Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763815 times)

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« Reply #1700 on: 29-03-2012, 17:08:20 »
Krv vilenjaka, Andžej Sapkovski

Ljudi, patuljci i vilenjaci već više od jednog veka žive u napregnutoj slozi i miru. Ali, vremena se menjaju i rase ponovo ulaze u sukob. U ova nemirna vremena rađa se Ciri, dete čije je postojanje zabeleženo u proročanstvu pod imenom Nenadnost, i koja poseduje izuzetnu moć da promeni svet, nabolje ili nagore.
 Geralt iz Rivije, lukavi ubica čudovišta, poznat kao Beli Vuk, zadužen je da štiti Ciri i vodi je na put kako bi je sklonio od ratovanja i brojnih neprijatelja koji je proganjaju.
 Uskoro postaje jasno da Ciri nije kao ostali. Umesto da se podvrgne procesu mutacije, koji bi je obdario natprirodnim sposobnostima, ali i lišio ljudske osećajnosti, Ciri svoju jedinstvenu moć upreže u službu onih koji nisu na strani zla.
 Kako se rat sve više pokazuje kao neminovnost, Ciri i Geralt otkrivaju da ih prati neko ko tačno razume značenje proročanstva i zna šta Cirine moći mogu da učine.
 Želeći da zaštiti sebe i svoje prijatelje, Geralt se trudi da ostane neutralan u pomahnitalom svetu, iako mu skoro svi ponavljaju da je to nemoguće...
 Krv vilenjaka je treća od sedam knjiga Sage o vešcu, koju sačinjavaju dve zbirke pripovedaka i pet romana. Saga je postala bestseler ne samo u autorovoj rodnoj Poljskoj već i širom sveta. Prevedena je na brojne svetske jezike, a po njoj je snimljena TV serija i napravljena čuvena kompjuterska igrica The Witcher.
 Ova saga je donela radikalne promene u žanru epske fantastike. U svetu punom čudovišta i ličnosti bujnog karaktera, komplikovanih intriga i burnih strasti, mitologija se prepliće sa današnjicom, a junaci su obdareni savremenim gledištima. Krv vilenjaka je 1994. nagrađena nagradom Januš A. Zajdel za najbolji poljski roman, a 2009. joj je dodeljena britanska nagrada Dejvid Džemel Ledžend.
 Saga o vešcu je prevedena na sedam jezika, a po njoj je snimljena TV serija i napravljena kompjuterska igrica.
 „Čudesni svet koji je stvorio Sapkovski istinski podseća na Gospodara prstenova. Roman sadrži sve tradicionalne detalje žanra, ali i poljskog folklora, i predstavlja pravo osveženje. Obavezno pročitati!“
 „Biser epske fantastike satkan od odličnih zapleta, političkih intriga i nasilnih ratova.“
 Fantasy Fan


Jel ovo Carobna knjiga cepa ceo serijal? Sta ce biti sa prva dva dela koje je IPS izdao? Reizdanje ili?


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« Reply #1701 on: 29-03-2012, 17:13:58 »
Koliko znam, biće reizdanje.


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« Reply #1702 on: 30-03-2012, 09:28:32 »
Njihov prvobitni plan je bio da objave treću i četvrtu, pa da rade reprint prve dve. Očigledno da je došlo do debelog kašnjenja. Pretpostavljam da je to bilo do prevodioca. A pretpostavljam i da je to razlog zašto su izbacili samo treću knjigu po redu.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1703 on: 30-03-2012, 16:27:10 »
A da li možda ima neke veze igra Witcher sa serijalom, kad je u pitanju story???


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« Reply #1704 on: 01-04-2012, 20:11:07 »
A da li možda ima neke veze igra Witcher sa serijalom, kad je u pitanju story???

Ne bih znao.
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« Reply #1705 on: 01-04-2012, 20:12:37 »
Od prekjuče u prodaji:

Strah mudroga - I tom, Patrik Rotfus

„Vredelo je čekati Strah mudroga. Progutao sam je za dan i nestrpljivo iščekujem nastavak. Taj Rotfus je stvarno prokleto dobar.“ Džordž R. R. Martin, autor Igre prestola

„Tri su stvari od kojih svako mudar strahuje: uzburkano more, noć bez meseca i gnev mirnog čoveka.“

Čovek je nestao. Ostao je mit. Kvout – ubica zmajeva, čuveni mačevalac, najstrašniji, najslavniji i najzloglasniji čarobnjak koga je svet ikada video – iščezao je bez upozorenja i bez traga. A čak i sada, kada je pronađen, kad se nad svetom nadvija tama, on se ne vraća.

Ali njegova priča i dalje živi i, prvi put, Kvout će je ispričati...

Pošto se zamerio jednom moćnom plemiću, Kvout je primoran da napusti Univerzitet i krene u svet u potrazi za srećom. Prepušten sam sebi i bez novca on odlazi u Vintas gde ubrzo biva uvučen u dvorske spletke. Dok pokušava da se dodvori jednom moćnom plemiću, Kvout razotkriva pokušaj ubistva, nalazi suparnika u još jednom ezoteričaru.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1706 on: 04-04-2012, 08:38:20 »
Najtflajere, reaguj!  :)  Evo sta kaze Skalzi:

During Reader Request Week, I was asked if I had seen an advance copy of Caine’s Law, Matthew Woodring Stover’s latest book in his “Acts of Caine” fantasy series. Well, a close-up of the cover blurb of the book — which is out today — should give an answer to that:
So, yes. Yes, I had.
(Actually, what happened was when the book’s publicist e-mailed me asking if I’d like to have an advance look at it, my response was, and this is a direct quote, “ZOMG NEW CAINE BOOK SEND IT SEND IT NOW WHY ISN’T IT HERE ALREADY”. So there you have it.)
And yes, if you are a fan of the meaty, bloody but smart fantasy of which authors like Joe Abercrombie and Richard K. Morgan currently traffic, you really do owe it to yourself to check out the whole Caine series (the books of which are, in order: Heroes Die, Blade of Tyshalle, Caine Black Knife and then this one). I doubt very seriously you will be disappointed, and if you are, well, I don’t know what to do with you, except maybe wonder if your brain chemistry is off in some unique and disturbing way. But I’m willing to bet your brain is fine and you’re going to eat this stuff up.
So: fans of  fantasy, this is my recommendation. Get this one. Get them all.


