Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763721 times)

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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2400 on: 10-07-2015, 13:51:16 »
Hm, premisa pomalo podseća na Bretovog Tetoviranog čoveka.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2401 on: 15-07-2015, 15:33:14 »
Chicks... antologije priređivača Ester Frizner već su dugo godina nezvanični naslednik kultnih antologija Sword and Sorceress. Ove antologije svakako nisu vrhunac epske fantastike, ali zauzimaju značajno mesto u promociji ženske strane fantazije.

Chicks and Balances (Chicks in Chainmail) by Esther Friesner

ORIGINAL ANTHOLOGY featuring rollicking, tongue-in-cheek tales of women warrior fighting against the stodgy and in the name of freedom of expression, Chicks in Chainmail style!

Continuing a great tradition, Chicks and Balances is not what you might think (or it is what you think, depending on which way your mind runs). What we have here is a bunch of perfectly healthy women who happen to be of the brass-bra-wearing and chain-link bikinis sort. Each is fighting in her own way for the freedom to express herself--often by thrusting sword through a censor's black heart! Be glad, the chicks in chainmail are back, and they will not be oppressed, repressed, or depressed!
 All new adventures of fearless women warriors by Eric Flint, creator of the Ring of Fire alternate history series; Nebula-winning author Harry Turtledove; Jody Lynn Nye, co-author of the national best seller The Ship Who Won; Campbell Award-winner Wen Spencer, and many more, including the inimitable Esther Friesner herself, as fantasy adventure takes a turn for the lighter side.
 Esther Friesner
 Jody Lynn Nye
 Jim C. Hines
 Elizabeth A. Vaughan
 Harry Turtledove
 Kerrie L. Hughes
 Steven Harper Piziks
 Wen Spencer
 Julie S. Mandala
 Esther Friesner
 Jean Rabe
 Alex Shvartsman
 Sarah A. Hoyt
 Robin Wayne Bailey
 Laura Resnick
 Lee Martindale
 P.C. Hodgell
 Dean Wesley Smith
 Laura Frankos
 Louisa Swann
 Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
 Kristine Kathryn Rusch
 The Series:
 Chicks in Chainmail
 Turn the Other Chick
 The Chick's in the Mail

 Chicks 'n Chained Males
 Chicks Ahoy
 Did You Say Chicks?!

 Chicks and Balances

Spisak autora koji učestvuju u šestom tomu ovog serijala antologija je krajnje impresivan.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2402 on: 15-07-2015, 17:48:11 »
Children of Earth and Sky by Guy Gavriel Kay

The bestselling author of the groundbreaking novels Under Heaven and River of Stars, Guy Gavriel Kay is back with a new novel, Children of Earth and Sky, set in a world inspired by the conflicts and dramas of Renaissance Europe. Against this tumultuous backdrop the lives of men and women unfold on the borderlands—where empires and faiths collide.
  From the small coastal town of Senjan, notorious for its pirates, a young woman sets out to find vengeance for her lost family. That same spring, from the wealthy city-state of Seressa, famous for its canals and lagoon, come two very different people: a young artist traveling to the dangerous east to paint the grand khalif at his request—and possibly to do more—and a fiercely intelligent, angry woman, posing as a doctor’s wife, but sent by Seressa as a spy.
  The trading ship that carries them is commanded by the accomplished younger son of a merchant family, ambivalent about the life he’s been born to live. And farther east a boy trains to become a soldier in the elite infantry of the khalif—to win glory in the war everyone knows is coming.
  As these lives entwine, their fates—and those of many others—will hang in the balance, when the khalif sends out his massive army to take the great fortress that is the gateway to the western world…

Gde je sad Melkor da se raduje novom Kejovom romanu :D
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2403 on: 16-07-2015, 11:42:53 »
 Besieged: The Outcast Chronicles by Rowena Cory Daniells

The story follows the fate of a tribe of dispossessed mystics. Vastly outnumbered by people without magical abilities, they are persecuted because ordinary people fear their gifts. This persecution culminates in a bloody pogrom sanctioned by the king who lays siege to the Celestial City, last bastion of the mystics. When the city falls, the mystic leader negotiates their surrender and her people are exiled from their homeland.

The Outcast Chronicles follows the fate of a tribe of dispossessed mystics. Vastly outnumbered by people without magical abilities, they are persecuted because ordinary people fear their gifts. This persecution culminates in a bloody pogrom sanctioned by the king who lays siege to the Celestial City, last bastion of the mystics. When the city falls, the mystic leader negotiates their surrender and her people are exiled from their homeland.
    King Chald has laid siege to the Celestial City, home of the mystics. Scholar-warrior Tobazim went to the city seeking glory, now he’s trapped along with the rest of his people. Surrounded and outnumbered, Imoshen, leader of the mystics, accepts banishment for her kind.
     Far from the siege, Ronnyn and his family live in hiding. He and his sister have grown up listening to their mother’s stories of the Celestial City. He dreams of going there one day, unaware that his family will be hunted down and executed, if they don’t leave with the rest of their people.

Uvrežen je stav da je epska fantastika isključivo eskapistička a nikada angažovana. Taj stav je, naravno, pogrešan. Čak postoji čitav pravac angažovane fantazije, koji nazivamo romantičarska fantazija (ne romantična) i koji se bavi životnom sredinom, međuljudskim odnosima i ugroženim segmentima društva, kao što su pripadnici manjinskih vera, nacija ili seksualnih opredeljenja.

Besieged definitivno spada u angažovanu fantastiku, prateći pomalo klišeizirani motiv rase/nacije obdarene natprirodnim moćima koju ugrožava verski zaluđena većina. Ma koliko meni ideja o totalitarnoj i zatucanoj crkvi bila bliska i srcu draga, toliko se koristi u poslednjih dvadeset i kusur godina da se potpuno izlizala. Danijels je odličan pisac u zanatskom pogledu, pa nije ni čudo što je njen roman visoko ocenjen, ali meni na kraju nije bilo stalo do njenih likova, obrade tema i motiva - koje su mi bile previše angažovano klišeizirane, pri čemu bih istakao nametnutu homoseksualnost kao traumatični momenat u razvoju jednog od likova. Zaista me nervira ponižavajuća predstava muškog homoseksualizma koju pojedine autorke gaje & podstiču.

Sve u svemu, 3/5
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2404 on: 16-07-2015, 15:35:09 »
Јел ти беше не волиш Кеја?  :)

И јел си читао још нешто осим ових које је Лагуна објавила? Читао сам не неким форумима да има он бољих књига од ових које су објављене код нас.

Teško meni ako ću da čekam Lagunu (ili nekog drugog) da objavi knjigu da bih je čitao. Kakva mi je onda svrha?

