Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763946 times)

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« Reply #700 on: 22-12-2009, 14:04:18 »
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #701 on: 22-12-2009, 18:51:27 »
China Miéville's KRAKEN 

The Natural History Museum's prize exhibit - a giant squid - suddenly disappears. This audacious theft leads Clem, the research scientist who has recently finished preserving the exhibit, into a dark urban underworld of warring cults and surreal magic. It seems that for some, the squid represents a god and should be worshiped as such. Clem gradually comes to realise that someone may be attempting to use the squid to trigger an apocalypse. And so it is now up to him and a renegade squid-worshiper named Dean to find a way of stopping the destruction of the world as they know it whilst themselves surviving the all out-gang warfare that they have unwittingly been drawn into...

Deep in the research wing of the Natural History Museum is a prize specimen, something that comes along much less often than once in a lifetime: a perfect, and perfectly preserved, giant squid. But what does it mean when the creature suddenly and impossibly disappears?

For curator Billy Harrow it's the start of a headlong pitch into a London of warring cults, surreal magic, apostates and assassins. It might just be that the creature he's been preserving is more than a biological rarity: there are those who are sure it's a god.

A god that someone is hoping will end the world.

Kraken will be released next spring.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #702 on: 22-12-2009, 19:04:22 »
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #703 on: 22-12-2009, 19:19:20 »
Videću da nabavim.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #704 on: 25-12-2009, 12:20:48 »
Ovo nije nova knjiga, ali za mene jeste, mada ja nisam mogao da svarim ni prvi deo. Elem, reč je o romanu Corambis iz pera Sare Mone. Mada je reč o spisateljici vanrednog stila i lepote jezika, meni nikako ne prija njeno pisanje. Moneova je gotovo singhendedli stvorila podžanr gej fentezija, i upravo zbog tolike gejovštine ne mogu da je čitam. Da se razumemo, veoma volim Lorel Hamilton i Mercedes Leki - naročito ovu drugu, koja je prva na velika vrata uvela gej kulturu u fentezi - ali Moneova o homoseksualizmu piše na takav način da je meni njena proza nesvarljiva. Svejedno, treba pomenuti Corambis kao završetak jednog čitanog i hvaljenog četvoroknjižja.

The rambling conclusion to Monette's Mélusine fantasy quartet (after 2008's The Mirador) reveals the destiny of three exiles. Prince Gerrard Hume dies in an attempt to start the sinister Cymellunar engine, which he hoped would help win Caloxa's independence from Corambis. Blinded by the engine, Kay Brightmore, the margrave of Rothmarlin and the prince's illicit lover, is imprisoned by Corambis's duke of Glimmering. Meanwhile, far away in Bernatha, gay wizard Felix Harrowgate returns to prostitution to raise money when his half-brother becomes ill, but is gang-raped by Corambins in a ritual that restarts the Clock of Eclipses, another terrible Cymellunar device. Monette throws in numerous unsubtle lessons on love, lust and power, but for full effect, the intricate plot requires familiarity with prior installments.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #705 on: 26-12-2009, 12:54:36 »
Decembar mesec svakako je u znaku Džordža Martina, budući da je 22. iz štampe izašao novi mozaički roman u serijalu Wild Cards, a pod naslovom Suicide Kings.

The People's Paradise of Africa (PPA) and Caliphate of Arabia meet in a battle that will determine whose vision of despotic rule in Africa will dominate. Whereas Prince Siraj has the superior military, the PPA leaders, siblings Dr. Nshombo and Alicia, own the Wild Aces though one key Wild Card Tom "Radical" Weathers increasingly is losing mental control of right from wrong. Even after his side wins the fight, the Radical gleefully continues his slaughter of enemy soldiers. Nshombo and Alicia believe they must eliminate Radical , who has gone insane with a berserker blood craving.

In the United States, Wally "Rustbelt" Gunderson worries about his friend Lucien being caught up in the war. He begs Jerusha "Gardener" Carter to accompany him when he sneaks into the war zone to rescue Lucien. At the same time Michelle "Amazing Bubbles" LaFleur comes out of her coma with help from a dream girl needing help to escape from a mass grave. Michelle and zombie Hoodoo Mama travel to Africa to rescue the dream girl who may not be real. As Prince Siraj blackmails Noel "Double Helix" Matthews to help him with a counter attack; the Wild Aces converge in Africa for a final confrontation.

The latest collaboration (see Busted Flushes and Inside Straight) is a royal flush in international fantasy that grips readers from the opening war in the Sudan until the final climax occurs. Much more than just what is described above happens in the action-packed thriller as the authors somehow keep their cast of a zillion superheroes and supervillains unique from one another. Fans will believe George R.R. Martin, Melinda M. Snodgrass and the other contributors have dealt the audience a royal flush straight with this terrific look at those with extraordinary powers, who for the most part want acceptance not fear from the NT (like a combo Watchmen and X-Men).
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #706 on: 27-12-2009, 13:50:20 »
Ovo nije nova knjiga, ali za mene jeste, mada ja nisam mogao da svarim ni prvi deo. Elem, reč je o romanu Corambis iz pera Sare Mone.
Hm, videh malopre na IRC-u ovu knjigu - btw, mislim da bi transkripcija njenog prezimena bila  sa 't' na kraju...
And every life became
A brilliant breaking of the bank,
A quite unlosable game.


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« Reply #707 on: 28-12-2009, 00:32:13 »
Ovo nije nova knjiga, ali za mene jeste, mada ja nisam mogao da svarim ni prvi deo. Elem, reč je o romanu Corambis iz pera Sare Mone.
Hm, videh malopre na IRC-u ovu knjigu - btw, mislim da bi transkripcija njenog prezimena bila  sa 't' na kraju...

