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Dylan Dog movie
« on: 15-11-2007, 18:46:11 »

Imal iko jos vise detalja i sta ocekujemo generalno?


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« Reply #1 on: 15-11-2007, 19:06:17 »
Mogu samo da kažem da izbor režisera obećava.
Teško je jesti govna a nemati iluzije.

pilot babo

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Vasionskog broda svemirom što hoda, Pilot lično, to sam ja.


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #3 on: 07-04-2008, 14:21:20 »
Kevin Munroe ("TMNT") has official signed on to direct an adaptation of the Italian comic book "Dylan Dog" reports Bloody-Disgusting.

Dylan Dog is a penniless nightmare investigator who defies the whole preceding horror tradition with a vein of surrealism and an anti-bourgeois rhetoric. The true monsters in many of these stories are human beings.

Brandon Routh ("Superman Returns") has officially signed on to headline the Dark Horse Comics title and shooting begins this July in Toronto.

This does mean that Munroe will NOT be directing the "Gatchaman" anime adaptation for the Weinstein Company.
Nema potrebe da zalis me, mene je vec sram
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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #4 on: 15-07-2008, 10:54:58 »
Dylan Dog goes to Hollywood
Silvia Bizio
11 Jul 2008 00:00

"I can read the Bible, Homer or Dylan Dog for days on end without ever feeling bored." So says iconic writer and philosopher Umberto Eco, a self-confessed fan of the comic-strip character created by Tiziano Sclavi in 1986.

Since then Dylan Dog has become a popular phenomenon, and not just in its native Italy. It is the number-one horror comic in the world, with 56 million copies sold in 17 countries, translated into as many languages. It has also made inroads in the US, where, in 1997, Scott Rosenberg's Platinum Studios bought the ancillary right to the property, including TV, film and merchandising rights.

Now the London detective, with his signature black blazer, red shirt, jeans and Clarks shoes, who seduces beautiful women while investigating the paranormal and fighting zombies, vampires and werewolves, is about to hit the big screen.

It is not the first time the character has made it to the movies. Michele Soavi's Dellamore Dellamorte in 1994 starred Rupert Everett in the role - in fact Sclavi, who named the character after poet Dylan Thomas, created Dylan Dog in Everett's likeness.

The new film is a strictly Hollywood affair, produced by Platinum and Ashok Amritraj's Hyde Park Entertainment.

Going under the title Dead Of Night in the US and Dylan Dog in the rest of the world, it will be directed by Kevin Munroe, who directed last year's TMNT, with Brandon Routh (Superman Returns) in the lead role. The script is by Joshua Oppenheimer and Thomas Dean Donnelly, the team behind Sahara and the upcoming Conan The Barbarian.

For Scott Rosenberg, president of Platinum, and Amritraj, CEO of Hyde Park (which recently completed shooting a new film of the videogame Streetfighter), the film is a chance for a new franchise, especially after previous attempts were made to set the film up at Miramax and DreamWorks.

"It's an action movie with a totally original, cool, avant-garde character," says Amritraj. "He's surrounded by an absolutely interesting world that will be intriguing to all age groups."

The story has been moved from London, where Sclavi had originally set it, to present-day New York. Dylan Dog is forced back into his nightmare investigations after he is approached by a woman who claims to have seen her father brutally murdered by a mysterious creature. With his street smart, his gun and a set of paranormal weapons, Dylan attempts to restore order both above and below ground.

"It was important to create a story that would also be relevant to those who know nothing about Dylan," says Munroe. "What has set Dylan Dog apart and has for long contributed to his success, isn't pure action in a world populated by absurd monsters - the most exciting journey is an emotional one. Dylan Dog is not a superhero, nor is he supernatural. He is a man who finds himself in extraordinary circumstances.

"I'm fascinated by these stories," explains the director. "They are populated by classic characters you see in the likes of Dirty Harry and Die Hard. And like in those movies, you understand the worst monsters of them all are human beings.

"For this reason I'm going to show Dylan Dog's world as realistically as possible. The audience must believe zombies can exist in New York, that vampires roam free even if they can't be seen, just like in Men In Black.

I want a lot of action and very little CGI, more prosthetics and less special effects. I want to bring together comedy and horror, an epic tale of love and horror."
Nema potrebe da zalis me, mene je vec sram
Nema potrebe da hvalis me, dobro ja to znam


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« Reply #5 on: 15-07-2008, 11:00:25 »
Quote from: "crippled_avenger"
The story has been moved from London, where Sclavi had originally set it, to present-day New York.


