Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763742 times)

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« Reply #2000 on: 05-11-2012, 12:14:03 »

Mislim da ih još ima u knjižari Narodne knjige u Srpskih vladara.
And every life became
A brilliant breaking of the bank,
A quite unlosable game.


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« Reply #2001 on: 05-11-2012, 12:24:35 »
Aha - a ja mislio da je to neko novo izdanje! Nema veze...
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« Reply #2002 on: 08-11-2012, 09:57:22 »
Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone

A god has died, and it’s up to Tara, first-year associate in the international necromantic firm of Kelethres, Albrecht, and Ao, to bring Him back to life before His city falls apart.
Her client is Kos, recently deceased fire god of the city of Alt Coulumb. Without Him, the metropolis’s steam generators will shut down, its trains will cease running, and its four million citizens will riot.
Tara’s job: resurrect Kos before chaos sets in. Her only help: Abelard, a chain-smoking priest of the dead god, who’s having an understandable crisis of faith.
When Tara and Abelard discover that Kos was murdered, they have to make a case in Alt Coulumb’s courts—and their quest for the truth endangers their partnership, their lives, and Alt Coulumb’s slim hope of survival.
Set in a phenomenally built world in which justice is a collective force bestowed on a few, craftsmen fly on lightning bolts, and gargoyles can rule cities, Three Parts Dead introduces readers to an ethical landscape in which the line between right and wrong blurs.
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« Reply #2003 on: 09-11-2012, 12:36:33 »
The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson

When Shai is caught replacing the Moon Scepter with her nearly flawless forgery, she must bargain for her life. An assassin has left the Emperor Ashravan without consciousness, a circumstance concealed only by the death of his wife. If the emperor does not emerge after his hundred-day mourning period, the rule of the Heritage Faction will be forfeit and the empire will fall into chaos.Shai is given an impossible task: to create--to Forge--a new soul for the emperor in less than one hundred days. But her soul-Forgery is considered an abomination by her captors. She is confined to a tiny, dirty chamber, guarded by a man who hates her, spied upon by politicians, and trapped behind a door sealed in her own blood. Shai's only possible ally is the emperor's most loyal councillor, Gaotona, who struggles to understand her true talent.
Time is running out for Shai. Forging, while deducing the motivations of her captors, she needs a perfect plan to escape...

Sanderson se sa ovom novelom vraća u svet "Elantrisa", ali očigledno na drugi kraj tog sveta. Poslednjih godina svedoci smo porasta broja dela SF-a i fantazija koji obiluju orijentalnim motivima, pa izgleda da ni Sanderson tome nije odoleo. Sinoć sam pročitao možda dve stranice ove novele i vidi se da je piščev rad na "Točku vremena" ostavio uticaja i na njegova druga dela. Rečenice su mu čvršće, sažetije a stil postaje sveden i promišljen. Vidi se veliki napredak u odnosu na The Way of Kings, recimo. Videćemo šta će biti dalje.
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« Reply #2004 on: 12-01-2013, 02:03:24 »
The Red Knight (The Traitor Son Cycle #1) by Miles Cameron

The Red Knight seems to follow the trend of "ancient past in the far future" type of fantasy, that has recently resurfaced thanks to the writing of Mark Lawrence and some other authors. It must be said that Miles Cameron manages to imply that much more subtly and without SF elements, at least so far, so his novel can not be considered to be science fantasy. He also manages to escape aping George Martin, at the same time achieving grimness and that gritty atmosphere to which many established authors aspire, but most fail to achieve. I would place The Red Knight straight in the middle of military fantasy tradition as established by Glen Cook and further developed by Steven Erikson, although his quasi-medieval setting most closely resembles the Change novels written by Steve Stirling.

The quality of Cameron's writing is superb. The language of his protagonists is as taken from the pages of Ivanhoe and I've noticed anachronistic phrases perhaps couple of times in more than six hundred pages. The language is not lifeless as is frequently the case with writers who try to achieve some kind of authenticity in their literary expression, but is very much alive and flowing - despite difficult choice of words and sometimes over the top use of medieval terms, such as names of different armor parts and such. The author has shown most detailed knowledge of the everyday life of the warrior class during the middle ages, but sometimes his overuse of expressions little known or completely unknown to the modern reader tends to encourage the reader to think that the novel is more difficult to read than it's worth. Nevertheless, Cameron's prose is excellent and quite enjoyable.

My greatest objection to this novel is abundance of PoV characters, with much too short chapters. Don't get me wrong, they are beautifully written, but sometimes PoV lasts for half a page, and then you need to adapt to another one much too quickly. This has proven to be tiresome, at least in my case.

Anywayz, this book is serious contender for the Book of the Year title, by my humble opinion, of course. 5/5
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« Reply #2005 on: 23-01-2013, 23:54:22 »
George R. R. Martin has announced the authors & stories for the DANGEROUS WOMEN anthology, including a novella from me.
 The table of contents will look like this:
 INTRODUCTION, by Gardner Dozois
 SOME DESPERADO, by Joe Abercrombie
 NORA’S SONG, by Cecelia Holland
 THE HANDS THAT ARE NOT THERE, by Melinda Snodgrass
 BOMBSHELLS, by Jim Butcher
 RAISA STEPANOVA, by Carrie Vaughn
 WRESTLING JESUS, by Joe R. Lansdale
 NEIGHBORS, by Megan Lindholm
 I KNOW HOW TO PICK ‘EM, by Lawrence Block
 A QUEEN IN EXILE, by Sharon Kay Penman
 THE GIRL IN THE MIRROR, by Lev Grossman
 CITY LAZARUS, by Diana Rowland
 VIRGINS, by Diana Gabaldon
 HELL HATH NO FURY, by Sherilynn Kenyon
 NAME THE BEAST, by Sam Sykes
 CARETAKERS, by Pat Cadigan
 LIES MY MOTHER TOLD ME, by Caroline Spector
 The book has been turned in to Tor as of this week, so Tor will now pick a more firm publication date. When I hear more I'll let you know.
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« Reply #2006 on: 27-01-2013, 21:24:53 »
Čarls Stros jedan od autora koje nediskriminitavno volim, iako sam se u neke njegove romane razočarao više nego što je zdravo. Elem, najavio je novi roman, nastavak romana Saturn's Children.

The year is AD 7000. The human species is extinct—for the fourth time—due to its fragile nature.
Krina Alizond-114 is metahuman, descended from the robots that once served humanity. She’s on a journey to the water-world of Shin-Tethys to find her sister Ana. But her trip is interrupted when pirates capture her ship. Their leader, the enigmatic Count Rudi, suspects that there’s more to Krina’s search than meets the eye.
He’s correct: Krina and Ana each possess half of the fabled Atlantis Carnet, a lost financial instrument of unbelievable value—capable of bringing down entire civilizations. Krina doesn’t know that Count Rudi suspects her motives, so she accepts his offer to get her to Shin-Tethys in exchange for an introduction to Ana.
And what neither of them suspects is that a ruthless body-double assassin has stalked Krina across the galaxy, ready to take the Carnet once it is whole—and leave no witnesses alive to tell the tale…

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« Reply #2007 on: 28-01-2013, 01:29:51 »
Nije knjiga, ali jeste kultni časopis...
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« Reply #2008 on: 29-01-2013, 13:53:40 »
Zahvaljujući HBO-voj seriji Game of Thrones, vlada sve veće zanimanje za Martinova pisanija kojima se bavio pre nego što je počeo da piše ASoIaF. Tako se Tor dao u osvežavanje i reprint fenomenalnih Wild Cards, a sada se i Bantam prikačio za taj voz i ponudio čitalaštvu TPB izdanje Tuf Voyaging.

