Author Topic: Nove i pročitane knjige (u 2017.)  (Read 763735 times)

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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2200 on: 13-02-2015, 15:35:52 »
Jesam li spominjao da je kratka forma budućnost e-izdavaštva ili nisam?
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Pacific Fire by Greg van Eekhout
« Reply #2201 on: 14-02-2015, 14:24:23 »
Pacific Fire by Greg van Eekhout

Nastavak izvanrednog California Bones, ovaj roman je zacementirao Ikauta (ili kako se već izgovara) na mestu najboljeg pisca urbane fantastike. Istini za volju, čovek iza sebe ima nekoliko romana, što za odrasle što za omladinu, ali i u prethodnom romanu u ovom serijalu (California Bones) pokazao je vanredno vladanje ne samo jezikom, već i strukturom romana i pripovedačkim zanatom. Danas najpopularniji UF pisac, Džim Bučer, nije ni blizu Ikautovog spisateljskog umeća - čak ni nakon dvadeset i kusur objavljenih knjiga.

Ikautov worldbuilding je na zavidnoj ravni. Premda se svet njegovih romana vrti oko osteomantije, odnosno ceđenja magije iz kostiju i tkiva živih stvorenja, Ikaut je svoj svet posejao fosilima raznih mitoloških bića, poput hidri, krakena i grifina, ali i drugačijim vrstama magije - pa se tako već u prvom romanu upoznajemo sa vodenom magijom, koja funkcioniše potpuno drugačije od osteomantije.

Ikautov magic system donekle podseća na Sandersonovu alomantiju i teško je oteti se utisku da je California Bones makar u nekoj meri nadahnut trilogijom Mistborn, naročito zbog "Ocean's 11" zapleta romana, ali sve i da jeste tako, Ikaut se dovoljno potrudio da ova sličnost ne bude vulgarna i da ne odvlači pažnju od radnje i od likova. To na stranu, ali Ikaut je takođe daleko bolji psiholog od Sandersona i njegovi likovi su odlično izvajani, dopadljivi i realni - što je inače najveća zamerka koja bi se mogla uputiti Sandersonu.

I u Pacific Fire karakterizacija je vrhunska. Dobrim delom romana čitalac u ulozi protagoniste prati lika koji se u prvom romanu pojavio na samom kraju, ali se u poslednjoj trećini stvari vraćaju u ravnotežu i svetlost reflektora opet pada na starog protagonistu.

Budući da je između dva romana prošlo deset godina, vidimo kako se svet u kojem naši junaci žive promenio - i to nagore - pa tako postepeno postajemo svesni piščevog suptilnog društvenog komentara da sloboda od tiranije počesto ume da bude samo sloboda gladovanja i nemaštine. Makar dok se ne pojavi novi tiranin.

Pacific Fire zaslužuje detaljniji prikaz, za kakav nemam vremena. Zato ću se zadovoljiti iskrenom preporukom.

Pacific Fire by Greg van Eekhout 5/5 & Nightflier's Seal of Approval
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Novosti iz Lagune
« Reply #2202 on: 19-02-2015, 15:16:40 »
Odokativni raspored epske fantastike u Laguni:

april: "Svet leda i vatre" i novi Skot Linč (valjda bi trebalo da izađe "Republika lopova")
jun: "Reči blistavosti", Brendon Sanderson
oktobar: Novi Erikson.

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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2203 on: 19-02-2015, 15:54:21 »
I ne izgleda kao da će biti bogata godina.

Nemaš neka saznanja o sf-u?


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2204 on: 19-02-2015, 15:56:36 »
U radu je nešto Gejmanovo, ali ne znam šta. Ove godine će sigurno izaći novi Kori (ovo je pretpostavka, ali relativno sam uveren da je tačna :) ), a biće i dosta fantastike za mlađe naraštaje - samo je pitanje kako će reklamirati.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2205 on: 19-02-2015, 15:57:50 »
Also, ovo ti je garant jedno sto evrića po punoj ceni. Malo li je? :D
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2206 on: 19-02-2015, 16:04:35 »
Na ovu skupoću? Avaj, cene nikad nisu dovoljno niske.

Ali voleo bih da imamo godinu u kojoj u svakom mesecu imamo po jedan sf i ef prevod. Možda ne bih mogao sve da pokupujem, ali bih bar bio na slatkim mukama, kao što je to slučaj sa aktuelnim procvatom strip izdavaštva.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2207 on: 19-02-2015, 16:50:58 »
Pa, Sanderson i Erikson će sigurno u dva toma, sa cenama sličnim kao "Put kraljeva". Linč mislim da može da stane u jedan tom, što je i dalje oko 1500 kinti, a "Svet PLIV" je luksuzno izdanje, koje nema šanse da bude ispod 30 evra.

Inače, mislim da i imamo jedan naslov mesečno, ako ne i više. i to samo u Laguni. Muka je u tome što mnogi naslovi prođu neprimećeno kao prdež u mraku. :(
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2208 on: 19-02-2015, 21:28:19 »
 :!: :!: :!: za Gejmena, i jedno  :)  za Korija.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2209 on: 19-02-2015, 21:36:23 »
Pa, ja pratim Lagunu, Paladin i ČK, od Alnarija sam davno digao ruke. Ako neko četvrti ili peti objavi neki sf naslov, verovatno neću odmah saznati, ali cenim da se za sve pre ili kasnije čuje.

Nego, ja knjige koje Laguna izdaje u dva toma računam za jednu knjigu jer ih uvek kupujem zajedno. Tako da smo po tom kriterijumu i dalje kratki za naslov mesečno, ali cenim da drugi ljudi imaju drugačija gledišta.  :lol:


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2210 on: 19-02-2015, 21:37:52 »
Nego, kako ti sada izgledaju Reči blistavosti? Nešto mi je na umu da nakon prvog čitanja nisi bio oduševljen, ako se dobro sećam.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2211 on: 19-02-2015, 23:51:52 »
Stvar je u tome da Laguna, a i drugi izdavači, objavljuju razne romane žanrovske fantastike koje plasiraju kao (najčešće) romane namenjene ženama ili deci i omladini. Đunti, na primer, ima nekoliko UF romana koje je objavio kao "modernu svetsku prozu", što je imbecilno.

E, sad, nije zlato sve što sija - pa nije ni svaka fantastika za svakoga. Unutar žanrova imaš sve i svašta, namenjeno različitim ciljnim grupama. Međutim, uveren sam da samo Laguna na tržište godišnje plasira najmanje jedan žanrovski naslov mesečno. Kada tome dodaš ČK, Paladin i u poslednje vreme Urban Reads broj se povećava. Druga je stvar što mene prvog značajan deo objavljenih naslova ne zanima.

Inače, "Reči blistavosti" su mi za recimo pola broja bolje od "Puta kraljeva".
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2212 on: 20-02-2015, 00:12:15 »
Erikson tek na jesen? :(
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2213 on: 20-02-2015, 00:28:28 »
Jedan godisnje, remember? :-)
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2214 on: 20-02-2015, 12:02:07 »
Znam, ali mislio sam biće ranije, pošto je iz dva dela, jedan na leto drugi dobro, šta je tu je.
Tajno pišem zbirke po kućama...


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2215 on: 20-02-2015, 12:14:54 »
Odavno im je pravilo da ne objavljuju delove iste knjige u razmacima. Pravo da ti kažem, mislim da i jeste pametno da tako rade.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2217 on: 20-02-2015, 22:40:56 »
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« Reply #2218 on: 21-02-2015, 12:15:03 »
Stirling je u poslednjoj deceniji postao najznačajniji pisac alternativne istorije, po mom sudu nadmašivši i nekrunisanog kralja ovog podžanra, Harija Tartldava. Prošle godine je svoj svet "Promene" (The Change) otvorio i drugim autorima, pa smo tako dobili zbirku priča sa veoma značajnim imenima među autorima. Otprilike pola zbirke sastoji se od članova "Kritične mase", odnosno GRRM-ove i Stirlingove spisateljske grupe.

>ALL-NEW STORIES OF THE EMBERVERSE by S.M. Stirling, Harry Turtledove, Walter Jon Williams, John Birmingham, John Barnes, Jane Lindskold, and more…
“[A] vivid portrait of a world gone insane,”* S. M. Stirling’s New York Times bestselling Novels of the Change have depicted a vivid, utterly persuasive, and absorbingly unpredictable postapocalyptic wasteland in which all modern technology has been left in ashes, forcing humankind to rebuild an unknowable new world in the wake of unimaginable—and deliberate—chaos.
Now, in this startling new anthology, S. M. Stirling invites the most fertile minds in science fiction to join him in expanding his rich Emberverse canvas. Here are inventive new perspectives on the cultures, the survivors, and the battles arising across the years and across the globe following the Change.
In his all-new story “Hot Night at the Hopping Toad,” Stirling returns to his own continuing saga of the High Kingdom of Montival. In the accompanying stories are fortune seekers, voyagers, and dangers—from the ruins of Sydney to the Republic of Fargo and Northern Alberta to Venetian and Greek galleys clashing in the Mediterranean.
These new adventures revisit beloved people and places from Stirling’s fantastic universe, introduce us to new ones, and deliver endlessly fascinating challenges to conquer, all while unfolding in a “postapocalyptic landscape that illuminates both the best and the worst of which our species is capable,”** “a world you can see, feel, and touch.” ***
* Statesman Journal (Salem, OR)
 ** Science Fiction Weekly
 *** Otherwhere Gazette Here’s the table of contents…
  • “Hot Night at the Hopping Toad”” by S. M. Stirling
  • “Rate of Exchange” by A. M. