Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763830 times)

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  • Očigledan slučaj RASTROJSTVA!
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« Reply #1600 on: 12-12-2011, 15:55:17 »
Bogme ne znam šta knjiga koja na naslovnici ima LAVA SA ELFOVSKIM UŠIMA treba da uradi da bih je uzeo da čitam.

Verovatno da obeća dosta elfovskog seksa...
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1601 on: 12-12-2011, 16:01:01 »

Verovatno da obeća dosta elfovskog seksa...

Ili lavovskog?  :mrgreen:
We're all mad here.


  • Očigledan slučaj RASTROJSTVA!
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« Reply #1602 on: 12-12-2011, 16:20:27 »
ugh... ne  :lol:
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1603 on: 12-12-2011, 16:43:11 »
Zapravo, nema nikakvog seksa.

Ovo je još jedan primer Bejnovih naslovnica koje nemaju veze sa tekstom, ili imaju samo površne veze.

Konkretno, protagonistikinja, Džejmi, opisana je kao devojka malih grudi i gotovo androgina. A Elmor ju je nacrtao još malo pa kao Crvenu Sonju.

Nažalost, to odbija nove čitaoce od sjajnog serijala, koji je osamdesetih bio revolucionaran i na velika vrata uveo dark fantasy u omladinsku književnost.

Serijal bih naročito preporučio Ejndžel.
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« Reply #1604 on: 12-12-2011, 18:13:26 »
Kakav je to dark fantasy u kom nema seksa (pa makar bio i za omladinu)?!!!1 -_-
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1605 on: 12-12-2011, 18:17:25 »
Iz osamdesetih. :)

Da se razumemo, knjige se podosta bave odnosima i ljubavlju, ali nigde nema nijednog opisa seksualnog odnosa, niti snošaja u prezentu.
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« Reply #1606 on: 31-12-2011, 18:42:02 »
Planesrunner (Everness, Book One) by Ian McDonald

Multiple-award-winning author making his YA debutThere is not one you. There are many yous. There is not one world. There are many worlds. Ours is one of billions of parallel earths.
When Everett Singh's scientist father is kidnapped from the streets of London, he leaves young Everett a mysterious app on his computer. Suddenly, this teenager has become the owner of the most valuable object in the multiverse—the Infundibulum—the map of all the parallel earths, and there are dark forces in the Ten Known Worlds who will stop at nothing to get it. They've got power, authority, and the might of ten planets—some of them more technologically advanced than our Earth—at their fingertips. He's got wits, intelligence, and a knack for Indian cooking.
To keep the Infundibulum safe, Everett must trick his way through the Heisenberg Gate his dad helped build and go on the run in a parallel Earth. But to rescue his Dad from Charlotte Villiers and the sinister Order, this Planesrunner's going to need friends. Friends like Captain Anastasia Sixsmyth, her adopted daughter Sen, and the crew of the airship Everness.
Can they rescue Everett's father and get the Infundibulum to safety? The game is afoot!

Poslednja knjiga koju ću ove godine najaviti značajna je po mnogo čemu, a između ostalog i po tome što predstavlja iskorak jednog od poslednjih tvrdokornih pisaca tvrdog sf-a u vode književnosti za decu i omladinu.

Obično ne komentarišem knjige pre nego što ih pročitam, ali čini mi se da je ovaj naslov svojevrstan Makdonaldov kompromis. Pre svega, reč je o YA naslovu, kao što rekoh, a potom - ovo je tek prvi deo u serijalu. Meni to miriše na potrebu za parama. No, videćemo. Kako stvari stoje, Planesrunner će na red za čitanje dospeti tek sredinom naredne godine.
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« Reply #1607 on: 02-01-2012, 14:05:17 »
Mnogo se toga promenilo u izdavačkoj industriji od trenutka kada sam otvorio ovu temu. Nekada sam poštom dobijao ARCove i PBove; nešto kasnije sve naslove za prikazivanje dobijao sam na mejl. Međutim, od pre nekog vremena - zapravo, ima tome dve godine - sa time se prestalo. Poslednji pdfovi koje sam dobio od izdavača bili su romani Kej Kenjon, koje mi je poslao Lu Enders iz Pira.

Dapače, gotovi svi izdavači knjige sada šalju gotovo isključivo prikazivačima u SAD i Kanadi - i to u papirnom obliku. Ovo se pravda strahom od piraterije, kao i velikim poštanskim troškovima.

To i nije tako daleko od istine, premda mislim da veliku ulogu ima i to da zapravo čitav svet prati samo američko-kanadske SF&F sajtove i blogove. Jedini izuzetak kojeg mogu da se setim je Dark Wolf iz Rumunije.

Elem, ovog meseca će biti objavljeno preko stotinu naslova nekakve fantastike. Niko živi to ne može da isprati. Srećom, na ovom forumu ima više ljudi koji prate svetsku izdavačku scenu, pa mislim da svi zajedno možemo da damo solidan presek stanja u izdavaštvu fantastike.

Stoga ću se ubuduće baviti samo naslovima koji završe na mom tabletu, u iščekivanju da budu pročitani.

Prva ovogodišnja prinova na spisku od stotinak knjiga je:

Empire State by Adam Christopher

THE EMPIRE STATE IS THE OTHER NEW YORK. A parallel-universe, Prohibition-era world of mooks and shamuses that is the twisted magic mirror to our bustling Big Apple, a place where sinister characters lurk around every corner while the great superheroes that once kept the streets safe have fallen into dysfunctional rivalries and feuds. Not that its colourful residents know anything about the real New York… until detective Rad Bradley makes a discovery that will change the lives of all its inhabitants. Playing on the classic Gotham conventions of the Batman comics and HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, debut author Adam Christopher has spun this smart and fast-paced superhero-noir adventure, the sort of souped-up thrill ride that will excite genre fans and general readers alike.

“Adam Christopher’s debut novel is a noir, Philip K Dick-ish science fiction superhero story… As captivating as a kaleidoscope… just feel it in all its weird glory.” - Cory Doctorow, New York Times bestselling author of Little Brother

"A fascinating debut novel that meshes noir sensibilities and science fiction together and keeps the reader guessing throughout. Adam Christopher handles in intricacies of parallel worlds, time travel and suspense with a skill lacking in many more-seasoned authors." - Mike Stackpole, New York Times bestselling author of I, Jedi
"Adam Christopher maintains a punchy, bestseller prose style that keeps the action rocketing along, and protagonists that seem right both in their own setting, and appropriate to what we already recognise as super heroes.  Empire State is an excellent, involving read, and it fully deserves to be the start of a new universe." - Paul Cornell, DC Comics and Dr Who writer
"Down these steam driven streets a man must go... straight into a pocket universe of trouble. Brutal, knowing and deft, Adam Christopher delivers." - Jon Courtenay Grimwood

