Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763975 times)

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« Reply #500 on: 17-06-2009, 17:02:09 »
Pravo da ti kažem, ne sećam se baš najbolje. Obe knjige sam čitao u vreme kad su se pojavile u Americi, a od tada je prošlo prilično vremena. Čini mi se da ja nastavak blago lošiji od prethodnika, ali možda je to stoga što se izgubio onaj osećaj pregršti novih ideja koji je priliko čitanja prve knjige jako upečatljiv.
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« Reply #501 on: 18-06-2009, 23:53:50 »
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

Teenagers love a good apocalypse. Who doesn't? All those annoying rules suspended. Society's pretenses made irrelevant. Malls to be looted. School out forever.

But in The Forest and Hands and Teeth, Carrie Ryan's marvelous debut novel, the post-apocalypse is defined more by constraints than freedoms. The book begins seven generations after the Return, an undead plague that has ended civilization as we know it. Of course, a zombie outbreak usually means shotguns and mall looting--the very essence of freedom. But more than a century on from the Return, the malls have already been looted, and shotguns are a distant memory. The novel's heroine, Mary, lives in a village surrounded by one last vestige of industrial technology: a chain-link fence, beyond which is a vast forest full of shambling, eternally ravenous undead--the forest of hands and teeth. No villager ever goes outside this fence, unless they want to die. (And given this bleak scenario, some do.)

Mary's world is bounded not only by the fence but by the archaic traditions of her people, which are enforced by a religious order called the Sisterhood. Marriages, childbirth, death, every stage of life must be controlled to sustain the village's precarious existence. Even the houses are circumscribed--literally--with passages of scripture carved into every entrance to remind the inhabitants of the rules that sustain human life amid the horrors of the forest.

After so long an isolation, the village is beginning to forget. Some doubt that there really was a time before the Return, with giant cities and wondrous technologies. Others believe that nothing at all exists beyond the forest of hands and teeth. And nobody but Mary and her slightly mad mother believes in something called "the ocean," a huge and unbounded space beyond the reach of the undead.

Mary is the sort of teenager who dreams of bigger things. Not just the ocean, but epic romance and adventure beyond the fence, maybe even other villages somewhere out there, safe behind their own fences. She believes that answers can be found to questions like, What made the Return happen? And what was it like before?

Escaping the confines of home for the greater world is, of course, one of the great themes of teen literature. But few heroes in any genre have faced an obstacle as daunting as the forest of hands and teeth. Though Ryan's writing is as lyrical as her title, this novel is driven by the same grim relentlessness that animates any good zombie film. Elegant prose and undead hordes combine to create a story where high drama feels completely unforced, where tension is constant, and where an image as simple as the open sea is achingly romantic.

Zombies have been metaphors for many things: consumerism, contagion in an overpopulated world, the inevitability of death. But here they resonate with a particularly teenage realization about the world--that social limits and backward traditions are numberless and unstoppable, no matter how shambling they may seem at first.

And yet we must try to escape them anyway, lest we wither inside the fence.--Scott Westerfeld
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« Reply #502 on: 22-06-2009, 01:39:10 »
Nove knjige. Vonderboy epske fantastike, Brendon Senderson, konačno je u papiru objavio Warbreaker, stand-alone roman koji je u više verzija mogao da se skine s Sendersonovog sajta. Naravno, ovo je sjajan trenutak, pošto uskoro izlazi prvi deo dvanaestog dela "Točka vremena" - taman pred kraj ovog Doba od 13000 godina. Baš me zanima ko je trenutan Zmajeva reinkarnacija...

