Author Topic: Dylan Dog movie  (Read 56370 times)

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Tex Murphy

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« Reply #50 on: 16-04-2009, 14:51:28 »
Doduše, pošto svi očekujemo da film bude potpuno očajan, možda nas (prijatno) iznenadi!

džin tonik

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Re: Hm...
« Reply #51 on: 16-04-2009, 19:43:20 »
Quote from: "Harvester"
Doduše, pošto svi očekujemo da film bude potpuno očajan, možda nas (prijatno) iznenadi!

ovo??????????????????? :x


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #52 on: 07-05-2009, 14:14:23 »
Evo ga... Supermen kao Dilan... Prva slika koja je dospela na net, odmah da se obznani i na ZS::::

Mmmm... Košulja je bordo, nije crvena, ali okej... To je taj kroj... Frizura... Liči na periku. Možda zbog osvetljenja. Oko je smeđe, nije plavo --- to je već jedno krupno odstupanje od kanona... A šta predstavlja ovo čudo preko drugog oka - nemam pojma. Nadam se da ne nosi to stalno. Liči na nešto što bi se moglo videti u Arđentovoj Trećoj majci.

Još par fotki...

Dilan sa pištoljem...

Markus tj. novi Gručo:

I evo jedne za kraj... Čudna neka odeća...

"zombi je mali žuti cvet"


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #53 on: 07-05-2009, 14:33:35 »
...i razdeljak mu je na pogrešnoj strani  :lol:

Shozo Hirono

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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #54 on: 07-05-2009, 18:26:09 »
Kome...... Gruču? :lol:


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #55 on: 07-05-2009, 22:33:33 »
A šta predstavlja ovo čudo preko drugog oka - nemam pojma. Nadam se da ne nosi to stalno. Liči na nešto što bi se moglo videti u Arđentovoj Trećoj majci.
Tzv trifokalne naočari  :shock:

Za sada ne deluje ubedljivo...
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.

Tex Murphy

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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #56 on: 30-09-2009, 13:09:57 »
Pozitivan (?) rivju sa test skrininga. Doduše, ubjedljivost mu nije jača strana.


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #57 on: 30-09-2009, 13:55:17 »
Nego, kad se moze ocekivati da ovo nedjelo dodje do nas?


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #58 on: 30-09-2009, 13:58:51 »
zavisi da li misliš na CAM, TS ili DVD rip.


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #59 on: 30-09-2009, 14:01:50 »
Čitam šta ste napisali u najavi o DD filmu i žalim što se pre nekih desetak godina nije realizovala ova priča sa Rupert Everetom u glavnoj ulozi. Mišljenja sam da bi tada film po stripui bio mnogo manje kompromitovan bolesnom željom za što većim brojem gledalaca itd. što napisa Ghoul da ga ne bih citirao...
Inače i dalje kupujem DD stripove, ovaj put edicija "Veseli četvrtak" i stalno tripujem kako bi izgledao film ali...
Dark Side - that s where the energy is, the passion. People are afraid of it because it contains stuff they are busy denying...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #60 on: 30-09-2009, 14:02:23 »


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #61 on: 30-09-2009, 17:21:20 »
zna li se kada je premijera?


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Зло се трпи због страха од још горег зла,стога пук гунђа,али најчешће немушто.И трпи батине.

Лутајући Бокељ


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #63 on: 01-10-2009, 07:37:54 »
Poslije ovog intervjua jos me vise strah.
Men in black - aliens :? :(
A u koliko filmova ce se pojaviti tokom godine, ima da ga gledamo svuda, kao Kristijana Bejla...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #64 on: 01-10-2009, 07:56:44 »
još kada bi bio dobar glumac poput Bejla...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #65 on: 01-10-2009, 08:13:57 »
Koliko god da si dobar glumac, kada glumis u megashitovima kao sto su The dark night ili T4, smucices se svima...

Event Horizon

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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #66 on: 01-10-2009, 10:36:44 »
Koliko god da si dobar glumac, kada glumis u megashitovima kao sto su The dark night ili T4, smucices se svima...
Kremo, ta ti je dobra.
"Hipokrizija Trejd - svemirski ugođaj za svemirskog čoveka"


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #67 on: 01-10-2009, 11:45:35 »
Meni se nije smučio. Niti će.
A vi megashitujte koliko hoćete.   :evil:


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #68 on: 01-10-2009, 16:42:34 »
T4, hm...