Elem, od Keja sam čitao:

The Fionavar Tapestry
A Song for Arbonne
Sailing to Sarantium
The Last Light of the Sun
Under Heaven
River of Stars

Smatram ga u najboljem slučaju prosečnim piscem. Od ovoga što sam čitao dopala mi se Tigana (relativno, možda 4/5), a Under Heaven je istinski dragulj (5/5) i jedan od meni omiljenih romana iz godine kada je objavljen. Zato je River of Stars razočaravajući.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2406 on: 16-07-2015, 23:25:39 »
Svojevremeno sam čak bio žučan protivnik objavljivanja Kejevih knjiga, kao i Vilijamsovih. Doduše, zalagao sam se za Fajsta i Hobovu, pa mi je skor negde izjednačen. :D
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2407 on: 17-07-2015, 12:44:32 »
Armada: A Novel by Ernest Cline

Zack Lightman has spent his life dreaming. Dreaming that the real world could be a little more like the countless science-fiction books, movies, and videogames he’s spent his life consuming. Dreaming that one day, some fantastic, world-altering event will shatter the monotony of his humdrum existence and whisk him off on some grand space-faring adventure.
 But hey, there’s nothing wrong with a little escapism, right? After all, Zack tells himself, he knows the difference between fantasy and reality. He knows that here in the real world, aimless teenage gamers with anger issues don’t get chosen to save the universe.
 And then he sees the flying saucer.
 Even stranger, the alien ship he’s staring at is straight out of the videogame he plays every night, a hugely popular online flight simulator called Armada—in which gamers just happen to be protecting the earth from alien invaders.
 No, Zack hasn’t lost his mind. As impossible as it seems, what he’s seeing is all too real. And his skills—as well as those of millions of gamers across the world—are going to be needed to save the earth from what’s about to befall it.
 It’s Zack’s chance, at last, to play the hero. But even through the terror and exhilaration, he can’t help thinking back to all those science-fiction stories he grew up with, and wondering: Doesn’t something about this scenario seem a little…familiar?
 At once gleefully embracing and brilliantly subverting science-fiction conventions as only Ernest Cline could, Armada is a rollicking, surprising thriller, a classic coming of age adventure, and an alien invasion tale like nothing you’ve ever read before—one whose every page is infused with the pop-culture savvy that has helped make Ready Player One a phenomenon.

Nastavak kod nas objavljenog Ready Player One.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2408 on: 19-07-2015, 18:22:47 »
Cold Iron by Stina Leicht

Cold Iron is Stina Leicht’s third novel. With it, Leicht moves away from urban fantasy and towards epic in the new gunpowder fantasy mode. Cold Iron is the opening volley in The Malorum Gates series—and to judge from the amount of ground this novel covers, it’s a series that’s going to do a lot of epic in a relatively short space of time.

It is also a rather better, and strikingly less boring, book than its opening pages portend.

Cold Iron opens with Nels, a kainen crown prince—the kainen are a race of people taller than the human norm, all possessed of varying degrees of magical powers, including the ability to magically force other people to do their will, simply by instructing them to—who initially comes across as self-absorbed, spoiled, whiny and ineffectual. Nels’ only distinguishing factor is his lack of the command magic that is especially characteristic of the royal family of Eledore. But fortunately—for the reader, if not for Nels—tragedy strikes! Disbarred from the succession and forced into the army due to Eledorean taboos on the shedding of blood, Nels becomes approximately fifty times more interesting, and so does the novel. With his twin sister Suvi, her naval ambitions interrupted to take up the role of crown princess, and Nels’ friend and lover, the apprentice healer-sorceress Ilta, added to the cast of point-of-view characters, Cold Iron rapidly progresses towards very entertaining indeed.

Flawed—of which more later—but very entertaining.

Nels, Suvi, and Ilta are faced with an intransigent array of problems: an invasion by the resolutely unmagical but technologically more adept humans of Acrasia; a smallpox epidemic made worse when magic goes wrong; and the machinations of Nels and Suvi’s paternal uncle Sakari, who seems determined to take the reins of power into his own hands—at no small cost to Nels, Suvi, and Eledore itself. As Nels struggles with the responsibilities of military life, including hostile senior officers, enemy action, insufficient supplies, and men who don’t trust him, Suvi must navigate court life and a mission at sea to acquire an alliance with the Waterborne nations, while Ilta is put under house arrest when her attempt to inoculate herself against smallpox gives rise to a magically more potent strain.

The war with Acrasia is going badly, and Nels’ commanding officer is a sociopath. Meanwhile, among the Waterborne, Suvi has to deal with assassination attempts, a magical duel, and battles at sea. And in the background lurks an ancient danger, against which—it appears—only the Eledorean royal family can stand. As the Acrasian forces close in around Eledore’s plague-wracked capital, Nels, Suvi, and Ilta are reunited in their nation’s darkest hour. If they cannot avoid their uncle’s betrayal and stand against the Acrasians, they’ll just have to save what they can.

In Cold Iron, Leicht has written an approachable, entertaining epic fantasy, peopled with engaging characters and replete with dramatic incidents. I confess that lately I’ve been having a spot of argument with epic fantasy: most of the time I want it to be either less boring or less full of deeply unlikeable people. Fortunately, despite its length, Cold Iron avoids the worst perils of droning epic fantasy, and its characters, despite our initial introduction to Nels, are anything but unlikeable.

But Cold Iron has its flaws. Leicht has a tendency to skip large chunks of time between chapters, and to signal these cuts only sketchily, with little summary of anything that has taken place in the intervening weeks or months. This is a little annoying. Also on the annoying side is my feeling that Leicht has got sea battles and life at sea all wrong—but it’s been some time since I’ve sailed on a tallship, or even sailed at all, so one should not take my word for it.

Cold Iron might not be the very best example of epic fantasy around: I’m not inclined to rave about its prose or polish, and it is working with some familiar tropes—plus gunpowder. It remains to be seen whether or not the next volume is going to break new ground. But Cold Iron is plenty entertaining, and it’s good enough that I’m definitely looking forward to finding out where the story goes next.

And may I just mention here that the new Saga Press imprint is being impressively consistent with the quality of its releases to date? Not all of them are my cup of tea, but they are all recognisably solid examples of their kind—at least the ones I’ve encountered so far.

Liz Bourke
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2409 on: 19-07-2015, 18:23:46 »

Svojevremeno sam čak bio žučan protivnik objavljivanja Kejevih knjiga, kao i Vilijamsovih. Doduše, zalagao sam se za Fajsta i Hobovu, pa mi je skor negde izjednačen. :D

Код нас лакше погодити шта неће успети  :mrgreen:

Pa, jedino je sigurno da urbana fantastika ne ide. Sve ostalo ti je lutrija.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2410 on: 21-07-2015, 11:27:52 »
Cold Iron by Stina Leicht

Pročitao 15% odsto danas u čekaonici. Za sada fino.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2411 on: 22-07-2015, 14:15:46 »

The Devil's Bag Man by Adam Mansbach

In this chilling sequel to The Dead Run, New York Times bestselling author Adam Mansbach mixes horror, the supernatural and gritty suspense to deliver a high-octane, high-concept adventure filled with nasty bad guys, fearsome magic, and an unlikely hero caught in the dangerous terrain of the Tex-Mex borderland.
Locked in a Mexican jail for a crime he didn’t commit, Jess Galvan made a devil’s bargain to escape and make it back home. Now, he’s trapped in his own personal hell, his mind and body inhabited by the soul of Cucuy, a fearsome, five-hundred-year-old Aztec priest and major crime kingpin determined to bring about hell on earth. Estranged from his daughter, Sherry, and now his own body, Galvan’s every moment is a battle to keep the evil priest at bay. But there is a silver lining—his presence has endowed Galvan with superhuman strength and endurance.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2412 on: 23-07-2015, 12:21:05 »
EMPIRE ASCENDANT by Kameron Hurley

