Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763828 times)

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« Reply #1300 on: 04-03-2011, 16:10:20 »
"Čarobna knjiga" nastavlja sa ekspanzijom rarznorazne fantastike. U pripremi su:

da li je ovo plan za celu 2011?
(Očekivala sam neke naslove kojih nema na ovoj listi…)


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« Reply #1301 on: 04-03-2011, 18:13:53 »
Ovo sam samo povadio fantastiku. Imaju još planiranih naslova, ali nisam siguran da je to za čitavu 2011. A i planovi umeju da se promene. Bora mi je obećao intervju za blog, pa ću ga pitati koješta.
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« Reply #1302 on: 05-03-2011, 21:47:20 »
pitaj ga za SF romane osim Haldemanovog.


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« Reply #1303 on: 05-03-2011, 21:50:47 »
Ima Hajnlajna. Nažalost, odavno je digao ruke od Kardovog "Endera". Za to mi je najžalije.
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« Reply #1304 on: 05-03-2011, 21:54:56 »
I pitaj ga otkud toliki entuzijazam za reprinte, kad se svake godine izbaci tona dobrog Sfa... :(


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« Reply #1305 on: 05-03-2011, 21:56:38 »
Koliko sam ja skontao, ČK ima ovaku politiku: čim dođe do ekranizacije neke knjige, oni kupe prava.


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« Reply #1306 on: 05-03-2011, 22:10:13 »
Ili to ili profit na serijalima... fentezi je, kao žanr, u daleko najboljoj poziciji.


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« Reply #1307 on: 05-03-2011, 23:35:42 »
Fentezi je kod nas u najboljem položaju, ali preko bare je odavno svrgnut sa trona najkomercijalnije fantastike. Sada suvereno vlada paranormalna romantika. A Čarobna knjiga objavljuje ono što je ekranizovano ili ono što će se ekranizovati - to je očigledno. Haldemana reprintuje zato što se sprema film, Wizard's First Rule zbog serije koja je još sveža, a možda se negde još daje.
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« Reply #1308 on: 05-03-2011, 23:50:04 »
Wizard's First Rule je dooosadna knjiga.
We're all mad here.


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« Reply #1309 on: 05-03-2011, 23:55:07 »
Daaavno sam čitao Gudkajnda. U srednjoj školi sam voleo njegove knjige, ali tada mi je prijao i Salvatore. :)
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« Reply #1310 on: 06-03-2011, 00:20:04 »
Wizard's First Rule je dooosadna knjiga.


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« Reply #1311 on: 06-03-2011, 01:15:55 »
That's 'cause you're not into torture.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1312 on: 08-03-2011, 19:02:06 »
City of Hope & Despair: City of a Hundred Rows, Book 2 by Ian Whates


Dark forces are gathering in the shadowy depths, and the whole city is under threat. The former street-nick, Tom, embarks on a journey to discover the source of the great river Thair, said to be the ultimate power behind all of Thaiburley.  Accompanying him are the assassin Dewar and the young Thaistess Mildra.  It soon becomes evident that their journey has more significance than any of them realise, as past secrets catch up with them and unknown adversaries hunt them... to the death!

Kao što vidite, reč je o drugom romanu u nizu. Prvi je pobrao sjajne kritike i mnogi ga porede sa "Gormengastom". Onomad sam dobio oba, pa ću ih ovih dana pročitati i podneti izveštaj.
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« Reply #1313 on: 11-03-2011, 17:13:42 »
Upravo dobih:

The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year Volume 5 by Jonathan Strahan

Strahan's fifth anthology contains 29 wide-ranging tales. Neil Gaiman's "The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains" is a deceptively simple folktale-styled story of the price one may pay for gold. "The Sultan of the Clouds" by Geoffrey Landis untangles a complex knot of childish power. Sarah Rees Brennan's "The Spy Who Never Grew Up" gives a beloved childhood icon a sinister update; Diana Peterfreund's "The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Killer Unicorn" turns unicorn lore on its head; and Rachel Swirsky's "The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers Beneath the Queen's Window" puts a fantasy spin on the temporal culture shock of immortality. This year the fantasy tales outdo the SF in depth of storytelling and characterization, though all the inclusions are strong, with few ideas left by the wayside.

Evo sadržaja:

Elegy For A Young Elk Hannu Rajaniemi
The Truth Is A Cave In The Black Mountains Neil Gaiman
Seven Sexy Cowboy Robots Sandra Mcdonald
The Spy Who Never Grew Up Sarah Rees Brennan
The Aarne-Thompson Classification Revue Holly Black
Under The Moons Of Venus Damien Broderick
The Fool Jobs - Joe Abercrombie
Alone - Robert Reed
Names For Water - Kij Johnson
Fair Ladies - Theodora Goss
Plus Or Minus - James Patrick Kelly
The Man With The Knives - Ellen Kushner
The Jammie Dodgers And The Adventure Of The Leicester Square Screening - Cory Doctorow
The Maiden Flight Of Mccauley’S Bellerophon - Elizabeth Hand
The Miracle Aquilina - Margo Lanagan
The Taste Of Night - Pat Cadigan
The Exterminator’S Want-Ad - Bruce Sterling
Map Of Seventeen - Christopher Barzak
The Naturalist - Maureen Mchugh
Sins Of The Father - Sara Genge
The Sultan Of The Clouds - Geoffrey A. Landis
Iteration - John Kessel
The Care And Feeding Of Your Baby Killer Unicorn - Diana Peterfreund
The Night Train - Lavie Tidhar
Still Life (A Sexagesimal Fairy Tale) - Ian Tregillis
Amor Vincit Omnia - K. J. Parker
The Things - Peter Watts
The Zeppelin Conductors’ Society Annual Gentlemen’S Ball - Genevieve Valentine
The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers Beneath The Queen’S Window - Rachel Swirsky
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1314 on: 11-03-2011, 17:46:39 »
Lepo :)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1315 on: 11-03-2011, 17:56:10 »
Nisam pročitao nijednu prethodnu.  :(
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« Reply #1316 on: 11-03-2011, 18:07:36 »
Steta, Strahan je uspeo, imho, da je kvalitetom nametne kao jednu od kapitalnih best of antologija. Iako ostaje zal za Years's Best Fantasy and Horror, Strahanova antologija je jedno od retkih izdanja kojima se iskreno radujem svake godine. Ako nastavim da pisem otici cu odmah na bookdepository tako da se odjavljujem :)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1317 on: 11-03-2011, 18:38:01 »
Imam ih sve, samo što nekako ne mogu da nateram sebe da krenem da ih čitam. Možda ću kupiti kindl izdanje kada pazarim neki čitač ili tablet, što će verovatno biti za jedno dva meseca, pa da mogu da čitam kada sam u prevozu ili čekaonicama. Ovako mi se uvek čini nekako gre'ota da čitam priče kada mogu romane.
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« Reply #1318 on: 13-03-2011, 12:32:28 »
Laguna ubrzo objavljuje novu turu fantastike. Reč je o Aberkrombijevoj "Oštrici", Revelation Space-u Alastera Rejnoldsa i The Warded Man-u Pitera Breta. Ovo srednje je SF, a prvi i poslednji roman epska fantastika. O Aberkrombiju smo pričali i nekome se svideo (Melkoru) a nekome nije (meni). Bret takođe spada u pisce koji mi se ne dopadaju. Da je mene neko pitao, radije bih da vidim Pet Hodžel, Ket Valente ili Kena Šolsa. Šta da se radi. Nažalost, Laguna nije spremna da objavi nijedno od ovo troje pisaca, ali pokušaću da proguram neke nove naslove i pisce kada se krajem ove godine završi sa Sandersonom.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1319 on: 13-03-2011, 16:40:04 »
Oni sporo sporo sporo a od sajma nas zatrpaše. Bre treba sve to pokupovati, gde će im duša... :D

Treba da vidimo da dovučemo nekog od njih u LK da malo ćaskaju sa fanovima...
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1320 on: 13-03-2011, 16:43:32 »
Oni sporo sporo sporo a od sajma nas zatrpaše. Bre treba sve to pokupovati, gde će im duša... :D

Treba da vidimo da dovučemo nekog od njih u LK da malo ćaskaju sa fanovima...

Najlogičnije bi bilo da pozoveš Marka, pošto je on bio u klubu. On im je rights manager.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1321 on: 13-03-2011, 23:46:24 »
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1322 on: 15-03-2011, 16:55:43 »
Da ponovim i ovde, pošto je tema čitanija od "Pitajte Najtflajera": "Dveri kuće mrtvih" Stivena Eriksona predviđene su za objavljivanje u maju, dok su romani Alastera Rejnoldsa i Pitera Breta predviđeni za jun - zvanično iz Lagunine redakcije.
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« Reply #1323 on: 16-03-2011, 18:16:08 »

Laguna izdala drugi deo Sećanje, Jad i Trn trilogije, od Tada Vilijamsa. Mnogi ovde ne vole ovog autora, ali je on meni skroz okej - klasičan fentezi, dobro urađen.


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« Reply #1324 on: 16-03-2011, 18:33:20 »
Mislim da su "mnogi" samo ja. :) Rekao bih da sam među retkima kojima su Vilijams i recimo Kaj dosadni. Ne kažem da sam objektivan i da sam u pravu. Samo ih ne volem.
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« Reply #1325 on: 23-03-2011, 09:34:17 »
Meni je Vilijams bio toliko dosadan da nisam ni završila prvu knjigu, što mi se stvarno retko dešava. Ali mi se Aberkrombi i Bret dopadaju, prvi zato što je vrlo duhovit, junaci mu liče na stripovske i ubacuje ih u situacije iz akcionih filmova čiji opisi ponekad nagone na glasan smeh. Čak i ako Aberkrombiju to nije bila namera, ja sam The Blade Itself pročitala kao štosnu knjigu, poigravanje filmskim i književnim žanrovskim klišeima. Bret je pak potpuno romantičan, i mada u prvoj knjizi nema ničeg što već nije viđeno, opet je sve to lepo uklopljeno u priču, likovi izazivaju saosećanje, imaju dušu i navukli su me da poželim da ispratim njihov životopis do kraja. Bret više ide na izaizivanje emocija, nema nekih neočekivanih obrta, pa ko želi da ga knjiga iznenadi, teško da će se zadovoljiti ovom sem ako nije čitalački početnik u žanru. Opet, knjiga je vredna čitanja iako nije među najboljima jer je ponekad piscu najteže da postigne baš empatiju čitaoca. Doduše, ja i inače volim romantične knjige, one u kojima još ima priča o odanosti, časti i herojskim vrlinama, meni se mnogo dopala i Kejeva Tigana, i više cenim kad me neko natera da zavolim kakav lik nego izmišljanje kompletnih novih svetova. Vidi se da sam odrasla uz priče o pionirima i partizanima... :)


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« Reply #1326 on: 23-03-2011, 12:16:31 »
Hidden Cities by Daniel Fox

The conclusion of Fox's trilogy set in a magical version of ancient China (Dragon in Chains; Jade Man's Skin) mixes action with scenes that feel like timeless, almost perfect moments. The emperor is exiled, and his pregnant beloved is being targeted by assassins. Rebels battle for control of the nation. An island-dwelling dragon is linked to the boy Han in ways neither understands, and an old man bargains with the dragon for access to the sea in which she was once imprisoned. While some try remaking the dragon's chains, others learn that the best way to escape their own bonds is to relax. The result is an oddly pleasing feel of unhurried harmony even while the world seems ready to tear itself apart. The story and conclusion alike retain Fox's hallmark graceful prose and pace.

Foks prelepo piše - to jest, jezik mu je prelep. Ali meni je smrtno dosadan. Ništa se ne dešava stotinama stranica. Svejedno, valja pomenuti da je ova knjiga objavljena.

