Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763768 times)

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« Reply #1750 on: 25-05-2012, 23:52:09 »

U pripremi može da znači mnogo toga. Zapravo, ne znam da li je prevođenje počelo, ali je sasvim sigurno određen prevodilac koji će se time baviti. Često se dešava da neki prevodioci rade na više serijala, kao što sam ja do skora paralelno radio na Sandersonu i Džordanu, pa moraju da završe prethodni projekat pre nego što počnu novi. U svakom slučaju, već je dovoljno zanimljivo to što će "Legenda" uopšte biti objavljena kod nas - i to sa tolikim zakašnjenjem.

@Neomeđeni et all.

Najpre, antologije se prodaju drastično slabije nego romani. Potom, prodaja fantastike je stravično pala, sa izuzetkom Martina. Do skora se i Džordan držao, ali je sada jedino Martin isplativ. Potom, "Legende 2" tek uvode priče iz potpuno nepoznatih svetova. Prvi tom legendi bio je gotovo potpuno pokriven relevantnim romanima u trenutku kada je bio objavljen, doduše - preko nekoliko izdavača - ali L2 donosi mahom nove pisce i svetove. To me navodi na pomisao da će L2 proći veoma slabo. Objektivno, tu su u ovom trenutku zanimljive samo Martinova i Gejmanova novela.
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« Reply #1751 on: 26-05-2012, 09:34:03 »
Uh, nije mi palo na pamet da pogledam listu pisaca iz dvojke. Svejedno, domaće izdanje drugih Legendi jeste za mene najbolja šansa da dobijem Zakleti mač u papirnom obliku. Ne znači mi mnogo što sam je imam u engleskom prevodu na kompu, kad Viteza lutalicu imam u čak dva izdanja.

Sve u svemu, gadni dani za jednog prosečnog ljubitelja Hobita.


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« Reply #1752 on: 26-05-2012, 11:23:27 »

Mad Hatter’s Bookshelf & Book Review has posted the cover art and synopsis of the upcoming novel A Red Sun Also Rises by Mark Hodder.
Here’s the synopsis:

When Reverend Aiden Fleischer, vicar of the sleepy town of Theaston Vale, finds a hunchbacked, light-sensitive and crippled vagabond named Clarissa Stark begging at his door, little does he suspect it’s the start of an adventure that’s literally out of this world!
Bribed by an unscrupulous family, Fleischer and his companion flee to London’s missionary college, but in wicked Whitechapel, the faithless priest stumbles upon one of Jack the Ripper’s victims and becomes convinced that he himself is the notorious killer. With her friend’s mind shattered, Miss Stark is relieved when they are both posted to the far away Melanesian island of Koluwai, but here they encounter an even darker evil, one that transports them to another planet.
Beneath the twin suns of the planet Ptallaya, Fleischer and Stark encounter an alien species, the Yatsill, master mimics who, after gaining access to Miss Stark’s mind, create their own bizarre version of Victorian London.
But Fleischer and Stark’s new home from home is not safe, for the Blood Gods will soon invade, and if he is to defeat them and rescue the woman he’s come to love, Fleischer must first face his own inner demons!


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« Reply #1753 on: 26-05-2012, 11:49:27 »
Mene Hoder nije privukao ni svojim prethodnim romanima, unatoč mojoj najboljoj volji i tadašnjim oduševljenjem i zanosom stimpankom. Svim zaljubljenicima u stimpank i kvazviktorijansku atmosferu iskreno preporučujem Whitechapel Gods by S. M. Peters.
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« Reply #1754 on: 28-05-2012, 09:11:52 »
iskreno, ja sam od njega skicnula samo Spring-Heeled Jacka, a ni to nisam dovrsila...
ali ce te zato ovo sigurno obradovati :) :
Guy Gavriel Kay announces new novel!


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« Reply #1755 on: 28-05-2012, 11:18:02 »
Nece njega, al' ima ko ce da se raduje  :lol:
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1756 on: 28-05-2012, 19:45:46 »
ako, ako, i treba...  :)  nego, amazonov mejl mi najavio CHUCK PALAHNIUK'S NEW BOOK RELEASING ON JUNE 4, 2012!!!!

jel overio ko u prethodnom izdanju?


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« Reply #1757 on: 28-05-2012, 21:09:51 »
Baš sam hteo da kažem kako rečenog pisca nisam preterano mirisao sve do Under the Heaven. E, taj roman me je oduševio i baš mi je prijao. Doduše, nisam čitao Ysabel - a deluje mi zanimljivo.
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« Reply #1758 on: 29-05-2012, 13:04:36 »
Izašlo pre par dana, ako neko već nije postavio:

And every life became
A brilliant breaking of the bank,
A quite unlosable game.


