Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763791 times)

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« Reply #1900 on: 22-08-2012, 22:52:10 »
Bolje da se pazi, daleko da je mlad, a ni holesterol mu ne ide na ruku. Ja sam se sve nadao da ce upravo zbog serije i ubrzati malo pisanje.

Kad smo kod Martina, a znam da se razumes jel mozes da mi objasnis koncept Wild cards- a, jel ne moraju sve od pocetka da se citaju, da li sam dobro razumeo da su to sve po tri vezane knjige?
"Man takes up the sword to protect the small injuries that burdened his heart, on a distant day beyond his memories.
Man wields the sword to die with a smile on his face, on a distant day


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« Reply #1901 on: 22-08-2012, 23:17:30 »
Zavisi odakle želiš da počneš sa čitanjem.

Ali da ja počnem od početka. Wild Cards su mahom mozaički romani. Dakle, kao ASoIaF, ali kao kada bi svaki point of view pisao drugi pisac. Meni je, inače, najdraže ono što je pisao Zelazni. Ima nekoliko romana u tom nizu koji su izuzetak po tome što ih je pisao jedan autor. Wild Cards se, uz nekoliko izuzetaka, sastoji od niza trilogija, koje obrađuju šire teme. Svaka trilogija je smeštena u jedan po nečemu zanimljiv period ljudske istorije, na primer vreme Vijetnamskog rata. Ako ne želiš da čitaš serijal od početka, u principu je dovoljno da počneš od The Committee trilogije, koju objavljuje Tor. To su Inside Straight, Busted Flush i Suicide Kings. Već da bi čitao Fort Freak morao bi da pročitaš starije naslove. Tor je uradi reprint prvog romana u serijalu, koji nosi naslov Wild Cards, i moja je preporuka da kreneš od njega. Te starije knjige danas deluju pomalo naivno, ali likovi u njima su toliko živopisni i evociraju stripovske superjunake (i manje super), da je neizmerno uživanje čitati ih. Što se mene tiče, Wild Cards su mi pomogli da ostanem normalan u jednom veoma teškom trenutku u životu, a onda su mi pomogli i finansijski - pošto sam prodao svoju kolekciju za velike pare. Dakle, to nije vrhunska fantastika, ali je od srca preporučujem - i to od prve knjige. Čak je više ok da neke kasnije preskočiš. Ako hoćeš, poslaću ti prvu u mobi formatu na neki mejl.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1902 on: 23-08-2012, 09:57:50 »
Trejler za Aberkrombijevu Red Country:

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« Reply #1903 on: 23-08-2012, 14:36:17 »
valjda ima laptop  :evil:

čini mi se da je bio u Zagrebu 2003.
prije nego je bio "relativno poznat širim narodnim masama"

inače samo da potvrdim da je lagunin marketing katastrofa...

neke knjige bukvalno iskoče u knjižari a stalno sam na njihovom sajtu i dobivam mejlove od njih

treba to malo razdrmat
Najjači forum na kojem se osjećam kao kod kuće i gdje uvijek mogu reći što mislim bez posljedica, mada ipak ne bih trebao mnogo pričati...


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« Reply #1904 on: 23-08-2012, 14:40:58 »
Vidi, kada govorimo o fantastici - teško. Em je reč o malim tiražima, sem u slučaju domaćih pisaca, em marketing department ne oseća nikakvu bliskost sa tim (ne samo u Laguni - svuda), em tu nema glamura i svetlosti reflektora. Ovako, šta izguramo preko blogova i foruma, izgurali smo. Sve se svodi na entuzijazam. Mislim, Laguni se ne isplati da štampa fantastiku makar samo zbog vremenskog slota u štampariji. Pazi, Dexin prvi roman je otišao u preko 35k primeraka što ja znam, možda i više. I kada to uporediš sa 2500 ili 3000 primeraka nekog Roberta Džordana (lupam - ne znam koliki je standardni tiraž, ali više od toga ne verujem da jeste), postavlja se pitanje što bi se neko maltretirao da to prevodi i objavljuje. Sva sreća pa pre svega Dejan Papić voli fantastiku.
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« Reply #1905 on: 23-08-2012, 15:43:39 »
Vidi, kada govorimo o fantastici - teško. Em je reč o malim tiražima, sem u slučaju domaćih pisaca, em marketing department ne oseća nikakvu bliskost sa tim (ne samo u Laguni - svuda), em tu nema glamura i svetlosti reflektora. Ovako, šta izguramo preko blogova i foruma, izgurali smo. Sve se svodi na entuzijazam. Mislim, Laguni se ne isplati da štampa fantastiku makar samo zbog vremenskog slota u štampariji. Pazi, Dexin prvi roman je otišao u preko 35k primeraka što ja znam, možda i više. I kada to uporediš sa 2500 ili 3000 primeraka nekog Roberta Džordana (lupam - ne znam koliki je standardni tiraž, ali više od toga ne verujem da jeste), postavlja se pitanje što bi se neko maltretirao da to prevodi i objavljuje. Sva sreća pa pre svega Dejan Papić voli fantastiku.
Vidim da se malo "pljuje" Laguna pa reko da se pridruzim. Meni ne ide u glavu, neki kazu da mi stosta ne ide u glavu ali obaska sada, da jednog Eriksona spremaju godinu dana: lektura prevod, stampanje (kolliko se secam bila je prica da je od juna u stampariji, da ce u avgustu objaviti i sl) a potom objave drugi nastavak 50 nijansi ili kako se vec zove u roku od 3 meseca od prvog dela sa sve najavom da ce 30.08 biti u prodaji :-x ... znam da govorimo o babama i zabama u ovom slucaju ali da je knjiga u stampariji je samo zamazivanje ociju sirokoj masi koja svakih par nedelja pita ili preoverava na fb-u sta je sa Eriskonom, Sandersonom, Dzordanom i sl...  :-x
(za zamazivanje ociju ne mislim na tebe Nightflier-u, cisto da budem jasan po tom pitanju, da slucajno/mozda/eventualno ne dodje do nepsorazuma/ nerazumevanja/sta vec...)
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« Reply #1906 on: 23-08-2012, 15:45:53 »
Bar ce Praceta uvek izdavati :-D

Ne pjujemo Lagunu, bez nje ne bi ni ovoliko imali koliko imamo, vec se prica o losem marketingu :)
"Man takes up the sword to protect the small injuries that burdened his heart, on a distant day beyond his memories.
Man wields the sword to die with a smile on his face, on a distant day


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« Reply #1907 on: 23-08-2012, 16:16:07 »
Bar ce Praceta uvek izdavati :-D

