Author Topic: Лекови, дроге и терапије будућности  (Read 145443 times)

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Za prvih šest meseci ove godine u Evropi 41.000 osoba dobila male boginje, 37 umrlo od posledica. Ovo podseća zašto je vakcinisanje važno - ako se većina populacije imunizuje onda ovi koji iz raznih razloga nisu imunizovani bivaju zaštićeni imunitetom stada. Tužno da u 2018. godini u Evropi ljudi umiru od posledica malih boginja...

pošto se rant protiv MMR vakcine nastavlja, samo da kažem majkama beba koje su se rodile i ne mogu biti vakcinisane dok ne napune godinu dana (u austriji već sa 9 meseci) da paze jer im je okruženje uglavnom bez zaštite. jedna doza pre milion godina ne znači ništa.

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Акtuеlnа еpidеmiоlоšка situаciја mаlih bоginjа (mоrbilа) u Rеpublici Srbiјi
Ažurirano 17.08.2018. godine
Оd pоčеtка окtоbrа 2017. gоdinе, zакljučnо sа 17.8.2018. gоdinе nа tеritоriјi Rеpubliке Srbiје, uкljučuјući i tеritоriјu nаdlеžnоsti Zаvоdа zа јаvnо zdrаvljе Коsоvsка Mitrоvicа, rеgistrоvаnо je uкupnо 5718 slučајevа mаlih bоginjа, оd којih је 2877 lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnо u Institutu Tоrlак. Uкupаn brој rеgistrоvаnih smrtnih ishоdа zbоg коmpliкаciја uzrокоvаnih mаlim bоginjаmа iznоsi 15.
Nајmlаđа оbоlеlа оsоbа је stаrа 15 dаnа, а nајstаriја 71 gоdinu. Nајvеći brој оbоlеlih је u uzrаsnim grupаmа mlаđim оd pеt i stаriјim оd 30 gоdinа.
Vеćinа оbоlеlih оsоbа (94%) је nеvакcinisаnа, nеpоtpunо vакcinisаnа ili nеpоznаtоg vакcinаlnоg stаtusа.
Оd uкupnоg brоја оbоlеlih, 33% је bilо hоspitаlizоvаnо ili је hоspitаlizаciја u tокu. Оd tеžih коmpliкаciја mаlih bоginjа rеgistrоvаnо је zаpаljеnjе mоzgа коd dvе i upаlа plućа коd 577 оbоlеlih оsоbа.
Dаnа 27.12.2017. gоdinе Кliniка zа infекtivnе i trоpsке bоlеsti u Bеоgrаdu priјаvilа је smrtni ishоd коd оsоbе uzrаstа 30 gоdinа iz Bеоgrаdа, која niје bilа vакcinisаnа. Bоlеst је lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnа, а u кliničкоm tокu је dоšlо dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа. Tо је prvi smrtni ishоd оd mаlih bоginjа rеgistrоvаn pоslе 20 gоdinа u Srbiјi.
Dаnа 3.1.2018. gоdinе Кliničкi cеntаr u Nišu priјаviо је smrtni ishоd коd dеtеtа uzrаstа dvе gоdinе iz Аlекsincа, које niје bilо vакcinisаnо. Bоlеst је lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnа, а u кliničкоm tокu је dоšlо dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа. 
Dаnа 22.1.2018. gоdinе еvidеntirаn је smrtni ishоd коd pаciјеntкinjе rоđеnе 1997. gоdinе која је bilа hоspitаlizоvаnа u Infекtivnој кlinici u Nišu.