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« Reply #1759 on: 29-05-2012, 15:10:31 »
Kim Stenli  Robinson...Crveni mars je bio fenomenalan, onda sam poceo da citam nastavak i smorio se kompletnom postavkom radnje i skretanjem u beskrajne svadje i prepirke kao okosnicu zapleta. Robinson je tu toliko smorio da nisam imao snage za treci nastavak. Evo sad slusam ovaj klip i prvo sto mi pada na pamet je novela "Dani Solomona Gurskog", by genius Ijan Mekdonald u kojoj na na mnogo manje strana data u sustini ista ali jos genijalnija vizija svega onoga o cemu ce Kim Stenli verovatno napisati 1500 strana...


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« Reply #1760 on: 29-05-2012, 15:21:05 »
Moram priznati da KSR ni meni nije preterano zanimljiv. Zapravo, od tog tvrđeg SFa danas bih najradije čitao Nila Ašera.
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« Reply #1761 on: 30-05-2012, 12:18:44 »
свака теби дала бесеркеру што си издржао црвени марс...и похвалио га..ја сам се душевно убио док сам га завршио колико ми је био досадан...тако да ми наставци нису ни пали на памет

едит. и то говоримо о времену када ми је сваки сф био добар сф!
...barcode never lies


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« Reply #1762 on: 30-05-2012, 14:01:21 »
@ dejan
Ponela me monumentalnost ideje :) prvi put sam video ozbiljno razradjenu ideju teraformiranja, pa sam pratio tu liniju, ne obracajuci paznju na meni sporedne zadjevice izmedju ljudi (koje naravno cine okosnicu price). E vec za drugu knjigu nisam izdrzao jer je teraformiranje tu vec bilo stara stvar, ostalo samo prepucavanje do 101 i nazad...


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« Reply #1763 on: 30-05-2012, 15:00:50 »
Nemoguce je (ipak je on uspesan pisac) da su se samo meni svidele knjige, cak sam i uzivao i ako ikada krenem da repriziram vec procitano KSR mi je na vrhu liste.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1764 on: 30-05-2012, 15:18:49 »
ево, свака дала и мелкору...ја сам увек мислио да је у мени проблем са тим кср-ом, сад имам и доказе!
...barcode never lies


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« Reply #1765 on: 30-05-2012, 15:39:27 »
S druge strane mislim da ne poznajem nikoga (ukljucujuci prevodioca) ko deli moje misljenje, tako da problem ne mora biti u tebi :-)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1766 on: 30-05-2012, 15:45:39 »
мало ме теши то да се преводилац сигурно сморио више од мене
...barcode never lies


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« Reply #1767 on: 03-06-2012, 01:41:28 »
Ovog meseca pred čitaocima će se naći negde preko sto pedeset naslova koji potpadaju pod nekakvu fantastiku. Pogledavši spisak, došao sam do zaključka da je možda dvadeset odsto njih upotrebljivo. Izdvojio bih

Sworn in Steel: A Tale of the Kin by Douglas Hulick

Halikov prvenac je našao mesto među knjigama koje su mi prošle godine najviše prijale, pa se radujem nastavku, koji bi trebalo da bude objavljen koliko u ponedeljak.
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« Reply #1768 on: 05-06-2012, 22:29:04 »
Novi roman o Aniti Blejk je posao dostupan na narodskim izvorima za te stvari.

Laurell K Hamilton - Anita Blake 21 - Kiss the Dead

When a fifteen-year-old girl is abducted by vampires, it's up to U.S. Marshal Anita Blake to find her. And when she does, she's faced with something she's never seen before: a terrifyingly ordinary group of people--kids, grandparents, soccer moms--all recently turned and willing to die to avoid serving a master. And where there's one martyr, there will be more. But even vampires have monsters that they're afraid of. And Anita is one of them...
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« Reply #1769 on: 08-06-2012, 00:57:17 »
Kao što spomenuh, ovog juna nas čeka nešto preko 150 naslova razne fantastike. Među njima valja probrati najviše desetak da se nađu na našim virtuelnim ili drvenim policama. Evo mog izbora:

Amped by Daniel H. Wilson

Technology makes them superhuman. But mere mortals want them kept in their place. The New York Times bestselling author of Robopocalypse creates a stunning, near-future world where technology and humanity clash in surprising ways. The result? The perfect summer blockbuster.

 As he did in Robopocalypse, Daniel Wilson masterfully envisions a frightening near-future world. In Amped, people are implanted with a device that makes them capable of superhuman feats. The powerful technology has profound consequences for society, and soon a set of laws is passed that restricts the abilities—and rights—of "amplified" humans. On the day that the Supreme Court passes the first of these laws, twenty-nine-year-old Owen Gray joins the ranks of a new persecuted underclass known as "amps." Owen is forced to go on the run, desperate to reach an outpost in Oklahoma where, it is rumored, a group of the most enhanced amps may be about to change the world—or destroy it.