Long before A Game of Thrones became an international phenomenon, #1 New York Times bestselling author George R. R. Martin had taken his loyal readers across the cosmos. Now back in print after almost ten years, Tuf Voyaging is the story of quirky and endearing Haviland Tuf, an unlikely hero just trying to do right by the galaxy, one planet at a time.
 Haviland Tuf is an honest space-trader who likes cats. So how is it that, in competition with the worst villains the universe has to offer, he’s become the proud owner of a seedship, the last remnant of Earth’s legendary Ecological Engineering Corps? Never mind; just be thankful that the most powerful weapon in human space is in good hands—hands which now have the godlike ability to control the genetic material of thousands of outlandish creatures.
 Armed with this unique equipment, Tuf is set to tackle the problems that human settlers have created in colonizing far-flung worlds: hosts of hostile monsters, a population hooked on procreation, a dictator who unleashes plagues to get his own way . . . and in every case, the only thing that stands between the colonists and disaster is Tuf’s ingenuity—and his reputation as a man of integrity in a universe of rogues.

Ovu zbirku sam pročitao početkom milenijuma, otprilike neposredno pre nego što će "Oluja mačeva" biti objavljena. Nažalost, ubrzo sam je preprodao - premda, istini za volju, HC izdanje koje sam kupio nije bilo posebno lepo.  Tuf Voyaging je odličan primer SF-a osamdesetih (premda ovo uzmite sa rezervom, budući da se nisam potrudio da proverim kada su priče sakupljene u ovoj zbirci zapravo pisane i izvorno objavljivane) i preporučljiva za sve koji bi da pišu spejs operu u kraćoj formi.

Ako mi je dopušteno da povlačim paralelu sa domaćim piscima, ovde sadržane priče pomalo odišu istim duhom kao Anđelkovićeva "Legija Ida", budući da je protagonista Taf jedan od onih apsurdnih samopodrugljivih  antiheroja, kakvi se retko viđaju, što bi se moglo reći i za Anđelkovićevog protagonistu. No, može biti i da mi se to pričinilo, pošto sam davno čitao i jednu i drugu knjigu. Voleo bih da mi neko kaže da li sam u pravu.
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« Reply #2009 on: 30-01-2013, 10:33:51 »
 Kraj prethodne godine zatekao me je u moru obaveza, a obala nikako da se pojavi na vidiku. To je najvećim delom bio razlog zašto su mi naslovi objavljeni s kraja godine potpuno promakli. "Crvenog viteza" sam slučajno pronašao početkom ovog meseca, ali propustio sam niz romana novih ili malo poznatih autora. Čak mi se prvi put u životu desilo da tokom prošle godine bude objavljen jedan roman kojeg sam veoma dugo čekao i kojem sam se radovao, a da ga ne pročitam istog trena kada se pojavi. No, tu je internet da skrene pažnju na propušteno i da pruži priliku da se propušteno ispravi - naročito uzevši u obzir da je januar 2013. relativno mršav kada je reč o naslovima koji mi upadaju u oči na prvi pogled.    Evo jednog omanjeg spiska romana koje sam propustio da pročitam, a voleo bih da to ove godine ispravim:  Blood Song by Anthony Ryan 
Moram priznati da me je amaterska naslovnica, ravna najgorim sočinjenijima naših IPS-a i Evro-Đuntija debelo odbila od ove knjige, međutim hajp na Amazonu dovoljno je veliki da bih joj progledao kroz prste. Istine za volju, naslov Blood Song i naslov serijala Raven's Shadow navode me da pomislim kako je pre reč o nekoj publikaciji iz edicije Elora's Cave nego o ozbiljnom romanu, ali kolektivni internetski glas vaskolikih gikova tera me da mu pružim priliku.
   The Sixth Order wields the sword of justice and smites the enemies of the Faith and the Realm.       Vaelin Al Sorna was only a child of ten when his father left him at the iron gate of the Sixth Order. The Brothers of the Sixth Order are devoted to battle, and Vaelin will be trained and hardened to the austere, celibate, and dangerous life of a Warrior of the Faith. He has no family now save the Order. 
  Vaelin’s father was Battle Lord to King Janus, ruler of the unified realm. Vaelin’s rage at being deprived of his birthright and dropped at the doorstep of the Sixth Order like a foundling knows no bounds. He cherishes the memory of his mother, and what he will come to learn of her at the Order will confound him. His father, too, has motives that Vaelin will come to understand. But one truth overpowers all the rest: Vaelin Al Sorna is destined for a future he has yet to comprehend. A future that will alter not only the realm, but the world.
    Naravno, presudno je bilo poređenje sa "Imenom vetra", što je gotovo opšti utisak svih blogera koji su čitali Blood Song.    Daughter of the Sword: A Novel of the Fated Blades by Steve Bein 
  Naslov objavljen u oktobru prošle godine, zanimljiv zbog nekoliko značajki. Najpre, autor je muškog pola i roda - i to ne krije - a protagonista je žensko. Ovo je već samo po sebi retkost, budući da je glavna publika urbane fantastike suprotnog, odnosno ženskog pola, tako da većina muškaraca koji pišu u ovom podžanru obično bira nekakav neutralni pseudonim, ili čak žensko nom de plume (videti intervju koji sam vodio sa Denijelom Ejbrahamom, u kome sam ga baš o tome i pitao). Međutim, kada se pročita blurb - da ne kažem sinopsis - vidi se da Daughter of the Sword ipak nije urbana fantastika, iako se deklarativno odigrava u epitomu urbanosti, Tokiju.    Mariko Oshiro is not your average Tokyo cop. As the only female detective in the city’s most elite police unit, she has to fight for every ounce of respect, especially from her new boss. While she wants to track down a rumored cocaine shipment, he gives her the least promising case possible. But the case—the attempted theft of an old samurai sword—proves more dangerous than anyone on the force could have imagined.

The owner of the sword, Professor Yasuo Yamada, says it was crafted by the legendary Master Inazuma, a sword smith whose blades are rumored to have magical qualities. The man trying to steal it already owns another Inazuma—one whose deadly power eventually comes to control all who wield it. Or so says Yamada, and though he has studied swords and swordsmanship all his life, Mariko isn’t convinced.

But Mariko’s skepticism hardly matters. Her investigation has put her on a collision course with a curse centuries old and as bloodthirsty as ever. She is only the latest in a long line of warriors and soldiers to confront this power, and even the sword she learns to wield could turn against her.
    Za razliku od prethodnog romana, naslovnica za Daughter of the Sword je prelepa i delo je Krisa Magrata, u njegovom prepoznatljivom stilu. Nažalost, imam utisak da će ovaj roman proći relativno slabo. Pre svega, Tor se ne ubija od marketinga, a potom - roman nema jasno određenu publiku. Ljubiteljke urbane fantastike svakako se neće zaleteti da ga kupe, dok će tvrdokorniji poklonici fantazijskih romana verovatno biti odbijeni činjenicom da su elementi fantastike dati u Daughter of the Sword krajnje suptilni, ako je verovati prikazivačima. Autor je dobio vrsne kritike za stil i izraz, tako da će se ovaj roman naći na mom spisku ovogodišnjeg štiva.    Throne of The Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed   
  Saladin Ahmed izgleda baš kao što mu ime zvuči. To jest, izgledao bi kada bi nosio turban. Međutim, uopšte ne zvuči kako izgleda, niti kako se zove. Čovek je rođen i odrastao u Detroitu, magistrirao je engleski i kreativno pisanje, predavao je kreativno pisanje deset godina i bio je finalista za Nebulu u konkurenciji kratke priče i Kembela za novog pisca. Naravno, najvažnije je to što je D&D gejm master.     The Crescent Moon Kingdoms, land of djenn and ghuls, holy warriors and heretics, Khalifs and killers, is at the boiling point of a power struggle between the iron-fisted Khalif and the mysterious master thief known as the Falcon Prince. In the midst of this brewing rebellion a series of brutal supernatural murders strikes at the heart of the Kingdoms. It is up to a handful of heroes to learn the truth behind these killings:

Doctor Adoulla Makhslood, "The last real ghul hunter in the great city of Dhamsawaat," just wants a quiet cup of tea. Three score and more years old, he has grown weary of hunting monsters and saving lives, and is more than ready to retire from his dangerous and demanding vocation. But when an old flame's family is murdered, Adoulla is drawn back to the hunter's path.