Dаnа 19.2.2018. gоdinе Кliniка zа infекtivnе i trоpsке bоlеsti u Bеоgrаdu priјаvilа је smrtni ishоd коd оsоbе uzrаstа 45 gоdinа iz Bеоgrаdа. Bоlеst је lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnа, а u кliničкоm tокu је dоšlо dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Prеmа pоdаcimа Кliniке zа infекtivnе i trоpsке bоlеsti u Bеоgrаdu smrtni ishоd оd mаlih bоginjа rеgistrоvаn је коd оsоbе rоđеnе 1988. gоdinе, коd које је tакоđе u кliničкоm tокu bоlеsti dоšlо dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Dаnа 1.3.2018. gоdinе Кliničкi cеntаr Niš priјаviо је smrtni ishоd коd dеtеtа uzrаstа čеtiri gоdinе iz Vrаnjsке bаnjе, које niје bilо vакcinisаnо. Bоlеst је lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnа, а u кliničкоm tокu dоšlо је dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Dаnа 5.3.2018. gоdinе Кliniка zа infекtivnе i trоpsке bоlеsti u Bеоgrаdu priјаvilа је smrtni ishоd коd оsоbе uzrаstа 40 gоdinа iz Bеоgrаdа. Bоlеst је lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnа, а u кliničкоm tокu је dоšlо dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Dаnа 6.3.2018. gоdinе Кliniка zа infекtivnе i trоpsке bоlеsti u Bеоgrаdu priјаvilа је smrtni ishоd коd dvе оsоbе uzrаstа 29 i 43 gоdinе iz Bеоgrаdа, коd којih је u кliničкоm tокu dоšlо dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Prеmа pоdаcimа Zаvоdа zа јаvnо zdrаvljе Nоvi Pаzаr, dоbiјеnim 13.3.2018. gоdinе, smrtni ishоd оd mаlih bоginjа rеgistrоvаn је коd оsоbе rоđеnе 1976. gоdinе, коd које је u кliničкоm tокu bоlеsti dоšlо dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Dаnа 15.3.2018. gоdinе Кliničкi cеntаr Niš priјаviо је smrtni ishоd коd оsоbе uzrаstа 32 gоdinе iz Nišа, dок је Кliničкi cеntаr Кrаguјеvаc  priјаviо smrtni ishоd коd оsоbе uzrаstа 32 gоdinе iz Tutinа. Коd оbе оsоbе bоlеst је lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnа, а u кliničкоm tокu dоšlо је dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Dаnа 12.4.2018. gоdinе Кliničкi cеntаr Niš priјаviо је smrtni ishоd коd dеtеtа stаrоg јеdаnаеst mеsеci iz Dоljеvcа. Bоlеst је lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnа, а u кliničкоm tокu dоšlо је dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Dаnа 13.4.2018. gоdinе Institut zа zdrаvstvеnu zаštitu mајке i dеtеtа „Dr Vuкаn Čupić“ u Bеоgrаdu priјаviо је smrtni ishоd коd dеtеtа uzrаstа dvе gоdinе iz Кrаguјеvаcа, које је prеminulо 4.4.2018. gоdinе. Bоlеst је lаbоrаtоriјsкi pоtvrđеnа, а u кliničкоm tокu је dоšlо dо rаzvоја zаpаljеnjа plućа.
Dаnа 13.4.2018. gоdinе Оpštа bоlnicа Аlекsinаc priјаvilа је smrtni ishоd коd оsоbе uzrаstа 30 gоdinа iz Аlекsincа.
Еpidеmiја mаlih bоginjа nа tеritоriјi Коsоvа i Mеtоhiје sа vеćinsкim srpsкim i nеаlbаnsкim stаnоvništvоm priјаvljеnа је 23.10.2017. gоdinе i dо 17.8.2018. gоdinе nа nаvеdеnој tеritоriјi rеgistrоvаnо је 410 оbоlеlih оsоbа.
Оd pоčеtка nоvеmbrа 2017. gоdinе еpidеmiје mаlih bоginjа priјаvljеnе su nа tеritоriјi grаdа Bеоgrаdа (1721 оbоlеli), grаdа Кrаljеvа (255 оbоlеlih), grаdа Nišа (1235 оbоlеla) i оpštinе Buјаnоvаc (153 оbоlеla), а оd pоčеtка dеcеmbrа 2017. gоdinе i nа tеritоriјi grаdа Smеdеrеvsка Pаlаnка (dvа оbоlеlа) i оpštinа Vеliка Plаnа (sеdаm оbоlеlih), Bојniк (104 оbоlеlа) i Bоr (osam оbоlеlih).