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« Reply #1707 on: 04-04-2012, 11:53:13 »
Sinoć sam završio treću od prethodne tri knjige, kako bih mogao da čitam Caine's Law. Stover je izvanredan - i to što piše nije klasičan fantasy. Izmešao je SF, cyberpunk i sword & sorcery u neverovatno dobar melanž. Kejn, njegov protagonista, je ekstreman antiheroj. Nemam dovoljno reči hvale za ovaj serijal. Postaviću na blogu prikaze svih romana, a mogu da ti pošaljem da pogledaš, ako si zaniteresovana.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1708 on: 05-04-2012, 08:48:03 »
ajde ako ti nije frka, hvala unapred, svi su odusevljeni pa se mislim da bih i mogla sa tim da izadjem na kraj, pre no sto serijal odmakne u vrleti dvocifrenog broja naslova...  :lol:


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« Reply #1709 on: 05-04-2012, 08:50:59 »
Negde je bilo najavljeno da će ovo biti poslednja knjiga. Iskreno se nadam da nije tako, alo ko će ga znati. Stover zapravo živi od pisanja taj-inova za Star Wars i razne video igre, tipa God of War, ako se dobro sećam, dok njegovi potpuno autorski romani imaju slabu prođu. Heroes Die, prvi deo Acts of Caine, objavljen je još 1999. godine, tako da on zaista objavljuje jedan autorksi roman svake četirir godine u proseku. Dakle, nije problem da se stigne.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1710 on: 05-04-2012, 09:02:14 »
serijal od 4 naslova oprobano mogu da savladam, dokazala sam se na Vulfu  :)  i odmah da ti priznam, za ovog baju sad prvi put cujem a znam da mi malko iznenadjenja ne bi skodilo.


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« Reply #1711 on: 05-04-2012, 16:17:50 »
Proveri mejl.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1712 on: 06-04-2012, 08:40:40 »
Hvala, hvala...  :) 

Nego, evo još nečega što bi te moglo zanimati: kolekcija eseja Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, From A Game of Thrones to A Dance with Dragons
ed. James Lowder (izlazi u junu 2012)

  • Foreword: Stories for the Nights to Come by R.A. Salvatore
  • Introduction: In Praise of Living History by James Lowder
  • The Palace of Love, the Palace of Sorrow by Linda Antonsson, Elio M. Garcia, Jr.
  • Men and Monsters by Alyssa Rosenberg
  • Same Song in a Different Key by Daniel Abraham
  • An Unreliable World by Adam Whitehead
  • Back to the Egg by Gary Westfahl
  • Art Imitates War by Myke Cole
  • The Brutal Cost of Redemption in Westeros by Susan Vaught
  • Of Direwolves and Gods by Andrew Zimmerman Jones
  • A Sword Without a Hilt by Jesse Scoble
  • Petyr Baelish and the Mask of Sanity by Matt Staggs
  • A Different Kind of Other by Brent Hartinger
  • Power and Feminism in Westeros by Caroline Spector
  • Collecting Ice and Fire in the Age of Nook and Kindle by John Jos. Miller
  • Beyond the Ghetto by Ned Vizzini


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« Reply #1713 on: 06-04-2012, 13:25:34 »
To bi baš moglo biti zanimljivo.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1714 on: 07-04-2012, 20:30:40 »
Hobova objavila na statusu na fejsu:

Robin Hobb

UK Readers! If you haven't read the Farseer trilogy yet, now is a great time to start! The first volume, Assassin's Apprentice, is available for 1.99 on Kindle via this special link. Http://


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« Reply #1715 on: 20-04-2012, 22:39:32 »
Ovog meseca nije se bogznašta pojavilo a da nije već bilo dostupno u obliku nekog ARCa, ili da nije reprint. Doduše, što se mene tiče, ovog meseca komotno nije moralo da izađe ništa sem Stoverovog Caine's Law - još samo da mi dopadne šaka.

Ali zato Tor kao nenormalan hajpuje svoju novu uzdanicu iz podžanra urbane fantastike, pod imenom Rhiannon Held i sa romanom-prvencem Silver

Andrew Dare is a werewolf. He’s the enforcer for the Roanoke pack, and responsible for capturing or killing any Were intruders in Roanoke’s territory. But the lone Were he’s tracking doesn’t smell or act like anyone he’s ever encountered. And when he catches her, it doesn’t get any better. She’s beautiful, she’s crazy, and someone has tortured her by injecting silver into her veins. She says her name is Silver, and that she’s lost her wild self and can’t shift any more.

The packs in North America have a live-and-let-live attitude, and try not to overlap with each other. But Silver represents a terrible threat to every Were on the continent.

Andrew and Silver will join forces to track down this menace while discovering their own power and their passion for each other.

Komentari čitalaca su krajnje loši. Naravno, meni sve vreme u glavi odzvanja pitanje - zašto kk Tor pokušava da uđe na tržište urbane fantastike i paranormalne romantike, kada očigledno nema urednike koji se snalaze u tom žanru? Pomalo me podsećaju na naše izdavače, koji biraju knjige tako što gledaju šta ima pet zvezdica na Amazonu (čast izuzecima).

Od zanimljivih novosti izdvojio bih i dve najavljene antologije. Prva je čedo neumornog Džona Džozefa Adamsa, koji je toliko vrstan urednik da je čak i mene ubedio da čitam kratke priče i novele.