Mogućno, mogućno. Jako mi je žao što ne mogu da je čitam. Odličan je pisac za one koji mogu da istrpe njene likove.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Mme Chauchat

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« Reply #708 on: 28-12-2009, 15:53:47 »
Jeste sa "t" - Mone bi bilo da se pise Monet, kao slikar - a priznajem da su se meni sve cetiri knjige prilicno svidele. Mozda zato sto volim i Smrt u Veneciji  xrofl a mozda i zato sto su i njeni strejt likovi, i muski i zenski, odlicni, a pristup magiji nekonvencionalan tj. akademski. (Ko se odvazi da zadje malo dalje u citanju - ima i strejt seksa, bez diskriminacije...)


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« Reply #709 on: 28-12-2009, 18:21:21 »
Pokušaću da joj u novoj godini dam još koju priliku. Inače, dozvolite svi kojima se Monetova svidela da vam preporučim Lejn Robins i njen roman Maledicte. Neverovatna i veličanstvena proza.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #710 on: 29-12-2009, 09:36:20 »
Ovog meseca valja obratiti pažnju na nekoliko knjiga u engleskom i srpskom izdanju. Najpre, IPS je konačno objavio prvi tom sabranog Konana - i knjiga izgleda sjajno. Velikog je formata, mada mekog poveza, i sadrži originalne crno-bele ilustracije. Ne znam koja će cena biti u knjižarama, a IPS nažalost nema klub čitalaca, niti nastupa na Božićnom sajmu, tako da su mali izgledi da se knjiga nabavi s popustom sve do narednog oktobra.

"Laguna" je objavila roman Kim Harison Dead Witch Walking, pod pomalo nesrećnim naslovom "Mrtva si, veštice!". Ovde je reč o uredničkom propustu, ali neću baš toliko tražiti dlaku u jajetu. Podsetiću da je reč o jako popularnoj spisateljici urbane fantastike i sjajnom izboru za sve ljubitelje romana o Hariju Drezdenu ili "Malteškog šišmiša".

The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbar by Jesse Bullington pobrao je sjajne kritike i izuzetno je dobro prihvaćen kod čitalaca. Detaljan prikaz na

Mark Čadborn počinje novi serijal, a ja se nerviram što ne mogu da dođem do njegovih knjiga. Ono što piše je po svemu sudeći po mom ukusu. U Britaniji je postao uticajan pisac, pa se nadam da će poći Eriksonovim stopama i postati poznat i u SAD.

The Silver Skull (Swords of Albion) by Mark Chadbourn

Two-time British Fantasy Award winner Chadbourn (the Age of Misrule trilogy) offers a grim and decidedly current take on supernatural Elizabethan intrigues. Will Swyfte, England's greatest spy, is charged with stopping the faerie and their Spanish tools from acquiring the Skull, the Key and the Shield, magic items whose combination could devastate all of Britain. Scenes range from squalid London slums to King Philip's monumental El Escorial palace and the mighty confrontation with the Armada in the English Channel. Readers familiar with cold war spy novels will wryly note Swyfte's visits to Dr. John Dee for the latest in spy technology, à la James Bond and Q. Graphic presentations of tortures from the rack to waterboarding recall contemporary issues in national security, carefully contextualized with Swyfte's dilemmas of personal versus professional codes. (Nov.)

Lorel Hamilton je objavila novi roman u seriji o Meredit Džentri i za promenu je malo spustila loptu. Divine Misdemeanors je na tragu njenih prvih romana o Aniti Blejk i mada ima seksa, nije preterivala. Čak joj je pošlo za rukom i da smanji power creep. Nije bila loša knjižica. Uživao sam.

The Dead That Walk: Flesh-Eating Stories urednika Stivena Džonsa je, logično, antologija o zombijima. Meni ne toliko zanimljivo štivo, siguran sam da će se već naći neko na ovom forumu kojem će rečeni naslov biti draži.

Beyond the Wall of Time je nova knjiga Rasela Kirkpatrika. Njome nastavlja serijal The Broken Man. Kirkaptrikovu prethodnu trilogiju čitaoci su loše primili, pa je ja nisam ni uzimao da čitam. Po svemu sudeći, ovo je mnogo bolje.

Graham Sharp Paul ima novi roman o Helfortu. Izgleda budućnost militeri spejs opere, Pol je miljenik publike. Naručio sam sve tri njegove knjige, pa ćemo videti.

If he survives, hell just may freeze over.

The savage Hammer Worlds are not only near invincible but almost certain to win their war to crush the Federated Worlds and control humanspace–unless the Feds can find and destroy their secret antimatter warhead facility.

Only dreadnoughts, the lone Federated ships able to withstand antimatter missile attacks, can do the job, and only Lieutenant Michael Helfort has the skill to lead them. But skill may not be enough, because Helfort is more than the newly appointed captain: He’s a hero, and this means that his own senior officers want him to fail–and that the enemy’s kingpin wants him dead.

Helfort’s early victories merely intensify everyone’s determination. No action is too low, no price too high, to bring him down–with treachery, or betrayal, or an offer he can’t refuse, even if it means selling out his own side.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #711 on: 29-12-2009, 12:58:25 »
Imas u onoj Solaris book of Fantasy(prijavio sam je dole pre neki dan) Chadbournovu pricu iz tog okruzenja. Manje mi se nesto svidela od Misrule-a ali je relativno bezbolan nacin da vidis da li ce ti se svideti.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #712 on: 29-12-2009, 13:38:35 »
Samo što je meni stigao Solaris Book of Science Fiction kad sam naručio. Zajebao se čovek kad je kupovao. Ali nije preterano bitno - nabaviću ga ja u kompletu jednog dana. Sad sam dobio toliko zbirki da ne znam kad ću ih sve pročitati, a ne smem ništa da uzimam u ruke dok ne završim Njumena.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #713 on: 29-12-2009, 13:44:09 »
samo da najavim kupnju Konana, da se ne iznenadite posle.
moj se postupak čitanja sastoji u visokoobdarenom prelistavanju.

srpski film je remek-delo koje treba da dobije sve prve nagrade.


