Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763795 times)

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  • Očigledan slučaj RASTROJSTVA!
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« Reply #1800 on: 28-06-2012, 12:04:07 »
ustvari, evo odgovora:

Rachel, a 39-year-old mother and lawyer from New Jersey, specializes in medical malpractice and often asks "intimate" questions in obstetrical cases, but scenes from the new erotic trilogy, "50 Shades of Grey," shocked even her.

 "I am not a prude and I am not shy," she said. "But this [book] made me blush."
The romance novels of EL James are heating up bedrooms across the country, and fans can't seem to get enough of what is being called "mommy porn."
Anastasia Steele, 21, and a virginal college student, can't say no to dashing 27-year-old Christian Grey, who insists she sign a contract that allows him to submit her to his every sadomasochistic whim.
In their first sexual encounter, Grey unveils his silver tie and binds her wrists in knots, and Steele does as she is told.

He is also fabulously rich, a telecommunications tycoon, and uses his wealth to take care of her like a pampered princess.

"Ana," as he calls her, willingly and excitedly agrees to spanking, whipping and gagging, with props like ice, rope, tape -- a repertoire right out of a BDSM [bondage, discipline, dominance and submission] manual.

Grey instructs her to call him, "sir," and sets rules on everything from her diet to her most intimate grooming routines.

"I loved the book -- all three," said Rachel, who has been married to her husband since she was 19 and has a healthy sex life. "But this is pretty hard-core porn."

"The first book is very, very graphic and harsh with a lot of S & M – and quite frankly, did not do it for me," she said. "I would never try anything with pain."

But, she got hooked on the romance that develops in the second book, when Steele tries to change Grey. "What I loved was that it was a great love story."

The heart of the romance is the notion of submission and the way in which Steele accommodates Grey to "make him love her," according to Rachel.

"She sees being submissive as a necessity to save him," she said. "He was broken. That was more of the appeal. And the sex was a bonus."

British mom and former TV producer James initially wanted to replicate the success of the "Twilight" fan fiction series. The novels were published by a small independent Australian press and hard copy distribution was limited. So 90 percent of sales were discreet ebook downloads, according to the New York Times, which saw it rise to number one on its ebook fiction bestseller list in March.

Vintage Books just bought the rights to all three novels and Universal and Focus Features plan to do a film.

Its success raises the question how sexual submission, especially when pain is involved, could be such a turn-on for many young well-educated suburban women who are empowered economically and enlightened sexually.

Most agree it's a cheese-ball narrative whose heroine is incapable of using adult language. She refers to her genitals euphemistically as "my sex."

"Our customers are very smart and they say it's badly written, but they are in the middle of book three," laughed Margot Sage EL, co-owner of the Watchung Booksellers in Montclair, N.J., which carries the trilogy. "None of us at the bookstore have been able to read it. The print on-demand version comes in and goes out right away."

"One woman couldn't believe her friend was so gushing about it," she said. "She was horrified by the domination."

"But when you're a young mom and everyone depends on you for everything -- your husband your mother -- the idea of having someone take care of you and telling you what to do, even in twisted sense, it rocks their boat."

The dialogue is, indeed, corny.

"Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I've been here. Only me. You are mine," Grey tells Steele after he takes her virginity.

After her first spanking, the "dom" congratulates his "sub:" "Well done, baby." She coos to the reader: "His words curl around me like a soft fluffy towel from the Heathman Hotel, and I'm so pleased he's happy."

50 Shades of Grey Has Post-Feminist Appeal
But how does a cross between the "Story of O" and a Harlequin romance sit with a generation of post-feminists who are in full charge of their careers and are unabashedly straightforward about their sexual needs?

In different columns in The New York Times last weekend, Maureen Dowd and Frank Bruni suggest the submissive female phenomenon may be linked to women's rise to economic and political power.

After taking charge in the workplace and bossing the children around at home, women can be turned on by surrendering that control.

Bruni notes the trend is also seen in the new HBO series "Girls" -- a modern "Sex and the City," whose main character matter-of-factly enjoys submissive sex games.

Bold and aggressive Samantha Jones, she is not.

And Bruni asks, "Gloria Steinem went to the barricades for this? Salaries may be better than in decades past and the cabinet and Congress less choked with testosterone. But in the bedroom?"

Marion Solomon, a couples' therapist who coordinates mental health training at ULCA, said that even though women have made "great progress" in gender equality, biological models still prevail: strong male, submissive female.

She said the book is rather tame by bondage standards and mirrors an age-old fantasy among women. The psyche doesn't change, according to Solomon, author of "Love and War and Intimate Relationships."

For women, with so much on their plates, "they get tired of always being the strong one" she said.

"She won't be truly hurt," said Solomon, who notes that Grey gives Steele safe words to guide their sex play: "yellow" for caution and "red" to stop.

"What she is agreeing to is being with someone stronger and richer who feels safe," said Solomon. "We can ask how she let her herself get into it … but we always say women are trained to want men a little bit older, a little bit smarter, a little bit richer and a little bit taller."

Christian Grey is faithful to Steele with unwavering respect. And he practices safe sex, always using a condom.

But he is a badly damaged man -- with big-time mommy issues. His mother was a "crack whore" whose pimps extinguished cigarettes on the young boy's body. At the age of 4, he watches her die.

"Women are always drawn to men who are vulnerable," said Solomon, "hoping they can save them."

"Human beings are like nested Russian dolls," she said. "On the outside you see a functioning adult. But [the dolls] get smaller and smaller until there is a tiny baby inside. We all have that."

And that applies to men as well. Solomon said she has seen just as many male clients -- "men powerful in business" –--who wanted to be taken care of.

But Stephanie Coontz, author of "A Strange Stirring," which examines the rise of feminism and the changing status of women throughout the 1950s and 1960s, said that although women have for centuries fantasized about submission to a dangerous man, it's a cultural construct.

"As a historian, I do not believe that women have some gene or evolutionary drive to be submissive," she said. "In fact, many women can be sexually aggressive."

She acknowledges that fear and submission have been the "staple of women's erotica" -- but not because their careers are so tightly wound that they need the sexual release.

"Women are susceptible to this not because of the power gains they have made, but in spite of them," she said. "For the last 200 years, the definition of male-female roles is that men are strong, silent and protective. One of the common fantasies is that you take someone who is so threatening and scary and find that the core in him is that he loves and protects you instead."

