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« on: 02-01-2003, 18:31:31 »
Zna li neko kada je prvi put stripovano neko Lovecraftovo delo?
Postoji li negde nekakav spasak sta je sve uradjeno i ko je sve radio?
Ja sam naisao na ponesto, ali me zanima sve, naravno...
Put ćemo naći ili ćemo ga napraviti.


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« Reply #1 on: 02-01-2003, 22:29:04 »
Nisam bas neki veliki poklonik Lovecrafta, stoga nisam bas upucen u njegove strip adaptacije. Ali ipak, nesto malo:

Breccia: Ctuhlu
tekst i crtez Alberto Breccia po Lovecraftu
tisak: Les Humanoides Associes, 1979
brosiran album(tvrdi uvez), 130 stranica u boji

onaj, koji sniva tudje snove


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« Reply #2 on: 02-01-2003, 22:55:59 »
eh... to je jedini slucaj za koji ja znam...
Nisam nikada video strip... 130 strana, deluje impozantno.
Put ćemo naći ili ćemo ga napraviti.

Mica Milovanovic

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« Reply #3 on: 03-01-2003, 00:47:33 »
jesi li video ovo:

Welcome to my page dedicated to the comic book adaptations of stories by H.P. Lovecraft.
Rather than repeat information that others have presented so very well, I chose to cover an area that combines two interests of mine -- comics and HPL. These pages will try to collect all known information about Lovecraft comic adaptations as well as those comics inspired by his stories.

Adresa je:


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« Reply #4 on: 03-01-2003, 00:57:00 »
hm... super je sve to, samo trazi mnogo angazovanja da se covek probije do cilja. Nisam ja bas toliki ljubitelj Lovecrafta, samo mi je palo na pamet da su i njega radili verovatno neki mracnjaci kao Poa... bilo bi zanimljivo sakupiti to u nekakvo izdanjce, cisto da se nadje...
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« Reply #5 on: 03-01-2003, 01:11:04 »
Pogledao sam sad malo... nestvarno mnogo toga ima.
Moracu da iskopam ponesto i pogledam; bas me zanima kako su uspeli da vizuelizuju radove osobe opsednute unutrasnjim monolozima...
Put ćemo naći ili ćemo ga napraviti.


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« Reply #6 on: 17-02-2003, 17:33:40 »
O Bobane

Ima jedna adaptacija Lavkrafta koja je izašla u ediciji HORROR (vanredno izdanje Eks Almanaha) - radi se o priči "Muzika Eriha Zana".

Verujem da je bilo još adaptacija Lavkrafta u HORRORU, kojim ja i nisam baš najbolje opremljen.

Inače, u istom tom broju postoji adaptacija jedne priče Roberta Bloha. Ako si zainteresovan, mogu ti poneti u klub.

Što se obrada E.A. Poa tiče, još nikog nisam video da to tako dobro radi kao Ričard Korben. Ovalni portret mi je uvek nadmašivao original. Gavran je opak, a ni Maska crvene smrti nije loša.
Teško je jesti govna a nemati iluzije.


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« Reply #7 on: 17-02-2003, 17:45:49 »
ono sto mi pada na pamet ovako napamet, bez mnogo prisecanja, jeste da je u ediciji HOROR bila i stripizacija THE RATS IN THE WALLS, prilicno slabo crtano (neki Spanac, sad sam na faxu pa ne mogu da proveravam).

Corben je takodje radio RATS... i jos par komada (odlicno ih odradio, it goes without saying...) a radio je i Clark A. Smitha SEEDS FROM THE SEPULCHRE...

Imate u Platou (ex brit.council) album nekog Francuza koji je radio 'ekranizaciju' 4/5 HPL prica, crno belo, solidno ali nista posebno.

Prilicno dobre verzije nekih prica radio je Englez John Coulthart, crno belo, sitan vez sa puno sencenja i detalja, i on je kao malo ko umeo da prenese mracnu filigransku atmosferu HPL prica. Ljudski likovi mu nisu bas preterani, ali su zato mutanyti, monstrumi i arhitektura (R'LYEH!) neprevazidjeni...