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« Reply #714 on: 29-12-2009, 13:51:22 »
Dogovorio sam veliku promociju s IPSom. Ko nam je najveći stručnjak za Konana? Jor? Imam tu još neke ideje, ali o tome posle praznika. Sad ne znam gde mi je glava.  :x
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #715 on: 29-12-2009, 14:12:44 »
kad kazes Konan svi pomisle na Jora i varvarina  :|
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #716 on: 30-12-2009, 21:32:30 »
Moze li neka naznaka kad ce se Konan pojaviti u slobodnoj prodaji?
"Poslednja zelja" jos nije dobila naslednika i pored najava za kraj ove godine. Da li znas nesto vise o roku za objavljivanje Nocobdijo?


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« Reply #717 on: 31-12-2009, 01:19:04 »
IPSov Konan je u prodaji... u IPSu.
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #718 on: 31-12-2009, 03:23:09 »
Moze li neka naznaka kad ce se Konan pojaviti u slobodnoj prodaji?
"Poslednja zelja" jos nije dobila naslednika i pored najava za kraj ove godine. Da li znas nesto vise o roku za objavljivanje Nocobdijo?

Ovo je potpuno neosnovana teorija, ali pretpostavljam da je IPS u pozamašnim problemima oko integracije "Rada" i "Prosvete", što ima ogromnog uticaja na njihov izdavački plan i plaćanje honorara, štampara itd. Takođe je problem to što je redakcija samo deo sistema, pa ne ide sve kako bi oni hteli i ne objavljuje se kada bi hteli. Ukratko, knjiga je spremna a objaviće je kada se za to steknu uslovi.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #719 on: 31-12-2009, 03:57:53 »
IPSov Konan je u prodaji... u IPSu.

i ako ga budete trazili tamo pogledajte medju decijim knjigama, najlepsima bajkama i slicnim.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #720 on: 31-12-2009, 12:05:12 »
IPSov Konan je u prodaji... u IPSu.

i ako ga budete trazili tamo pogledajte medju decijim knjigama, najlepsima bajkama i slicnim.

Da, njihova maloprodaja je užas nad užasima. Pre nekoliko meseci, kada sam ušao u "Akademiju" da pogledam je li objavljen moj prevod "Olujnog talasa", morao sam da rovarim po budžacima da bih našao knjigu koja je njihovo rođeno izdanje.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #721 on: 31-12-2009, 13:10:57 »
Fakat je da prodavci u IPSu nemaju pojma o tome sta prodaju. Najefektivnija usluga koju sam dobio do sada je pretraga po piscima i konstatacija "da imamo to, tu je negde" kad god nesto potrazim. Uz to, ne znam zasto imaju politiku da mesaju svoja izdanja sa drugim tematski srodnim naslovima umesto da ih guraju u prvi plan i bolje reklamiraju. I za kraj, u alnarijevim i laguninim knjizarama pordavci su bar okvirno upoznati sa izdavackim planom svoje kuce, dok me u IPSu uvek gledaju belo kad ih pitam za neke knjige koje najavi Nightflier...
Anyway, hvala za Konana, saljem danas brata da ga kupi ako je stigao u niski IPS.


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« Reply #722 on: 31-12-2009, 16:00:58 »
samo cijena nije nimalo naivna za konana - oko 960 din.
moj se postupak čitanja sastoji u visokoobdarenom prelistavanju.

srpski film je remek-delo koje treba da dobije sve prve nagrade.


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« Reply #723 on: 31-12-2009, 16:04:37 »
samo cijena nije nimalo naivna za konana - oko 960 din.

na konanu se poznaju junaci!


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« Reply #724 on: 31-12-2009, 17:48:03 »
samo cijena nije nimalo naivna za konana - oko 960 din.

Šteta što nije mogao da ide tvrdi povez zbog ugovora.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #725 on: 03-01-2010, 10:20:41 »
Da. Kupci ce ipak radje zavuci ruku u dzep zbog tvrdog poveza. Ipak, ljubitelji Konana ce se snaci. Kad smo iskesali 1755 za Nekronomikon, dacemo nekako i 960 za Konana.


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« Reply #726 on: 03-01-2010, 13:29:04 »
btw Konana nema nigde van Bg. Izem ti promociju...


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« Reply #727 on: 03-01-2010, 13:32:12 »
eto vidis. dokaz vise da je decentralizacija pogubna po knjizevnost/kulturu. beogradizacija cele srbije je jedino resenje.
moj se postupak čitanja sastoji u visokoobdarenom prelistavanju.

srpski film je remek-delo koje treba da dobije sve prve nagrade.


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« Reply #728 on: 11-01-2010, 00:29:42 »
Jedno pitanje za stručnjaka. Gledao sam film CITY OF EMBER koji mi se dopao. Zanima me jesu li to knjige za decu ili za malo zrelije čitaoce? I jesu li dobre? Vredi li followupovati?
Nema potrebe da zalis me, mene je vec sram
Nema potrebe da hvalis me, dobro ja to znam


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« Reply #729 on: 11-01-2010, 00:35:01 »
dok se, recimo, smrki ne javi... knjige su za young adult. Sto bi bila malo zrelija deca citaoci  :twisted:
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #730 on: 11-01-2010, 00:56:08 »
izvinjavam se. Izdavac ih je krstio kao juvenile fiction  ;)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #731 on: 11-01-2010, 01:00:49 »
OK, kapiram. Preskočiću. Hvala na brzom odgovoru.
Nema potrebe da zalis me, mene je vec sram
Nema potrebe da hvalis me, dobro ja to znam


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« Reply #732 on: 11-01-2010, 15:19:32 »
Da. Kupci ce ipak radje zavuci ruku u dzep zbog tvrdog poveza. Ipak, ljubitelji Konana ce se snaci. Kad smo iskesali 1755 za Nekronomikon, dacemo nekako i 960 za Konana.

