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« Reply #1000 on: 16-04-2010, 12:06:49 »
Aman, ljudi, pa radi li neko ovde sem mene? Novi sf roman - a niko da javi.

RUGOBE - Skot Vesterfeld

U svetu izuzetne lepote svako normalan je rugoba.

Tali uskoro treba da napuni šesnaest godina i ne može to da dočeka, ali ne zbog vozačke dozvole – već da bi se prolepšala. U Talinom svetu, sa šesnaest godina odlaziš na operaciju koja te od ogavne rugobe pretvara u zanosnu lepoticu, posle čega se lansiraš u raj visoke tehnologije, s jednim jedinim zadatkom – da se odlično provodiš. Tali od toga deli svega nekoliko nedelja.

Međutim, Talina nova drugarica Šaj ne želi da postane lepa. Ona bi radije okušala život izvan grada. Pošto Šaj pobegne, Tali otkriva potpuno novu stranu sveta lepih ljudi – a ona nije ni najmanje lepa. Vlasti stavljaju Tali pred najgori mogući izbor: ili će pronaći drugaricu i prijaviti je ili nikad neće postati lepa.

Odluka koju bude donela zauvek će joj promeniti život.

Svako može postati očaravajući supermodel. Šta tu nije u redu?
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« Reply #1001 on: 16-04-2010, 23:37:57 »
Izgleda da nismo stavili sličicu za ovo, mada se meni sve čini da jesmo:


„Sveža, originalna i očaravajuća priča iz pera pisca koji istinski obećava.“
Džordž R. R. Martin

Ljudi pričaju da je Trn Kamora nepobediv u borbi. Pričaju da krade od bogatih i daje siromašnima. Kažu da je delom čovek, delom legenda, a uglavnom ulična glasina. I u svemu greše. Tek prosečne visine, mršav i prilično nevešt s mačem, Lok Lamora je čuveni Trn, a njegovo najopasnije oružje su pamet i lukavstvo. On krade od bogatih – samo od njih i vredi krasti – ali siromašni neka idu i kradu sami za sebe. Ono što Lok uspe da na prevaru dobije pripada isključivo njemu i njegovoj družini prevaranata i lopova: Gospodstvenim nitkovima. Kamor je njihov grad. Sagradila ga je od prastakla rasa koju niko ne pamti; to je grad pokretnih praznika, prljavih kanala, baroknih palata i prepunih grobalja. Dom je plemićima, trgovcima, vojnicima, prosjacima, bogaljima i divljoj uličnoj deci. Kao i kapa Barsaviju, kriminalnom geniju koji gradom vlada. Međutim, pronose se šapati da je kapi stigao izazov. Izazov od čoveka koga niko nikada nije video, čoveka kome nijedno oružje ne može ništa. Sivi Kralj dolazi. Nikome ne bi bilo pametno da se nađe između kapa Barsavija i Sivog Kralja. Čak ni takvom smrtonosnom mačevaocu kao što je Trn Kamora. A tek Loku Lamori...

„Visokooktanska fantastika. Veliki, vratoloman i urnebesan roman.“
Ričard Martin
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« Reply #1002 on: 17-04-2010, 00:27:08 »
The King of the Crags by Stephen Deas

Prince Jehal has murdered, poisoned and betrayed his way to the top. There is a new speaker for the realms, his opposition has been crushed, now he just has to enjoy the fruits of power. And yet ...He feels more for the wife he married for power than perhaps he should and his lover knows it. And out in the realms those loyal to the old regime are still plotting. and there are rumours that the Red Riders, heralds of revolution and doom are on the ride. And still no-one has found the famous white dragon. The dragon that, if it lived, will have long since recovered from the effects of the alchemical liquid fed to the dragons of the realms to keep them docile, to block their memories of a time when they ruled and the world burned ...Stephen Deas has created an epic world, vivid characters, a plot full of betrayals and the most awesome dragons fantasy has seen.
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« Reply #1003 on: 17-04-2010, 01:06:36 »
Sve same Skotove objavljuju :)
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1004 on: 17-04-2010, 01:21:53 »
Sve same Skotove objavljuju :)

Ma ovaj zadnji je Stiven...ali ko zna, možda je i on SKOT?  :idea:


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« Reply #1005 on: 17-04-2010, 12:57:55 »
Stigla prva (i mala) pošiljka BRAZILa Ijana Mekdonalda od Paladina.

MP cena 850, u Tardisu 750 dok traju zalihe  ;)
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1006 on: 18-04-2010, 20:29:37 »
Ovo je objavljeno. Za nas zanimljivo i po tome što je pisac član GRRMovog kružoka.

Bitter Seeds by Ian Tregillis

It’s 1939. The Nazis have supermen, the British have demons, and one perfectly normal man gets caught in between

Raybould Marsh is a British secret agent in the early days of the Second World War, haunted by something strange he saw on a mission during the Spanish Civil War: a German woman with wires going into her head who looked at him as if she knew him.

When the Nazis start running missions with people who have unnatural abilities—a woman who can turn invisible, a man who can walk through walls, and the woman Marsh saw in Spain who can use her knowledge of the future to twist the present—Marsh is the man who has to face them. He rallies the secret warlocks of Britain to hold the impending invasion at bay. But magic always exacts a price. Eventually, the sacrifice necessary to defeat the enemy will be as terrible as outright loss would be.

Alan Furst meets Alan Moore in the opening of an epic of supernatural alternate history, the tale of a twentieth century like ours and also profoundly different.
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« Reply #1007 on: 18-04-2010, 20:51:08 »
Orbit, the Science Fiction and Fantasy imprint of Hachette Book Group, announces a digital short fiction publishing program launching later this year.

Orbit (US) has offered to publish digital editions of all original short fiction written by its authors. The digital editions will be distributed widely through major retail channels, for reading on a variety of devices. Authors will be paid a royalty for each story sold, rather than the flat fee more common in the short story market.