Other Worlds Than These by John Joseph Adams

What if you could not only travel any location in the world, but to any possible world?
We can all imagine such “other worlds”—be they worlds just slightly different than our own or worlds full of magic and wonder—but it is only in fiction that we can travel to them. From The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to The Dark Tower, from The Golden Compass to The Chronicles of Narnia, there is a rich tradition of this kind of fiction, but never before have the best parallel world stories and portal fantasies been collected in a single volume—until now.
Table of Contents
  • Foreword — Lev Grossman
  • Introduction — John Joseph Adams
  • Moon Six — Stephen Baxter
  • A Brief Guide to Other Histories — Paul McAuley
  • Crystal Halloway and the Forgotten Passage — Seanan McGuire
  • An Empty House With Many Doors — Michael Swanwick
  • Twenty-Two Centimeters — Gregory Benford
  • Ana’s Tag — William Alexander
  • Nothing Personal — Pat Cadigan
  • The Rose Wall — Joyce Carol Oates
  • The Thirteen Texts of Arthyria — John R. Fultz
  • Ruminations in an Alien Tongue — Vandana Singh
  • Ten Sigmas — Paul Melko
  • Magic for Beginners — Kelly Link
  • [A Ghost Samba] — Ian McDonald
  • The Cristobal Effect — Simon McCaffery
  • Beyond Porch and Portal — E. Catherine Tobler
  • Signal to Noise — Alastair Reynolds
  • Porridge on Islac — Ursula K. Le Guin
  • Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut — Stephen King
  • The Ontological Factor — David Barr Kirtley
  • Dear Annabehls — Mercurio D. Rivera
  • The Goat Variations — Jeff Vandermeer
  • The Lonely Songs of Laren Door — George R. R. Martin
  • Of Swords and Horses — Carrie Vaughn
  • Impossible Dreams — Tim Pratt
  • Like Minds — Robert Reed
  • The City of Blind Delight — Catherynne M. Valente
  • Flower, Mercy, Needle, Chain — Yoon Ha Lee
  • Angles — Orson Scott Card
  • The Magician and the Maid and Other Stories — Christie Yant
  • Trips — Robert Silverberg
  • For Further Reading — Ross Lockhart
Ova antologija ne sadrži originalne priče, koliko mogu da vidim. Na primer, Martinova je objavljena marta meseca prošle godine i može da se pročita na Međutim, pobrojani pisci su vrhunski predstavnici onoga što braća Ameri zovu Fantastika (to što mi govorimo SF i fentezi, a Ameri "Fantastika" beskrajno mi je zabavno), tako da sam u iskušenju da počnem da skupljam Adamsove antologije.

Takođe je predstavljena i antologija

The Apex Book of World SF 2 by Lavie Tidhar

An expedition to an alien planet; Lenin rising from the dead; a superhero so secret he does not exist; in The Apex Book of World SF 2, World Fantasy Award nominated editor Lavie Tidhar brings together a unique collection of stories from around the world. Quiet horror from Cuba and Australia; surrealist fantasy from Russia and epic fantasy from Poland; near-future tales from Mexico and Finland, or cyberpunk from South Africa: in this anthology one gets a glimpse of the complex and fascinating world of genre fiction – from all over our world. Featuring work from noted international authors such as Will Elliot, Hannu Rajaniemi, Shweta Narayan, Lauren Bukes, Ekaterina Sedia, Nnedi Okorafor, and Andrzej Sapkowski.

  • “Alternate Girl’s Expatriate Life” by Rochita Loenen-Ruiz
  • “Mr. Goop” by Ivor W. Hartmann
  • “Trees of Bone” by Daliso Chaponda
  • “The First Peruvian in Space” by Daniel Salvo (translated by Jose B. Adolph)
  • “Eyes in the Vastness of Forever” by Gustavo Bondoni
  • “The Tomb” by Chen Qiufan (translated by the author)
  • “The Sound of Breaking Glass” by Joyce Chng
  • “A Single Year” by Csilla Kleinheincz (translated by the author)
  • “The Secret Origin of Spin-Man” by Andrew Drilon
  • “Borrowed Time” by Anabel Enríquez Piñeiro (translated by Daniel W. Koon)
  • “Branded” by Lauren Beukes
  • “December 8th” by Raúl Flores (translated by Daniel W. Koon)
  • “Hungry Man” by Will Elliott
  • “Nira and I” by Shweta Narayan
  • “Nothing Happened in 1999” by Fábio Fernandes
  • “Shadow” by Tade Thompson
  • “Shibuya no Love” by Hannu Rajaniemi
  • “Maquech” by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • “The Glory of the World” by Sergey Gerasimov
  • “The New Neighbours” by Tim Jones
  • “From the Lost Diary of TreeFrog7” by Nnedi Okorafor
  • “The Slows” by Gail Hareven (translated by Yaacov Jeffrey Green)
  • “Zombie Lenin” by Ekaterina Sedia
  • “Electric Sonalika” by Samit Basu
  • “The Malady” by Andrzej Sapkowski (translated by Wiesiek Powaga)
  • “A Life Made Possible Behind The Barricades” by Jacques Barcia

Ovoga puta nema Srba (u prošloj antologiji je bio zastupljen Živković), ali zato ima Poljaka, Rusa i raznoraznih Afrikanaca.

Sve u svemu, čini mi se da imamo još pisaca pored Živkovića koji zaslužuju da se nađu u ovakvoj jednoj zbirci. Bakić, Nešić, Jakšić, a siguran sam i neki mlađi pisci, u ovakvoj jednoj antologiji osećali bi se kao kod kuće. Skrobonju i Kneževića neću ni da ističem posebno, pošto su i jedan i drugi već objavljivani na trulom zapadu.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1716 on: 20-04-2012, 23:03:32 »

Od zanimljivih novosti izdvojio bih i dve najavljene antologije. Prva je čedo neumornog Džona Džozefa Adamsa, koji je toliko vrstan urednik da je čak i mene ubedio da čitam kratke priče i novele.

Drago mi je da ti se sviđaju njegove zbirke.

A stvarno je neumoljiv, ne? Od zbirki vampirskih priča (Selections from By Blood We Live), pa preko fentezija (The Way of the Wizard) i apokaliptičnih (Wastelands), sve do naučne fantastike (Federations) i zombija (The Living Dead 1/2)... Adams sastavi dobru zbirku o, maltene, bilo kojoj temi da se radi.
Sum, ergo cogito, ergo dubito.


