst his own, and the great Kinslayer was no more.
Celestaine was one such hero and now she has tasked herself to correct the worst excesses of the Kinslayer and bring light back to her torn-up world. With two Yorughan companions she faces fanatics, war criminals and the monsters and minions the Kinslayer left behind as the fragile alliances of the war break down into feuding, greed and mistrust.
The Kinslayer may be gone, but he cast a long shadow she may never truly escape.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2517 on: 22-09-2018, 11:37:37 »
Najiščekivaniji fantazijski naslov ove godine konačno među nama:

The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2518 on: 24-09-2018, 11:52:14 »
Objavljen novi roman u svetu trilogije All Saints, po kojoj je snimljena aktuelna serija A Discovery of Witches.
Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Discovery of Witches, a novel about what it takes to become a vampire.

On the battlefields of the American Revolution, Matthew de Clermont meets Marcus MacNeil, a young surgeon from Massachusetts, during a moment of political awakening when it seems that the world is on the brink of a brighter future. When Matthew offers him a chance at immortality and a new life free from the restraints of his puritanical upbringing, Marcus seizes the opportunity to become a vampire. But his transformation is not an easy one and the ancient traditions and responsibilities of the de Clermont family clash with Marcus's deeply held beliefs in liberty, equality, and brotherhood.

Fast-forward to contemporary Paris, where Phoebe Taylor--the young employee at Sotheby's whom Marcus has fallen for--is about to embark on her own journey to immortality. Though the modernized version of the process at first seems uncomplicated, the couple discovers that the challenges facing a human who wishes to be a vampire are no less formidable than they were in the eighteenth century. The shadows that Marcus believed he'd escaped centuries ago may return to haunt them both--forever.

A passionate love story and a fascinating exploration of the power of tradition and the possibilities not just for change but for revolution, Time's Convert channels the supernatural world-building and slow-burning romance that made the All Souls Trilogy instant bestsellers to illuminate a new and vital moment in history, and a love affair that will bridge centuries.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2519 on: 01-10-2018, 18:55:34 »
Od sutra u prodaji novi roman Šarlin Haris
An Easy Death by Charlaine Harris

 From the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse series and the inspiration behind HBO's True Blood, comes an electrifying new thriller centered on a young gunslinging mercenary, Lizbeth Rose.

Set in a fractured United States, in the southwestern country now known as Texoma, this is a world where magic is acknowledged but mistrusted. Battered by a run across the border to Mexico, gunslinger Lizbeth Rose takes a job offer from a pair of Russian wizards.

She may be young, but Gunnie Rose has acquired a fearsome reputation and the wizards are at a desperate crossroads, even if they won't admit it. They're searching frantically to locate the only man whose blood they believe can save their tsar's life.

As the trio journey through an altered America, they're set upon by enemies. It's clear that a powerful force does not want them to succeed in their mission. Lizbeth Rose is a gunnie who has never failed a client, but her oath will test all of her skills and resolve to get them all out alive.

The Dark Tower meets True Blood in this gritty and wildly entertaining tale of Gunnie Rose. A woman fighting unimaginable odds to keep her people alive after the disintegration of America, this is a surefire hit for fans of The Walking Dead or Westworld.

Slutim da će ovo biti jednako zanimljivo ili nezanimljivo kao što je bila "Prava krv", odnosno "Midnajt, Teksas".
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)
« Reply #2520 on: 07-10-2018, 18:29:46 »
The Book of Magic: A Collection of Stories

 An anthology celebrating the witches and sorcerers of epic fantasy--featuring stories by George R. R. Martin, Scott Lynch, Megan Lindholm, and many more!

Hot on the heels of award-winning editor Gardner Dozois's (Rogues, Old Venus) acclaimed anthology The Book of Swords comes this companion volume devoted to magic. How could it be otherwise? For every Frodo, there is a Gandalf...and a Saruman. For every Dorothy, a Glinda...and a Wicked Witch of the West. What would Harry Potter be without Albus Dumbledore...and Severus Snape?

Figures of wisdom and power, possessing arcane, often forbidden knowledge, wizards and sorcerers are shaped--or misshaped--by the potent magic they seek to wield. Yet though their abilities may be godlike, these men and women remain human...some might say all too human. Such is their curse. And their glory.

In these pages, seventeen of today's top fantasy writers--including award-winners K. J. Parker (The Two of Swords), Megan Lindholm (The Windsingers), John Crowley (The Deep), Tim Powers (Last Call), Liz Williams (Snake Agent), Elizabeth Bear (Eternal Sky Trilogy), George R. R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire), Kate Elliott (The Court of Fives Trilogy), Scott Lynch (The Republic of Thieves), and more--cast wondrous spells that thrillingly evoke the mysterious, awesome, and at times downright terrifying worlds where magic reigns supreme: worlds as far away as forever...and as near as next door.
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