Tim Holman, Orbit VP & Publisher, said: “We know that writing short fiction is important for many of our authors. By offering to publish their short fiction – and to publish it quickly – we will be providing a new way for them to connect with readers. The initial response from our authors has been great, and we are looking forward to launching the first stories later this year.”

Maja Thomas, SVP Hachette Digital, said: “Publishing timely and well-priced short fiction has long been one of HBG’s goals. The digital reading revolution and the proliferation of new devices and mobile platforms now make this possible.”
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« Reply #1008 on: 20-04-2010, 09:56:30 »
Hell Fire (Corine Solomon, Book 2) by Ann Aguirre

This riveting sequel to 2009's Blue Diablo blends conspiracy theories and magic. Corine Solomon may seem flighty, but nothing will dissuade her from solving the mystery of her mother's death. That means a trip back home to Kilmer, Ga., with her old flame, Chance, who hopes to rekindle their former relationship. It's clear from the start that something is rotten in the town of Kilmer, which is shadowed by a dark spot on the astral plane. Chance's supernatural luck is on the blink, while Corine's psychic powers are growing uncontrollably. Luckily, Corine's mentor and sometime love interest, empath Jesse Saldana, and teen necromancer Shannon are more than willing to help uncover the town's secrets. Full of well-drawn characters, a nearly tangible setting, and the threat of death around every corner, this spine-chilling paranormal mystery is sure to keep readers turning pages—and glancing over their shoulders.

Cthulhu's Reign by Darrell Schweitzer

All original stories about the return of Cthulhu and the Old Ones to Earth.

Some of the darkest hints in all of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos relate to what will happen after the Old Ones return and take over the earth. What happens when Cthulhu is unleashed upon the world? What happens when the other Old Ones, long since banished from our universe, break through and descend from the stars? What would the reign of Cthulhu be like on a totally transformed planet where mankind is no longer the master? Find out in these exciting, brand-new stories.
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« Reply #1009 on: 20-04-2010, 13:23:08 »
Cthulhu's Reign by Darrell Schweitzer

Video sam pre neki dan i spisak 11 atuora, ali se nisam nesto uzbudio, pa nisam ni preneo obavijest. Inace, moze se naci i intervju sa svih 11 povodom ove knjige.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1010 on: 20-04-2010, 13:59:55 »
Jesi li primetio da je april nešto mršav s novim naslovima? Čini mi se da je objavljeno svega desetak novih naslova. A mart je bio baš bogat.
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« Reply #1011 on: 20-04-2010, 14:08:59 »
Pa ovako, objavljeno je/bice do kraja meseca stotinak novih naslova ali jedva da je 15 iole zanimljivo. Ali ne mogu da kukam na mesec sa novim Key-em i Wolfe-om. Maj, u svakom slucaju, vise obecava.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1012 on: 20-04-2010, 14:20:10 »
Ma da, to sam mislio - desetak zanimljivih knjiga. I ja sam dobio novog Vebera, mada sam se strašno razočarao. Čini mi se da je mart bio mnogo bolji.
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« Reply #1013 on: 21-04-2010, 09:06:05 »
At the Gates of Darkness by Raymond E. Feist


    Ten years after the terrible Darkwar finally ended, catastrophe once again threatens to engulf Midkemia and Kelewan, as the demon hordes continue their relentless quest to infiltrate this realm of magic and wonder. . . .

    At the Gates of Darkness
    Book Two of the Demonwar Saga

To protect their world from the savage demon hordes, the Black Sorcerer Pug and Midkemia's clandestine protectors, the Conclave of Shadows, forged an uneasy alliance of formidable magical talents. Together, this brave band of wizards, demon masters, warriors, and elves defeated the brutal Demon King Maarg and turned back the onrushing death tide.

But Maarg's fall has not stopped the demonic onslaught, and danger now looms greater than ever before. Amid the barren ridges of the Valley of Lost Men, in the shadows of an ancient Keshian fortress, the fearsome demon Dahun and the mad necromancer Belasco have joined forces, creating an unstoppable union of deathly black magics that even Pug and a united Conclave may not be strong enough to withstand.

Battling the Demon Legion has taken a heavy blood toll on the valiant and dedicated magician, claiming the lives of nearly all those he loves. Though he is racked by despair and rage, Pug knows that the time for mourning must wait. Putting aside his pain, he and the Conclave and their allies—the cold-blooded master spy Jim Dasher; the fearsome young Knight-Adamant Sandreena; her former lover the necromancer Amirantha; two renegade Star Elves; and Pug's surviving son, Magnus—must marshal their resources against this latest threat. None can forget the dozens of worlds overrun by the demon plague and the millions of dead left behind in their wake. At the gates of darkness, where shadows hide even deeper shadows, these magical defenders will face what is sure to be the bloodiest, nastiest fight their land has ever seen. And as evil, mayhem, and dark magic are unleashed, none can predict if they—and Midkemia itself—will survive.
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« Reply #1014 on: 21-04-2010, 09:44:17 »
U oktobru je objavljen nastavak "Autostoperskog vodiča". Reč je o romanu And Another Thing... koji je napisao Oin Kolfer, Irac poznat po serijalu o Artemisu Faulu.
el zna neko kako je prosao kod kritike? ja sam izdrzao dva poglavlja, skocio na kraj, i bacio knjigu. faca koju sam nacinio nakon toga se ne moze opisati recima  xuss


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« Reply #1015 on: 21-04-2010, 23:17:23 »
Goran Skrobonja ga je preveo za "Lagunu" i kaže da je prilično duhovit. Što se mene tiče, premda volim Kolfera, ne verujem da ću čitati taj nastavak.
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« Reply #1016 on: 22-04-2010, 11:11:06 »
The Gaslight Dogs by Karin Lowachee

At the edge of the known world, an ancient nomadic tribe faces a new enemy-an Empire fueled by technology and war.

A young spiritwalker of the Aniw and a captain in the Ciracusan army find themselves unexpectedly thrown together. The Aniw girl, taken prisoner from her people, must teach the reluctant soldier a forbidden talent - one that may turn the tide of the war and will surely forever brand him an outcast.