Loyalties are tested when worlds collide…
Every two thousand years, the dark star Oma appears in the sky, bringing with it a tide of death and destruction. And those who survive must contend with friends and enemies newly imbued with violent powers. The kingdom of Saiduan already lies in ruin, decimated by invaders from another world who share the faces of those they seek to destroy.
Now the nation of Dhai is under siege by the same force. Their only hope for survival lies in the hands of an illegitimate ruler and a scullery maid with a powerful – but unpredictable –magic. As the foreign Empire spreads across the world like a disease, one of their former allies takes up her Empress’s sword again to unseat them, and two enslaved scholars begin a treacherous journey home with a long-lost secret that they hope is the key to the Empire’s undoing.
But when the enemy shares your own face, who can be trusted?
In this devastating sequel to The Mirror Empire, Kameron Hurley transports us back to a land of blood mages and sentient plants, dark magic, and warfare on a scale that spans worlds.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2413 on: 26-07-2015, 15:48:45 »
Nove trilogije planiraju Entoni Rajan i Adrijan Čajkovski

The Waking Fire is set in a vibrant new world where the blood of drakes—creatures similar to dragons—is valued beyond reckoning, and can be distilled into elixirs that grant fearsome powers to those who are “blood-blessed.” The novel follows an unregistered blood-blessed as he searches for an elusive variety of drake so potent, its capture would mean unrivalled riches; the second in command of a blood-burning ironclad ship; and a young woman in a lifelong contract to a trading syndicate, whose espionage mission places her on the front lines of a newly declared war. As empires clash and arcane mysteries reveal themselves, these characters are tested again and again and soon discover that the fate of the world rests on their shoulders.

The Church of Armes of the Light has battled the forces of Darkness for as long as anyone can remember. The Great Prophecy has foretold that a band of misfits, led by the High Priestess Dion will defeat the Dark Lord Darvezian, armed with their wits, the blessing of the Light and a fang belonging to the spider queen.
Their journey will be long, hard and fraught with danger. Allies will become enemies; enemies will become allies. And the Dark Lord will be waiting… Promise that: “This book has it all—some fantastic set pieces and a wonderful cast of characters. All the usual suspects are there in our band of merry travelers: the High Priestess, the Mage, the Warriors, the Thief, and the Giant Spider. Wait, what? This is an enormously fun read, and we can’t wait to share it with you!”
The novel – Spiderlight – is set for release in Summer 2016
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2414 on: 27-07-2015, 09:36:36 »
The Empress Game - Rhonda Mason

One seat on the intergalactic Sakien Empire’s supreme ruling body, the Council of Seven, remains unfilled, that of the Empress Apparent. The seat isn’t won by votes or marriage. It’s won in a tournament of ritualized combat in the ancient tradition. Now that tournament, the Empress Game, has been called and the females of the empire will stop at nothing to secure political domination for their homeworlds.

 The battle for political power isn’t contained by the tournament’s ring, however. The empire’s elite gather to forge, strengthen or betray alliances in a dance that will determine the fate of the empire for a generation. With the empire wracked by a rising nanovirus plague and stretched thin by an ill-advised planet-wide occupation of Ordoch in enemy territory, everything rests on the woman who rises to the top.

Ovo mi liči na very old school SF. Će da overimo...
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2415 on: 28-07-2015, 11:11:43 »
Ovo može biti zanimljivo, za ljubitelje osamdesetih:

The Elven
by Bernhard Hennen, James A. Sullivan

A fierce and merciless demon has been unleashed on the world, spreading destruction and bloodshed in both the human and the elven realms. Northlander Jarl Mandred witnesses the ruthless attack on his men, and he seeks vengeance with the help of the elf queen, Emerelle. Despite Mandred’s barbaric human nature, the queen orchestrates an elfhunt joined by the two strongest warriors in Albenmark to pursue the beast. Farodin, the fiercest fighter in the land, and Nuramon, the healer, seize the opportunity to make history alongside Mandred in a life-defining series of battles waged in parallel universes.
The Elven is an epic tale, bringing heroes together across the boundaries of their worlds to avenge past losses and influence fates yet to be decided.
Ali zato ovo:

The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin

A season of endings has begun.
It starts with the great red rift across the heart of the world's sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun.
It starts with death, with a murdered son and a missing daughter.
It starts with betrayal, and long dormant wounds rising up to fester.
This is the Stillness, a land long familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth is wielded as a weapon. And where there is no mercy. A new fantasy trilogy by Hugo, Nebula & World Fantasy Award nominated author N.K. Jemisin.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2416 on: 28-07-2015, 21:30:27 »
Javi se, Gule! :D

Midian Unmade: Tales of Clive Barker's Nightbreed by Clive Barker

An all-original horror anthology set in the world of Clive Barker's cult film masterpiece, Nightbreed, and including stories by Seanan McGuire, Amber Benson, Karl Alexander, Nancy Holder, and more!
 Clive Barker's Nightbreed has been controversial since the moment it was  released in a version edited by the studio and roundly condemned by Barker, who wrote and directed the film. A virtually instant cult film, Nightbreed--based on Barker's novella, Cabal--was nominated for three Saturn Awards and won several prizes at European film festival.
 The impact of Nightbreed goes beyond the screen;  along with Cabal and Barker's seminal The Books of Blood, it has inspired many horror writers, some of whom have gathered in this tribute anthology.
 Midian Unmade tells the stories of the Nightbreed after the fall of their city, Midian. Driven from their homes, their friends and family members slain before their eyes, the monsters become a mostly-hidden diaspora. Some are hunted; others, hunters. Some seek refuge. Others want revenge.
 Contributors to Midian Unmade include: Karl Alexander, author of the classic novel Time After Time; actor, writer, and director Amber Benson (Tara Maclay on Buffy the Vampire Slayer); New  York Times bestselling author Nancy Holder; Hugo and John W. Campbell Award-winner Seanan McGuire; Bram Stoker Award winner Weston Ochse, David J. Schow, winner of the World Fantasy Award, writer of the screenplay for The Crow; New York Times bestselling writer Stephen Woodworth; and many more--23 stories in all.
 With an introduction by Clive Barker, this is an outstanding collection of original horror  short stories in a dazzling variety of styles.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2417 on: 31-07-2015, 16:00:08 »
Knjiga meseca:

Fool's Quest: Book II of the Fitz and the Fool trilogy by Robin Hobb

Ranking alongside George R. R. Martin as a groundbreaking master of fantasy, New York Times bestselling author Robin Hobb delivers the second book in her long-awaited Fitz and the Fool trilogy.
The harrowing adventures of FitzChivalry Farseer and his enigmatic friend the Fool continue in Robin Hobb’s triumphant follow-up to Fool’s Assassin. But Fool’s Quest is more than just a sequel. With the artistry and imagination her fans have come to expect, Hobb builds masterfully on all that has gone before, revealing devastating secrets and shocking conspiracies that cast a dark shadow over the history of Fitz and his world—a shadow that now stretches to darken all future hope.
Long ago, Fitz and the Fool changed the world, bringing back the magic of dragons and securing both the Farseer succession and the stability of the kingdom. Or so they thought. But now the Fool is near death, maimed by mysterious pale-skinned figures whose plans for world domination hinge upon the powers the Fool may share with Fitz’s own daughter.
Distracted by the Fool’s perilous health, and swept up against his will in the intrigues of the royal court, Fitz lets down his guard . . . and in a horrible instant, his world is undone and his beloved daughter stolen away by those who would use her as they had once sought to use the Fool—as a weapon.
But FitzChivalry Farseer is not without weapons of his own. An ancient magic still lives in his veins. And though he may have let his skills as royal assassin diminish over the years, such things, once learned, are not so easily forgotten.
Now enemies and friends alike are about to learn that nothing is more dangerous than a man who has nothing left to lose.
Praise for Robin Hobb and Fool’s Assassin
“Fantasy as it ought to be written.”—George R. R. Martin
“Hobb knows the complicated workings of the wayward human heart, and she takes time to depict them in her tale, to tell her story sweetly, insistently, compellingly. . . . A book meant to be inhabited rather than run through.”The Seattle Times
“[FitzChivalry Farseer is] one of the best characters in fantasy literature.”Fantasy Book Review
“[Hobb’s] prose sparkles, her characters leap off the page.”
“Modern fantasy at its irresistible best.”—The Guardian
“Fantastic . . . emotionally rich storytelling.”—Library Journal (starred review)
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2418 on: 03-08-2015, 06:02:46 »
Penric's Demon - Lois McMaster Bujold

On his way to his betrothal, young Lord Penric comes upon a riding accident with an elderly lady on the ground, her maidservant and guardsmen distraught. As he approaches to help, he discovers that the lady is a Temple divine, servant to the five gods of this world. Her avowed god is The Bastard, "master of all disasters out of season", and with her dying breath she bequeaths her mysterious powers to Penric. From that moment on, Penric's life is irreversibly changed, and his life is in danger from those who envy or fear him.

Set in the fantasy world of the author's acclaimed novels THE CURSE OF CHALION, PALADIN OF SOULS and THE HALLOWED HUNT, this novella has the depth of characterization and emotional complexity that distinguishes all Bujold's work.

Nakon sumanutog polufinala Vorkosigana, Budžold se vraća svom Halionskom serijalu, rebrandovanom kao "Svet pet bogova", za koji je nadobijala nagrada - uključujući i WFA, ako se dobro sećam. Pred nama je ovoga puta elektronska novela. I for one se nadam da je to samo uvod u novi W5G roman, ali daj šta daš.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2419 on: 04-08-2015, 01:06:49 »
K. J. Parker - The Two of Swords series

Part One: "Why are we fighting this war? Because evil must be resisted, and sooner or later there comes a time when men of principle have to make a stand. Because war is good for business and it's better to die on our feet than live on our knees. Because they started it. But at this stage in the proceedings," he added, with a slightly lop-sided grin, "mostly from force of habit." A soldier with a gift for archery. A woman who kills without care. Two brothers, both unbeatable generals, now fighting for opposing armies. No-one in the vast and once glorious United Empire remains untouched by the rift between East and West, and the war has been fought for as long as anyone can remember. Some still survive who know how it was started, but no-one knows how it will end.
 Part Two: The second part of K.J. Parker’s Two of Swords starts where the first ended; however, it mixes things up a little bit by switching the viewpoint on the reader. We move from a focus on a farmboy-turned-archer to another member of his village militia – this one a tad more suspicious, a smidge more unreliable, and infinitely more unlikable. Where the first section was a journey novel, this chapter is more static – we’re shown a protagonist looking to survive and establish themselves in a society which doesn’t care much about them, and trying to survive by any means necessary.
 Part Three: The third part of Parker’s serialised novel shifts the scope a little. We’re moved away from the broad sweeps of warfare, the stumbling confusion of conscripts and lower echelon troops – instead, our perspective settles in higher society. There’s discussion of politics, of the reasons that the central conflict exists. Away from the sharp end shown in the first two parts, there’s a sense of shifting currents in a largely static event, a cold war with hot edges. On the other hand, whilst there’s less interest in large scale battles, this section has a keener focus on small scale murder.
 Part Four: Much like the preceding section, this fourth part of Parker’s serialised novel changes the viewpoint on the reader. This time we’re dragged up into the higher echelons of politics, there to follow an aide to an Empress, as they – alongside everyone else – go to war. The character is portrayed with Parker’s typical flourishes. We see self doubt, seeds of misgiving, a core of unshakeable loyalty. There’s less of the trademark Parker cynicism, as such, but a great deal of self-awareness in the character, which shines through in contemplation, and the prose indicates a more reflective temperament than the protagonists that we’ve followed before.
 Part Five: This fifth section of Two of Swords takes the reader somewhere new. We’ve been at the ground level of the ongoing war in the first two parts, introduced to politics in the third, and given a broader perspective in the fourth. Across the whole conflict, however – social, military, political – there has been a sense of balance. East and West, similar enough to tear each other apart over minor differences, each side looking for a way to tip the balance their way. The balance, in this case, being held by the Belot brothers. We’ve heard of them before, in preceding parts of the text – both fearsome generals, able to turn certain defeat into glorious victory, and each fighting for one side because their brother fights for the other.
 Part Six: The sixth part of Two of Swords continues the tradition of changing perspective on us. In the last section, we got insight into the mind of one of the Belot brothers, the fearsome leaders of the military on both sides of the civil war. In this section, the reader is given the other brother as their protagonist. On that basis, there’s some good stuff here. The second Belot brother has a tone a lot like the first, something which feels like a deliberate choice from Parker. There’s a focused intelligence and a certain dry wit.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2420 on: 04-08-2015, 22:08:28 »
Knjiga meseca:

Fool's Quest: Book II of the Fitz and the Fool trilogy by Robin Hobb

Ranking alongside George R. R. Martin as a groundbreaking master of fantasy, New York Times bestselling author Robin Hobb delivers the second book in her long-awaited Fitz and the Fool trilogy.
The harrowing adventures of FitzChivalry Farseer and his enigmatic friend the Fool continue in Robin Hobb’s triumphant follow-up to Fool’s Assassin. But Fool’s Quest is more than just a sequel. With the artistry and imagination her fans have come to expect, Hobb builds masterfully on all that has gone before, revealing devastating secrets and shocking conspiracies that cast a dark shadow over the history of Fitz and his world—a shadow that now stretches to darken all future hope.
Long ago, Fitz and the Fool changed the world, bringing back the magic of dragons and securing both the Farseer succession and the stability of the kingdom. Or so they thought. But now the Fool is near death, maimed by mysterious pale-skinned figures whose plans for world domination hinge upon the powers the Fool may share with Fitz’s own daughter.
Distracted by the Fool’s perilous health, and swept up against his will in the intrigues of the royal court, Fitz lets down his guard . . . and in a horrible instant, his world is undone and his beloved daughter stolen away by those who would use her as they had once sought to use the Fool—as a weapon.
But FitzChivalry Farseer is not without weapons of his own. An ancient magic still lives in his veins. And though he may have let his skills as royal assassin diminish over the years, such things, once learned, are not so easily forgotten.
Now enemies and friends alike are about to learn that nothing is more dangerous than a man who has nothing left to lose.
Praise for Robin Hobb and Fool’s Assassin
“Fantasy as it ought to be written.”—George R. R. Martin
“Hobb knows the complicated workings of the wayward human heart, and she takes time to depict them in her tale, to tell her story sweetly, insistently, compellingly. . . . A book meant to be inhabited rather than run through.”The Seattle Times
“[FitzChivalry Farseer is] one of the best characters in fantasy literature.”Fantasy Book Review
“[Hobb’s] prose sparkles, her characters leap off the page.”
“Modern fantasy at its irresistible best.”—The Guardian
“Fantastic . . . emotionally rich storytelling.”—Library Journal (starred review)

I dalje je savršena.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2421 on: 05-08-2015, 10:30:42 »
Fitz and fool su stigli na moj Kindle. Samo da završim četvrto čitanje Plesa sa zmajevima, pa se bacam na to.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2422 on: 05-08-2015, 16:16:59 »
Sinoć stigao do 85% :) Žena fenomenalno piše.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2423 on: 05-08-2015, 20:09:53 »
Hm...lično sam oduševljen prvom trilogijom, razočaran Tawny Man trilogijom, opet oduševljen trilogijom posle Tawny Man a koja je direktno vezana za prvu trilogiju, razočaran Second Sons trilogijom koja nije vezana za Fica i Ludu, dok onu o Zmajevima i ovo sada nisam čitao još...

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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2424 on: 05-08-2015, 21:38:13 »
Da nisi ti malo tu ubacio Dzenifer Falon? :)
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2425 on: 05-08-2015, 22:57:28 »
Da nisi ti malo tu ubacio Dzenifer Falon? :)

Jao da...A ta Second Sons je VRH inače, jedan od omiljenih mi serijala, tj. trilogija...

Kako onda ona bi, davno sam je čitao, je l' se zvaše Soldier Son?

Da, sad proverih na netu...

A kad smo već bili kod Second Sons, postoji li ikakva šansa da se to kod nas radi? Meni je to lično jedan od boljih serijala....voleo bih da se uradi. Doduše, voleo bih da se uradi i Black Jewels, ali to ne verujem da će iko raditi xD


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2426 on: 06-08-2015, 02:29:53 »
Soldier's Son, da. Ja je nisam dovršio. Bila mi je neopisivo dosadna. Pročitao sam prve dve.

Što se Falon tiče, nema nikakvih izgleda da se tako nešto objavi. Trenutak je davno prošao. Isto kao i sa Black Jewels. Sve i da Bišop nije namerno uništila taj serijal, to je imalo smisla objaviti pre deset godina. Sada ne.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2427 on: 06-08-2015, 12:57:55 »
Soldier's Son, da. Ja je nisam dovršio. Bila mi je neopisivo dosadna. Pročitao sam prve dve.

Što se Falon tiče, nema nikakvih izgleda da se tako nešto objavi. Trenutak je davno prošao. Isto kao i sa Black Jewels. Sve i da Bišop nije namerno uništila taj serijal, to je imalo smisla objaviti pre deset godina. Sada ne.

Pa da. Računam da su te knjige trebale biti izdane tamo kad se Fajst i Edings izdavao...tad je recimo Black Jewels mogao da prođe...

Inače, ima još nekih serijala koji su mi dragi, tipa Sword Dancer Saga, Brother Initiate duologija od Rasela (a svi znamo kako je on prošao ovde), pa Long Price quartet (mada ga još nisam završio), Tyrants and Kings, Riddle Master (of Hed), Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone...mada je kraj malo bezze, Crown of Stars, The Dragon Crown Cycle, Book of Words, The sword, the ring and the chalice i tako dalje...mada, mora se priznati, malo sam se udaljio od fentezi literature (slučajno ili namerno, ne znam ni sam) tako da nisam ništa novije čitao...novije, recimo, u poslednjih 4-5 godina što je izašlo...


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2428 on: 06-08-2015, 17:55:20 »
Fantazija se u poslednjih desetak godina raslojila na dva pravca: preterano infantilan i preterano turoban. Otprilike, tržište ili izdavači ili čitaoci ili sve to zajedno uzrokovali su pojavu metastaziranih Džordana i Martina i to je relativno žalosna situacija. Međutim, od nekih 3000 naslova godišnje uspe da se napabirči desetak zaista dobrih knjiga. Tu su prethodne dve godine bile zaista odlične. A i ja sam odlutao iz strogo fantazijskih voda još tamo 2008. godine.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2429 on: 10-08-2015, 11:16:06 »
 Dark Ascension by M.L. Brennan

I consider Generation V to be the saving grace of Urban Fantasy genre. It brought back the humor, wit, and naivety of protagonists usually thrown into circumstances for which they are quite unprepared and unsuited for. The series as a whole has so many positive aspects, an abundance of charm and excellent and original world-building not the least among them, that I do not feel the need to even try to number them all and all that goes for the fourth book in the series as well.

But, Dark Ascension has a serious flaw. Nothing really happens.

Well, that's not exactly true. The life of our protagonist is drastically changed and he find himself in completely new circumstances, but this is where things that were charmingly naive in the past books become not really believable and the reader starts to have some serious doubts about some aspects of the plot.

But that is the lesser problem.

Dark Ascension feels almost like the first half, or even the first third, of a larger book. It's just an introduction to the new world order (of our hero, at least) and the climactic conclusion is anything but. In some ways, the author tried to achieve the same thing as Butcher did in Changes, but she failed to succeed in that. This novel is more like a lesser episode in Fort's life than the chronicle of the most important moment so far - and the latter should be more present in the writing. Although Brennan tries for the grittier style, she pulls the stops at few grim scenes, and then continues in the old vein. In my opinion, that was the mistake that her editor should have caught.

I am usually not this harsh in my reviews, but I really feel that M. L. Brennan is at the moment the best author in the field after Jim Butcher and I would hate to see her loose the edge.