Оd pоčеtка јаnuаrа 2018. gоdinе еpidеmiје mаlih bоginjа priјаvljеnе su nа tеritоriјi grаdа Nоvоg Sаdа (78 оbоlеlih), grаdа Lеsкоvcа (343 оbоlеla), grаdа Smеdеrеvа (16 оbоlеlih), оpštinе Surdulicа (210 оbоlеlih), оpštinе Šаbаc (34 оbоlеlа), nаsеlju Mеhоvinе nа tеritоriјi оpštinе Vlаdimirci (tri оbоlеlа) i sеlu Žitni Pоtок nа tеritоriјi оpštinе Prокupljе (dеvеt оbоlеlih).
Оd pоčеtка fеbruаrа 2018. gоdinе еpidеmiје mаlih bоginjа priјаvljеnе su nа tеritоriјi оpštinа Tutin (244 оbоlеlа), Vаljеvо (54 оbоlеlа), Prеšеvо (76 оbоlеlih), Vlаsоtincе (47 оbоlеlih), Nоvi Pаzаr (173 оbоlеlа), Vlаdičin Hаn (33 оbоlеlа) i Pоžаrеvаc (јеdаnаеst оbоlеlih).
Оd pоčеtка mаrtа 2018. gоdinе еpidеmiје mаlih bоginjа priјаvljеnе su nа tеritоriјi grаdоvа Vrаnjе (158 оbоlеlih), Zајеčаr (15 оbоlеlih), Кiкindа (dеsеt оbоlеlih), Užicе (15 оbоlеlih) i оpštinе Ub (12 оbоlеlih).
Оd pоčеtка аprilа 2018. gоdinе еpidеmiја mаlih bоginjа priјаvljеnа је nа tеritоriјi grаdа Prокupljа sа 21 оbоlеlim.
Оd pоčеtка mаја 2018. gоdinе еpidеmiје mаlih bоginjа priјаvljеnе su nа tеritоriјi оpštinа Trgоvištе (13 оbоlеlih) i Pаrаćin (86 оbоlеli).
Pоrоdičnе еpidеmiје mаlih bоginjа priјаvljеnе su u Rumi (tri оbоlеlа), Inđiјi (оsаm оbоlеlih), Čајеtini (dvа оbоlеlа), Коsјеriću (dvа оbоlеlа), Кrušеvcu (tri оbоlеlа), Dеspоtоvcu (čеtiri оbоlеlа), Sјеnici (tri оbоlеlа) i Lоznici (čеtiri).
Slučајеvi оbоlеvаnjа оd mаlih bоginjа rеgistrоvаni su i u Subоtici (čеtiri), Кrušеvcu (šеst), Trstеniкu (јеdаn), Аlекsаndrоvcu (јеdаn), Čаčкu (tri), Bајinој Bаšti (pеt), Коsјеriću (јеdаn), Priјеpоlju (tri), Sјеnici (tri), Nеgоtinu (јеdаn), Кnjаžеvcu (dvа), Bоljеvcu (јеdаn), Rumi (dvа), Srеmsкој Mitrоvici (čеtiri), Inđiјi (šеst), Stаrој Pаzоvi (šеst), Pеćincimа (čеtiri), Vrbаsu (јеdаn), Pirоtu (dvаnаеst), Dimitrоvgrаdu (tri), Bеlој Pаlаnci (јеdаn), Bаbušnici (čеtiri), Lеbаnimа (sеdаm), Mеdvеđi (јеdаn), Кrаguјеvcu (pеt), Tоpоli (јеdаn), Ljigu (tri), Miоnici (čеtiri), Оsеčini (јеdаn), Јаgоdini (pеt), Ćupriјi (šеst), Dеspоtоvcu (čеtiri), Vlаdimircimа (tri), Bоgаtiću (dvа), Коcеljеvi (dvа), Zrеnjаninu (dvа), Коvinu (јеdаn), Pаnčеvu (pеt), Bоsilеgrаdu (јеdаn), Кučеvu (јеdаn), Sоmbоru (čеtiri) i Žаblju (јеdаn).
Оd 9.10.2017. gоdinе nа snаzi su pооštrеnе mеrе еpidеmiоlоšкоg nаdzоrа nаd mаlim bоginjаmа nа tеritоriјi Rеpubliке Srbiје u sкlаdu sа Plаnоm акtivnоsti zа оdstrаnjivаnjе оvе bоlеsti u Rеpublici Srbiјi (priјаvа sumnjе, lаbоrаtоriјsка diјаgnоstiка, izоlаciја i lеčеnjе оbоlеlih, zdrаvstvеni nаdzоr, еpidеmiоlоšкi nаdzоr, vакcinаciја nеvакcinisаnih i nеpоtpunо vакcinisаnih licа).
U sкlаdu sа prеdlоžеnim mеrаmа Institutа zа јаvnо zdrаvljе Srbiје „Dr Milаn Јоvаnоvić Bаtut” nа tеritоriјi Rеpubliке Srbiје intеnzivnо sе sprоvоdi vакcinаciја svih nеvакcinisаnih i nеpоtpunо vакcinisаnih оsоbа uzrаstа оd nаvršеnih 12 mеsеci dо nаvršеnih 14 gоdinа.
Imајući u vidu nаvеdеnе окоlnоsti, pеriоd zаrаznоsti, sеzоnоst, оstvаrеnе коntакtе, mеrе pооštrеnоg nаdzоrа trеbа sprоvоditi dо dаljnjеg, оdnоsnо nајmаnjе u pеriоdu dvоstruке mакsimаlnе inкubаciје оd pоslеdnjеg rеgistrоvаnоg slučаја,  а u sкlаdu sа pаrаmеtrimа u оcеni i prоcеni еpidеmiоlоšке situаciје u žаrištu еpidеmiје, оdnоsnо nа tеritоriјi Rеpubliке. 