She said the book is a "classic case" of fear fueling sexual attraction.

"This has always been a disturbing aspect of women's history," said Coontz. "We're all creatures of a combination of sociology and biology and often adrenaline is easily confused with love and desire."

Rather than moving backward, she said women are feeling freer to "play a wide range of [sexual] adventures."

Katie J.M. Baker, a 24-year-old staff writer for the sex and celebrity website Jezebel, agrees that women are more open-minded about pornography.

In her column, "Is the Bestselling 'Mommy Porn' Book Worth the Hype?", she reports that some women were so excited about the book they were buying their husband's silver ties [Grey's signature ligature].

But she couldn't really see the how the book could be considered such a turn-on.

"It's really bad and I don't think it really appeals to younger readers," said Baker. "Besides, 'mommy porn' is a really gross term."

"It's really cool that women feel comfortable exploring their sexuality. But come on," she insists, "a 21-year-old virgin who has never kissed a guy?"

"It's a fairytale -- the same kind of princess and prince story -- with a twist," said Baker. "I call it hate reading. We read it, to make fun of it."
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


  • омнирелигиозни фанатични фундаменталиста
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« Reply #1801 on: 28-06-2012, 12:07:11 »
о боже...не опет
...barcode never lies


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« Reply #1802 on: 28-06-2012, 12:11:16 »
Naravno, kupljena su prava za film. :)

Zapravo, ovo je sjajna stvar. U svakom slučaju će podstaći čitanost, a možda se i među svim tim milionima ženki neka napali i na Game of Thrones. Neka se jedan procenat prelije u drugojačiju fantastiku i puna kapa.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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  • Očigledan slučaj RASTROJSTVA!
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« Reply #1803 on: 28-06-2012, 12:15:56 »
E da vidim da snime ovo a da ne bude R  xrofl

Elem, ovo NIJE sjajna stvar, ovo je samo popularna stvar. Ali pokazuje kako je porn za žene jednako budalasto krivljenje stvarnosti kao i porn za muške.   :wink:
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1804 on: 28-06-2012, 12:20:25 »
порн за жене које пишу жене пречесто има C&M момената :shock:
...barcode never lies


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« Reply #1805 on: 28-06-2012, 12:22:54 »
Ma jok bre. Otkud ti ideja da tog porinićarenja za žene nije bilo i ranije? Pogledaj romane o Aniti Blejk, nakon desetog, i seriju True Blood. Znam desetak devojaka/žena koje ne konzumiraju fantastiku i zgražavaju se nad istom, a pobožno prate TB. Još se svađam sa njima, pošto tvrde da to nije fantastika, već da su to "vampiri". Takav tip romana postojao je oduvek - samo se ta književnost blendovala sa fantazijskim motivima, na šta je tržište pripremano poslednjih dvadesetak godina. I eto ti nove recepture za mlaćenje para.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1806 on: 28-06-2012, 12:23:46 »
порн за жене које пишу жене пречесто има C&M момената :shock:

Ne samo to. Zaključio sam da žene vole vrele scene između dva muškarca koliko i muškarci vrele scene između dve žene. Lepo je videti da ipak nismo različite vrste...
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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  • Očigledan slučaj RASTROJSTVA!
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« Reply #1807 on: 28-06-2012, 12:30:10 »
Ma jok bre. Otkud ti ideja da tog porinićarenja za žene nije bilo i ranije? Pogledaj romane o Aniti Blejk, nakon desetog, i seriju True Blood. Znam desetak devojaka/žena koje ne konzumiraju fantastiku i zgražavaju se nad istom, a pobožno prate TB. Još se svađam sa njima, pošto tvrde da to nije fantastika, već da su to "vampiri". Takav tip romana postojao je oduvek - samo se ta književnost blendovala sa fantazijskim motivima, na šta je tržište pripremano poslednjih dvadesetak godina. I eto ti nove recepture za mlaćenje para.

Erm, nije niko ni reko da je ovo novo?

порн за жене које пишу жене пречесто има C&M момената :shock:

Ne samo to. Zaključio sam da žene vole vrele scene između dva muškarca koliko i muškarci vrele scene između dve žene. Lepo je videti da ipak nismo različite vrste...
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1808 on: 28-06-2012, 12:31:41 »
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1809 on: 02-07-2012, 23:26:54 »
Jul je izgleda zanimljiv mesec što se novih knjiga tiče. Em što se pojavio ARC novog Vorkosigan romana, em će krajem meseca novi Veberov Sejfhold, em se pojavila nova stimpankurbanfentezi tvorevina, koja ne samo da se zasniva na zanimljivoj primesi, već je i pismena.

God Save the Queen by Kate Locke

The undead matriarch of a Britain where the Aristocracy is made up of werewolves and vampires, where goblins live underground and mothers know better than to let their children out after dark. A world where being nobility means being infected with the Plague (side-effects include undeath), Hysteria is the popular affliction of the day, and leeches are considered a delicacy. And a world where technology lives side by side with magic. The year is 2012 and Pax Britannia still reigns.Xandra Vardan is a member of the elite Royal Guard, and it is her duty to protect the Aristocracy. But when her sister goes missing, Xandra will set out on a path that undermines everything she believed in and uncover a conspiracy that threatens to topple the empire. And she is the key-the prize in a very dangerous struggle.

Bilo bi mnogo bolje da je naslovnicu radio McGrath, na primer, jer ovako odaje potpuno pogrešan utisak o romanu. Čitam i vrlo dopadljivo - za sada.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1810 on: 07-07-2012, 23:44:20 »
Pročitao sam Lagunin prevod PREDESET NIJANSI - SIVA...  xrofl Kuda ide ovaj svet? Zar superbestseler ne bi trebalo da ima barem neke (minimalne) književne vrednosti? U poređenju sa ovim, Rowlingova je nedodirljivo božanstvo. Čak i tunjava Meyerova pokazuje neke znakove života... E L James je na dnu kace. Hajde, početak romana još i nekako. Kao neki ljubić sa kioska. Prijemčivo za čitanje, ako isključite mozak... Not my cup of tea, ali mogu da razumem ako neka usamljena duša nalazi nasladu u tome... Ali posle prve trećine, roman zapada u sve veće probleme... Ovo je čista pornografija, nešto malo leksički ublažena, ali ipak pornografija - uz to ne baš previše nadahnuta. Roman se svodi na scene seksa (od 5 do 30 strana), između kojih je nešto dosadnjikavog filera. Jedno te isto se vrti iznova i iznova. Ona ga voli, želi, ali ne može da se privkne na spoznaju da njega zanima S&M. On se trudi da je pridobije, pokazuje periodično svoju mekšu stranu (trauma iz detinjstva je kriva za sve!), popušta - ali ne sasvim. Za roman od gotovo 550 stranica malo šta se dešava. Presipanje iz šupljeg u prazno. Verovatno je poenta u tim opisima seksa... Muški gledaju porniće, žene čitaju Pedeset nijansi... Svako na svoj način prazni se...
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"


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"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."