I Ket Valente ima novi roman:

Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente

Twentieth-century Russian history provides a background for Valente's lush reimagining of folkloric villain Koschei the Deathless and his dalliance with Marya Morevna, a clever but troubled young woman. After Koschei sweeps Marya away from her family's home in St. Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad, Baba Yaga assigns her three tasks that will make her worthy of marrying Koschei. As she spends more time in Koschei's Country of Life, Marya starts to become too much like her unearthly lover, until naïve Ivan Nikolayevich helps her regain her humanity (as well as the sympathy of the reader). Valente's lush language and imagery add to the magic and fundamentally Russian nature of the story, drawing pointed parallels between the Soviet Union's turmoil and the endless war between Koschei and his brother, Viy. Readers used to the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault will find this tale peculiar but enchanting.

Malo sam se zasitio od čitanja, nakon što sam srubio čitav serijal Shadows of Apt, pa ne mogu da se nakanim da krenem sa ovim romanom.
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« Reply #1327 on: 24-03-2011, 19:54:23 »
Laguna je odabrala najbolji mogući trenutak za objavljivanje Sandersonove trilogije Mistborn (kod nas prevedene kao "Red magle", što inače nije moje rešenje :) ), pošto je pred nama još jedan roman koji Mistborn odvodi iz epske fantastike u stimpank, nakon čega će uslediti još jedna trilogija, premda se još ne zna da li će ta druga trilogija po internoj hronologiji slediti odmah iza prve. Elem,

The Allow of Law by Brandon Sanderson

    Three hundred years after the events of the Mistborn trilogy, Scadrial is on the verge of modernity, with railroads to supplement the canals, electric lighting in the streets and the homes of the wealthy, and the first steel-framed skyscrapers racing for the clouds.

    Kelsier, Vin, Elend, Sazed, Spook, and the rest are now part of history—or religion. Yet even as science and technology are reaching new heights, the old magics of Allomancy and Feruchemy continue to play a role in this reborn world. Out in the frontier lands known as the Roughs, they are crucial tools for the brave men and women attempting to establish order and justice.

    One such is Waxillium Ladrian, a rare Twinborn who can Push on metals with his Allomancy and use Feruchemy to become lighter or heavier at will. After twenty years in the Roughs, Wax has been forced by family tragedy to return to the metropolis of Elendel. Now he must reluctantly put away his guns and assume the duties and dignity incumbent upon the head of a noble house. Or so he thinks, until he learns the hard way that the mansions and elegant tree-lined streets of the city can be even more dangerous than the dusty plains of the Roughs.

Roman je predviđen za objavljivanje krajem ove godine.
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« Reply #1328 on: 27-03-2011, 21:28:21 »
Ne znam kako, ali propustio sam da primetim da je eto pre skoro mesec dana objavljen novi roman Patriše Brigs, River Marked. Brigsova, čiju epsku fantastiku inače volim i prevodio sam je, u međuvremenu je naučila da pliva u vodama urbane fantastike, a da nije nastradala od ajkula tipa Šarlin Haris ili odlutala u kaljugu (loše) paranormalne romantike. Elem, sada već šest romana o automehaničarki Mercedes Tompson dopadaju mi se daleko manje od romana o Hurogu - ali mora žena od nečega da živi. Bilo kako bilo, rešio sam dilemu u vezi sa time šta da čitam.

River Marked by Patricia Briggs

Car mechanic Mercy Thompson has always known there was something different about her, and not just the way she can make a VW engine sit up and beg. Mercy is a shapeshifter, a talent she inherited from her long-gone father. She's never known any others of her kind. Until now.

An evil is stirring in the depths of the Columbia River-one that her father's people may know something about. And to have any hope of surviving, Mercy and her mate, the Alpha werewolf Adam, will need their help...
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« Reply #1329 on: 28-03-2011, 16:42:39 »
U zavisnosti od uredničkih zahvata, "Ples sa zmajevima" će imati 100-1100 stranica, što ga dovodi u ravan sa Way of Kings i The Wise Man's Fear, pa čak i malo ispod njihovog broja stranica. Izgleda da Martin više nije kralj skribomanije. :)
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« Reply #1330 on: 28-03-2011, 18:41:51 »
Ne bi matorom bio problem da lagano prebaci taj broj da hoce :DDD
"Man takes up the sword to protect the small injuries that burdened his heart, on a distant day beyond his memories.
Man wields the sword to die with a smile on his face, on a distant day


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« Reply #1331 on: 29-03-2011, 21:54:43 »
Read summaries of April fantasy releases

Worlds of Fantasy: The Best of Fantasy Magazine (April 5, Prime)

This anthology contains some of the best stories from the first two years of Fantasy Magazine, with contributions from Jeffrey Ford, Lisa Mantchev, Holly Philips, Ekaterina Sedia, Catherynne M. Valente and more.

Among Thieves, by Douglas Hulick (April 5, Roc)

Drothe has been a member of the Kin for years, rubbing elbows with thieves and murderers in the employ of a crime lord while smuggling relics on the side. But when an ancient book falls into his hands, Drothe finds himself in possession of a relic capable of bringing down emperors—a relic everyone in the underworld would kill to obtain. This fantasy debut begins a new series of the Kin.

The Shining City, by Fiona Patton (April 5, Daw)

With the three children of prophecy—the seers Spar and Graize and the warrior Brax-now grown—and the young God Hisar ready to stake his claim to a place in the pantheon of Anavatan, a time of chaos and change is fast approaching. For only if sworn enemies Spar and Graize can come together as Hisar’s priests will the God stand any chance of surviving the coming battles with both the hungry spirits seeking to devour him, and the war with the mortal invasion fleet, which is even now sailing for Anavatan. Book three of the Warriors of Estavia series.