Ali The Dark Knight nije megashit ni pod tačkom razno...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #69 on: 02-10-2009, 07:41:11 »
The Dark knight je najprecjenjeniji film u posljednjih nekoliko godina.
Prica nije losa, ima i glavu i rep, ali je izvedena dozlaboga lose, razvuceno, predugo...
Kako je naglasak stavljen na druge likove u filmu, Bejl djeluje isprazno kao Betmen, ne dolazi do izrazaja nijednog trenutka.
A sta reci o Hitu Ledzeru tek? Jadna uloga koja, zbog smrti glumca, pokupi sve nagrade. Jos kad mi se krenu razbacivati kako je njegov Dzoker najstrasniji negativac, kako izaziva jezu, ma strasno. Meni je njegova gluma vecim djelom filma izazivala smijeh i nevjericu...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #70 on: 02-10-2009, 07:56:55 »

Totalno neinventivno i zbunjujuće. Da nema natpisa dole u uglu ne znam ko bi povezao ovo sa Dilan Dogom...

Sličnost je so-so...
U obraščićima nije sigurno :)

Dark Side - that s where the energy is, the passion. People are afraid of it because it contains stuff they are busy denying...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #71 on: 02-10-2009, 08:08:01 »
Cijeli film bi mogao biti neinventivan i zbunjujuci. Kad ovaj naprica da ce tu biti i vampira i vukodlaka i zombija, to mi djeluje da ce biti samo nabacana gomila stvari u 90-tak minuta...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #72 on: 02-10-2009, 13:39:36 »
The Dark knight je najprecjenjeniji film u posljednjih nekoliko godina.
Prica nije losa, ima i glavu i rep, ali je izvedena dozlaboga lose, razvuceno, predugo...
Kako je naglasak stavljen na druge likove u filmu, Bejl djeluje isprazno kao Betmen, ne dolazi do izrazaja nijednog trenutka.
A sta reci o Hitu Ledzeru tek? Jadna uloga koja, zbog smrti glumca, pokupi sve nagrade. Jos kad mi se krenu razbacivati kako je njegov Dzoker najstrasniji negativac, kako izaziva jezu, ma strasno. Meni je njegova gluma vecim djelom filma izazivala smijeh i nevjericu...

Da, Bejl je definitivno gurnut u drugi plan, ali se pokazao kao odličan glumac u filmovima poput Prestiža, Mašiniste, Američkog psiha, itd... Ja ni u jednom trenutku nisam mislio da je The Dark Knight dugačak film, naprotiv, molio sam se da nikada ne dođe kraj. Mene je priča od samog početka ponela, donela mi je osećaj blage tenzije, a što se tiče Džokera - meni njegov lik nije bio jeziv, ali mi je bio simpatičan. Toliko simpatičan da bih bio u stanju da gledam film od tri sata sa njim u prvom planu. Ledžer je Džokera genijalno odigrao, i gluma mi uopšte nije bila izveštačena. Ali naravno, sto ljudi - sto ćudi, sto žena - dvesto sisa... Ne možemo svi da se složimo oko istih stvari. Ni meni Audition nije horor film, pa me ostali gledaju kao čudaka. Ali i dalje stojim da je The Dark Knight Nolanovo remek delo...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #73 on: 02-10-2009, 14:07:43 »
Što se tiče Bejla : Američki Psiho i Mašinista su vrh.
Laurel Canyon i Equilibrium podnošljivi dok je ostalo znatno ispod proseka - onaj tv film (na Hallmarku sam uhvatio deo) gde glumi Isusa je epic fail.

Dark Side - that s where the energy is, the passion. People are afraid of it because it contains stuff they are busy denying...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #74 on: 02-10-2009, 15:31:58 »
U Harsh Times je isto odigrao odličnu ulogu, a za Equilibrium sam zaboravio da pomenem malo pre. Mary, Mother of Jesus - nisam gledao...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #75 on: 02-10-2009, 17:56:11 »
Kad smo već skrenuli sa teme i pošto sam Crnog viteza pogledao pre nedelju dana, najrealniji opis tog filma bi se mogao dobiti spajanjem prvog dela Kreminog posta i jedne rečenice iz Borkesovog posta

The Dark knight je najprecjenjeniji film u posljednjih nekoliko godina.
Prica nije losa, ima i glavu i rep, ali je izvedena dozlaboga lose, razvuceno, predugo...Kako je naglasak stavljen na druge likove u filmu, Bejl djeluje isprazno kao Betmen, ne dolazi do izrazaja nijednog trenutka.
Kako je naglasak stavljen na druge likove u filmu, Bejl djeluje isprazno kao Betmen, ne dolazi do izrazaja nijednog trenutka.
 Ledžer je Džokera genijalno odigrao, i gluma mi uopšte nije bila izveštačena.
Зло се трпи због страха од још горег зла,стога пук гунђа,али најчешће немушто.И трпи батине.