Ne pjujemo Lagunu, bez nje ne bi ni ovoliko imali koliko imamo, vec se prica o losem marketingu :)

nije pljuvanje u klasicnom smilsu te reci, stoga je u mom post-u pomenuta rec pod navodnicima  :lol:

u potpunosti se slazem za marketing i sl, ali je prava steta zamajavati ljude na taj nacin... ja sam se, mogu reci bukvalno, navukao na prevod Eriksona i mislim da bi mi bilo malo teze da krenem da nastavim da citam na engleskom ako ukinu serijal kao sto su uradili sa nekim sf serijalima ili kao sto su neke druge izdavacke kuce bile prinudjene da urade...
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« Reply #1908 on: 23-08-2012, 16:17:56 »
Laguna ga sasvim sigurno neće ukinuti. Mora se priznati da objavljivanje u ovom slučaju kasni zbog privatnih stvar lektorke koja radi prvu ruku. Živi smo ljudi i svašta može da se desi. I poslednji Sanderson je kasnio dva meseca zbog moje bolesti. Džebiga.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1909 on: 23-08-2012, 21:17:21 »
 Guy Gavriel Kay je završio River of Stars, roman smešten u isti svet kao njegov masterpis iz 2010. Under Heaven. Predviđeno je da roman bude objavljen narednog aprila.

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« Reply #1910 on: 23-08-2012, 21:43:03 »
Jupi!!!!  :lol:
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1911 on: 23-08-2012, 22:35:48 »
I ja sam se mnogo obradovao. Sa Under the Heaven, Kej me je kupio za sve pare.
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« Reply #1912 on: 23-08-2012, 22:57:33 »
Al si ti tesko kupljiv  xfrog Jos sa Fionavarom je bilo jasno sta se moze ocekivati a Lavovi su oduvali i poslednje oblacice sumnje :)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1913 on: 23-08-2012, 23:00:49 »
Pa, meni je Fionavar bio tek OK, a Sarantija, Lavovi i Svetlost mi ni najmanje nisu prijali.

Ima pisaca ili knjiga koje mi jednostavno ne leže u raznim trenucima, a onda se sklope kockice i zaljubim se u njih. Jebemliga.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1914 on: 24-08-2012, 05:42:47 »
Sarantija je ispala zesca smaracina, nisam ni drugi deo mogao da docitam. Koliko je drugacija Under the Heaven ?


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« Reply #1915 on: 24-08-2012, 05:45:18 »
Knjiga je spora. Daleko sporija od Sarantije. Međutim, moj je utisak bio da je reč o daleko originalnijem romanu - to pre svega, pošto mi je Sarantija bila prevelika kopija Justinijanovog uspona na vlast - i o romanu daleko lepšeg izraza i jezika.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1916 on: 24-08-2012, 12:05:48 »
 by Anna Gregson Today we can unveil the cover for one of the most exciting debut fantasy novels you’re going to see next year.
Presenting: FADE TO BLACK by the estimable Francis Knight, to be released worldwide by Orbit in February 2013.
We’d like to welcome you all to the fantasy world of Mahala. It’s a towering city that rises up from the deep, dark depths of a valley.
Mahala is built up in layers, not across – with streets piled upon streets, and buildings balancing precariously upon buildings. It’s a city that the Ministry rules from its lofty perch at the sunlit summit, and where the forsaken lurk in the shadowy depths of the Pit.
This compelling tale follows the story of Rojan Dizon – a bounty hunter who’s grown up in the shadows of Mahala. Everyone knows he’s a rogue, a womaniser, a shirker of all responsibility. But what they don’t know is that he’s also a pain-mage: someone able to draw magic from his own and other people’s pain. Rojan’s not keen on using his abilities, but when his niece is abducted and taken to the dark depths of the Pit, he’ll be forced to unleash his powers to find her.
We jumped at the chance to publish Fade to Black – because the world that Francis has created just blew us away. It’s both awe-inspiring and vertigo-inducing, and Rojan’s tale makes the story just un-damn-put-downable. Think of the murky atmosphere of Sin City, filled with the action and pace of Brent Weeks or Scott Lynch.
I could go on about it for days, but all you have to know is this: FADE TO BLACK is the fantasy debut to look out for next spring. So remember one and all: That season, black is most definitely back!
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1917 on: 24-08-2012, 13:26:13 »
Pazi kada me nimalo nisu kupili sa tim pozivanjem na Brenta Viksa. :) Ali deluje zanimljivo, moram priznati. Britanski autori, u koje počinjem da računam i pisce iz njihovih kolonija/dominiona, kao da imaju neki poriv da beže što dalje mogu od Tolkina. To često dovodi do veoma originalnih i zanimljivih postavki. Sad, ovo sa ogromnim gradom već je viđeno, ali ima tu prostora da ispadne nešto zanimljivo.

Nego, jesi li čitao Nights of Viljamur? Ja treći put počinjem i ne ide mi...
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« Reply #1918 on: 24-08-2012, 13:28:58 »
Ne, bas juce sam se lomio izmedju toga i N.K. Jemisinove pa sam se ipak odlucio za nju, ali ni zbog cega konkretno.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1919 on: 24-08-2012, 13:30:20 »
Vidiš, i ja bih mogao da je obnovim. Odnosno, prvu knjigu - pošto ostale nisam čitao. Ali spremam se za veliki re-read Malazana, sa sve Eslemontovim romanima. To ako odem na letovanje.
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« Reply #1920 on: 24-08-2012, 13:35:17 »
Ja se spremam za Malazan od izlaska 10. knjige. Ali svaki put kad pomislim da bih mogao da krenem zastanem pred zidom od tolikih knjiga. Mozda, da ih imam samo u elektronskom formatu, pa ne bih bio svestan koliko je to zapravo :)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1921 on: 24-08-2012, 13:36:31 »
I svake godine se umnožavaju. Onomad je izašao prvi Eriksonov prikvel, a uskoro će novi Eslemontov roman...
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« Reply #1922 on: 24-08-2012, 13:39:07 »
Pa dobro, imamo samo jos, kol'ko, 25-35 godina da giljamo do penzije :)
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1923 on: 24-08-2012, 13:39:51 »
Penzije? O, optimistični čoveče...
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« Reply #1924 on: 26-08-2012, 08:54:06 »
QQ, žalite se na vreme a vamo ponovo čitate knjige za koje ste već posle prvog čitanja ustvrdili da nisu vredne čitanja...  :shock: :lol:


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« Reply #1925 on: 26-08-2012, 11:06:36 »
Mislim da bar 10 godina nisam nista ponovio (sto mozda i nije tako pametno).
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1926 on: 26-08-2012, 11:55:54 »
Nisam mislila na tebe, naravno, nego na Najtflajera kad kaže da će ponovo da iščita Jemison, a svojedobno je smatrao da roman ne vredi ni jedno čitanje a kamoli dva.  :)

Završio sam The Windup Girl.