Kevin Enderson počinje fentezi ciklus romanom The Edge of the World. Nešto ne volem Endersona, ali moram priznati da je reč o subjektivnom osećaju, pošto se nisam potrudio da pročitam njegov opus, mada imam ponešto na policama.
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« Reply #503 on: 22-06-2009, 01:54:31 »
Inače, postoje neki izgledi, mada slabi, da se na srpskom jeziku pojavi neverovatno zabavan i palpy serijal Nightside, britanskog pisca Simona Greena. Držim palčeve.
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« Reply #504 on: 23-06-2009, 19:06:46 »
U knjižari "Akademija" može da se kupi trilogija Braided Path, po relativno niskoj ceni od 700 RSD po komadu. Pohitajte. Ja sam se ispucao za neke retke knjige u "Ekvilibrijumu", pa moram da sačekam...
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« Reply #505 on: 23-06-2009, 22:10:03 »
Za nekoliko dana, tačnije 7. jula, iz štampe izlazi By Heresies Distressed, američkog pisca Dejvida Vebera. Nakon mlakog Storm from the Shadows, ovaj nastavak tipično bejnovske sprege alternativne istorije i spejs opere trebalo bi da Vebera vrati na liste bestselera. U novembru nas očekuje Torch of Freedom, roman koji je pisao sa Erikom Flintom, a koji se bavi planetom bivših robova. Veberov "Onorverzum" očigledno počinje da pati od manjka uverljivih negativaca, što se poprilično odražava na njegovo pisanje. Verovatno je jedan od razloga tome činjenica da je nameravao da ubije svoju glavnu junakinju i da ulogu lučonoše prepusti njenom sinu. Na kraju ga je odluka da popusti pred zahtevima čitalaca za još jednim romanom u serijalu koštala kreativnog lutanja. Ostaje da se vidi hoće li "Onorverzume" povratiti mesto najčitanije spejs opere na tržištu.
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« Reply #506 on: 25-06-2009, 11:58:03 »
Novi unos na blogu, opet palamudački. Čisto da upozorim.

Inače, Džim Bučer planira zbirku priča o Hariju Drezdenu. Mada za sada ima pet ili šest kratkih priča objavljenih u raznim antologijama drugih priređivača, ovo će biti prva koja će sadržati isključivo priče o Hariju. Još ne znam da li će u njoj učestvovati i drugi pisci, ali po svemu sudeči ne bih rekao.

Brendon Senderson najavljuje novu tetralogiju, Way of Kings. Polako postaje jedan od najplaćenijih pisaca epske fantastike. Ove knjige objavljivaće se naizmenično s "Točkom vremena".
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« Reply #507 on: 26-06-2009, 15:16:13 »
Počeo sam da na blogu objavljujem niz tekstova o Stivenu Eriskonu i njegovom serijalu "Malazan". Danas je objavljen prvi tekst, sa sve sličicama, pa ko voli nek izvoli.
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« Reply #508 on: 27-06-2009, 01:13:36 »
A evo i neceg za tebe i tvoje fanove  8-)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #509 on: 27-06-2009, 01:18:15 »
A evo i neceg za tebe i tvoje fanove  8-)

Ja imam fanove?  :? :? :?
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« Reply #510 on: 30-06-2009, 01:20:22 »
Kevin Anderson (ili je Enderson?) završio je sedmotomnu sf Saga of Seven Suns, pa ću je i pročitati, ali pre toga pozabaviću se novim njegovim romanom, koji mi na prvi pogled ne deluje preterano zanimljivo, The Edge of the World. Kritičari ovo delo nazivaju "zapanjujućim i neverovatnim fentezi debijem", a i publika ga je dobro primila. Što se mene tiče, skeptičan sam, pošto u poslednje vreme nešto nema romana vrednih čitanja. Videćemo.
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« Reply #511 on: 30-06-2009, 12:26:45 »
Gardner Dozoa objavio novu zbirku The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-sixth Annual Collection, koja sadrži i jedno delo sinoćnjeg pasivnog učesnika kviza. Pogodite kojeg. Evo nekih od uključenih autora (u zbirku, ne u kviz): Michael Swanwick's "From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled", Paolo Bacigalupi's "The Gambler", Mary Robinette Kowal's "Evil Robot Monkey", Charles Coleman Finlay's "The Political Prisoner", Nancy Kress' "The Erdmann Nexus", James Alan Gardner's "The Ray-Gun: A Love Story", and Ian McDonald's "The Tear", plus other stories by Stephen Baxter, Alastair Reynolds, Jay Lake, Paul McAuley, Greg Egan...

Žaklin Keri, verovali ili ne, ima fanove u Srbiji. Ne znam da li neki od njih obitavaju na Sagiti, ali svejedno vredi napomenuti da je objavila sedmi roman, pod naslovom Naamah's Kiss.

Ester Frezner priredila je antologiju o vešticama, ali humorističkog tipa. Po spisku autora reklo bi se da se ovo mora kupiti. Neki od njih su: Harry Turtledove, Sarah A. Hoyt, Jan and S.M. Stirling, K.D. Wentworth, and Robin Wayne Bailey.