Na trenutak sam se vratio u civilizaciju, ako je definicija civilizacije signal za mobilni i vajerles internet, pa da se naodgovaram: Ugovor sa Hauardovom zadužbinom izričito zabranjuje tvrdi povez, što je baš šteta, pošto bi na cenu knjige uticao s možda 100 dinara, a dobilo bi se na jebozovnosti.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #733 on: 11-01-2010, 15:22:04 »
Jedno pitanje za stručnjaka. Gledao sam film CITY OF EMBER koji mi se dopao. Zanima me jesu li to knjige za decu ili za malo zrelije čitaoce? I jesu li dobre? Vredi li followupovati?

Prve dve knjige prevodila je moja stokilaška malenkost... knjige su namenjeno uzrastu do 12 godina i poprilično su angažovane u cilju osvešćivanja mladih naraštaja, naročito glede moralnosti, častoljubivosti, svesnosti o životnoj okolini itd. U suštini, ovo ti dođe kao lektira iz nekadnjeg vremena, začinjena prstohvatom sfa.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #734 on: 11-01-2010, 15:53:26 »
Inače, odštampani su drugi Šapkovski, Murkok i još nekoliko fantastika. Mogu da najavim i serijal čuvenog ruskog pisca epske fantastike Nika Perumova, koji je 2004. proglašen za najboljeg evropskog pisca (van engleskog govornog područja). Prevodiće se s ruskog, a lako je moguće da ću ja raditi prevod, kada završim projekat na kojem sada radim.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #735 on: 11-01-2010, 19:04:57 »
Nema potrebe da zalis me, mene je vec sram
Nema potrebe da hvalis me, dobro ja to znam


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« Reply #736 on: 16-01-2010, 04:04:42 »
Svašta nešto zanimljivo pojavilo se na policama knjižara daleko od nas, pa evo meni najzanimljivijeg naslova kojim je počela fantastična godina:

The Good, the Bad, and the Uncanny by Simon R. Green je deseta knjiga u serijalnu Nightside, koji je sjajan omaž Gejmanovoj "Nikadođiji", izmešanoj s crnim humorom i palp noarom. Urnebesno ozbiljne i smrtno zabavne knjige. O Grinu sam već pisao, pa ne bih da se ponavljam.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #737 on: 16-01-2010, 04:19:46 »
Inače, tek sam sad video da je ova tema probila pedeset hiljada hitova.  xrotaeye
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« Reply #738 on: 18-01-2010, 11:37:10 »
Danas su mi stigla dva romana. Reč je o jednoj militeri spejs operi stare škole, The Lotus Eaters by Tom Kratman. Ovo je treći roman u serijalu, a prvi je sjajno prihvaćen kod ljubitelja ovog podžanra sfa. Mnogi ga porede s Hajnlajnom, ali pomalo smeta vidan uticaj 11. septembra, koji se kao motiv provlači kroz njegovo pisanje.

Drugi roman je  Howling Legion by Marcus Pelegrimas, drugi roman u seriji koja pokušava da unovči popularnost urbane fantastike kao podžanra.

Cole was a video games designer at the top of his profession when he realized that creatures of myth and legend are real. There is a secret society that has fought the evil denizen of the dark especially vampires, who go by the nomenclature of Shifters. They fight Nymars (vampires) as well as were shapeshifters who prey on humans and don't stay in their own territory. Cole joins the group and his mentor Paige places him under an intense training regimen physically and using magical weapons to restrain these creatures. He has become a Skinner enforcing the rules (see Full Blood).

A Full Blood werewolf who can change at will creates many half-breeds, who can only exist in wolf form, to take over Kansas City, Missouri. The Full Blood Liam knows that the Nymarr are unorganized so they cause him no concern and another Full Blood is harassing the Skinners. When he liberates his offspring to attack the city Paige and Cole lure them into a deserted area where they kill most of them. That fails to solve the problem because the Full Blood can make more hybrids; they know they must destroy Liam before he can create more Half Breeds, but he alos knows of the two Skinners are in his city so he plans to show them how a Full Blood deals with adversaries.

Part horror and part urban fantasy, Skinner: Howling Legion contains a fantastic world filled with a werewolf species that seems genuine as Marcus Pelegrimas provides his original take on the shapeshifting mythos living up to the motto of the "Show Me" state. Cole and Paige are resolute dedicated warriors who gave up their comfortable middle class lifestyles to risk their lives fighting malevolence. Exciting and thrilling from start to finish, the audience will enjoy a walk on the wild side of Kansas City. Karen Koehler fans will love this book.
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Karl Rosman

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« Reply #739 on: 18-01-2010, 13:29:07 »
Zna li neko kad izlazi Metro 2033?
"On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion."
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won over it"


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« Reply #740 on: 18-01-2010, 14:26:10 »

Dmitrij Gluhovski :: Metro 2033

Izdavač: Dereta
Format: 24X16cm
ISBN: 978-86-7346-747-4
Povez: tvrd povez
Pismo: latinica
Br. strana: 443
God. izdanja: 2009
Biblioteka: Trend
1.210 DIN




 Dve hiljada trideset treća godina. Čovečanstvo je gotovo u potpunosti uništeno. Moskva je pretvorena u avetinjski grad - kontaminiran radijacijom i nastanjen čudovištima. Malobrojni preživeli ljudi kriju se u moskovskom metrou - najvećem protivatomskom skloništu na zemlji. Njegove stanice pretvorene su u gradove - države, a u tunelima caruje tama i obitava užas.