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« Reply #8 on: 08-06-2003, 04:03:50 »
Lovecraftian Comics
Comic adaptations of Lovecraft’s works have been around since 1950. For a full treatment of Lovecraftian comics, see Brian Lingard’s H.P. Lovecraft in the Comics. For an analysis of Lovecraftian elements in superhero comics, see Cthulhu in the Comics - Part One: The Superhero Books.

“The Alchemist”, Steve Jones and Octavio Cariello
LOVECRAFT In Full Color, No. 4 (May 1992), 1-24.
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: The Alchemist (1997).
“Beyond the Wall of Sleep”, Steve Jones and Octavio Cariello
LOVECRAFT In Full Color, No. 2 (March 1992), 1-24.
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: Beyond the Wall of Sleep (1998).
“The Call of Cthulhu”, John Coulthart
The Starry Wisdom. London: Creation Books, 1994, 69-100.
The Haunter of the Dark and other Grotesque Visions. Oneiros Books, 2000.
“Cool Air” (as “Baby, It’s Cold Inside”), Ingels and Al Feldstein
Vault of Horror, No. 17 (February-March 1951).
“Cool Air”, M.C.S.
Skull Comics, No. 4 (1972), 21-26.
“Cool Air”, Bernie Wrightson
Creepy, No. 113 (November 1979), 34-40.
Bernie Wrightson: Master of the Macabre, Pacific Comics.
“Dagon”, Steven Philip Jones and Sergio Cariello
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: Dagon, Nos. 1 and 2 (1993).
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, Jason Thompson
H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, Nos. 1 to 5 (November 1997 to February 1999).
“The Dunwich Horror”, Breccia
Heavy Metal, III, No. 6 (October 1979), 17-24, 74-80.
“The Dunwich Horror”, John Coulthart
The Haunter of the Dark and other Grotesque Visions. Oneiros Books, 2000.
“Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family”, Steven Philip Jones and Wayne Reid
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: Arthur Jermyn (1993), 1-24.
“The Festival”, Bruce McCorkindale
Fantasy Empire Presents H.P. Lovecraft (1984), 12-22.
“The Haunter of the Dark”, Ron Goulart, Gene Colan, and Dan Adkins
Journey into Mystery, No. 4 (April 1972), 3-5, 7-8, 10-11, 13-14, 16.
“The Haunter of the Dark”, John Coulthart
The Haunter of the Dark and other Grotesque Visions. Oneiros Books, 2000.
“The Hound”, Jaxon
Skull Comics, No. 4 (1972), 4-12.
Fantasy Empire Presents H.P. Lovecraft (1984), 37-44 (missing one page).
“In the Vault” (as “Fitting Punishment”), Ingels and Al Feldstein
Vault of Horror, No. 16 (December 1950-January 1951).
“The Lurking Fear”, Steve Jones and Octavio Cariello
LOVECRAFT In Full Color, No. 1 (December 1991), 1-24.
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: The Lurking Fear (1997).
“The Music of Erich Zann” (as “The Music from Beyond”), Roy Thomas and Johnny Craig
Chamber of Darkness, No. 5 (June 1970), 12-14, 16-17, 20-21.
Masters of Terror, 1, No. 2 (September 1975), 48-55.
“The Music of Erich Zann”, Steven Philip Jones and Aldin Baroza
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: The Music of Erich Zann (1993).
“Pickman’s Model”, Herb Arnold
Skull Comics, No. 4 (1972), 27-34.
“Pickman’s Model”, Roy Thomas and Tom Palmer
Tower of Shadows, No. 9 (January 1971).
Masters of Terror, 1, No. 2 (September 1975), 56-62.
“The Picture in the House”, Steven Philip Jones and Rob Davis
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: The Picture in the House (1993).
“The Rats in the Walls”, Bob Jenney
Creepy, No. 21 (July 1968).
“The Rats in the Walls”, Richard Corben
Skull Comics, No. 5 (1972), 3-12.
“The Shadow Out of Time” (as “The Shadow from the Abyss”), Todd
Skull Comics, No. 5 (1972), 24-35.
“The Statement of Randolph Carter” (as “The Thing”), Voss
Heavy Metal, III, No. 6 (October 1979), 32-37.
“The Statement of Randolph Carter”, Steven Philip Jones and Chris Jones
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: The Statement of Randolph Carter (1996).
“The Terrible Old Man”, Roy Thomas, Barry Smith, Dan Adkins, and John Verpoorten
Tower of Shadows, No. 3 (January 1970).
Masters of Terror, 1, No. 1 (July 1975), 34-40.
“To a Dreamer”, C. Dallas
Skull Comics, No. 5 (1972), 22-23.
“The Tomb”, Steve Jones and Octavio Cariello
LOVECRAFT In Full Color, No. 3 (April 1992), 1-24.
The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: The Tomb (1997).
“The Whisperer in Darkness”, Daryl Hutchinson and Melissa Martin
H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu, No. 1, 8-25.


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« Reply #9 on: 21-08-2003, 18:46:39 »
Sorry if I am making off-topic, but I want to know there was Croatian (Serbian, Slovenian, etc) Lofecraft comics editions? :)


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« Reply #10 on: 22-08-2003, 11:19:04 »
Quote from: "Rorkas"
Sorry if I am making off-topic, but I want to know there was Croatian (Serbian, Slovenian, etc) Lofecraft comics editions? :)

even the books are extremly rare so i don't think that there are any comics but sigismundus or ghoul might know something i'm missing
but there is one episode of Martyn Mystere which is loosely based on HPL story The Pickmen Model


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« Reply #11 on: 22-08-2003, 18:12:34 »
In my 1st post here I already mentioned the few HPL comics published here in the 'HORROR' magazine.

I don't know the Pickman episode in M.Mystere that Rommel mentioned , unless he has in mind the episode The House at the Edge of the World=which is a masterpiece, and was my first encounter with HPL kind of horror: I was so HOOKED after that comic that I HAD TO find HPL's stories afterwards.
Another hommage to HPL (and Hitchcock) was in the No.100, named 'NECRONOMICON'.


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« Reply #12 on: 22-08-2003, 23:24:36 »
Quote from: "ghoul"
In my 1st post here I already mentioned the few HPL comics published here in the 'HORROR' magazine.

I don't know the Pickman episode in M.Mystere that Rommel mentioned , unless he has in mind the episode The House at the Edge of the World=which is a masterpiece, and was my first encounter with HPL kind of horror: I was so HOOKED after that comic that I HAD TO find HPL's stories afterwards.
Another hommage to HPL (and Hitchcock) was in the No.100, named 'NECRONOMICON'.

the pickmen model is hpl story on which The house at the edge of world is based, also mine first encounter with HPL and my favorite Martyn Mystere story ever


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« Reply #13 on: 22-08-2003, 23:35:12 »
OK, Ok, drago mi je da se slazemo po tom pitanju (OBOZAVAM tu epizodu i dan-danas, iako mi je velika vecina M. Misterije sad passe), ali iako se lik Pikmena pojavljuje, zaplet nema nikakve veze s pricom.
No, ovo je nebitno cepidlacenje (mislio sam da ima jos neka HPL epizoda u kasnijim MM, jer sam to prestao da pratim negde oko broja 100...)


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« Reply #14 on: 23-08-2003, 01:44:49 »
Quote from: "ghoul"
No, ovo je nebitno cepidlacenje (mislio sam da ima jos neka HPL epizoda u kasnijim MM, jer sam to prestao da pratim negde oko broja 100...)

Koliko mi se čini, upravo je epizoda 100. u velikoj meri posvećena HPL-u :)
"Nekronomikon", jedna od boljih i zanimljivijih... :)
Mike Lowery: Hey, isn't it low tide?
Marcus Burnett: Yes, I think it is.
Mike Lowery: Don't you have some relatives that you need to go pick up?


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« Reply #15 on: 23-08-2003, 01:51:36 »
Quote from: "ghoul"
Another hommage to HPL (and Hitchcock) was in the No.100, named 'NECRONOMICON'.


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« Reply #16 on: 23-08-2003, 02:08:17 »
Quote from: "ghoul"
Quote from: "ghoul"
Another hommage to HPL (and Hitchcock) was in the No.100, named 'NECRONOMICON'.

pardon, ja pročitah samo poslednje 2 poruke :)
Mike Lowery: Hey, isn't it low tide?
Marcus Burnett: Yes, I think it is.
Mike Lowery: Don't you have some relatives that you need to go pick up?


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« Reply #17 on: 23-08-2003, 09:01:09 »
Quote from: "ghoul"
OK, Ok, drago mi je da se slazemo po tom pitanju (OBOZAVAM tu epizodu i dan-danas, iako mi je velika vecina M. Misterije sad passe), ali iako se lik Pikmena pojavljuje, zaplet nema nikakve veze s pricom.
No, ovo je nebitno cepidlacenje (mislio sam da ima jos neka HPL epizoda u kasnijim MM, jer sam to prestao da pratim negde oko broja 100...)

pa i ja sam rekao da je labavo (loosely) vezana na Pikmenov nekim elementima kuca u new prowidanceu, pikmen, pa i same slike su imale neku ulogu u mm, ne sjecam se davno sam to citao


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« Reply #18 on: 23-08-2003, 10:26:03 »
Quote from: "ghoul"
No, ovo je nebitno cepidlacenje (mislio sam da ima jos neka HPL epizoda u kasnijim MM, jer sam to prestao da pratim negde oko broja 100...)

Ima ima, kako imalo ne bi, Great Old Ones su postali sastavni delovi MM mythosa, svako malo pokusavaju da uniste svet...
"THAT is why they call me The Decorator."


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« Reply #19 on: 23-08-2003, 20:21:40 »
Quote from: "Rommel"
pa i ja sam rekao da je labavo (loosely) vezana na Pikmenov nekim elementima kuca u new prowidanceu, pikmen, pa i same slike su imale neku ulogu u mm, ne sjecam se davno sam to citao

Pikmenova pojava u tom stripu je malo vise od pukog omazza, a zaplet originalne price nema bas nikakve veze sa zapletom stripa [ali ima sa izvesnim Ghoulom 8) ]: koliko je to loosely based govori i chinjenica da se HPL-ova prica desava u Bostonu [u ulicama i kucama koje su tada stvarno postojale, i koje je HPL posecivao: kasnije su srusene], a ne u Providensu.

Ne znam bre, voleo sam MM kao klinac, i prvih 40-ak epizoda je bilo stvarno super, a posel su poceli da se ponavljaju, preteruju, gube dah, shtancuju... i sto me narocito nerviralo, da upadaju sebi u usta po pitanju 'mitologije' tj 'predistorije' sveta [u svakoj epizodi istorija sveta izgleda drugacije... :x ].

Mogu da potpisem i pred svakim sudom u bilo kojoj pravnoj drzavi branim tvrdnju da je epizoda KUCA NA KRAJU SVETA najbolja epizoda MM ikada, i odlican strip sama po sebi (+prilicno mudar i efektan omaz Lavkraftu).


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« Reply #20 on: 23-08-2003, 23:57:31 »
Ma sredili su posle tu mitologiju da bude iole koherentna, ali je sve postalo strasno povezano, moras da procitas sve brojeve (ili dobar deo) da bi ti ista bilo jasno.... a to je ovde, jelte, neizvodljivo.
"THAT is why they call me The Decorator."