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« Reply #1717 on: 20-04-2012, 23:15:10 »
Pazi, ja sam alergičan na kratke priče. Odbijao sam da čitam antologije iz principa. Naravno, ponekad se pojavi nešto što me potpuno iznenadi. Sećam se da mi je deveti "Monolit" potpuno promenio poimanje fantastike.

A onda sam pre nekog vremena, relativno skoro, pročitao The Way of the Wizard - i raspametio sam se koliko tu ima izvanrednih priča. Razmišljao sam se da napišem blow by blow prikaz, ali ne usuđujem se da se upustim u tako nešto, pošto priča ima pun kufer. Potpuno me je zadivilo to što mi se čak dve trećine priča izuzetno dopada. Sada ću da overim sve njegovo čega mogu da se dočepam. Nešto pikiram Federations.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1718 on: 20-04-2012, 23:49:58 »
Pa vidi, kontam da Adams pokušava dati svakome ponešto, zato ova raznolikost u temama raznih antologija.
Tako, pitanje je koliko će ti se svideti priče s tematikom koju nudi Federations. Zato i neću da tvrdim da su priče ne znam koji vrh...

Okusi prvo one priče čiji se autori pominju na naslovnici...
Sum, ergo cogito, ergo dubito.


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« Reply #1719 on: 21-04-2012, 00:44:19 »
Hm, nije da ja ne volim SF. Samo više volim fentezi. Sem toga, vidim da u zbirzi ima pisaca koje jako volim, pa ću početi od njih. Doduše, pre toga imam da gulim nekoliko drugih knjiga.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1720 on: 22-04-2012, 10:31:48 »

There are some new releases headed your way (both electronic and print editions) from Infinity Plus books…
  • Ghostwriting by Eric Brown (ebook: $2.99/£1.99; trade paperback: $11.99) [Mar 2012] – Over the course of a career spanning twenty five years, Eric Brown has written just a handful of horror and ghost stories – and all of them are collected here. Ranging from the psychological horror through fantastical horror to almost-mainstream, Ghostwriting is Eric Brown at his humane and compelling best.
  • One of Us by Iain Rowan (ebook: $2.99/£1.99; trade paperback: $11.99) [Mar 2012] – Anna is one of the invisible people. She fled her own country when the police murdered her brother and her father, and now she serves your food, cleans your table, changes your bed, and keeps the secrets of her past well hidden. When she used her medical school experience to treat a man with a gunshot wound, Anna thought it would be a way to a better life. Instead, it leads to a world of people trafficking, prostitution, murder and the biggest decision of Anna’s life: how much is she prepared to give up to be one of us? Shortlisted for the UK Crime Writers’ Association Debut Dagger award.
  • One More Unfortunate by Kaitlin Queen (first published as an ebook, Dec 2010; first print edition: trade paperback $11.99, Mar 2012] – Relentlessly drawn back to a circle of old friends and enemies, Nick Redpath has all kinds of issues to deal with. But first he must prove that he didn’t murder his old flame, Geraldine Wyse… Kaitlin Queen is the adult fiction pen-name of a best-selling children’s author. This is her first crime novel.


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« Reply #1721 on: 22-04-2012, 14:24:38 »
Video sam to, ali pisci su mi potpuno nepoznati. Znaš li nešto više o njima?
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« Reply #1722 on: 22-04-2012, 15:41:48 »
Iskreno, ne znam ama baš ništa... nadala sam se da će ovde neko da šane reč ili dve o naslovima...  :oops:


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« Reply #1723 on: 23-04-2012, 09:17:31 »
Ne znam da li sam ikada video duži spisak autora jednog romana, van Martinovih Wild Cards.

The Mongoliad: Book One (The Foreworld Saga) by Neal Stephenson (Author), Erik Bear (Author), Greg Bear (Author), Joseph Brassey (Author), E.D. deBirmingham (Author), Cooper Moo (Author), Mark Teppo (Author)

The first novel to be released in The Foreworld Saga, The Mongoliad: Book One, is an epic-within-an-epic, taking place in 13th century. In it, a small band of warriors and mystics raise their swords to save Europe from a bloodthirsty Mongol invasion. Inspired by their leader (an elder of an order of warrior monks), they embark on a perilous journey and uncover the history of hidden knowledge and conflict among powerful secret societies that had been shaping world events for millennia.

But the saga reaches the modern world via a circuitous route. In the late 19th century, Sir Richard F. Burton, an expert on exotic languages and historical swordsmanship, is approached by a mysterious group of English martial arts aficionados about translating a collection of long-lost manuscripts. Burton dies before his work is finished, and his efforts were thought lost until recently rediscovered by a team of amateur archaeologists in the ruins of a mansion in Trieste, Italy. From this collection of arcana, the incredible tale of The Mongoliad was recreated.

Full of high adventure, unforgettable characters, and unflinching battle scenes, The Mongoliad ignites a dangerous quest where willpower and blades are tested and the scope of world-building is redefined

Roman je po svemu sudeći nekakva alternativna istorija, po koncepciji veoma sličan onome što se danas kod nas piše. Dakle, reč je o istoriji kakva je mogla da bude, s tim da su razlike veoma suptilne i nekome ko nije makar površno upućen u istoriju mogu da deluju i nepostojeće.