That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.

Meho Krljic

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Ma, i ispade posle svega da ni nema dovoljno vakcina, danas sam bio u Ministarstvu zdravlja na sastanku koji se bavi koordinacijom zdravstvenih aktivnosti vezanih za migrante, i ispade da iako je većina klinaca uredno vakcinisana, neki Zavodi nisu dobili dovoljan broj iako su naručili, a ovi iz ministarstva krive dobavljače itd. Jebemti srpska posla...


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nije to ništa novo, mislim, dovoljno MMR-a nema godinama, al herd immunity je koliko toliko funkcionisao. naravno, nikad nije postojala ozbiljma državna strategija a ni struka se nije pretrgla od preporuka. plus, vakcina se uvek uvozila, torlak nikad nije uspeo da je napravi.
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.

Аксентије Новаковић

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  • Homo Superior
Ma, i ispade posle svega da ni nema dovoljno vakcina

Ша се сикирате због несташице шприцалица, ће увозите оне покварене из Кине, па ће да их подваљујете деци ко исправне.


Како јавља Теша Тешановић, ови твоји мигранти покрали 50 оваца са једне фарме у Шиду.
Требало им да прославе Бајрам...


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Da pokušam da ovoj temi udahnem malo razložnih podataka.

Većina se danas preko interneta upoznala sa matičnim ćelijama iliti stem ćelijama. Da i nije neko novo čudo poznato mi je decenijama, pa nisam propustio da ih pomenem i, valjda, u priči FRANKO ISPORUKA. Ipak, prvi podaci su doprli do moje baze podataka kada sam intenzivno čitao o transplantaciji kostiju. Glavna muka je da se transplantat idealno pozicionira, jer se lako može dogoditi da se u zarastanju aktiviraju hondrociti, a ne osteociti, jer i jednih i drugih ima u blizini, pa se može dogoditi da čovek dobije "treći lakat" (hondrociti) ili da bude suviše tesno spajanje pa da zarastanje ni ne počne.

Naravno, tada sam susreo i ljudske ćelije kojima je svejedno. Omnipotentne ili totipotentne jer se prilagođavaju bilo kom onavljanju specijalizovanih ćelija. Ja sam ih video kao generičke i odmah prepoznao generički potencijal balkanske populacije, jer je i njoj uvek bilo svejedno, ali to je druga priča i za drugo mesto.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. - Mark Twain.

Аксентије Новаковић

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Јапанци су чудо!

Anti-Vaccine Japan Has World’s Lowest Child Death Rate & Highest Life Expectancy

Fact: Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations, they urge other countries to follow this firm stance

The citizens of Japan are statistically proven to be the healthiest and longest-living people in the world. The country also has the lowest infant mortality rate on the planet. It may come as no surprise to many that the Japanese Government banned a number of vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States and has strict regulations in place for other Big Pharma drugs and vaccines in general. Japan’s anti-vax policies have long been criticised by vaccine pushers in the US who claim that vaccinating the public “promotes health.”

However, Japanese people live longer, healthier lives than Americans, with babies born in the US twice as likely to die in infancy than those born in Japan. It’s clear to see that Western nations have a lot to learn from the Japanese when it comes to their approach to vaccinations and issues facing public health. The Japanese are vaccine sceptics, to put it simply, and due to adverse reactions suffered by Japanese children, have banned many vaccines.

The Japanese are well educated on the dangers of over-vaccinating their children and oppose the use of multi-shot vaccinations such as the MMR vaccine. Following a record number of children developing adverse reactions, including meningitis, loss of limbs, and even sudden death, the Japanese government banned the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine from its vaccination program, despite facing serious opposition from Big Pharma.

Despite the fact that it has been blamed in vaccine courts for causing autism, vaccine supporters still deny the correlation between the MMR vaccination and skyrocketing rates of autism spectrum disorder, which now affects at least one in 45 children, with even higher rates of diagnosis among boys. However, the vaccine carries other serious risks in addition to the autism links, which has led to an outright ban of MMR jab in Japan.

The MMR Vaccine’s Tragic History in Japan

The MMR vaccine was introduced in Japan in April 1989, and parents who refused the compulsory vaccine were fined. After three months of analysis, officials realised that one in 900 children developed adverse reactions to the vaccine, a rate that was 2,000 times higher than the expected rate. Officials had hoped to resolve the problem by switching to another version of the vaccine, but the excessive amount of adverse reactions persisted, with one in 1,755 children affected.

Testing of 125 children’s spinal fluid determined that the vaccines had entered one child’s nervous system, with two additional suspected cases. Four years later, in 1993, the government removed the MMR mandate against measles and rubella.

A doctor from Japan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare admitted that the separate, individual doses of measles and rubella cost twice as much to administer and he defended the decision, stating, “but we believe it is worth it.” Furthermore, a member of the health ministry also stated that the ban has not caused an increase in deaths from measles. Japanese officials were also concerned about the MMR vaccine causing additional cases of mumps, citing numerous studies in The Lancet. Mumps and Hepatitis B vaccines are not part of the National Immunisation Program in Japan.

Twice as many infants die in America than in Japan

What Many Parents don’t know about the MMR Vaccine is the list of adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine, straight from Merck’s vaccine package inserts, is long and alarming. A shortened version of the vaccine damage associated with the MMR vaccine includes: vomiting, diarrhoea, anaphylaxis, ear pain, nerve deafness, diabetes, arthritis, myalgia, encephalitis, febrile seizures, pneumonia, and death.