Once again, Daniel H. Wilson's background as a scientist serves him well in this technologically savvy thriller that delivers first-rate entertainment, as Wilson takes the "what if" question in entirely unexpected directions. Fans of Robopocalypse are sure to be delighted, and legions of new fans will want to get "amped" this summer.

Blue Remembered Earth by Alastair Reynolds

With his critically acclaimed Revelation Space novels, Alastair Reynolds confirmed “his place among the leaders of the hard-science space opera renaissance.” (Publishers Weekly) With Blue Remembered Earth, the award-winning author begins a new epic, tracing generations of one family across more than ten thousand years of future history—into interstellar space and the dawn of galactic society…

 One hundred and fifty years from now, Africa has become the world’s dominant technological and economic power. Crime, war, disease and poverty have been eliminated. The Moon and Mars are settled, and colonies stretch all the way out to the edge of the solar system. And Ocular, the largest scientific instrument in history, is about to make an epochal discovery…

 Geoffrey Akinya wants only one thing: to be left in peace, so that he can continue his long-running studies into the elephants of the Amboseli basin. But Geoffrey’s family, who control the vast Akinya business empire, has other plans for him. After the death of his grandmother Eunice—the erstwhile space explorer and entrepreneur—something awkward has come to light on the Moon, so Geoffrey is dispatched there to ensure the family name remains untarnished. But the secrets Eunice died with are about to be revealed—secrets that could change everything...or tear this near utopia apart.

Caliban's War by James S.A. Corey

We are not alone.

On Ganymede, breadbasket of the outer planets, a Martian marine watches as her platoon is slaughtered by a monstrous supersoldier. On Earth, a high-level politician struggles to prevent interplanetary war from reigniting. And on Venus, an alien protomolecule has overrun the planet, wreaking massive, mysterious changes and threatening to spread out into the solar system.

In the vast wilderness of space, James Holden and the crew of the Rocinante have been keeping the peace for the Outer Planets Alliance. When they agree to help a scientist search war-torn Ganymede for a missing child, the future of humanity rests on whether a single ship can prevent an alien invasion that may have already begun . . .

Caliban's War is a breakneck science fiction adventure following the critically acclaimed Leviathan Wakes.

Rasputin's Bastards by David Nickle

They were the beautiful dreamers. From a hidden city deep in the Ural mountains, they walked the world as the coldest of Cold Warriors, under the command of the Kremlin and under the power of their own expansive minds. They slipped into the minds of Russia's enemies with diabolical ease, and drove their human puppets to murder - and worse. They moved as Gods. And as Gods, they might have remade the world. But like the mad holy man Rasputin, who destroyed Russia through his own powerful influence, in the end, the psychic spies for the Motherland were only in it for themselves. It is the 1990s. The Cold War is long finished. From a suite in an unseen hotel in the heart of Manhattan, an old warrior named Kolyokov sets out with an open heart, to gather together the youngest members of his immense, and immensely talented, family.  They are more beautiful - and more terrible - than any who came before them. They are Rasputin's bastards. And they will remake the world!

The Long Earth by Stephen Baxter & Terry Pratchett

   The possibilities are endless. (Just be careful what you wish for. . . .)
 1916: The Western Front. Private Percy Blakeney wakes up. He is lying on fresh spring grass. He can hear birdsong and the wind in the leaves. Where have the mud, blood, and blasted landscape of no-man's-land gone? For that matter, where has Percy gone?
 2015: Madison, Wisconsin. Police officer Monica Jansson is exploring the burned-out home of a reclusive—some say mad, others allege dangerous—scientist who seems to have vanished. Sifting through the wreckage, Jansson find a curious gadget: a box containing some rudimentary wiring, a three-way switch, and . . . a potato. It is the prototype of an invention that will change the way humankind views the world forever.
 The first novel in an exciting new collaboration between Discworld creator Terry Pratchett and the acclaimed SF writer Stephen Baxter, The Long Earth transports readers to the ends of the earth—and far beyond. All it takes is a single step. . . .

Worldsoul by Liz Williams

   What if being a librarian was the most dangerous job in the world? Worldsoul, a great city that forms a nexus point between Earth and the many dimensions known as the Liminality, is a place where old stories gather, where forgotten legends come to fade and die - or to flourish and rise again. Until recently, Worldsoul has been governed by the Skein, but they have gone missing and no one knows why. The city is also being attacked with lethal flower-bombs from an unknown enemy. Mercy Fane and her fellow Librarians are doing their best to maintain the Library, but...things...keep breaking out of ancient texts and legends are escaping into the city. Mercy must pursue one such dangerous creature. She turns to Shadow, an alchemist, for aid, but Shadow - inadvertently possessed by an ifrit - has a perilous quest of her own to undertake.   