Quote from: "crippled_avenger"
"It was important to create a story that would also be relevant to those who know nothing about Dylan," says Munroe.

 :x  :x  :x
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part."


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« Reply #6 on: 15-07-2008, 11:07:49 »
Uspeo sam da se iznerviram, a taman sam mislio da mi više nije stalo.
Umberto Eko bi se, da je mrtav, svakodnevno meškoljio u grobu zbog toliko često citirane izjave o Dilanu i Ilijadi.
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.

Tex Murphy

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« Reply #7 on: 15-07-2008, 11:08:28 »
Plaćam tvoje  :x  :x  :x  i podižem za  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x

It's an action movie

I want a lot of action

the film is a chance for a new franchise


Tex Murphy

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« Reply #8 on: 15-07-2008, 11:12:23 »
Ovo je bio odgovor na Miloshev post, a DušMan se umiješao... itd.

Umberto Eko bi se, da je mrtav, svakodnevno meškoljio u grobu

Kako nije mrtav, vjerovatno se prevrće u krevetu ili nešto slično, ali u svakom slučaju - ovo je katastrofa gargantuanskih proporcija. Ne znam čak ni da li ću da gledam ovo. Toliko godina čekamo DD film i na kraju ga naprave američki retardi.

(Obratite pažnju na interesantan kuriozitet - DellaMorte DellAmore je bio Dilan Dog skoro po svemu osim po imenu. Ovo će da bude brainless američki blokbaster koji će da bude DD SAMO po imenu.)


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Re: Hm...
« Reply #9 on: 15-07-2008, 11:16:04 »
Quote from: "Harvester"
Ovo je bio odgovor na Miloshev post, a DušMan se umiješao... itd.

Don't leave me hanging... Say it!

Ja bih zapravo pre gledao ovo nego novog Betmena. Ovo na početku znam da će biti debilana i onda doživim celu stvar kao parodiju i smejem sa kao lud na brašnu.
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.


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« Reply #10 on: 15-07-2008, 11:48:43 »
" realistically as possible... just like in Men In Black!"

pa zaista ste vi stripadžije neverovatni! pa ispod kog kamena vi živite'
zar ste i JEDNOG trena očekivali da će ameri da snimaju film o DD-u, i da
a) lokacija i dalje bude LONDON?
b) i dalje ima pomoćnika GRUČA? (čak i Njagi bi za njih bio previše!)
c) to NE bude pokušaj franšize?
d) to NE bude blasfemija skoro svega ostalog što je sveto u DD-u?

ja očekujem sledeću obznanu: da će rejting biti PG-13, "kako bi film dospeo do što više gledalaca, naročito mlađih, koji nikada nisu čuli za dilana"!

očekujte CONSTANTINE meets VAN HELSING, sa manje para.

Tex Murphy

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« Reply #11 on: 15-07-2008, 13:23:07 »
Ja sam se nadao da NEĆE ONI da snimaju film o DD-u. To je već u startu bilo osuđeno na propast.
Sad pored interesantne teme "Zašto Srbi ne snimaju horore s vampirima i vukodlacima" možemo da razglabamo i o tome "Zašto Italijani ne snimaju Dilana Doga i to puštaju američkim sanz ov bičizima".


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« Reply #12 on: 15-07-2008, 13:31:09 »
Ja ocekujem vise... So sue me...


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #13 on: 15-07-2008, 13:50:54 »
Film o Dilan Dogu trebali su da snime Italijani. Mogli su. Zašto da ne? Italijani snimaju filmove i serije. Mnogo više nego Srbija.

Mogla je to da bude evropska koprodukcija, što je uobičajena stvar za filmove sa nešto većim budžetom i željom da film bude prikazan izvan Italije, da bude internacionalni hit.

Ali ništa! Prošle su bukvalno decenije od prve ideje o filmu i prvog trenutka kada je stvaranje filma postalo smisleno i poželjno. I ništa.

I naravno, amerikanci uzimaju stvar u svoje ruke. I niko ne treba da se čudi ni da Dilan bude plavokos i živi u Teksasu. Pa oni su lik iz sopstvene pop kulture Konstantina, za potrebe filma prebacili u Ameriku.