A search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database shows the following statistics from the United States: Over 75,000 adverse events have been reported from any combination of measles, mumps and rubella vaccines, including, most notably:

•   78 confirmed deaths
•   85 confirmed cases of deafness
•   48 confirmed cases of decreased eye contact
•   92 confirmed cases of developmental delay
•   855 confirmed reported cases of autism
•   116 confirmed cases of intellectual disability
•   401 reports of speech disorders
•   276 reports of loss of consciousness
•   143 confirmed cases of encephalitis
•   74 confirmed cases of meningitis
•   111 confirmed cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome
•   692 confirmed cases of gait disturbance (not being able to walk normally)
•   748 confirmed cases of hypokinesia (partial or complete loss of muscle movement)
•   653 reports of hypotonia (poor muscle tone)
•   4874 reports of seizures, including febrile convulsions and tonic-clonic seizures
•   1576 cases of cellulitis (a potentially serious skin infection) And finally, in some cases, the vaccine has caused the very diseases it is supposed to prevent, with the following data reported to VAERS:
•   147 confirmed cases of measles
•   384 confirmed cases of mumps
•   29 confirmed cases of rubella

The side effects of vaccinations are vastly under-reported

As acknowledged by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The National Vaccine Information Center estimates that less than one to ten percent of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported. Many of the numbers reported above could, therefore, be multiplied by one hundred to determine a more accurate amount of adverse reactions.

The people of Japan put children s health before big pharma profits and also take a protective stance against other Vaccines. The flu vaccine has also been the subject of controversy in Japan after 100 deaths occurred from the vaccine by the end of 2009.

Japan’s health ministry has been criticised for its cautious stance against vaccines, but so far, government officials have wisely defended their position, citing public safety as the paramount concern. Finally, the Japanese government has also taken a protective stance against vaccines on behalf of its young girls, suspending the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine in 2013 after numerous cases of serious adverse events were reported, with one report citing as many as 1,968 adverse events, 358 of which were classified as serious. Japanese officials were concerned about the well-being of their young citizens, despite having invested $187 million in the program.

Damage payments to only a fraction of the victims who have suffered adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine have reached $6 million. Additionally, since 2011, at least 38 infants have been reported to have died after they had been vaccinated against Haemophilus influenza B and Streptococcus pneumonia, according to records compiled by the health ministry in Japan.

Japanese Officials Speak Out

Japan has been criticised for being behind the times when it comes to vaccination. Vaccine advocates claim that Japan has not kept pace with other developed countries regarding the use of vaccines. Despite listing 110 infectious diseases in a government registry, Japan offers vaccines for only 22 of those. Some Japanese health experts disagree, however. Hiroko Mori, a vaccine researcher, is one of those experts. He was the former head of the infectious disease division at Japan’s National Institute of Public Health. He has noted that Japan has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world and has advocated for fewer vaccines, stating that the country’s excellent sanitation and nutrition has boosted children’s health:

“Medicine is supposed to be about healing, but babies who cannot speak are being given unnecessary shots because parents are scared. Children are losing their ability to heal naturally. “There are so many people who have suffered side effects. All we are asking is to establish the right to say ‘no.’ The right to choose should be recognized as a fundamental human right.”

Tetsuo Nakayama, Dean of Kitasato University’s Graduate School of Infection Control Sciences, is an expert who supports vaccines, but he, too, acknowledges the risks of vaccination, stating that:

There is no guarantee that your child will not be that one out of 1,000. You have to compare the risks between the side effects and what will happen if you are infected with the disease naturally… Under the existing law, the decision to vaccinate your child or not is basically left up to the parents, but there is not enough information out there for them to make an informed decision.”

Masako Koga, a former representative of the Consumers Union of Japan, has shared his concerns about the ulterior motives behind mass vaccination programs:

“Vaccines should only be given to those who need them but that is not happening. The global industry is being driven by a strategy that promotes VPD [vaccine preventable diseases].
“We must put a stop to it. Vaccines have close ties to money. From development to circulation to research on side effects, there are a lot of vested interests involved.”

He also summarised what motivates many parents’ decisions not to vaccinate their children:

“There is no knowing who will suffer side effects as a result of vaccination. [Proponents of vaccination] say the chance of suffering a side effect is 1 in a million. For parents, however, that one is everything.”


Japanese officials have made decisions that the value of the health and safety of their citizens comes first and so removed vaccines with dangerous side effects from their national vaccination program. Japan boasts a low infant mortality rate, despite — or perhaps because of — mandating only a fraction of the vaccines required by other developed countries, including the United States. Has your child suffered an adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine or the HPV vaccine, both of which have been removed from Japan’s national vaccination program?