Razmišljam o tome da bacim pogled na prvenac N. K. Jemisin. Vredi li?

Ne. Premda mi se čini da je nastavak bolji. Krenuo sam da ga čitam, ali nisam odmakao daleko. Džejmisonova je u prvom romanu počela zanimljivo, ali na kraju nije pružila ništa što bi je izdvojilo od milion drugih pisaca. Doduše, mora se priznati da jezikom vlada bolje od... šta znam, Blejka Čarltona, recimo - ali to i nije neka preporuka. Ne može ni da prismrdi piscima kalibra Kej Kenjon, Kena Šolsa ili Krisa Vudinga. Eto ti ta tri kao preporuke. Na mom blogu imaš prikaze prva dva Šolsova romana, a upravo pišem Best Ov za 2010, pa ću postaviti link na forumu kada završim.

PS. inače, kad smo već kod ponavljanja, ja obnavljam Vulfa, ali tu bar nema dileme vredi li štivo obnavljanja ili ne.


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« Reply #1927 on: 26-08-2012, 12:55:47 »
Znaš kako, Libe - nekoliko puta mi se desilo da promenim mišljenje o raznim stvarima, a ne samo o knjigama, nakon što je prošlo nekoliko godina od trenutka kada sam ih prvi put iskusio. Takođe, nekoliko puta mi se dešavalo da određenu knjigu ne mogu da pročitam dalje od stote strane, jer me neviđeno smara - pa se onda nateram da prevalim tu granicu, i to mi postane jedan od najdažih naslova. Naravno, vrlo je verovatno da mišljenje neću promeniti, bar ne o toj prvoj knjizi, ali Džejmisonova se valjda promenila kao pisac i u međuvremenu je napisala još neke knjige. Sem toga, ona je postala prilično bitno ime gikovske kulture i rekao bih da je sada star opšte kulture biti upoznat sa njenim stvaralaštvom.
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« Reply #1928 on: 26-08-2012, 13:04:00 »
Ma naravno, i meni se to stalno dešava, a verujem i svakom ko uviđa da će ga svaka pročitana knjiga (baš kao i svako drugo životno iskustvo) promeniti, u ma kako sitnom uplivu. Otud se trudim da ne budem odveć decidirana u mišljenju, ili ako već to ne mogu, onda barem da ga ne nudim kao naizgled objektivan zaključak.  :) 


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« Reply #1929 on: 26-08-2012, 13:09:30 »
Pa dobro, mišljenje je mišljenje. Trebalo bi da bude čvrsto, u suprotnom smo povidljivi. Ali trebalo bi da bude i otvoreno prema novim uticajima i promenama, ili smo tvrdoglavi i zadrti, pa i bahati. Džebiga, treba tu naći neku sredinu. Valjda.
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« Reply #1930 on: 26-08-2012, 22:53:36 »
Premda sve živo nabavljam u elektronskom formatu, pre svega zbog nedostatka prostora, neke knjige ću ipak kupovati u materijalnom obliku - ali prevashodno u tvrdom povezu. Tu pre svega mislim na antologije koje Džordž Martin uređuje u saradnji sa Dozoisom (ili kako god da se izgovara). S obzirom na to da se one objavljuju ritmom od otprilike jedne godišnje, nije teško pratiti ih. S tim u vezi, Martin je objavio sadržaj ovogodišnje antologije:

>OLD MARS is a new anthology of science fiction and fantasy stories about Old Mars (not the real post-Mariner Mars, but the one we all loved as kids, with the canals and the dead cities and the various flavors of Martian).
The anthology will feature fifteen original, never-before-published short stories and novelettes, story notes and author intros by Gardner Dozois, and an introduction by George R.R. Martin.

  • “Martian Blood” by Allen M. Steele
  • “The Ugly Duckling” by Matthew Hughes
  • “The Wreck Of The Mars Adventure” by David D. Levine
  • “Swords Of Zar-tu-kan” by S.M. Stirling
  • “Shoals” by Mary Rosenblum
  • “In The Tombs Of The Martian Kings” by Mike Resnick
  • “Out Of Scarlight” by Liz Williams
  • “The Dead Sea-bottom Scrolls” by Howard Waldrop
  • “A Man Without Honor” by James S.A. Corey
  • “Written In Dust” by Melinda Snodgrass
  • “The Lost Canal” by Michael Moorcock
  • “The Sunstone” by Phyllis Eisenstein
  • “King Of The Cheap Romance” by Joe R. Lansdale
  • “Mariner” by Chris Roberson
  • “The Queen Of Night’s Aria” by Ian Mcdonald

Meni je kupovina obavezna zbog Stirlinga, naravno.

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« Reply #1931 on: 28-08-2012, 13:11:10 »
"Buđenje nemani", odnosno Leviathan Wakes - roman kojeg ja od milošte zovem "zombiji u svemiru" - a u prevodu Gorana Skrobonje nalazi se u fazi korekture, odnosno ispravljanja tipografskih grešaka. Rekao bih da to znači da će se vrlo brzo naći u štampi. Lagunin cilj je da i ovaj i još sijaset romana izbaci dobrano pre oktobarskog Sajma knjiga, ali uzevši u obzir da je "Heroj doba" već dva meseca u štampariji, malo strepim da se tu nešto ne iskomplikuje preko svake mere.

Elem, to je to. Neko me je još nešto pitao u vezi sa nekom knjigom, ali ne mogu da se setim ko i šta, tako da molim da se pitanja ponove, ako odgovori i dalje zanimaju radoznalce, pa ću se potruditi da rečene odgovore iščeprkam.
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« Reply #1932 on: 29-08-2012, 00:31:41 »
 Blades of Winter: A Novel of the Shadowstorm by G. T. Almasi

  In one of the most exciting debuts in years, G. T. Almasi has fused the intricate cat-and-mouse games of a John le Carré novel with the brash style of comic book superheroes to create a kick-ass alternate history that reimagines the Cold War as a clash of spies with biological, chemical, and technological enhancements.
 Nineteen-year-old Alix Nico, a self-described “million-dollar murder machine,” is a rising star in ExOps, a covert-action agency that aggressively shields the United States from its three great enemies: the Soviet Union, Greater Germany, and the Nationalist Republic of China. Rather than risk another all-out war, the four superpowers have poured their resources into creating superspies known as Levels.
 Alix is one of the hottest young American Levels. That’s no surprise: Her dad was America’s top Level before he was captured and killed eight years ago. But when an impulsive decision explodes—literally—in her face, Alix uncovers a conspiracy that pushes her to her limits and could upset the global balance of power forever.