Anomander Rejk

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« Reply #1812 on: 08-07-2012, 08:00:51 »
Pročitao sam Lagunin prevod PREDESET NIJANSI - SIVA...  xrofl Kuda ide ovaj svet? Zar superbestseler ne bi trebalo da ima barem neke (minimalne) književne vrednosti? U poređenju sa ovim, Rowlingova je nedodirljivo božanstvo. Čak i tunjava Meyerova pokazuje neke znakove života... E L James je na dnu kace. Hajde, početak romana još i nekako. Kao neki ljubić sa kioska. Prijemčivo za čitanje, ako isključite mozak... Not my cup of tea, ali mogu da razumem ako neka usamljena duša nalazi nasladu u tome... Ali posle prve trećine, roman zapada u sve veće probleme... Ovo je čista pornografija, nešto malo leksički ublažena, ali ipak pornografija - uz to ne baš previše nadahnuta. Roman se svodi na scene seksa (od 5 do 30 strana), između kojih je nešto dosadnjikavog filera. Jedno te isto se vrti iznova i iznova. Ona ga voli, želi, ali ne može da se privkne na spoznaju da njega zanima S&M. On se trudi da je pridobije, pokazuje periodično svoju mekšu stranu (trauma iz detinjstva je kriva za sve!), popušta - ali ne sasvim. Za roman od gotovo 550 stranica malo šta se dešava. Presipanje iz šupljeg u prazno. Verovatno je poenta u tim opisima seksa... Muški gledaju porniće, žene čitaju Pedeset nijansi... Svako na svoj način prazni se...

Pročitao i ja... istog dana sam zajedno sa nekim drugim knjigama, prodao to njesra... ne mogu da verujem da je to zaludelo svet ?
 :x :x :x Najobičnija priča o S/M ( sado mazo ) odnosu, odnosu dominantnog i potčinjene, viđena već milion puta, pritom i sam taj sm odnos ništa posebno, čak prilično meko prikazan, i na kraju teška patetik limunada, gde se mučitelj naravno zaljubljuje u žrtvu i žrtva u mučitelja. Od 1 do 10, ovome bi dao čistu jedinicu.
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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« Reply #1813 on: 08-07-2012, 08:21:59 »
Ma, da... Kažem, pri samom početku mi je još i bilo simpatično, ali posle... Uz sve, knjiga je krajnje licemrna pošto u kombu prodaje zašećerenu "mračnu" ljubavnu priču a la Sumrak + S&M. Kao, eto, ona to sve radi zato što ga voli (a zašto ga voli? zato što mu pantalone vise na kukovima? zato što je lep, mlad i bogat?), a voli i on nju, ali starih (seksualnih) navika se teško odreći... Kristijan Grej je sadista, ali stalno strepi nad njenom doborobiti... A i "mučio" ju je, ne zna se... Uskratio je svojoj voljenoj da nosi gaćice prilikom posete njegovim roditeljima, uf, jaka stvar. To je glupavo isto koliko je i nehigijenski... I onda posle 500 strana dođe "vrhunac" romana i Anastazija Stil doboje šest puta kaišom po guzici i to je to. Inače, rečenica "Svrši, malena" se pojavljuje jedno 20 puta u romanu, ali bukvalno! Teško sranje.

Umesto ove bedastoće, preporučujem svima da pročitaju remek-delo Pauline Reage "Povest o O". Ista tema se obrađuje, ali hrabro i umetnički validno.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"

Anomander Rejk

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« Reply #1814 on: 08-07-2012, 08:59:57 »
Da, i to rešenje na kraju je više nego debilno, kada su njoj proradili pundravci pošto je dotični gospodin iskaišao po guzi. Sad shvatam zašto Scallop toliko govori priprema, priprema... dotična se razume u S/M odnos koliko i ja u kvantnu fiziku, verovatno se informisala iz nekih kiosk romana i kasnovečernjih programa. Odavno nisam pročitao nešto ovako plitko, površno i loše. Što je najgore ovo čudo izgleda ima još dva nastavka. Pretpostavljam da će u sledećem zameniti uloge, ona će možda njega kaišati po dupetu, a u zadnjem nastavku će verovatno prebroditi traume iz detinjstva, i živeti srećno do kraja života uz čopor dece.
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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« Reply #1815 on: 08-07-2012, 09:03:50 »
Srećom, ja nisam odvojio vreme da se bakćem sa tim romanom. Uhvatilo me je nešto da čitam SF ovih dana. Sem toga, živeo sam u zabludi da "Nijanse" sadrže makar nekakave elemente fantastike. Ovako, nisu mi zanimljive. Doduše, moram priznati da znam nekoliko veoma inteligentnih, načitanih i veoma uspešnih poslovnih žena (ajde da ne imenujemo imena, ali odlaze na prijeme u "Privrednik") kojima se roman dopao. Očigledno da tu ima nečega.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Mme Chauchat

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« Reply #1816 on: 08-07-2012, 09:14:47 »
Očigledno da tu ima nečega.
Verovatno ima nedovoljne izloženosti pornografiji u pubertetu, pa sad ovo deluje kao otkriće. :evil: Bolje im preporuči Anais Nin.
Kunac, i meni je padala Priča o O na pamet kao čisti kontrast Nijansama. Jedan moj drug pravi sledeću distinkciju između erotike i pornografije u književnosti: "erotika je zanimljiva, pornografija je dosadna"; i da znaš da mislim da je u pravu i da se to na primeru ove dve knjige lako može potvrditi.


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« Reply #1817 on: 08-07-2012, 09:23:16 »
Ja inače preporučujem Anais Nin, a bogami i Pjera Luisa. :)

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Mme Chauchat

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« Reply #1818 on: 08-07-2012, 09:28:17 »
E, do njega još nisam stigla, znači, preporučuješ?


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« Reply #1819 on: 08-07-2012, 09:30:37 »
Već je skovana sintagma 'mommy porn'. Ona savršeno odgovara ovom romanu. U suštini, ovo je, posle prvih 100 stranica gotovo pa gonzo.

Uvod (upoznavanje Anastazije Stil i Kristijana Greja) se proteže na nekih 120 strana. U tom delu nema seksa. Anastazija je, uostalom, nevina! E, onda je Kristijan dohvati i ne pušta.

Kažem, ima nešto malo vezivnog tkiva između scena seksa, ali ne puno. Uglavnom to vezivno tkivo i služi da bi se podigla tenzija pred novi koitus. Što se samih opisa seksa tiče, oni su priča za sebe.

U krug se vrte rečenice: "Ti si moja, samo moja"; "Imaš savršenu kožu", "Svrši, malena", "Ne stidi se, Ana, pokaži mi", "Tako dobro mirišeš", "Znači hoćeš da te ponovo jebem?", "Ja ne vodim ljubav, ja tucam", "Oseti moj ukus", "Tako je dobro u tebi",  "Hoću da te jebem u usta, Anastazija. Uskoro ću to i učiniti".

Kristijan mora da verbalizuje sve što radi Anastaziji, ili šta namerava da joj uradi.

Pripovedanje je u prvom licu, pa smo "počašćeni" Anastazijinim razmišljanjima. "Unutrašnja boginja" (šta god to značilo) se pominje bar 100 puta. Takođe, napisao sam već da je Anastazija fascinirana kako Kristijanu stoje farmerke, a takođe ima fiksaciju njegovom kosom (stalno želi da je razbaruši, mada on to ne voli). Pošto je Kristijan razdeviči, Anastazija postaje nezasita - stalno je napaljena i spremna za seks. Da ne bi ispala droljasta, James stalno opisuje kako se Anastazja creveni od stida - što je ne prečava da sve radnje radi.

Zanimljiv je odabir leksike. Glagol "jebati" je čest, ali se ne pominju reči kao što su "pička" ili "kurac", već se umesto njih koriste "tamo dole" i "ud" (često u kombinaciji sa pridevima "tvrd" i "ukrućen"). Isključivo su opisivani seksualni odnosi Ane i Kristijana, insistria se na mongamiji. Pretpostavljam da ovaj pristup prija damama. Kao, čitaju nešto što je kinky (zapravo je kvazi-kinky, ali nema veze...), ali je to u radu pošto se Ana i Kristijan istinski vole. On je samo malo perverzan, već će ga ona "izlečiti"...
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"

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« Reply #1820 on: 08-07-2012, 12:46:18 »
Lori Peni, feministkinja, radikalna levičarka, Engleskinja mojih godina, napisala je apropo Nijansi sledeći članak:
Blijedi čovjek na tragu pervertita.
To je ta nezadrživa napaljenost mladosti.
Dušman u odsustvu Dušmana.


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« Reply #1821 on: 08-07-2012, 13:17:08 »

Kažem, ima nešto malo vezivnog tkiva između scena seksa, ali ne puno. Uglavnom to vezivno tkivo i služi da bi se podigla tenzija pred novi koitus.

Kao što smo već pričali, po tvom opisu ovo mi liči na ono kako Umberto Eko definiše pornjavu (on je u principu pričao o filmu, ali princip je isti): pošto niko ne bi izdržao da sve vreme ide samo seks, mora da se umetne i nešto između scena kresanja, a kako nema stvarno šta da se umetne, onda se ubace potpuno banalne stvari (neko ide od mesta A do mesta B i to traje sto godina sa gomilom nikome zanimljivih detalja, podjednako bitni beskrajni razgovori...) koje traju nenormalno dugo, da se raja napali dok čeka na novu scenu seksa. Eko je potom rekao da, gde god da ima da neko od aktera sto godina ide od mesta A do mesta B a da se pritom ama baš ništa značajno ne dešava, to jest gde god ima takvog praznog hoda, to je pornjava.  :evil:

Nisam čitala Pedeset nijansi, pa ne znam koliko bi ovaj opis mogao da se primeni na tu knjigu.
We're all mad here.

Mme Chauchat

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« Reply #1822 on: 08-07-2012, 13:18:03 »
Volim kad ljudi brane nešto čemu nije neophodna odbrana (zar je zaista neophodno leta 2012. kukati kako i žene imaju pravo na pornografiju?), a posebno kad to rade klimavo i navodnim argumentom u svoju korist otkriju suštinsku slabu tačku - ovo je za mene krucijalno:

If you're not familiar with fan fiction, or "fanfic", please just take my
word for it that there are countless thousands of men, women and girls out there
on the internet – mostly women, mostly young women, and some of them extremely
young women – writing and sharing long, dirty stories set in their favourite
fictional universes, from Harry Potter to Buffy and
Twilight. These stories tend to place beloved characters in sweaty
pairings that make private sexual fantasies a community experience – readers
comment on and critique one other's work, correcting the most anatomically
implausible details and discussing the ins and outs and ins and outs of possible
scenarios at breathless length.
jer jesam upoznata sa fanfikšnom i odgovorno tvrdim da ima mnogo bolje napisanog, erotičnijeg, transgresivnijeg i u kom god pogledu hoćeš kvalitetnijeg fanfikšna od ovog ovde.

EDIT: ovo je iz onog Japeovog linka.


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« Reply #1823 on: 08-07-2012, 13:22:10 »
Elem. "Bludne kćeri"... Našao sam dobar blog koji govori o njima...

Poslednji put sam Luisov roman čitao krajem osnovne škole, kao i ostale u toj ediciji, doduše, ali ostao mi je u prijatnom sećanju, da tako kažem. :)
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Father Jape

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« Reply #1824 on: 09-07-2012, 09:18:24 »
Blijedi čovjek na tragu pervertita.
To je ta nezadrživa napaljenost mladosti.
Dušman u odsustvu Dušmana.


