Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763799 times)

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« Reply #1950 on: 11-10-2012, 13:27:03 »
Stimpank se poslednjih godina razgranao u neviđeno mnogo smerova. Od standardnog viktorijanskog stimpanka dobili smo stimpank sa fantazijskim elementima, stimpank u western varijanti, stimpank čija se radnja odigrava na potpuno drugim svetovima - ali i orijentalni stimpank, najčešće u alternativnim Kinama i Japanima.

Stormdancer (The Lotus War Book One) by Jay Kristoff je roman koji se može svrstati u poslednju pobrojanu kategoriju. U načelu, izbegavam kvaziorijentalnu fantastiku, jer je retko kada dobra. U ovom trenutku mogu da se setim tek nekoliko pisaca čiji su svetovi te vrste uverljivi, a da nisu dosadni. Fantastika na orijentalni način se obično svodi na to kako mali Perica zamišlja samuraje, sa sve ekstremno usporenom radnjom i kvazizeniranjem, te dubokom produhovljenošću svakog drugog NPC seljaka na kojeg protagonista naleti. Ako ste ikada kupovali nešto od Kineza, u njihovim "sve za jednu jedinicu proizvoljne valute" radnjama, znate da u proseku nisu ništa produhovljeniji od prosečnog Srbijanca - samo jedu manje masti, a više pirinča.

Stormdancer ne samo da je uverljiv, već i originalan u smislu da je njegov autor upario neke standardne motive stimpanka - poput ekološke katastrofe koja prati industrijsku revoluciju i iskorišćavanja nižih društvenih slojeva - sa veoma vernim, ako taj izraz uopšte može da se upotrebi za izmišljenu zemlju i ljude - prikazom pseudojapanske kulture.

Tek sam počeo sa čitanjem Stormdancer-a, ali moram reći da izuzetno obećava.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1951 on: 15-10-2012, 13:51:53 »
Džej Kristof je svakako pisac na kojeg valja obratiti pažnju. Izuzetno zreo i dobro osmišljen prvenac, premda u načinu obrade teme vuče na Krisa Vudinga u pomalo neprijatno velikoj meri i ima nešto slabiju završnicu nego što bi mogao, najava je zvonkog mladog glasa australijske fantastike - po običaju nesvakidašnje i različite od standardne američke produkcije. Veoma, veoma dobro. 4/5.
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Anomander Rejk

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« Reply #1952 on: 16-10-2012, 11:06:35 »
Vidim 22/11/63 iliti Dalas 63 na Sajmu će koštati 1299 din ? :x
Dal je moguće, izgleda će biti četvrtog nastavka Džounsove-Osmatrač mrtvih ?
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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« Reply #1953 on: 16-10-2012, 11:50:28 »
Carobna knjiga najavila Kompletne robote, Golo sunce i Celicne pecine od Asimova, ako je po prethodnim godinama to bi trebalo da bude spremno do sajma.
"Man takes up the sword to protect the small injuries that burdened his heart, on a distant day beyond his memories.
Man wields the sword to die with a smile on his face, on a distant day


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« Reply #1954 on: 16-10-2012, 13:12:38 »
Alnari je svojevremno najavljivao da će odustati od objavljivanja fantastike, sa izuzetkom Stivena Kinga. Drago mi je ako su se predomislili, mada ne verujem da je reč o zaokretu u izdavačkoj politici. Verovatno je po sredi stihijski doneta odluka. No, bitno je da se to pojavi. Ako zaista ta knjiga bude na sajmu, i ja ću je kupiti za kevu.
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« Reply #1955 on: 16-10-2012, 14:44:08 »
Meni je Džonsova sasvim solidan pisac. Čarobna knjiga je izašla sa jednom konkretnom najavom, 21. oktobra treba da izađe Vatreno krštenje, peta knjiga sage o Geraltu. Prve dve su me potpuno kupile, i mada trojka i četvorka nisu ispunile očekivanja, ovo i dalje jedva čekam.

Ovo valjda takođe znači da će ići do kraja sa ovim serijalom.