I onda će Italijani i Evropljani da kukaju zbog toga. A Italijani i evropske filmadžije bi trebalo da se stide svoje nesposobnosti, nepreduzimljivosti i pasivnosti. I da ćute.
Avatar je bezlichna, bezukusna kasha, potpuno prazna, prosechna i neupechatljiva...USM je zhivopisan, zabavan i originalan izdanak americhke pop kulture


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« Reply #14 on: 15-07-2008, 13:52:58 »
Film o Dilanu Dogu trebali su da snime Turci!
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.


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« Reply #15 on: 15-07-2008, 14:01:56 »
Quote from: "DušMan"
Film o Dilanu Dogu trebali su da snime Turci!

otkud znaš da nisu?

PS: zgrožen sam ovoliko nepismenom upotrebom glagola 'trebati'
 :x  :x  :x


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« Reply #16 on: 15-07-2008, 14:12:27 »
Ma ja to samo da bih nastavio u Alexovom duhu. Kunem se!
Nisu, nisu... Redovno pratim Tursku filmsku scenu (setimo se svi filma Dushman o poštaru ubici).
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.

Tex Murphy

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« Reply #17 on: 15-07-2008, 15:18:04 »
Čini mi se da se ne tako davno već vodio razgovor o DušManovoj (ne)pismenosti. A nešto ranije - i o Ghoulovoj  :!:

I onda će Italijani i Evropljani da kukaju zbog toga. A Italijani i evropske filmadžije bi trebalo da se stide svoje nesposobnosti, nepreduzimljivosti i pasivnosti. I da ćute.

Apsolutno potpisujem! Kao i ostatak posta.


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #18 on: 17-07-2008, 22:25:23 »
[/quote] With his street smart, his gun and a set of paranormal weapons, Dylan attempts to restore order both above and below ground.[/quote]

AUUUUU!!!!! Kad zapuca sa svojim paranormalnim oružjem tj. bacačima belog luka, samostrelima koji izbacuju krstove i slično... :o  Pa ovo će da bude Dilan "Rambo" The Dog xuzi
Kako se vesla po drvenom moru?


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« Reply #19 on: 18-07-2008, 00:35:45 »
Dilanu rade isto što su uradili i Konstatinu: amerikanizuju ga. Ne verujem da će iz toga izaći nešto dobro.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"


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« Reply #20 on: 19-11-2008, 07:47:46 »
Režiser Kevin Munroe govori o Dylan Dog filmu i otkriva da će snimanje početi početkom 209. godinea, kao i to da je radnja premeštena u Luizijanu:::

With DEAD OF NIGHT... if all goes well we’re gonna be closing financing very soon and we’re gonna start prep December January, we’ll be in New Orleans. And then filming late January, February. In the adaptation, Dylan Dog is forced back into his nightmare investigations after he is approached by a woman who claims to have seen her father brutally murdered by a mysterious creature. With his street smart, his gun and a set of paranormal weapons, Dylan attempts to restore order both above and below ground. The original script was set in New York, and eventually the location changed, someone drew Louisiana on the desk. And looking at New Orleans, we’re like “Holy crap that will be a lot of fun”. The original source material was London, with a lot of moors and fog... and New Orleans is perfect for that! You can’t sell that in New York, but you can in New Orleans. So in a strange way it’s actually being more true to the source material. Right now he’s got vampires, and a couple different instances of zombies," Munroe reveals to Bloody-Disgusting. There are werewolf families in there as well. Plus other stuff that is hinted at. He goes up against everything; there’s ghosts, and aliens, and curses, and banshees and everything... So right now we’re just trying to do sort of the first chapter, and then sequels we’ll get to see a bit more. I would love to [make a trilogy]. Right now they are just treating it as one film at a time. And I’m happy to, because at the end of the day this movie stands alone. But I can’t see why, if this film is successful, why there can’t be more. The comic is so deep and there are so many different stories to tell. And the character is so great; it’s not like he’s just some ass-kicker who shows up and that’s the level of his characterization. He’s more than just an angry investigator; there are a lot of layers to him. Basically he goes up against... sort of bad guys that come in all forms. Every family has their good and bad members. There are bad zombies, bad vampires, bad werewolves. The movie is all about seeing who the bad guys from the warriors. There’s a storyline where Dylan has to go investigate, and he doesn’t know who to trust, who is after him. Everybody’s sort of a suspect. DEAD OF NIGHT is] entirely prosthetic, the biggest CGI thing we have is probably going to be wire removal. And the monsters will be very specific, the vampires will move entirely different than the werewolves. Everything has a really cool feel to it."
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"

Ugly MF

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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #21 on: 19-11-2008, 08:46:16 »
kojeg bi ste vi glumca,posto glumac u tom filmu ili nosi film il ga filma ni glumca...