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« Reply #1770 on: 08-06-2012, 09:57:32 »
Od danas na netu

Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas by John Scalzi

Ensign Andrew Dahl has just been assigned to the Universal Union Capital Ship Intrepid, flagship of the Universal Union since the year 2456. It’s a prestige posting, and Andrew is thrilled all the more to be assigned to the ship’s Xenobiology laboratory. Life couldn’t be better…until Andrew begins to pick up on the fact that (1) every Away Mission involves some kind of lethal confrontation with alien forces, (2) the ship’s captain, its chief science officer, and the handsome Lieutenant Kerensky always survive these confrontations, and (3) at least one low-ranked crew member is, sadly, always killed. Not surprisingly, a great deal of energy below decks is expendedon avoiding, at all costs, being assigned to an Away Mission. Then Andrew stumbles on information that completely transforms his and his colleagues’ understanding of what the starship Intrepid really is…and offers them a crazy, high-risk chance to save their own lives.
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« Reply #1771 on: 08-06-2012, 10:17:32 »
Ovaj Stiven Baxter je profesionalni nastavljač tuđih poslova, šta bre i kako?  :-x
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1772 on: 08-06-2012, 12:27:41 »
Ovaj Stiven Baxter je profesionalni nastavljač tuđih poslova, šta bre i kako?  :-x

Ni meni nije jasno, pravo da ti kažem. Pračetova saradnja sa Gejmanom je bila neverovatno dobra, ali što sa Baksterom, od svih mogućih britanskih pisaca - đavo će ga znati. Imam neki osećaj da je Bakster obavio sav posao, a Pračet samo dao ideju - ili možda samo ime na koricama - da bi pokupio pola honorara.
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« Reply #1773 on: 08-06-2012, 18:51:00 »
Najočekivaniji SF roman ovog leta, od danas je dostupan legalno i nelegalno.

Caliban's War (The Expanse) by James S. A. Corey

   We are not alone.

On Ganymede, breadbasket of the outer planets, a Martian marine watches as her platoon is slaughtered by a monstrous supersoldier. On Earth, a high-level politician struggles to prevent interplanetary war from reigniting. And on Venus, an alien protomolecule has overrun the planet, wreaking massive, mysterious changes and threatening to spread out into the solar system.

In the vast wilderness of space, James Holden and the crew of the Rocinante have been keeping the peace for the Outer Planets Alliance. When they agree to help a scientist search war-torn Ganymede for a missing child, the future of humanity rests on whether a single ship can prevent an alien invasion that may have already begun . . .

Caliban's War is a breakneck science fiction adventure following the critically acclaimed Leviathan Wakes.   
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« Reply #1774 on: 08-06-2012, 23:45:50 »
Zna li se koliko ce knjiga biti u serijalu?
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1775 on: 08-06-2012, 23:51:58 »
Koliko znam, u planu je još četiri romana, kao i nekoliko priča koje se (valjda) dešavaju između romana - ali ne znam ništa više od toga. Ejbraham je pristao da mi da još jedan intervju za blog, nakon što "Buđenje nemani" bude objavljeno kod nas, pa ću ga pitati i to.
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« Reply #1776 on: 08-06-2012, 23:53:38 »
Ok, hvala, znaci nacekacu se...
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1777 on: 08-06-2012, 23:54:40 »
Nećeš da čitaš dok se sve ne završi, zar ne? :) Mislim da im je planirani tempo jedan roman godišnje. Meni je to sasvim prihvatljiv ritam.
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« Reply #1778 on: 08-06-2012, 23:57:48 »
Zivot je previse kratak da bi citali serijale koji nisu zavrseni (a bogami i mnoge zavrsene  :twisted: )
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1779 on: 08-06-2012, 23:59:00 »
Meni se trenutno čini da je život, makar parcelisan po 24 sata, prekratak da bi se bilo šta čitalo... :(
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« Reply #1780 on: 09-06-2012, 23:25:00 »
Ovome se radujem, premda su najzanimljivije stvari zapravo ponovljene iz drugih izvora:

Epic Edited by John Joseph Adams

There is a sickness in the land. Prophets tell of the fall of empires, the rise of champions. Great beasts stir in vaults beneath the hills, beneath the waves. Armies mass. Gods walk. The world will be torn asunder.
Epic fantasy is storytelling at its biggest and best. From the creation myths and quest sagas of ancient times to the mega-popular fantasy novels of today, these are the stories that express our greatest hopes and fears, that create worlds so rich we long to return to them again and again, and that inspire us with their timeless values of courage and friendship in the face of ultimate evil—tales that transport us to the most ancient realms, and show us the most noble sacrifices, the most astonishing wonders.
Now acclaimed editor John Joseph Adams (Wastelands, The Living Dead) brings you seventeen tales by today’s leading authors of epic fantasy, including George R. R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire), Ursula K. Le Guin (Earthsea), Robin Hobb (Realms of Elderlings), Kate Elliott (Crown of Stars), Tad Williams (Of Memory, Sorrow & Thorn), Patrick Rothfuss (The Kingkiller Chronicle), and more.
Return again to lands you’ve loved, or visit magical new worlds. Victory against the coming darkness is never certain, but one thing’s for sure—your adventure will be epic.
  • “Homecoming” by Robin Hobb
  • “The Word of Unbinding” by Ursula K. Le Guin
  • “The Burning Man” by Tad Williams
  • “As the Wheel Turns” by Aliette de Bodard
  • “The Alchemist” by Paolo Bacigalupi
  • “Sandmagic” by Orson Scott Card
  • “The Road to Levinshir” by Patrick Rothfuss
  • “Rysn” by Brandon Sanderson
  • “While the Gods Laugh” by Michael Moorcock
  • “Mother of All Russiya” by Melanie Rawn
  • “Riding the Shore of the River of Death” by Kate Elliott
  • “The Bound Man” by Mary Robinette Kowal
  • “The Narcomancer” by N. K. Jemisin
  • “Strife Lingers in Memory” by Carrie Vaughn
  • “The Mad Apprentice” by Trudi Canavan
  • “Otherling” by Juliet Marillier
  • “The Mystery Knight” by George R. R. Martin
Epic will be avilable in November 2012.

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« Reply #1781 on: 15-06-2012, 10:11:01 »
Nova antologija Džonatana Strejhena, koja će mi se svakako naći na tabletu:

Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron by Jonathan Strahan

Neil Gaiman, Holly Black, Diana Peterfreund, Margo Lanagan, Peter S. Beagle, and Garth Nix are just a few of the authors who have toiled over their cauldrons and conjured up bewitching new creations inspired by and celebrating the might and mystery of the witch. Assembled by one of the most well-regarded anthologists in the science fiction/fantasy world, this rich, intelligent collection will enchant readers of all ages.
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« Reply #1782 on: 19-06-2012, 12:36:35 »
Abraham Linkoln - lovac na vampire
Set Grejam Smit

Abraham Linkoln je poznat i hvaljen kao spasilac Unije i oslobodilac robova, ali je njegova neustrašiva borba protiv sila mraka ostala u senci gotovo dvesta godina, sve dok Set Grejam Smit nije slučajno otkrio Tajni dnevnik Abrahama Linkolna.  Upravo je ovaj dnevnik poslužio autoru da rekonstruiše istinitu životnu priču najvećeg američkog predsednika. Pred nama se otkriva skrivena pozadina Građanskog rata i nezaobilazna uloga koju su vampiri odigrali u stvaranju, razvoju i zamalo propasti američke nacije.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1783 on: 23-06-2012, 15:49:19 »
Na opštepoznatim narodskim izvorištima mastila pojavila su se dva romana objavljena ovog meseca, a potencijalno zanimljiva Sagitašima:

The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter i Worldsoul by Liz Williams. Pračet i Bakster su poznati, ali Vilijamsova je spisateljica koja kod nas nije poznata, ali je prati glas izvanrednog pisca u SF okruženju. Pre nekog vremena pošlo mi je za rukom da kompletiram njen ciklus o inspektoru Čenu, pa bih možda i mogao da ga uvrstim na spisak za čitanje. U međuvremenu, Worldsoul je izgleda standalone roman, koji preporučuju diljem interneta.

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« Reply #1784 on: 25-06-2012, 22:26:13 »
Na moju ekstremnu radost, od pre dva dana u eARC varijanti dostupan je

Captain Vorpatril's Alliance by Lois McMaster Bujold

Captain Ivan Vorpatril is happy with his relatively uneventful bachelor's life of a staff officer to a Barrayaran admiral. Ivan, cousin to Imperial troubleshooter Miles Vorkosigan, is not far down the hereditary list for the emperorship. Thankfully, new heirs have directed that headache elsewhere, leaving Ivan to enjoy his life on Komarr, far from the Byzantine court politics of his home system. But when an old friend in Barrayaran intelligence asks Ivan to protect an attractive young woman who may be on the hit list of a criminal syndicate, Ivan's chivalrous nature takes over. It seems danger and adventures have once more found Captain Vorpatril.
 Tej Arqua and her half-sister and servant Rish are fleeing the violent overthrow of their clan on free-for-all planet Jackson's Whole. Now it seems Tej may possess a hidden secret of which even she may not be aware. It's a secret that could corrupt the heart of a highly regarded Barayarran family and provide the final advantage for the thugs who seek to overthrow Tej's homeworld.
 But none of Tej's formidable adversaries have counted on Ivan Vorpatril. For behind Ivan's façade of wry and self effacing humor lies a true and cunning protector who will never leave a distressed lady in the lurch-up to and including making the ultimate sacrifice to keep her from harm: the treasured and hardwon freedom from his own fate as a scion of Barrayar.
 ARC (advance reading copy). The publication information is subject to change. Expected release date: November 6th 2012.