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« Reply #21 on: 21-09-2008, 01:51:08 »
Sad kako se bliži izlazak nekronomikona, bliži se i trenutak kada ćemo posegnuti i u stripove odrađene po lavkraftu.
Ima li tu nekih novih pomaka, otkrića i radova u poslednje vreme?
Prilično verujem da se možda najbolje stvari mogu iskopati kod nekih samoukih inače trećerazrednih crtača ali posvećenika u materiju.
Put ćemo naći ili ćemo ga napraviti.


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« Reply #22 on: 21-09-2008, 01:57:59 »
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Horror comics legend RICHARD CORBEN (HAUNT OF HORROR: EDGAR ALLAN POE) brings you a new 3-issue limited series that offers eerie new spins on the poems and short stories of H.P. Lovecraft. Each issue features three adaptations—beautifully
rendered in black and white with gray tones as only Corben can do it—along with a printing of the original source text by H.P.
Lovecraft. In issue #1, Corben brings you “Dagon,” “Recognition,” and “A Memory.” It’s classic creepy Lovecraft with a new twist!
Cardstock Cover/Explicit Content …$3.99

PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: June 4, 2008

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« Reply #23 on: 21-09-2008, 02:03:52 »
Evo jednog spiska:

Takođe, izdavačka kuća Eureka Productions ima ediciju pod nazivom Graphic Classics u kojoj u trejdovima objavljuje kraće stripove rađene po pričama takvih velikana kao što su Po, Lavkraft, Dojl, Birs, Stoker, Tven... Vrlo zanimljiva izdanja. ili Lavkraft direktno:

Inače, meni deluje najlogičnije da se prvo objavi ovaj Brecciain strip, s obzirom da ga je Vertigo izdao, a Beli Put već ima saradnju sa njima. Plus, mnogo volim kako Breccia crta.

edit: sad vidim da me je Alex pretekao. Samo da pomenem da postoji i izdanje sa mekim koricama. Mogu da ga pozajmim Bobanu na čitanje, ako obeća da će ga čuvati.
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.


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« Reply #24 on: 21-09-2008, 02:04:10 »


   Written by Hans Rodionoff; Adapted by Keith Giffen; Art and Cover by Enrique Breccia

An original hardcover graphic novel pairing the writing talents of screenwriter Hans Rodionoff and comics writer Keith Giffen with the exquisite painted art of Enrique Breccia. When young Howard Phillips Lovecraft becomes the reluctant guardian of the Necronomicon, an accursed book that is the doorway to the beyond, his life veers into strange territory. From an odd upbringing through his later success as a weaver of "weird" tales, Lovecraft maintains a tenuous balance between reality and the bizarre nightmares of his "fictional" horror.

Vertigo  |  136pg.  |  Color  |  Hardcover  |  $24.95 US  |  ISBN 1401201105  |  Mature Readers
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« Reply #25 on: 21-09-2008, 04:35:27 »
Taj DC-ijev Lavkraft je već kupljen u onom početnom paketu od 24 trejda.

Meni je Korben nekako najprirodniji da crta te horor bolesnike jer mu ne nedostaje ludilo niti u jednom segmentu.
Put ćemo naći ili ćemo ga napraviti.


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« Reply #26 on: 21-09-2008, 04:55:48 »
a jel ti nije proceduralno zajebano da kupujes razne stripove raznih izdavaca, na parce, na sitno?
kad sam ti predlagao antologiju lavkraftovskih prica (nj. naslednika) reko si tako nesto, da je oko prava zeznuto raditi to na parce i praviti originalnu antologiju od radova koji pripadaju desetinama razlicitih iydavaca.


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« Reply #27 on: 21-09-2008, 05:10:18 »
Naravno da je zajebano... ali ponekad treba raditi i zajebane stvari u životu.
Mislim da ima raznih antologija gde je neko već pokupio dosta stvari.
Put ćemo naći ili ćemo ga napraviti.


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« Reply #28 on: 21-09-2008, 08:30:37 »
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. - Mark Twain.