Лутајући Бокељ


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #76 on: 02-10-2009, 18:31:04 »
Dark Knight je 10-ka
Avatar je bezlichna, bezukusna kasha, potpuno prazna, prosechna i neupechatljiva...USM je zhivopisan, zabavan i originalan izdanak americhke pop kulture


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #77 on: 02-10-2009, 21:46:41 »
ono gore nije Dilan vec  neki homo lik,kuku osakatice strip


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #78 on: 02-10-2009, 21:55:10 »
ha ha, ovo je ko da si reko:
'pa ovo nije rupert everet, ovo je neki gay!'


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #79 on: 03-10-2009, 00:57:07 »
Ako nema scene seksa sa glavnom ribom, onda se stvarno treba zapitati...

Le Samourai

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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #80 on: 03-10-2009, 01:31:42 »
ono gore nije Dilan vec  neki homo lik,kuku osakatice strip
istina, bolje da su umesto tog geja, uzeli ovog macho baju na kojem je zasnovan lik Dilana:


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #81 on: 03-10-2009, 04:50:39 »
ono gore nije Dilan vec  neki homo lik,kuku osakatice strip
istina, bolje da su umesto tog geja, uzeli ovog macho baju na kojem je zasnovan lik Dilana:

istina, još BOLJE je da su umesto tog geja, uzeli OVOG macho baju na kojem je zasnovan lik Dilana:

 :evil: :twisted: :evil: :!:


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #82 on: 04-10-2009, 09:54:25 »
joj,taj gore je ko onaj pornicar   Roko Sifredi,ma  mogli su to  Italijani nekako  da snime,no  shta cesh...


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #83 on: 04-10-2009, 13:54:04 »
U Arđentovoj režiji :P


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #84 on: 02-11-2009, 21:24:37 »
Exclusive Test Screening Review of ‘Dead of Night’


Last night, I was able to attend the very first test screening of “Dead of Night,” starring Brandon Routh (of “Superman Returns”) as Dylan Dog and directed by Kevin Munroe (of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).

The screening was “invite only” and the audience was prepped before the screening that we were the very first audience to view the film and that it was not in the final ready-to-be-released form. We were warned that much of the CGI was still to be added, but to use our imaginations as to what it might be, that the finished movie would be every bit as polished as other current movies.

I was fortunate to sit with three people in the theater that helped fill up the time waiting for the movie to start. After talking about the business to one of them, he confessed that he was a screenwriter. I won’t mention his name, since I believe I was the only one who knew he was there. I will say this: I was in very good company and just wanted to give a shout out in case he reads this. I look forward to your next work hitting the big screen.

In case you are not familiar with the Dylan Dog character — he is a very big deal in Italy — the original character was created by Tiziano Sclavi in the mid-1980s and is a recovering alcoholic nightmare investigator living in London.

The world in which he lives is filled with monsters — such as vampires, zombies and werewolves from the movie world — who secretly living all around us. Dylan almost always wears the same clothes: a red long-sleeved shirt, black jacket and a pair of blue jeans. In the comics, he has an assistant named Groucho who is a former celebrity impersonator who became frozen into the character he once impersonated. Dylan and Groucho drive around in an old black-over-white VW convertible bug. Oh, and Dylan gets beaten up … a lot … but he always gets the girl … unfortunately not for long.

Now, to the movie. Much of the Dylan Dog lore is there, such as the trademark clothes and the VW bug. However, due to the fact that Disney has trademark rights to images of a white VW bug (thanks to “Herbie”), the colors are reversed, with white over black.

Dylan’s world-weary attitude is fully intact and is well played by Routh.

Due to issues concerning the cost to license the Groucho character, Dylan’s assistant — played by Sam Huntington (Jimmy Olsen in “Superman Returns”) — is a new character named Marcus.

Marcus is soon living his own nightmare with a lot of humorous turns — at least it is funny for the audience. It is never fully explained just why Dylan has relocated to New Orleans, but we are shown the reasons why he turned his back on his nightmare investigations and is trying to leave the past behind him … along with the nightmare world.

I found the movie totally charming from start to finish with plenty of laughs, just enough gore and suspense and lots of witty banter, even between the most unlikely of characters.