Artem, stanovnik VDNP, treba da se probije kroz čitav metro da bi spasao strašne opasnosti svoju stanicu, a možda i preostalo čovečanstvo.

Kultni internet roman Dmitrija Gluhovskog već je poznat stotinama hiljada internet - čitalaca. Objavljivanje ove knjige izazvalo je oduševljenje nestrpljive publike.

Igrica koja prati Artemove doživljaje u moskovskom metrou je postala jedna od najpopularnijih igrica u svetu, a film A produkcije očekujemo već 2010. godine.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."

Karl Rosman

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« Reply #741 on: 18-01-2010, 14:32:10 »
Hvala. Nisam stigao da pregledam sve topice... Nece se ponoviti. :)
"On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion."
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won over it"


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« Reply #742 on: 18-01-2010, 15:08:47 »
nema na cemu  :)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #743 on: 22-01-2010, 01:05:28 »
Američko tržište sve se više otvara za ruske pisce. Nakon što su Lukjanjenko i Perumov postigli znatan uspeh i Pehov je preveden i objavljen. Za to je zaslužno "Torovo" uredništvo, koje se sve više otvara neameričkim piscima i pokušava da ponudi nešto novo kada je reč o epskoj i naučnoj fantastici.

After centuries of calm, the Nameless One is stirring.

An army is gathering; thousands of giants, ogres, and other creatures are joining forces from all across the Desolate Lands, united, for the first time in history, under one, black banner. By the spring, or perhaps sooner, the Nameless One and his forces will be at the walls of the great city of Avendoom.

Unless Shadow Harold, master thief, can find some way to stop them.

Epic fantasy at its best, Shadow Prowler is the first in a trilogy that follows Shadow Harold on his quest for a magic Horn that will restore peace to the Kingdom of Siala. Harold will be accompanied on his quest by an Elfin princess, Miralissa, her elfin escort, and ten Wild Hearts, the most experienced and dangerous fighters in their world…and by the king’s court jester (who may be more than he seems…or less).

Reminiscent of Moorcock's Elric series, Shadow Prowler is the first work to be published in English by the bestselling Russian fantasy author Alexey Pehov. The book was translated by Andrew Bromfield, best known for his work on the highly successful Night Watch series.

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« Reply #744 on: 22-01-2010, 01:09:12 »
Američko tržište sve se više otvara za ruske pisce. Nakon što su Lukjanjenko i Perumov postigli znatan uspeh i Pehov je preveden i objavljen. Za to je zaslužno "Torovo" uredništvo, koje se sve više otvara neameričkim piscima i pokušava da ponudi nešto novo kada je reč o epskoj i naučnoj fantastici.

Mada, sudeci po opisu ovo novo ni po cemu nije bolje od onog starog  :(
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #745 on: 22-01-2010, 01:13:58 »
Nastavak prethodnog posta:

Još zanimljivije je što su otkupljena prava za srpsko tržište za Perumova. Николай Даниилович Перумов je jako poznat pisac u Rusiji i to najviše po tome što je napisao svoj nastavak "Gospodara prstenova". Njegovi romani prodati su u više od četiri miliona primeraka, a kod nas će se najverovatnije najpre pojaviti Хроники Хьерварда. trilogija čiji je prvi roman Гибель Богов  upravo preveden na engleski (mada se Amerikancima predstavljak kao samostalan) kao Godsdoom.

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« Reply #746 on: 22-01-2010, 01:16:39 »
Američko tržište sve se više otvara za ruske pisce. Nakon što su Lukjanjenko i Perumov postigli znatan uspeh i Pehov je preveden i objavljen. Za to je zaslužno "Torovo" uredništvo, koje se sve više otvara neameričkim piscima i pokušava da ponudi nešto novo kada je reč o epskoj i naučnoj fantastici.

Mada, sudeci po opisu ovo novo ni po cemu nije bolje od onog starog  :(

Mislim da je bolje od onoga što se trenutno nudi kao novo. Problem je u tome što se nakotilo na tone Paoliniju sličnih pisaca, koji tržište zasipaju lošim romanima po ugledu na one iz sredine osamdesetih. S tim da je to tada imalo svoju draž i kakvu-takvu originalnost. Sada od svega toga nema ništa.
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« Reply #747 on: 22-01-2010, 01:27:57 »
Shadow Prowler:

Night is the best time for my kind. When I appear in the street, ordinary people have long been asleep in their warm, soft beds. Old drunks out drinking late won’t brave the city’s impenetrable darkness. No, they would rather spend an uncomfortable night in a tavern.

Night. Silence. Only the hollow echo of the municipal guard patrol’s footsteps bounce off the walls of the old houses and ripple on along Avendoom’s dark streets, dead and empty until morning.

The soldiers hurry along, walking quickly. In the darkest alleyways they break into a run. I can easily understand how these valiant servants of the law feel: no, it’s not people they’re afraid of—any madcaps who might summon up the impudence to attack the guardians of public order will be given short shrift with their heavy battle-axes. What makes them afraid is something else. There are other creatures lurking in the shadows of the stone buildings. Creatures that creep out into the open at this uneasy hour for their nocturnal hunt. And may Sagot help the men of the watch if those vile beasts are feeling hungry.

The shades of night are a refuge for all: for the good townsfolk, fearfully hiding themselves away from dangerous men; for the petty thieves whose one wish is to clean out the respectable citizens’ purses as quickly as possible; for the robbers just waiting for a chance to make use of their knives. And, of course, for the demons living in those dark shades, who are only too happy to prey on good citizens, petty thieves, and robbers alike.

Fortunately, I have yet to run into the demons who have appeared in the city since the Nameless One began stirring in the Desolate Lands after centuries of calm. And that’s why I’m still alive.

Shortly after they pass me, the watchmen’s footsteps fade into silence on the next street.