Evo šta je jedan od autora ovog romana, Mark Tepo, imao da kaže o svemu tome:

 One of the comments I hear regularly when I tell people about The Mongoliad is "Oh, well, I don't read epic fantasy." They don't mean to be dismissive about it; they're just pointing out that, in all likelihood, they've already checked out of this conversation and the rest is simply going to be me talking to them while they think about butterflies or chocolate covered bonbons or the like. I'd don't really want to be dismissive in return,  because, really, "epic" and "fantasy" are two words that mean a lot more than the sort of thing that Tolkien wrote.
 Here's the thing: I understand labels. I understand genre marketing. I get that people like to put things in neat little boxes so that they know how to approach them. I also started off my career writing "urban fantasy" books that don't have werewolves, vampires, or the undead in them. I call the Codex books "occult noir" and no one understands what I'm saying; I say "urban fantasy" and we have, at least, a general starting point.
 For a moment, then, let's consider this claim that The Mongoliad is an epic fantasy. What's epic about it is the amount of research we did. We wanted to write a Western martial arts adventure story, one that was true to the actual fighting techniques of the time. Fighting techniques that are, only now, being rediscovered and taught in martial arts schools around the world. You know what? There's a lot more to fighting with a sword than simply hitting the other guy first.
 And as we went down the rabbit hole of martial arts, we realized we couldn't short-change the rest of the story as well. So, when we talk about how Rœdwulf's bow is constructed and how he fires it, it's because we dug up copies of Roger Ascham's Toxophilus, a 16th century manual of proper construction and use of the longbow. When we talk about the composition of the forests around Legnica, it's because we sourced--as near as we could fathom--historical data from Polish naturalists who are keen on the history of their local greenery. (We also had a list of about twenty bird species that were native to the area and we would have worked them all in somehow, but, well, we had to draw the line somewhere.) The point is: we wanted to get as many of the details right as we could, because history is so much, much more fantastic than you can ever imagine.
 We had a conversation once about where to file The Mongoliad. Was it alternate history? Not entirely. Was it a secret history? Somewhat. Did we make things up? Certainly. Did we stretch the truth a bit? Most definitely. Our knights, for example, use techniques that aren't entirely codified for another two hundred years (the key word here is "entirely"); their use of armor is about fifty years ahead of the rest of the Europe (they're bad-ass outliers, of course). And there are things that we make up entirely (the Binders, for instance). Oh, and the entire crypto-pagan mythology that underlies all of Foreworld?
 Well, I'll argue we didn't make that up, but then again, I'm the one who has a soft spot for esoteric mystery schools.
 You could argue the difference between science fiction and fantasy is the application of faith. The difference between regular fantasy and epic fantasy is then, perhaps, the amount of faith you have to bring with you when you read a story. We've written a story about medieval Europe, and guess what? They had a much, much different baseline for faith than we do now.
 It's just an adventure story, really, a long-form novel that illuminated a period of history that is wonderfully rich in both its belief systems, its technologies, and its martial arts. We call our version of history Foreworld, because it is a different state of the world. How much you believe what we've written is up to you, but I can tell you that both more and less of the work is true.
 In which case, maybe the best way to classify The Mongoliad is to call it an Epic Historical Fantasy.
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« Reply #1724 on: 25-04-2012, 22:25:21 »
Dame i gospodo, da ne bude da serendam po blogu za džabe (premda ovo ne mora nužno da ima ikakve veze sa tim), u bliskoj budućnosti u prevodu na naš jezik pojaviće se

Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey

Humanity has colonized the solar system - Mars, the Moon, the Asteroid Belt and beyond - but the stars are still out of our reach.

Jim Holden is XO of an ice miner making runs from the rings of Saturn to the mining stations of the Belt. When he and his crew stumble upon a derelict ship, The Scopuli, they find themselves in possession of a secret they never wanted. A secret that someone is willing to kill for - and kill on a scale unfathomable to Jim and his crew. War is brewing in the system unless he can find out who left the ship and why.

Detective Miller is looking for a girl. One girl in a system of billions, but her parents have money and money talks. When the trail leads him to The Scopuli and rebel sympathizer Holden, he realizes that this girl may be the key to everything.

Holden and Miller must thread the needle between the Earth government, the Outer Planet revolutionaries, and secretive corporations - and the odds are against them. But out in the Belt, the rules are different, and one small ship can change the fate of the universe.

Čisto da podsetim, sa jednim od dva autora ovog romana radio sam intervju, koji možete da pročitate na

Po objavljivanju ovog romana na srpskom jeziku, nameravam da uradim novi intervju sa Denijelom, a možda i da organizujemo nekakvu promociju. Za sada ne mogu da kažem ništa o datumu izdavanja, niti o planovima izdavača - sem da prevod neću raditi ja, već daleko iskusniji kolega, koji je izvanredan izbor za prevođenje ovog romana. Nadam se da ću za jedno mesec dana moći da objavim nešto detaljnije.
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« Reply #1725 on: 25-04-2012, 23:06:28 »
Heh sad vidim da Čarobna knjiga najavljuje Essential Amazing Spidermana, Avengerse i Silver Surfera  :!:

I Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter  xfoht
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1726 on: 25-04-2012, 23:29:35 »
Wow, odlično. Samo bih voleo da bude tvrdi povez - ali od toga sasvim sigurno neće biti ništa. Takođe mislim da su se zajebali zato što nisi išli sa Ultimate Univerzumom, pošto su filmovi pre svega zasnovani na njemu, mada je to možda i zbog toga što prava drže Hrvati. Kako god, ja to kupujem.

S druge strane, objavljuju

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night.
 But behind the scenes, a fierce competition is underway—a duel between two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who have been trained since childhood expressly for this purpose by their mercurial instructors. Unbeknownst to them, this is a game in which only one can be left standing, and the circus is but the stage for a remarkable battle of imagination and will. Despite themselves, however, Celia and Marco tumble headfirst into love—a deep, magical love that makes the lights flicker and the room grow warm whenever they so much as brush hands.
True love or not, the game must play out, and the fates of everyone involved, from the cast of extraordinary circus per­formers to the patrons, hang in the balance, suspended as precariously as the daring acrobats overhead.
Written in rich, seductive prose, this spell-casting novel is a feast for the senses and the heart.

Krenuo sam da je čitam i potpuno je nenormalno dobra. Vrhunska književnost maskirana u fantastiku. Potpuno murovskogejmanovskonjumenovska knjiga. Nisam odmakao daleko, ali miriše mi na devetku.
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« Reply #1727 on: 26-04-2012, 16:32:05 »
Dame i gospodo, da ne bude da serendam po blogu za džabe (premda ovo ne mora nužno da ima ikakve veze sa tim), u bliskoj budućnosti u prevodu na naš jezik pojaviće se

Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey

Humanity has colonized the solar system - Mars, the Moon, the Asteroid Belt and beyond - but the stars are still out of our reach.