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« Reply #1825 on: 09-07-2012, 09:27:29 »
Sum, ergo cogito, ergo dubito.

Father Jape

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« Reply #1826 on: 09-07-2012, 11:11:00 »
Sad nešto mislim... Jevtropijevićka, što ti ne bi lepo sela i pod pseudonimom napisala jedan erotski roman? Bolji, razume se, od Nijansi, ali svejedno dovoljno pitak da srpske čitateljke navale na nj kao... ehm, ubacite adekvatno poređenje. Plasiraš lepo Laguni, i dok trepneš okom bi, uveren sam, za svakog Deksinog čitaoca ti imala dve. -.-
Blijedi čovjek na tragu pervertita.
To je ta nezadrživa napaljenost mladosti.
Dušman u odsustvu Dušmana.


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« Reply #1827 on: 09-07-2012, 11:36:47 »
Nijanse nisu erotski roman. U pitanju je pornografija.
"zombi je mali žuti cvet"

Mme Chauchat

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« Reply #1828 on: 09-07-2012, 13:37:34 »
Sad nešto mislim... Jevtropijevićka, što ti ne bi lepo sela i pod pseudonimom napisala jedan erotski roman? Bolji, razume se, od Nijansi, ali svejedno dovoljno pitak da srpske čitateljke navale na nj kao... ehm, ubacite adekvatno poređenje. Plasiraš lepo Laguni, i dok trepneš okom bi, uveren sam, za svakog Deksinog čitaoca ti imala dve. -.-
Šta da ti kažem, zasićeno je tržište uspješnicama a i kad bih ja ovakva pisala erotiku, to... to bi bilo kraaajnje dosadno. Bolje podastri Krljiću tu ponudu, on je čovek stručnjak.  :lol: :lol: :lol:

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« Reply #1829 on: 09-07-2012, 13:41:27 »
Pih, Mehmetovo muževno pero, premda potkovano i prekaljeno, ne bi nikad moglo proći kao žensko pismo.
Blijedi čovjek na tragu pervertita.
To je ta nezadrživa napaljenost mladosti.
Dušman u odsustvu Dušmana.

Mme Chauchat

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« Reply #1830 on: 09-07-2012, 13:49:13 »
Eh, sad, imaj poverenja u Mehu. Blaženi koji ne vidješe a vjerovaše!


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« Reply #1831 on: 10-07-2012, 08:59:44 »
Dok vi tako jedno drugo nutkate na kojekakva spill the beans posrnuca :twisted: , evo pa citajte nesto vredno citanja:

Plume will republish three erotica books that Anne Rice published in the 1980s under the pen name, A.N. Roquelaure.
The erotic trilogy revisits the Sleeping Beauty fairytale, imagining that a handsome Prince  awakens Beauty to a life of “complete and total enslavement to him.”
Coming on July 11th, books are The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, Beauty’s Punishment and Beauty’s Release. Rice also wrote a new preface for the book, defending erotica and talking about the series.
Here’s an excerpt from the preface:>As a feminist, I’m very much supportive of equal rights for women in all walks of life. And that includes for me the right of every woman to write out her sexual fantasies and to read books filled with sexual fantasies that she enjoys. Men have always enjoyed all kinds of pornography. How can it be wrong for women to have the same right? We’re sexual beings! And fantasy is where we can do the things we can’t do in ordinary life. A woman has a right to imagine herself carried away by a handsome prince, and to choose for herself as she writes, the color of his hair and eyes, and imagine his silky voice. She has a right to make him as tall as she wants and as strong as he wants. Why not? Men have always allowed themselves such fantasies.


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« Reply #1832 on: 10-07-2012, 10:31:11 »
Onomad sam pročitao odličan SF iz prošle godine. Reč je o prvom romanu u trilogiji i prijao mi je neverovatno. Odličan SF sa vojno-antiutopijskom tematikom. U neku ruku, ovaj roman bi se mogao opisati kao "Večiti rat" na steroidima i omaž koji autor daje Haldemanu je više nego očigledan. Prvi naslov u trilogiji (serijalu?) objavljen je prošle godine, drugi u martu ove godine, a treći će biti objavljen krajem ovog meseca.

Germline (The Subterrene War) by T.C. McCarthy

Germline (n.) the genetic material contained in a cellular lineage which can be passed to the next generation. Also: secret military program to develop genetically engineered super-soldiers (slang).War is Oscar Wendell's ticket to greatness. A reporter for The Stars and Stripes, he has the only one way pass to the front lines of a brutal war over natural resources buried underneath the icy, mineral rich mountains of Kazakhstan.But war is nothing like he expected. Heavily armored soldiers battle genetically engineered troops hundreds of meters below the surface. The genetics-the germline soldiers-are the key to winning this war, but some inventions can't be un-done. Some technologies can't be put back in the box.Kaz will change everything, not least Oscar himself. Hooked on a dangerous cocktail of adrenaline and drugs, Oscar doesn't find the war, the war finds him.

Exogene (The Subterrene War) by T.C. McCarthy

Exogene (n.): factor or agent (as a disease-producing organism) from outside the organism or system. Also: classified Russian program to merge proto-humanoids with powered armor systems (slang).Catherine is a soldier. Fast, strong, lethal, she is the ultimate in military technology. She's a monster in the body of an eighteen year old girl. Bred by scientists, grown in vats, indoctrinated by the government, she and her sisters will win this war, no matter the cost.And the costs are high. Their life span is short; as they age they become unstable and they undergo a process called the spoiling. On their eighteenth birthday they are discharged. Lined up and shot like cattle.But the truth is, Catherine and her sisters may not be strictly human, but they're not animals. They can twist their genomes and indoctrinate them to follow the principles of Faith and Death, but they can't shut off the part of them that wants more than war. Catherine may have only known death, but she dreams of life and she will get it at any cost. (2012)

Chimera (The Subterrene War) by T.C. McCarthy

Escaped Germline soldiers need to be cleaned up, and Stan Resnick is the best man for the job. A job that takes him to every dark spot and every rat hole he can find.Operatives from China and Unified Korea are gathering escaped or stolen Russian and American genetics, and there are reports of new biological nightmares: half-human things, bred to live their entire lives encased in powered armor suits.Stan fights to keep himself alive and out of prison while he attempts to capture a genetic, one who will be able to tell them everything they need to know about this new threat, the one called "Project Sunshine."Chimera is the third and final volume of The Subterrene War Trilogy which tells the story of a single war from the perspective of three different combatants. The first two volumes GERMLINE and EXOGENE are available now.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Father Jape