"Stylish, sinister, and wickedly fun, Empire State is not your average sexy retro parallel universe superhero noir." - Lauren Beukes, award-winning author of Zoo City
"Destined to be a science fiction classic, Empire State is a breathtakingly original noir tale of intrigue, mystery, and quantum physics, deftly played out in storytelling so brilliant I'm finding it hard not to hate the author." - Diana Rowland, author of My Life as a White Trash Zombie
"From first to last page, Adam Christopher's Empire State careens along at a furious pace. Along the way, he beautifully meshes the best noir tropes with science fiction and wraps it up in a world (or two) that rivals some of the classics of speculative fiction." - John Hornor Jacobs, Author of Southern Gods

"A daring, dreamlike, almost hallucinatory thriller, one that plays with the conventions of pulp fiction and superheroes like a cat with a ball of yarn." - Kurt Busiek, Eisner Award-winning writer of Astro City and Marvels

"Fantastic stuff... The author is truly at the top of his game here. Goddamitt, I want more." - The Founding Fields

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« Reply #1608 on: 03-01-2012, 08:48:26 »

 Book Description Series: The Forerunner Saga, Book 2 | Publication Date: January 3, 2012 
    A long time ago, I was a living, breathing human being. I went mad. I served my enemies. They became my only friends.
Since then, I’ve traveled back and forth across this galaxy, and out to the spaces between galaxies--a greater reach than any human before me.
You have asked me to tell you about that time. Since you are the last true Reclaimer, I must obey. Are you recording? Good. Because my memory is failing rapidly. I doubt I’ll be able to finish the story.
Once, on my birth-world, a world I knew as Erde-Tyrene, and which now is called Earth, my name was Chakas...

In the wake of apparent self-destruction of the Forerunner empire, two humans--Chakas and Riser--are like flotsam washed up on very strange shores indeed.


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« Reply #1609 on: 03-01-2012, 18:10:27 »
Je li neko čitao te Halo knjige? Nahvališe mi ih kao apsolutni vrh SF-a.
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« Reply #1610 on: 03-01-2012, 19:40:13 »
Nisam čitao, igrao sam igru :lol:


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« Reply #1611 on: 05-01-2012, 04:23:24 »
Danas se na torentima pojavio novi naslov jedne od načitkijih spisateljica naučne fantastike u poslednjoj deceniji. Ven Spenser je, nažalost, u jednom trenutku prestala da piše, usled zdravstvenih problema. To je, doduše, bilo neposredno nakon što je objavila svoj najčistiji SF roman, a istovremeno i najlošiji. Verovatno se već u Endless Blue bolest odrazila na njeno pisanje. Spenserova je pre toga napisala izvanredno četvoroknjižje u kojem je SF približila tipično ženskom čitalaštvu urbane fantastike. I ranije je bilo pokušaja da u romanima vanzemaljci zamene vampire/vukodlake, ali pre Spenserove nikome to nije pošlo za rukom, a da bude pitko i dopadljivo.

Nakon romana o Jukaji Oregonu, Spensorova je napisala dve odlične sajens fantazi knjižice - sa veoma jakom protagonistkinjom, za razliku od prethodnog serijala (koji, doduše, obiluje jakim ženskim sporednim likovima) - u kojima je nauka i tehnologija spojena u savršen melanž, začinjen dobranom dozom popularne anima/manga kulture.

Da se razumemo, Spenserova nije u rangu Kej Kenjon, recimo - ali to što piše je čitko, pitko, dopadljivo, pismeno i zabavno, a to nije mala stvar za današnje pisce.

Upravo stoga sam se silno obradovao kada sam danas našao ARC njenog novog romana, Elfhome.

Elfhome by Wen Spencer

Book Three of the Elfhome series, the follow-up to exciting Wolf Who Rules and the award-winning fantasy-SF novel that started it all, Tinker.Elfhome.  A world of powerful magic, beautiful elves, man-eating trees, frost-breathing wargs, and god-like dragons.  Pittsburgh.  A city that has been stranded deep in virgin elfin forest to stave off an invasion by the merciless oni.  Its population of sixty thousand humans and a handful of elves are pitted in war that will only end in genocide.  Winter is coming.  Supplies are running low.  All political ties are fraying.  Hidden somewhere in Pittsburgh's crumbling neighborhoods, a vanguard of oni are growing in number and attacking from the shadows. 
And children are disappearing.
Girl genius Tinker was once a human orphan, growing up on the Pittsburgh streets.  Now she's an elf princess with all the bells and whistles.  She rules over a melting pot of humans, elves, half-oni, and the crow-like tengu.  Prejudices are rampant, pitting even the elves against each other.  Hoverbike races, concerts of rock and roll fused with elf music, and artist communes of human and elves are proof that Pittsburgh can be a place where races and species can meet and meld in freedom. 
Tinker is determined to make her city a place of such freedom.  She's going to have to kick butt and take names.  And she has to do it quickly.  Seven elf children are already missing -- and the oni eat their prisoners when they outlive their usefulness.
Tinker uncovers ancient secrets and a web of betrayal as she searches for the children.  The oni will stop at nothing to win, so neither can she.  At five foot nothing, Tinker's greatest weapon has always been her intelligence.  Politics, she discovers, is a battle of wits, and she's heavily armed.
About the Elfhome Series:
 “Wit and intelligence inform this off-beat, tongue-in-cheek fantasy…. Furious action…good characterization, playful eroticism and well-developed folklore…lift this well above the fantasy average …. Buffy fans should find a lot to like in the book's resourceful heroine.” –Publishers Weekly on series debut Tinker
“Spencer's intertwining of current Earth technology and otherworldly elven magic is quite ingenious.” –Booklist

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« Reply #1612 on: 09-01-2012, 01:33:46 »
Juče sam završio Elfhome - i veoma mi je prijalo. Serijal se razvija više nego pristojno i kombinuje SF i fantazi elemente gotovo bez greške. Malo mi se nije svideo iskorak prema komercijalizaciji, koji se oslikava u obilnijem prisustvu seksa nego u prethodne dve knjige - u kojima ga zapravo nije ni bilo - ali ako je to ceh koji se mora platiti da bih jednom godišnje dobio novu Elfhome knjigu, nemam nikakvih problema. Dapače, scene seksa su napisane istovremeno ukusno i relaistički. Nadam se da će to doprineti širenju popularnosti Spenserove, pošto ona to više nego zaslužuje.
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« Reply #1613 on: 11-01-2012, 00:01:20 »
"Man takes up the sword to protect the small injuries that burdened his heart, on a distant day beyond his memories.
Man wields the sword to die with a smile on his face, on a distant day


  • Očigledan slučaj RASTROJSTVA!
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« Reply #1614 on: 11-01-2012, 00:25:24 »
Nepoznato mi. Što ne znači ništa :)
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1615 on: 11-01-2012, 13:51:09 »
Prvi roman spisateljice koja do sada nije objavljivana. Reč je o pokušaju nakalemljivanja na Hunger Games - koje mi se nisu dopale. Pretpostavljam da je ovo Laguni prodato još u rukopisu, kao hit u najavi. Izražavam ozbiljnu sumnju da će se to kod nas prodavati. Valja primetiti da su i "Igre gladi" prsle.
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« Reply #1616 on: 12-01-2012, 14:21:27 »
Glen Kuk se kod nas pokazao umereno popularnim piscem. Dapače, bio je među prodavanijim naslovima pokojnog Magneta. Premda ga ja posebno ne volim, preveo sam treću knjigu u serijalu o Crnoj četi - iz čisto materijalnih razloga, je li. Međutim, Kuk je imao ogroman uticaj na čitavu generaciju pisaca i komotno se može reći da je Crna četa nadahnula Eriksona da napiše sagu o Malaškoj knjizi palih, aka serijal Malazan. Nisam potpuno siguran, ali čini mi se da tragove Kukovog pisanja vidim i kod Morgana, Aberkrombija, pa i kod svakog drugog pisca fantazije koji se u svojim delima bavi organizovanim ratom.