Raseed bas Raseed, Adoulla's young assistant, a hidebound holy warrior whose prowess is matched only by his piety, is eager to deliver God's justice. But even as Raseed's sword is tested by ghuls and manjackals, his soul is tested when he and Adoulla cross paths with the tribeswoman Zamia.

Zamia Badawi, Protector of the Band, has been gifted with the near-mythical angelic power, but shunned by her people for daring to take up a man's title. She lives only to avenge her tribe's death. Until she learns that Adoulla and his allies also hunt the same killer. Until she meets Raseed.

When they learn that the murders and the Falcon Prince's brewing revolution are connected, the companions must race against time--and struggle against their own misgivings--to save the life of a vicious despot. In so doing they discover a plot for the Throne of the Crescent Moon that threatens to turn Dhamsawaat, and the world itself, into a blood-soaked ruin.
    Throne of The Crescent Moon mu dođe nešto kao križanac "1001. noći" i sword & sorcery romana začinjenih sa nekoliko kašika D&D-a. Iako je roman bio hajpovan dosta dugo pre nego što se zvanično pojavio, mene je ta kombinacija odbijala sve dok nisam shvatio da a) Obožavam "1001. noć" - i to integralno izdanje (ponosan sam vlasnik svih čini mi se osam tomova) i b) Poslednja fantastika sa muslimansko-arapskim elementima koju sam čitao (doduše, naučna) potpuno me je oduševila (Bel Dame Apocrypha by Kameron Hurley). I na kraju, čovek drži D&D sesije grupi od DESET igrača, koju listom čine najpopularniji mladi pisci fantazijskog štiva! Bring it on!    The Dead Of Winter by Lee Collins    Ilizana je maksima da je sve već napisano. To je ne čini ništa manje tačnom. Pasionirani čitaoci fantastike - ili krimića, ili bilo koje druge žanrovske literature - ne mogu a da ne oguglaju na iste potke, slične protagoniste, dosadne nemeze. To je dovelo do toga da nam u većini slučajeva radnja, zaplet, protagonista, šta god - nije ni najmanje bitan činilac. Bitna nam je oblanda u koju je slatkiš zavijen, sve dok je slatkiš makar približnog ukusa koji volimo. Dakle, kupujemo knjige na kojima piše "isto kao Martin" ili "stimpank" ili "vampir i vukodlak u ljubavnom trouglu sa zombijem". Međutim, ponekad i oblanda dosadi. Neki pisci su to uvideli, pa su počeli da mešaju scenografije iz različitih predstava. Tako smo u skorije vreme dobili mešance urbane fantastike i mača & magije, sve je više sajens fantazija (opet), stimpanka ima u 26 ukusa najmanje - a jedan od tih ukusa je i Weird West.     Definicija ovog... pravca? Podžanra? Šta god Weird West bio, njegova definicija ne traži preveliko pametovanje. Stimpank na vestern način. Kraj priče.     The book begins in 1883 in Colorado and features Cora and Ben Oglesby. They both are bounty hunters who hunt vampires and have been successfully doing so for more than a decade. As they are passing through the small settlement of Leadville in Colorado, they are beseeched to save the settlement from a mysterious animal that has been killing the poor folk. With their fees being settled, Cora and Ben get down to their job only to find out that the creature they are hunting might not be their usual supernatural quarry. Things get even hairier as they find out what they might be against. The plot then has them dealing with further problems as they make the acquaintance of a British vampire hunting academic who tells them of a problem infesting his lord’s mines. Its up to Cora and Ben to make light amid all the problems and save themselves as well as all the people around them.    Nije mi, doduše, najjasnije da li je ovaj roman baš onakav kakvim se na prvi pogled čini. Recenzenti o njemu pričaju kao o melanžu žanrova, sa podosta elemenata horora. U svetu u kojem je reč "vampir" postala sinonim za "bling", pojam "horor" ne upotrebljava se olako. Između ostalog i da ne bi privukao pogrešnu publiku. No, videćemo.    Land of Hope and Glory by Geoffrey Wilson      
    Ovo sam čak počeo da čitam. Prekinuo sam nakon dve stranice. Nisam prekinuo zbog lošeg pisanja ili nezanimljive radnje. Prekinuo sam zbog premise romana, po kojoj su Indijci porobili Veliku Britaniju. Budući da sam pomalo upoznat sa istorijatom britanske vladavine indijskim potkontinentom, predstava krvoločnih Hindusa koji maltretiraju jadne Engleze odmah me je zgadila. No, jedan od uticajnijih fantasy rivjuera - koji je pri tom i Indijac - veoma je pohvalio ovaj naslov.
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« Reply #2010 on: 31-01-2013, 23:33:03 »
The Six-Gun Tarot by R. S. Belcher

 Buffy meets Deadwood in a dark, wildly imaginative historical fantasy
 Nevada, 1869: Beyond the pitiless 40-Mile Desert lies Golgotha, a cattle town that hides more than its share of unnatural secrets. The sheriff bears the mark of the noose around his neck; some say he is a dead man whose time has not yet come. His half-human deputy is kin to coyotes. The mayor guards a hoard of mythical treasures. A banker’s wife belongs to a secret order of assassins. And a shady saloon owner, whose fingers are in everyone’s business, may know more about the town’s true origins than he’s letting on.
 A haven for the blessed and the damned, Golgotha has known many strange events, but nothing like the primordial darkness stirring in the abandoned silver mine overlooking the town. Bleeding midnight, an ancient evil is spilling into the world, and unless the sheriff and his posse can saddle up in time, Golgotha will have seen its last dawn…and so will all of Creation

Ovo mi poprilično liči na serijal Nightside Sajmona Grina, ali pošto je taj serijal jedan od meni najdražih samoironičnih fantazijskih serijala, to mi je samo preporuka.
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« Reply #2011 on: 02-02-2013, 23:33:45 »
The Daylight War: Book Three of The Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett

With The Warded Man and The Desert Spear, Peter V. Brett surged to the front rank of contemporary fantasy, standing alongside giants in the field such as George R. R. Martin, Robert Jordan, and Terry Brooks. The Daylight War, the eagerly anticipated third volume in Brett’s internationally bestselling Demon Cycle, continues the epic tale of humanity’s last stand against an army of demons that rise each night to prey on mankind.
 On the night of the new moon, the demons rise in force, seeking the deaths of two men, both of whom have the potential to become the fabled Deliverer, the man prophesied to reunite the scattered remnants of humanity in a final push to destroy the demon corelings once and for all.
 Arlen Bales was once an ordinary man, but now he has become something more—the Warded Man, tattooed with eldritch wards so powerful they make him a match for any demon. Arlen denies he is the Deliverer at every turn, but the more he tries to be one with the common folk, the more fervently they believe. Many would follow him, but Arlen’s path threatens to lead to a dark place he alone can travel to, and from which there may be no returning.
 The only one with hope of keeping Arlen in the world of men, or joining him in his descent into the world of demons, is Renna Tanner, a fierce young woman in danger of losing herself to the power of demon magic.
 Ahmann Jardir has forged the warlike desert tribes of Krasia into a demon-killing army and proclaimed himself Shar’Dama Ka, the Deliverer. He carries ancient weapons—a spear and a crown—that give credence to his claim, and already vast swaths of the green lands bow to his control.
 But Jardir did not come to power on his own. His rise was engineered by his First Wife, Inevera, a cunning and powerful priestess whose formidable demon bone magic gives her the ability to glimpse the future. Inevera’s motives and past are shrouded in mystery, and even Jardir does not entirely trust her.
 Once Arlen and Jardir were as close as brothers. Now they are the bitterest of rivals. As humanity’s enemies rise, the only two men capable of defeating them are divided against each other by the most deadly demons of all—those lurking in the human heart.