Nažalost, Bižolova kod nas nije ni izbliza popularna kao kod 'Rvata, ali to mene ne sprečava da se kao pseto radujem njenom povratku ovom serijalu, nakon duuuugog eksperimentisanja sa mushy-mushy fentezijem. Srećasrećarados'!
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« Reply #1785 on: 26-06-2012, 08:10:04 »
Kupio sam i pročitao sve tri knjige koje je Laguna izdala, a nabavio sam i Hrvatske, hm, tekstove. Međutim, svideo mi se samo Barajar, i to dosta, dok su druge dve knjige poprilično naivne. U čemu je tajna tolike popularnosti? Da li je u kasnijim knjigama njeno pisanje bolje ili isto ovako?

Uzgred, negde sam čitao hvale o tom njenom fenteziju, a Paladin of soul je valjda dobio i neku Nebulu. Valja li to šta?


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« Reply #1786 on: 26-06-2012, 09:32:17 »
The Curse of the Chalion, Paladin of Souls i The Hallowed Hunt čine uslovno rečeno slabo povezanu trilogiju i izvanredne su knjige, koje sam čitao nekoliko puta. Što se mene tiče, silno bih voleo da nastavi da piše u tom svetu. Međutim, posle tih knjiga je napisala tetralogiju The Sharing Knife, koja jeste izvrsna - ali je spora i nije baš za svakoga.

Što se tiče Vorkosigana - prvih nekoliko knjiga u serijalu, ne računajući one o Kordeliji, jeste pomalo naivno i ima taj blago trešasti vajb fantastike osamdesetih. Međutim, kasnije knjige - naročito od Memory - razbijaju koliko su dobre. Moja omiljena je The Civil Campaign, u suštini priča o tome kako se protagonista oženio.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1787 on: 26-06-2012, 10:18:23 »
Okej, hvala na odgovoru, pomeram ih unapred na listi za čitanje. Šteta onda što Bižolova nije bolje prošla sa sagom o Majlsu, to je moglo otvoriti vrata za njen fentezi da se objavi na srpskom.

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« Reply #1788 on: 26-06-2012, 10:24:00 »
Na opštepoznatim narodskim izvorištima mastila pojavila su se dva romana objavljena ovog meseca, a potencijalno zanimljiva Sagitašima:

The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter

Evo šta Adam Roberts veli tome:
Blijedi čovjek na tragu pervertita.
To je ta nezadrživa napaljenost mladosti.
Dušman u odsustvu Dušmana.


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« Reply #1789 on: 26-06-2012, 10:25:05 »
Ne verujem da bi i njen fentezi bio išta uspešniji. Robin Hob je očajno prošla kod nas, na primer, a čini mi se da se The Curse of the Chalion, Paladin of Souls i The Hallowed Hunt mogu porediti sa prvom trilogojim Robin Hob. Kod nas su na delu neke čudne zakonitosti kada je o fantastici reč. Neke stvari koje bi trebalo da idu dobro prodaju se loše, a neki autori koji nisu toliko značajni prodaju  se daleko bolje nego što bi trebalo. Valjda svako tržište ima svoje specifičnosti. Doduše, tu je i problem što su se ljudi opekli sa dugačkim serijalima i mnogo čitalaca jednostavno čeka da serijali budu završeni. Nažalost, to dovodi do suprotnog efekta. Naime, pošto prodaja pada, izdavači napuštaju fantastiku. Videćemo kako će se stvari dalje odvijati. Čini mi se da u ovom trenutku postoji ozbiljna bojazan da veliki izdavači u potpunosti dignu ruke od objavljivanja fantastike. Naravno, to bi značilo da bi manjim izdavačima bilo lakše da dišu, ali bi značilo i povlačenje fantastike u zapećak izdavaštva.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1790 on: 26-06-2012, 10:31:20 »
Na opštepoznatim narodskim izvorištima mastila pojavila su se dva romana objavljena ovog meseca, a potencijalno zanimljiva Sagitašima:

The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter

Evo šta Adam Roberts veli tome:

Overiću ga u narednih desetak dana, verovatno. Možda i ranije, ako rešim da opet počnem da čitam dve knjige paralelno.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1791 on: 26-06-2012, 10:45:31 »
Da ne budem dosadan sa komentarisanjem, ali za Robin Hub mi je prosto neverovatno da je potonula. Plus što sad treba da se nakanim da potražim sledeće dve trilogije na engleskom, pa isprevodim ona silna imena da bih video ko je ko u srpskom prevodu i u orginalu, pa tek onda mogu da čitam. A žena sjajno piše. I nije mnogo blaža prema svojim likovima od Martina, a njega svi obožavamo.