From the rippling curtains of light in an Arctic sky, to the gaslit cobbled streets of the city, war is coming to the frozen north. Two people have a choice that will decide the fates of nations - and may cast them into a darkness that threatens to bring destruction to both their peoples.

The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong

My name is Chloe Saunders. I'm fifteen, and I would love to be normal.

But normal is one thing I'm not.

For one thing, I'm having these feelings for a certain antisocial werewolf and his sweet-tempered brother—who just happens to be a sorcerer—but, between you and me, I'm leaning toward the werewolf.

Not normal.

My friends and I are also on the run from an evil corporation that wants to get rid of us—permanently.

Definitely not normal.

And finally, I'm a genetically altered necro-mancer who can raise the dead, rotting corpses and all, without even trying.

As far away from normal as it gets.

Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay

Inspired by the glory of Tang Dynasty China in the eighth century, Guy Gavriel Kay melds history and the fantastic into something both powerful and emotionally compelling. Under Heaven is a novel on the grandest narrative scale, encompassing the intimate details of individual lives in an unforgettable time and place.

Shen Tai is the son of a general who led the forces of imperial Kitai in that empire's last war against their western enemies from Tagur, twenty years before. Forty thousand men on both sides were slain beside a remote mountain lake. General Shen Gao himself has died recently. To honour his father's memory, Tai has spent two years of official mourning alone at the battle site among the ghosts of the dead, laying to rest their unburied bones.

One spring morning, he learns that others have taken note of his vigil. The White Jade Princess in Tagur is pleased to present him with two hundred and fifty Sardian horses, given, she writes, in recognition of his courage, and honour done to the dead.

You gave a man one of the famed Sardians to reward him greatly. You gave him four or five to exalt him above his fellows, and earn him jealousy, possibly mortal. Two hundred and fifty is an unthinkable gift, a gift to overwhelm an emperor.

Tai starts east towards the glittering, dangerous imperial capital and gathers his wits for a return from solitude by a mountain lake to his own forever-altered life.
About the Author
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« Reply #1017 on: 22-04-2010, 15:26:51 »
Konačno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEdva čekam ARC!

Cryoburn by  Lois M. Bujold

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« Reply #1018 on: 22-04-2010, 15:39:15 »
Goran Skrobonja ga je preveo za "Lagunu" i kaže da je prilično duhovit.
verovatno pod ugovorom ne sme da govori istinu lol.


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« Reply #1019 on: 22-04-2010, 15:54:48 »
Ne bih znao. U mojim ugovorima nema takve klauzule. S druge strane, nisam siguran da je Kolfer dovoljno lud ili kreativan da nastavi Adamsa. Šta znam. Ne verujem da ću čitati ni original ni prevod, ali verujem da će knjiga imati svoju publiku.
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« Reply #1020 on: 23-04-2010, 10:53:07 »
pa napisao sam lol sto je znacilo da se zajebavam. uostalom, nikad nisam voleo skrobonjine pulene previse (ni kinga ni simonsa, a za mcdonalda cemo videti)


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« Reply #1021 on: 24-04-2010, 11:28:02 »
A Forthcoming Wizard by Jody Lynn Nye

In this middling sequel to 2007's An Unexpected Apprentice, smallfolk (read: hobbit) heroine Tildi Summerbee now has charge of the Great Book, whose Runes manipulate the Runes borne by every being or object in the world. When a young Knight dies after changing his personal Rune, she begins to understand the power she possesses. Tildi's protector, Abbess Sharhava, wants the book; so does the powerful and unscrupulous Knemet the Maker. Aided faithfully by the centaur Rin and a group of other friends, Tildi struggles to protect herself and find the honorable path. The story begins slowly as a great deal of background is packed in, but once the captures and chases begin, the pace picks up. Tildi's fans will find that the second book is more inventive, though dulled by pedestrian prose and cliché.
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« Reply #1022 on: 24-04-2010, 11:30:20 »
Keeper of Dreams by Orson Scott Card

Multiple Hugo- and Nebula-winner Card offers short, revealing commentaries on these 22 compelling short stories, novelettes, and novellas, noting that short work has inspired some of his best and best-known long fiction. These short science fiction, fantasy and literary stories, along with a handful of Hatrack River tales (related to the Alvin Maker series) and four stories written by a Mormon, about Mormon culture, for Mormon readers, illustrate Card's fascination with complex child protagonists, touchingly portrayed in Inventing Lovers on the Phone; absorption with moral dilemmas, wrapped up in family love and tensions in Worthy to Be One of Us; and new views of old traditions, familiar and discomfiting in Homeless in Hell and Christmas at Helaman's House. Card intended several of the included stories, like the powerful In the Dragon's House, to open novels not yet written, but even on their own they provide significant examples of his perennial themes: morality, salvation and redemption.
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« Reply #1023 on: 25-04-2010, 11:19:10 »
Starcraft II: Heaven's Devils by William C Dietz

For the poor, hardworking citizens of the Confederacy's fringe worlds, the Guild Wars have exacted a huge toll. Swayed by the promise of financial rewards, a new batch of recruits joins the fight alongside a slew of mysteriously docile criminals -- and a few dubious military leaders. Eighteen-year-old Jim Raynor, full of testosterone and eager to make things right at home, ships off to boot camp and finds his footing on the battlefield, but he soon discovers that the official mission is not what he's really fighting for.