Još jedan od učesnika sinoćnjeg kviza, Robert Čarls Vilson, učesnik je i u ovoj, kako mi ono rekoše... "kvaziblogovjskoj kolumni koja nikoga ne zanima"...  da, to je to. Roman se zove Julian Comstock.

Hugo-winner Wilson (Axis) perpetrates a kind of skewed steampunk novel set in a postcollapse, imperial United States returned to 19th-century technology and mores. Julian Comstock, the disgraced nephew of the tyrannical American president, grows up in a small town in what was formerly northern Canada. Adam Hazzard, Julian's working-class friend, and Sam Godwin, a bluff old retainer and secret Jew, struggle to keep Julian alive despite his uncle's hatred and Julian's proclivity for annoying the repressive Dominion Church. When Julian is drafted to fight the invading Dutch in Labrador, exaggerated tales of his heroism, written by would-be novelist Adam, catapult the young aristocrat to unwanted fame. Written with the eloquence and elegance of a Victorian novel, this thoughtful tale combines complex characters, rousing military adventure and a beautifully realized, unnerving future.

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« Reply #512 on: 08-07-2009, 16:01:37 »
Kao malu najavu romana "Kralj trnja", na mom blogu možete pročitati razgovor sa piscem, Gregom Kizom, koji prati originalno izdanje ovog romana. Intervju je objavljen uz saglasnost izdavača.
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« Reply #513 on: 10-07-2009, 01:14:33 »
Od sedmog jula u prodaji je novi roman Dejvida Vebera, By Heresies Distressed. Reč je o trećem u serijalu Safehold. Da podsetim, Veber se u ovom serijalu zapravo poigrava motivima koje su pre njega razradili braća Strugacki i Dejvid Drejk, ali to tako umešno i zabavno radi da ljubitelji alternativne istorije i spejs opere mogu da sasvim lepo uživaju - bar u prve dve knjige, koje sam pročitao.
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« Reply #514 on: 10-07-2009, 21:25:36 »
Takođe od sedmog jula u prodaji je antologija Strange Brew. Priređivač je P. N. Elrod, poznat po serijalima o vampirima, a antologija sadrži priče trenutno najpopularnijih pisaca urbane fantastike.

Today’s hottest urban fantasy authors come together in this delicious brew that crackles and boils over with tales of powerful witches and dark magic!

In Charlaine Harris’ “Bacon,” a beautiful vampire joins forces with a witch from an ancient line to find out who killed her beloved husband. In “Seeing Eye” by Patricia Briggs, a blind witch helps sexy werewolf Tom Franklin find his missing brother—and helps him in more ways than either of them ever suspected.  And in Jim Butcher’s “Last Call,” wizard Harry Dresden takes on the darkest of dark powers—the ones who dare to mess with this favorite beer.

For anyone who’s ever wondered what lies beyond the limits of reality, who’s imagined the secret spaces where witches wield fearsome magic, come and drink deep. Let yourself fall under the spell of this bewitching collection!
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« Reply #515 on: 11-07-2009, 11:16:41 »
Osmi deo serijala Vampire Earth objavljen je i od strane moje malenkosi pročitan. Uobičajeno solidan roman, Winter Duty razrađuje teme iz prethodna dva romana, ali ne donosi ništa preterano novo. Na samom početku imamo neke nagoveštaje u vezi s budućnošću serijala, ali pisac ih tokom ovog romana nije razradio. Da podsetim, Winter Duty je deo serijala Vampire Earth, koji se odvija krajem 21. veka na planeti Zemlji, koju su osvojili vanzemaljci što se hrane ljudskim aurama.
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« Reply #516 on: 18-07-2009, 00:16:43 »
Elen Datlou je pred objavljivanjem knjige Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror, a Džon Kesel i Džejms Patrik Keli za istog izdavača kao Datlouova objavljuju The Secret History of Science Fiction. Ostatak članka možete pročitati na mom blogu.
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« Reply #517 on: 19-07-2009, 17:04:28 »
U narednih nekoliko dana na blogu ću objaviti prikaze tri antologije koje se bave urbanom fantastikom, hororom i naučnom fantastikom. Opširnije na
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Mica Milovanovic

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« Reply #518 on: 19-07-2009, 20:48:27 »
Ova treca je antologija - stare price...


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« Reply #519 on: 19-07-2009, 23:00:34 »
Izvini, Mićo, nisam te shvatio...
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« Reply #520 on: 20-07-2009, 00:11:53 »
oće reći da ima mnogo starih priča, nisu sve originalno pisane za antologiju niti nove - mnoge su iz BOOK OF THE DEAD 1 & 2, itd.
neke su bile čak i u EMITORIMA...


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« Reply #521 on: 20-07-2009, 00:48:41 »
Aha... misli se na The Living Dead... Da, za razliku od sf zbirke i urbanofantastične The Living Dead ima ponavljanja. Međutim, ja jako slabo pratim kratku priču, tako da je velika većina njih za mene bila nova.
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« Reply #522 on: 08-08-2009, 14:24:25 »
Na nekoliko novih romana valja obratiti pažnju:

Pre svega, na The Red Tree by Caitlin R. Kiernan. Kijernanova je vodeća perjanica savremene mračne fantastike/horora i pisac čija se dela obično opisuju kao deeply disturbing. Za prefinjena sagitaška nepca to je zalogaj koji se ne sme zaobići. Čitao sam njen prvi roman i... mljac!

Naredna tri romana/serijala pripadaju niši koju volim da zovem "treš fentezi", a u koju svrstavam Salvatorea, Aberkombija i njima slične majstore. Naravno, bez ove kategorije se ne može, jer većini služi kao uvod u fantastiku. Po svemu sudeći, sa ovim piscima se valja upoznati ako a) tek uplovljavate u žanrovske vode, ili b) sebe smatrate toliko uronjenim u pomenutu tekućinu da morate pratiti ama baš sve.

A Darkness Forged in Fire: Book One of the Iron Elves by Chris Evans

Konowa Swiftdragon, once commander of the Calahrian Empire’s renowned Iron Elves, is now a disgraced ex-soldier. Though elvish, Konowa is more comfortable with metal and fire than with nature and, like all the Iron Elves, was marked at birth for an ill-omened destiny by the malevolent Shadow Monarch. When a prophetic Red Star falls, awakening lost magic, Konowa is recalled to find it with a new regiment of Iron Elves—except this bunch is the dregs of the military and not even elves. Their journey is plagued by monsters and an unforeseen rebellion, but the worst is to come. The Shadow Monarch’s play for the Star is a ruse masking another intent that Konowa doesn’t see until too late. An earthy, sardonic antihero, Konowa stands uneasily at the crux of a complicated network of loyalties while flanked by a large, colorful cast. Though knotty political machinations confuse the beginning, they eventually add richness to Evans’ militaristic fantasy world, in which magic users mix with musket-wielding soldiers. A truly worrying conclusion hooks readers for book two.

Empire in Black & Gold: Shadows of the Apt. Book One by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Seventeen years ago Stenwold witnessed the Wasp Empire storming the city of Myna in a brutal war of conquest. Since then he has preached vainly against this threat in his home city of Collegium, but now the Empire is on the march, with its spies and its armies everywhere, and the Lowlands lie directly in its path. All the while, Stenwold has been training youthful agents to fight the Wasp advance, and the latest recruits include his niece, Che, and his mysterious ward, Tynisa. When his home is violently attacked, he is forced to send them ahead of him and, hotly pursued, they fly by airship to Helleron, the first city in line for the latest Wasp invasion.Stenwold and Che are Beetle-kinden, one of many human races that take their powers and inspiration each from a totem insect, but he also has allies of many breeds: Mantis, Spider, Ant, with their own particular skills. Foremost is the deadly Mantis-kinden warrior, Tisamon, but other very unlikely allies also join the cause. As things go from bad to worse amid escalating dangers, Stenwold learns that the Wasps intend to use the newly completed railroad between Helleron and Collegium to launch a lightning strike into the heart of the Lowlands. Then he gathers all of his agents to force a final showdown in the engine yard ...

The Way of Shadows (The Night Angel Trilogy) by Brent Weeks

For Durzo Blint, assassination is an art-and he is the city's most accomplished artist.

For Azoth, survival is precarious. Something you never take for granted. As a guild rat, he's grown up in the slums, and learned to judge people quickly - and to take risks. Risks like apprenticing himself to Durzo Blint.