At first, I thought Routh seemed a bit stiff, then I realized he was channeling Dylan as the graphic comic shows him to be, complete with dry humor and a little world weary demeanor. I think he nailed the character, in fact. That said, I must also say that Sam Huntington almost stole the show. He was that good. You could really feel that the Dylan and Marcus characters presented on screen were buddies. And the ending was a big surprise.
I believe the movie will have a broad appeal beyond the typical horror genre fans. The audience certainly seemed to enjoy the movie. Everyone was laughing at the right times and quiet at other times. I found the humor was just right — as was the pacing and action scenes. Dylan was the dry reluctant hero who returns to his true calling; the female lead, Elizabeth, is played with just the right amount of fragility and spunk by Anita Briem (of “Journey to the Center of the Earth”); and Marcus was a riot almost from the get-go. Rounding out the cast was Taye Diggs as the leader of a Vampire gang, Brian Steele as an imposing Tattooed Zombie and Kurt Angle as a powerful werewolf.

The movie had a nice mix of music, but, just as we were warned, there were a lot of CGI special effects that still need to be added. At certain places, a caption would pop up saying CGI XYZ here. Also, in a big fight scene, we got to see the wires on Routh that were used to propel his character after being hit. It was cool to be able to see that. At the end it just said, “Credit Roll,” or something to that effect.

Speaking of the end, the ending definitely leaves the idea for sequels wide open.

“Dead of Night” is due to take a bite out of the box office Spring or Fall 2010.

Tex Murphy

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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #85 on: 02-11-2009, 23:25:27 »
Last night, I was able to attend the very first test screening of “Dead of Night,” starring Brandon Routh (of “Superman Returns”) as Dylan Dog and directed by Kevin Munroe (of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).

Već nakon prve rečenice čovjek ne zna dal da se smije il da plače.


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #86 on: 02-11-2009, 23:28:01 »
možda ti ne znaš.
zapravo, postoji samo JEDNA moguća reakcija.


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #87 on: 02-11-2009, 23:40:40 »
Preterano se odlaže prikazivanje tog filma. Bar će u Italiji krenuti u martu 2010.
Avatar je bezlichna, bezukusna kasha, potpuno prazna, prosechna i neupechatljiva...USM je zhivopisan, zabavan i originalan izdanak americhke pop kulture


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #88 on: 03-11-2009, 00:58:00 »
Verovatnoca da ovo bude pristojan film je veoma mala.
Verovatnoca da ovo bude pristojan Dylan Dog film je jos manja.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"

Tex Murphy

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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #89 on: 03-11-2009, 02:03:50 »
Hehe, ti si oduvijek bio optimista. Ja bih to ovako frazirao:

Verovatnoca da ovo bude pristojan film je nikakva.
Verovatnoca da ovo bude pristojan Dylan Dog film je jos manja.


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #90 on: 05-11-2009, 14:28:01 »
Prve recenzije koje se pojavljuju na IMDb forumu za Dead of Night su prilicno obeshrabrujuce... Mada mi nije jasno zasto vec prikazuju film test publici ako film treba da izadje tek sredinom iduce godine...
Dos'o Sveti Petar i kaze meni Djordje di je ovde put za Becej, ja mu kazem mani me se, on kaze: Pricaj ne's otici u raj!

Tex Murphy

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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #91 on: 05-11-2009, 14:54:24 »
Prve recenzije koje se pojavljuju na IMDb forumu za Dead of Night su prilicno obeshrabrujuce

Te recenzije mogu da obeshrabre samo nekog ko je bio ohrabren in the first place.

Mada mi nije jasno zasto vec prikazuju film test publici ako film treba da izadje tek sredinom iduce godine...

Da bi imali vremena da napišu novi scenario i ponovo snime film.


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #92 on: 05-11-2009, 16:48:08 »
Te recenzije mogu da obeshrabre samo nekog ko je bio ohrabren in the first place.

Pa sad, ja se uvek nadam najboljem.

Da bi imali vremena da napišu novi scenario i ponovo snime film.

Tja, zamisljam kako je recimo mogao da izgleda Constantine bez CGI-ja, sest meseci pre premijere, ... Prilicno lose siguran sam...
Dos'o Sveti Petar i kaze meni Djordje di je ovde put za Becej, ja mu kazem mani me se, on kaze: Pricaj ne's otici u raj!