Warprize, by Elizabeth A. Vaughan (April 5, Berkley)

The daughter of a Warrior King, Lara was trained as a healer, helping both friend and foe. And when the enemy warlord agrees to cease hostilities in exchange for Lara, she agrees to become the Warprize. Vaughn’s first novel is back in print with a new introduction, a bonus short story and a letter from the author. The next book in the Chronicles in the Warland series, Warcry, will release in May.

The Dragon’s Path, by Daniel Abraham (April 7, Orbit)

Marcus’s hero days are behind him. He knows too well that even the smallest war still means somebody’s death. When his men are impressed into a doomed army, staying out of a battle he wants no part of requires some unorthodox steps. Cithrin is an orphan, ward of a banking house. Her job is to smuggle a nation’s wealth across a war zone, hiding the gold from both sides. She knows the secret life of commerce like a second language, but the strategies of trade will not defend her from swords. Geder, sole scion of a noble house, has more interest in philosophy than in swordplay. A poor excuse for a soldier, he is a pawn in these games. No one can predict what he will become. Falling pebbles can start a landslide. A spat between the Free Cities and the Severed Throne is spiraling out of control. A new player rises from the depths of history, fanning the flames that will sweep the entire region onto The Dragon’s Path. First in The Dagger and Coin series.

A Kingdom Besieged: Book One of the Chaoswar Saga, by Raymond E. Feist (April 12, Harper Voyager)

Midkemia’s fifth and final Riftwar—the devastating Chaoswar—explodes in the opening volume of Raymond E. Feist’s new epic fantasy trilogy of magic, conflict and world-shattering peril. A Kingdom Besieged brings back Pug, first introduced in Feist’s classic debut novel, Magician, and now Midkemia’s most powerful sorcerer. He faces a magical cataclysm that forces him to question everything he’s ever held as true and dear, including the loyalty of his beloved son Magnus.

The Unremembered, by Peter Orullian (April 12, Tor)

The gods, makers of worlds, seek to create balance: between matter and energy, and between mortals who strive toward the transcendent and the natural perils they must tame or overcome. But one of the gods fashions a world filled with hellish creatures far too powerful to allow balance; he is condemned to live for eternity with his most hateful creations in that world’s distant Bourne, restrained by a magical veil kept vital by the power of song. Millennia pass, awareness of the hidden danger fades to legend, and both song and veil weaken. And the most remote cities are laid waste by nightmarish troops escaped from the Bourne. Some dismiss the attacks as mere rumor. Instead of standing against the real threat, they persecute those with the knowledge, magic and power to fight these abominations, denying the inevitability of war and annihilation. And the evil from the Bourne swells. But the troubles of the world seem far from the Hollows where Tahn Junell struggles to remember his lost childhood and to understand words he feels compelled to utter each time he draws his bow. Trouble arrives when two strangers—an enigmatic man wearing the sigil of the feared Order of Sheason and a beautiful woman of the legendary Far—come, to take Tahn, his sister and his two best friends on a dangerous, secret journey. First book in the Vault of Heaven series.

Shadow Chaser, by Aleksey Pehov
(April 12, Tor)

Saddened because they have left one of their number in a grave in the wilderness, Harold and his band of outcasts continue their journey toward the dreaded underground palace of Hrad Spein. But before they can reach their goal, they must overcome all manner of obstacles, fight many battles and evade the frightful enemies on their trail. Once they have breached Hrad Spein, Harold must venture alone into the secret heart of the most dangerous place in his world. There he will fight legions of untold mysterious powers before he can complete the quest for the magic horn that will save his beloved land from The Nameless One. First published in Russia, this is the second in Pehov’s Chronicles of Siala series following Shadow Prowler (February 2011).

The River of Shadows, by Robert V.S. Redick
(April 19, Del Rey)

In this sequel to The Red Wolf Conspiracy and The Ruling Sea, the crew of the vast, ancient ship Chathrand have reached the shores of the legendary southern empire of Bali Adro. Many have died in the crossing, and the alliance of rebels, led by the tarboy Pazel Pathkendle and the warrior Thasha Isiq, has faced death, betrayal and dark magic. But nothing has prepared them for the radically altered face of humanity in the South. They have little time to recover from the shock, however. For with landfall, the battle between the rebels and centuries-old sorcerer Arunis enters its final phase. At stake is control of the Nilstone, a cursed relic that promises unlimited power to whoever unlocks the secrets of its use—but death to those who fail.

Ember and Ash, by Pamela Freeman (April 26, Orbit)

The old ones will have their revenge. Two peoples have been fighting over the same land for a thousand years. Invaders crushed the original inhabitants, and ancient powers have reluctantly given way to newer magics. But Ember was to change all this with a wedding to bind these warring people together—until her future goes up in flames. Ember’s husband-to-be is murdered by a vengeful elemental god, who sees peace as a breach of faith. Set on retribution, she enlists the help of Ash, son of a seer. Together, they will pit themselves against elementals of fire and ice in a last attempt to end the conflicts that have scarred their past. They must look to the present, as old furies are waking to violence and are eager to reclaim their people.

The Hidden Goddess, by M.K. Hobson (April 26, Spectra)

In mix of steampunk, magic, history, and romance, M. K. Hobson moves her feisty young witch, Emily Edwards, from the Old West to turn-of-the-century New York City, whose polished surfaces conceal as much danger as anything west of the Rockies. Like it or not, Emily has fallen in love with Dreadnought Stanton, a New York warlock as irresistible as he is insufferable. Newly engaged, she now must brave Dreadnought’s family and the magical elite of the nation’s wealthiest city. Not everyone is pleased with the impending nuptials, especially Emily’s future mother-in-law, a sociopathic socialite. But there are greater challenges: confining couture, sinister Russian scientists, and a deathless Aztec goddess who dreams of plunging the world into apocalypse. Sequel to The Native Star.

Heaven’s Needle, by Liane Merciel (April 26, Pocket Star)

The second book in an epic fantasy series, in which the fate of a world rests in the hands of a woman who must rescue the knight she loves. Follows The River Kings’ Road (2010), the story of an infant heir left alive after a brutal attack, and the people who try to save him when the peace between the kingdoms of Oakharn and Langmyr collapses.