But to be accepted, Azoth must turn his back on his old life and embrace a new identity and name. As Kylar Stern, he must learn to navigate the assassins' world of dangerous politics and strange magics - and cultivate a flair for death.
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« Reply #523 on: 09-08-2009, 13:01:50 »
Ponekad se i fejsbuk isplati. Mesečevi vrtovi, dugo očekivani prvi deo A tale of Malazan book of the Fallen serijala, izlazi u septembru, barem mi tako reče Laguna na fejsbuku. Rejoice!


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« Reply #524 on: 12-08-2009, 02:16:49 »
Sledeće godine trebalo bi da čitamo nastavak romana The Course of Empire Erika Flinta i K. D. Ventvort. S tim u vezi na mom blogu može da se pročita kratak osvrt na ovu spejs operu.
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« Reply #525 on: 13-08-2009, 08:52:04 »

Brendon Senderson najavljuje novu tetralogiju, Way of Kings. Polako postaje jedan od najplaćenijih pisaca epske fantastike. Ove knjige objavljivaće se naizmenično s "Točkom vremena".

Inače, najnovija knjiga u WoT serijalu, the Gathering Storm, završena je i vlasnici/administratori fan sajtova su je već pročitali. Ako im je vjerovati, radi se o jednoj od najboljih do sada.
Ima li išta novo o Martinovom serijalu?
There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.


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« Reply #526 on: 13-08-2009, 11:07:58 »
Novo pomeranje. Martin je previše zauzet radom na Wild Cards. Po nekim njegovim izjavama zključio bih da je potpuno izgubio interesovanje za SoIaF, te da piše na silu.
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« Reply #527 on: 13-08-2009, 17:05:50 »
Nije valjda da nastavak nece izaci ni ove godine ?? Cini mi se da se spominjo neki termin na jesen 2009 ?


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« Reply #528 on: 13-08-2009, 17:19:04 »
Poslednje što sam ja čuo je da će objavljivanje biti pomereno za decembar. Ali pošto GRRM još prerađuje neka poglavlja, učestvuje u produkciji pilot-epizode za HBO, uređuje Suicide Kings...
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« Reply #529 on: 14-08-2009, 22:41:45 »
Danas sam dobio dva ARC-a (Advanced Reading Copy). Reč je o novom romanu Robin Hob, Dragon Keeper, i o novom romanu Dejvida Vebera i Erika Flinta, Torch of Freedom. Javljam kako je čim pročitam.
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« Reply #530 on: 19-08-2009, 23:40:21 »
Malo sam pročeprkao po romanima koje sam poslednji put pomenuo. Hobova se vraća svetu Fica i Bingtaun trejdera, a Flint me je malko razoračarao. Toliko za sada.
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Goran Skrobonja

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« Reply #531 on: 21-08-2009, 12:44:01 »
Objavio The Onion:

Sci-Fi Writer Attributes Everything Mysterious To 'Quantum Flux'

August 10, ROLLA, MO—A reading of Gabriel Fournier's The Eclipse Of Infinity reveals that the new science-fiction novel makes more than 80 separate references to "quantum flux," a vaguely defined force the author uses to advance the plot, resolve conflict as needed, and account for dozens of glaring inconsistencies.
The strange force is used to explain everything from time travel to why everyone in the novel can understand aliens.

"I'm really excited about this latest book—there's action, adventure, drama, and a little bit of something for everyone," said Fournier, who decided to introduce the narrative device after realizing that the galactic ambassador vaporized in chapter two needed to be alive a lot longer. "And, of course, there's something I call quantum flux, which is like the binding force behind everything in the universe. Plus, it can cause time travel. And it's an energy source, too."

In Fournier's novel, the idea that particles of energy can appear suddenly out of nowhere is used to explain events that might otherwise seem random, such as how a starship achieves light speed despite the total destruction of its engines in battle, why a loyal first officer suddenly decides to spy on behalf of the aliens who murdered his family, and what became of the security captain whose Southern accent was getting annoying to work with.

"This is a huge oversimplification, but you can think of it as The Matrix times a million," Fournier said. "I use quantum flux to explore crucial questions about the nature of our universe, but also to probe basic human experiences we can all relate to. In my novel, as in life, sometimes things don't quite work out the way you planned."