....A da to ne bude Rupert Everet!?

Jes da nije samo glumac,ima tu i atmosfere i kamere iscenografije i blabla i tralala,ali hajd sad...

Ja skuzio jednog,al necu jos da vam kazem....

Tex Murphy

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« Reply #22 on: 19-11-2008, 12:18:30 »
Je li ovo pitanje samo za one beskrajno optimistične siromahe koji i dalje očekuju da će ovaj film da bude nešto malo više od obične gomile smeća ili i za nas ostale?
Elem, niko ne može da bude Rupert Everet umjesto Ruperta Evereta.


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Re: Hm...
« Reply #23 on: 19-11-2008, 12:54:06 »
Quote from: "Harvester"
Je li ovo pitanje samo za one beskrajno optimistične siromahe koji i dalje očekuju da će ovaj film da bude nešto malo više od obične gomile smeća ili i za nas ostale?
Elem, niko ne može da bude Rupert Everet umjesto Ruperta Evereta.

"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part."


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Re: Hm...
« Reply #24 on: 19-11-2008, 13:12:24 »
Quote from: "Harvester"
Elem, niko ne može da bude Rupert Everet umjesto Ruperta Evereta.

stephen geoffreys? :idea:


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« Reply #25 on: 19-11-2008, 15:00:52 »
Hugh Grant.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"

Event Horizon

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« Reply #26 on: 19-11-2008, 15:35:30 »
Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
"Hipokrizija Trejd - svemirski ugođaj za svemirskog čoveka"

Ugly MF

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« Reply #27 on: 21-11-2008, 14:01:11 »
Jes da je jedan Everet,ali ...
pratim sa zenom Ugly Betty seriju,ovu americku i
(uopste nije guilty pleasure s obzirom na broj cica koje se pojavljuju)
ali tamo jedan feminizirani gej Mark,a igra ga neki
Michael Urie....

Mlad je jos za Dilana,i pravi budalu od sebe,ali u momentima ozbiljnosti i patetike,ista istovetna faca...

Tex Murphy

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« Reply #28 on: 21-11-2008, 16:26:01 »
Okej, okej, da nešto odma raščistimo: Ne znam zašto ste sad krenuli da predlažete raznorazne žene za ulogu Dilana Doga. Rupert Everet možda jeste homo u stvarnom životu, ali je i pored toga Klint Istvud u poređenju sa cvjećkama koje pominjete.


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Re: Hm...
« Reply #29 on: 21-11-2008, 16:30:34 »
Quote from: "Harvester"
Okej, okej, da nešto odma raščistimo: Ne znam zašto ste sad krenuli da predlažete raznorazne žene za ulogu Dilana Doga. Rupert Everet možda jeste homo u stvarnom životu, ali je i pored toga Klint Istvud u poređenju sa cvjećkama koje pominjete.

slažem se.
a naročito ovaj svarogov TV tinejdžer! :roll:  :x

Ugly MF

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Re: Hm...
« Reply #30 on: 21-11-2008, 16:46:23 »
Quote from: "Ghoul"
Quote from: "Harvester"
Okej, okej, da nešto odma raščistimo: Ne znam zašto ste sad krenuli da predlažete raznorazne žene za ulogu Dilana Doga. Rupert Everet možda jeste homo u stvarnom životu, ali je i pored toga Klint Istvud u poređenju sa cvjećkama koje pominjete.

slažem se.
a naročito ovaj svarogov TV tinejdžer! :roll:  :x

A bre Ghoule,
pa ja bi ga mozda gledo ko Dilana, ne bi ga vodio kuci,koj ti je?

Znaci po vama ,Zombiji ,Vampiri, vukodlaci stvarno postoje!?
Znaci sad Judas Priest ne valja kao hevi metal bend jer je Halford peder!?