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« Reply #1833 on: 10-07-2012, 19:31:09 »
Neki izdavač (Publicity Director at Random House UK) tvituje:

Fifty Shades of Grey is now the bestselling British book for adults since records began. *spins out*

Sales of the 50 Shades trilogy last week were almost twice as high as the sales of the next bestselling 1,000 paperback novels combined

Sad mislim... veliki broj čitalaca sigurno ne želi da zadrži knjigu nakon što je jednom pročitaju... tako da me ne bi čudilo da se praktično novi primerci mogu nabaviti u radnjama za polovne knjige za maksimalno pola funte.
Blijedi čovjek na tragu pervertita.
To je ta nezadrživa napaljenost mladosti.
Dušman u odsustvu Dušmana.


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« Reply #1834 on: 11-07-2012, 10:22:29 »
Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer

Seemingly nothing in this world daunts the young criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl. In the fairy world, however, there is a small thing that has gotten under his skin on more than one occasion: Opal Koboi. In The Last Guardian, the evil pixie is wreaking havoc yet again. This time his arch rival has reanimated dead fairy warriors who were buried in the grounds of Fowl Manor. Their spirits have possessed Artemis’s little brothers, making his siblings even more annoying than usual. The warriors don’t seem to realize that the battle they were fighting when they died is long over. Artemis has until sunrise to get the spirits to vacate his brothers and go back into the earth where they belong. Can he count on a certain LEPrecon fairy to join him in what could well be his last stand?New York Times best-selling author and comic genius Eoin Colfer will leave Artemis Fowl fans gasping up to the very end of this thrilling finale to the blockbuster series.

Novi Kolferov roman o Artemisu Faulu, zločinačkom genijalcu iz Irske, od ovog meseca je u prodaji. Poslednji roman o Artemisu koji sam ja čitao bio je neposredno pre "Vremenskog paradoksa". Prestao sam da pratim ovaj serijal upravo zbog tog romana, pošto sam alergičan na putovanja kroz vreme, dane mrmota i slične pojave, pa sam obavezno preskako i obavezne epizode raznih Star trekova koje se bave tim hepeninzima. Elem, Artemisa sam jako voleo i činilo mi se da se Kolfer u poslednjih nekoliko romana prilično poboljšao. Laguna je, koliko vidim, propustila da objavi sedmi roman u serijalu, a ne znam kakvi su im planovi, ali Kolferovi romani jesu veoma dobri da upoznaju mlađe čitaoce sa fantastikom, tako da bi bila šteta da se serijal o Artemisu ne isprati do kraja.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1835 on: 18-07-2012, 22:43:45 »
Na kraju se pominje i 50 Shades of Gray...  :lol:

My First Job: Porn Dealer for Old Women
We're all mad here.


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« Reply #1836 on: 20-07-2012, 00:21:54 »
E ovako, nije me dugo bilo, pošto sam paralelno završavao tri prevoda, a usput sam se i venčavao. No, sada je sa većim delom posla završeno, pa imam vremena i za forum.

Elem, ovog meseca je izašlo dosta toga zanimljivog, što sam ranije čitao u ARC varijanti. Najpre bih voleo da skrenem pažnju na novi roman Ven Spenser, koji je završila nakon duže bolesti (da tako kažem). Reč je o

Elfhome by Wen Spencer

Book Three of the Elfhome series, the follow-up to exciting Wolf Who Rules and the award-winning fantasy-SF novel that started it all, Tinker.Elfhome.  A world of powerful magic, beautiful elves, man-eating trees, frost-breathing wargs, and god-like dragons.  Pittsburgh.  A city that has been stranded deep in virgin elfin forest to stave off an invasion by the merciless oni.  Its population of sixty thousand humans and a handful of elves are pitted in war that will only end in genocide.  Winter is coming.  Supplies are running low.  All political ties are fraying.  Hidden somewhere in Pittsburgh's crumbling neighborhoods, a vanguard of oni are growing in number and attacking from the shadows. 
And children are disappearing.
Girl genius Tinker was once a human orphan, growing up on the Pittsburgh streets.  Now she's an elf princess with all the bells and whistles.  She rules over a melting pot of humans, elves, half-oni, and the crow-like tengu.  Prejudices are rampant, pitting even the elves against each other.  Hoverbike races, concerts of rock and roll fused with elf music, and artist communes of human and elves are proof that Pittsburgh can be a place where races and species can meet and meld in freedom. 
Tinker is determined to make her city a place of such freedom.  She's going to have to kick butt and take names.  And she has to do it quickly.  Seven elf children are already missing -- and the oni eat their prisoners when they outlive their usefulness.
Tinker uncovers ancient secrets and a web of betrayal as she searches for the children.  The oni will stop at nothing to win, so neither can she.  At five foot nothing, Tinker's greatest weapon has always been her intelligence.  Politics, she discovers, is a battle of wits, and she's heavily armed.

Kao što je počesto slučaj sa Bejnovim naslovnicama, ova vizuelno ima veoma malo veze sa knjigom koju ilustruje, premda tematski možda i može da se kaže da opisuje radnju Elfhome-a. Ven Spenser inače piše veoma zabavno i vispreno, vešto kombinujući motive iz više kultura, oslanjajući se u velikoj meri na japansku popularnu kulturu, ali i na rusku - recimo - i uopšte predstavlja osveženje u odnosu na anglocentrični SF, kakav je dominantno prisutan u Bejnovom izdavačkom planu.