The Alchemist in the Shadows, by Pierre Pevel, translated by Tom Clegg (April 26, Pyr)

Welcome to 1633 Paris, where dragons menace the realm and Cardinal Richelieu, the most powerful and feared man in France, is on his guard. He knows France is under threat, and that a secret society known as the Black Claw is conspiring against him from the heart of the greatest courts in Europe. They will strike from the shadows, and when they do the blow will be both terrible and deadly. To counter the threat, Richelieu has put his most trusted men into play: the Cardinal’s Blades, led by Captain la Fargue. Six men and a woman, all of exceptional abilities and all ready to risk their lives on his command. They have saved France before, and the Cardinal is relying on them to do it again. So when la Fargue hears from a beautiful, infamous, deadly Italian spy claiming to have valuable information, he has to listen ...and when La Donna demands Cardinal Richelieu’s protection before she will talk, la Fargue is even prepared to consider it. Because La Donna can name their enemy. It’s a man as elusive as he is manipulative, as subtle as Richelieu himself, an exceptionally dangerous adversary: the Alchemist in the shadows. U.S. release. Pevel is one of the foremost writers of French fantasy.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1332 on: 29-03-2011, 22:00:17 »
Tor ovo hajpuje do besvesti: The Unremembered, by Peter Orullian. Izgleda da hoće da sa njim ponove uspeh koji su imali sa Sandersonom.

Samo što se ja ni najmanje nisam primio na osnovu sinopsisa...
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1333 on: 01-04-2011, 13:32:25 »
1636: The Saxon Uprising: N/A (The Ring of Fire) by Eric Flint

The West Virginia town of Grantville, torn from the twentieth century and hurled back into seventeenth century Europe has allied with Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, in the United States of Europe. So, when Gustavus invades Poland, managing to unite all the squabbling Polish factions into repelling the common enemy, the time-lost Americans have to worry about getting dragged into the fight along with the Swedish forces.

            But Mike Stearns has another problem. He was Prime Minister of the USE until he lost an election, and now he’s one of Gustavus’s generals; and he has demonstrated that he’s very good at being a general. And he’s about to really need all his military aptitude. Gretchen , who never saw a revolution she didn’t like, has been arrested in Saxony, and is likely to be executed. The revolutionary groups which she has been working with are not about to let that happen, and suddenly there’s rioting in the streets. Saxony’s ruthless General Baner is determined to suppress the uprising by the time-honored “kill them all and let God sort them out” method, which only adds fuel to the fire. So Gustavus orders Mike Stearns to go to Saxony and restore order. But he makes one mistake.

            He didn’t tell Mike to take his troops along on the mission. But he didn’t tell him not to, either . . .

Bio sam veliki fan ovog serijala alternativne istorije, sve dok me sporedni autori nisu smorili. Flin se konačno smilovao da napiše roman u glavnom toku serijala, pa ću se možda i vratiti "Ognjenom prstenu".

Sea of Ghosts (Hardback) By (author) Alan Campbell

When the last of the Gravediggers, an elite imperial infiltration unit, are disbanded and hunted down by the emperor they once served, munitions expert Colonel Thomas Granger takes refuge in the unlikeliest of places. He becomes a jailer in Ethugra - a prison city of poison-flooded streets and gaols in which a million enemies of the empire are held captive. But when Granger takes possession of two new prisoners, he realises that he can't escape his past so readily. Ianthe is a young girl with an extraordinary psychic talent. A gift that makes her unique in a world held to ransom by the powerful Haurstaf - the sisterhood of telepaths who are all that stand between the Empire and the threat of the Unmer, the powerful civilization of entropic sorcerers and dragon-mounted warriors. In this war-torn land, she promises to make Granger an extremely wealthy man, if he can only keep her safe from harm. This is what Granger is best at. But when other factions learn about Ianthe's unique ability, even Granger's skills of warfare are tested to their limits. While, Ianthe struggles to control the powers that are growing in ways no-one thought were possible. Another threat is surfacing: out there, beyond the bitter seas, an old and familiar enemy is rising - one who, if not stopped, will drown the world and all of humanity with it...

Prethodna Kembelova trilogija, the Deepgate codex, bila je sasvim solidna, pa me je ovaj naslov zagolicao.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1334 on: 04-04-2011, 00:06:39 »
Pred predstojeći intervju sa direktorom Čarobne knjige, red bi bio da podsetim na to da su najavili objavljivanje jedne od najboljih YA trilogija, pardon - serijala - out there. Reč je o Mortal Instruments. Naravno, snima se film. :)

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones; City of Ashes; City of Glass

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666

Mme Chauchat

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« Reply #1335 on: 04-04-2011, 18:51:59 »
Najtflajeru, jesi li ti to čitao? Valja li išta? Ja sam upoznata sa njenim fanfikšnom o Hariju Poteru koji je... recimo, neujednačen, i sve neujednačeniji kako je odmicao - ima dobrih, a ima i očajnih delova, a tokom vremena zaplet sve više tone u nadvlačenje dva momka oko jedne devojke - ali se oko njega digla povelika frka zbog plagiranja (ako se dobro sećam, Pamele Din) koja mi je ogadila celu priču, pa se za naknadna originalna dela nisam mašala. (Kako to biva, ispalo je da su plagirani upravo oni bolji delovi).


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« Reply #1336 on: 04-04-2011, 19:43:01 »
Poodavno sam čitao prvi deo, ali sada mi je veoma teško da se setim kakav je utisak roman ostavio na mene. Planiram da ponovim, pa da pročitam ostale.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Radionica 4 - april 2011 - PRIČE
« Reply #1337 on: 05-04-2011, 19:09:30 »
Pitanje za Miću: kupio sam "POKOLJ" od J. G. Balarda. Je l' zna neko šta je to? Tanka knjižica, staro izdanje?