Stoga je sledeći naslov veoma značajan:

A Path to Coldness of Heart (Dread Empire) by Glen Cook

At long last, the conclusion to Glen Cook''s Dread Empire saga has arrived! King Bragi Ragnarson is a prisoner, shamed, nameless, and held captive by Lord Shih-kaa and the Empress Mist at the heart of the Dread Empire. Far away in Kavelin, Bragia''s queen and what remains of his army seek to find and free their king, hampered by the loss or desertion of their best and brightest warriors. Kavelina''s spymaster, Michael Trebilcock, is missing in action, as is loyal soldier Aral Dantice. Meanwhile, Dane, Duke of Greyfells, seeks to seize the rule of Kavelin and place the kingdom in his pocket, beginning a new line of succession through Bragia''s queen, Dane''s cousin Inger. And in the highest peaks of the Dragona''s Teeth, in the ancient castle Fangdred, the sorcerer called Varthlokkur uses his arts to spy on the world at large, observing the puppet strings that control kings and empires alike, waiting... For the time of the wrath of kings is almost at hand, and vengeance lies along a path to coldness of heart.
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« Reply #1617 on: 17-01-2012, 13:52:52 »
Giant Thief by David Tallerman

Meet Easie Damasco, rogue, thieving swine and total charmer.
Even the wicked can’t rest when a vicious warlord and the force of enslaved giants he commands invade their homeland. Damasco might get away in one piece, but he’s going to need help.
Big time.

Nova uzdanica fantazija predstavlja se svojim prvencem, kojeg izdavač hajpuje kao najbolji fantazi roman u proteklih godinu dana. S obzirom na to da su mu takmaci Lorensov Prince of Thorns i Halikov Among Thieves, to je poprilično smela izjava. Knjiga bi trebalo da se vrlo brzo pojavi na torentima, pa ćemo videti.
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« Reply #1618 on: 17-01-2012, 18:54:54 »
Znaci sword & sorcery su definitivno opet u modi.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1619 on: 17-01-2012, 21:20:47 »
Aha - i nimalo slučajno. Jednostavno, danas su na čelu gotovo svih velikih izdavača fantastike ljudi koji su odrasli na SF-u zlatnog doba i S&S-u, pa forsiraju ono što je njima bitno. A čini mi se i da je na delu svest o smrti velikih ideologija u pravom životu, pa se i žanrovska književnost povlači od velikih epopeja epske fantastike i usredsređuje na pojedinca koji pokušava da preživi u uslovima svetske ekonomske krize.
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« Reply #1620 on: 21-01-2012, 23:29:09 »
Čisto da prijavim da se

Orb Sceptre Throne by Ian C. Esslemont

Publication Date: February 28, 2012   The epic new chapter in the history of Malaz -- the new epic fantasy from Steven Erikson's friend and co-creator of this extraordinary and exciting imagined world.
Darujhistan, city of dreams, city of blue flames, is peaceful at last; its citizens free to return to politicking, bickering, trading and, above all, enjoying the good things in life. Yet there are those who will not allow the past to remain buried. A scholar digging in the plains stumbles across an ancient sealed vault. The merchant Humble Measure schemes to drive out the remaining Malazan invaders. And the surviving agents of a long-lost power are stirring, for they sense change and so, opportunity. While, as ever at the centre of everything, a thief in a red waistcoat and of rotund proportions walks the streets, juggling in one hand custard pastries, and in the other the fate of the city itself.
Far to the south, fragments of the titanic Moon's Spawn have crashed into the Rivan Sea creating a series of isles... and a fortune hunter's dream. A Malazan veteran calling himself 'Red' ventures out to try his luck -- and perhaps say goodbye to old friends. But there he finds far more than he'd bargained for as the rush to claim the Spawn's treasures descends into a mad scramble of chaos and bloodshed. For powers from across the world have gathered here, searching for the legendary Throne of Night. The impact of these events are far reaching, it seems. On an unremarkable island off the coast of Genabackis, a people who had turned their backs upon all such strivings now lift their masked faces towards the mainland and recall the ancient prophesy of a return.
And what about the ex-Claw of the Malazan Empire who now walks the uttermost edge of creation? His mission -- the success or failure of which the Queen of Dreams saw long ago -- is destined to shape far more than anyone could have ever imagined. 

Pojavio na torentima i warez sajtovima. Overavanje Malazana u celini i potpunosti sledi nakon završavanja Entire and the Rose.
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« Reply #1621 on: 21-01-2012, 23:35:20 »
Cek, zar ne treba jos nekoliko knjiga za celinu. Inace i ja se meracim na taj poduhvat jos od kada sam nabavio 10. knjigu al' mi mnogo nesto veliko :)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1622 on: 22-01-2012, 01:48:17 »
Eriksonovih deset knjiga je zaokružen serijal, a Eslemontove popunjavaju hronološke rupe u Eriksonovom pripovednom nizu. Pre jedno mesec-dva, Erikson je završio prvi roman u (valjda) prikvel-trilogiji.

Inače, prvih sedam knjiga Malazana pročitao sam više puta (svaku, dakle) i smatram ih samim vrhom fantastike. Međutim, na osmoj sam se dva puta zaglavljivao posle dvestotinak stranica. Nisam mogao da se otrgnem utisku da se kvalitet serijala veoma srozao. Haj Djuk je pročitao ceo serijal i nije baš zadovoljan završnicom.

Ja ću da krenem od Eslemontovog Night of Knives, što je neposredna prethodnica Eriksonovog Gardens of the Moon.
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« Reply #1623 on: 22-01-2012, 03:34:56 »
To, u stvari, pitam. Ako ces vec kombinovati zar ne treba da sacekas da Eslemont zavrsi sve?
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1624 on: 22-01-2012, 15:32:42 »
Nema potrebe. Njegovi romani idu ovako: Night of Knives se dešava pre Gardens of the Moon; dakle, to je Malazan 00.  Return Of The Crimson Guard je 6.5 - a Stonewielder je 9.5. Orb, Scepter, Throne bi trebalo da se dešava neposredno nakon Eriksonove desete knjige. Taman mogu da krenem da čitam od 00 do 10.0 i dalje, pošto će Erikson da radi dve prikvel trilogije.
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« Reply #1625 on: 22-01-2012, 16:07:16 »
Aha, ok onda :)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1626 on: 25-01-2012, 19:17:13 »
Premda nešto i nemam dobar stav prema antologijama kratkih priča, sa izuzetkom Silverbergovih "Legendi", moram priznati da sam više nego impresioniran prvim pričama u The Way of the Wizard by John Joseph Adams. Dapače, toliko da ću nabaviti i Wizards: Magical Tales from the Masters of Modern Fantasy by Jack Dan and Gardner Dozois. Naravno, ovo nisu posebno nove knjige, ali mislio sam kako ne bi bilo loše skrenuti pažnju na njih - naročito na prvu, pošto počinje maestralnom Martinovom pričom, koja je sjajan primer kako on ipak ume da piše još nešto pored ASoIaF.

S tim u vezi, kao i u vezi sa pričom da je mač & magija u usponu, valja pomenuti predstojeću antologiju, koja će se verovatno vrlo brzo pojaviti na uobičajenim mestima:

The Sword & Sorcery Anthology by David G. Hartwell and Jacob Weisman

a sa sledećim sadržajem:

“Tower of the Elephant” by Robert E. Howard
    “Black God’s” Kiss by C. L. Moore
    “The Unholy Grail” by Fritz Leiber
    “The Tale of Hauk” by Poul Anderson
    “The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams” by Michael Moorcock
    “The Adventuress” by Joanna Russ
    “Gimmile’s Song” by Charles R. Saunders
    “Undertow” by Karl Edward Wagner
    “The Stages of the God” by Ramsey Campbell (writing as Montgomery Comfort)
    “The Barrow Troll” by David Drake
    “Soldier of an Empire Unacquainted with Defeat” by Glen Cook
    “Epistle from Lebanoi” by Michael Shea
    “Become a Warrior” by Jane Yolen
    “The Red Guild” by Rachel Pollack
    “Six from Atlantis” by Gene Wolfe
    “The Sea Troll’s Daughter” by Caitlín R. Kiernan
    “The Coral Heart” by Jeffrey Ford
    “Path of the Dragon” by George R. R. Martin
    “The Year of Three Monarchs” by Michael Swanwick

Kao što vidite, ovde su izmešani klasici sa nekim novim klasicima. Kada bi u Srbiji postojao izdavač koji bi objavljivao zbirke, ovo bih zaista preporučio kao sjajan uvod u podžanr.
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« Reply #1627 on: 26-01-2012, 04:08:47 »
Na torentima se upravio pojavio veoma hvaljeni

Blackdog by K.V. Johansen

Long ago, in the days of the first kings in the north, there were seven devils...
And long ago, in the days of the first kings in the north, the seven devils, who had deceived and possessed seven of the greatest wizards of the world, were defeated and bound with the help of the Old Great Gods...

And perhaps some of the devils are free in the world, and perhaps some are working to free themselves still…

In a land where gods walk on the hills and goddesses rise from river, lake, and spring, the caravan-guard Holla-Sayan, escaping the bloody conquest of a lakeside town, stops to help an abandoned child and a dying dog. The girl, though, is the incarnation of Attalissa, goddess of Lissavakail, and the dog a shape-changing guardian spirit whose origins  have been forgotten. Possessed and nearly driven mad by the Blackdog,  Holla-Sayan flees to the desert road, taking the powerless avatar with  him.
Necromancy, treachery, massacres, rebellions, and gods dead  or lost or mad, follow hard on the their heels. But it is Attalissa  herself who may be the Blackdog’s—and Holla-Sayan’s—doom.

Ova knjiga se pokazala velikim uspehom za izdavača, Pyr, premda sam ja oprezan - pošto je porede sa Whitefire Crossing, koja mi je bila poprilično dosadna. Bilo kako bilo, bacam je na tablet pa ćemo videti jednog dana.
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« Reply #1628 on: 26-01-2012, 04:15:32 »
Hmm, cek, ne vidim dal' je deo 1. necega?
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1629 on: 26-01-2012, 12:01:19 »
Verovatno jeste. Danas nema gotovo ničega što nije deo bar nekog serijala, naročito kod Pyra.
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« Reply #1630 on: 30-01-2012, 11:10:54 »
To, u stvari, pitam. Ako ces vec kombinovati zar ne treba da sacekas da Eslemont zavrsi sve?

New Malazan reading order by Adam Whitehead
Following the publication of Orb Sceptre Throne, it's now possible to work out a new reading order for the books to best account for the information given by both authors. This list is not the chronological order of the novels, which would likely be very confusing, but a 'best' reading list accounting for publication and chronological orders:
  • Gardens of the Moon
  • Deadhouse Gates
  • Memories of Ice
  • House of Chains
  • Midnight Tides
  • Night of Knives*
  • The Bonehunters
  • Return of the Crimson Guard**
  • Reaper's Gale
  • Toll the Hounds***
  • Stonewielder
  • Orb Sceptre Throne****
  • Dust of Dreams
  • The Crippled God
* Night of Knives introduces several characters who play a role in The Bonehunters.
** Return of the Crimson Guard picks up shortly after The Bonehunters, whilst Reaper's Gale tells us explicitly that a year has passed since the events of TBH.
*** According to dialogue, Toll the Hounds takes place six years after Memories of Ice. According to every other piece of information in the whole series, this is flat-out impossible, and needs to be ignored. Orb Sceptre Throne retcons it to about two years after MoI. The presence of a child born after MoI who is five years old in TTH also has to be ignored.
**** According to dialogue and various events, Orb Sceptre Throne takes place before the conclusion of the Dust of Dreams/Crippled God duology.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1631 on: 30-01-2012, 11:52:53 »
Evo sa Malazan vikije, a za Night of Knives:

The novel is set in the 24 hours when the Emperor of the Malazan Empire is murdered. Chronologically, it takes place after the prologue to Erikson's Gardens of the Moon but before the main body of the novel. Several characters and locations which appear in Night of Knives also appear in Erikson's The Bonehunters.
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« Reply #1632 on: 31-01-2012, 19:40:50 »
Gomila e-knjiga na popustu:

George R. R. Martin's In the House of the Worm for 3.19$.
Brandon Sanderson's Infinity Blade: Awakening for 2.99$.
John Scalzi's Questions for a Soldier for 0.99$.
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Volume 1, edited by Jonathan Strahan for 2.99$.
John Scalzi's An Election for 0.99$.
Terry Brooks' Imaginary Friends for 2.99$.
 C. S. Friedman's new novella, Dominion, for 2.99$.
Brent Weeks' Perfect Shadow for 2.99$.
Bradley P. Beaulieu and Stephen Gaskell's Strata for 0.99$.
Robin Hobb's Dragon Keeper for 1.99$.
James S. A. Corey's Leviathan Wakes and Daniel Abraham's The Dragon's Path for 2.99$.
Paolo Bacigalupi's The Alchemist for 2.99$.
Tobias S. Buckell's The Executioness for 2.99$.
Cherie Priest's Clementine for 4.99$.
Bright of the Sky by Kay Kenyon for free.
Sasha by Joel Shepherd for free.
The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks for 2.99$.
Child of Fire by Harry Connolly for 0.99$.
David Chandler's Den of Thieves for 0.99$.
Wild Cards I edited by GRRM for 2.99$.

Amazon pojačava pritisak...
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« Reply #1633 on: 31-01-2012, 21:05:56 »

One of the year's most anticipated fantasy debuts, from a finalist for the Nebula and Campbell Awards.

The Crescent Moon Kingdoms, land of djenn and ghuls, holy warriors and heretics, Khalifs and killers, is at the boiling point of a power struggle between the iron-fisted Khalif and the mysterious master thief known as the Falcon Prince. In the midst of this brewing rebellion a series of brutal supernatural murders strikes at the heart of the Kingdoms.

Doctor Adoulla Makhslood, the last real ghul hunter in the great city of Dhamsawaat, just wants a quiet cup of tea. A fat old man who has grown weary of hunting monsters and saving lives, he's more than ready to retire from his dangerous vocation. But when an old flame's family is murdered, Adoulla is drawn back to the hunter's path.

Adoulla's young assistant Raseed, a hidebound holy warrior whose prowess is matched only by his piety, is eager to deliver God's justice. But even as Raseed's sword is tested by ghuls and manjackals, his soul is tested when he and Adoulla cross paths with the tribeswoman Zamia.

Zamia Badawi, Protector of the Band, has been gifted with the power of the Lion-Shape, but shunned by her people for daring to take up a man's title. She lives only to avenge her father's death. Until she learns that Adoulla and his allies also hunt her father's killer. Until she meets Raseed.

When they learn that the murders and the Falcon Prince's brewing revolution are connected, the companions must race against time - and struggle against their own misgivings - to save the life of a vicious despot. In so doing they discover a plot for the Throne of the Crescent Moon that threatens to turn Dhamsawaat, and the world itself, into a blood-soaked ruin
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« Reply #1634 on: 01-02-2012, 17:26:14 »
A šta kažeš na ovo, najtflajere, a?  :)

A few months ago, an unexpected but most welcome project materialized in my inbox. Best-Selling fantasist Brandon Sanderson sent us an original novella,
Legion, which we’re only too happy to add to this year’s schedule.
Brandon Sanderson is one of the most significant fantasists to enter the field in a good many years. His ambitious, multi-volume epics (
Mistborn, The Stormlight Archive) and his stellar continuation of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series have earned both critical acclaim and a substantial popular following. In Legion, a distinctly contemporary novella filled with suspense, humor, and an endless flow of invention, Sanderson reveals a startling new facet of his singular narrative talent.
Stephen Leeds, AKA “Legion,” is a man whose unique mental condition allows him to generate a multitude of personae: hallucinatory entities with a wide variety of personal characteristics and a vast array of highly specialized skills. As the story begins, Leeds and his “aspects” are drawn into the search for the missing Balubal Razon, inventor of a camera whose astonishing properties could alter our understanding of human history and change the very structure of society. The action ranges from the familiar environs of America to the ancient, divided city of Jerusalem. Along the way, Sanderson touches on a formidable assortment of complex questions: the nature of time, the mysteries of the human mind, the potential uses of technology, and the volatile connection between politics and faith. Resonant, intelligent, and thoroughly absorbing,
Legion is a provocative entertainment from a writer of great originality and seemingly limitless gifts.Limited: 1000 signed numbered copies, bound in leather: $45Trade: Fully cloth bound hardcover edition: $20
Posted on Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 at 9:35 am.


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« Reply #1635 on: 01-02-2012, 17:29:43 »
čak i bigšotovi šibaju rukopise mejlom, a?  :)


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« Reply #1636 on: 01-02-2012, 17:39:30 »
Naročito bigšotovi. Mislim, nije kao da će neko da odbije Sandersona, kad je on jedina prava zvezda - pored Martina - koju epska fantastika trenutno ima.

Videćemo šta će to da bidne. Sanderson se za sada pokazao kao sasvim solidan pisac samostalnih romana, a tek osrednji u trilogijama i serijalima. Poslednji samostalni roman koji je napisao veoma je zabavan, duhovit i nepretenciozan. Jeste da je strogo govoreći deo etabliranog univerzuma, ali ipak je zamišljen i realizovan kao samostalan roman. Nisam čitao ono što je pisao za Infinity Blade, ali mislim da će mi prijati.

Naravno, meni više nego odgovara da Sanderson bude što veća zvezda, pošto od njega živim. :)
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« Reply #1637 on: 01-02-2012, 19:32:06 »
Aman to je Subterranean, uobičajena pravila ne važe :)
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1638 on: 01-02-2012, 20:32:57 »
Izaći će to u nekom trenutku u nekom e-book formatu. Verovatno kada se rasproda tiraž. Čak je i ono rađemo za Epl procurelo u roku od odma'.
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« Reply #1639 on: 03-02-2012, 15:07:43 »
David Tallerman - Tales of Easie Damasco 01 - Giant Thief

Meet Easie Demasco, rogue, thieving swine and total charmer.
 He's a sneak thief and a con man, but even the wicked cannot rest when their land is invaded by an army of mercenaries commanding an unstoppable weapon, magically-enslaved giants. Only, well, he's somehow managed to make off not only with the warlord's treasure, but also the special stone that controls the giants. Which means he now has an entire army on his tail.
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« Reply #1640 on: 07-02-2012, 14:40:43 »
Some of the Best of - antologija priča sa Torovog sajta, inače najavljena za 14. februar, već može da se skine sa torenata.

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« Reply #1641 on: 08-02-2012, 00:37:23 »
Na torentima se pojavio novi roman Dejvida Vebera, a iz serijala o Bazelu, pod naslovom:

In Wind Rider’s Oath, Bahzell became a wind rider—the first hradani wind rider in history. And, even if Bahzell is the War God’s champion, because the wind riders are the elite of the elite among the Sothoii, Bahzell’s ascension is as likely to stir resentment as respect. What’s more, Baron Tellian’s daughter, the heir to the realm, seems to be thinking that he is the only man—or hradani—for her. Now, War Maid’s Choice continues the story—and things really get complicated.