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #93 on: 05-11-2009, 17:04:32 »
plakaćemo mi još za konstantinom kad izađe dilan! :(

džin tonik

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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #94 on: 05-11-2009, 21:39:49 »
Prve recenzije koje se pojavljuju na IMDb forumu za Dead of Night su prilicno obeshrabrujuce...

znaci ipak postoji nada!
bah, o cemu se pise, softie-film namijenjen curicama 13-14,5 god. kao fol baziran na softie-stripu namienjenom ljubiteljima trasha. sta je tu horor?


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #95 on: 01-05-2010, 19:23:11 »
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #96 on: 09-05-2010, 14:33:15 »
Director Kevin Munroe ask to Fans!

Hey Everyone.
Knowing how patient everyone has been over the past year, I’ll try to make these answers as informative as possible, as opposed to 3-word responses. We’ll see how this goes, knowing that it’s quite possible that the 3 word versions may be more humane on you all. For now… Enjoy and thanks for your patience.

How did you familiarize with the world of Dylan Dog, and when did you first heard about this comic-book?

I first heard about Dylan Dog when I was doing some development work at Dark Horse Entertainment (the TV/film division of Dark Horse Comics). At the time they had access to the property of Martin Mystery and I was developing it for a TV show that ultimately didn’t happen. But that’s when I was exposed to the Bonelli line up. And in it, I found a property called Dylan Dog that I thought looked really really cool. Found out they didn’t have any English translations, which just led to a big online search that brought up small fan groups. And all I remember was asking them if they had the rights to Dylan, and they said “no”. So cut to close to 10 years later, and I get a call from Platinum Studios and Hyde Park asking if I’ve ever heard of “Dylan Dog” as they had a script they wanted me to read. And I just smiled.

As far as familiarizing myself with the world, I read the English translations with the Mignola covers. Did a lot of online research to look at the background and history. And then probably the most helpful was just listening to one of our producers, Gioj De Marco (unquestionably the biggest fan I know of the series), speak so passionately about the character and the books that she grew up with in Italy from childhood. You can’t beat real enthusiasm as an inspiration to do a good job and understand the zeitgeist behind a property.

What is your favorite episode in the Dylan Dog comic book series?

My favorite book of the series is unfortunately picked from a limited selection as i have only “read” the 6 that were translated into English. I’ve looked at dozens more in Italian, but I’ve only read the 6 reprinted from Dark Horse. Of those, there was a tale with a lead female named Morgana that was my favorite – set in the world of zombies, but it was also very supernatural. It was a lot of fun and I thought really captured the tone of Dylan Dog. (again, from the 6 i could read) I really wanted to read more with Xabaras, but unfortunately was just relegated to reading issue synopses online or getting told the stories from Platinum’s Gioj DeMarco.

Maybe this question is old, but, is Dylan still English in film?

No, Dylan’s not English in the film. I can see it being crucial in a lot of ways (not just because that’s the mythology of the comic world), but in a lot of ways, Dylan’s character is very English in his dry wit, affectation, etc. But then once you see Brandon Routh embody that role, it feels that way in spirit, so I think we’re still being very truthful to the franchise in that respect. We didn’t get a wise-cracking, always-has-to-be-funny, off the wall character portrayal for Dylan. That to me would have been a much bigger infraction. As an example, I actually liked Keanu Reeves as John Constantine – he wasn’t blonde and wasn’t English, but he still was a great movie-version of that comic character. I think Brandon nailed the essence and the subtlety of Dylan. I’m proud of what he did.

As a sidebar, we also hint at Dylan’s international past in the movie. So I think the idea that he lived in London is still perfectly intact. New Orleans just happens to be where we find him now. I mean, if London is THAT much of a part of who he is as a character, then imagine what horrible event compelled him to leave? That’s a back-story I’d love to see in a sequel…

Will we see any sign of Dylan’s primary antagonist (and father) Xabaras, in the film?

We won’t see any sign of Xabaras in this film. But I wouldn’t rule it out at all for future installments. This movie is a much more personal introduction to Dylan and his recently haunted past as it happens in our New Orleans setting. But I would love to see the more Xabaras-themed storyline be introduced in coming sequels. We haven’t shied away from saying that Dylan has had an eclectic and international past (there’s even a Scotland Yard coffee mug on his desk if you look closely), so it would be great (at least in my opinion) to see that past catch up to him. Or to see Dylan return to his European stomping grounds in a sequel. Xabaras is a great character. But I think, in order to properly introduce Dylan to a mass audience who doesn’t know him yet, we had to focus on him as a character and the world he lives in. Dylan and Xabaras have such a past that I think it should be the focus of a whole new feature story… again, at least in my opinion.