Jim Holden is XO of an ice miner making runs from the rings of Saturn to the mining stations of the Belt. When he and his crew stumble upon a derelict ship, The Scopuli, they find themselves in possession of a secret they never wanted. A secret that someone is willing to kill for - and kill on a scale unfathomable to Jim and his crew. War is brewing in the system unless he can find out who left the ship and why.

Detective Miller is looking for a girl. One girl in a system of billions, but her parents have money and money talks. When the trail leads him to The Scopuli and rebel sympathizer Holden, he realizes that this girl may be the key to everything.

Holden and Miller must thread the needle between the Earth government, the Outer Planet revolutionaries, and secretive corporations - and the odds are against them. But out in the Belt, the rules are different, and one small ship can change the fate of the universe.

Čisto da podsetim, sa jednim od dva autora ovog romana radio sam intervju, koji možete da pročitate na

Po objavljivanju ovog romana na srpskom jeziku, nameravam da uradim novi intervju sa Denijelom, a možda i da organizujemo nekakvu promociju. Za sada ne mogu da kažem ništa o datumu izdavanja, niti o planovima izdavača - sem da prevod neću raditi ja, već daleko iskusniji kolega, koji je izvanredan izbor za prevođenje ovog romana. Nadam se da ću za jedno mesec dana moći da objavim nešto detaljnije.

Jel mozes da otkrijes bar koji je izdavac, jel Laguna?
"Man takes up the sword to protect the small injuries that burdened his heart, on a distant day beyond his memories.
Man wields the sword to die with a smile on his face, on a distant day


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« Reply #1728 on: 26-04-2012, 19:11:45 »
Ne mogu. Odnosno, ne dok se ne konsultujem sa izdavačem. Sinoć sam razgovarao sa jednim od pisaca (James S.A. Corey je pseudonim dvojice pisaca) i dogovorili smo da mi da video-intervju po objavljivanju knjige kod nas. Tek treba da dogovorim sa izdavačem nekakvu promociju, a i roman tek treba da uđe u prevod. Neću da iznosim ništa konkretno dok se prevod ne završi.
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« Reply #1729 on: 27-04-2012, 17:24:37 »
Koga zanima, Caine's Law i Mongoliad mogu da se nađu na narodskim izvorima za te stvari.
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« Reply #1730 on: 27-04-2012, 18:54:57 »
Iz Čarobne knjige stalno prolongiraju Sapkovskog. Bio je 26.04, kao datum objavljivanja, sada je opet pomereno.
Krv vilenjaka- 11.05. 2012
Vreme prezira- 18.05. 2012
Tako stoji na njihovom sajtu.
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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« Reply #1731 on: 27-04-2012, 18:55:46 »
Garant je problem sa prevodom.
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« Reply #1733 on: 05-05-2012, 22:09:09 »
U ponudi fantastike za mesec maj ove godine izdvojilo se nekoliko novih naslova. Na prvom mestu, valjda naglasiti da je svetlost knjižara ugledao (navodno) poslednji naslov iz serijala o telepatskoj konobarici Suki Stekhaus i njenim fengbeng pustolovinama. Ako sam se dobro sračunao, ovo je dvanaesti roman, a trinaesta knjiga u serijalu. Ako je zaista tačno da će ovo biti poslednji roman, Harisova je svega za dve knjige prešla preko granice mrcvarenja svog serijala. Naime, poslednja dva romana pročitao sam čisto reda radi i mahom uz zevanje. Gledajući Lorel Hamilton i Kim Haris, izgleda da je deset knjiga najveći mogući domet za jedan serijal, ako pisac hoće da taj serijal bude uspešan. Naravno, moglo bi se reći da je Džim Bučer izuzetak od tog pravila, ali Bučer je ipak u pretposlednjem romanu iz korena porušio sve što je gradio u prethodnim knjigama, te je praktično otpočeo novi serijal. No, o tome nekom drugom prilikom.

Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 12) by Charlaine Harris

It’s vampire politics as usual around the town of Bon Temps, but never before have they hit so close to Sookie’s heart…

Growing up with telepathic abilities, Sookie Stackhouse realized early on there were things she’d rather not know. And now that she’s an adult, she also realizes that some things she knows about, she’d rather not see—like Eric Northman feeding off another woman. A younger one. There’s a thing or two she’d like to say about that, but she has to keep quiet—Felipe de Castro, the Vampire King of Louisiana (and Arkansas and Nevada), is in town. It’s the worst possible time for a human body to show up in Eric’s front yard—especially the body of the woman whose blood he just drank. Now, it’s up to Sookie and Bill, the official Area Five investigator, to solve the murder. Sookie thinks that, at least this time, the dead girl’s fate has nothing to do with her. But she is wrong. She has an enemy, one far more devious than she would ever suspect, who’s set out to make Sookie’s world come crashing down.

Alchemist of Souls je roman koji sam na prvi mah preskočio. Čak mi se ni pogled nije zadržao na najavi. Međutim, knjiga je pokupila izvanredne kritike i odlično je primeljena kod publike. Spaja alternativnu istoriju sa fentezijem, što nije prvi put da se to dešava u istoriji fantastike - ali ne sećam se da je u skorije vreme neka knjiga tako spontano hajpovana. To jest, da pohvale stižu iz smera publike, a ne plaćenih kritičara.

The Alchemist of Souls: Night's Masque, Volume 1 by Anne Lyle

When Tudor explorers returned from the New World, they brought back a name out of half-forgotten Viking legend: skraylings. Red-sailed ships followed in the explorers’ wake, bringing Native American goods--and a skrayling ambassador--to London. But what do these seemingly magical beings really want in Elizabeth I’s capital?Mal Catlyn, a down-at-heel swordsman, is seconded to the ambassador's bodyguard, but assassination attempts are the least of his problems. What he learns about the skraylings and their unholy powers could cost England her new ally--and Mal his soul.