In a way, this would be a quite good novel if we could expect another one at the end of the year, but I find that not likely.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2430 on: 12-08-2015, 16:04:22 »
Magic is real…and some books have teeth. This September, new publisher Serial Box is bursting onto the scene and bringing the TV model of media production and delivery to the book world with Bookburners, an urban fantasy adventure following a black-ops anti-magic squad backed by the Vatican. Wandering from police procedural to New Weird and dabbling in most genres in between, Bookburners will keep you hungry for more, week after week.
Written by a team of authors including Margaret Dunlap (Eureka), Mur Lafferty (The Shambling Guide to New York City) and Brian Francis Slattery (Lost Everything), the group is lead by rising genre star Max Gladstone (Three Parts Dead and the Craft Sequence).
While the series officially launches on September 16th with the release of Episode 2, we have the first episode up for all to enjoy on
Serial Box aims to bring book lovers everything they like about television:
  • New episodes each week
  • Series are produced by a team of writers collaborating to create the most exciting, dynamic stories
  • Episodes are easily ingestible with a 40-minute average read-time
  • Each episode is an exciting adventure but together they build into a complete narrative-just like your favorite shows
About Bookburners:
 Magic is real, and hungry-trapped in ancient texts and artifacts, only a few who discover it survive to fight back. Detective Sal Brooks is a survivor. Abruptly thrust into the battle between nefarious forces trying to unleash this power onto the world and those trying to stop them, she joins a Vatican-backed black-ops anti-magic squad: Team Three of the Societas Librorum Occultorum. Together they stand between humanity and magical apocalypse. Some call them Bookburners. They don’t like the label.
Chapter 1: Badge, Book, and Candle
 NYPD Detective Sal Brooks is no rookie-but even the most hardened cop would think twice when they see their brother open a book and become…well…something entirely not their brother. When her attempts to solve the case cross paths with a mysterious team led by a priest, she starts to realize that the world is far more than what is seems, and, just maybe, magic is real-and hungry.
Thus begins the 16-part serial, Bookburners, presented by Serial Box. From a team of writers, this collaborative effort will unfold an epic urban fantasy narrative across an entire season in weekly installments.
Follow along as Sal learns the life changing lesson: some books have teeth.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2431 on: 17-08-2015, 14:23:20 »
Sinoć stigao do 85% :) Žena fenomenalno piše.

Ja sam tek sad na 85%. Već vidim da će prebrzo da se završi, ne mogu da vjerujem da ću opet morati da čekam bar godinu dana.

Pokušao sam da iskopam datum izlaska sljedeće knjige u trilogiji, nema vijesti nigdje. Ako naiđeš na nešto, pls javi.

Što me podsjeti: imaš li bilo kakvih informacija o Peace talks? Ni tu nisam uspio da nađem ništa određeno, samo neke paušalne ocjene tipa kraj 2015, prva polovina 2016 i tako.
There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2432 on: 17-08-2015, 15:06:31 »
Samo sto je objavljen njegov prvi roman u novom serijalu. Mislim da za DD nema izgleda pre kraja godine u najboljem slucaju, s tim da mi prolece deluje izvesnije.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2433 on: 22-08-2015, 15:10:32 »
Elem, procitao sam novi Butcherov roman, Aeronaut's Windlass I imam ozbiljnih zamerki. World building je solidan, ali roman pocinje tolikim info dumpingom da sam ga umalo batalio. Kasnije se malo izvlaci, ali nije mi jasna ta potreba za jeftinim podrazavanjem ustogljenih engleza iz dzordzijanskog vremena, u kombinaciji sa stimpankom.

Kris Vuding je pokazao kako se pise savremeni I originalni stimpank serijal. A uz to je I Englez.

Ovo je zanimljivo za nekog pocetnika, ali je ispod Butcherovog nivoa.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2434 on: 07-09-2015, 19:18:45 »

Operation Arcana edited by John Joseph Adams

As with most anthologies, there were several excellent stories, but more that were mediocre - even when written by authors whom I love and respect. Nevertheless, this was one of the few anthologies that I actually managed to finish from end to end so I guess I can recommend it to those readers who love military fantasy. Although Rules of Enchantment by David Klecha & Tobias S. Buckell was my favorite, I think that the best story in the anthology was In Skeleton Leaves by Seanan McGuire. This one has all the hallmarks of a true classic. I probably liked The Way Home by Linda Nagata the least, although the story is quite well written, but it just failed to speak to my interests, I guess.

Black Company story was a real treat, but I must say that an anthology with this thematic that lacks a story by Steven Erikson is flawed at the start. I don't know if Mr. Adams approached Mr. Erikson or not - and even if he did, Erikson is really not a short story writer, but this had to be mentioned.


Dodao bih da je priča In Skeleton Leaves by Seanan McGuire za uvštavanje u neki Monolit, na primer.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2435 on: 08-09-2015, 12:52:33 »

I read about 100 novels and about 100 more other titles (comic books collected in trade paperbacks, anthologies, non-fiction titles, stuff like that) in a given year, and those are mostly titles that were published in a current year. About 10% of those novels tend to be exceptional. Others not so much. That gives me ten or twelve novels from which I choose my absolute favorite in a given year. Sometimes the choice is hard or even impossible. Sometimes none of these novels left me with an impression strong enough to consider any of them absolute best. Anyway, most years I wait till the end of December - or even the end of January next year - to pronounce my own Best Novel(s) award.

This year I'm doing that early.

The Desert and the Blade is a redemption of a promise made in Golden Princess. To be perfectly honest, I loved Golden Princess - the previous book in the series), but it was lacking in some ways. It was all about the preparation for the journey, not the journey itself. Now that the Desert and the Blade arrived, I can safely say that more than any other part of Change series these two books should be read as one novel divided in two parts. The recently published anthology set in the Change universe was also tied into the story, although those readers who didn't read it need not to worry. Stirling has flawlessly included some of the protagonists from the best stories in the anthology, Harry Turtledove’s “Topanga and the Chatsworth Lancers” and Diana Paxson’s “Deor”, and has teased possible spin-offs dealing with their adventures that take place between events described in the Change anthology and the Desert and the Blade. This would be more than welcome, since the year-long wait between Stirling's novels starts to be harder to bear with each new book.


Stirling has really grown into A-list author with this one. I would rank him perhaps a blade width (pun intended) beneath his more famous colleague from the Critical Mass writing group, George R.R. Martin. His control of the story is now flawless and characterization excellent albeit still done in broad strokes, using almost cliches - but doing so in such a masterful way that the reader is not offended but rather amused with authors shenanigans. Once again, he gives homage to several important Fantasy and Science Fiction authors - Martin himself and his Game of Thrones not the least of them.

Anyway, except technical near-perfection of the writing style, language and genre manipulation, this novel boldly increases the "magic level" present in the world. In the previous novels we had "events" that could be explained as mass hysteria, simple hypnotism or even coincidence. During Rudy's part of the series we've encountered Entities that could be anything from aliens to projections of collective unconsciousness of the human kind.

But in the Desert and the Blade the readers encounter large-scale magic for the first time, raging from some serious protective magic to magic of mass destruction at the very end of the novel, along some kind of not-so-spontaneous combustion.

The author also teases the possible evolution (or devolution) of humankind into orcs or elves. I don't really know what to thing about the possibility of Eaters becoming real orcs, although I guess they are close enough already.


This one is really the best of the series. Excellently written and plotted, with added bonus of some excellent world-building, this novel manages to delight and hypnotize its reader, without overwhelming him (or her) with large cast of characters, since those are handled deftly and with gentle touch so that the reader can adjust to different points of view and absorb the additions to the ansamble without any difficulties.