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« Reply #29 on: 21-09-2008, 11:51:00 »
Kompletna bibliografija Lovecrafta u stripu:

Ne znam do koje godine, nisam sve pregledao, ali pokrivene su i 90-te.

A ono čega nema tu, Jason Thompson je pokrio sledećim informacijama (NISU adaptacije, već uticaji Lovecraftove mitologije, ali koristim priliku):

American horror author H. P. Lovecraft enjoys a small cult following in Japan, but many seemingly Lovecraftian themes in manga, such as ancient dark gods and monsters hidden in remote shrines waiting to be unleashed, are in fact based on Shinto mythology. Kentaro Yano depicted Lovecraft's Great Old Ones in his untranslated five volume Jashin Densetsu ("Evil God Legend") series, which ran in Comic Nora from 1988 to 1993. Junji Ito is also a fan, as seen in the story "The Village of Sirens" in Museum of Terror volume 3, and in plot elements in Uzumaki (1998). Lovecraft is one of many influences on Daijiro  Moroboshi, one of the great untranslated horror artists, a cult favorite whose surreal, meticulously crosshatched works also deal with Chinese myths and legends.
Dok ima smrti, ima i nade.


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« Reply #30 on: 24-09-2008, 02:44:16 »
Pajtak javlja o stripovima koji izlaze kroz par meseci i mogu se kupiti preko njega:


FALL OF CTHULHU VOLUME Vol. 1-3: THE GRAY MAN TP; Vol. 1 Fugue introduces readers to Cy, an ordinary guy, whose uncle's suicide changes his life forever. Consumed with discovering the motive behind his relative's sudden and painful death, he finds notes and scribblings about a nonsense word he doesn't recognize — Cthulhu! A war brews in the Dreamlands in The Gathering, and the players and pawns move into place as Mister Arkham plots universal domination! Vol. 3 Collects Fall of Cthulhu #11-14, The Gray Man sets the stage for this month’s Fall of Cthulhu: Apocalypse and introduces readers to a very special young woman whose new BOOM! series debuts next month! VOLUME 1: FUGUE 128 FC str. za 99 kn, VOLUME 2: THE GATHERING 112 FC str. za 99 kn, VOLUME 3: 128 FC str. za 105 kn.

FALL OF CTHULHU: APOCALYPSE #1 (od 4); by Michael Alan Nelson & Mark Dos Santos. POČETAK VELIKE APOKALIPSE O KOJOJ LOVECRAFT STALNO PRIČA!! The Apocalypse is upon us! Since the beginning of the Fall of Cthulhu storyline, readers have been anxiously awaiting the moment when all the tale’s threads begin to tie together into the ultimate war between gods and men. As of now, they wait no longer! Let the Apocalypse begin! 24 FC str. za 25 kn.

H.P. LOVECRAFT'S NYARLATHOTEP HC; by H.P. Lovecraft & Chuck BB. BOOM! gives horror legend H.P. Lovecraft’s Nyarlathotep new life in this handsome hardcover, featuring illustrations by Chuck BB (Black Metal)! This is a must-have for Lovecraft fans. Lovecraft’s original prose poem is reprinted in its entirety and visually interpreted by one of comics’ most exciting new talents. 32 FC str. za 99 kn.
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.


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« Reply #31 on: 24-09-2008, 15:37:04 »
Paja Pajtak?
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« Reply #32 on: 24-09-2008, 18:57:58 »
Denis Pajtak.
Imaš link gore.
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.


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« Reply #33 on: 25-09-2008, 15:46:49 »

na ovom mestu imate linkove za rapidšer HPL stripove

Meho Krljic

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« Reply #34 on: 25-09-2008, 15:53:51 »
Ali morate biti učlanjeni na taj forum da biste uopšte videli tu stranu.  Tako da, za lenje Srbe, evo ovde:

Code: [Select]
1. The Music of Erich Zann


2. The Lurking Fear


3. Cthulhu


4. Cthulhu, the Festival


5. Rats in the Walls


6. Dreams in the Witch-house


7. From Beyond


no pass

If you enjoyed theese comics feel free to thank me by downloading Lovecrafts books.