Pricamo o faci,Ej,ljudi ,FACI!!! Ne pricamo o ne znam cemu ,
znas ono ,lik ,crte lica itd!?!?

I bio bi bolji od onog odabranog bajdvej. O tome se ovde i radilo.A to sto je tinejdzer ,pomenuo sam da je jos mlad za tu ulogu,prc.


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« Reply #31 on: 21-11-2008, 16:58:56 »
Jason Flemyng sa crnom kosom mogao bi da prodje kao DD.


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« Reply #32 on: 21-11-2008, 17:15:16 »
svarog: ma nebitno dal bi ga vodio kući, ja baš i velim da NIJE ZA DILANA, ni on niti ko od drugih predloženih.
mnogo su mekani. nemaju onaj muški, frajerski šmek koji rupert, pa makar i kao gay, IMA.


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« Reply #33 on: 21-11-2008, 17:23:33 »
Quote from: "Ghoul"
nemaju onaj muški, frajerski šmek koji rupert, pa makar i kao gay, IMA.

Baš to. Recimo da bi dobar izbor bio (iako ne liči) Robert Downey Jr. Kad već igra Šerloka Holmsa, što ne bi mogao i Dilana Doga...
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part."


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« Reply #34 on: 21-11-2008, 17:34:33 »
Quote from: "Milosh"
Robert Downey Jr. Kad već igra Šerloka Holmsa, što ne bi mogao i Dilana Doga...

šerlok može da bude tata dilanu.

mator je danas dauni za dilana, pre 20 godina bio bi super; danas, mogo bi da igra xabarasa! :!:  :idea:


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« Reply #35 on: 21-11-2008, 18:00:59 »
Quote from: "Ghoul"
mator je danas dauni za dilana, pre 20 godina bio bi super; danas, mogo bi da igra xabarasa! :!:  :idea:

Ne preterujmo, pre deset bi bio idealan... Ksabarasa bi idealno bilo da igra Rupert Everett kad je već prestario za Dilana...
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part."


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« Reply #36 on: 26-02-2009, 15:57:52 »
Producer Gilbert Adler is sinking his teeth into the horror film "Dead of Night," which starts production today in New Orleans. And DRAC Studios, whose creative director, Greg Cannom, won the makeup Oscar for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," has come on to handle makeup effects.

Znači, snimanje počelo. Uskoro će početi da pristižu detalji pa ćemo moći da manje-više znamo na čemu smo.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"

Tex Murphy

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« Reply #37 on: 26-02-2009, 16:46:16 »
Quote from: "Kunac"
Producer Gilbert Adler is sinking his teeth into the horror film "Dead of Night," which starts production today in New Orleans. And DRAC Studios, whose creative director, Greg Cannom, won the makeup Oscar for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," has come on to handle makeup effects.

Znači, snimanje počelo. Uskoro će početi da pristižu detalji pa ćemo moći da manje-više znamo na čemu smo.

Pa mislim da, nažalost, od početka znamo na čemu smo - na lošem filmu  :(


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« Reply #38 on: 26-02-2009, 16:54:15 »
To je gotovo izvesno, ali nada umire poslednja.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"


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« Reply #39 on: 26-02-2009, 16:56:38 »
Quote from: "Kunac"
To je gotovo izvesno, ali nada umire poslednja.

nada će umreti tek kad ga kunac turi na avatara.

Savajat Erp

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« Reply #40 on: 27-02-2009, 11:42:13 »
Quote from: "Kunac"
ali nada umire poslednja.

Али ипак умире... :cry:
Niste mi verovali da ću da pucam?!


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« Reply #41 on: 27-02-2009, 12:02:51 »
Quote from: "Savajat Erp"
Quote from: "Kunac"
ali nada umire poslednja.

Али ипак умире... :cry:

Da je život slasher film, Nada bi bila the final girl.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"


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« Reply #42 on: 27-02-2009, 13:39:23 »
Ili negativac koji ipak nije umro...


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #43 on: 03-03-2009, 10:14:17 »
Ništa od Groucha. Dylan u filmskoj verziji dobija novog pomoćnika - Marcusa (Marx - Marcus, hmmm). Već znamo da je radna premeštena iz Londona u New York, tj. New Orleans.

Marcusa glumi Sam Huntington koji je nastupao i u poslednjem Supermanu.