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« Reply #1792 on: 26-06-2012, 11:05:18 »
Moja je pretpostavka da je Hobova kod nas prsla iz dva razloga: Pre svega, zbog prevelikog razmaka između prvog i drugog romana, a potom - zato što je objavljena kao hitac u prazno, bez pripreme publike i bez ikakve promocije. Slaba i bolna tačka Laguninog marketinga, pa i marketinga svih ostalih izdavača, je to da ljudi koji su za to zaduženi niti vole niti poznaju fantastiku. Zato je fantastika prepuštena samoj sebi, pa ako se proda - proda se. Već je u redakciji i kod vlasnika znatno drugačije, ali ne mogu svi da rade sve.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1793 on: 27-06-2012, 11:28:30 »
želiš reći da ne čitaju knjige koje izdaju
ili samo reklamiraju ono što su pročitali  :o
Najjači forum na kojem se osjećam kao kod kuće i gdje uvijek mogu reći što mislim bez posljedica, mada ipak ne bih trebao mnogo pričati...


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« Reply #1794 on: 27-06-2012, 13:58:58 »
Iskren da budem, ne znam nijednog PR-a nijedne izdavačke kuće koji actually čita knjige.

Edit: Dozvoljavam mogućnost da sam slabo obavešten. Dapače, nadam se da jesam.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1795 on: 27-06-2012, 23:11:08 »
Književna senzacija godine „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“ u prodaji od 5. jula!

U izdanju Lagune u četvrtak, 5. jula, u svim knjižarama Delfi, Laguninim klubovima čitalaca kao i svim bolje snabdevenim knjižarama pojaviće se književna senzacija godine roman „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“ E. L. Džejms.
 „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“ je prvi deo erotske trilogije koji ispituje mračnu, neistraženu stranu seksualnosti. Počinje kao gotovo bilo koja ljubavna priča: lepa studentkinja književnosti Anastazija Stil upoznaje Kristijana Greja – sivookog, prelepog, moćnog muškarca. Ubeđena da je njihov sastanak loše prošao, pokušava da više ne misli na taj događaj – sve dok se Grej ne pojavi u prodavnici u kojoj ona radi i pozove je da izađu. Neiskusna i naivna Ana je šokirana činjenicom da ga želi. Kada je on upozori da za nju bolje da među njima ne bude ničega, Ana ga želi još više. Kada se upuste u strastvenu ljubavnu aferu, Ana će otkriti koje su njene stvarne želje ali i strašne tajne koje Grej skriva od drugih. Neodoljiva magnetska privlačnost je pogađa poput udara groma, ali... tad počinje mračna čarolija zbog koje „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“ obara sve moguće rekorde.
 Ovaj roman do sada je samo u Americi prodat za tri meseca u petnaest miliona primeraka, prava su prodata u trideset sedam zemalja, a cena plaćena za ekranizaciju knjige postigla je apsolutni rekord – čak pet miliona dolara. „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“ je knjiga koju i žene i muškarci čitaju s jednakim žarom.
 Roman je zabranjen u mnogim bibliotekama, a tamo gde nije, na listama čekanja je i po više hiljada ljudi. Na veb-sajtu – prva tri mesta zauzimaju sve tri knjige serijala.
 E. L. Džejms, doskora nepoznata engleska televizijska producentkinja, od ranog detinjstva želi da napiše roman koji će potpuno očarati čitaoce. Nažalost, morala je da ostavi snove po strani kako bi se posvetila porodici i karijeri. Ali čim je prenela reči na papir san joj se ostvario – roman „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“ samo je u prvoj nedelji prodat u preko sto hiljada primeraka, u prva dva meseca je prodato više od deset miliona primeraka samo u SAD (u poslednje dve nedelje prodaja samo ovog romana čini 25 odsto ukupne prodaje svih naslova u Americi), preveden je na trideset sedam jezika, a cena plaćena za ekranizaciju postigla je apsolutni rekord – čak pet miliona dolara. Zanimljivo je da je „Da Vinčijev kod“ držao prethodni rekord s tri miliona dolara. A to nije sve: feministkinje širom sveta vode ogorčene rasprave u prilog i protiv „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“, knjige koju i žene i muškarci čitaju s jednakim žarom. Stvaraju se pokreti za i protiv onoga što je Džejmsova iznela u knjizi, javljaju se psiholozi, seksolozi, sociolozi...
 Zašto je ceo svet izgubio glavu za jednim erotskim romanom? Odgovor najbliži tačnom glasi da je to zato što „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“ ispituje mračnu, neistraženu stranu seksualnosti. Ali tom činjenicom nipošto se ne može sažeti sva magija koju je Džejmsova ulila svojim rečima. Počinje kao gotovo bilo koja ljubavna priča: lepa studentkinja književnosti Anastazija Stil upoznaje Kristijana Greja – sivookog, prelepog, moćnog muškarca. Neodoljiva magnetska privlačnost pogađa je poput udara groma, ali... tad počinje mračna čarolija zbog koje „Pedeset nijansi – Siva“ obara sve moguće rekorde.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1796 on: 28-06-2012, 10:28:25 »
Ellen reads 50 shades of gray for audio book:

Ellen Reads '50 Shades of Grey'



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« Reply #1797 on: 28-06-2012, 11:46:15 »
Ali to je sleš i to loš, majku mu...