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« Reply #35 on: 25-09-2008, 16:08:26 »
Nemaju Lori Lovecraft? Šteta.
"THAT is why they call me The Decorator."


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« Reply #36 on: 07-10-2008, 00:54:41 »
Waid, BB & Lovecraft (?) on H.P. Lovecraft's Nyarlathotep

By Mark Waid
posted: 2008-09-30 11:38:00 ET
Buzz up!
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H.P. Lovecraft is a world-renowned pulp-era writer best known for his Cthulhu mythos, the otherworldy mythology used as a backdrop in his short stories, poems, and novellas. BOOM! Studios is no stranger to Lovecraft, having published a string of successful Cthulhu-related series, most notably Fall of Cthulhu and Cthulhu Tales. This November, BOOM! will be releasing an adaptation of Lovecraft’s epic poem Nyarlathotep with illustrations by Eisner Award-winner Chuck BB.

Newsrama was recently leaked a transcript of a séance between Chuck BB and BOOM! Editor-in-Chief Mark Waid as they attempted to speak to H.P. Lovecraft in the beyond. And no, this is not a new low. We’ve been much lower than this.

Chuck BB: Hey, Mark! How’s it going?

Mark Waid: All is well.

Chuck: Ummm, that’s good to hear. Why all the candles?

Waid: Chuck, why are you here?

Chuck: You know why.

Waid: Yes, but you need to say it for exposition’s sake.

Chuck: Oh, right. I’m here to talk to you about H.P. Lovecraft’s Nyarlathotep, the Lovecraft project I did for BOOM!

Waid: Indeed. Chuck, I’d like you to try something—provided your mind and spirit are willing.

Chuck: Illustrate an ongoing series?

Waid: Funny, but no. I’d like you to consider being interviewed for H.P. Lovecraft’s Nyarlathotep by Lovecraft himself.

Chuck: Ummm, Lovecraft has been dead for awhile now.

Waid: True, but by using these candles and incantations, we may be able to channel his spirit from the eternal ether into my body so that Lovecraft can speak to us and our fans one last time.

Chuck: ...

Waid: Dim the lights. That switch. No, not that one. That’s the garbage disposal. That one. Yes. Now, Chuck, for us to achieve spiritual transcendence, you must clear your mind of all thought.

Chuck: You’re way ahead of me on that one.

Waid: Spirits, hear me! We seek truth and enlightenment! Where is the one known in life as Howard Phillips Lovecraft?


Waid: Show yourself to us! I implore you in the name of Cthulhu and Dagon, Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth!


Waid: Michael Alan Nelson says he channels Lovecraft all the time. I think I took him too literally.

Chuck: (In his best Dr. Doom voice) You were fooled by Michael Alan Nelson. (In his best Chuck BB voice) We didn’t need to have a séance to channel Lovecraft, and you definitely didn’t need to dress in purple robes.

Waid: These aren’t for the séance.

Chuck: Anyway, I get what Nelson is talking about. For Nyarlathotep, I definitely had to channel Lovecraft. For the book, I took his prose poem and put it to illustrations. I had to take these indescribable cosmic ideas and translate them onto the page using what I thought was Lovecraft’s intent with feel and design, and then illustrate in my own style. That was a giant challenge, but once I put myself in Lovecraft’s mindset, I was able to channel his creativity through my work.

Waid: Cool. Were you a fan of his work before this?

Chuck: A Fan? These are my bed time stories!

Waid: These are really beautiful illustrations. Great hardcover package. Well worth the $14.99 price tag.

Chuck: It’s a shame we didn’t get to actually talk to Lovecraft.

Waid: You can wear the robes.

Chuck: Pass.