Meni se "Noć demona" nije posebno dopala, ali srbijanska čitalačka publika ima drugačije mišljenje. Bret se kod nas prodaje bolje i od Sandersona i od Eriksona, a u ravni sa Aberkrombijem. Bilo kako bilo, novi roman u njegovom "Demonskom ciklusu" je pred nama.
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« Reply #2012 on: 04-02-2013, 13:04:04 »
Sutra nas očekuje nastavak prošlogodišnjeg debitantskog romana Amerikanke Kejt Lok, God Save the Queen. Nastavak nosi naslov The Queen is Dead i prati heroinu koju smo upoznali u prvom delu. God Save the Queen je jedan od romana koji su me prilično impresionirali prošle godine, naročito pošto je reč o spisateljici koja piše o stranoj kulturi, ma koliko bila anglofil. Najviše me je zagolicala mešavina stimpanka i naučne fantastike, zavijena u oblandu urbane fantastike. U suštini, imamo i vampire i vukodlake, imamo i kraljicu Viktoriju - ali sve kao posledicu bioloških faktora. Nigde nema ni N od natprirodnog. Ovo je osvežavajući pristup toj temi, a još spojen sa sasvim solidnim spisateljskim sposobnostima i zanimljivom pričom daje nadu da će i nastavak biti jedna od ovogodišnjih svelih tačaka.

The Queen Is Dead (The Immortal Empire) by Kate Locke

When her brother Val gets in over his head in an investigation of Half-Blood disappearances and goes missing himself, it's up to Xandra, newly crowned Goblin Queen, to get him back and bring the atrocities to light. Xandra must frequent the seediest parts of London, while also coping with what she is, the political factions vying for her favor, and the all too-close scrutiny of Queen Victoria, who wants her head. Add this to a being a suspect in a murder investigation, a werewolf boyfriend with demands of his own, and a mother hell bent on destroying the monarchy, and Xandra barely knows which way is up. One thing she does know is that she's already lost one sibling, she's not about to lose another. 
Xandra Varden is the newly crowned Goblin Queen of England.  But her complicated life is by no means over.
There are the political factions vying for her favor, and the all too-close scrutiny of Queen Victoria, who for some reason wants her head. Not to mention her werewolf boyfriend with demands of his own, and a mother hell bent on destroying the monarchy.  Now she's the suspect in a murder investigation --- and Xandra barely knows which way is up.

What she does know is that nothing lasts forever---and immortality isn't all its cracked up to be.
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« Reply #2013 on: 05-02-2013, 13:18:15 »

Zna li možda neko nešto o ovome? Na prvi pogled izgleda kao knjiga za preskakanje.


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« Reply #2014 on: 05-02-2013, 13:24:47 »
Nisam čitao, pošto mi je malo dosta i arturijanske i omladinske fantastike. Serijal je pokupio dobre kritike, ali verujem da ga je Alnari uzeo samo zbog predstojećeg filma, pošto su dobro prošli sa "Igrama gladi". To su matore knjige, iz devedesetih ako se dobro sećam. Nema nijednog drugog razloga da ih neko sada objavi.
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« Reply #2015 on: 05-02-2013, 14:58:44 »
Jonathan Strahan, a popular anthologist, has announced his next project, Fearsome Journeys, a collection of stories from some of today’s best traditional Fantasy authors.

  • Introduction, Jonathan Strahan
  • “The Effigy Engine: A Tale of the Red Hats”, Scott Lynch
  • “Amethyst, Shadow, and Light “, Saladin Ahmed
  • “Camp Follower”, Trudi Canavan
  • “The Dragonslayer of Merebarton “, K J Parker
  • “leaf and branch and grass and vine”, Kate Eliott
  • “Spirits of Salt: A Tale of the Coral Sword”, Jeffrey Ford
  • “Forever People”, Robert V S Redick
  • “Sponda the Suet Girl and the Secret of the French Pearl”, Ellen Klages
  • “Shaggy Dog Bridge: A Black Company Story”, Glen Cook
  • “The Ghost Makers”, Elizabeth Bear
  • “One Last, Great Adventure”, Ellen Kushner & Ysabeau Wilce
  • “The High King Dreaming”, Daniel Abraham

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« Reply #2016 on: 05-02-2013, 15:03:12 »
Nisam čitao, pošto mi je malo dosta i arturijanske i omladinske fantastike. Serijal je pokupio dobre kritike, ali verujem da ga je Alnari uzeo samo zbog predstojećeg filma, pošto su dobro prošli sa "Igrama gladi". To su matore knjige, iz devedesetih ako se dobro sećam. Nema nijednog drugog razloga da ih neko sada objavi.

Hvala na odgovoru.
Taman da ne moram da brojim sitniš kad stigne treći Malazan.


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« Reply #2017 on: 06-02-2013, 14:10:49 »
Samo da kažem da je The Queen is Dead odličan roman. Ubrzo prikaz.
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« Reply #2018 on: 07-02-2013, 21:29:08 »
Jel' Bret zavrsen ili ocekujemo jos jedno 7 knjiga?
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #2019 on: 07-02-2013, 21:37:46 »
Trebalo bi da je ova sad što je izašla poslednja. Ali meni se ni prva nije dopala. Počinjao sam je nekoliko puta i nisam mogao da odmaknem dalje od stotinak stranica, recimo. Shodno tome, nisam pratio njegove najave niti planove. Trenutno nameravam da se posvetim Rediku. Izašao je i četvrti roman u serijalu, a ja prvi nisam ni počeo.
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« Reply #2020 on: 07-02-2013, 23:34:32 »
Bah, pogledao sam sad, bar jos 2.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #2021 on: 07-02-2013, 23:50:39 »
Kao što rekoh, not my cup of poison. Ali Srblji imaju drugačiji ukus, očigledno, pa je jedna od retkih rentabilnih fantastika u Laguninom katalogu.
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« Reply #2022 on: 08-02-2013, 05:54:57 »
Ovo mi je prošle godine promaklo:

The Boolean Gate by Walter Jon William

Mark Twain was one of the greatest minds of his time, torn between the brilliant persona he had forged for himself and a life of wrenching tragedy. Nicola Tesla was an unworldly genius capable of insights that defied the wildest imaginations. Their secret history is rife with friendship and betrayal, human tragedy and unearthly danger.

Drawn by his curiosity, Samuel Clemens escapes the grinding toil of being Mark Twain by cultivating what seems an innocent friendship with the greatest scientist of the age. As he grows closer to the powerfully eccentric Tesla, he begins to sense another, stranger intelligence that may be coming into being. The inventions of Nicola Tesla--alternating current, wireless communications, death rays, robot weapons--become puzzle pieces that take shape under Mark Twain's eyes. Has Tesla somehow opened the gateway to a profoundly alien intelligence, or is it Tesla himself that will bring the world to Armageddon?

And with every tragedy in his family--buffeted by the deaths of his wife, daughter, brother, and son--Samuel Clemens is moved to ask the most important question of all: Why is the world worth saving?
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« Reply #2023 on: 08-02-2013, 07:59:18 »
Čitam The Six-Gun Tarot by R. S. Belcher i na momente mi je zanimljiv, a na momente nategnut i dosadan. Ne toliko loš da bih prekinuo čitanje, ne dovoljno dobar da bi me vukao dalje. Relativno osrednje štivo. Da stvari budu još gore, pristojno napisano. Naslućujem dvojku.
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« Reply #2024 on: 09-02-2013, 15:01:41 »
And 2/5 it is. Relativno razočaravajuće.
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« Reply #2025 on: 10-02-2013, 13:26:01 »
Roman koji je navodno nadahnuo Martina da napiše "Igru prestola" doživeće reprint. Iskrenu, sumnjičav sam prema toj tvrdnji, ali 'ajde da vidimo.