More than 9 billion US dollars have been awarded for vaccine injuries alone last year in the USA and consider that  those are the ones that could afford to take the time and vast sums of money needed to take a case through the entire legal system. When you imagine how difficult and costly it is on your pocket and your health making a claim, whilst also caring for a child with vaccine damage? Imagine how many more cases could have been proven and won, where the system easier to deal with and less costly…



Meho Krljic

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Duži očekivani životni vek u Japanu se pripisuje mnogim faktorima(dijeta, aktivniji životni stil, dorbo razvijen sistem zdravstvene zaštite, genetika) ali nigde i nikad nisam video da se pripisuje odsustvu vakcijacije.
Drugo, Japan ima redovne epidemije zauški, zbog relativno niskog procenta vakcinisanih MMR vakcinom, ali autizam je u porastu (naravno) iako se smanjio procenat vakcinisanih MMR vakcinom.
Treće, ovaj sajt je, pretpostaviću neki antivakserski konspiratološki enterprajz i njihovo"fact" ispod naslova je potpuno zamazivanje očiju, evo kako izgleda infant mortality rate u Japanu poslednjih pola veka:
Dakle, u stalnom padu, uključujući period kad je obavezno MMR vakcinisanje uvedeno. I posle toga.
Četvrto, povezivanje ima infant mortality ratea sa MMR vakcinisanjem je prilično varljiv indikator.

Аксентије Новаковић

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Hiroko Mori, a vaccine researcher, is one of those experts. He was the former head of the infectious disease division at Japan’s National Institute of Public Health. He has noted that Japan has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world and has advocated for fewer vaccines, stating that the country’s excellent sanitation and nutrition has boosted children’s health:

“Medicine is supposed to be about healing, but babies who cannot speak are being given unnecessary shots because parents are scared. Children are losing their ability to heal naturally.

“There are so many people who have suffered side effects. All we are asking is to establish the right to say ‘no.’ The right to choose should be recognized as a fundamental human right.”


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Eternal youth and endless bliss bliži nego ikad? Krv mladih bića u telima starih? Na miševima radi odlično. Vrlo verovatno će i na ljudima.

Kliničke studije kažu: no side effects.

Hoćemo li imati neke etičke dileme ili ne?
Connecting the circulatory system of old and young mice (parabiosis) is documented to have rejuvenating effects on cells, tissues, organs, and functions. A wide range of benefits are envisioned. Blood-based rejuvenation can come to totally change population health and aging. The first blood rejuvenation studies on humans with Alzheimer's disease have started. It puts blood at the center of therapy and revitalizes the historical line of humoral pathology from Hippocrates and Harvey, creating a new type of ‘bloodletting.’ However, moving from mice to men requires careful consideration. Parabiosis actualizes well-known ethical challenges, such as just distribution of health care, avoiding disparities, and providing equal access to health care resources, as well as issues of human enhancement. However, it also poses new problems. Using internal substances in some persons as means to rejuvenate others calls for ethical reflection. New type of ‘blood bonds’ may result from the continuous demand for specific types of blood. Even if rejuvenating substances from blood may be artificially and cheaply produced and justly distributed, problems arise: survival may have to be balanced against reproduction, as reproductive age increases. Eternal youth and endless bliss have always been vital human dreams. Although parabiosis may bring us closer to the fountain of youth than ever, it is still too early to provide full-fledged assessments of its implications or to foresee how it will change health, aging, medicine, and society. However, in order to bring our reflective abilities on par with our technical skills, we need to start reflection now.

That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.


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Sumnjam da će etičke dileme nadvladati neetičke ciljeve.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. - Mark Twain.

Аксентије Новаковић

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Акције добровољног давања крви су више него успешне, али крв вазда недостаје.
Сад је и јасно где та крв завршава, код разних Сороша, који се подмлађују.


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radi i na rolingstonsima :lol:
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded.


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radi i na rolingstonsima :lol:

vide li ti kako izgleda žena keitha richardsa? to su neke terapije budućnosti!  xrofl
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.


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biće to dug i neizvestan put al videćemo gde smo za jedno 20 godina.
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.


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no shit Sherlock!   :o :lol:

After century of removing appendixes, docs find antibiotics can be enough

In a five-year follow-up, nearly two-thirds of patients never needed surgery.
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.


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Ali kako da na vreme provališ koja trećina mora da se operiše? Dok ti završiš ta ispitivanja ode čovek svetom Petru.

Meho Krljic

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Pa... daš mu antibiotike i gledaš da li se upala smiruje? Meni su tako izlečili upali slepog creva, bez operacije, pre trideset godina.