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« Reply #1956 on: 16-10-2012, 15:14:33 »
Vidim 22/11/63 iliti Dalas 63 na Sajmu će koštati 1299 din ? :-x

Od mene sigurno neće dobiti tu količinu novca, em je loš naslov, em je korica katastrofa, em je  cena ubitačna, a ta cena stoji i na sajtu, mislim da će možda biti manja za sajam.
Jeremy Clarkson:
"After an overnight flight back to London, I find myself wondering once again if babies should travel with the baggage"

Karl Rosman

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« Reply #1957 on: 17-10-2012, 01:57:25 »
Vidim 22/11/63 iliti Dalas 63 na Sajmu će koštati 1299 din ? :-x

Od mene sigurno neće dobiti tu količinu novca, em je loš naslov, em je korica katastrofa, em je  cena ubitačna, a ta cena stoji i na sajtu, mislim da će možda biti manja za sajam.

Barbarine, covece! Sa takvim stavom mozes da propustis mnogo stosta dobrog.

Pomalo saljiv, ali nadasve poucan primer:

Doduse, posedujem verziju sa drugacijim koricama, (ona sa kadrovima iz bedaste americke verzije istoimenog svedskog filma) i, ako se ne varam, mislim da sam pre par godina za nju dao vise od 1800din.

Best buy unazad nekoliko godina!
"On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion."
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won over it"


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« Reply #1958 on: 17-10-2012, 09:55:02 »
Uh ovaj naslov je toliko dvosmislen, kinky.

Znam, al neću da podstičem ovako loše izdanu knjigu, znam da neće oni propasti ako ja ne kupim, al jednostavno ne mogu da je vidim na svojoj polici (na kojoj sigurno ima možda i gorih naslovnica, al svejedno). Podseća me na Bornov identitet ili tako nešto.
Jeremy Clarkson:
"After an overnight flight back to London, I find myself wondering once again if babies should travel with the baggage"

Anomander Rejk

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« Reply #1959 on: 17-10-2012, 19:38:31 »
Ja ne znam, ovi izdavači će nas naterati ili da bankrotiramo, ili da se okrenemo engleskim izdanjima  :(.
Vešala( Džo Aberkrombi)-Laguna, 1240 din, 930 sa max.popustom.
Izgleda više neće biti nijedne knjige fantastike ispod 1200-1300din, kako su počeli.
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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« Reply #1960 on: 17-10-2012, 21:30:11 »
Misllim da sada imaju neki popust od dodatnih deset odsto - valjda.
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« Reply #1961 on: 17-10-2012, 23:29:33 »
Ima taj popust za tri i više kupljenih knjiga. Al činjenica je da su knjige poskupele u zadnjih par godina.

Danas videh novog Kinga u knjižari, nije nešto. Jedna stvar mi nije jasna kod Alnarija, stavljaju onaj mali trouglić i napišu u njega kolekcionarsko izdanje  :-x , a knjiga je samo u tvrdim koricama, ima nekih sličica na početku poglavlja, al ništa spektakularno kao Salemovo. Posle uzmem Autostoperski vodič isto kolekcionarsko izdanje a jedina razlika od prethodnog su tvrde korice :-x
Jeremy Clarkson:
"After an overnight flight back to London, I find myself wondering once again if babies should travel with the baggage"


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« Reply #1962 on: 18-10-2012, 08:31:50 »
U postmartinovskom talasu prljave i sumorne fantazije, neki pisci su se svakako izdvojili i potpomogli nastanku te nove/stare tradicije. Ali kada je taj novi pravac već nastao, lagano dobijamo neke nove zvezde, koje jesu došle na gotovo, ali sjajno rade posao sa time što su zatekli.

Jedan od najboljih naslova prošle godine - i jedan od dva verovatno najbolja debija - svakako je Low Town, koji je ovog meseca dobio nastavak.

Tomorrow the Killing by Daniel Polansky

Once he was a hero of the Great War, and then a member of the dreaded Black House. Now he is the criminal linchpin of Low Town.

His name is Warden.

He thought he had left the war behind him, but a summons from up above brings the past sharply, uncomfortably, back into focus. General Montgomery's daughter is missing somewhere in Low Town, searching for clues about her brother's murder. The General wants her found, before the stinking streets can lay claim to her, too.