“Smart, sassy, and seriously appealing: a stunning debut.”—Jeff Long, New York Times bestselling author of The Descent

Ovo je roman koji sam isprva mislio da preskočim, međutim pobrao je tako dobre kritike da ću mu ipak pružiti priliku. Opisuju ga kao debi godine, što bi inače bio razlog da ga automatski preskočim, ali prošle godine sam zahvaljujući toj preporuci pročitao dva izvanredna romana, tako da sam sada sklon da budem otvorenog uma.
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« Reply #1933 on: 29-08-2012, 13:30:38 »
Tri velika naslova za koji dan u knjižarama - dva sf-a i jedan fantazi:

Na prvom mestu, novi Veber:

Midst Toil and Tribulation (Safehold) by David Weber

  After centuries of stasis, the island kingdom of Charis began to defy the edicts of the Church of God Awaiting—egged on, some say, by the mysterious warrior-monk Merlin Athawes. Now, in the wars and intrigues that have cascaded from Charis's declaration of independence, the populous Republic of Siddermark is sliding into chaos. Vicar Clytahn of the Church of God at harvest time. King Cayleb of Charis, his queen Sharleyan, and Merlin Arthawes will have their hands full trying to stave off wholesale starvation in Siddermark while at the same time shipping in enough land combat units to fend off the "volunteers" from the Church's Temple Lands. And while Vicar Clyntahn is hailed in the Church for his boldness and audacity, there are those who remember how dependent Church power is on money from Siddermark...and who wonder what will happen if Siddermark starves.
Bursting with vivid invention and the sweep of lived history, Midst Toil and Tribulation will build its series' audience to a new level.

Ovo je šesti naslov u serijalu, koji bi bio izvanredan da su romani za jedno trećinu kraći. Nažalost, Veber je postao toliko ime da mu urednici verovatno ne mogu ništa, a verovatno ni ne žele, pošto izgleda veliki broj čitalaca voli to bespotrebno skribomanisanje. Inače, ne dajte se zavarati - Safehold je SF čist kao suza, premda na prvi pogled zvuči kao fantazi.

The Blinding Knife (Lightbringer) by Brent Weeks

Gavin Guile is dying.

He'd thought he had five years left--now he has less than one. With fifty thousand refugees, a bastard son, and an ex-fiancée who may have learned his darkest secret, Gavin has problems on every side. All magic in the world is running wild and threatens to destroy the Seven Satrapies. Worst of all, the old gods are being reborn, and their army of color wights is unstoppable. The only salvation may be the brother whose freedom and life Gavin stole sixteen years ago.

Ovo je drugi naslov u serijalu, s tim da ja ni prvi (The Black Prism) nisam čitao. Razlog tome je što sam svojevremeno pročitao prvi roman u trilogiji Night Angel, koja je Viksa proslavila, a koji se meni ni najmanje nije dopao. Tada mi je Viks bio još jedan nenadareni pisac sa kvazioriginalnom idejom, koji je isporučio roman u ravni sa osrednjim D&D naslovima. Sve u svemu, dalje nisam ni čitao. U međuvremenu, The Black Prism je pokupio odlične kritike, tako da sam rešio da ga overim i vidim da li se Viks popravio.

Great North Road by Peter F. Hamilton

Ovo je Hamiltonov stand-alone roman, što mi je em milo em drago, ali priča se da je i on prekardašio sa skribomanijom i da je jedno trećina romana višak.

 "In Newcastle-upon-Tyne, AD 2142, Detective Sidney Hurst attends a brutal murder scene. The victim is one of the wealthy North family clones – but none have been reported missing. And the crime’s most disturbing aspect is how the victim was killed. Twenty years ago, a North clone billionaire and his household were horrifically murdered in exactly the same manner, on the tropical planet of St Libra. But if the murderer is still at large, was Angela Tramelo wrongly convicted? Tough and confident, she never waivered under interrogation – claiming she alone survived an alien attack. But there is no animal life on St Libra. Investigating this alien threat becomes the Human Defence Agency’s top priority. The bio-fuel flowing from St Libra is the lifeblood of Earth’s economy and must be secured. So a vast expedition is mounted via the Newcastle gateway, and teams of engineers, support personnel and xenobiologists are dispatched to the planet. Along with their technical advisor, grudgingly released from prison, Angela Tramelo. But the expedition is cut off, deep within St Libra’s rainforests. Then the murders begin. Someone or something is picking off the team one by one. Angela insists it’s the alien, but her new colleagues aren’t so sure. Maybe she did see an alien, or maybe she has other reasons for being on St Libra "
 Moram priznati da mi SF krimići pomalo nedostaju, pa me raduje što je GNR u izgledu.

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« Reply #1934 on: 30-08-2012, 08:58:16 »
Clockwork Rocket ima nastavak.

 The Eternal Flame: Orthogonal Vol. 2

Greg Egan’s The Clockwork Rocket introduced readers to an exotic universe where the laws of physics are very different from our own, where the speed of light varies in ways Einstein would never allow, and where intelligent life has evolved in unique and fascinating ways.  Now Egan continues his epic tale of alien beings embarked on a desperate voyage to save their world . . . .

The generation ship Peerless is in search of advanced technology capable of sparing their home planet from imminent destruction.  In theory, the ship is traveling fast enough that it can traverse the cosmos for generations–and still return home only a few years after they departed.  But a critical fuel shortage threatens to cut their urgent voyage short, even as a population explosion stretches the ship’s life-support capacity to its limits.

When the astronomer Tamara discovers the Object, a meteor whose trajectory will bring it within range of the Peerless, she sees a risky solution to the fuel crisis.  Meanwhile, the biologist Carlo searches for a better way to control fertility, despite the traditions and prejudices of their society.  As the scientists clash with the ship’s leaders, they find themselves caught up in two equally dangerous revolutions: one in the sexual roles of their species, the other in their very understanding of the nature of matter and energy.

The Eternal Flame lights up the mind with dazzling new frontiers of physics and biology, as only Greg Egan could imagine them.

Je li neko čitao Clockwork Rocket? Možda bismo mogli da je uvrstimo u Čitaonicu?
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« Reply #1935 on: 31-08-2012, 08:03:34 »
Izašlo je Pedeset nijansi mračnije. Its officialy now - srpske domaćice su strašno nezadovoljne svojim seksualnim životom i traže dopunu istog, makar na papiru. Šta bi inače mogao da bude razlog za ovako brzo izbacivanje nastavka? Eh, da ovako stoje stvari sa nekim drugim žanrovima...