Silence by Michelle Sagara je knjiga koja me je iznervirala. Zapravo, nakačio sam se na njen fentezi serijal Cast in... tako da sam se neprijatno iznenadio kada sam umesto novog Cast in... naslova dočekao nešto potpuno novo. Međutim, knjiga ima svega 256 stranica, tako da pretpostavljam da je pisana u nekim pauzama između ostalih knjiga - a pošto je roman urban fantasy, verovatno je reč o pokušaju autorke da opipa kako bi je to tržište prihvatilo. Reakcije čitalaca su više nego pristojne.

 Silence by Michelle Sagara

   It began in the graveyard…
Ever since her boyfriend Nathan had died in a tragic accident, Emma had been coming to the graveyard at night. During the day she went through the motions at her prep school, in class, with her friends, but that’s all it was. For Emma, life had stopped with Nathan’s death. But tonight was different. Tonight Emma and her dog were not alone in the cemetery. There were two others there--Eric, who had just started at her school, and an ancient woman who looked as though she were made of rags. And when they saw Emma there, the old woman reached out to her with a grip as chilling as death...
Emma was not quite like others teenagers. It was true that other girls had experienced grief. Other girls had also lost their fathers, or had their boyfriends die in a senseless accident. But though she hadn’t known it till that night in the graveyard, unlike those other girls, she could see, touch, and speak with the dead. In fact, Emma could draw upon the essence of the dead to work magic. That was what Necromancers did. But Emma had no desire to be a Necromancer. She just wanted to help the ghosts who walked the streets of Toronto, unable to escape from the land of the living. And that was just as well, because had she chosen the path of the Necromancer, Eric would have had to kill her.
Instead, Eric and his fellow Necromancer hunter Chase found themselves violating every rule they were sworn to follow, becoming part of Emma’s group, helping her to stand against those who preyed upon the dead. But whether Emma and her friends could survive such a battle was anyone’s guess. And whether Emma could learn to use the magic of the dead against her enemies without herself falling victim to the lure of such power remained to be seen. Eric seemed to think she could, and her living friends would never abandon her. But only time would tell what Emma’s true destiny was...

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« Reply #1734 on: 10-05-2012, 09:06:49 »
Nakon što sam završio Caine's Law, počeo sam Alchemist of Souls, ali u međuvremenu dosta toga novog je postalo dostupno. Iz zaista previše SF&F knjiga koje će se ovog meseca pojaviti, izdvaja se nekoliko naslova. Jedan od najiščekivanijih je i The Drowned Cities Paola Baćigalupija, koji je za kratko vreme postao miljenik žanrovske kritike.

The Drowned Cities by Paolo Bacigalupi

  Soldier boys emerged from the darkness. Guns gleamed dully. Bullet bandoliers and scars draped their bare chests. Ugly brands scored their faces. She knew why these soldier boys had come. She knew what they sought, and she knew, too, that if they found it, her best friend would surely die.
In a dark future America where violence, terror, and grief touch everyone, young refugees Mahlia and Mouse have managed to leave behind the war-torn lands of the Drowned Cities by escaping into the jungle outskirts. But when they discover a wounded half-man--a bioengineered war beast named Tool--who is being hunted by a vengeful band of soldiers, their fragile existence quickly collapses. One is taken prisoner by merciless soldier boys, and the other is faced with an impossible decision: Risk everything to save a friend, or flee to a place where freedom might finally be possible.
This thrilling companion to Paolo Bacigalupi's highly acclaimed Ship Breaker is a haunting and powerful story of loyalty, survival, and heart-pounding adventure.


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« Reply #1735 on: 11-05-2012, 15:45:22 »
Čovek iz Diogenovog kluba od danas može da se nađe u knjižarama Beopolis i Alan Ford.
We're all mad here.


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« Reply #1736 on: 11-05-2012, 20:33:58 »
Pijem u to ime:) Ulepsala si mi dan!


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« Reply #1737 on: 15-05-2012, 09:00:25 »
S ovom novo-objavljenom knjigom ide i malko kontroverze:

Final Stage: The Ultimate Science Fiction Anthology edited by Ed Ferman and Barry Malzberg is a classic anthology with a troubled history. The book contains 13 pieces of short fiction “that carry [science fiction's] basic themes as far as possible given the current state of the art”.  Each story includes an afterword written by that story’s author. Its not quite and original anthology; the Asimov story is the only reprint.
Why is its history troubled?

When this anthology was first published in the U.S. in 1974, the publisher (Carol Rinzler at Charterhouse) rewrote and edited stories without the consent of the book’s attributed editors. Penguin published the book a year later (with the more bizarre cover you see here) in its intended form.
Bud Webster has a more complete explanation with copious amounts of name-dropping.
Here’s the table of contents, as per isfdb:
  • “We Purchased People” by Frederik Pohl
  • “The Voortrekkers” by Poul Anderson
  • “Great Escape Tours, Inc.” • shortstory by Kit Reed
  • “Diagrams For Three (Enigmatic) Stories: (“The Girl in the Tau-Dream” ; “The Immobility Crew” ; “A Cultural Side-Effect”) by Brian W. Aldiss
  • “That Thou Art Mindful of Him!” by Isaac Asimov
  • “We Three” by Dean R. Koontz
  • “An Old-Fashioned Girl” by Joanna Russ
  • “Catman” by Harlan Ellison
  • “Space Rats of the CCC” by Harry Harrison
  • “Trips” by Robert Silverberg
  • “The Wonderful, All-Purpose Transmogrifier” by Barry N. Malzberg
  • “Her Smoke Rose Up Forever” by James Tiptree, Jr.
  • “A Little Something for Us Tempunauts” by Philip K. Dick