The book's cover depicts Quantum Flux in the vacuum of deep space, a phenomenon readers later learn can be harnessed to open wormholes or provide eternal youth.

At the beginning of The Eclipse Of Infinity, a catastrophic quantum flux event on a nearby moon is threatening to destroy the planet Magnus 9. When the planet's shields suddenly become inoperable due to a quantum flux surge, the inhabitants frantically evacuate. At the end of the first chapter, the novel's protagonist, Cutter Van Dusen, clutches the hand of his dying mother, who before succumbing to quantum flux poisoning tells her son that an oracle has chosen him to travel back in time through a quantum flux rupture and save the planet by harnessing the power of a strange, mysterious force known as "quantum flux."
Though the storytelling device provided Fournier with what seemed like an endlessly flexible narrative structure, the author acknowledged that he still suffered from writer's block on at least one occasion.

"I had written myself into a corner," said Fournier, who recalled sitting for weeks just staring at the words "Chapter 12: Quantum Flux" on an otherwise blank computer screen. "Then out of nowhere, this really amazing twist came to me. I don't want to give it away, but if you've read carefully up to that point, it makes perfect sense."

According to Fournier, the rest of the novel—in which, on average, quantum flux is invoked every two pages to negate the effects of earlier quantum flux incidents—just seemed to flow from there.
"It was one of those rare moments when I was writing without any effort at all," said Fournier, who made use of quantum flux to iron out the remaining wrinkles in his plot, finding in it an unexpected justification for why Cutter's nemesis, Mal-Dag Par, abruptly switches gender for three chapters. "It's almost as if I were possessed by some kind of powerful unseen force or something."
Fournier told reporters that The Eclipse Of Infinity is part of a trilogy, the second book of which, Denizens Of Flux, will begin with a sudden fluxquake that ties up several of the first novel's loose ends.

The author admitted he wasn't entirely sure yet how the final book in the series, A Flux Quantum, would end.

"I'm giving it a lot of thought," said Fournier, who hinted that he has been toying with some cosmological theories that suggest different versions of his storyline could exist in multiple parallel universes. "I want to make sure that readers who've stuck with me through all three novels get the payoff they deserve."

In the meantime, Fournier is at work on an old-fashioned Western about a rugged band of pioneers who make their way across the unforgiving prairie only to find a fearsome enemy lying in wait—a tribe of Indians who wield a strange and ancient power the white men call "Cherokee flux."
Tako mu je to. (K. Vonnegut)


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« Reply #532 on: 21-08-2009, 12:50:48 »
Znači, nije Deus Ex Machina, nego je Quantum Flux. Izem ti vic, Dule.
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« Reply #533 on: 24-08-2009, 15:06:05 »
U poslednjih mesec dana objavljeno je nekoliko zanimljivih knjiga. Što se mene tiče, nabavljao sam neke starije naslove koje sam propustio u studentskim danima, ali red je da se pomene ono što je zanimljivo i ono što je ostvarilo neki uspeh.

Bad Moon Rising je najnoviji roman u serijalu Dark-Hunter, autorke Šerilin Kenjon. Reč je o izuzetno popularnoj spisateljici, čiji bi se romani mogli svideti obožavateljkama "Sumraka". Kod nas ju je objavljivala izdavačku kuća "Porta Libris", ali bez velikog uspeha.

The Winds of Dune je poslednji nastavak u serijalu "Dina". Naravno, Kevin Anderson i sin pokojnog Frenka Herberta potpisani su kao autori.

Kejdž Bejker je napisala YA fentezi romančić pod naslovom The Hotel Under the Sand.

Na kraju, najslađe, Stiven Erikson je napokon objavio nastavak svojih novela o sumanutim nekromantima (ko je čitao "Mesečeve vrtove" znaće o čemu pričam): The Lees of Laughter's End.
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« Reply #534 on: 24-08-2009, 16:03:33 »
E da, skoro je izašao i 9ti deo Malazana :)


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« Reply #535 on: 24-08-2009, 18:12:43 »
E da, skoro je izašao i 9ti deo Malazana :)

U Engleskoj. Tamo uvek izlazi ranije. Ali kako ja knjige naručujem iz Severne Amerike, ne znači mi mnogo.

Inače, u svetu Malazana očekuje nas, nakon desete knjige u serijalu Book of the Fallen, nov ciklus od devet knjiga koji piše Erikson i još četiri ICE-ove knjige. Sve u svemu, izgleda da ćemo i naredne decenije imati prilike da svake godine dobijamo po jedan tom.
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« Reply #536 on: 25-08-2009, 20:57:40 »
Ovde možete da gvirnete u prvih stotinak strana (odličnih inače) novog romana Kim Stenli Robinsona, da vidite kako je nastao taj teleskop koji danas slavi rođendan.
And every life became
A brilliant breaking of the bank,
A quite unlosable game.


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« Reply #537 on: 26-08-2009, 13:11:46 »
Na mom blogu prvi deo prikaza romana Waarbreaker Brendona Sendersona:
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« Reply #538 on: 26-08-2009, 15:56:59 »
pratim ti blog ok je
nego reci ti nama jel ti samo čitaš knjige :D
stigneš li šta drugo

znam da brzo čitaš ali brate što je puno puno je
Najjači forum na kojem se osjećam kao kod kuće i gdje uvijek mogu reći što mislim bez posljedica, mada ipak ne bih trebao mnogo pričati...


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« Reply #539 on: 26-08-2009, 16:19:47 »
Heheheh, koliko ja znam, Nightflier i ne čita toliko koliko je pre...pre je čitao mnogo, mnogo više :)


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« Reply #540 on: 27-08-2009, 01:06:17 »
pratim ti blog ok je
nego reci ti nama jel ti samo čitaš knjige :D
stigneš li šta drugo

znam da brzo čitaš ali brate što je puno puno je

Zapravo, čitam još mnogo toga. Na primer, evo šta sam pročitao tokom prethodnih nedelju dana:


Mystic 43 epizode
Ultimate Fantastic Four 50 epizoda

Ozbiljne stvari:

Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secrets
The Cambridge History of Russia
The Gospel of Food
The Story Of Gunnlaug The Worm-Tongue And Raven The Skald
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations
Ritual Magic

Nekada sam čitao mnogo više (knjigu dnevno, u proseku), ali sada ne postižem.

Inače, cenjene dame i gospodo, od danas se mome blogu kao saradnik pridružio moj mladi ali persperktivni (ljubomoran sam - i ja sam nekada bio perspektivan!) kolega, Srđan Ajduković, aka High Duke. Poželimo mu dobrodošlicu gromoglasnim aplauzom (ili makar mlakim tapšanjem)...
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« Reply #541 on: 27-08-2009, 02:33:01 »
O-o-o-o-o, ekstra, veoma sam obradovan ovom vešću! :)


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« Reply #542 on: 27-08-2009, 02:57:33 »
O-o-o-o-o, ekstra, veoma sam obradovan ovom vešću! :)

Postepeno ću dodavati saradnike. Nažalost, ne stižem da se posvetim blogu koliko bi trebalo, ali napreduje da ta priča malo-pomalo.
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« Reply #543 on: 27-08-2009, 07:42:04 »
Cestitke za Dukea xcheers.


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« Reply #544 on: 27-08-2009, 23:28:38 »
Na postavljen je prikaz romana Dragon Keeper, spisateljice Robin Hob. Roman je objavljen u Velikoj Britaniji a još se čeka objavljivanje u SAD.
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« Reply #545 on: 06-09-2009, 23:27:07 »
Ljubitelji epske fantastike valjalo bi da obrate pažnju na roman The Magicians. Pisac je Lev Grosman, a evo šta kaže Amazon:

Amazon Best of the Month, August 2009: Mixing the magic of beloved children's fantasy classics (from Narnia and Oz to Harry Potter and Earthsea) with the sex, excess, angst, and anticlimax of life in college and beyond, Lev Grossman's Magicians reimagines modern-day fantasy for grownups. Quentin Coldwater lives in a state of perpetual melancholy, privately obsessed with his childhood books about the enchanted land of Fillory. When he’s admitted to the surreptitious Brakebills Academy for an education in magic, Quentin finds mastering spells is tedious (and love is even more fraught). He also discovers his power has thrilling potential--though it's unclear what he should do with it once he's moved with his new magician cohorts to New York City. Then they discover the magical land of Fillory is real and launch an expedition to use their powers to set things right in the kingdom--which, naturally, turns out to be a much murkier proposition than expected. The Magicians breathes life into a cast of characters you want to know--if the people you want to know are charismatic, brilliant, complex, flawed magicians--and does what Quentin claims books never really manage to do: "get you out, really out, of where you were and into somewhere better. " Or if not better, at least a heck of a lot more interesting. --Mari Malcolm 
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« Reply #546 on: 07-09-2009, 00:22:32 »
Ljubitelji epske fantastike valjalo bi da obrate pažnju na roman The Magicians. Pisac je Lev Grosman, a evo šta kaže Amazon:
Na trenutak mi se učinilo da piše Lav Geršmanxrotaeye
"I am the end of Chaos, and of Order, depending upon how you view me. I mark a division. Beyond me other rules apply."


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« Reply #547 on: 07-09-2009, 02:23:13 »
Teri Bruks se setio da objavi novi naslov u serijalu "Landover". Reč je A Princess of Landover.

After fourteen years, New York Times bestselling fantasy master Terry Brooks has returned to the magic kingdom of Landover. The remarkable realm of dragons, demons, wizards, and wonders that wove an irresistible spell in five classic novels throws open its gates at long last for a brand-new adventure featuring a dazzling cast of characters and creatures.

Ben Holiday, Chicago lawyer and mere mortal turned monarch of enchanted Landover, has grappled with scheming barons, fire-breathing beasts, diabolical conjurers, and extremely wicked witches. None of whom have prepared him for the most daunting of challengers–a teenage daughter. Sent by Ben and his beloved sylph bride, Willow, to an exclusive girls’ prep school, headstrong (and half-magical) Mistaya Holiday has found life in the natural world a less than perfect fit. And when her latest rebellious antics get her indefinitely suspended, she’s determined to resume her real education–learning sorcery from court wizard Questor Thews–whether her parents like it or not.

But back home in Landover, Mistaya’s frustrated father is just as determined that the precocious princess learn some responsibility, and he declares her grounded until she successfully refurbishes the long-forsaken royal library. Mortified by the prospect of salvaging a king’s ransom in moldy books–and horrified by word that repulsive local nobleman Lord Laphroig seeks to marry her–Mistaya decides that the only way to run her own life is to run away from home.

So begins an eventful odyssey peppered with a formidable dragon, recalcitrant gnomes, an inscrutable magic cat, a handsome librarian, a sinister sorcerer, and more than a few narrow escapes as fate draws Landover’s intrepid princess to the last place she expected to go, and into the thick of a mystery that will put her mettle to the test–and might bring the kingdom to its knees.
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« Reply #548 on: 07-09-2009, 10:24:17 »
A sada rasisitičko-seksistička The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF. Zbirka je kontoverzna, pošto sadrži priče isključivo belih pisaca muškog roda i opredeljenja. Evo sadržaja:

   1. "Out of the Sun" by Arthur C. Clarke
   2. "The Pevatron Rats" by Stephen Baxter *
   3. "The Edge of the Map" by Ian Creasey
   4. "Cascade Point" by Timothy Zahn
   5. "A Dance to Strange Musics" by Gregory Benford
   6. "Palindromic" by Peter Crowther
   7. "Castle in the Sky" by Robert Reed *
   8. "The Hole in the Hole" by Terry Bisson
   9. "Hotrider" by Keith Brooke
  10. "Mother Grasshopper" by Michael Swanwick
  11. "Waves and Smart Magma" by Paul Di Filippo *
  12. "The Black Hole Passes" by John Varley
  13. "The Peacock King" by Ted White & Larry McCombs
  14. "Bridge" by James Blish
  15. "Anhedonia" by Adam Roberts *
  16. "Tiger Burning" by Alastair Reynolds
  17. "The Width of the World" by Ian Watson
  18. "Our Lady of the Sauropods" by Robert Silverberg
  19. "Into the Miranda Rift" by G. David Nordley
  20. "The Rest is Speculation" by Eric Brown *
  21. "Vacuum States" by Geoffrey A. Landis

* = New story written for this anthology
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« Reply #549 on: 07-09-2009, 11:39:22 »
Iz toga je možda je urednik rasista/seksista, knjiga ne. A gledajući autore - još teže. Ne kontam...?
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.