Ovo je bolje stanje od Elen:
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1798 on: 28-06-2012, 11:50:51 »

Several weeks ago, I received a telling email from my 29-year-old sister-in-law: “Have you heard of the book 50 Shades of Grey? Get Involved.”

   At this point, E.L. James’s erotica novel was a bestselling e-book, and my brother’s wife—a new mom who spends most days taking care of her 4-month-old son—had immersed herself in some pleasure reading in between changing diapers. Though paperback copies only hit U.S. bookstores yesterday, 50 Shades of Grey is the most buzzed-about series since The Hunger Games, if not a household name (my friend recently learned about it from her 60-year-old father).

  There’s a reason the Grey series is being dubbed “mommy porn,” and it’s not just because of the rough sex and BDSM relationship that has its innocent, college student protagonist Anastasia Steele bending over backward (and forward and sideways) for the older, dashing Christian Grey.

  Originally conceived as Twilight fan fiction, James’s 50 Shades of Grey “reimagined the Bella and Edward love affair set in contemporary Seattle, Washington with Bella as the young college graduate virgin and Edward as the masterful billionaire with secret sexual predilections.” So while the steamy scenes have no doubt sent many hands wandering beneath the sheets during bedtime reading, much of Grey’s appeal is its Cinderella story—the rich-man-sweeps-innocent-beauty-off-her-feet female fantasy. And as in so many romance novels, beneath the hero’s domineering veneer there’s a vulnerability that only the heroine can penetrate, though not without some emotional maneuvering. Jane Eyre has to confront the madwoman in Mr. Rochester’s attic; Bella has to come to terms with Edward’s immortality and bloodlust; Anastasia has to endure Christian Grey’s "Red Room of Pain."


But some ladies may think the romance in 50 Shades of Grey detracts from the sexual fantasy. While some parts are reminiscent of 9½ weeks and Last Tango in Paris, others are straight out of Pretty Woman, and the image of Mickey Rourke blindfolding Kim Basinger just doesn’t evoke the same mood as Richard Gere seducing Julia Roberts at a piano. E.L. James knows her S&M so well that Grey could read like a less sinister Story of O, if it weren’t punctuated by the narrator’s dithering inner monologue (every time Anastasia gets aroused, it seems, she announces it with a “Holy Crap!” or “Holy Shit!” or “Holy Moses!”)

  If you couldn’t tolerate Bella’s moralizing conscience in Twilight, chances are you’ll feel similarly about Anastasia’s. That said, where Stephanie Meyer’s prose is G-rated, James’s is unabashedly explicit. Here, the most racy and alternately corny scenes from the first installment of her softcore porn series.

  Anastasia and Christian’s hot elevator makeout session
 “Before I know it, he’s got both of my hands in his viselike grip above my head, and he’s pinning me to the wall using his lips … His other hand grabs my hair and yanks down, bringing my face up, and his lips are on mine … My tongue tentatively strokes his and joins his in a slow, erotic dance … His erection is against my belly.” (Page 78)

  Anastasia’s reaction to Christian’s erect penis: ‘Holy Cow!’
 “Suddenly, he sits up and tugs my panties off and throws them on the floor. Pulling off his boxer briefs, his erection springs free. Holy cow! … He kneels up and pulls a condom onto his considerable length. Oh no … Will it? How?” (116)

  Christian’s dirty talk makes us turn 50 shades of red
 “Show me how you pleasure yourself … Keep still … We’re going to have to work on keeping you still, baby … Let’s see if we can make you come like this … You’re so deliciously wet. God, I want you … I’m going to fuck you now, Miss Steele … Hard ... Come for me, Ana.” (114, 116, 117, 118)

  Anastasia’s ‘Inner Goddess’ comes out
 “I pull him deeper into my mouth so I can feel him at the back of my throat and then to the front again. My tongue swirls around the end. He’s my very own Christian Grey-flavored popsicle. I suck harder and harder … Hmm … My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves.” (137)

  Anastasia climaxes ‘again and again’ … and again
 “He leans down and kisses me, his fingers still moving rhythmically inside me, his thumb circling and pressing. His other hand scoops my hair off my head and holds my head in place. His tongue mirrors the actions of his fingers, claiming me. My legs begin to stiffen as I push against his hand. He gentles his hand, so I’m brought back from the brink ... I come instantly again and again, falling apart beneath him … then I’m building again … I climax anew, calling out his name.” (195, 196)

Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1799 on: 28-06-2012, 11:57:11 »
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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