On the orders of Baron Frago Lanten, the head of Avendoom’s municipal guard, all patrols have been tripled in strength. The rumor is that the artifact that has until now held the Nameless One in the Desolate Lands is weakening, and soon he will burst through into our world from that icy desert covered with eternal snow. War is approaching, no matter how hard the Order of Magicians and the multitudes of priests try to put it off. It’s simply a matter of time. Six months, or perhaps a year—and then all those things they used to frighten us with when we were children will be upon us. The Nameless One will gather together an army and come to us from behind the Needles of Ice, and the horror will begin. Even here, in the capital, you sometimes come across devotees of the Nameless One. And I’m far from certain that the Wild Hearts of the Lonely Giant Fortress will be able to hold back the hordes of ogres and giants. . . .

Once again I have gone unnoticed. My thanks to the shadow of night. The shadow is my helpmate, my lover, my companion. I hide inside her, I live with her, and she is the only one always ready to shelter me, to save me from the arrows, from the swords that flash balefully in the moonlit night, and the bloodthirsty, golden eyes of the demons. No one else cares for Harold . . . maybe Brother For.

"Shadow is the sister of darkness," says Brother For, Sagot’s kindly priest. And where there is darkness, the Nameless One is never far away.

What absolute nonsense! The Nameless One and the shadow? Entirely different things. You might as well compare an ogre and a giant. The shadow is life, freedom, money, and reputation. Shadow Harold knows about such things firsthand. For a shadow to appear there has to be at least a scintilla of light, and to compare it with darkness is stupid, to say the least. But of course, I don’t tell my old teacher that. You don’t go teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.

It’s quiet. So quiet you can hear the moths scrabbling at the coolness of the night with their fragile little wings. It’s a long time now since the watch patrol passed me and it’s high time for me to be going about my business, but somehow I’m feeling extracautious to night. . . . Some premonition makes me remain in cover, beside the wall of the building that is submerged in gloom.

There were no suspicious sounds to be heard in that narrow little street with the old stone houses that could remember the old Quiet Times. Nothing but a painted tin sign above the baker’s shop creaking in the faint wind. The slow-stirring grayish yellow mist for which our capital is famous lay thick across the rough stone paving of the road, chipped and battered by the cart wheels. They say the mist was a trick played by some half-trained wizard back in the distant past. But ever since then not one of the kingdom’s archmagicians has been able to rid the city of the consequences of his innocent prank.

The silence alarms me. The only place that is ever this quiet is a rich man’s vault after a visit from one of the city’s bands of petty thieves.

The signboard creaks, the light wind swirls merrily, clouds drift lazily across the night sky. But I stand there, fused with the shadow of the building, trying not to move a muscle. My intuition and my experience of life compel me to listen to the night silence of the city. No street, not even the most deserted, could be as dead as this.

There should be sounds in the night. Rats rustling in the garbage. A drunk snoring away beside them, his pockets cleaned out by thieves who are already sheltering for the night in some dark, narrow hidey-hole. The sound of snoring from the windows of the gray houses. A dirty dog sneaking through the darkness. The heavy breathing of a novice thief lying in wait for his victim, clutching his knife in a palm sweaty from excitement. Sounds from the shops and workshops—even at night the laborious work continues in some of them. But there was none of this in the dark little street wreathed in its shroud of mist. There was nothing but silence, gloom, and a thickening atmosphere of danger.

The carefree, roistering wind ruffled my hair affectionately, but I didn’t dare raise my hood. Some insistent hand seemed to hold me back.

Sagot! What is happening on this quiet little street of artisans?

In answer to my prayer the glorious god of all thieves seemed to make my hearing keener.

Footsteps. Hasty footsteps that even the creeping yellow-gray froth of the mist had failed to deaden. In a recess in the wall of the house opposite, I spotted a momentary flicker in the darkness.

Had someone else decided to hide here?

I peered hard into the ink-black night. No. I’d imagined it. I was too much on edge, anticipating non ex is tent problems. I must be getting old.

Meanwhile the footsteps grew louder and louder. The sounds came from the street into which the municipal guard patrol had turned only a few minutes earlier. I froze and tried to merge even deeper into the shadow, while the phantom of danger circled indolently above my head.

A man came round the bend at a fast walk, almost a run, and made straight for me. He had to be a fool or a brave man to be roaming through the darkness alone. Most likely a fool. Brave men don’t live long in our world. But then, neither do fools, unless they work as jesters for our glorious king.

The stranger was coming closer. Tall and well dressed, even wealthy looking, his hand resting on the hilt of a rather good sword.

Once again clouds crept across the sky, covering the stars, and the gloom that was already total became absolutely impenetrable. Even when he drew level with me, I couldn’t make out the stranger’s face, although he was so close that if I’d wanted, I could have reached out my hand and lifted the bulging purse off his belt. But I’m no small-time pickpocket, I won’t stoop to that—the impetuous years of my youth are long since over and gone, and in any case my instinct has already hinted that this is the wrong moment to twitch a single muscle, or even take a deep breath.

In the niche opposite me the darkness began swirling again, eddying chaotically and welling up into a dark flower of death, and ice-cold terror froze me to the spot. From out of the gloom, Darkness burst forth in the form of a winged demon with a horned skull for a head, and fell on its victim like an avalanche from the Mountains of the Dwarves, pinning him down with its prodigious weight.

The man let out a screech like a wounded cat and grabbed vainly at his useless sword, trying to draw it, but the Darkness crumpled up the nocturnal wayfarer, sucked him in, and devoured him, and then the creature, what ever it was, soared up into the sky, bearing away its fresh meat, and perhaps a soul as well. I slid slowly down the wall, trying to calm my breathing. My heart was pounding like a mad thing.