The wait will be hard to bear.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2436 on: 24-01-2016, 00:00:41 »
Urban Reads preti da prestigne Lagunu po objavljivanju fantastike u Srbiji. Prenosim deo posta sa FB:

KVARTALNI IZVEŠTAJ. Ili kako se to već zove.
1. REDOSLED PREVODA NAJAVLJENIH NASLOVA: Stakleni mač - Sve, baš sve - Uspon Crvenog 3 - Six of Crows - Mlada Elita 2 - Peti talas 3 - Illuminae - Shatter Me 1 - The Absoultely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - Shatter Me 2 - The Sky is Everywhere - Nerve - Shatter Me 3 - Mlada Elita 3 - Six of Crows 2 - Illuminae 2. Ovo je, naravno, okviran plan. Svašta može da pođe naopako, pa nemojte da nas držite za reč. Svakako se nadamo da ćete za Sajam dobiti nove nastavke Mlade Elite, Illuminae i Six of Crows, da bismo bili u toku sa svetom.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2437 on: 24-01-2016, 08:50:48 »
dzaba im fantastika ako je sve YA :( Ako prepoznajes na ovom spisku nesto sto nije omladinska paljevina, javi da obratimo paznju. YA fantastika se danas udaljila od nekadasnjih korena (Madlen Langl u plavoj ptici mi je bila prva YA fantastika koju sam citao) i potpuno je sablonska, ne mogu da je varim ni u obliku knjiga niti filmova :(


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2438 on: 24-01-2016, 13:37:48 »
Jbg, treba i to da postoji. Ima klinaca kojima su to prvi koraci ka zanru. Six of Crows moze da bude nesto dobro; jos mi nije stiglo na red. Grisha je OK, ali ima te YA zadate elemente, pa nisam isao dalje od prve.

Sent from Bigg Maggzzee

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SF, EF i horor izdanja (koja upravo čitam) u 2016.
« Reply #2439 on: 04-02-2016, 00:40:56 »
Poslednjih nekoliko dana učesnik sam u nekoliko rasprava na temu nedostatka fantastike u ponudi naših izdavača, a moj utisak je da je zapravo ima više nego ikada ranije. Ovlašnim pregledom najava dva izdavača došao sam do sledećeg (citiraću samog sebe s drugog foruma i FB):

Sa Laguninog sajta, odeljak u pripremi: Zelazni, Amber 1 i 2; Aberkrombi, "Pola kralja"; Den Simons, "Deca noći"; Stiven Erikson, Malazan 5; Džejms Kori, "Sibola u plamenu". Na FB najavljeni i Aberkrombijevi "Heroji". Ove godine već objavljen Dejvid Mičel. Za Sajam definitivno Pračet. To je ono što se zna sigurno.

Ono na šta nezvanično može da se računa (moja pretpostavka, nikako nečiji zvaničan stav), do kraja godine "Skrhano more" dvojka i trojka, Amber knjige o Korvinu do kraja, sasvim sigurno jedna ako ne i dve knjige nove trilogije na kojoj treba da počnem da radim (više zavisi od lektora i štampara nego od mene), plus ko zna šta još. Novi Bret će sigurno biti tokom godine, ali makar ja nisam video ništa zvanično, sigurno makar jedan a možda i dva Gemela. Sanderson nema šanse, jer će mi za prevod treće knjige biti potrebno jedno devet meseci, odokativno. A još je nije napisao.

A onda imamo i Urban Reads, koji pretežno i objavljuje fantastiku. Koliko vidim, Jasmina Marković Karović je najavila šest naslova samo za sada.

Vulkan objavljuje Kinga, ali ne pratim njihove najave, pa ne znam ni šta je planirano. Da li bi neko mogao da napiše? Tu je i Gulova produkcija u okviru Orfelina, a i raznorazni manji izdavači, makar u okvirima fantastike, koji se povremeno zadžebu pa objave ponešto (kao npr. Dereta).

Ideja mi je da na kraju godine saberemo koliko je zapravo naslova objavljeno, pa i koliko je para potrebno da bi neko sve to kupio.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666


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Re: SF, EF i horor izdanja u 2016.
« Reply #2440 on: 04-02-2016, 09:23:01 »
Verovatno će najzanimljivije biti videti kolike su razlike između spiska najavljenih i objavljenih naslova kod pojedinačnih izdavača. Koliko sam pratio stvari, planovi se nikad sto posto ne ostvare. Nikad.

I biće zanimljivo uporediti 2016. godinu sa prethodnom, koja je, po mom subjektivnom utisku, bila sušna. Što se epske fantastike tiče, mislim da imamo samo sedam Laguninih knjiga, i to ako u romane ubrojimo Rotfusovu "Muziku tišine" i Martinov "Sve leda i vatre", a inače ne bi trebalo. Ne znam tačno kakva je situacija sa naučnom fantastikom i hororom, naučne je bilo malo, ali ne znam koliko malo jer ne poznajem opus svih izdavača, a horor ne pratim aktivno.


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Re: SF, EF i horor izdanja u 2016.
« Reply #2441 on: 04-02-2016, 10:22:44 »
Nije u pitanju nedostatak fantastike na trzistu, vec bas obrnuto: hiperprodukcija mediokritetnih naslova koji su mozda trenutni poluhitovi ili se oslanjaju na filmske hitove, pa izdavaci pokusavaju kad god je moguce da igraju na sigurno. Ovakvo stanje stvari odgovara klincima a)osobama koje jos nisu pronasle svoj ukus b) nisu u zivotu naisle na kvalitetnije stvari pa misle da je ovo najbolje sto moze c)su ostrasceni fanovi zanra/pisca pa kupuju sve sto ima veze sa tim. Ali osvesceniji citaoci koji traze kvalitet mnogo pazljivije biraju naslove i imaju mnogo manje izbora, pa samim tim prosto nemaju na sta da potrose novac. Naravno, domaci izdavaci fantastike zive od prve tri grupe, dok su im citaoci koji traze kvalitet apsolutno nezanimljivi. Video sam na FB da si pustio neku anketu tipa ko koliko para trosi na knjige. Ja imam zelju da kupim 2-3 knjige mesecno, a u praksi se godisnje pojavi mozda 3-4 naslova koji mi zaista privuku paznju. Nekada sam na sajmu knjiga u Bg trosio po 300+ evra, a poslednji put nisam ni otisao, jer me prosto nista nije interesovalo od novih naslova. Ali zato i ja imam osecaj "susne godine", i to vec nekoliko godina.

Naravno, ima ovde tema i tema za razgvovor, vec smo dotakli neke od njih, ali bez ulazenja u detalje, ovako vidim trenutno trziste, kako u svetu tako i kod nas. Sa jednom razlikom: u svetu ako zelis mozes da pronadjes bilo sta, kod nas tu sansu imaju samo citaoci spremni da citaju na engleskom, i samo na engleskom.


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Re: SF, EF i horor izdanja u 2016.
« Reply #2442 on: 04-02-2016, 13:07:07 »
Vidi, mesečno se objavi negde oko 250 naslova na engleskom, od čega je jedno 10 dobro. Od tih deset, možda dva-tri mogu da prođu kod nas. Naše tržište ima svoje zakonitosti, premda ima sve više YA publike, koja će prirodno izrasti u čitaoce zrelije fantastike (ako ne pobegne iz zemlje kad završi faks).