Još jedan roman koji sam ranije spominjao, a objavljen je ovog meseca je i

War Maid's Choice by David Weber

In Wind Rider’s Oath, Bahzell became a wind rider—the first hradani wind rider in history. And, even if Bahzell is the War God’s champion, because the wind riders are the elite of the elite among the Sothoii, Bahzell’s ascension is as likely to stir resentment as respect. What’s more, Baron Tellian’s daughter, the heir to the realm, seems to be thinking that he is the only man—or hradani—for her. Now, War Maid’s Choice continues the story—and things really get complicated.“. . . irresistibly entertaining. . . .” —Publishers Weekly
“. . . fun adventure full of noble steeds, fierce female fighters, dark sorcery, serious swordplay, and plenty of tongue-in-cheek banter.” —Locus
“. . . when Weber gets down to action, he’s hard to beat . . . a rollicking adventure that kept me turning the pages.” —SF Review Central

Ovo je Veberov povratak epskoj fantastici. Da se razumemo, Pisanje u ovom serijalu je otprilike na nivou D&D romana - ali zabavnih i dobro napisanih D&D romana. Veberovo pisanje je poslednjih godina posrnulo i War Maid's Choice se u tome ne razlikuje od ostalih njegovih romana. Veber svoje romane opterećuje prepričavanjima događaja iz prethodnih, kao i preteranim objašnjavanjem čitaocu šta se to zapravo dešava. Pisac sa početka njegove karijere gotovo da ne može da se prepozna, ali ipak je reč o jednom velikom SF piscu, koji ima sjajne ideje i odličan jezik. Poslednjih godina se pokazalo da mu bolje ide u kolaboracijama, kada mlađi saradnik kontroliše njegove digresije. Bilo kako bilo, Vebera volim inače, a ovaj serijal posebno i radujem se svakom novom nastavku.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1837 on: 21-07-2012, 01:52:32 »
Cestitam  xcheers


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« Reply #1838 on: 21-07-2012, 01:53:14 »
Hej, hvala! :)

Moglo bi se reći da je i to jedna nova knjiga. :)
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« Reply #1839 on: 22-07-2012, 23:10:56 »
Mark Čaran Njutn je završio svoje "Legende o Crvenom suncu". Meni nikako nije pošlo za rukom da pročitam prvi roman. Njutnov jezik me odbija u toj meri da mi ne polazi za rukom da se koncentrišem na njegov world building, koji je prema kritičarima izvanredan. No, kako ne postoji doslovce nijedna loša kritika ove tetralogije, biće da je problem u meni, a ne u piscu.

The Broken Isles by Mark Charan Newto

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« Reply #1840 on: 25-07-2012, 17:52:26 »
Nastavak Aberkrombijeve "Oštrice" je u lekturi; nastavak "Runa" Džoane Haris ide u prevod; "Legenda" Dejvida Gemela je u prevodu; "Heroj doba" Brendona Sandersona je zaglavljen u štampariji; nastavak "Noći demona" Pitera Breta je pred štampanjem, kao i nastavak Dankanovog "Poslednjeg vukodlaka". "Oluja na obzorju" ulazi u lekturu za dve nedelje.
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« Reply #1841 on: 25-07-2012, 17:54:43 »
A Eriksonov treći deo, i Wiliamsov Toranj zelenog anđela ?
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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« Reply #1842 on: 25-07-2012, 17:56:39 »
Ah, da. Malazan 3 je takođe pred štampom, a za Vilijamsa ne znam.
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« Reply #1843 on: 25-07-2012, 22:57:50 »
Pred kraj ovog meseca, istakao bih dva romana koja su se pojavila:

The Coldest War by Ian Tregillis

In Ian Tregillis' The Coldest War, a precarious balance of power maintains the peace between Britain and the USSR. For decades, Britain's warlocks have been all that stands between the British Empire and the Soviet Union—a vast domain stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the English Channel. Now each wizard's death is another blow to Britain's national security.
Meanwhile, a brother and sister escape from a top-secret facility deep behind the Iron Curtain. Once subjects of a twisted Nazi experiment to imbue ordinary people with superhuman abilities, then prisoners of war in the immense Soviet research effort to reverse-engineer the Nazi technology, they head for England. 
Because that's where former spy Raybould Marsh lives. And Gretel, the mad seer, has plans for him.
As Marsh is once again drawn into the world of Milkweed, he discovers that Britain's darkest acts didn't end with the war. And while he strives to protect queen and country, he is forced to confront his own willingness to accept victory at any cost.

kao i

Thieftaker by D. B. Jackson

  Boston, 1767: In D.B. Jackson's Thieftaker, revolution is brewing as the British Crown imposes increasingly onerous taxes on the colonies, and intrigue swirls around firebrands like Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty. But for Ethan Kaille, a thieftaker who makes his living by conjuring spells that help him solve crimes, politics is for others…until he is asked to recover a necklace worn by the murdered daughter of a prominent family.
Suddenly, he faces another conjurer of enormous power, someone unknown, who is part of a conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of power in the turbulent colony. His adversary has already killed—and not for his own gain, but in the service of his powerful masters, people for whom others are mere pawns in a game of politics and power. Ethan is in way over his head, and he knows it. Already a man with a dark past, he can ill afford to fail, lest his livelihood be forfeit. But he can't stop now, for his magic has marked him, so he must fight the odds, even though he seems hopelessly overmatched, his doom seeming certain at the spectral hands of one he cannot even see.

The Coldest War je nastavak romana Bitter Seeds, jednog od po meni najboljih romana alternativne istorije, koji je uspešno ukombinovao naučnu i mračnu fantastiku. Ovaj drugi je veliki miljenik internet-kritike, tako da mu se unapred radujem.
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« Reply #1844 on: 27-07-2012, 19:35:04 »
Ovog meseca se pojavilo i nekoliko zanimljivih antologija

The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2012 Edition edited by Rich Horton

This fourth volume of the year's best science fiction and fantasy features thirty stories by some of the genre's greatest authors, including Jonathan Carroll, Neil Gaiman, Kij Johnson, Kelly Link, Paul McAuley, RJ Parker, Robert Reed, Rachel Swirsky, Catherynne M. Valente, and many others. Selecting the best fiction from Asimov's, F&SF, Strange Horizons, Subterranean,, and other top venues, The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy is your guide to magical realms and worlds beyond tomorrow.

The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Ninth Annual Collection edited by Gardner Dozois

In the new millennium, what secrets lay beyond the far reaches of the universe? What mysteries belie the truths we once held to be self evident? The world of science fiction has long been a porthole into the realities of tomorrow, blurring the line between life and art. Now, in The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Ninth Annual Collection the very best SF authors explore ideas of a new world. This venerable collection brings together short stories from award winning authors and masters of the field such as Robert Reed, Alastair Reynolds, Damien Broderick, Elizabeth Bear, Paul McAuley and John Barnes. And with an extensive recommended reading guide and a summation of the year in science fiction, this annual compilation has become the definitive must-read anthology for all science fiction fans and readers interested in breaking into the genre.