Without jinxing the movie, let’s imagine the this film is successful and a sequel is ordered, and you decide to incorporate Dr. Xabaras. Knowing his character from the research you’ve done on DD, who would be your dream casting for the role?

Good question! For Dr. Xabaras, I think I would cast Hugh Laurie (the guy who is Dr. House on TV). I think he has a phenomenal villain character in him, with a wicked sense of humor. Almost like a young Vincent Price. Y’know, casting is always a funny thing.

I kind of look at casting like life – you think you can control it, you think have all the right answers, but somehow what’s supposed to happen happens… and it turns out that’s the way it should have always been from the start. And there are actors like Sam Huntington who were my first and only pick for his role, and there are others we found along the way. Or actors who found us. Or who we managed to pick up for a fun day of shooting.

How did you get involved in the project? An ad “seeking film director to tackle Italian comic adaptation with vampires, zombies, and werewolves”?

I got involved with the project very early in 2008. I had just left another project that I sunk a lot of work and passion into, but ultimately wasn’t going to be done the way it deserved. And then one morning I got a call from Patrick Aiello at Hyde Park saying they were producing this movie with Platinum Studios based off of this Italian comic book and asked if I wanted to read the script. I knew Dylan Dog and had read the 6 english translations years earlier and liked them a lot. I read the script and freaked out. It was everything I wanted to do in a live action film, and it was one of those moments when you read something and say “I know how to make this. I need to make this. “

So the next and big step was to meet with Scott Rosenberg and everyone at Platinum Studios.
[Click here to learn more...]

What is the balance between horror, humor, etc. in the film?

Great question. Balancing those elements are always rough. It’s like drawing eyes – the subtlest change in angle or line width can change the whole character of a face. Similarly, it’s the same thing with tone and genre. The hardest part is that I’m really drawn to mixing tones. Be it Lethal Weapon as a balance of action/comedy, Shaun of the Dead as a horror/comedy/action, whatever. It would be so much easier to just make a horror film. Or a straight comedy. Or action film. But I think Dylan Dog is great mix of them all. Mainly a suspenseful action movie that features horror film characters. (I seem to remember that being one of my main points when I was meeting about directing the movie) But like the Dylan Dog property, we treat the “monsters” as regular characters – some are good, some are bad, and most aren’t the “real” monster as we’ll see in the movie. And likewise with the comedy – there is a lot of it in there, but no character seems aware they’re being funny. And that’s when, I think, it works best. So when we were balancing these tones, my goal was to always keep it real and believable – keep the threats real, comedy unaware of itself and action (although big and comic book in style in some spots) adhere to its own believable logic.

Pop culture (well, mostly movies) references have a definite presence, in the comic-book series. Is there any of that in the film?

Yeah, there are a few references to other films/franchises/ideas in the film, as in the comics. The comics are a little different tho, as many of them are obvious homages to actual horror movies or icons. They can get away with it in the comics much easier, but it would come off like a bad Scary Movie installment in movie form. But that said, there are a few things that fans will get a kick out. As an example, there is a certain street name that should make fans smile.
Our last night of shooting was an exterior location, with Dylan speaking on a payphone. (naturally, as he’d never use a cell phone, being a technophobe to some degree) We fought long and hard to get this, as I thought it was more his character to do that, even though it would have been WAY easier to have him on a cell phone at… (fill in blank New Orleans location). So we found a great rural location… right next to a take-out Daiquiri Shop in New Orleans. (there are a ton there… but that’s a whole other post) And yes, that was totally on purpose. Anyway… when we finished the last shot, Brandon gave out wrap gifts to everyone on the crew from himself. And they were the new Dylan Dog collection that were printed last year. And he inscribed a personal note to every person on those covers. Hopefully not betraying any kind of confidence here, but that’s how nice and genuine of a guy he is.

Have you met Tiziano Sclavi, the comick book creator? Did he gave you any advice, and did he see the script?

I have never met Tiziano, and I’m not sure if he read the script. This script has existed for almost 10 years to the day when we started shooting. It’s been around for quite a while and has probably gone through many iterations with many different producers. But, as always is the case in Hollywood, we went back to the very first draft when we started developing the shooting script. I never read any of the other ones. Maybe Mr. Sclavi may have read one of them, but I’m not sure. And we have a great reference to him in the movie as well. While not as on-the-nose as having Stan Lee in the movie as a cameo… he has a cameo of another kind.