Dark, violent, and shot through with corruption, TOMORROW, THE KILLING is a fantastic successor to one of the most heralded fantasy debuts of recent times.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1963 on: 18-10-2012, 11:12:04 »
Polansky deluje veoma zanimljivo. Inače nisam iščitao ni sve što imam na srpskom, ali potražiću ovo na netu.

Laguna je izdala i Buđenje nemani. Moram da priznam da sam ovu knjigu jedva čekao, i bio prilično razočaran kada su mi u jednoj Laguninoj radnji rekli da nije sigurna za sajam, ali sigurno izlazi do kraja godine. Srećom, prodavačica je bila loše informisana.


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« Reply #1964 on: 18-10-2012, 11:41:06 »
Odlično. Sad mogu da javim autorima da je izašla "Neman" i da odradim intervju sa njima. Inače, rečeni dvojac je sklopio ugovor da piše trilogiju smeštenu u univerzum Star Wars-a. Verujem da će to biti zanimljivo.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1965 on: 19-10-2012, 12:55:01 »
Čarobna će izbaciti za sajam i pve prve knjige iz Asimovljevog serijala o robotima, Čelične pećine i Golo Sunce. Hoće li se kojim slučajem onaj prevod Zelaznija naći na sajmu? Ubi me radoznalost zbog te knjige.


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« Reply #1966 on: 19-10-2012, 13:25:53 »
Zelazni je objavljen pre izvesnog vremena. :) Pogledaj na temi o Čudnoj knjižari.
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« Reply #1967 on: 19-10-2012, 13:35:43 »
Ah, nisam znao. Hvala.  :)


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« Reply #1968 on: 21-10-2012, 19:09:17 »
Za pet-šest meseci i kod nas:

Altered Carbon: A Takeshi Kovacs Novel (Takeshi Kovacs Novels) by Richard K. Morgan

In the twenty-fifth century, humankind has spread throughout the galaxy, monitored by the watchful eye of the U.N. While divisions in race, religion, and class still exist, advances in technology have redefined life itself. Now, assuming one can afford the expensive procedure, a person’s consciousness can be stored in a cortical stack at the base of the brain and easily downloaded into a new body (or “sleeve”) making death nothing more than a minor blip on a screen.

Ex-U.N. envoy Takeshi Kovacs has been killed before, but his last death was particularly painful. Dispatched one hundred eighty light-years from home, re-sleeved into a body in Bay City (formerly San Francisco, now with a rusted, dilapidated Golden Gate Bridge), Kovacs is thrown into the dark heart of a shady, far-reaching conspiracy that is vicious even by the standards of a society that treats “existence” as something that can be bought and sold. For Kovacs, the shell that blew a hole in his chest was only the beginning. . . .

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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« Reply #1969 on: 21-10-2012, 19:11:34 »
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1970 on: 21-10-2012, 20:12:42 »
Ja se sablaznio. Mislio sam da će da se radi The Steel Remains. A obaška mi nije jasno što kukaju kako SF ne ide, a sve više SF-a se štampa.
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« Reply #1971 on: 21-10-2012, 20:34:55 »
Pa dobro, ovo je cisti akcijas, voli to raja, jebes podtekst. E sad, kad ne bi radili druge dve knjige nego odmah presli na Black man...
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1972 on: 21-10-2012, 20:52:00 »
Verovatno je ovde reč o ispipavanju tržišta, pa će raditi knjigu za knjigom ako prodaja bude dobra.
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« Reply #1973 on: 22-10-2012, 14:11:03 »
S obzirom na to da su naši izdavači duboko zašli u donkihotovsku borbu za više SF-a na domaćem tržištu, vredi napomenuti da su se Gregori Benford i Lari Niven udružili da napišu duologiju, čiji je prvi roman nedavno objavljen:

Bowl of Heaven by Gregory Benford and Larry Niven

  In this first collaboration by science fiction masters Larry Niven (Ringworld) and Gregory Benford (Timescape), the limits of wonder are redrawn once again as a human expedition to another star system is jeopardized by an encounter with an astonishingly immense artifact in interstellar space: a bowl-shaped structure half-englobing a star, with a habitable area equivalent to many millions of Earths…and it’s on a direct path heading for the same system as the human ship.
A landing party is sent to investigate the Bowl, but when the explorers are separated—one group captured by the gigantic structure’s alien inhabitants, the other pursued across its strange and dangerous landscape—the mystery of the Bowl’s origins and purpose propel the human voyagers toward discoveries that will transform their understanding of their place in the universe.

Nažalost, kritike nisu najsjajnije.
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« Reply #1974 on: 22-10-2012, 14:28:38 »
Inače, promaklo mi je i da je objavljena nova novela u svetu Malazana

The Wurms of Blearmouth by Steven Erikson

   Tyranny comes in many guises, and tyrants will thrive in palaces and one room hovels, in back alleys and playgrounds. Tyrants abound on the verges of civilization, where disorder frays the rule of civil conduct, and all propriety surrenders to brutal imposition. Millions are made to kneel and yet more millions die horrible deaths in a welter of suffering and misery. But we ll leave all that behind as we plunge into escapist fantasy of the most irrelevant kind, and in the ragged wake of the tale told in Lees of Laughter s End, our most civil adventurers, Bauchelain and Korbal Broach, along with their suitably phlegmatic manservant, Emancipor Reese, make gentle landing upon a peaceful beach, beneath a quaint village above the strand and lying at the foot of a majestic castle, and therein make acquaintance with the soft-hearted and generous folk of Spendrugle, which lies at the mouth of the Blear River and falls under the benign rule of the Lord of Wurms in his lovely keep. Make welcome, then, to Spendrugle s memorable residents, including the man who should have stayed dead, the woman whose prayers should never have been answered, the tax collector everyone ignores, the ex-husband town militiaman who never married, the beachcomber who lives in his own beard, and the now singular lizard cat who used to be plural, and the girl who likes to pee in your lap. And of course, hovering over all, the denizen of the castle keep, Lord  Ah, but there lies this tale, and so endeth this blurb, with one last observation: when tyrants collide, they have dinner. And a good time is had by all.   
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« Reply #1975 on: 22-10-2012, 20:31:30 »
Pošto nas nekih mesec dana dele od novog Harija Drezdena, vreme je da se počne sa hajpom...

Cold Days by Jim Butcher

After being murdered by a mystery assailant, navigating his way through the realm between life and death, and being brought back to the mortal world, Harry realizes that maybe death wasn’t all that bad. Because he is no longer Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only professional wizard.
He is now Harry Dresden, Winter Knight to Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness. After Harry had no choice but to swear his fealty, Mab wasn’t about to let something as petty as death steal away the prize she had sought for so long. And now, her word is his command, no matter what she wants him to do, no matter where she wants him to go, and no matter who she wants him to kill.
Guess which Mab wants first?
Of course, it won’t be an ordinary, everyday assassination. Mab wants her newest minion to pull off the impossible: kill an immortal. No problem there, right? And to make matters worse, there exists a growing threat to an unfathomable source of magic that could land Harry in the sort of trouble that will make death look like a holiday.
Beset by enemies new and old, Harry must gather his friends and allies, prevent the annihilation of countless innocents, and find a way out of his eternal subservience before his newfound powers claim the only thing he has left to call his own…
His soul.

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« Reply #1976 on: 22-10-2012, 23:12:55 »
Od danas je u prodaji

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

They burned her home.
They stole her brother and sister.
But vengeance is following.

Shy South hoped to bury her bloody past and ride away smiling, but she'll have to sharpen up some bad old ways to get her family back, and she's not a woman to flinch from what needs doing. She sets off in pursuit with only a pair of oxen and her cowardly old step father Lamb for company. But it turns out Lamb's buried a bloody past of his own. And out in the lawless Far Country the past never stays buried.

Their journey will take them across the barren plains to a frontier town gripped by gold fever, through feud, duel and massacre, high into the unmapped mountains to a reckoning with the Ghosts. Even worse, it will force them into alliance with Nicomo Cosca, infamous soldier of fortune, and his feckless lawyer Temple, two men no one should ever have to trust . . .

Ovaj fantazijski vestern je pobrao mešovite kritike, ali je makar izvesno da će biti objavljen kod nas jednog lepog dana, pošto se Aberkrombi solidno prodaje.
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« Reply #1977 on: 23-10-2012, 08:51:16 »
The Hydrogen Sonata by Iain M. Banks

The Scavenger species are circling. It is, truly, provably, the End Days for the Gzilt civilization.