Mica Milovanovic

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« Reply #1338 on: 05-04-2011, 20:07:11 »
Nikad čuo. Koja godina i ko je izdao?

Mica Milovanovic

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« Reply #1339 on: 05-04-2011, 20:13:46 »
Našao sam.


Pokolj / J.G. Ballard ; preveo Mario Suško . - Zagreb  : Znanje, 1992 . - 85 str. ; 20 cm . - (biblioteka mod.oml.literature : Hit junior. kolo 8, 46)
Prijevod djela: Rinning wild.

Nisam znao za ovu novelu-roman

'Running Wild', by J.G. Ballard. Flamingo, 1997.

ISBN 0-00-654819-9 £4.99
Reviewed by Giles Hugo
ARE you suffering from cult-fatigue? Aum Supreme Truthers plotting to gas to death thousands of Tokyo citizens before the Hondas and Toyotas have had time to do the job; members of the order of the Solar Temple doing synchronised inter-continental suicides with fiery finales - Lloyd Webber should be working on the musical; and fundamentalists of the Muslim Left and Christian Right plotting to bomb Middle Amerika back to the Stone Age. Sorry geeks, the Weathermen tried that back in the Stoned Age with singular lack of success.

And now we have Trekkies with terminal attitude sacrificing their gonads and their lives to the bent ideas of leaders who immersed themselves in Star Trek drek 'to get to know what it would be like living in space'. I feel great sorrow for astronomers Hale and Bopp - it seems tragic that their dual discovery should, post Easter 1997, be stigmatised as - inadvertently, of course - the harbinger of the Heaven's Gate suicide drama, in which 39 mortals decided to 'leave their containers' prematurely.

Be warned - if cultists pick up on your latest book, CD, fitness video, e-mail, or comet, it could be worse than Demidenkoitis [being plagiarised by blonde Sheilas pretending Baltism in the name of dubious politics, serious cash and notoriety]. Perhaps even now some sharp litigation shark is sussing out whether the relatives of the Heaven's Gaters could sue the Trekkie industry for giving their late-lamented unrealistic expectations.

'Beam me up, Dotty. Say, nuttin' happened - and why has everything turned purple and black? Gee, maybe Mom was right, I am allergic to apple sauce'

Seriously, I just want to alert all you conspiracy theorists, nut-watchers, cult-collectors and otherwise curious 'normal' folk to a causation conspiracy theory that seems to have escaped most commentators on the Heaven's Gate weirdos. In the same vein as Charles Manson claiming that the Beatles' Helter Skelter had helped to inspire his brutal 'race war/end of the world as we know it' scenario that was supposed to follow the Tate-La Bianca murders, we now have the 'Neil Young inadvertently inspired the Heaven's Gate Migration' hypothesis. Perhaps the San Diego police investigators should check out whether the Heaven's Gate leaders had ever listened to Neil Young's 1970 album After the Gold Rush. Grok the lyrics on the title track: 'Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 1970s'
'...Well I dreamed I saw the silver spaceships flying
in the yellow haze of the sun,
There were children crying and colours flying all around the chosen ones,
All in a dream, all in a dream, the loading had begun,
Flying nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun....'

Hearing Neil Young's words now gives me a certain chill - just the sort of weird subliminal 'justification' that might surface two decades later in the thoughts of some Acid-and-God-damaged post-'60s goo-roue, who convinces his credulous followers that their problems will be solved by leaving their earthly containers and joining aliens of a 'higher order' slip-streaming a comet that only passes by every 4000 years. Believe me, those kind of ideas were as current in the brain-damaged '70s as they appear to be today on certain Web sites and in the minds of some termination-oriented 'searchers for truth'. As Ed Sanders, a former member of The Fugs and author of The Family, a study of the Manson menage of mayhem, would put it: Weirdness was! Unfortunately weirdness still is - and undoubtedly shall be.

Cults manage to make people do things they normally would avoid or even abhor - they create a suspension of disbelief that allows followers to think and act in extreme and violent ways, but often only at the direction of the cult masters.

Ballard's Running Wild is a fictional study of curious cult-like mayhem . On a summer's day in 1988 tragedy strikes Pangbourne Village, an exclusive English housing estate which has guards, dogs, fences and video surveillance cameras shielding the privacy and security of the wealthy residents and their children. However, in what police estimate is just 30 minutes, all the adult residents of the estate, plus their security guards, chauffeurs, housekeepers and other servants are murdered - 32 in all - and all 13 children disappear, presumed kidnapped.

The tale is extracted from 'the Forensic Diaries of Dr Richard Greville, Deputy Psychiatric Adviser, Metropolitan Police'. Greville is called in to take on the investigation when all others have failed to explain either the killings or the disappearance of the children, for whom there has been no ransom demand of any kind. The means used to dispatch the 39 Pangbourne Massacre victims are mysteriously varied and suitably grotesque: gunshots from close range, stabbing, one couple crushed against the garage doors by their own car, electrocuted by hairdrier in the bath, strangled by nooses in a bamboo and wire cage resembling a large box kite, drugged and smothered with a pillow, and shot by crossbow bolt.

A lone assassin? Terrorists or drug lords hitting the wrong target? A band of thrill-killer psychopaths? A secret military exercise or intelligene operation gone tragically wrong? The IRS getting overly vindictive? Aliens? Nothing adds up until Marion Miller, 8, the youngest of the missing children, is found at a railway station, traumatised, 'sunk in a state of immobility, now and then emitting a strange hissing noise'.

After observing a film of her in hospital, Dr Greville and Police Sergeant Payne start piecing together a strange but compelling hypothesis - the children were not kidnapped, rather they escaped, after killing their own parents. The children had the means and opportunity to kill the other inhabitants of Pangbourne, but why, what was the motivation? There is no apparent reason why the children should turn violent against their primary carers. None of the parents was known to be involved in cults and none of the children was thought to have suffered physical or sexual abuse.