[The guy in the photo nexto to Tiziano, has to do with this special cameo]

The trailer is ready? When we see it?

There have been a few trailers over the past few months. Now the word “trailer” means a lot of different things in different venues. But the rumors are true that a few have been produced. We did a sneak peek one for Comicon, last year in San Diego. It was a mix of trailer-ish shots with behind-the-scenes footage of us making the movie, plus a snippet of a scene where Dylan and Marcus encounter one of the nastier creatures in the movie.

Then, as a lot of these films do, we have to do a couple more trailers for International Film Markets – namely Berlin Film Festival/Cannes, American Film Market, etc. These are places where, behind very closed doors, international buyers can see the film and decide if they want to pay to show the movie in their territory (i.e. Italy, France, England, wherever) This is how a lot of the financing of the movie is made. So that trailer is a much slicker production than the Comicon version, but it’s one of those trailers that gives away WAY too much – you see most of the creatures, the plot, a lot of gags, etc. But the reason for that is that these buyers need that info in order to make a decision to buy or not buy the movie.

But the big one that is still up in the air is the Theatrical Trailer – i.e. the one we’ll see before another movie in a theatre. That one is still under construction, and we’ll have to work with whatever studio gets the movie domestically here in the United States as well. And that decision will be coming very soon. We’re also working on one-sheets (Hollywood has a habit of creating their own lingo to feel special – you see, it’s too lame to call it a poster, so some movie exec decides to call it a “one sheet”. But yeah… it’s pretty much just a poster.) We had a lot of great on-set still photography when we were making the movie by this guy called David James – who does a TON of big movies. He left us with thousands of amazing photos to play with for the one sheet.


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #97 on: 09-05-2010, 14:33:29 »
So the answer?
Trailers: yes.
Theatrical domestic trailer:almost.
When: hopefully within a couple of months.

Will we see it online first or do you expect to show it at the theaters first as the feature upcoming promo?

Personally, I would love to see the trailer in theaters first (just the difference between a 15″ Macbook screen and seeing a kick-ass trailer on a 70 foot theater screen, y’know?), but I’m sure it’ll pop up online. If they (“they” being the people who get to make final decisions on this stuff) premiere it online, I think the thing I love most about that is that it would reward the fanbase first and foremost. Nothing against a general movie-going audience (they’ll be the thing that makes this movie a financial success and a better chance at a sequel), but the online fanbase has been what’s keeping this project (and me) going. And I think nothing would be cooler than giving that first glimpse there. And on top of that, I’ve had such great support from the main online sites on the project – IESB, CHUD, Shock, IGN, Bloody, etc. In fact, we had them all visit the set (I think a few of them had great set visit reports… or at least teases) and be in the movie as decaying and forgotten zombies trying to eat a dangling Sam Huntington above them. It was a lot of fun. And for that reason, I have such an allegiance to everyone online. Between the fans and great guys like that, you can’t go wrong.

Do you plan to be at Comic Con 2010 in July, having a booth or showing the movie clip, maybe even having cast there again?

As for Comicon, I know at least I’ll be there personally as I haven’t missed one in probably 16 years. As for the movie being there with me, I’m not sure. Again, that’s a producer/studio question. To put all this in context – we are just finishing color timing (where you play with the saturation, contrast, colors, etc of the film) and sound mixing. We should have the final film done at some point in May, with it being output to film stock, digital print, etc.

So in theory, come July, we’ll have had the final film for some time. If there wouldn’t be a sneak peak of it, I think it would be a major lost opportunity. I know that I would, as would all of the cast, enthusiastically be there with bells on if needed. We had a blast last year with the trailer teaser and signing posters with me, Brandon, Sam, Anita and Gil Adler. I’m sure they’ll get something going for it.

What are the differences in the marketing of Dylan Dog for the U.S. and European markets?

There hasn’t been much movement on American marketing of the movie, simply because there isn’t a studio attached yet. But I think that there are a lot of core similarities between the two campaigns whenever they get up and running. Dylan is a very marketable character and I imagine you couldn’t do anything without keying off of that first and foremost. I’m sure the monster/thriller/detective aspects will be prevalent in both. I hope that they play up the comic pedigree roots of the movie a lot in Europe. We worked hard to maintain that tone in everything from the visuals, humor, monsters and even music. I think American audiences will be introduced to it as a fun movie with a really charismatic cast and a great detective monster story. It’s always funny to see what different territories do with movies. I’ve had things that have been total action be marketed as pure comedies because that’s what “that” market needs. It can be a funny business.