For the first time ever, StarCraft enthusiasts will learn the origins of the enduring friendship between the young upstart Jim Raynor and the streetwise soldier Tychus Findlay. Watch as they battle on the front lines of a fierce interplanetary war and bear witness to the Confederacy's rank corruption -- corruption so reprehensible that it rains immeasurable death and destruction upon the government's own people.
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« Reply #1024 on: 25-04-2010, 11:53:46 »
^kakva mešavina panišera, gigera i masažera na naslovnici  :|


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« Reply #1025 on: 26-04-2010, 23:25:21 »
Black Blade Blues by J. A. Pitts

Pitts brings Norse mythology into the modern world in this amusing debut. Blacksmith, props master, and semicloseted ex-Christian lesbian Sarah Beauhall is struggling to master her craft, push aside her self-loathing, and make time for her girlfriend. Unfortunately for Sarah, not only is her favorite sword actually Gram, the fabled blade that once slew the dragon Fafnir, but an affably evil shape-shifting dragon and the semisenile Corpse Gnawer are coming to take it from her. Sarah soon finds her romantic life in shambles and her jobs under siege as she struggles to comprehend the responsibility that she has been handed. The final battle is twice as long as it should be and some of the coincidences are painfully contrived, but there's enough entertainment and romantic tension to keep readers interested in the planned sequels.
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« Reply #1026 on: 27-04-2010, 14:10:24 »
Feed by Seanan McGuire

Urban fantasist Seanan McGuire (Rosemary and Rue) picks up a new pen name for this gripping, thrilling, and brutal depiction of a postapocalyptic 2039. Twin bloggers Georgia and Shaun Mason and their colleague Buffy are thrilled when Sen. Peter Ryman, the first presidential candidate to come of age since social media saved the world from a virus that reanimates the dead, invites them to cover his campaign. Then an event is attacked by zombies, and Ryman's daughter is killed. As the bloggers wield the newfound power of new media, they tangle with the CDC, a scheming vice presidential candidate, and mysterious conspirators who want more than the Oval Office. Shunning misogynistic horror tropes in favor of genuine drama and pure creepiness, McGuire has crafted a masterpiece of suspense with engaging, appealing characters who conduct a soul-shredding examination of what's true and what's reported.

The year was 2014. We had cured cancer. We had beat the common cold. But in doing so we created something new, something terrible that no one could stop. The infection spread, virus blocks taking over bodies and minds with one, unstoppable command: FEED.

NOW, twenty years after the Rising, Georgia and Shaun Mason are on the trail of the biggest story of their lives-the dark conspiracy behind the infected. The truth will out, even if it kills them.
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« Reply #1027 on: 27-04-2010, 22:32:31 »
rodio se mis...

Canadian author Peter Watts, found guilty of resisting a US Customs and Border Protection officer, has been sentenced to a 60-day jail term which will be suspended after payment of court assessments: $1,000 court costs, $500 worth of fines, and other fees. Watts initially feared a harsher sentence; the prosecutor recommended 180 days in jail with 60 days suspended after payment of $1,600 in fines and fees. Now Watts will not serve jail time. However, due to his felony conviction, he will be unable to travel to the United States.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1028 on: 28-04-2010, 09:28:14 »
Veri gud!
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1029 on: 30-04-2010, 17:43:54 »
Tales of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong

New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong has bewitched audiences with her Otherworld series of supernatural thrillers. Now, in this new collection of shorter fiction, some of Armstrong’s most tantalizing lead characters appear alongside her unforgettable supporting players, who step out of the shadows and into the light.
Have you ever wondered how lone wolf Clayton Danvers finally got bitten by the last thing he ever expected: love? Or how the hot-blooded bad-girl witch Eve Levine managed to ensnare the cold, ruthless corporate sorcerer Kristof Nast in one of the Otherworld’s most unlikely pairings? Would you like to be a fly on the wall at the wedding of Lucas Cortez and Paige Winterbourne as their eminently practical plans are upended by their well-meaning friends? Or tag along with Lucas and Paige as they investigate a gruesome crime that looks to be the work of a rogue vampire?
Now devotees of the Otherworld can share these special moments with some of their favorite characters—as well as discovering deeper insights into the lives of some of the lesser-known players. But even readers new to the
Otherworld universe will find much to love in these seven tales of friendship, adventure, and enduring romance. For when the superhuman men and women of the Otherworld set their minds to a task, they do so with fierce passion and an undivided sense of purpose that make them, in the end, very much human.
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« Reply #1030 on: 01-05-2010, 10:38:59 »
The Sweet Scent of Blood by Suzanne McLeod

Genevieve Taylor is a Sidhe, one of the noble fae, and she's unusual, even in present-day London where celebrity vampires, eccentric goblins and scheming lesser fae mix freely with the human population. Genny is a rising star at, where she finds the M' in magic - and that invariably leads to mischief, malice and - too often - murder. is affiliated to the Witch Council, whose ancient tenets prohibit any contact with vampires. Genny also works as a volunteer at a clinic which treats victims of vampire attacks. Then there's her extra-curricular activity, extracting vulnerable fae lured by the local fang gangs. Genny certainly doesn't wants any closer involvement with the vampire community. But when Mr October, one of the hot calendar pin-up vamps, is accused of violently murdering his girlfriend, Genny's called on to repay an old debt and prove his innocence. And that means consorting with some of the sexiest vamps in London! THE SWEET SCENT OF BLOOD is the first book of SPELLCRACKERS.COM, a sexy, sassy new series guaranteed to spice up your reading life!
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« Reply #1031 on: 02-05-2010, 13:51:59 »
Ghosts &  Echoes by Lyn Benedict

Chicago cop Adam Wright has picked up a spiritual hitchhiker, the ghost of a dead man who desperately wants to live again. So he turns to supernatural P.I. Sylvie Lightner to rid him of the spirit-a spirit she finds strangely familiar.

Hard Magic by Laura Anne Gilman

Spinning off a minor character from the Retrievers books (Staying Dead, etc.), Gilman launches an entertaining new series set in her Cosa Nostradamus world of magic-using Talented humans. Following up on a mysterious job lead, college grad Bonita Torres joins the Private Unaffiliated Paranormal Investigations (PUPI), a freelance CSI-style unit for Talent-related crimes. The puppies refine and practice spells until they get their first big case: an apparent double suicide. As they follow the evidence, trail and interrogate suspects, and defend themselves against attacks, the investigators develop comfortable and engaging team dynamics and create the field of forensic magic. Gilman's deft plotting and first-class characters complement her agile blend of science and spell craft, and readers will love the Mythbusters-style fun of smart, sassy people solving mysteries through experimentation, failure, and blowing stuff up.

Welcome to P.U.P.I.—Private, Unaffiliated, Paranormal Investigations

A handpicked team trained to solve crimes the regular police can't touch—crimes of magic.

My name's Bonnie Torres. Recent college grad, magic user and severely unemployed. Until I got a call out of nowhere to interview for a job I hadn't applied for. It smelled fishy, but the brutal truth was I needed the work—so off I went.

Two days later I'm a PUPI—me and Nick, Sharon, Nifty and Pietr. Five twentysomethings, thrown into an entirely new career in forensic magic.

The first job we get is a doozy: proving that the deaths of two Talents were murder, not suicide. Worse, there are high-profile people who want us to close up shop and go away. We're sniffing out things they'd rather keep buried.

Looks as if this job is gonna get interesting. The only problem is, we're making it up as we go along….
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« Reply #1032 on: 02-05-2010, 13:58:37 »
Ovo mi izgleda zanimljivo, a potpuno sam slučajno otkrio da postoji...

Tears of the Chosen: The Elf Hypothesis

First Book in the Tears of the Chosen Trilogy.  In a future time, humans struggled under the oppressive rule of the elves.  The ultimate war of man's technology versus the magic of the elves has left planets desolate and destroyed.  Only a scattered remnant of the human race remained.  With a hope for peace and a cry for help, they waited.  The story begins with Jai, a young Resident anxious to join the fight after his father is killed in battle.  In his rush to grow up, Jai realizes that he isn't as ready as he thought.  He is suddenly swallowed up by the vastness of a universe at war with fighting on all sides.  Through the chaos he finds friends in unexpected places and realizes he's not alone.
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« Reply #1033 on: 04-05-2010, 17:32:03 »
Hunted By The Others by Jess Haines

aines's mediocre debut rounds up the usual urban fantasy suspects and locks them into a plodding PI story. Shiarra Waynest runs a detective agency in an alternate New York where werewolves, vampires, and magi came out in the aftermath of 9/11. She and her wealthy, clever partner–in–crime solving, Sara, usually steer clear of Others, but financial troubles have forced them to take on a case for a mage who wants an artifact currently held by sexy, ancient vampire businessman Alec Royce. With two other good-looking men—cute, geeky mage Arnold and Shiarra's werewolf ex-boyfriend, Chaz—along for the ride, things keep looking like they should heat up, but Shiarra's nonexistent detecting skills and general preference for flailing panic over careful thought keep the plot from ever catching fire or even giving off sparks.

They are the Others--the vampires, mages, and werewolves once thought to exist only in our imaginations. Now they're stepping out of the shadows, and nothing in our world will ever be the same again. . .

In A Town Like This, Being A P.I. Can Be Murder

Shiarra Waynest's detective work was dangerous enough when her client base was strictly mortal. But ailing finances have forced her to accept a lucrative case that could save her firm--if it doesn't kill her first. Shiarra has signed on to work for a high-level mage to recover an ancient artifact owned by one of New York's most powerful vampires.

As soon as Shiarra meets sexy, mesmerizing vamp Alec Royce, she knows her assignment is even more complicated than she thought. With a clandestine anti-Other group trying to recruit her, and magi being eliminated, Shiarra needs back-up and enlists her ex-boyfriend--a werewolf whose non-furry form is disarmingly appealing--and a nerdy mage with surprising talents. But it may not be enough. In a city where the undead roam, magic rules, and even the Others aren't always what they seem, Shiarra has just become the secret weapon in a battle between good and evil--whether she likes it or not. . .
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« Reply #1034 on: 04-05-2010, 17:33:56 »
A Taint in the Blood by S. M. Stirling

Stirling (The Sword of the Lady) launches a new series with a messy and unappetizing mix of well-worn monster tropes and excessive sexual violence. The ancient, powerful, and sociopathic Shadowspawn have always lived among (and interbred with) humans. When Adrian Brézé, the one Shadowspawn capable of resisting his violent urges, discovers that his ex, Ellen, has been kidnapped by his evil twin sister, Adrienne, he begins a war against his own kind. Adrienne repeatedly rapes Ellen, who endures using psychological techniques she developed during childhood abuse, as she prepares her own political machinations. Stirling hits just about every cliché, from the grizzled vampire hunter and mentor to Adrienne's pathologically devoted servants (who call themselves lucies and renfields). Stirling's prose is competent, but there's nothing new in his story, and few readers will have the stomach for the over-the-top sadism.

Though apparently human, Adrian Breze belongs to the ancient species Homo Lupens--also known as Shadowspawn--the elder race whose existence gave rise to the legends of supernatural creatures. When his sister, a passionate believer in the supremacy of their kind, threatens Adrian's human lover, he must once again become embroiled in the intrigues and dangers of a hidden war against humankind.
VERDICT: The author of the popular "Change" novels (Dies the Fire, The Protector's War) begins a new urban fantasy series featuring a variant version of werewolves, bringing to it an extraordinary eye for detail and a feel for characterizations. Some graphic scenes of sex and violence, both typical of the genre, make this suitable for mature readers.
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« Reply #1035 on: 08-05-2010, 15:03:09 »
Blood Oath by Christopher Farnsworth

This action-filled debut by scriptwriter Farnsworth reads like a cross between P.N. Elrod's historical vampire adventures and Thomas Greanias's conspiracy thrillers. Nathaniel Cade, the president's vampire, swore to fight on the side of President Andrew Jackson and all his successors. In the present day, Zach Barrows, a rising political star caught canoodling with the president's daughter, suddenly finds himself training to be Cade's handler after tough, wise special agent William Griffin retires. As they try to stop Cade's old nemesis, Dr. Johann Konrad, from creating an army of Frankensteinian monster soldiers, they uncover a deeper government conspiracy. Entertainingly plausible historical documents at the beginning of each chapter and a sense that this fight is just a skirmish in a larger war help elevate the book above its sometimes bland characters and their predictable motivations.