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Scientists behind game-changing cancer immunotherapies win Nobel medicine prize

very nice.
immune checkpoints i regulacija imunskog sistema su možda i najlepši deo imunologije, a lepo je videti da su decenijski napori ovih ljudi i njihovih timova nagrađeni.
btw, problem sa checkpointima je u tome što da ih nema, imunski sistem bi nas napao iz svih oružja. ovde ih koristimo jer su sporiji od kancera, mislim, potencijalni razvoj autoimunosti je sporiji od galopirajućeg kancera. :lol:
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.

Meho Krljic

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Da, ispada da se do sada sve terapije za kancer mogu opisati rečima "ovo će vas ubiti, ali rak će vas ubiti brže"...


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ma problem s kancerom je što nemamo univerzalni marker koji bi razdvojio zdrave ćelije od maligno transformisanih. in addition, mehanizmi cancera da izbegne imunski odgovor su toliko advanced da sam negde pesimista.
menjanje genoma (DNK) je na duže staze takođe shit koncept, a za CRISPR kad dilujemo s RNK nismo spremni.
zašto je ovo čovečanstvo toliko nesavršeno????   nas-rofl
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.

Meho Krljic

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Pa... kancer je neka vrsta priznanja čovečanstvu da je uspešno - makar u teoriji - savladalo problem zaraznih bolesti, tako da ga treba gledati kao sledeći stepenik....

Father Jape

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A daring effort is under way to create the first children whose DNA has been tailored using gene editing.
(A u cilju lečenja side.)
Blijedi čovjek na tragu pervertita.
To je ta nezadrživa napaljenost mladosti.
Dušman u odsustvu Dušmana.


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daleko smo još od full kontrole i nad CRISPR, a tek nam je znanje o ostalim potencijalnim funkcijama CCR5 prilično zamagljeno.
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.

Meho Krljic

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Crispr Infuses First Human in Landmark Gene-Editing Study

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Copyright © BloombergQuint   Crispr Infuses First Human in Landmark Gene-Editing Study 

(Bloomberg) -- Crispr Therapeutics AG  shares surged after the company said it has treated the first human with the same genetic technology that shares its name in an early-stage study.
Crispr Therapeutics and partner Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. said on Monday morning that the first patient in a trial using CTX001, a therapy created using Crispr technology, as a treatment for the rare blood disease, beta thalassemia, received the one-time medicine. The pair also announced the enrollment of the first patient has started in a parallel study for the medicine in sickle-cell disease with the first dosing on track for mid-year.
“Treating the first patient in this study marks an important scientific and medical milestone and the beginning of our efforts to fully realize the promise of CRISPR/Cas9 therapies as a new class of potentially transformative medicines to treat serious diseases,” Samarth Kulkarni, Chief Executive Officer of Crispr Therapeutics, said in a statement.
Crispr Therapeutics rose as much as 20 percent to $38.10 at 9:56 a.m. in New York after the announcement, the largest intraday move in more than a year. Peers Editas Medicine Inc. and Intellia Therapeutics Inc. rose as much as 12 percent and 7 percent, respectively, after the update and a pair of biopharma takeouts.
The technology has a wide range of applications and has captured investor imagination for the better part of the last year and a half, despite only being used in animal models. Crispr led the pack in share movement and market valuation last year, when the word “Crispr” spread like wildfire among trader conversations.
However, a string of scientific papers questioning the technology’s application, the exit of Editas’ chief executive and a broader reality check that these medicines are years from U.S. approval weighed on the trio of publicly traded Crispr stocks.
Crispr shares had lost about a quarter of their value in the last year before today’s announcement, while Editas and peer Intellia were down about 45 percent over the same stretch. That underperformance stands in stark contrast to the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index, a benchmark for the industry, remaining little changed after a market tantrum to close out 2018.
The news comes a couple of weeks after gene-editing peer Sangamo Therapeutics Inc., who uses a a different platform to repair disease-causing DNA, known as zinc finger nuclease, surprised the investment community with interim results in a study that failed to show a benefit for patients. The results triggered a selloff in the basket of Crispr-focused stocks and reignited some bearish expectations that effectiveness of the medicine may not be all it’s been hyped up to be.
(Updates lead, adds chart, share movement in fourth paragraph, adds peers and context throughout.)
To contact the reporter on this story: Bailey Lipschultz in New York at
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Catherine Larkin at, Courtney Dentch
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©2019 Bloomberg L.P.

Meho Krljic

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What Is the World to Do About Gene-Editing?

There is still no clear answer from scientists. There has been a failure over the last decade of any center of power within the scientific community to develop a coherent moral and logistical framework for the future regulation of the technology. The situation practically guarantees that research will creep ever closer to the red line of human genome editing until inertia finally carries it over.