Ovaj serijal je negde na nivou boljih D&D romana, makar kada je reč o zanatskom umeću i uloženom trudu. Međutim, Bazel je jedan od zabavnijih Veberovih junaka i njegov svet je dovoljno nekomplikovan da omogući instant immersion i potpuni gilti plezir, da se tako odrazim. Počeo sam da čitam War Maid's Choice i za sada uživam kano pseto, uprkos Veberovoj skorašnjoj sklonosti da čitaocu objašnjava stvari, mesto da pripoveda.
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« Reply #1642 on: 09-02-2012, 03:32:57 »
Neverovatno je da je u današnje vreme u Srbiji na delu hiperprodukcija fantastike. To je izdavače zahvatilo u tolikoj meri da čak ni ja ne uspevam da ispratim sve naslove. Onomad sam potpuno slučajno u Đuntiju nabasao na dva romana urbane fantastike, potpuno skrajnutih i utopljenih u ediciju imbecilnog naslova "savremena proza". Doduše, ništa se bolje ne može ni očekivati od izdavačke kuće kojoj naslove bira komercijalni direktor, i to po ilustracijama. Naravno, originalne ilustracije su skuplje od domaćih nakaradnih i poluskrpljenih, tako da se svi naslovi utope u pastelni melanž blagih nijansi bljuvotine. IPS je imao tu politiku kada je o naslovnicama reč, pre njih Portalibris, a sada je Đunti nastavio taj vajni put.

Elem, ovu omanju tiradu o hiperprodukciji fantastike zapravo je izazavala Laguna. Naime, jedna prijateljica mi je skrenula pažnju na dva romana nekakve fantastike koja je Laguna izdala, a ja ne samo da nisam imao pojma za to, već nisam imao pojma ni o kojim i kakvim je naslovima reč.

Po pravilu, ako ja ne znam za nešto, za to nešto ni ne vredi da se zna. (Svestan sam da ovo zvuči nadobudno, ali ja živim od praćenja tokova u savremenoj fantastici, tako da se trudim da iz tih tokova ne ispadnem.) Međutim, ispalo je da to pravilo i nije uvek tačno - a može biti da počesto nije tačno.

Poslednji primer za moje propuste jeste spisateljski duet Kami Garsije i Margaret Stol.

Predivna stvorenja
Kami Garsija i Margaret Stol

Bestseler New York Timesa.

Neke ljubavi su suđene... Druge su uklete...

U okrugu Getlin nije bilo iznenađenja. Bar sam tako mislio. Ispostavilo se da nisam mogao biti dalje od istine. Bilo je tu nekakvo prokletsvo. Bila je tu jedna devojka. A na kraju, bio je tu i grob.

Lina Djukejn razlikuje se od svih sa kojima se mali južnjački grad Getlin dosad susreo i pokušava da sakrije svoje moći i prokletstvo koje generacijama progoni njenu porodicu. Ali čak ni među zaraslim baštama, mračnim močvarama i ruševnim grobljima tajna ne može zauvek ostati skrivena.

Itana Vejta, koji odbrojava mesece kad će pobeći iz Getlina, progone snovi o prelepoj devojci koju nikad nije upoznao. Kad se Lina doseli na najstarije i najozloglašenije imanje u gradu, Itan oseća da ga njoj vuče nešto neobjašnjivo i odlučuje da otkrije kakva je to veza između njih.

U gradu u kome nema iznenađenja, jedna tajna mogla bi promeniti sve.

„Sjajno napisano, tajanstveno, uzbudljivo i originalno. Progutala sam je.“
Melisa Mar, autorka New York Timesovog bestselera Wicked Lovely

„Raskošni južnjački gotski roman čiji vas nezaboravni, ekscentrični likovi uvlače u svoj zadivljujući svet.“
Holi Blek, autorka New York Timesovog bestselera Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale

„Divna, nezaboravna mračna fantazija, skupina očaravajućih likova, raskošna gotska postavka – ovo je prvi roman na koji treba obratiti pažnju.“
Kasandra Kler, autorka New York Timesovog bestselera City of Bones

„Izvanredno ispričano i nezaboravno.“
Mišel Zink, autorka romana Prophecy of the Sisters

Drugi naslov u serijalu je:

Predivna tama
Kami Garsija i Margaret Stol

Druga knjiga Hronike o činotvorcima

Do pre nekoliko meseci verovao sam da se u ovom gradu nikad ništa neće promeniti. Sad znam da nije tako, a kamo sreće da jeste.

Nekada je Itan Vejt mislio da se u Getlinu, malom južnjačkom gradu koji je oduvek nazivao domom, nikada ništa neće promeniti. A onda je upoznao Linu Djukejn, zagonetnu devojku koja mu je otkrila tajni svet što mu se sve vreme skrivao pred nosom. Getlin koji je pod hrastovima obraslim mahovinom i ispucalim pločnicima skrivao prastare tajne. Getlin u kome Lininu porodicu moćnih činotvoraca generacijama prati prokletstvo. Getlin u kome se dešavaju neobični, magični događaji koji će vam promeniti život.

A ponekad ga i okončati.

Zajedno, Itan i Lina mogu da se suoče sa bilo čim u Getlinu ali, nakon što doživi tragični gubitak, Lina počinje da se udaljava i skriva tajne koje njihov odnos stavljaju na probu. A kad je jednom upoznao mračnu stranu, za Itana nema povratka. Progonjen čudnim vizijama koje samo on može da vidi, Itan biva sve dublje uvučen u zamršenu istoriju svog grada i uhvaćen u opasnu mrežu beskonačnih podzemnih prolaza kojima je Jug ispresecan, a u kojima ništa nije onako kako se čini.

„U gotskoj tradiciji En Rajs... Ovo dajte ljubiteljima sumraka Stefani Mejer ili hbo-ve serije Prava krv.“
School Library Journal
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« Reply #1643 on: 09-02-2012, 04:19:45 »
A evo i novih zanimljivosti iz sveta FRPa. Naime, verovatno nema gika koji nije bar u nekom trenutku svog ili tuđeg života došao u dodir sa D&D sistemom pravila i njime nadahnutim svetovima - i romanima. Naravno, navikli smo da ti romani budu treš nad treševima, ali ponekad se desi da neko od velikih imena fantastike da svoj doprinos fenomenu koji je zapravo učinio mnogo da se fantastika raširi među masama.

Pre godinu i kusur dana, Čajna Mjevil je pisao za Pathfinder - napredni klon treće edicije D&D-a - a sada Tim Prat objavljuje roman smešten u Golarion, default svet za Pathfinder.

Pathfinder Tales: City of the Fallen Sky by Tim Pratt

Once an alchemical researcher with the dark scholars of the Technic League, Alaeron fled their arcane order when his conscience got the better of him, taking with him a few strange devices of unknown function. Now in hiding in a distant city, he’s happy to use his skills creating minor potions and wonders—at least until the back-alley rescue of an adventurer named Jaya lands him in trouble with a powerful crime lord. In order to keep their heads, Alaeron and Jaya must travel across wide seas and steaming jungles in search of a wrecked flying city and the magical artifacts that can buy their freedom. Yet the Technic League hasn’t forgotten Alaeron’s betrayal, and an assassin armed with alien weaponry is hot on their trail...
From Hugo Award–winner Tim Pratt comes a new fantastical adventure set in the award-winning world of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
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« Reply #1644 on: 10-02-2012, 19:41:53 »
Na torentima se pojavio novi roman Dejvida Vebera, a iz serijala o Bazelu, pod naslovom:

In Wind Rider’s Oath, Bahzell became a wind rider—the first hradani wind rider in history. And, even if Bahzell is the War God’s champion, because the wind riders are the elite of the elite among the Sothoii, Bahzell’s ascension is as likely to stir resentment as respect. What’s more, Baron Tellian’s daughter, the heir to the realm, seems to be thinking that he is the only man—or hradani—for her. Now, War Maid’s Choice continues the story—and things really get complicated.