Indeed, Dr Greville has already noted: 'All testify that the murder victims were enlightened and loving parents, who shared liberal and humane values which they displayed almost to a fault. The children attended exclusive private day-schools near Reading, and their successful academic records reveal a complete absence of stress in their home lives. The parents (all of whom, untypically for their professional class, seem to have objected to boarding schools) devoted long hours to their offspring, even to the extent of sacrificing their own lives.'

Dr Greville's rationalisation for the massacre is extreme: each child was persuaded to kill their own parents in order to enable them to escape the claustrophobic paradise of the Pangbourne estate: 'The children were making a last stand against their parents. The Pangbourne Massacre was a desperate rebellion, from the children's viewpoint, an act of mass tyrannicide. Each one had to take responsibility for the death of his own parents, whatever the cost.'

According to the good doctor, 'The Pangbourne children weren't rebelling against hate and cruelty. The absolute opposite, Sergeant. What they were rebelling against was a despotism of kindness. They killed to free themselves from a tyranny of love and care.'

While sifting through evidence to try to back this theory, he has his doubts: 'I found it difficult to accept the strange logic at work - that the more the children were loved and cherished, the more they were driven into a desperate search for escape.'

However he is later able to reassure himself that the parenticide thesis is correct with the following kind of tabloidish psychobabble: '...They were choking on the non-stop diet of love and understanding being forced down their throats at Pangbourne Village. This was an idea of childhood invented by adults. The children were desperate for the roughage of real emotions, for parents who now and then disapproved of them, became annoyed and impatient, or even failed to understand them. They needed parents who weren't interested in everything they did, who weren't afraid to be irritated or bored by them, and didn't try to rule every minute of their lives with the wisdom of Solomon.'

In the children's hobbies and creative pursuits he finds what he assumes is evidence of pointers to inner rage and desires to escape. Two of the girls had written alternative histories of Pangbourne in the 19th century, Jane Austenish family sagas in which the well-bred daughters prostitute themselves to the bent desires of their families - Yet it is clearly not the pornographic details that appeal most strongly to Gail and Annabel - these are sketched in perfunctorily - but rather the powerful emotions which their sexual passion elicits. What comes through most vividly is the sense that through these sexual activities the over-civilised inhabitants of Pangbourne can make their escape into a more brutal and more real world.'

Perhaps, but hardly a motive for slaughtering 32 people including your own parents.

Another child produces The Pangbourne Pang, a desktop-published tabloid specialising in boring news - 'Eggs boil in three minutes... Staircase leads to second floor.' One of the boys records Radio Free Pangbourne cassettes which consist of 'random sounds, mostly his own breathing, interspersed with long patches of silence'.

Again, this kind of Goonish absurdism hardly justifies or illuminates organised murderous mayhem against one's nearest kin and their domestic and security employees. Mass killers have never, as far as I know, cited the likes of Spike Milligan or John Cleese as their inspiration for violence.

But there is more - for Payne and Greyville the 'smoking gun' is two versions of a videotape shot and assembled by the children. The one version 'at first sight appeared to be a matter-of-fact documentary of daily life at Pangbourne' a light-hearted parody, before the event, of the BBC-TV documentary which was to be made about Pangbourne Village in the late summer of 1988. There is a certain gently leg-pulling at the parents' expense. The alternative version carries the same sound-track but includes 'some twenty-five seconds of footage, culled from TV news documentaries, of car crashes, electric chairs and concentration camp mass graves. Scattered at random among the scenes of their parents, this atrocity footage transformed the film into a work of eerie and threatening prophecy... It's practically a detailed blueprint for the killings - shooting, car crashes, electrocutions...'

All copies of the 'black' version of the video were destroyed before the massacre, '...but a single cassette was found in the Maxted's bedroom safe. One wonders what these fashionable psychiatrists made of it. Seeing the film, I had the strong sense, not for the first time of young minds willing themselves into madness as a way of finding freedom.'

Believing that Marion Miller, the youngest of the missing children, and hence - in the weird psychologic of the Dr Greyville - 'perhaps the least freaked by her parents' cloying kindness, perhaps the least estranged from them, may have escape her comrades in a desperate attempt to return to her childhood paradise, they decide to show her an edited version of the video - sans the violent additions. They hope it may trigger memories and penetrate her silence.

However, as the doctor and a nurse are setting up a video showing, the hospital is raided by gun-toting intruders wearing white gowns and face masks, who shoot up the police guards and abduct Marion. The raiders are, in fact, two of the Pangbourne children, a boy and a girl come to claim their own before disappearing back into their mysterious collective heart of adolescent darkness.

In his bid to explain this threatening aberration, the doctor theorises: 'By a grim paradox, the instrument of the parents' deaths was the devoted and caring regime which they had instituted at Pangbourne Village. The children had been brainwashed, by the unlimited tolerance and understanding that had erased all freedom and all trace of emotion - for emotion was never needed at Pangbourne, by either parents or children.'

He believes that, like the Manson gang, Mark Chapman, Lee Harvey Oswald and Nazi death-camp guards, the children exhibited a kind of schizophrenic detachment from reality. However, unlike these other 20th century bogey men - and bogey women - the children had no choice, 'Unable to express their emotions or respond to those of the people around them, suffocated under a mantle of praise and encouragement, they were trapped for ever within a perfect universe. In a totally sane society, madness is the only freedom.'

He is so convinced of the elegance of his complex equation of abusively claustrophobic kindness leading to murderous madness that he doesn't ask why the children did not simply choose to run away and disappear among the homeless millions of Thatcher's grey and unpleasant land.

Ballard takes one more spin of the wheel to conclude his fantasy - five years after the massacre there is an unsuccessful terrorist attack on a former prime minister, now known as 'Mother England', in which one of the raiders would seem to be Marion Miller, now apparently politicised and inflamed to direct her anger at another parental figure - Big Bad Maggie.

This shift in the focus of rage is interesting, but Ballard doesn't even try to explain it. After all, nobody could accuse the Iron Lady of ever attempting to smother anyone with unconditional kindness. In keeping with his 'kill the givers of unconditional care and love' hypothesis, it would be more logical for the kids to target the likes of Mother Teresa or even Bob Geldof.