An ancient people, organized on military principles and yet almost perversely peaceful, the Gzilt helped set up the Culture ten thousand years earlier and were very nearly one of its founding societies, deciding not to join only at the last moment. Now they've made the collective decision to follow the well-trodden path of millions of other civilizations; they are going to Sublime, elevating themselves to a new and almost infinitely more rich and complex existence.

Amid preparations though, the Regimental High Command is destroyed. Lieutenant Commander (reserve) Vyr Cossont appears to have been involved, and she is now wanted - dead, not alive. Aided only by an ancient, reconditioned android and a suspicious Culture avatar, Cossont must complete her last mission given to her by the High Command. She must find the oldest person in the Culture, a man over nine thousand years old, who might have some idea what really happened all that time ago.

It seems that the final days of the Gzilt civilization are likely to prove its most perilous.

Jednog od ovih dana bi zaista trebalo da pročitam Banksovu "Kulturu". Čitao sam njegove ne-SF romane i oduševljen sam njegovim pisanjem. Nemam predstave zašto nikada nisam čitao njegov SF, doduše.

Da li je neko čitao štivo iz serijala "Kultura"? Baš me zanimaju utisci...
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« Reply #1978 on: 23-10-2012, 22:29:16 »
U postmartinovskom talasu prljave i sumorne fantazije, neki pisci su se svakako izdvojili i potpomogli nastanku te nove/stare tradicije. Ali kada je taj novi pravac već nastao, lagano dobijamo neke nove zvezde, koje jesu došle na gotovo, ali sjajno rade posao sa time što su zatekli.

Jedan od najboljih naslova prošle godine - i jedan od dva verovatno najbolja debija - svakako je Low Town, koji je ovog meseca dobio nastavak.

Tomorrow the Killing by Daniel Polansky

Once he was a hero of the Great War, and then a member of the dreaded Black House. Now he is the criminal linchpin of Low Town.

His name is Warden.

He thought he had left the war behind him, but a summons from up above brings the past sharply, uncomfortably, back into focus. General Montgomery's daughter is missing somewhere in Low Town, searching for clues about her brother's murder. The General wants her found, before the stinking streets can lay claim to her, too.

Dark, violent, and shot through with corruption, TOMORROW, THE KILLING is a fantastic successor to one of the most heralded fantasy debuts of recent times.

Čitam TOMORROW, THE KILLING i za sada je neverovatno dobro. Roman je napisan čak surovijim stilom od prethodnika, premda ne onako kako bi to recimo Aberkrombi uradio - ali dosta vuče na njega. Stil kojim piše Polanski opisao bih kao mešavinu upravo Aberkrombijevog i Bučerovog stila. Dapače, protagonista Low Town-a i TtK-a veoma podseća na zlog Harija Drezdena. Uživam kao pseto i roman mi za sada naginje na pet zvezdica od pet mogućih.
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« Reply #1979 on: 28-10-2012, 13:43:58 »
Dakle, Tomorrow the Killing by Daniel Polansky definitivno 5/5. Ujedno jedan od najosvežavajućih naslova koje sam ove godine pročitao.
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« Reply #1980 on: 28-10-2012, 19:02:41 »
The Red Knight (The Traitor Son Cycle) by Miles Cameron 

Twenty eight florins a month is a huge price to pay, for a man to stand between you and the Wild.

Twenty eight florins a month is nowhere near enough when a wyvern's jaws snap shut on your helmet in the hot stink of battle, and the beast starts to rip the head from your shoulders. But if standing and fighting is hard, leading a company of men - or worse, a company of mercenaries - against the smart, deadly creatures of the Wild is even harder.

It takes all the advantages of birth, training, and the luck of the devil to do it.

The Red Knight has all three, he has youth on his side, and he's determined to turn a profit. So when he hires his company out to protect an Abbess and her nunnery, it's just another job. The abby is rich, the nuns are pretty and the monster preying on them is nothing he can't deal with.

Only it's not just a job. It's going to be a war. . .

Prema ovom naslovu sam veoma skeptičan, ali čujem dobre stvari, pa ću mu u nekom trenutku dati priliku da me razuveri, ako ikada završim Difference Engine. Tako sam prošle godine sumnjao u Polanskog, pa sam u njemu našao izvanredan novi glas neke nove fantastike.
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« Reply #1981 on: 29-10-2012, 13:28:28 »
E, ovo mora da se nabavi:

Epic by John Joseph Adams

From the creation myths and quest sagas of ancient times to the megapopular fantasy novels of today, this quintessential anthology of epic fantasy is adventurous storytelling at its best. With rich and vibrant world building, readers are transported to antiquated realms to witness noble sacrifices and astonishing wonders. Gathering a comprehensive survey of beloved stories from the genre, this compilation includes stories by such luminaries as George R. R. Martin, Robert Jordan, Terry Brooks, Ursula K. Le Guin, Robin Hobb, and Tad Williams. Inspiring and larger-than-life, these tales offer timeless values of courage and friendship in the face of ultimate evil and express mankind’s greatest hopes and fears.

Foreword by Brent Weeks
 "Homecoming" by Robin Hobb
 "The Word of Unbinding" by Ursula K. Le Guin
 "The Burning Man" by Tad Williams
 "As the Wheel Turns" by Aliette de Bodard
 "The Alchemist" by Paolo Bacigalupi
 "Sandmagic" by Orson Scott Card
 "The Road to Levinshir" by Patrick Rothfuss
 "Rysn" by Brandon Sanderson
 "While the Gods Laugh" by Michael Moorcock
 "Mother of All Russiya" by Melanie Rawn
 "Riding the Shore of the River of Death" by Kate Elliott
 "The Bound Man" by Mary Robinette Kowal
 "The Narcomancer" by N. K. Jemisin
 "Strife Lingers in Memory" by Carrie Vaughn
 "The Mad Apprentice" by Trudi Canavan
 "Otherling" by Juliet Marillier
 "The Mystery Knight" by George R. R. Martin

Biće ovo odličan dodatak "Legendama".
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« Reply #1982 on: 29-10-2012, 15:35:08 »
Hob, LeGvinova, Martin, Rotfus, Kard. Zvučna imena.

Kad pomenu Legende, zna li se šta je Laguna odličila, hoće li objavljivati drugu knjigu ili neće?

I ima li negde da se na netu nađe  "The Road to Levinshir" da se pročita?


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« Reply #1983 on: 29-10-2012, 16:37:39 »
Biće "Legende 2", a veoma je izvesno da urade zbirku sa svim Martinovim ASoIaF novelama. Pretpostavljam da čekaju četvrtu, pa da ih onda saberu u jednu knjigu.
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« Reply #1984 on: 29-10-2012, 17:11:58 »
Fenomenalna vest.  :)
I ova druga, vezana za Martinove kratke priče, iako to znači da ću Viteza lutalicu imati u tri knjige, a Zakleti mač u dve.  :x


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« Reply #1985 on: 30-10-2012, 04:05:04 »

Da li je neko čitao štivo iz serijala "Kultura"? Baš me zanimaju utisci...

Procitao Sjetite se Flebasa (nelosa knjiga) i Igrac igara (odlicna) u hrvatskom prevodu.
Nedavno sam kupio cetvrtu knjigu u serijalu, Excession koja ceka da dodje na red pa kad to oposlim javicu utiske.
Inace knjige nijesu radnjom vezane vec dijele isti svemir. Tako mu je to...


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« Reply #1986 on: 30-10-2012, 05:56:51 »
Ah, da, smetnuo sam ovo s' uma. Procitao sve sem Sonate od pre neki dan. Il' ce da ti se svidi, il' ce da te smori, il' udara more o mramorje. Ja sam veliki fan, al'... ono, kao... bas, veliki.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1987 on: 30-10-2012, 09:58:36 »
Znači, mogu da čitam "Sonatu" a da ne čitam one prethodne?
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« Reply #1988 on: 30-10-2012, 11:30:55 »
Trebalo bi da moze. Ali ti to ne bih preporucio.
"Realism is a literary technique no longer adequate for the purpose of representing reality."