BOOM! Studios’ H.P. Lovecraft’s Nyarlathotep will be a 32 page exquisite hardcover edition with illustrations by Eisner Award-winner Chuck BB. Priced at $14.99 it has a Diamond item order code of SEP083817.

Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.

džin tonik

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« Reply #37 on: 10-10-2008, 15:19:05 »


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« Reply #38 on: 10-10-2008, 15:41:09 »
uuuu, zajebano deluje ovaj švaba!
si čito ovo? imo u rukama barem? šta veliš, daj neko slovo, ne samo slike!

meho, ima li ovo negde skenirano?


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« Reply #39 on: 10-10-2008, 15:49:18 »
E ovo je lepa naslovna, ne ko one Ghoul-Bobanove crvene mrlje.
Avatar je bezlichna, bezukusna kasha, potpuno prazna, prosechna i neupechatljiva...USM je zhivopisan, zabavan i originalan izdanak americhke pop kulture

Meho Krljic

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« Reply #40 on: 10-10-2008, 15:51:06 »
Sumnjam, al pogledaćemo.

Meho Krljic

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« Reply #41 on: 10-10-2008, 15:56:40 »
Evo, sad sam pogledao sve poznate izvore Lavkraftovih skenova i nisam našao...


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« Reply #42 on: 10-10-2008, 16:39:58 »
hvala, meho; nije da sam se nadao, al štono reko onaj jehovin svedok, treba zakucati na svaka vrata!

džin tonik

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« Reply #43 on: 10-10-2008, 19:49:27 »
Quote from: "Ghoul"
uuuu, zajebano deluje ovaj švaba!
si čito ovo? imo u rukama barem? šta veliš, daj neko slovo, ne samo slike!

meho, ima li ovo negde skenirano?
imam to, izaslo negdje u 90ima, potezalo se prije par godina za bagatelu u jednoj striparnici.

pokusaj biografije (carter) + the music of erich zann

"jos uvijek ne znam nista o o njemu. nista! mozda bih ga konacno trebao nazvati."
javlja se randolph carter:


na sljedecoj stranici "izjavljuje": nisam stvoren za zivot uz sukkubusa...

zann, psihodelicno:

džin tonik

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« Reply #44 on: 10-10-2008, 20:56:14 »


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« Reply #45 on: 23-12-2008, 02:00:24 »
by William Messner-Loebs & Andrew Ritchie.

The fate of the world hangs in the balance as a lowly college student must fight to keep the Necronomicon's magic from unleashing the vengeance of the Old Ones — and turning the entire Middle East into a raging cauldron of mystical power that will rule the Earth!
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.


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« Reply #47 on: 18-03-2009, 21:07:01 »
Od preko pedeset stripova vezanih za Lavkrafta, nijedan mi se nije posebno svideo, sumnjam da će se svideti i nekom drugom, uključujući i ovaj gore pomenuti.
   Srećan sam što je Boban uopšte otvorio ovu temu, kao i što mu se sviđa ideja sa Korbenom. Tri stripa po tridesetak strana u crno-beloj tehnici. Uopšte ne sumnjam da bi se ovo prodavalo brzim tempom. Šta je još veliki plus u ovoj priči? Od devet adaptacija u ova tri stripa samo su dve stvari poznate na srpskom jeziku. To je Dagon i Muzika Erika Zana. Ostatak stripova obuhvata adaptaciju priče o Arturu Džerminu i šest adaptacija poezije većinom iz zbirke "Fungi from Yugoth". Nakon čitanja Nekronomikona, bilo je uživanje čitati još Lavkrafta kroz ove adaptacije. Ako bude strip adaptacija Lavijevih dela, navijam za ovu opciju, ako je uopšte moguća...
   S druge strane, ako je dovoljno da scenarista stripa bude pod uticajem Lavkrafta, onda preporučujem Andreasa sa ciklusima Rork i Cromwell Stone, mislim da tu nema promašaja. Neverovatno koliko je ovaj čovek pod uticajem Hauardovih dela. A što se navedenih strip serijala tiče, sve čiste desetke...