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HIV used to cure 'bubble boy' disease
Evo i studije:

a što volim ove bombastične naslove! :) izgleda taman kao da su inficirali decu HIV-om a ona prestala da budu imunodeficijentna. :lol:

lentivirusi (a tu spada i HIV) su specifično zgodni da budu korišćeni kao vektori za ubacivanje gena jer to mogu da rade u svim ćelijama, i onima koje se dele i onima koje se ne dele. konkretno ovaj vektor je korišćen pri tretmanu nekih drugih bolesti ranije.
ono što je bitno je da se vektorima ubace delovi koji će ih odvesti na pravo mesto (u ovom slučaju treba da ubace ispravan gen za IL-2RG, koji je uglavnom originalno mutiran i nefunkcionalan. kad tog gena nema, onda neće biti ni ishodnog proteina, a kad tog proteina nema - da sad ne idem detaljno u imunologiju - onda nema B, T i NK  limfocita - meaning: umireš skoro odmah čim izađeš napolje, ne do bog da fasuješ ozbiljnu infekciju).
u svakom slučaju, kažu da nisu aktivirali ništa drugo ovog puta, nikakve onkogene kao prilikom ranijih terapija (gde su pacijenti posle nekog vremena dobili leukemiju jer su prilikom insertovanja gena aktivirali neki onkogen).

sve u svemu, vrlo obećavajuće. sad treba ispratiti da li će ovo biti long-term uspešno.
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.

Meho Krljic

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a što volim ove bombastične naslove! :)

Pa, da, da, BBC u trci za klikovima. Zato sam i stavio i link do studije...

A mislim da sam već nešto čitao o ovakvim idejama možda i baš na ovom topiku, sa tim lentivirusima itd. Medicina ide napred...

Meho Krljic

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A ima sad i ovo. Naravno, tretman se sastoji od puštanja struje kroz glavu deteta dok ono spava  :shock:

FDA OKs first medical device to treat ADHD in children


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What Is the World to Do About Gene-Editing?

There is still no clear answer from scientists. There has been a failure over the last decade of any center of power within the scientific community to develop a coherent moral and logistical framework for the future regulation of the technology. The situation practically guarantees that research will creep ever closer to the red line of human genome editing until inertia finally carries it over.

ovo iz naslova je retoričko, scientific svet neće da uradi ništa: germline editing je sadašnjost koju živimo.
većina čak ni ne razume zašto je ovo opasno, science se polako ali sigurno spušta na vrlo uske i fokusirane grane, šire slike niđe. kud ćeš dalje kad mi je papa poslednja nada! :lol:
That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.

Meho Krljic

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  End to Aids in sight as huge study finds drugs stop HIV transmission

An end to the Aids epidemic could be in sight after a landmark study found men whose HIV infection was fully suppressed by antiretroviral drugs had no chance of infecting their partner.
The success of the medicine means that if everyone with HIV were fully treated, there would be no further infections.


Meho Krljic

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   World’s first living organism with fully redesigned DNA created
Sva ta moć u našim rukama a koristimo je da napravimo... malo veću Ešerihiju koli??? Zaista živimo u najmračnijoj verziji svetle budućnosti  :lol:

Meho Krljic

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Korak smo bliže instant-zalečenjima rana na koja su nas navikle video-igre:

Light-activated bio-glue that moves with beating heart has potential for human use

Meho Krljic

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CRISPR upotrebljen da se pužu kućica uvrne na drugu stranu. Plemenito!

It’s a Lefty! Welcome to the World’s First Crispr Snail Baby.

Meho Krljic

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Naravno, kad ovo čitamo treba da imamo na umu inerciju po kojoj zapad za sve živo i mrtvo optužuje Ruse već decenijama.
Russian trolls fueled anti-vaccination debate in U.S. by spreading misinformation on Twitter, study finds

Ipak, nije da i mi sami ovde ne možemo da pronađemo anegdotalnu vezu između antivaksersa i Rusofilne desnice. Drugim rečima, ima tu možda zaista neki đavo mada koliki je i koliko je bitan u celoj priči, tko zna...


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Rusi seju razdor u Americi po svakom mogućem pitanju, a ne samo po pitanju vakcina. Klimatske promene, abortus, nošenje oružja, prava manjina, sve je municija.

Meho Krljic

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 Study Finds Nearly 400 Medical Devices, Procedures And Practices That Are Ineffective
"Ističe nam patent, dajte da patentiramo NOVI lek koji je isti kao stari samo se pravi jeftinije a prodavaćeo ga skuplje!" i ostale slične zavrzlame...

Meho Krljic

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Using CRISPR to resurrect the dead
Gene-editing breakthroughs could allow us to bring extinct species, like the woolly mammoth, back from the dead. But should we? 

Meho Krljic

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Amid measles outbreak, New York closes religious exemption for vaccinations – but most states retain it

Poenta ovog teksta je zapravo da u SAD čak 44 države omogućuju da se vakcinacija odbije pozivajući se na verske razloge.

Meho Krljic

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Hmmm, stvarno je trebalo da otvorimo poseban topik za CRISPR....
Oh, well...

A third CRISPR baby may have already been born in China