Ovaj serijal je negde na nivou boljih D&D romana, makar kada je reč o zanatskom umeću i uloženom trudu. Međutim, Bazel je jedan od zabavnijih Veberovih junaka i njegov svet je dovoljno nekomplikovan da omogući instant immersion i potpuni gilti plezir, da se tako odrazim. Počeo sam da čitam War Maid's Choice i za sada uživam kano pseto, uprkos Veberovoj skorašnjoj sklonosti da čitaocu objašnjava stvari, mesto da pripoveda.

Završio sam sa čitanjem negde oko pet jutros.

Veber je pre jedno pet godina počeo da otaljava posao kao pisac. Svi romani su mu na isti kalup, manje-više, sa mnogo mlaćenja prazne slame, posvećivanje pažnje negativcima kroz njihove PoV, deus ex machina trenucima - pa i poglavljima... Mogao bih da teram dalje, ali nema preterano smisla. Ovo je prilično žalosno, pošto sam Vebera obožavao kao zabavnog pisca, koji se često služi fantastikom kako bi dao politički komentar na društvo u kojem živimo.

Prva dva romana o Bazelu bila su negde na nivou boljih Edingsovih ili Fajstovih pisanija. Dakle, sa teškim begidžom premartinovske fantastike i šmekom osamdesetih godina - što je meni neverovatno prijalo. Treći roman je već blago zakazao. Četvrti je katastrofa u zanatskom smislu.

Međutim, Veber je i dalje zabavan, duhovit i maštovit - kada ne davi previše.

Mislim da se njemu desilo to da je postao prevelika zvezda i da jednostavno niko od urednika nije u stanju da ga sputa, niti da mu skrene pažnju na skribomanisanje i beskrajne nebitne dijaloge, u čemu on očigledno uživa.

Dakle, ovo nije roman za one koji imaju da čitaju nešto pametnije, ali za mene je bio slatko guilty pleasure i bekstvo u naivne D&D svetove iz vremena druge edicije tih pravila. 7/10
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1645 on: 12-02-2012, 21:16:15 »
Prethodna godina je bila relativno plodonosna što se fantazija tiče. Čisto podsećanja radi, Martin je konačno završio A Dance with Dragons; Rotfus je završio skoro jednako dugo iščekivani Wise Man’s Fear; Aberkrombi je čitalaštvu predstavio Heroes, roman za koji mnogi kažu da je njegovo najbolje delo do sada; Stiven Erikson je završio glavni serijal Malazana, a Džim Bučer konačno otkrio šta se desilo sa Harijem Drezdenom nakon što je popio metak.

Imali smo i nekoliko debitanata, koji su se pokazali veoma zanimljivim i perspektivnim: Denijel Polanski sa romanom Low Town, Mark Lorens sa Prince of Thorns i Daglas Halik sa Among Thieves izdvajaju se iz mase derivativne fantastike koju industrija svake godine izbljuje na police.
Na osnovu onoga što je tokom prvih meseci ove godine koje smo najavljeno, može se reći da će i tekuća godina biti krajnje zanimljiva za poklonike fantazije u raznim oblicim, od epske pa nadalje.
Najpre, već je objavljen možda najzanimljiviji debitantski roman ove godine. Reč je o Shadow Ops: Control Point by Myke Cole. Roman mi je opisan kao Black Hawk Down Meets the X-Men, pa samim tim obećava da će odskočiti od standardne ponude urbane fantastike. Na kraju krajeva, ovaj podžanr je već duže vremena gotovo pa isključivo na plećima Džima Bučera i njegovog serijala o Drezdenu.


Shadow Ops: Control Point je već pohranjen u moj tablet, pa ću vrlo brzo dati sud o njegovoj kakvoći. Za sada, evo sižea:
For a millennium, magic has been Latent in the world. Now, with the Great Reawakening, people are “coming up Latent,” manifesting dangerous magical abilities they often cannot control. In response, the military establishes the Supernatural Operations Corps (SOC), a deadly band of sorcerers dedicated to hunting down “Selfers” who use magic outside government control. When army officer Oscar Britton comes up Latent with a rare and prohibited power, his life turns upside down. Transformed overnight from government agent to public enemy number one, his attempt to stay alive and evade his former friends drives him into a shadow world he never knew lurked just below the surface of the one he’s always lived in. He’s about to learn that magic has changed all the rules he’s ever known, and that his life isn’t the only thing he’s fighting for.

Naredni roman koji se izdvaja iz mase najavljenih za narednu godinu svakako je Sworn in Steel: A Tale of the Kin by Douglas Hulick. Za Among Thieves, Halikov prvenac, nemam dovoljno reči hvale. Halik je majstor pripovedanja iz prvog lica, koje retko kome polazi za rukom kada je o fantaziji reč. Naravno, Halikov serijal spada u podžanr mača i magije, koji je sam po sebi sklon ovakvom pripovedanju.



It’s been three months since Drothe killed a legend, burned down a portion of the imperial capital, and unexpectedly elevated himself into the ranks of the criminal elite. Now, as the newest Gray Prince in the underworld, he’s learning just how good he used to have it.
 With barely the beginnings of an organization to his name, Drothe is already being called out by other Gray Princes. And to make matters worse, when one dies, all signs point to Drothe as wielding the knife. As members of the Kin begin choosing sides – mostly against him – for what looks to be another impending war, Drothe is approached by a man who not only has the solution to Drothe’s most pressing problem, but an offer of redemption. The only problem is the offer isn’t for him.
 Now Drothe finds himself on the way to the Despotate of Djan, the empire’s long-standing enemy, with an offer to make and a price on his head. And the grains of sand in the hour glass are running out, fast…

Naredni roman koji se izdvaja takođe je nastavak prošlogodišnjeg debitanta. Veoma maštovit pisac, na tragu Džoa Aberkrombija, Mark Lorens je uspeo u onome što je daleko boljem Kenu Šolsu promaklo da ostvari - zagolicao je oguglale poklonike postapokaliptičnog sajens fentezija i skrenuo pažnju internetskog kolektivnog svesnog na svoj rad.