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« Reply #1739 on: 22-05-2012, 17:16:17 »
Mistborn 3 je u prelomu, a lektura Malazana 3 je tek počela. WoT12 se planira za početak oktobra najkasnije.
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« Reply #1740 on: 23-05-2012, 07:42:20 »
Uf, znači Eriksona treba očekivati tek pred kraj leta ? Da li znaš možda kada će drugi nastavak Aberkrombija, i Toranj zelenog anđela od Wiliamsa ? Slabo izgleda ima prođu, ja sam valjda jedan od retkih koji voli taj serijal, meni je Wilijams baš dobar pisac epske fantastike.
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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« Reply #1741 on: 23-05-2012, 07:46:11 »
Aberkrombi je među prodavanijim piscima epske fantastike u Laguni, tako da verujem da će brzo - naročito pošto je Pajvančić odavno završio rad na Martinu. Lako je moguće da je knjiga pred štampom. A neki Vilijams je skoro bio u lekturi, ali ne sećam se tačno koji. Raspitaću se.
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« Reply #1742 on: 23-05-2012, 22:37:32 »
Čekao sam omnibus izdanje, koje je sveže izašlo:

The Nekropolis Archives by Tim Waggoner

Meet Matt Richter. Private Eye. Zombie.
His mean streets are the city of the dead, the shadowy realm known as Nekropolis.
You’ve got to keep your head in Nekropolis. But when you’re a zombie attempting to battle the vampire lords, that’s not as easy as it seems…
This massive omnibus edition collects all three Matt Richter novels – Nekropolis, Dead Streets and Dark War – plus a swathe of short stories too.
Ovo mi se čini prilično zanimljivim štivom i možda će mi biti wild card za ovaj mesec.
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« Reply #1743 on: 25-05-2012, 01:34:46 »
Džordž Martin je najavio nekoliko novih naslova. Tu su pre svega tri nove antologije, pod naslovima Rogues, Old Mars i Old Venus. Rogues će biti rađena po uzoru na Warriors, što me čini poprilično zadovoljnim. Premda Warriors nisu baš remek-delo kao The Way of the Wizard by John Joseph Adams, ta antologija je sadržala više nego dovoljan broj odličnih priča da bi mogla da se okarakteriše kao dobra kupovina. Još ako u Rogues uđe neka novela o Danku i Egu, ihaj. Posebno sam uzbuđen zbog dueta Old Mars i Old Venus, pošto je očigledno da će ove dve antologije biti posvećene palpičnim predstavama o Veneri i Marsu, po uzoru na SF zlatnog doba i fantastiku koja mu je prethodila. Siguran sam da to znači da će se Stiv Stirling za potrebe ovih antologija vratiti svojoj duologiji Lords of Creation, što me neizmerno raduje, pošto mislim da je reč o izvanrednom pustolovnom SF-u, kakav danas nedostaje. Martin je ujedno najavio i da će antologija Dangerous Women kasniti, što verovatno povlači da će kasniti i antologija koja na jednom mestu okuplja novele o Danku i Egu.

Što se Wild Cards tiče, najavljeno je da se Lowball, nastavak odličnog Fort Freak-a, privodi kraju, te da je potpisan ugovor za još četiri reprinta i još jedan novi roman u ovom serijalu od sada već 22. knjige. Nadam se da će film, koji će biti sniman u produkciji SyFya, podići interesovanje za ovaj - po meni - zapostavljeni biser fantastike.

U pripremi su i The Lands of Ice and Fire, kao i The World of Ice and Fire - odnosno knjiga sa kartama i knjiga sa enciklopedijskim opisom Martinovog sveta. Nadam se da će ove dve izaći u tvrdom povezu.

Kao što vidite, Martin je poprilično zauzet ovih dana.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1744 on: 25-05-2012, 12:35:02 »
Laguna priprema "Legendu" Dejvida Gemela. U prevodu je i nastavak "Oštrice" Džoa Aberkrombija - prevod je počeo pre desetak dana. Razmatra se i objavljivanje "Legendi 2" Roberta Silverberga.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666


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« Reply #1745 on: 25-05-2012, 17:06:23 »
Sta znaci priprema, jel prevod u toku, lektira? Kad treba ocekivati izdavanje Legende? :)
"Man takes up the sword to protect the small injuries that burdened his heart, on a distant day beyond his memories.
Man wields the sword to die with a smile on his face, on a distant day


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« Reply #1746 on: 25-05-2012, 20:06:16 »
Prvo, zdravo svima. Drugo, mene lično bi zanimale najviše Silverbergove Legende 2. Zašto se samo razmatraju? Zar je prodaja prve knjige bila loša, iako su imena Martina i Džordana bila na koricama?


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« Reply #1747 on: 25-05-2012, 22:42:22 »
Ruku na srce, Legende ne leze ljudima koji nisu citali nijedan od serijala na koje se price odnose. Uzete van okvira serijala na koji se odnose, sve price su jako prosecne, cak i losije, pretpostavljam da je Laguna racunala upravo na Dzordana i Martina da pokrenu prodaju ove antologije.
Mada, s druge strane vidim da su Pesme snova isto tako (lose) prosle, a u pitanju je remek delo gde bukvalno nema slabe price. Izgleda da razlog lezi na nekoj trecoj strani, mozda prosto  razmazeni kupci ne vole antologije vec samo uskoorijentisane pravolinijske serijale sa kojima odmah znas na cemu si.


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« Reply #1748 on: 25-05-2012, 23:00:01 »
Za Pesme snova se apsolutno slažem, sem početnih radova predstavljenih u prvoj knjizi, priče su mala remek dela. Nisam znao da prodaja ne ide.

Meni se sem Viteza lutalice svidelo još priča u Legendama, ne bih ih baš nazvao slabim. Dopao mi se Vilin konjic Ursule LeGvin, Vilijamsov Čovek u plamenu, Pračet je kao i uvek otkačen, a čak i Gudkajnd koga ne mirišem napisao zanimljivu priču.

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« Reply #1749 on: 25-05-2012, 23:27:18 »
Ja recimo nisam čitala nijedan serijal obrađen u Legendama osim Zemljomorja, ali priče su mi bile ok i volela bih da vidim i drugi deo.
Mada ja nisam reprezentativan primerak pošto imam averziju prema čitanju mamutskih serijala (naročito nedovršenih) a i beletristike na engleskom.