The Iron King by Maurice Druon

  From the publishers that brought you A Game of Thrones comes the series that inspired George R.R. Martin’s epic work.
“Accursed! Accursed! You shall be accursed to the thirteenth generation!”
The Iron King – Philip the Fair – is as cold and silent, as handsome and unblinking as a statue. He governs his realm with an iron hand, but he cannot rule his own family: his sons are weak and their wives adulterous; while his red-blooded daughter Isabella is unhappily married to an English king who prefers the company of men.
A web of scandal, murder and intrigue is weaving itself around the Iron King; but his downfall will come from an unexpected quarter. Bent on the persecution of the rich and powerful Knights Templar, Philip sentences Grand Master Jacques Molay to be burned at the stake, thus drawing down upon himself a curse that will destroy his entire dynasty… 
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« Reply #2026 on: 10-02-2013, 17:07:44 »
Jel citao neko Wool ( Silo Saga ) od Hugh Howey-a ?  Prema recenzijama ljudi sa neta kazu da je fantasticno.
Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga) height=300


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« Reply #2027 on: 11-02-2013, 14:13:05 »
Moram priznati da nikada nisam ni čuo za njega, ali sada sam ga potražio i deluje mi veoma zanimljivo. Uvrstiću ga na spisak za čitanje.
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« Reply #2028 on: 11-02-2013, 14:35:16 »
Slušao sam skoro jednu epizodu SF Signal podkasta gde su pričali o knjigama koje su im se dopale iz prošle godine, pa je jedan što se uključivao, zaboravio sam koj beše, seko vene na ovo. Mislim da je ova:
And every life became
A brilliant breaking of the bank,
A quite unlosable game.


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« Reply #2029 on: 11-02-2013, 16:00:36 »
The Burn Zone by James K. Decker

  Plagued by overpopulation, disease, and starvation, humanity was headed for extinction—until an alien race called the haan arrived. And then the real trouble began. It’s been a rough day for Sam Shao. As part of a program that requires humans to act as surrogates to haan infants, Sam has been genetically enhanced to bond with them. So when three soldiers invade her apartment and arrest her guardian for smuggling a dangerous weapon into the country, Sam can sense that something isn’t right. One of his abductors is a haan masquerading as a human, and the supposedly fragile haan seems to be anything but. Racing through the city slums, trying to stay one step ahead of the mysterious haan soldier, Sam tries to find the man who, in her twenty years, has been the only father she’s ever known. Could he truly have done what he is accused of? Or did he witness something both human and haan would kill to keep hidden? The only thing certain is that the weapon is real—and lost now somewhere in a city of millions. Fighting the clock, Sam finds an ally in Nix, a haan envoy devoted to coexisting with humans, or so it seems. But what she really needs are answers. Fast. Or else everything she knows—and everyone she loves—will burn. 
Ovo je vrlo hvaljeno & hajpovano. Baciću pogled.
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« Reply #2030 on: 11-02-2013, 19:09:13 »
Winds of Winter najavljeni za 2015.
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« Reply #2031 on: 12-02-2013, 00:27:42 »
Winds of Winter najavljeni za 2015.
jest' da ti uvek imas najbolja i najfriskija obavestenja, ali dok debeli-matori kit ne objavi to na svom grrm.livejournal-u moze biti i 2115...
svima nam je mast vadio sa Plesom i pomeranjem rokova.
valjda je raja nesto naucila iz prethodnog iskustva (mada HBO ga valjda sada moze malo stisnuti da ubrza pisanje, osim ako ne iscepkaju 4-tu knjigu na 4 sezone)
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« Reply #2032 on: 12-02-2013, 02:02:06 »
Ovo nije iz "proverenih izvora". Informacija se pojavila na Goodreadsu. Iskreno, mislim da su jednostavno morali da stave nekakav datum negde. Vrlo je verovatno da je to realan datum, pošto od ranije znam da je dobar deo "Vetrova" već napisan. Ali, devedeset odsto "Plesa" je bilo napisano najmanje godinu dana pre objavljivanja, tako da to ništa ne znači.
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« Reply #2033 on: 12-02-2013, 02:16:17 »
 Barouz i Hauard, još malo pa za džabe   
  Sabrana dela Edgara Rajsa Barouza i Roberta Ervina Hauarda trenutno su samo dva dolara na Amazonu. Mislim da je ovo prvi put da se njihova književna zaostaviština nađe na jednom elektronskom mestu. Naravno, njihovi romani i priče odavno mogu da se skinu sa raznih sajtova, ali naslovi u Amazonovoj ponudi su sređeni - u smislu da su sve tipograske greške ispravljene - i ponuđeni u integralnoj verziji. Po meni, kupovina se isplati, ako imate pristup nekakvoj kartici za plaćanje preko interneta.
  Jedino... Čini mi se da je bilo više tih romana o Tarzanu... 
  The Collected Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs: 30 Books and Stories (Unexpurgated Edition) (Halcyon Classics) 
  This Halcyon Classics ebook contains 30 novels and short stories by noted fantasy and adventure writer Edgar Rice Burroughs. Includes classics such as 'Tarzan of the Apes' and 'The Land that Time Forgot.' Includes an active table of contents.
  Tarzan of the Apes
 The Return of Tarzan
 The Beasts of Tarzan
 The Son of Tarzan
 Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
 Jungle Tales of Tarzan
 Tarzan the Untamed
 Tarzan the Terrible
  A Princess of Mars
 The Gods of Mars
 Warlord of Mars
 Thuvia, Maid of Mars
 The Chessmen of Mars
  The Land that Time Forgot
 The People that Time Forgot
 Out of Time’s Abyss
  The Mucker
 The Return of the Mucker
 The Oakdale Affair
  At the Earth’s Core
  The Cave Girl
 The Efficiency Expert
 The Girl from Farris’s
 The Lost Continent
 The Mad King
 The Monster Men
 The Outlaw of Torn
  This unexpurgated edition contains the complete text with errors and omissions corrected.
      The Robert E. Howard Omnibus: 99 Collected Stories (Halcyon Classics) 
  This Halcyon Classics ebook contains 99 short stories and novellas by 1930s pulp writer Robert Ervin Howard. Howard (1906-1936) is best known today for creating the sword-and-sorcery hero Conan, subject of two movies and dozens of books. However, during his short life Howard also published stories in a number of other genres.
  In addition to fantasy, Howard wrote boxing stories, westerns, detective stories, horror, and created an number of compelling characters such as Solomon Kane, Bran Mak Morn, El Borak, Steve Costigan, Pike Bearfield, King Kull, and Conan the Cimmerian.
  This ebook is DRM free and includes an active table of contents for easy navigation.
  Conan Stories
  Gods of the North
 Queen of the Black Coast
 Shadows in the Moonlight
 A Witch Shall be Born
 Shadows in Zamboula
 The Devil in Iron
 The People of the Black Circle
 Red Nails
 Jewels of Gwahlur
 Beyond the Black River
 The Hour of the Dragon
 The Hyborian Age
  Boxing Stories
  Alleys of Peril
 Blow the Chinks Down!
 Breed of Battle
 Champ of the Forecastle
 Circus Fists
 Cupid vs. Pollux
 Dark Shanghai
 Fist and Fang
 General Ironfist
 Night of Battle
 Sailors’ Grudge
 Sluggers on the Beach
 Texas Fists
 The Bull Dog Breed
 The Iron Man
 The Pit of the Serpent
 The Sign of the Snake
 The Slugger’s Game
 The TNT Punch
 Vikings of the Gloves
 Waterfront Fists
 Winner Take All
 Alleys of Darkness
 Apparition in the Prize Ring
  Detective Stories
  Graveyard Rats
 Fangs of Gold
 Names in the Black Book
 The Tomb’s Secret
 Aha! or The Mystery of the Queen's Necklace
 Halt! Who Goes There?
 Unhand Me, Villain!
  Fantasy Adventure Stories
  Almuric The Treasures of Tartary
 The Voice of El-Lil
 The Valley of the Worm
 The Garden of Fear
 Witch from Hell's Kitchen
  Kull Stories
  The Shadow Kingdom
 The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune
  Bran Mak Morn Stories
  The Lost Race
  Cormac Fitzgeoffrey Stories
  Hawks of Outremer
 The Blood of Belshazzar
  Wild Bill Clanton Stories
  She Devil
 The Purple Heart of Erlik
  Historical Adventure Stories
  Lord of Samarcand
 Gates of Empire
 The Lion of Tiberias
 The Shadow of the Vulture
 The Sowers of the Thunder
 Red Blades of Black Cathay
  Horror Stories
  People of the Dark
 Black Canaan
 Moon of Zambebwei
 Black Talons
 Black Vulmea’s Revenge
 The Cairn on the Headland
 The Fearsome Touch of Death
 The Haunter of the Ring
 The Hyena
 The Fire of Asshurbanipal
  Solomon Kane Stories
  Solomon Kane
 Skulls in the Stars
 Rattle of Bones
  Western Stories
  A Gent from Bear Creek
 Cupid from Bear Creek
 Evil Deeds at Red Cougar
 Guns of the Mountains
 High Horse Rampage
 No Cowherders Wanted
 Pilgrims to the Pecos
 Pistol Politics
 Sharp’s Gun Serenade
 Texas John Alden
 The Apache Mountain War
 The Conquerin’ Hero of the Humbolts
 The Feud Buster
 The Haunted Mountain
 The Riot at Cougar Paw
 The Road to Bear Creek
 The Scalp Hunter
 War on Bear Creek
 The Vultures of Whapeton
 While Smoke Rolled
 Boot-Hill Payoff
 "Golden Hope" Christmas
 Mountain Man
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« Reply #2034 on: 13-02-2013, 21:29:53 »
Quintessence by David Walton