"Christopher Farnsworth's taut thriller Blood Oath is an irresistible page-turner.... A complex and unnervingly realistic tale in which vampire Nathaniel Cade is far less of a monster than his human colleagues at the CIA and FBI. Dazzlingly clever."
-The Washington Post

"Blood Oath is exactly how I like my Presidential thrillers. With vampires."
-Brad Meltzer, author of The Book of Fate

"Blood Oath is the vampire novel that finally gets it right. Christopher Farnsworth has done his homework in places where most writers wouldn't even know to look-and the result is a rollicking tale of the supernatural grounded in some of the true oddities of American history. If Dan Brown wrote a vampire thriller, this would be it."
-Mitch Horowitz, author of Occult America

"As someone who thinks Stoker's Dracula has never been bettered, and who would happily stick a stake through the heart of most modern vampire fiction, it almost pains me to say how much I enjoyed Blood Oath. Witty, exciting, and compulsively readable, with a central character who seems destined to become a favorite of both skeptics and true blood believers, this may just be the best debut vampire novel in many years."
-John Connolly, author of The Lovers
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« Reply #1036 on: 09-05-2010, 09:58:24 »
A Book of Tongues Volume 1 (The Hexslinger Series) by Gemma Files

A Pinkerton detective infiltrates a Wild West gang led by a spell-casting preacher in this boundary-busting horror–fantasy debut. Agent Ed Morrow is dispatched by a professor of magical research to evaluate the hexslinging abilities of Rev. Asher Rook, a renegade chaplain who survived his own hanging, and his lover, the prickly sharpshooter Chess Pargeter. As Morrow becomes part of the gang, the Aztec goddess Ixchel slowly seduces Rook into a bloody ritual marriage that endangers Pargeter and leads their followers down a road to hell. Files smoothly weaves an unusual magic system, Aztec mythology, and a raunchily explicit gay love story into a classic western tale of outlaws and revenge. Though it grows somewhat cumbersome in the leadup to a cliffhanger that demands resolution in the planned sequel, this promising debut fully delivers both sizzling passions and dark chills.

Up Jim River by Michael Flynn

Hugo Award finalist and Robert A. Heinlein Award-winning SF writer Michael Flynn returns to space opera with Up Jim River. There is a river on Dangchao Waypoint, a small world out beyond Die Bold. It is a longish river as such things go, with a multitude of bayous and rapids and waterfalls, and it runs through many a strange and hostile country. Going up it, you can lose everything.

Going up it, you can find anything. The Hound Bridget ban has vanished and her employer, the Kennel (the mysterious superspy agency of the League) has given up the search. But her daughter, the harper Mearana, has not. She enlists the scarred man, Donovan, to aid her in her search. With the reluctant assent and financial aid of the Kennel, they set forth. Bridget ban was following hints of an artifact that would “protect the League from the Confederacy for aye.” Mearana is eager to follow that trail, but Donovan is reluctant, because whatever is at the end of it made a Hound disappear. What it would do to a harper and a drunk is far too easy to imagine.

Donovan’s mind had been shattered by Those of Name, the rulers of the Confederacy, and no fewer than seven quarreling personalities now inhabit his skull. How can he hope to see her through safely? Together, they follow Bridget ban’s trail to the raw worlds of the frontier, edging ever closer to the uncivilized and barbarian planets of the Wild.
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« Reply #1037 on: 12-05-2010, 23:23:15 »
Digital Domains: A Decade of Science Fiction & Fantasy by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link, Kim Newman, and Jeffrey Ford

A girl who eats dreams, a woman who chooses the apes, and a barbarian hero rendered as a collage. These are just a few of the people readers first met online thanks to the explosion of Webzines. Ellen Datlow, editor of Omni Online, Event Horizon, and SciFiction, led the charge into the brave new world of science fiction. Digital Domains collects some of the best, and most controversial, works in print - well, except for your home printer - for the first time.
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« Reply #1038 on: 13-05-2010, 13:41:06 »
The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett

In keeping with the recent trend of starting in the thick of the action, this sequel to 2009's The Warded Man picks up in the heat of Jardir's conquest of the greenlands. This choice may pull in new readers but risks alienating returning ones, since series hero Arlen Bales doesn't even appear until midbook. Jardir, who seemed to mostly be a villain in the first book, is made more sympathetic through a flashback to his childhood warrior training and the machinations of his psychically gifted chief wife, Inevera, who seems part Bene Gesserit and part Lady Macbeth as she plots his rise to power. Romantic entanglements occupy much of the book and lead to an abrupt conclusion that would benefit from a gentler epilogue, but is sure to leave fans on tenterhooks waiting for the last installment.

The sun is setting on humanity. The night now belongs to voracious demons that arise as the sun sets, preying upon a dwindling population forced to cower behind ancient and half-forgotten symbols of power. These wards alone can keep the demons at bay, but legends tell of a Deliverer: a general—some would say prophet—who once bound all mankind into a single force that defeated the demons. Those times, if they ever existed, are long past. The demons are back, and the return of the Deliverer is just another myth . . . or is it?

Out of the desert rides Ahmann Jardir, who has forged the warlike desert tribes of Krasia into a demon-killing army. He has proclaimed himself Shar’Dama Ka, the Deliverer, and he carries ancient weapons—a spear and a crown—that give credence to his claim. Sworn to follow the path of the first Deliverer, he has come north to bring the scattered city-states of the green lands together in a war against demonkind—whether they like it or not.

    But the northerners claim their own Deliverer. His name was Arlen, but all know him now as the Warded Man: a dark, forbidding figure whose skin is tattooed with wards so powerful they make him a match for any demon. The Warded Man denies that he is the Deliverer, but his actions speak louder than words, for he teaches men and women to face their fears and stand fast against the creatures that have tormented them for centuries.
Once the Shar’Dama Ka and the Warded Man were friends, brothers in arms. Now they are fierce adversaries. Caught between them are Renna, a young woman pushed to the edge of human endurance; Leesha, a proud and beautiful healer whose skill in warding surpasses that of the Warded Man himself; and Rojer, a traveling fiddler whose uncanny music can soothe the demons—or stir them into such frenzy that they attack one another. 