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« Reply #1936 on: 02-09-2012, 18:29:55 »
Septembar vrca od zanimljivih naslova. Počeću sa

An Exile on Planet Earth: Articles and Reflections by Brian Aldiss

  Brian Aldiss is one of the great figures in science fiction. Classics in the genre, his books serve as portals to other worlds, captivating readers with strange and shocking narratives that have been a force for further experimentation within the genre. In addition to a highly successful career as a writer of both fiction and science fiction, Aldiss is also an accomplished artist and literary critic.An Exile on Planet Earth presents a selection of Aldiss’s essays that look back at the landmark events in his life. Writing with eloquence and raw honesty, Aldiss reveals unexpected connections between his life and literary work. From boarding school and boyhood summers spent alone at the shore comes the lonely boy playing on the beach in Walcot. The bitter break-up of Aldiss’s first marriage is revealed to be the inspiration behind the post-apocalyptic Greybeard, in which a nuclear accident results in a world without children. Exile is a recurring theme throughout Aldiss’s work, and the essays shed light on the ways in which he identified with this theme and constructed elaborate metaphors informed by it. Also included is Aldiss’s introduction to H. G. Wells’s War of the Worlds and an imagined conversation with English novelist Thomas Hardy. For the many fans of Aldiss’s weird and wonderful work, An Exile on Planet Earth offers a look at the man behind the books and short stories, including new insights into the events that fueled his creative talent, as well as reflections on his place in the genre and the cultural significance of science fiction as a whole.    Ovo bi mogao Boban da objavi u "Fraktalima".
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« Reply #1937 on: 07-09-2012, 11:37:48 »
Lord of Mountains: A Novel of the Change (Change Series) by S. M. Stirling

“[A] gifted author,”* S.M. Stirling created a fascinating neo-medieval world in his Novels of the Change where the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a post-technological environment. Now, the New York Times bestselling epic continues as a king faces a challenge beyond the battlefield…

 Rudi Mackenize, now Artos the First, High King of Montival, and his allies have won several key battles against the Church Universal and Triumphant. But still the war rages on, taking countless lives, ravaging the land once known as the United States of America. Artos and his Queen, Mathilda, must unite the realms into a single kingdom to ensure a lasting peace.

 If the leaders of the Changed world are to accept Artos as their ruler, he will need to undertake a quest to the Lake at the Heart of the Mountains, and take part in a crowning ceremony—a ceremony binding him to his people, his ancestors, and his land.

 Then, once he has secured his place and allegiances, Artos can go forward, and lead his forces to the heart of the enemy’s territory…

Sinoć sam u dahu završio Lord of Mountains: A Novel of the Change (Change Series) by S. M. Stirling - i usput se rasplakao kao kiša zbog smrti jednog od likova, premda više nego sporednog. Gotovo čitav roman se bavi tokom jedne velike bitke, koja je pripremana u prethodnih dva ili tri romana u serijalu. Lord of Mountains je manjeg obima nego što je uobičajeno za Stirlinga, ali je zato nabijen radnjom i veoma svedenog stila. Mestimično se i vidi upliv Džordža Martina, naročito u scenama masovnih sukoba - premda je Stirling već sam po sebi dovoljno vešt u tome. Ovo je do sada najbolji roman u serijalu i pokazatelj Stirlingovog napredovanja kao pisca. Lord of Mountains je za alt.istoriju/postapokalipsu ono što je "Igra prestola" za fantaziju.
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« Reply #1938 on: 07-09-2012, 23:23:19 »
Vladimir mi je poslao PP, ali iz nekog razloga samo sam dobio mejl sa obaveštenjem o njoj, pa ne mogu da odgovorim.

Dakle, Vladimire, slobodno pitaj šta te zanima na temi "Pitajte Najtflajera". U mejlu sam video da je nešto u vezi sa Strilingom, ali je tekst potpuno zbagljan.
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« Reply #1939 on: 09-09-2012, 11:24:54 »
Internet povremeno poludi na neke knjige. Amazon je retko kada stvaran odraz čitalačkog ukusa i kakvoće nekog dela, pošto se uvek nađe neko ko će nečemu dati pet zvezdica, ma koliko to bilo nečitljivo. Međutim, forumi i mesta poput Goodreads umeju da budu solidan pokazatelj da li je nešto novo (ili staro) dobro ili nešto što valja propustiti.

E, poslednja stvar oko koje je internet poludeo je

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

The first in an epic new fantasy series, introducing an unforgettable new heroine and a stunningly original dystopian steampunk world with a flavor of feudal Japan.
The Shima Imperium  verges on the brink of environmental collapse; an island nation once rich in tradition and myth, now decimated by clockwork industrialization and the machine-worshipers of the Lotus Guild. The skies are red as blood, the land is choked with toxic pollution, and the great spirit animals that once roamed its wilds have departed forever.

The hunters of Shima's imperial court are charged by their Shōgun to capture a thunder tiger – a legendary creature, half-eagle, half-tiger. But any fool knows the beasts have been extinct for more than a century, and the price of failing the Shōgun is death.

Yukiko is a child of the Fox clan, possessed of a talent that if discovered, would see her executed by the Lotus Guild. Accompanying her father on the Shōgun’s hunt, she finds herself stranded: a young woman alone in Shima’s last wilderness, with only a furious, crippled thunder tiger for company. Even though she can hear his thoughts, even though she saved his life, all she knows for certain is he’d rather see her dead than help her.

But together, the pair will form an indomitable friendship, and rise to challenge the might of an empire.