The demon hadn’t noticed me, although I was directly opposite it all the time. But if I had made just the slightest movement! If I had even started breathing a little more loudly. . . . Then I was the one who would have been his prey.
Shadow Prowler

I had been lucky. Once again I had been very lucky. A thief’s luck is a fickle wench, she can turn her back on him at any moment, but as long as she is with me, I can carry on plying my trade.

In a dark corner of the next building a rat squeaked, followed by another. Up in the sky a bat flew past, hunting the late June moths. The danger had passed, now I could carry on along my way. I detached myself from the wall and set off, trying to stick to the darkest sections of the street.

Moving rapidly, but with my boots making no sound, I dashed from building to building, from shadow to shadow. I left the Street of the Bakers behind me, turning into the alleyway on the right. The mist was thicker here, it welcomed me into the soft embrace of its clammy paws, deadening my footsteps, concealing me from the eyes of humans and nonhumans alike.

The dark alleyway came to an end, and the dark walls of the houses that had seen so much joy and sorrow in this life suddenly parted sharply. The wind scattered the clouds and the sky was transformed into a table-cloth across which some rich man had scattered bright coins. Hundreds and thousands of stars started twinkling at me out of the cold summer night.

On Grok Square there were occasional street lamps burning. After all, it is one of the large central squares, and even if they were afraid, the lamplighters had to do their job. Encased in its glass armor, each flame cast a spot of flickering light around itself, and chaotic shadows danced in silence on the walls of the sullen buildings.

I wish the wind would drive its herd of gray, fluffy sheep back out across the sky, but for the time being I’ll have to stick to the shadow, huddling against the walls of the tall buildings. Only the shadow has turned pale and timid from all the light all around.

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« Reply #748 on: 22-01-2010, 01:29:09 »
Grok himself stared at me mutely with his all-seeing eyes. I think he was a general who saved our kingdom from an invasion by orcs, or some royal adviser back in the hoary old days of antiquity. And there, right behind the plinth of his pedestal, is the goal of my nocturnal outing. A large house, surrounded by a wall with battlements, built out of immense blocks of stone quarried in the Mountains of the Dwarves in the times when that race was still on friendly terms with our kingdom. To my mind the building is in barbarously bad taste, but the Duke Patin who lives here would hardly be interested in my opinion. A cousin of the king who is in charge of the treasury is a very big wheel, and so people turn a blind eye to his whimsical taste in architecture.

The king tolerates his relative’s other caprices; rich aristocrats can get away with almost anything. But rumor has it that just recently he discovered a certain sum of money missing from the treasury. And that means that heads are bound to roll, since His Majesty is not very well disposed to individuals who expend the state’s money too liberally. Fine by me; one less fat cat.

The high wall of the house was buttressed at each end by a tower with a truncated pinnacle. In the left tower there was a gateway seven yards wide with heavy wooden gates clad in iron sheeting. Four horse-men could easily enter it riding abreast. But that grand formal entrance was only for the invited, and it would be best for me to forget about it.

I ran quickly across the illuminated square and took cover in the shadow of the columns of the Royal Library—a place of pilgrimage for magicians of the Order and for historians. Sometimes even nobles came here to improve their store of wisdom, although more often the so-called gentlemen preferred to go straight to Ranneng—the city of learning—for their studies.

From my shelter I have a clear view of the duke’s residence. It is as if the house has died. I can’t see any guards at the gates or on the walls. They must be huddling in the watch house with their teeth chattering. I can understand them; I would be hidden away in my den myself, if not for the Commission. A certain individual made me a generous offer—he was interested in a rare little item in the duke’s collection. The fee offered was excellent, and all I had to do was get into the house, take the trinket, and leave. Not too difficult, especially if you bore in mind the fact that His Lordship and his retinue had gone off hunting deer in the forests around the city and there would only be a very small number of menials left in the house.

Of course, the risk of stirring up a hornets’ nest was considerable. But by the time the hornets realized what was what, I would be long gone.

I ran my hands carefully over my equipment and clothing, checking for the hundredth time that night to make sure I had brought everything I needed to carry out my plan. A dark gray jerkin with a hood, gray gloves, black trousers and boots. A large double-edged knife, firmly secured to my thigh by two leather straps so that it would not hinder my movements. That knife had cost me a whole stack of gold coins. It was a little less than a cubit in length, almost a short sword, and the mounting of the blade was covered with a strip of silver, so if you wished you could even risk a fight with someone who had risen from the dead. I could quite easily be lucky enough to walk away from such a skirmish, even if my arm had been torn off. And with the same knife, or rather, its heavy handle, I could easily knock out any idiot who couldn’t sleep at night and happened to get under my feet. The master thief is not the one who slits the throat of the watchman roused by the alarm, but the one who enters silently, takes what he wants, and makes a quiet exit, leaving behind the smallest possible number of clues, including dead bodies.

Hanging behind my shoulder I had a miniature crossbow that fitted comfortably into one hand without hindering my movements. It fired short, thick bolts with heads that had four barbs, and with the necessary skill this little toy could hit a man’s eye at seventy paces.

The small calfskin bag hanging on my belt contained several phials for use in extreme circumstances. For them a certain dwarf merchant of my acquaintance had stripped me of all my earnings from a robbery at a reception in the home of one of the city’s notorious rakes. But the effectiveness of those magic baubles more than justified the price I had paid for them.

That was all. No more time for delay. I went dashing toward the duke’s house, all the time keeping as close as possible to wall of the library. If anyone had taken it into his head to look down, he would have seen nothing but the gray stones and the wind-shredded mist playing tag with the shadows in the square. I ran fast, close to the right side of the house, with the gray crenellated wall flashing past my eyes in a blur. There it was, almost invisible to people passing by on the street: the small wicket gate for servants that led into His Lordship’s inner sanctum.

As ill luck would have it, there was a street lamp burning opposite the gate and there was no cover—I might have been standing on Sagot’s palm. The light fell directly on the wall, and there was not a trace of shadow. Fortunately, the narrow street was empty and the patrol was not due to pass by there for another two minutes or so. I had enough time.