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« Reply #1989 on: 30-10-2012, 13:15:22 »
Pa da krenem od prve, dakle?
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« Reply #1990 on: 31-10-2012, 16:36:19 »
Ovo je velika stvar:

Rapture: Book Three of the Bel Dame Apocrypha by Kameron Hurley

After years in exile, Nyxnissa so Dasheem is back in action in service to the bel dames, a sisterhood of elite government assassins tasked with eliminating deserters and traitors. The end of a centuries-long holy war between her country, Nasheen, and neighboring Chenja has flooded the streets of Nasheen with unemployed - and unemployable - soldiers whose frustrations have brought the nation to the brink of civil war. 
Not everyone likes this tenuous and unpredictable "peace," however, and somebody has kidnapped a key politician whose death could trigger a bloody government takeover. With aliens in the sky and revolution on the ground, Nyx assembles a team of mad magicians, torturers,and mutant shape-shifters for an epic journey across a flesh-eating desert in search of a man she's not actually supposed to kill.
Trouble is, killing is the only thing Nyx is good at. And she already left this man to die...

Završnica trilogije Bel Dame Apocrypha, iz pera žene koja je lako moguće Ursula Legvin dvadeset prvog veka. Prethodne dve knjige bile su veličanstvene u svom oslobađajućem feminizmu i brutalnoj reinterpretaciji islama kao matrijarhalnog društva, što je usput bilo propraćeno više nego uverljivim world buildingom i karakterizacijom kakva se retko viđa kod novijih pisaca - naročito početnika. Harlijeva piše tvrd SF prateći postulate urbane fantastike, što je dodatna draž u čitanju ovih romana. Do sada smo imali prilike da čitamo takav melanž prenet na polje epske fantastike ili mača i magije. Bilo kako bilo, od ovog naslova očekujem najmanje 4 zvezdice.
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« Reply #1991 on: 01-11-2012, 01:26:28 »
Na Bučerovom sajtu je postavljen link ka prvom poglavlju njegovog novog romana:
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« Reply #1992 on: 01-11-2012, 09:57:06 »
Džoana Bertin je bila deo velikog Torovog povratka na scenu, koji se odigravao krajem 1999. i početkom 2000. godine. Njen prvenac, The Last Dragonlord, primljen je sasvim solidno i kod kritike i kod publike, ali je zato  drugi roman smešten u isti svet, The Dragon and the Phoenix, najstrašnije flopnuo. Taj drugi roman objavljen je pre dvanaest godina i sećam se kako sam ga velikom mukom nabavio iz Kanade, samo da bih se u izvesnoj meri razočarao pročitavši ga. Sada kada se osvrnem na celu tu stvar, shvatam da je problem pre bio u meni nego u romanu. Zapravo, tada kada sam ga čitao nisam bio spreman za fuziju epske fantastike i orijentalnih motiva, koja je sada sve prisutnija na sceni.

 Bard's Oath  by Joanne Bertin je izgleda blag zaokret prema spisateljicama kao što su Mercedes Leki i Lin Fleveling, što bi se moglo pokazati zanimljivim. U svakom slučaju, eto mi podstreka da se podsetim prvog romana u ovom sada već serijalu, pre nego što počnem da čitam Bard's Oath.

 Bard's Oath (Dragonlords) by Joanne Bertin

  In The Last Dragonlord and Dragon and Phoenix Joanne Bertin created a world
unlike our own, where Dragonlords soar in the skies above the many realms of the land.
The Dragonlords’ magic is unique, giving them the ability to change from dragon to
human form; to communicate silently among themselves; and other abilities not known
to mortals.For many millennia, the Dragonlords have been a blessing to the world, with their
great magic and awesome power. And though they live far longer than the humans who
they resemble when not in their draconic state, these fabled changelings are still loyal to
their human friends. Now in Bard's Oath, their magic is not the only power abroad in the world. And not
all the magic is as benign as theirs.
Leet, a master bard of great ability and vaulting ambition, has his own magic,
but of a much darker nature. Years ago, death claimed the woman he loved, setting him
on a course to avenge her death, no matter the consequences. Now, mad with hatred and
consumed by his thirst for revenge, Leet has set in motion a nefarious plot that ensnares
the friend of a Dragonlord, using his bardly skills . . . and dark powers only he can
summon, to accomplish his bitter task.
Raven, a young horse-breeder friend of the Dragonloard Linden Rathan, is
ensnared by Leet and under the bard’s spell, is one of the bard’s unwitting catspaws.
When accused of a heinous crime, Raven turns to Linden, and while Dragonlords
normally do not meddle in human affairs, Linden comes to Raven’s aid, loath to abandon
him in his time of desperate need.
But Raven, and others victimized by Leet, are at the mercy of human justice. Can
even a Dragonlord save them from a dire fate before it is too late? 
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« Reply #1993 on: 01-11-2012, 10:17:28 »
Inače, Goran je i zvanično najavio da počinje da prevodi Altered Carbon za Lagunu.
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« Reply #1994 on: 01-11-2012, 11:19:44 »
Kakav je Morgan, u poređenju sa Gibsonom ili Stefansonom? Volim sajberpank, ali iz čovekove biografiji na vikipediji nisam mogao da zaključim vredi li čemu njegovo pisanje, a Lagunini izbori pisaca za objavljivanje nisu uvek znak kvaliteta.


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« Reply #1995 on: 01-11-2012, 12:53:37 »
Iskren da budem, nije mi se nešto dojmio. Drugi roman o Takešiju nisam ni pročitao. Ali zato su poslednja dva njegova romana, koja spadaju u mač i magiju, nenormalno dobra - pa se nadam da će Laguna možda rešiti da radi i njih.
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« Reply #1996 on: 02-11-2012, 00:23:58 »
Uz Leviathan Wakes, odnosno "Buđenje nemani" u srpskom prevodu, i naredni roman u serijalu Expanse, pod naslovom Caliban's War, dvojac autora koji nastupa pod zajedničkim pseudonimom James S.A. Corey veoma je marljiv i nastupa sa jednim potpuno svežim pristupom objavljivanju serijala. Naime, pored romana objavljuju i novele - ali ne oslanjajući se na antologije i časopise, već u elektronskom obliku i po drastično nižoj ceni od punih romana. Tako je najpre objavljena novela Gods of Risk, koju sam upravo pročitao - ima pedesetak stranica - a potom i The Butcher of Anderson Station, koju jedva čekam da pročitam.

Mislim da sam dovoljno puta ponovio da je James S.A. Corey nešto najbolje za popularizaciju SF a što se pojavilo u poslednjih desetak godina, kada je taj žanr u definitivnom povlačenju pred drugim pojavnim oblicima fantastike. Gods of Risk sam ocenio sa 4/5, a nadam se da ću The Butcher of Anderson Station pročitati sutra.

The Butcher of Anderson Station by James S.A. Corey

A new story set in the world of The Expanse. One day, Colonel Fred Johnson will be hailed as a hero to the system. One day, he will meet a desperate man in possession of a stolen spaceship and a deadly secret and extend a hand of friendship. But long before he became the leader of the Outer Planets Alliance, Fred Johnson had a very different name. The Butcher of Anderson Station.

This is his story.
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« Reply #1997 on: 02-11-2012, 12:12:27 »
Night Shade poklanja prve dve knjige trilogije Bel Dame Apocrypha. To se ne sme propustiti.

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« Reply #1998 on: 05-11-2012, 09:48:38 »
Pročitao sam i ja Buđenje nemani. Okej, ko želi sf priču koja se ne pravi da ima nekakvu dubinu, već samo želi da zabavi čitaoca, ovo je vrlo dobar izbor. Mali problem priče leži u neizbalansiranosti dva glavna lika. Miler, sa onolikim tripovima o predmetu njegove istrage, neuporedivo je zanimljiviji lik od klasične sirovine Holdena. Ovaj drugi mi je nekako previše neuverljiv, jednostavno nisam u stanju da poverujem da bi bilo koja grupa inteligentnih ljudi, u bilo kakvim okolnostima, stavila sebe pod komandu nekog toliko ograničenog, njegovu častoljubivost i demokratičnost na stranu.

I još jedna sitnica - u ovakvom tipu priče može da prođe, nekako, ali u realnom životu nema tog scenarija u kome bi dragi Fred dozvolio Rosijevoj posadi da zadrži u svom posedu onaj sef, i još povrh toga učestvuje u opasnim akcijama širom Sunčevog sistema. Nema teorije.


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