Praise for Stormdancer“Kristoff’s imaginative debut, the first in a series, presents the feudal, dystopian Shima Empire, a menacing Japanese-inspired setting…  The innovative setting, fast-moving plot, vivid descriptions, and thrilling action scenes make this a refreshing addition to the steampunk canon.” –Publishers Weekly, starred review
“Soars higher than the arashitora Kristoff writes about; superb.” –Kirkus, starred review
"What's that? You say you've got a Japanese Steampunk novel with mythic creatures, civil unrest, and a strong female protagonist? I'm afraid I missed everything you said after "Japanese Steampunk." That's all I really needed to hear." –Patrick Rothfuss, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear
"With airships, demons, and lashings of revolutionary swordplay, this chi-fueled vision of a steampunk feudal Japan will blow your split-toed socks off." –Scott Westerfeld, New York Times bestselling author of Leviathan
"Jay Kristoff pushes the steampunk genre exactly where it needs to go, away from Victorian London's over-trodden lanes and into the great wide world. With its rocketing action, eccentric and convincing characters, and deep immersion in heroic Japanese culture, Stormdancer slammed my head into an updated vision of the great chanbara films of Kurosawa and Kobayashi. I'll be waiting for more from Mr. Kristoff." —K.W. Jeter, author of The Kingdom of Shadows
“Set in a complex and richly imagined world, Stormdancer draws on inspirations as widespread as epic fantasy, steampunk, and Japanese mythology, effortlessly piecing them together into an alternate history that is as vibrant as it is disturbing. Yukiko is an admirable heroine, made of compassion and courage, but it's the remarkable friendship forged between Yukiko and the majestic thunder tiger, Buruu, that readers will find truly unforgettable. In this breathtaking debut fantasy, Kristoff has given us an adventure teeming with impossible quests and betrayals, rebellion and murder, jealousy and harbored secrets. I eagerly look forward to seeing where his imagination takes us next.” –Marissa Meyer, New York Times bestselling author of Cinder
"Jay Kristoff's Yukiko and her indomitable thunder tiger's entertaining adventures have just sent steampunk gloriously Asian." --Stephen Hunt, internationally bestselling author of The Kingdom Beyond the Sea
"Kristoff's debut is a lyrical triumph of chainsaw swords and thunder tigers that steampunk fans and mythology buffs will devour." –Kevin Hearne, author of The Iron Druid Chronicles

“…the plot takes off when the mythical arashitora (literally ‘stormtiger’) forms a strong bond with the heroine, Yukiko.  Her relationship with the griffin-like creature is especially poignant in light of the personal losses she reveals as the story unfolds… it’s the bonds of family and friendship that feel the truest, with heartwrenching effect.”-Romantic Times

Dakle, kao što vidite, kombinacija stimpanka i istočnjačkih motiva - možda nadahnuta novom serijom "Avatar" - pokazala se vrlo zanimljivom za strane čitaoce. Ako Kristofova knjiga bude makar delimično dobra kao "Saramirski tkači" Krisa Vudinga, biće to izvanredno.

A u međuvremenu, imamo novo delo pisca koji nam je poznat - Terija Pračeta.

Dodger by Terry Pratchett

   A storm. Rain-lashed city streets. A flash of lightning. A scruffy lad sees a girl leap desperately from a horse-drawn carriage in a vain attempt to escape her captors. Can the lad stand by and let her be caught again? Of course not, because he's . . . Dodger.
 Seventeen-year-old Dodger may be a street urchin, but he gleans a living from London's sewers, and he knows a jewel when he sees one. He's not about to let anything happen to the unknown girl—not even if her fate impacts some of the most powerful people in England.
 From Dodger's encounter with the mad barber Sweeney Todd to his meetings with the great writer Charles Dickens and the calculating politician Benjamin Disraeli, history and fantasy intertwine in a breathtaking account of adventure and mystery.
 Beloved and bestselling author Sir Terry Pratchett combines high comedy with deep wisdom in this tale of an unexpected coming-of-age and one remarkable boy's rise in a complex and fascinating world.

Podsetiću da je Pračet nedavno objavio The Long Earth, što je njegov najlošije ocenjen roman za dugo vremena. Nisam ga čitao, pošto ne pratim njegova dela van Disksveta - ali poslednji njegov roman koji jesam pročitao - Snuff - ne samo da nije duhovit, kao što je slučaj sa inače solidno napisanim romanima o Tifani Ejčing, već je i loše napisan i obilato začinjen skribomanskim naklapanjem.

Na kraju, Stivenson i kompanija su izbacili nastavak "Mongolijade".

The Mongoliad: Book Two (The Foreworld Saga) by Neal Stephenson

  This riveting second installment in Stephenson and company’s epic tale focuses on the aftermath of the world-shattering Mongolian invasion of 1241 and the difficult paths undertaken by its most resilient survivors.
The Shield Brethren, an order of warrior monks, search for a way to overthrow the horde, even as the invaders take its members hostage. Forced to fight in the Mongols’ Circus of Swords, Haakon must prove his mettle or lose his life in the ring. His bravery may impress the enemy, but freedom remains a distant dream.
Father Rodrigo receives a prophecy from God and believes it’s his mission to deliver the message to Rome. Though a peaceful man, he resigns himself to take up arms in the name of his Lord. Joining his fight to save Christendom are the hunter Ferenc, orphan Ocyrhoe, healer Raphael, and alchemist Yasper, each searching for his place in history.
Deftly blending fact and fantasy, The Mongoliad: Book Two captures the indomitable will to survive against immense odds.
A note on this edition: The Mongoliad began as a social media experiment, combining serial story-telling with a unique level of interaction between authors and audience during the creative process. Since its original iteration, The Mongoliad has been restructured, edited, and rewritten under the supervision of its authors to create a more cohesive reading experience and will be published as a trilogy of novels. This edition is the definitive edition and is the authors' preferred text.

Okušao sam se sa prvom "Mongolijadom", ali melanž stilova i kvaliteta pisanja bio mi je suviše šizofren i - iskren da budem - na nivou prosečno lošeg D&D romana. Ako ću već da čitam tako nešto, radije ču čitati pravi treš fantazi. Možda u nekom kasnijem trenutku dam novu priliku "Mongolijadi", ali kako ima sve više i više knjiga u mesečnoj ponudi, čisto sumnjam da će se to desiti u skorijoj budućnosti.
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« Reply #1940 on: 09-09-2012, 18:45:00 »
@Nightflier - Stormdancera mi nisi spomenuo u strahu da će rad iz korporativnih finansija da ode dođavola, right?  :evil:
Come to the dark side, we have cookies.


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« Reply #1941 on: 09-09-2012, 21:16:47 »
Više sam planirao da ga najpre ja overim, pa tek onda preporučim za čitanje ili zaobilaženje. :)
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« Reply #1942 on: 10-09-2012, 11:10:44 »
Kad smo kod Stirlinga - naredni najaveljeni roman u drugom ciklusu Emberverzuma, pod naslovom The Given Sacrifice, verovatno će biti poslednji u ovom ciklusu, koji će sa tim romanom imati sedam knjiga. Stirling je najavio nastavak Emberverzuma u vidu nove trilogije, koja će se odvijati pokoljenje nakon događaja iz Emberverzuma 2. Čisto da podsetim da se aktuelni romani odigravaju dvadesetak godina nakon dešavanja iz izvorne trilogije, tako da Stirling vrlo promućurno nastavlja da razvija svoj svet, ali stalno uvodi nove junake i priča nove priče. The Given Sacrifice je planiran za 2013. godinu, ali u međuvremenu bi trebalo da čitamo bar dve nove novele iz njegovog pera - Pronouncing Doom, smeštenu u vreme izvorne trilogije, i Swords of Zar-Tu-Kan, smeštenu u univerzum sjajne Stirlingove duologije Lords of Creation (koju nameravam da ponovim).

Takođe, izgleda da su se Stirling i Bejn Buks pomirili, pa Bejn objavljuje omnibuse Stirlingovih starijih naslova. Zanimljivo je da je ranije Dejvid Drejk bio potpisan kao primarni autor kolaboracija sa Stirlingom, dok je to sada Stirling.
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« Reply #1943 on: 11-09-2012, 15:59:01 »
Nije fantastika, ali može biti zanimljivo:

Telegraph Avenue: A Novel by Michael Chabon
   As the summer of 2004 draws to a close, Archy Stallings and Nat Jaffe are still hanging in there—longtime friends, bandmates, and co-regents of Brokeland Records, a kingdom of used vinyl located in the borderlands of Berkeley and Oakland. Their wives, Gwen Shanks and Aviva Roth-Jaffe, are the Berkeley Birth Partners, two semi-legendary midwives who have welcomed more than a thousand newly minted citizens into the dented utopia at whose heart—half tavern, half temple—stands Brokeland.
 When ex–NFL quarterback Gibson Goode, the fifth-richest black man in America, announces plans to build his latest Dogpile megastore on a nearby stretch of Telegraph Avenue, Nat and Archy fear it means certain doom for their vulnerable little enterprise. Meanwhile, Aviva and Gwen also find themselves caught up in a battle for their professional existence, one that tests the limits of their friendship. Adding another layer of complication to the couples' already tangled lives is the surprise appearance of Titus Joyner, the teenage son Archy has never acknowledged and the love of fifteen-year-old Julius Jaffe's life.
 An intimate epic, a NorCal Middlemarch set to the funky beat of classic vinyl soul-jazz and pulsing with a virtuosic, pyrotechnical style all its own, Telegraph Avenue is the great American novel we've been waiting for. Generous, imaginative, funny, moving, thrilling, humane, triumphant, it is Michael Chabon's most dazzling book yet.   
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« Reply #1944 on: 13-09-2012, 14:11:54 »
Legion by Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson is one of the most significant fantasists to enter the field in a good many years. His ambitious, multi-volume epics (Mistborn, The Stormlight Archive) and his stellar continuation of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series have earned both critical acclaim and a substantial popular following. In Legion, a distinctly contemporary novella filled with suspense, humor, and an endless flow of invention, Sanderson reveals a startling new facet of his singular narrative talent.

Stephen Leeds, AKA 'Legion,' is a man whose unique mental condition allows him to generate a multitude of personae: hallucinatory entities with a wide variety of personal characteristics and a vast array of highly specialized skills. As the story begins, Leeds and his 'aspects' are drawn into the search for the missing Balubal Razon, inventor of a camera whose astonishing properties could alter our understanding of human history and change the very structure of society. The action ranges from the familiar environs of America to the ancient, divided city of Jerusalem. Along the way, Sanderson touches on a formidable assortment of complex questions: the nature of time, the mysteries of the human mind, the potential uses of technology, and the volatile connection between politics and faith. Resonant, intelligent, and thoroughly absorbing, Legion is a provocative entertainment from a writer of great originality and seemingly limitless gifts.

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« Reply #1945 on: 29-09-2012, 10:02:58 »
Malo sam zapustio forum - zbog odlaska na letovanje - pa se sada nagomilalo dosta toga na šta valja skrenuti pažnju. Možda je prva stvarčica ovo:

Gods of Risk: An Expanse Novella by James S.A. Corey

As tension between Mars and Earth mounts, and terrorism plagues the Martian city of Londres Nova, sixteen-year-old David Draper is fighting his own lonely war. A gifted chemist vying for a place at the university, David leads a secret life as a manufacturer for a ruthless drug dealer. When his friend Leelee goes missing, leaving signs of the dealer's involvement, David takes it upon himself to save her. But first he must shake his aunt Bobbie Draper, an ex-marine who has been set adrift in her own life after a mysterious series of events nobody is talking about. Set in the hard-scrabble solar system of Leviathan Wakes and Caliban's War, Gods of Risk deepens James S. A. Corey's acclaimed Expanse series.

Ovo je prva od najavljenih 4 novele koje će dopunjavati univerzum Expansea predstavljen u šest romana, koliko ih je zaplanirano. Samo da podsetim da će prvi roman u serijalu, "Buđenje nemani", objaviti Laguna - i to u prevodu Gorana Skrobonje.
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Nova priča iz serijala "Točak vremena"?
« Reply #1946 on: 07-10-2012, 00:30:24 »
Mesec oktobar mi se nije nešto posebno istakao ponudom nove fantastike, ali danas je Tod Lokvud na FBu postavio nešto veoma zanimljivo. Reč je o antologiji kratkih priča, što samo po sebi ne bi bilo posebno - da u sadržaju rečene zbirke nisam najpre video njegovo ime u ulozi ne samo ilustratora, već i autora jedne od priča, a potom i Sandersona/Džordana kao koautore priče smeštene u svet "Točka vremena". Ne znam da li je reč o potpuno novom materijalu, ili samo o odlomku iz predstojećeg romana. Voleo bih da je Sanderson nastavio da razrađuje Džordanov svet mimo završavanja "Sećanja na svetlost", ali videćemo. Evo naslovnice i sadržaja, kao i zanimljivog objašnjenja o tome kako je ova zbirka nastala:

Unfettered edited by Shawn Speakman

You define life or it defines you.
In Shawn Speakman’s case, it was both.
Lacking health insurance and diagnosed with Hogdkin’s lymphoma in 2011, Shawn quickly accrued a massive medical debt that he did not have the ability to pay.  That’s when New York Times best-selling author Terry Brooks offered to donate a short story Shawn could sell toward alleviating those bills—and suggested Shawn ask the same of his other friends.
Unfettered is the result, an anthology built to relieve that debt, featuring short stories by some of the best fantasy writers in the genre.
Every story in this volume is new and, like the title suggests, the writers were free to write whatever they wished.  Here is the list of contributing authors for Unfettered:
  • The Shade of Allanon by Terry Brooks (a Shannara tale)
  • Imaginary Friends by Terry Brooks (a precursor to the Word/Void trilogy)
  • How Old Holly Came To Be by Patrick Rothfuss
  • River of Souls by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson (a Wheel of Time tale)
  • The Old Scale Game by Tad Williams
  • Martyr of the Roses by Jacqueline Carey (a precursor to the Kushiel series)
  • Dogs by Daniel Abraham
  • Mudboy by Peter V. Brett (a Demon Cycle tale)
  • Nocturne by Robert V. S. Redick
  • The Sound of Broken Absolutes by Peter Orullian (a Vault of Heaven tale)
  • Untitled by Geno & R.A. Salvatore
  • Keeper of Memory by Todd Lockwood (a Summer Dragon tale)
  • Game of Chance by Carrie Vaughn
  • The Lasting Doubts of Joaquin Lopez by Blake Charlton
  • The Chapel Perilous by Kevin Hearne (an Iron Druid tale)
  • Select Mode by Mark Lawrence (a Broken Empire tale)
  • All the Girls Love Michael Stein by David Anthony Durham
  • Strange Rain by Jennifer Bosworth (a Struck epilogue tale)
  • Unbowed by Eldon Thompson (a Legend of Asahiel tale)
  • Untitled by Naomi Novik (a Temeraire tale)
  • The Jester by Michael J. Sullivan (a Riyria Chronicles tale)
  • The Duel by Lev Grossman (a Magicians tale)
  • The Unfettered Knight by Shawn Speakman (an Annwn Cycle tale)
  With the help of stalwart friends and these wonderful short stories, Shawn has taken the gravest of life hardships and created something magical.  Unfettered is not only a fantastic anthology in its own right but it’s a testament to the generosity found in the science fiction and fantasy community—proof that humanity can give beyond itself when the need arises.
After all, isn’t that the driving narrative in fantasy literature?
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« Reply #1947 on: 08-10-2012, 10:10:26 »
The Lands of Ice and Fire (A Game of Thrones) by George R.R. Martin

George R. R. Martin’s beloved Song of Ice and Fire series, which started with A Game of Thrones, is bursting with a variety and richness of landscapes—from bitter tundra to arid wasteland and everything in between—that provide a sense of scale unrivaled in contemporary fantasy. Now this dazzling set of maps, featuring original artwork from illustrator and cartographer Jonathan Roberts, transforms Martin’s epic saga into a world as fully realized as the one around us.
 The centerpiece of this gorgeous collection is guaranteed to be a must-have for any fan: the complete map of the known world, joining the lands of the Seven Kingdoms and the lands across the Narrow Sea for the first time in series history. But this is just one of many unique maps that aren’t available anywhere else. There is an alternate version that tracks the movements of the series’ protagonists throughout their vast world, along with more detailed versions of the western, middle, and eastern thirds of the world; a full map of Westeros, combining North and South; one of the Dothraki Sea and the Red Wastes; and the Braavos city map. And here, too, are fan favorites detailing everything from urban sprawl to untamed wilds: maps of King’s Landing; The Wall and Beyond the Wall; the Free Cities; and Slaver’s Bay, Valyria, and Sothyros.
 Never before has the entire scope of Martin’s universe been so exhaustively and fascinatingly depicted. The maps in this beautiful, one-of-a-kind atlas will enrich your reading or viewing experience, provide another view of your favorite characters’ epic journeys, and open up captivating new worlds—plus, they’ll look great on any castle wall.
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« Reply #1948 on: 10-10-2012, 11:09:36 »
Nadam se da je sve recepte za jela napisao u ovoj knjizi, pa da nas vise ne smara sa tim u Winds of Winter  :)


  • Geek Royalty
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« Reply #1949 on: 10-10-2012, 12:43:36 »
Pa, ovo je atlas, tako da verujem da nema recepata. Ako ih bude, verovatno će biti u The World of Song of Ice and Fire - ali pošto on tu knjigu ne piše, već je nadzorni organ, verovatno ih neće biti ni tamo. Dakle, moraćemo da sačekamo "Vetrove zime". :)


Zapravo, recepti su već tu.

A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel

Ever wonder what it’s like to attend a feast at Winterfell? Wish you could split a lemon cake with Sansa Stark, scarf down a pork pie with the Night’s Watch, or indulge in honeyfingers with Daenerys Targaryen? George R. R. Martin’s bestselling saga A Song of Ice and Fire and the runaway hit HBO series Game of Thrones are renowned for bringing Westeros’s sights and sounds to vivid life. But one important ingredient has always been missing: the mouthwatering dishes that form the backdrop of this extraordinary world. Now, fresh out of the series that redefined fantasy, comes the cookbook that may just redefine dinner . . . and lunch, and breakfast.
 A passion project from superfans and amateur chefs Chelsea Monroe-Cassel and Sariann Lehrer—and endorsed by George R. R. Martin himself—A Feast of Ice and Fire lovingly replicates a stunning range of cuisines from across the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. From the sumptuous delicacies enjoyed in the halls of power at King’s Landing, to the warm and smoky comfort foods of the frozen North, to the rich, exotic fare of the mysterious lands east of Westeros, there’s a flavor for every palate, and a treat for every chef.
 These easy-to-follow recipes have been refined for modern cooking techniques, but adventurous eaters can also attempt the authentic medieval meals that inspired them. The authors have also suggested substitutions for some of the more fantastical ingredients, so you won’t have to stock your kitchen with camel, live doves, or dragon eggs to create meals fit for a king (or a khaleesi). In all, A Feast of Ice and Fire contains more than 100 recipes, divided by region:
 • The Wall: Rack of Lamb and Herbs; Pork Pie; Mutton in Onion-Ale Broth; Mulled Wine; Pease Porridge
 • The North: Beef and Bacon Pie; Honeyed Chicken; Aurochs with Roasted Leeks; Baked Apples
 • The South: Cream Swans; Trout Wrapped in Bacon; Stewed Rabbit; Sister’s Stew; Blueberry Tarts
 • King’s Landing: Lemon Cakes; Quails Drowned in Butter; Almond Crusted Trout; Bowls of Brown; Iced Milk with Honey
 • Dorne: Stuffed Grape Leaves; Duck with Lemons; Chickpea Paste
 • Across the Narrow Sea: Biscuits and Bacon; Tyroshi Honeyfingers; Wintercakes; Honey-Spiced Locusts
 There’s even a guide to dining and entertaining in the style of the Seven Kingdoms. Exhaustively researched and reverently detailed, accompanied by passages from all five books in the series and full-color photographs guaranteed to whet your appetite, this is the companion to the blockbuster phenomenon that millions of stomachs have been growling for. And remember, winter is coming—so don’t be afraid to put on a few pounds.

Includes a Foreword by George R. R. Martin
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