    Yet as old allegiances are tested and fresh alliances forged, all are blissfully unaware of the appearance of a new breed of demon, more intelligent—and deadly—than any that have come before.
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« Reply #1039 on: 15-05-2010, 13:23:10 »
The Queen of Hearts by Daniel Homan

One question remains: Did it begin or end in theft? His mother, taken before memory, his father, disappeared in the Manor where Asriael rules, home of the Great Game, where lives are antes and countries divided by mere hands, where the deed to the Slants was bet and lost so many years ago. The underground wizards of the Slants had trained Renue in the high arts, as an expert in disguise, a deadly fighter, a daring card player. His mission was to infiltrate the Manor and win back the deed so that Asriael's dark magic could finally be unraveled and the people freed. But inside the Manor, Renue meets a mysterious young woman called the Queen of Hearts who seems to hold the secrets to his parents' fate. When Asriael is murdered and the mission betrayed, Renue and the Queen must flee the Manor, the Black Thing on their trail. As the other great lords vie for power, amid chaos and war, Renue must protect the Queen while they search for an ancient magic to end the nightmare of Asriael's black revenge.
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« Reply #1040 on: 16-05-2010, 02:16:14 »
Well of Sorrows by Benjamin Tate

An epic tale of a continent on the brink of war, and a deadly magic that waits to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world.

Colin Harten and his parents had fled across the ocean to escape the Family wars in Andover. But trouble followed them and their fellow refugees to this new land, forcing them to abandon the settled areas and head into unexplored territory-the sacred grounds of a race of underground dwellers and warriors. It was here that they would meet their doom. Driven to the borders of a dark forest, they were attacked by mysterious Shadow creatures who fed on life force. Only Colin survived to find his way to the Well of Sorrows-and to a destiny that might prove the last hope for peace in this troubled land.
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« Reply #1041 on: 16-05-2010, 11:21:42 »
The Princess and the Snowbird by Mette Ivie Harrison

She is the headstrong daughter of the hound and the bear, heir to all her royal parents' magic and able to transform at will into any animal she wishes.

He is an outcast, a boy without magic, determined to make his way in the forest beholden to no one.

Though Liva and Jens are as different as night and day, from the time their paths first cross they are irresistibly drawn to one another. Each wrestles with demons: Liva with the responsibility that comes with the vast magic she's inherited, Jens with the haunting memories he's left behind. Separately, they keep a lookout for each other and for the immense snowbird whose appearances signify a dark event on the horizon.

When a terrible threat surfaces, Liva and Jens set out in an attempt to protect all they hold dear. Much is at stake—for while their failure could spell an end to all magic, their success could bring them together at last.

The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

It's war time, and the Carver family decides to leave the capital where they live and move to a small coastal village where they've recently bought a home. But from the minute they cross the threshold, strange things begin to happen. In that mysterious house still lurks the spirit of Jacob, the previous owners' son, who died by drowning.

With the help of their new friend Roland, Max and Alicia Carver begin to explore the strange circumstances of that death and discover the existence of a mysterious being called the Prince of Mist--a diabolical character who has returned from the shadows to collect on a debt from the past. Soon the three friends find themselves caught up in an adventure of sunken ships and an enchanted stone garden--an adventure that will change their lives forever.
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« Reply #1042 on: 17-05-2010, 23:56:27 »
Super Human by Michael Carroll

Four thousand years ago the world’s first super human walked the earth. Possessing the strength of one hundred men, skin impervious to attack, and the ability to read minds, this immortal being used his power to conquer and enslave nations. Now plans are in motion that will transport this super human to the present, where he’ll usher in a new age of tyranny unlike anything the world has ever seen.

Determined to stand against them, using powers they’ve only just begun to master, is a ragtag group of young heroes. For them this first test may be their greatest . . . and last.

The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet By  David Mitchell

David Mitchell's novels have captivated critics and readers alike, as his Man Booker shortlistings and Richard & Judy Book of the Year award attest. Now he has written a masterpiece. The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet is the kind of book that comes along once in a decade -- enthralling in its storytelling, imagination and scope. Set at a turning point in history on a tiny island attached to mainland Japan, David Mitchell's tale of power, passion and integrity transports us to a world that is at once exotic and familiar: an extraordinary place and an era when news from abroad took months to arrive, yet when people behaved as they always do - loving, lusting and yearning, cheating, fighting and killing. Bringing to vivid life a tectonic shift between East and West, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet is dramatic, funny, heartbreaking, enlightening and thought-provoking. Reading it is an unforgettable experience.

The Dragon and the Stars by  Derwin Mak

This unique collection of science fiction tales demonstrates the diversity of the Chinese experience around the world, merging China's rich heritage with new traditions, offering North American readers an opportunity to discover these exciting writers.
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« Reply #1043 on: 18-05-2010, 13:48:00 »
Illyria by  Elizabeth Hand

Madeleine and Rogan are first cousins, best friends, twinned souls, each other’s first love. Even within their large, disorderly family—all descendants of a famous actress—their intensity and passion for theater sets them apart. It makes them a little dangerous. When they are cast in their school’s production of Twelfth Night, they are forced to face their separate talents and futures, and their future together. This masterful short novel, winner of the World Fantasy Award, is magic on paper.

Five Odd Honors by Jane Lindskold

In 2008's Thirteen Orphans and 2009's Nine Gates, Brenda Morris discovered she had magical abilities through her connection to the Chinese power of the Rat. At her father's insistence, she tries to return to college and her normal life, but the Lands Born from Smoke and Sacrifice won't let go of her so easily. The Exiles have the chance to return to the Lands and bring five of their dead back to our world, but once they open a gate, they find the Lands have been corrupted by a powerful entity that now threatens other realms. While stepping up the offstage violence, Lindskold maintains a focus on Chinese folklore and interpersonal connection, and her characters work through their problems in dialogue as often as action. Urban fantasy fans looking for something a little more mellow will enjoy this foray.