Evo sižea:

The Broken Empire burns with the fires of a hundred battles as lords and petty kings battle for the all-throne. The long road to avenge the slaughter of his mother and brother has shown Prince Honorous Jorg Ancrath the hidden hands behind this endless war. He saw the game and vowed to sweep the board. First though he must gather his own pieces, learn the rules of play, and discover how to break them.
 A six nation army, twenty thousand strong, marches toward Jorg’s gates, led by a champion beloved of the people. Every decent man prays this shining hero will unite the empire and heal its wounds. Every omen says he will. Every good king knows to bend the knee in the face of overwhelming odds, if only to save their people and their lands. But King Jorg is not a good king.
 Faced by an enemy many times his strength Jorg knows that he cannot win a fair fight. But playing fair was never part of Jorg’s game plan.

Stivena Eriksona nije potrebno posebno predstavljati. Ove godine očekuje nas prvi roman u njegovom serijalu koji predhodi "Malaškoj knjizi Palih".

Erikson’s new book is set several hundred thousand years before the events of the main Malazan sequence and expands on the Tiste Andii and events in the city of Kharkanas (which appears, in a deserted state, in the main series novels). Anomander Rake is expected to feature heavily.

Naravno, očekuje nas i završnica Džordanovog "Točka vremena", o kojoj i nema šta da se kaže a da je nepoznato, stoga ću preći na Čajnu Mjevila.



Mjevil u ovom romanu parafrazira "Mobi Dika", pa meni i nije posebno zanimljiv. Doduše, jeste zanimljiva mogućnost da bude objavljen u Srbiji.

On board the moletrain Medes, Sham Yes ap Soorap watches in awe as he witnesses his first moldywarpe hunt: the giant mole bursting from the earth, the harpoonists targeting their prey, the battle resulting in one’s death and the other’s glory. But no matter how spectacular it is, Sham can’t shake the sense that there is more to life than traveling the endless rails of the railsea—even if his captain can think only of the hunt for the ivory-colored mole she’s been chasing since it took her arm all those years ago. When they come across a wrecked train, at first it’s a welcome distraction. But what Sham finds in the derelict—a kind of treasure map indicating a mythical place untouched by iron rails—leads to considerably more than he’d bargained for. Soon he’s hunted on all sides, by pirates, trainsfolk, monsters, and salvage-scrabblers. And it might not be just Sham’s life that’s about to change. It could be the whole of the railsea.
 Here is a novel for readers of all ages, a gripping and brilliantly imagined take on Herman Melville’s
Moby-Dick that confirms China Miéville’s status as “the most original and talented voice to appear in several years” (Science Fiction Chronicle).

Tu je i Red Country Džoa Aberkrombija, koji meni liči na fantazi vestern:

Shy South comes home to her farm to find a blackened shell, her brother and sister stolen, and knows she'll have to go back to bad old ways if she's ever to see them again.  She sets off in pursuit with only her cowardly old step-father Lamb for company.  But it turns out he's hiding a bloody past of his own.  None bloodier.
 Their journey will take them across the lawless plains, to a frontier town gripped by gold fever, through feuds, duels, and massacres, high into unmapped mountains to a reckoning with ancient enemies, and force them into alliance with Nicomo Cosca, infamous soldier of fortune, a man no one should ever have to trust . .

I na kraju roman kojem se možda najviše radujem, nastavak priče o Hariju Drezdenu, koji obećava potpuno novi pristup serijalu (pošto je pisac u prethodna dva romana potpuno razbucao i setting i protagoniste, ali na krajnje zabavan i dobro osmišljen način).



Četrnaesti roman u serijalu nosi naslov Cold Days i očekuje se u aprilu. To je sve što se za sada zna.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1646 on: 13-02-2012, 12:44:45 »
Nije fantastika, ali Laguna je najavila "Pod slobodnim suncem" Franca Finžgara - jedan od najepših istorijskih romana koje sam čitao, i univerzalno slovenski. Srećasrećarados'!
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1647 on: 14-02-2012, 12:47:29 »
Shadow Ops: Control Point by Myke Cole

  Army Officer. Fugitive. Sorcerer.
Across the country and in every nation, people are waking up with magical talents. Untrained and panicked, they summon storms, raise the dead, and set everything they touch ablaze.
Army officer Oscar Britton sees the worst of it. A lieutenant attached to the military's Supernatural Operations Corps, his mission is to bring order to a world gone mad. Then he abruptly manifests a rare and prohibited magical power, transforming him overnight from government agent to public enemy number one.
The SOC knows how to handle this kind of situation: hunt him down--and take him out. Driven into an underground shadow world, Britton is about to learn that magic has changed all the rules he's ever known, and that his life isn't the only thing he's fighting for.                           

Roman je na prvi pogled obećavano nešto novo. Možda ne originalnost, ali makar solidnu obradu nekih tema koje su SF-u ponajviše bliske: totalitarno društvo, uloga pojedinca u društvu, društvena odgovornost... Međutim, ispostavilo se da je roman krcat lošom karakterizacijom, nelogičnim postupcima protagoniste, pa i nemaštovitim pristupom vaskrsloj magiji. U suštini, sve me je podsećalo na loš Shadowrun. Ni u jednom trenutku se nisam identifikovao ni sa jednim likom u knjizi, bolelo me je uvo za protagonistu i njegova moralna načela, a sistem magije - koji bi kao trebalo da je big deal - bio mi je smrtno dosadan i bez ikakve unutrašnje logike.

Što se mene tiče, knjiga je težak fejl. Niti je originalna, niti dobro napisana, niti zabavna. 4/10.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1648 on: 15-02-2012, 23:28:02 »
Lorel Hamilton je novu Meri Džentri najavila za decembar ove godine. Čisto podsećanja radi, predhodni roman o njoj objavljen je decembra 2009. godine.

Nego, prestao sam da pratim Anitu Blejk nakon 14. knjige. Angel, dokle si ti čitala? Da li se u nekom trenutku popravlja? (Razmišljam se da iščitam ono što sam propustio).
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1649 on: 16-02-2012, 11:33:30 »
Pročitala zaključno sa osamnaestom knjigom (novela Flirt), ne postaje ništa bolje. Anita je i dalje histerična kretenuša koja se kreše sa neverovatnom gomilom likova u položajima za koje ne znaš ni da li su anatomski izvodljivi (a i ne zanima te da saznaš), svi, kao, treba da saosećamo sa njenim problemima (yeah, right), međ' nove likove sa kojima se kresnula spadaju i šesnaestogodišnji klinac (plus gomila tigrodlaka, grupnjak), vampirski blizanci (prvo s jednim, pa sa drugim), i werelion kome je prilikom seksa isprala mozak i od njega napravila priglupog roba, što bi nama trebalo da bude prihvatljivo, niko tu nije stvarno srećan ni zadovoljan situacijom, a svejedno je svi obožavaju do besmisla. Ono malo zapleta što postoji je uglavnom totalno skrajnuto Anitinim intimnim problemima i 'rpom seksa koji u tom obliku nema nikakvu smislenu funkciju.

Pa ti vidi koliko te to zanima.  :evil:

P.S. Ne garantujem da sam popamtila sa kim se sve Anita kresnula.  xrotaeye
We're all mad here.