Veoma mi je zanimljivo to što je Džonatan Kerol urednik prve zbirke. Njega veoma cenim kao pisca i "Zemlja smeha" mi je jedan od najdražih romana objavljenih u Monolitima. Verovatno ću se baciti na ovu zbirku čim pročitam Ash.
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« Reply #1845 on: 31-07-2012, 00:04:01 »
Ovo mi hajpuju kao neopevani hit:

Year Zero by Rob Reid

  An alien advance party was suddenly nosing around my planet.
 Worse, they were lawyering up. . . .
In the hilarious tradition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Rob Reid takes you on a headlong journey through the outer reaches of the universe—and the inner workings of our absurdly dysfunctional music industry.
 Low-level entertainment lawyer Nick Carter thinks it’s a prank, not an alien encounter, when a redheaded mullah and a curvaceous nun show up at his office. But Frampton and Carly are highly advanced (if bumbling) extraterrestrials. And boy, do they have news.
 The entire cosmos, they tell him, has been hopelessly hooked on humanity’s music ever since “Year Zero” (1977 to us), when American pop songs first reached alien ears. This addiction has driven a vast intergalactic society to commit the biggest copyright violation since the Big Bang. The resulting fines and penalties have bankrupted the whole universe. We humans suddenly own everything—and the aliens are not amused.
 Nick Carter has just been tapped to clean up this mess before things get ugly, and he’s an unlikely galaxy-hopping hero: He’s scared of heights. He’s also about to be fired. And he happens to have the same name as a Backstreet Boy. But he does know a thing or two about copyright law. And he’s packing a couple of other pencil-pushing superpowers that could come in handy.
 Soon he’s on the run from a sinister parrot and a highly combustible vacuum cleaner. With Carly and Frampton as his guides, Nick now has forty-eight hours to save humanity, while hopefully wowing the hot girl who lives down the hall from him.

“Hilarious, provocative, and supersmart, Year Zero is a brilliant novel to be enjoyed in perpetuity in the known universe and in all unknown universes yet to be discovered.”—John Hodgman, resident expert, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1846 on: 01-08-2012, 10:50:43 »
Ovog meseca svašta nešto lepo. Na prvom mestu, novi roman nove nade ženskog fantazijskog pera:

Wrayth (A Book of the Order) by Philippa Ballantine

Blurb još nije dostupan, iako je predviđeno da roman bude objavljen krajem ovog meseca. Inače treći nastavak u serijalu koji je proslavio ovu novozelandsku autorku, Wrayth je smešten u fantazijski svet, obilato začinjen elementima stimpanka. Balantajnino pisanje u izvesnoj meri podseća na urbanu fantastiku, što je inače odlika novog talasa stimpanka, ali joj je jezik veoma dobar i nije sklona naduvanim emotivnim izlivima, koji su postali kamen oko vrata urbane fantastike. Rekao bih da najviše podseća na Džima Bučera, ali nisam siguran koliko bi to za Balantajnovu bilo pohvala. Kao i svi autori iz Asutraloazije, Balantajnova se bavi novim temama i ima originalan i maštovit i svet i izraz, pa je zato veoma preporučujem ljubiteljima kako stimpanka, tako i urbane i klasične fantazije.

Drugi roman kojem se radujem je

King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

  In Book One of the Broken Empire, Mark Lawrence brought to life the “morbidly gripping”* (Publishers Weekly) story of a boy in search of power and vengeance. Now, in King of Thorns, that boy’s journey into manhood takes him to the dark depths waiting within his soul…

The boy who would be King has gained the throne...

 Prince Honorious Jorg Ancrath vowed when he was nine to avenge his slaughtered mother and brother—and punish his father for not doing so. When he was fifteen, he began to fulfill that vow. Now he is eighteen—and he must hold on by strength of arms to what he took by torture and treachery.

 King Jorg is a man haunted: by the ghost of a young boy, by a mysterious copper box, by his desire for the woman who rides with his enemy. Plagued by nightmares of the atrocities he committed, and of the atrocities committed against him when he was a child, he is filled with rage. And even as his need for revenge continues to consume him, twenty thousand men march toward the gates of his castle. His enemy is far stronger than him. Jorg knows that he cannot win a fair fight.

 But he has found, in a chamber hidden beneath the castle, ancient and long-lost artifacts. Some might call them magic. Jorg is not certain—all he knows is that the secrets they hold can be put to terrible use in the coming battle...

Prvi roman u ovom serijalu, The Prince of Thorns, prošle godine je dočekan kao najbolji fantazijski prvenac za dugo vremena. Zapravo, takav hajp nisam video još od Sandersonovog "Elantrisa". Međutim, kasnije su ga poklopili Among Thieves i Low Town. Ipak, The Prince of Thorns je ostao upamćen kao izvanredna postapokaliptična - iako svedena - storija o osveti i bezobzirnosti. U neku ruku, Lorens je nastavljač Aberkrombijevog mutiranog podražavanja Martina, ali njegov protagonista je dopadljiviji od Aberkrombijevih - možda zato što je u prvoj knjizi dete. U svakom slučaju, videćemo da li je Lorens samo imao sreće sa svojim prvim romanom, ili je zaista reč o novoj nadi žanra.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666


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« Reply #1847 on: 01-08-2012, 11:50:16 »
mmm kolko već ima knjiga koje se zovu "king of thorns"?
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.


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« Reply #1848 on: 01-08-2012, 11:52:29 »
Ja znam za dve - Kizovu, koju sam ja prevodio, i ovu. Doduše, u obe knjige ot "of thorns" ima smisla i potrebe. U slučaju Lorensove knjige, protagonista je upao u neko mutirano trnje, koje mu je pokidalo kožu i meso, ali ga je i sakrilo od ubica koji su mu zaklali majku i brata, tako da je svojevrsna metafora.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1849 on: 01-08-2012, 14:39:04 »
Prince of thornes je zabavna knjiga, ali totalno uprošćena, bukvalno je razvijen samo glavni lik, ostali totalno neupečatljivi, a ni svet nije nešto razrađen. Nisam razumeo hype.

Among thieves je vrhunski, i zabavniji je, i ima originalniju priču...