Imagine an Age of Exploration full of alchemy, human dissection, sea monsters, betrayal, torture, religious controversy, and magic. In Europe, the magic is thin, but at the edge of the world, where the stars reach down close to the Earth, wonders abound. This drives the bravest explorers to the alluring Western Ocean. Christopher Sinclair is an alchemist who cares only about one thing: quintessence, a substance he believes will grant magical powers and immortality. And he has a ship.

Zvuči zanimljivo, a i tip je dobio Dikovu nagradu...

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« Reply #2035 on: 14-02-2013, 03:05:24 »

Nisu knjige, ali svejedno...
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« Reply #2036 on: 14-02-2013, 14:14:17 »
Ne sećam se da li sam ovo već najavljivao, ali svejedno je red ponoviti. Martin i Dozoa su izbacili nekoliko sjajnih antologija, a ovoj se posebno radujem zbog povratka u univerzum Stirlingove duologije Lords of Creation.

Old Mars Edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois

  • “Martian Blood” by Allen M. Steele
  • “The Ugly Duckling” by Matthew Hughes
  • “The Wreck Of The Mars Adventure” by David D. Levine
  • “Swords of Zar-tu-kan” by S.M. Stirling
  • “Shoals” by Mary Rosenblum
  • “In The Tombs of the Martian Kings” by Mike Resnick
  • “Out Of Scarlight” by Liz Williams
  • “The Dead Sea-Bottom Scrolls” by Howard Waldrop
  • “A Man Without Honor” by James S.A. Corey
  • “Written In Dust” by Melinda Snodgrass
  • “The Lost Canal” by Michael Moorcock
  • “The Sunstone” by Phyllis Eisenstein
  • “King Of The Cheap Romance” by Joe R. Lansdale
  • “Mariner” by Chris Roberson
  • “The Queen Of Night’s Aria” by Ian Mcdonald

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« Reply #2037 on: 15-02-2013, 00:55:15 »
Eslemont se baš raspisao. Možda im se i ostvari želja da se po Malazanu jednog dana snimi film.

Blood and Bone: A Novel of the Malazan Empire by Ian C. Esslemont

In the western sky the bright emerald banner of the Visitor descends like a portent of annihilation. On the continent of Jacuruku, the Thaumaturgs have mounted yet another expedition to tame the neighboring wild jungle. Yet this is no normal wilderness. It is called Himatan, and it is said to be half of the spirit-realm and half of the earth. And it is said to be ruled by a powerful entity whom some name the Queen of Witches, and some a goddess: the ancient Ardata. Saeng grew up knowing only the rule of the magus Thaumaturgs -- but it was the voices out of that land's forgotten past that she listened to. And when her rulers mount an invasion of the neighboring jungle, those voices send her and her brother on a desperate mission.
To the south, the desert tribes are united by the arrival of a foreign warleader, a veteran commander in battered ashen mail whom his men call, the Grey Ghost. This warleader takes the tribes on a raid like none other, deep into the heart of Thaumaturg lands. While word comes to K'azz, and mercenary company the Crimson Guard, of a contract in Jacuruku. And their employer... none other than Ardata herself.
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« Reply #2038 on: 19-02-2013, 22:27:29 »
U prodaji

The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination: Original Short Fiction for the Modern Evil Genius by John Joseph Adams

  From Victor Frankenstein to Lex Luthor, from Dr. Moreau to Dr. Doom, readers have long been fascinated by insane plans for world domination and the madmen who devise them. Typically, we see these villains through the eyes of good guys. This anthology, however, explores the world of mad scientists and evil geniuses—from their own wonderfully twisted point of view.
An all-star roster of bestselling authors—including Diana Gabaldon, Daniel Wilson, Austin Grossman, Naomi Novik, and Seanan McGuire…twenty-two great storytellers all told—have produced a fabulous assortment of stories guaranteed to provide readers with hour after hour of high-octane entertainment born of the most megalomaniacal mayhem imaginable.
Everybody loves villains. They’re bad; they always stir the pot; they’re much more fun than the good guys, even if we want to see the good guys win. Their fiendish schemes, maniacal laughter, and limitless ambition are legendary, but what lies behind those crazy eyes and wicked grins? How—and why—do they commit these nefarious deeds? And why are they so set on taking over the world?
If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions, you’re in luck: It’s finally time for the madmen’s side of the story. 
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« Reply #2039 on: 01-03-2013, 13:17:15 »
Februar se baš i nije proslavio novim naslovima, ali zato mart...

 Jago by Kim Newman

Paul, a young academic composing a thesis about the end of the world, and his girlfriend Hazel, a potter, have come to the tiny English village of Alder for the summer. Their idea of a rural retreat gradually sours as the laws of nature begin to break down around them. The village, swollen by an annual rock festival of cataclysmic proportions, prepares to reap a harvest of horror.

A brand-new edition of the critically acclaimed novel.

Though this latest horror novel from the author of The Night Mayor draws on conventional elements of the genre, it is a distinguished literary effort rooted in the emotional interiors of three-dimensional characters. Anthony Jago, a former priest with powerful psychic abilities, has set up a religious cult house in the small British town of Alder, the site of an annual Woodstock-style rock festival that attracts members of many different countercultural groups. As the festival opens, Jago's powers turn evil; he is able to raid peoples' minds and hearts and bring their desperate fantasies to life--fantasies that conjure up creatures ranging from evil dwarves to a murdered biker's ghost to a Martian invasion. As Jago begins to recreate the Book of Revelations in Alder, the only hope for the town, and perhaps the world, is Susan Ames, a psychical agent of the British secret service, who has infiltrated Jago's organization. Newman's prose is sophisticated and his narrative drive irresistible. The realistically blase way characters accustomed to the rapidly changing contemporary world react to the sudden appearances of horrors and monstrosities, and the manner in which the supernatural is depicted--as if ghouls and goblins were no less likely than a nuclear bomb or a toxic waste dump--are only two of this fine novel's many strengths.