Reaching inside my belt, I took out a set of lock picks made by dwarves to my own specifications. Only ignorant philistines think that being a master thief is easy and cheap. That’s rubbish. If you want to steal anything worth stealing, the most important thing is your equipment (I maintain a modest silence on the subject of experience and talent—you can’t steal much without them).

Completely absorbed in scrabbling with my pick, I felt for the spring of the lock. Aha! A quiet click. The first line of defense had been overcome.

But just at that moment there was the sound of hoofbeats at the end of the narrow street and I started working faster.

A click. The second secret solved. I spun my pick in desperation, feeling for that final spring. That’s it! No more time left!

I jerked the pick out of the lock—all the springs were already free—and dashed across to the other side of the winding street. Into the refuge of the shadow.

Just in time.

A group of horse men appeared from round the bend. Two, three, five, seven. Oho! Thirteen of them! A lucky number. They were riding tall horses of the Doralissian breed. Dark silhouettes against the gray background of the night. I squatted down, pulled the hood over my face, and screwed up my eyes, hoping that they hadn’t glinted in the light from the stars.

Ten of the soldiers were wearing the gray and blue uniform of the royal guard. The eleventh turned out to be a woman with her face concealed by a dense veil. But even beneath that veil, I could see the sparkle of her eyes. Hmmm, I thought, isn’t that something, sparkling eyes. The two men riding on either side of her had their faces hidden under the hoods of their cloaks.

I wonder what the king’s guardsmen and a mysterious lady are doing out in the street at night? I think it’s none of my business.

Only three minutes after the strange cavalcade, another detachment of horse men came galloping by. They were dressed in ordinary uniforms, not gray and blue, but I spotted a purple stripe on the sleeve of the last man.

Oho! Wild Hearts! Just how do they happen to be so far away from the Lonely Giant?

I waited until the riders disappeared into the next street, loitered for a few more minutes, and went back to the wicket gate.

The courtyard was quiet, dark, and deserted. In the whole of the duke’s grand nest, only two windows were lit up: one in the kitchen and one under the roof. The grass that was shrinking from the chill of the June night completely muffled my steps. It was too cold for the crickets, and the heavy hand of silence hung over the inner yard.

There was the door into the kitchen. The timid, trembling flame of a torch was blackening the wall beside the door. I turned the bronze handle, and I was inside.

The stoves and fireplaces in the kitchen were long since cold. The tables were stacked with dirty dishes and there was a young scullion sleeping on the floor. I stopped in a corner and began checking everything against the plan that I was carrying in the most reliable place of all—my head. That door over there will take me into a dining hall with a high marble staircase leading to the second floor. But I don’t need to risk the hall, there’s another way round. The oak door on the right leads into the servants’ wing, and from there I can get to the second floor, avoiding the guard. Of course the hour is late and the guardsmen, if I know anything about their kind, have been asleep for a long time, but even so, there’s no point in asking for trouble.

I set off, treading carefully (the dry floorboards creaked under my feet). In the dark corridor only every second torch was lit. From behind a door on the left I heard the snoring of someone in good health and clearly well satisfied with life. That was definitely a guard—no one else could be so recklessly carefree.

Chuckling to myself, I moved on.

Forward! And quietly! The most important thing is not to hurry.

I walked to the staircase leading from the servants’ wing to the ducal apartments. Climbing the steps took no time at all, and there in front of me were the heavy double doors of oak. Locked, of course, but we can deal with that.

The corridor was as gloomy and deserted as the rest of the building. But I could see that from that point on the floor was cunningly paved with slabs of Isilian marble, which makes footsteps sound unnaturally loud and clear. A deaf man at the other side of the city could hear them. And I had to walk the full length of the corridor to the bedchamber at the far end.

Curses! If only I could fly!

But I can’t. And so I shall have to use every ounce of the skill that Sagot has granted me in order not to make any noise.

Suddenly I heard a menacing growl behind me. I shuddered and froze, with my foot suspended above the black-and-white marble slabs. I turned my head gingerly, and there was a garrinch, devouring me with the insane glare of its white eyes.

A shudder ran right through me. That swindler Gozmo—when he gave me the Commission there wasn’t a word about the duke having one of these brutes in the house.

Garrinches live far away in the south, in the Steppes of Ungava, almost on the borders of the hot Sultanate. The creatures are magnificent watchdogs, especially useful against lads like me. Getting hold of a live garrinch cub is incredibly difficult, almost impossible, because the price is simply sky-high. They say the king’s treasure house is guarded by two of the beasts.

What a garrinch resembles most of all is a huge rat, the size of a well-fattened calf, covered with snake’s scales instead of fur, with a magnificent set of teeth that can saw straight through a knight in armor, and two white gimlets for eyes. Killing one is extremely difficult—unless, of course, you happen to be a magician.

The creature snorted and stared alertly, probing the shadow where I had thought it best to hide. There was nothing I could do but pray to Sagot to protect his humble servant. I was drenched in cold sweat. After thinking for about a minute, it began growling again. It sensed a trick, but it couldn’t understand where I could have gone, so it was trying to flush me out.

Eventually the beast abandoned its thoughts of an easy supper and set off at a slow, pigeon-toed waddle toward the open door leading into the servants’ wing. I realized that one reason the door was usually locked was so that the brute that was let out to guard the second floor wouldn’t eat anyone. But I had nonchalantly left the door wide open. What fun and games there would be in the morning when someone discovered a couple of servants were missing!

I caught my breath and took my finger off the trigger of the crossbow. The danger had passed. But I had to be on the alert; the creature could come back at any time.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #749 on: 22-01-2010, 01:35:52 »
Nemoj vise, molim te. Ovo je bas  :x :x :x :x
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."