Evo kako bi Marcus mogao da izgleda:::

"zombi je mali žuti cvet"


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #44 on: 03-03-2009, 10:33:58 »
Sljedeća promjena će biti da film preimenuju u "Marti Misterija - Posle ponoći".
There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #45 on: 03-03-2009, 12:08:08 »
Nju Orleans je chocolate city, logično je da bude  Dylan Dawg


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #46 on: 03-03-2009, 12:09:56 »
Nikakav Dylan ne moze da bude bez Ruperta Evereta, ovo nije Dylan Dog vec neko americko govno koje pokusava da uzme kintu na osnovu legende!!!Smece, previse posta za ovu nistariju...


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #47 on: 16-04-2009, 09:42:58 »
Glede izostanka Gruča:

 Groucho has left the building…
So this week, we were at a stately mansion in New Orleans’ Garden District and apparently we’re enough of a deal here to warrant the local tour guides to adjust their routes to include us.  (My wife took a city tour last week that devoted about 20 minutes to discussing the production and circling the set.)

We’re here at the mansion filming multiple scenes that occur here during the film with Dylan, Elizabeth (Anita Briem) and Marcus (Sam Huntington).  As many have surmised already, Anita is playing Dylan’s love interest and Sam is Dylan’s sidekick, replacing the much beloved Groucho from the comics.  A lot of people have complained about that replacement and I understand why.  (Hey, I was pissed when they made Chas into Shia Labeouf.)  It’s hard to see something you know so well and have for so many years go through drastic changes like that but here’s the reason why and it all boils down to one word: money.  For those of you who might not know, in the Dylan Dog comics, Dylan’s sidekick is an actor who’s last role was playing Groucho Marx and he kind of got stuck there due to a memory loss (finally revealed in issue 228).  He now lives and acts just like Groucho Marx.  Now, when we started developing the movie, we immediately started researching it and found that Groucho Marx’s likeness is owned by a company who has licensed it from his estate (no need to mention their names).  Such a place is likely to not care when an Italian publishing company starts using Groucho’s likeness in 1986.  Heck, it probably won’t even last, right?  By the time they realized it was going to last and it had become as big an international sensation as it was, the costs, in both cash and bad PR, would have been too great to make it worthwhile.  Besides, it’s not like an Italian comic book character would ever make it to the American big screen, where the real Groucho is so well-known, right?  So we come along, asking if we can make a movie with their character in it and they say, “Sure, it’ll just be seven figures.  Several of them.  Oh, and we want a piece of every image of him you use on anything, including any comics Bonelli publishes in the future.”

Well, as you might guess, we can’t really do that, especially at during the development phase when there isn’t even any money attached to the movie yet.  And try going to any potential financers and ask for seven figures just to use a supporting character.  So we have to plan for an alternative.  Our first thought was to replace Groucho with another, more acceptable comedian and get the actual comedian to play the role.  Like maybe the actor was playing Robin Williams or Roberto Benigni and we get the actual Robin Williams or Roberto Benigni to play it?  Well, then we’re painting ourselves into another corner by needing to get one of those actors in the movie.  And now we’ve got to be able to answer questions like “Why can’t it be Eddie Murphy?  We could get Eddie Murphy for you.” or, worse, “Can we make his sidekick Robert Pattinson instead?  Girls like him.”

So we made the decision to fight what battles we could win and not go looking for more that would keep us from making the film.  (There have been enough about Dylan driving a bug or wearing a red shirt, believe me.)  And so Marcus was born.  There are plenty of nods to Groucho in the movie, hopefully in ways that make the fans know we care.  Keep a lookout for the photos in Dylan’s office or when Marcus has to show up and throw him a gun from time to time.

Alright, I’m off to teach some actors how to fight.  Ain’t Hollywood a weird place?
Зло се трпи због страха од још горег зла,стога пук гунђа,али најчешће немушто.И трпи батине.

Лутајући Бокељ


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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #48 on: 16-04-2009, 10:44:02 »
Sad mi pade na pamet, pa mogli su Borata da uzmu kao zamenu! To jest likom Borat, ali s inteligentnijim šalama. Kakav bi to tvist bio!

Son of Man

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Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #49 on: 16-04-2009, 11:47:44 »
Ma Meho je rodjen za Grucha, samo da pusti frizuru ko iz mladjih dana, i brkove, ma pljunuti. :)