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« Reply #1044 on: 18-05-2010, 19:20:47 »
Jel ova poslednja knjiga deo serijala?


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« Reply #1045 on: 18-05-2010, 19:31:43 »
Ako malo pazljivije pogledas videces da ispod imena romana stoji i naziv serije: Breaking the Wall, a u prvoj recenici quota ispod imas i naslove prva 2 romana u seriji  xfrog
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« Reply #1046 on: 18-05-2010, 21:33:52 »
Naručio sam pre jedno šest meseci prve dve, a stigla mi je samo druga.  :x
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« Reply #1047 on: 20-05-2010, 02:05:17 »
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi

In America's Gulf Coast region, where grounded oil tankers are being broken down for parts, Nailer, a teenage boy, works the light crew, scavenging for copper wiring just to make quota--and hopefully live to see another day. But when, by luck or chance, he discovers an exquisite clipper ship beached during a recent hurricane, Nailer faces the most important decision of his life: Strip the ship for all it's worth or rescue its lone survivor, a beautiful and wealthy girl who could lead him to a better life. . . .

In this powerful novel, award-winning author Paolo Bacigalupi delivers a thrilling, fast-paced adventure set in a vivid and raw, uncertain future.

The Hypnotist by M. J. Rose

In this stunning page-turner, Rose's third Reincarnationist novel (after The Memorist), special agent Lucian Glass of the FBI's Art Crime Team continues to pursue Malachai Samuels of the Phoenix Foundation as well as the list of Memory Tools (deep meditation aids that help people access past-life memories) that Malachai covets. After a stolen Matisse painting arrives back at New York's Metropolitan Museum slashed to bits, the thief warns that four more stolen paintings by major artists will be destroyed unless the museum gives him Hypnos, an eight-foot-tall sculpture, which could help a person gain paranormal powers. The Matisse was taken 20 years earlier from the gallery of Andre Jacobs, father of Lucian's first love, Solange, who was killed during the heist. Lucian becomes attracted to Emeline, Andre's niece and adopted daughter, whose mannerisms and facial expressions eerily resemble Solange's. As Lucian recovers previous-life memories, his present life takes ever more shocking turns. This series inspired Fox TV's Past Life, which debuted in February.

Deceiver: Foreigner #11 by C. J. Cherryh

"One of the best long-running SF series in existence" (Publishers Weekly) continues with the second novel in a brand-new Foreigner  sequence.

The civil war among the alien Atevi has ended. Tabini-aiji, powerful ruler of the Western Association, along with Cajeiri, his son and heir, has returned to the Bujavid, his seat of power. But factions that remain loyal to the opposition are still present, and the danger these rebels pose is far from over.
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« Reply #1048 on: 20-05-2010, 02:08:25 »
Je li čitao neko Čerijevu? Isplati li se ovaj "Foriner"?
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« Reply #1049 on: 20-05-2010, 16:51:39 »
White Cat (Curse Workers, Book 1) by Holly Black

This novel is eerie and dark, with terrifying secrets and evil plots. Black weaves a beautiful world where magic exists and is feared. You'll see how backstabbing your loved ones is just as easy as loving them. This starter to a sure-to-be-a-hit series shouldn't be missed.

Summary: Curse working is illegal, and curse workers are branded as scoundrels and con artists. Cassel is the only one in his family who's not a curse worker. Although he's the "straight" kid in a cursed family, he killed his best friend, Lila, years ago. How he's having terrifying dreams of a white cat and suspects a secret plot between his brothers. He'll have to unravel his past to out-con the people he thought he knew best. — ROMANTIC TIMES BOOK REVIEWS, May 2010

Dreaming of a white cat, Cassel wakes up on the roof of his boarding school. Bad dreams are nothing new. His family is a wreck, his girlfriend dumped him, and a dark secret weighs on his mind. When he was fourteen, he murdered Lila Zacharov, the girl he loved. He does not remember the murder, only a sense of joy. But as the dreams continue, he begins to question the events of that terrible night as well as the role his two older brothers played in covering things up. He soon realizes that his brothers, both of whom have close ties to the Zacharov crime family, are hiding things from him. When a real white cat shows up, things get even stranger. In Cassel's world, magic exists, but it is forbidden by law. Magic workers offer their services on a black market dominated by mafia families. Cassel comes from a clan of talented curse workers. The only one without powers, he is a jaded outsider, accustomed to the graft but too sensitive to be a true con artist. With or without magic, he is trapped by his upbringing.

This fresh urban fantasy offers an intriguing cast of characters and thoughtful world building. Cassel's relationships with his grandfather and school friends offer glimmers of light in an otherwise dark and gritty story. Readers who know their fairy tales will see threads of the traditional White Cat. This is the first of The Curse Workers books, so expect sequels.

Cassel comes from a family of curse workers -- people who have the power to change your emotions, your memories, your luck, by the slightest touch of their hands. And since curse work is illegal, they're all mobsters, or con artists. Except for Cassel. He hasn't got the magic touch, so he's an outsider, the straight kid in a crooked family. You just have to ignore one small detail -- he killed his best friend, Lila, three years ago.

Ever since, Cassel has carefully built up a façade of normalcy, blending into the crowd. But his façade starts crumbling when he starts sleepwalking, propelled into the night by terrifying dreams about a white cat that wants to tell him something. He's noticing other disturbing things, too, including the strange behavior of his two brothers. They are keeping secrets from him, caught up in a mysterious plot. As Cassel begins to suspect he's part of a huge con game, he also wonders what really happened to Lila. Could she still be alive? To find that out, Cassel will have to out-con the conmen.

Holly Black has created a gripping tale of mobsters and dark magic where a single touch can bring love -- or death -- and your dreams might be more real than your memories.
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