In some previous speculative fantasies about violent juvenile rebellion, the motivations for slaughter has been very clearly constructed and explored. In William Golding's Lord of the Flies it is simply a case of power corrupting the leadership. In John Wyndham's The Midwich Cuckoos the children are actually spawned by an alien life form in human mothers as a means of invading the human race from within. In Norman Lindsay's 1968 film If... the rebellious schoolboys are reacting against a corrupt and decadent system that purports to embrace the best elements of tradition and modern education. In William Burroughs' The Wild Boys, the divisions are generational and sexual, the gay pre-punk warriors use alternative technologies to torment and defy conventional forces of the Korporate Kontrol Konspiracy.

By comparison, Ballard's speculations about the potentially mind-warping effects of TLC are simply ludicrous.

However, Ballard had better beware - if Running Wild was filmed or adapted as a Cultsta Rap song, it might end up being cited in defence of some glue and caffeine-crazed teenager who claimed his murderous rampage against the parents of the world - including his own - was sparked by ideas in Ballard's improable tale. But it would be a truly desperate defence attorney who would stoop to such a ploy, because Ballard's fictional explanation of cultish mayhem is, for me, quite unconvincing. Only a glue and caffeine-crazed teenager would believe it. So, beam me up to Hale-Bopp, Dotty, I'm doing lunch with Elvis and Jim Morrison at High Noon in the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

Reviewer: Giles Hugo.


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Re: Radionica 4 - april 2011 - PRIČE
« Reply #1340 on: 05-04-2011, 21:57:13 »
Zanimljivo. Knjigu sam platio -pazi sad!- 50 dinara. Ako nađem još koji primerak (na ovoj rasprodaji na gospodarskom sajmu u Mostaru) kupiću ti, ako si zainteresovan. Stvarno je džabe.

Mica Milovanovic

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« Reply #1341 on: 05-04-2011, 23:55:02 »
Kupi. Hvala.


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Re: Radionica 4 - april 2011 - PRIČE
« Reply #1342 on: 06-04-2011, 10:18:06 »

Mica Milovanovic

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« Reply #1343 on: 06-04-2011, 14:33:17 »
Još jednom hvala. Dolaziš li ovamo uskoro?


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« Reply #1344 on: 06-04-2011, 20:24:54 »
Dragon's Path by Daniel Abraham ušao je u Amazonovih top 100 naslova epske fantastike, a roman tek od sutra počinje da se prodaje. Ovo je naslov od kojeg mnogo očekujem, mada je daleko od hajpovanog.

Abraham (the Seasons of War quartet) starts this rich, exciting, and fresh epic fantasy series opener in a fairly standard fashion: an orphaned girl and a once great general escape from a city under siege with the help of a traveling theater troupe. But that's where the clichés end, for Marcus Wester would far rather guard humble caravans than cruel kings, and Cithrin bel Sarcour's loyalty is not to her long-dead noble parents but to the Medean Bank that took her in. Cithrin and Marcus must smuggle the treasury of the lost city of Vanai through a war zone in which every army seeks new sources of funds and every king wants them dead. With a deft and light hand, Abraham questions and explores the fantasy-world assumptions that most authors take for granted, telling an enjoyable and genuinely innovative adventure story along the way.

All paths lead to war...

Marcus' hero days are behind him. He knows too well that even the smallest war still means somebody's death. When his men are impressed into a doomed army, staying out of a battle he wants no part of requires some unorthodox steps.

Cithrin is an orphan, ward of a banking house. Her job is to smuggle a nation's wealth across a war zone, hiding the gold from both sides. She knows the secret life of commerce like a second language, but the strategies of trade will not defend her from swords.

Geder, sole scion of a noble house, has more interest in philosophy than in swordplay. A poor excuse for a soldier, he is a pawn in these games. No one can predict what he will become.

Falling pebbles can start a landslide. A spat between the Free Cities and the Severed Throne is spiraling out of control. A new player rises from the depths of history, fanning the flames that will sweep the entire region onto The Dragon's Path-the path to war.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Radionica 4 - april 2011 - PRIČE
« Reply #1345 on: 07-04-2011, 17:42:23 »
@MIĆA: Jao, veruj mi da ne znam; za sajam u oktobru 100% sam tamo, za ranije ništa ne mogu obećati, stalno sam na terenu, tako da ne znam gde će me put naneti. Knjiga je kod mene, dobićeš je. Ako ti je frka, probaću poslati poštom.


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« Reply #1346 on: 07-04-2011, 17:48:23 »
ej nesto nije u redu. u "recent posts" kliknuo sam "radionica 4 - april 2011 - PRICE" i dospeo ovde. takodje prijavljuje da je tema u okviru "nightflier's bookspace".

edit: aha, evo izgleda da je sredjeno.
ja sam psihicki ubica
covek sa dva lica
danju pocivam u miru
nocem vitlam sa sekiru
licnos' svoju krijem
nocas cu te ubijem!

Mica Milovanovic

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« Reply #1347 on: 08-04-2011, 00:18:11 »
@MIĆA: Jao, veruj mi da ne znam; za sajam u oktobru 100% sam tamo, za ranije ništa ne mogu obećati, stalno sam na terenu, tako da ne znam gde će me put naneti. Knjiga je kod mene, dobićeš je. Ako ti je frka, probaću poslati poštom.

Živeo sam dvadeset godina bez nje. Oktobar je tako blizu.


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Re: Radionica 4 - april 2011 - PRIČE
« Reply #1348 on: 08-04-2011, 00:36:24 »
Ma opuštencija; knjiga je svejedno manjeg obima (ne, neću reći tanka, jer knjiga ne može biti tanka ili debela). Eto. Osećam se kao Jugosloven. Veze nema sa ovom pričom, ali eto. Popi(H).


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« Reply #1349 on: 09-04-2011, 22:21:29 »