E, sad - teško je zadovoljiti prohteve svih čitalaca unutar jedne kuće, ali ja ovde posmatram čitavo tržište, pa i domaće pisce fantastike. I tu je ponuda sve veća, a iz te veće ponude rađa se i kvalitet. Čini mi se da u tom segmentu ima značajnih pomaka, ali taj sud ću definitivno doneti kada pročitam knjige sa noćnog stočića :)

Ono što jeste evidentno - izdavači odbijaju velike serijale, baš zbog brzine objavljivanja. Trilogiju je realno moguće proizvesti za godinu dana, čak i sa sporim prevodiocem. Naročito ako su knjige 400-600 strana, što je novi trend u svetu. Velika većina fantastike sada se svodi na taj format od oko 400 stranica i razdvaja na ili serijale u kojima nije bitno po kom se redosledu čitaju i gde je svaka priča zasebna (kao kod Pračeta ili pisaca krimića), ili na trilogije-tetralogije. Vreme velikih serijala tipa Točka ili Malazana čini se da je prošlo, uz svega dva izuzetka u poslednje vreme, Shadows of Apt i Stormlight.

Btw, pošalji mi PM na FB da znam ko si :)
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666


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Re: SF, EF i horor izdanja u 2016.
« Reply #2443 on: 04-02-2016, 13:46:41 »
Iz tvojih usta u bozije usi, jer cini mi se da vise ne postoji normalan roman, vec je tetralogija (ne vise ni trilogija) nova bazicna jedinica fantastike. Ja vise lamentiram nad gomilom dela (posebno iz SF domena) iz proslog veka, koje nikad nisu objavljene kod nas a zbog izdavacke politike, sad tek nemaju sanse. Kako su se izdigli Laguna i Alnari, krenuo je neki kontinuitet i pracenju fantasticne knjizevnosti kod nas, a to je bilo, ako se dobro secam, malo posle 2000. Nazalost, to mi se nekako poklapa sa popularizacijom knjizevne fantastike u svetu (isto se desilo sa SF filmovima koji su postali dosta popularniji negde 90ih, kad im je naglo porastao broj i opao kvalitet). Anyway, kada je odjednom postalo isplativo pisati fantastiku, tada je krenula poplava mediokritetnih knjiga-varijacija na neka dela koja su izuzetno dobro finansijski uspela, pa smo sada zatrpani njima. Meni dodje zao za neke klasike proslog veka koji prosto naprosto kod nas nece ugledati svetlost dana, ili makar nece ugledati dok ne umru pa im isteknu autorska prava na dela :P

Za kraj, jos malo offtopica (ili daj link gde se o tome pricalo da predjem tamo, zao mi sto ovde offtipocarim ): : svojevremeno si mi (cini mi se ) bas ti objasnjavao zasto se kod nas izdavaci hvataju samo za serijale (smanjen rizik itd), ali ostaje cinjenica da kod nas stand alone romana (pogotovo debitantskih) uopste nema, a medju njima ima najvise dragulja!
I saljem PM, sry za offtopic, necu vise :)


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Re: SF, EF i horor izdanja u 2016.
« Reply #2444 on: 04-02-2016, 16:04:13 »
Prvo, nema oftopika. Drugo, neka ga i ima, sve dok je o fantastici :) Fala Velesu i Svetom Iliji pa se opet malo priča o tome.

To verovatno jesam ja objašnjavao i stvari uopšteno govoreći tako i dalje stoje. Ali ima tu novih dešavanja. Najpre, naši čitaoci neće da kupe samostalan roman, pa da džebe rak raka. Takođe, Srbi vole eeeepsku priču i debele knjige. To je sve i imalo smisla raditi dok se prodavalo u nekih 5-6k primeraka. No, ta vremena su prošla - i čini mi se da je sada prodaja dvostruko ako ne i trostruko slabija (fantastike, mislim). S treće strane, nije se radilo na vaspitavanju novih generacija čitalaca, kojima bi se ponudile najpre nešto pristupačnije knjige, pa bi onda oni sami prešli na zahtevnije. To sada radi Urban Reads, a radi i Laguna, ali Laguna tu ima katastrofalan marketinški pristup tržištu. Vulkan da ne pominjem. Oni su bili u poziciji da se ubiju od para s "Igrama gladi", a nakon toga nisu ništa dalje uradili s tim podžanrom, isto kao svojevremeno Đunti sa "Sumrakom".
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666


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Re: SF, EF i horor izdanja u 2016.
« Reply #2445 on: 04-02-2016, 17:13:22 »
gledam nešto, u Kentauru i Polarisu nije bilo mnogo knjiga preko 200-300 strana. danas sve cigle, i to me strašno odbija. sreća pa imam poveliki beklog nepročitanih klasika, a u poslednje vreme mi izuzetno prijaju priče (čitam trenutno Dikove sabrane priče u pet tomova, dobršavam prvi).

kada vidim cigle od ovih novih izdanja, pa još u nekim nastavcima, odmah odustanem.
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded.


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Re: SF, EF i horor izdanja u 2016.
« Reply #2446 on: 04-02-2016, 17:16:54 »
To što je izlazilo naročito u Kentauru, danas bi se smatralo novelom :) Koliko vidim, produkcija se svela na knjige od nekih 300-400 šlajfni kao standard, sa možda 10% koje probijaju tu granicu, od čega vrlo malo njih zalazi u hiljade stranica. Svega nekoliko pisaca, sa po knjigom-dve godišnje. Tolike knjižurine su postale breme i za strane izdavače. Ne mogu oni da naplate toliko stranica koliko ih košta štampa, a još više skladištenje i distribucija.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666


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Re: SF, EF i horor izdanja (koja upravo čitam) u 2016.
« Reply #2447 on: 04-02-2016, 20:00:05 »
Nego, pošto još nemamo temu o knjigama pročitanim u 2016, rekoh da preimenujem ovu pa da ubijemo dve poslovične muve još poslovičnijim jednim udarcem. Što se mene tiče, godinu sam započeo novim Mistborn romanom, pa ću kasnije tokom dana i postaviti osvrt. Svi ste dobro došli da se pridružite temi :D
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2448 on: 15-02-2016, 16:17:26 »

In a land without magic, where the king rules with an iron hand, an assassin is summoned to the castle. She comes not to kill the king, but to win her freedom. If she defeats twenty-three killers, thieves, and warriors in a competition, she is released from prison to serve as the king's champion. Her name is Celaena Sardothien.
The Crown Prince will provoke her. The Captain of the Guard will protect her. But something evil dwells in the castle of glass--and it's there to kill. When her competitors start dying one by one, Celaena's fight for freedom becomes a fight for survival, and a desperate quest to root out the evil before it destroys her world.

Ove godine u Laguni, prve tri knjige serijala...
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2449 on: 15-02-2016, 18:42:34 »
Po komentarima ljudi na Goodreadsu koji citaju fantastiku knjige su za uzrast od 13 godina