The IMDB page lists a good dozen or so producers, exec prods, co-prods. Did you get pressure from everyone to make “their” idea of the film, or were you given free rein? Similarly, did you ever get a list of do’s and don’ts from the people at Bonelli?

Yeah, we are very producer friendly on Dylan Dog. The truth is, is that people get producer credits for a variety of reasons. Some are given them for literal reasons – “i am on set, producing this movie”. Others financial – “I am instrumental in bring XXX millions of dollars to the budget”. Others are varied – “I orchestrated bringing all the parties together” “they won’t pay me more money so I all I got was this credit” to “i own the property” or “I just work in the film commission where you shot the movie”. So to that end, yeah, it’s a pretty easy group to get along with, without compromising pretty much anything. To that end, I can have a healthy ego, but I have no problem putting it aside when it comes to making the movie better. And anytime we’ve adjusted stuff in script, on set or in post, it’s made this movie better at each stage.

What is your favorite horror film?

My favorite horror film is hard to pin down. American Werewolf in London, because it’s such a great combo of horror and dark comedy. The Exorcist, because I still get freaked out by it to this day. Dawn of the Dead (Romero original) because I love the juxtaposition of setting and story. Alien, because it’s still horror before it’s sci-fi to me. And the original Halloween because it’s even creepy during the day scenes.

Would you do Neil Gaiman’s Sandman if given a chance? Why?

I would do Sandman as a movie in a heartbeat. Tho, i’d be really curious to see how the script would turn out. That is such a huge universe. But I love Neil’s writing and how immersive his worlds can be without losing character. The Doll’s House storyline is great fun. On a sidenote, I’d probably want to do a movie of Death as well. She’s a fun character.

Vampires. werewolves and zombies we have seen a lot over there, who different/unique will be this monsters in Dead of Night?

Yeah, that’s been one of the challenges of this project. There are a lot of those movies out there. Rarely do we see all of them together, but there has to be something more to it than just that. I really wanted to showcase how one of these creatures could live in our world, undetected and protected. That’s a pretty unique approach to these creatures that I don’t see a lot in movies these days. Especially with our Zombie characters. But as far as unique type of characters, we have a couple of them. As a tease, both are played by Brian Steele. One is a cautionary tale about what happens when a Zombie who is trying to harmoniously live among humans starts eating human flesh.. it ain’t pretty. Ok, so that’s just a super-Zombie… not that new. But, Brian is also playing the Armageddon creature in our movie… the creature that is threatening to come back to life throughout the movie. And no one knows what creature race is trying to bring him back. Ok, so I might have just spoiled it… as if we cast Brian in the role, then we probably have him in the movie. Ergo, the creature comes to life… maybe I should stop now.

On a scale of 1-10 (low-hi), how tempting is it to use your powers as a director and use Brian Steele or another “suit guy” for late-night pranks?

I would give Brian a blank check to answer the door at Halloween at my house. So, yeah, a 10 on that scale. I’ll always remember how gentle and fun Brian was. And here is this imposing tall guy, dressed in a great monster suit by Drac Studios, standing probably 8 and a half feet from toe to tip of his horns while we were filming the big end battle. He’s roaring, tossing Brandon and/or his double all over this immense abandoned theatre, and then I yell “cut”, and he would look over and this small sweet voice would come out of this horrific creature – “how was that Kev?”. I could never get used to that. It’s like Freddie Kruger sounding like Mr. Rogers or something.

How many Kevins can Kurt Angle bench press?

Kurt could probably preacher curl about 6 of me if he wanted. Kurt’s a really nice guy. It’s funny as we’ve probably called on him a number of times to come back for ADR, or whatever and he’s made his crazy schedule work each time without hesitation. So I call him “sir” mainly for that reason… and because he could totally kick my ass.

When will the new website be open?

As for the website, I know it’s still being worked on. In addition to all the cool ramp-up things that I’ll know will start to be put up there, there will be something very cool for fans. Somewhat of a coup, in my opinion. We’re all really excited about it here.

Bonus Question: In the comic-book series, Dylan use his classic exclamation "Dancing Judas!". Will it in the movie too?

We tried a couple of takes during shooting, but in the final cutting it just never seemed to work, but we will try to make it work in future installments (if we get the chance, right)!


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #98 on: 05-08-2010, 10:22:45 »
Nekoć si bio punk, sad si Štefan Frank.


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Re: Dylan Dog movie
« Reply #99 on: 05-08-2010, 11:08:09 »
Mogli su da nas počaste i punim trejlerom.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"