In the English village of Alder, Anthony Jago has set up a religious community called the Agapemone, the "Abode of Love." The residents of Alder for the most part ignore the hippielike, beatifically smiling cultists and the fact that their own young people are being drawn into Jago's influence. However, the Agapemone's yearly rock music festival is nearing and the village is divided: some like the revenue brought in by the concertgoers, while others resent the rowdy hordes. Two researchers infiltrate the commune and discover that Jago, a priest defrocked for sexual misconduct, believes he is the second coming of Jesus and that any who are not the Beloved's Chosen are enemies to be destroyed. As concertgoers pour into Alder, the combination of music, summer heat, and tensions spark a mad culmination of Jago's inhumanly powerful delusions in a riot of visions that threatens to engulf the entire village.
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« Reply #2040 on: 02-03-2013, 14:11:30 »
En Bišop je jedna od mojih omiljenih spisateljica, koja se specijalizovala za moglo bi se reći feminističku fantastiku u podžanru dark fantasya. Njen glavni serijal, The Dark Jewels, vremenom je izgubio na zanimljivosti, ali Bišopova se sada upušta u vode urbane fantastike, što već samo po sebi obećava zabavu.

Written In Red: A Novel of the Others by Anne Bishop

No one creates realms like New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop. Now in a thrilling new fantasy series, enter a world inhabited by the Others, unearthly entities—vampires and shape-shifters among them—who rule the Earth and whose prey are humans.

As a cassandra sangue, or blood prophet, Meg Corbyn can see the future when her skin is cut—a gift that feels more like a curse. Meg’s Controller keeps her enslaved so he can have full access to her visions. But when she escapes, the only safe place Meg can hide is at the Lakeside Courtyard—a business district operated by the Others.

 Shape-shifter Simon Wolfgard is reluctant to hire the stranger who inquires about the Human Liaison job. First, he senses she’s keeping a secret, and second, she doesn’t smell like human prey. Yet a stronger instinct propels him to give Meg the job. And when he learns the truth about Meg and that she’s wanted by the government, he’ll have to decide if she’s worth the fight between humans and the Others that will surely follow.
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« Reply #2041 on: 02-03-2013, 23:30:42 »
Ovo mi liči na nešto što bi Goran rado preveo, a možda Laguna objavila...

Red Planet Blues by Robert J. Sawyer

Robert J. Sawyer, the author of such “revelatory and thought-provoking”* novels as Triggers and The WWW Trilogy, presents a noir mystery expanded from his Hugo and Nebula Award-nominated novella “Identity Theft” and his Aurora Award-winning short story “Biding Time,” and set on a lawless Mars in a future where everything is cheap, and life is even cheaper…

 Alex Lomax is the one and only private eye working the mean streets of New Klondike, the Martian frontier town that sprang up forty years ago after Simon Weingarten and Denny O’Reilly discovered fossils on the Red Planet. Back on Earth, where anything can be synthesized, the remains of alien life are the most valuable of all collectibles, so shiploads of desperate treasure hunters stampeded to Mars in the Great Martian Fossil Rush.

 Trying to make an honest buck in a dishonest world, Lomax tracks down killers and kidnappers among the failed prospectors, corrupt cops, and a growing population of transfers—lucky stiffs who, after striking paleontological gold, upload their minds into immortal android bodies. But when he uncovers clues to solving the decades-old murders of Weingarten and O’Reilly, along with a journal that may lead to their legendary mother lode of Martian fossils, God only knows what he’ll dig up...

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« Reply #2042 on: 03-03-2013, 13:12:59 »
Frost Burned (Mercy Thompson, Book 7) by Patricia Briggs

Mercy Thompson returns in the seventh novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.
 Mercy Thompson’s life has undergone a seismic change. Becoming the mate of Adam Hauptman—the charismatic Alpha of the local werewolf pack—has made her a stepmother to his daughter Jesse, a relationship that brings moments of blissful normalcy to Mercy’s life. But on the edges of humanity, what passes for a minor mishap on an ordinary day can turn into so much more…
   After an accident in bumper-to-bumper traffic, Mercy and Jesse can’t reach Adam—or anyone else in the pack for that matter. They’ve all been abducted.
 Through their mating bond, all Mercy knows is that Adam is angry and in pain. With the werewolves fighting a political battle to gain acceptance from the public, Mercy fears Adam’s disappearance may be related—and that he and the pack are in serious danger. Outclassed and on her own, Mercy may be forced to seek assistance from any ally she can get, no matter how unlikely.

Ovaj serijal Patriše Brigs jedan je od retkih serijala urbane fantastike koji su ostali relevantni u ovom podžanru, koji se drastično promenio tokom proteklih nekoliko godina. Samim tim, ovo je jedan od retkih serijala UF koje i dalje pratim.
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« Reply #2043 on: 04-03-2013, 00:56:02 »
Nakon relativno lošeg čitalačkog iskustva sa romanima Stivena Montana, privremeno sam odustao od njegovog serijala. U potrazi za novim štivom koje će mi  pomoći da savladam drugo zapaljenje pluća ove godine, šaka mi je dopao prvi roman za mene novog pisca - tačnije, spisateljice.

Fade to Black by Francis Knight

From the depths of a valley rises the city of Mahala

It's a city built upwards, not across - where streets are built upon streets, buildings upon buildings. A city that the Ministry rules from the sunlit summit, and where the forsaken lurk in the darkness of Under.

Rojan Dizon doesn't mind staying in the shadows, because he's got things to hide. Things like being a pain-mage, with the forbidden power to draw magic from pain. But he can't hide for ever.

Because when Rojan stumbles upon the secrets lurking in the depths of the Pit, the fate of Mahala will depend on him using his magic. And unlucky for Rojan - this is going to hurt.
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« Reply #2044 on: 04-03-2013, 20:47:03 »
Sjajne vesti za sve ljubitelje Džima Bučera:

News from a Penguin Publishing post: Penguin Group is continuing its relationship with bestselling fantasy writer Jim Butcher. The author of the Dresden Files and Codex Alera closed a seven-figure, three-book deal with his current publisher for a new series. Anne Sowards, at Roc, took world English rights to The Cinder Spires: The Aeronaut’s Windlass, and two sequels, from agent Jennifer Jackson at Donald Maass Literary. Butcher recently published the 14th book in the Dresden Files, a series that has been adapted to TV (on SyFy channel) and turned into a comic book (published by Dynamite Entertainment). The Cinder Spires, Jackson said, is set in a world “of black spires that tower for miles over a mist-shrouded surface” and follows a war between two of the Spires: Spire Albion and Spire Aurora.
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« Reply #2045 on: 05-03-2013, 11:14:48 »
Jedan od vrlo malo serijala kojima se iz godine u godinu radujem...

Cast in Sorrow by Michelle Sagara

THE END OF HER JOURNEY IS ONLY  THE BEGINNING... The Barrani would be happy to see her die. So Kaylin Neya is a bit surprised by her safe arrival in the West March. Especially when enemies new and old surround her and those she would call friends are equally dangerous...
And then the real trouble starts. Kaylin's assignment is to be a "harmoniste"-one who helps tell the truth behind a Barrani Recitation. But in a land where words are more effective than weapons, Kaylin's duties are deadly. With the wrong phrase she could tear a people further asunder. And with the right ones...well, then she might be able to heal a blight on a race.
If only she understood the story....

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« Reply #2046 on: 06-03-2013, 10:19:05 »
The Emperor of all Things by Paul Witcover

Tempus Rerum Imperator: Time, Emperor of All Things
  1758. England is embroiled in a globe-spanning conflict that stretches from her North American colonies to Europe and beyond. Across the Channel, the French prepare for an invasion — an invasion rumored to be led by none other than Bonnie Prince Charlie. It seems the map of Europe is about to be redrawn. Yet behind these dramatic scenes, another war is raging - a war that will determine not just the fate of nations but of humanity itself...
  Daniel Quare is a journeyman in an ancient guild, The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers. He is also a Regulator, part of an elite network within the guild devoted to searching out and claiming for England's exclusive use any horological innovation that could give them an upperhand, whether in business or in war.
  Just such a mission has brought Quare to the London townhouse of eccentric collector, Lord Wichcote. He seeks a pocket watch rumoured to possess seemingly impossible properties that are more to do with magic than with any science familiar to Quare or to his superiors. And the strange timepiece has attracted the attention of others as well: the mysterious masked thief known only as Grimalkin, and a deadly French spy who stop at nothing to bring the prize back to his masters. Soon Quare finds himself on a dangerous trail of intrigue and murder that leads far from the world he knows into an otherwhere of dragons and demigods, in which nothing is as it seems . . . time least of all.
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« Reply #2047 on: 07-03-2013, 15:41:18 »
Mislim da je Zakk tražio

Wolfhound Century by Peter Higgins

Investigator Vissarion Lom has been summoned to the capital in order to catch a terrorist --- and ordered to report directly to the head of the secret police.
A totalitarian state, worn down by an endless war, must be seen to crush home-grown insurgents with an iron fist. But Lom discovers Mirgorod to be more corrupted than he imagined: a murky world of secret police and revolutionaries, cabaret clubs and doomed artists.
Lom has been chosen because he is an outsider, not involved in the struggle for power within the party. And because of the sliver of angel stone implanted in his head.
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« Reply #2048 on: 08-03-2013, 22:50:48 »
Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling

Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells is an anthology of gaslamp fantasy—stories set in or around the world of nineteenth-century Victorian England—edited by the ever-dynamic Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. The contributor’s list is full of familiar names: Delia Sherman, Elizabeth Bear, Theodora Goss, Ellen Kushner and Caroline Stevermer, Catherynne M. Valente, Jane Yolen, and so on. Many of these authors have previously written fantasies of manners or neo-Victorian stories; others visit the topic with fresh eyes.  The stories themselves touch a variety of genres and themes, from a contemporary academic fantasy to metafictional riffs on classic Victorian novels (and, of course, a light smattering of stories that might otherwise be considered “steampunk”). Several, also, offer critical portraits of the people within Britain who weren’t (and aren’t) often allowed their own words or stories: servants, wage laborers, and the people upon whose backs the glossy Victorian façade was built.
   While the majority of the stories in Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells are competent, engaging, and rendered with a thorough attention to detail, there are several that stood out above the rest. The titular piece, Delia Sherman’s “Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells,” is an academic story set in a contemporary world with magic, wherein the protagonist is peeling apart the spells hiding Queen Victoria’s real diary entries as a research project under a manipulative older man on the faculty. The interwoven narratives of Victoria’s mistakes, the oft-grotesque power of wielding magic, and the necessities of surviving in a hierarchical system like academia as a woman: all of these are well-matched, well-wrought, and revelatory in juxtaposition with each other. Sherman’s piece is subtle and slow to build, full of internal conflicts and loaded interactions. The resolution, too, is momentarily uplifting, as two women connect over their shared experiences and find a way around the pitfalls of their system. I can see why this story is the titular piece; the thematic complexity is delightful, and the contemporary setting offers an angle for the reader into how we might deconstruct history and the implicit narratives it contains.
 That effort to interpret and revitalize history is also what makes one of my favorite stories in the collection so intense. “Phosphorous” by Veronica Schanoes is a powerful and haunting piece about the brutality of the industrial capitalist system, based in real, monstrous history. The actual narrative is predominantly subtle and personal—interactions between the protagonist and her grandmother, the protagonist and her woman-worker associates, etc. The threads of sacrifice, suffering, and exploitation that run through this story are gripping, not less so because they are informed by an oft-erased reality. As the author’s note that follows the story says, “The enthusiasm for Steampunk has produced some marvelous, incisive writing, and some gorgeous pieces of art. But is has also glamorized the Victorian era and too often ignored the exploitation and immiseration of the working class of England as well as the inhabitants of the lands England sought to rule. […] It’s easy to forget how the people who indulged in afternoon tea rituals, admired clockwork-powered inventions, and wore shapely and beautiful corsets and bustles profited from the death and suffering of others every time they lit a candle.” I appreciated the strength of this story and its message alike; it is a tale that will likely remain with me for some while. (The author’s notes included in this collection are interesting, and frequently provide commentary or sources for the pieces they follow—something I appreciated.)
 Two further stories also offered different and intriguing avenues into the anthology’s theme. “For the Briar Rose” by Elizabeth Wein is a gentle piece concerned with being the odd one out in a creative community, with the structures of Victorian womanhood, and ultimately, with the loves that can fill out a life. Set amongst the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, this piece brings to life on the page their families, their losses, and their beautiful friendships; while reading historical fiction about actual people can be odd, in this case, it’s handsome and touching. That it’s informed by the writer’s own experience of childbirth also gives it an intimate touch.
 Lastly, “We Without Us Were Shadows” by Catherynne M. Valente is one of the metafictional pieces of the book—a story about stories and the writing of them—and perhaps the strongest, though I also enjoyed Theodora Goss’s “Estella Saves the Village.” At first, I was unsure of this piece; the descriptions of the Brontë children on their walk seemed almost too self-indulgent—but, as soon as the story built momentum and slipped into the world of Glass Town, I forgot my initial resistance. The idea of interwoven worlds, or of worlds that write other worlds into being, isn’t new, but Valente’s handling of it here is sharp and poignant. The power of narrative to shift and change things—a power that came to fruition for journalism and novels in the nineteenth century—is the star of this piece, and one that is ultimately imperfect and prone to destruction.
 Of course, as with any anthology of a given size, there are weaker pieces as well. “Charged” by Leanna Renee Hieber is a villain-narrative that’s so overwrought as to ultimately be nothing but dull; Tanith Lee’s “Their Monstrous Minds” is a predictable retreading of the Dr. Frankenstein scenario in an alternate-universe Victorian Britain, with a closing allegory on empire that’s rendered far too transparent. I also didn’t care for Jeffrey Ford’s “The Fairy Enterprise,” but I suspect that this has more to do with my personal foibles than the story itself, which other readers might find perfectly entertaining—I, however, found it grating rather than amusing.
 And, while the strength of Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells lies in its variety, so too, by omission, does its weakness. Given the range of stories included, I was rather surprised not to see a single story set in the British colonies or explicitly involving the brutal building of Empire. The closest that the anthology comes is Jane Yolen’s “The Jewel in the Toad Queen’s Crown,” which is really about the odd friendship of Queen Victoria and her prime minister, Disraeli, and only takes a snapshot of the moment in which they decide to expand the empire. Or, alternately, Genevieve Valentine’s piece set in and around the Great Exposition—a story that is tangentially concerned with the mechanisms of colonization that allowed for the Exposition to occur as it did in the first place. Perhaps the editors felt that stories set outside the British isles weren’t quite within their purview—but, contemporary fantasies about the time period make up a part of this book, and that seems even further removed than a piece set in the outer reaches of the Victorian British empire.
 As a whole, despite that curious elision, Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells is a well-constructed anthology with enough variety in its offerings to engage most readers who appreciate the fantastic. The theme could, potentially, have been restrictive or produced pieces that were simply more-of-the-same; I appreciate that, for the most part, the anthology instead takes different angles on the idea of “gaslamp fantasy” to fill out a fairly rich and entertaining spread of offerings. For those who are interested in the tales and history of the Victorian era, this book has a selection of strong stories to catch and keep their attention.
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« Reply #2049 on: 11-03-2013, 10:53:33 »
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Seven edited by Jonathan Strahan

In print and on-line, science fiction and fantasy is thriving as never before. A multitude of astonishingly creative and gifted writers are boldly exploring the mythic past, the paranormal present, and the promises and perils of  myriad alternate worlds and futures. There are almost too many new and intriguing stories published every year for any reader to be able to experience them all. So how to make sure you haven’t missed any future classics?

Award-winning editor and anthologist Jonathan Strahan has surveyed the expanding universes of modern sf and fantasy to find the brightest stars in today’s dazzling literary firmament. From the latest masterworks by the acknowledged titans of the field to fresh visions from exciting new talents, this outstanding collection is a comprehensive showcase for the current state of the art in both science fiction and fantasy. Anyone who wants to know where the future of imaginative short fiction is going, and treat themselves to dozens of unforgettable stories, will find this year’s edition of Best Science Fiction and Fantasy to be just what they’re looking for!

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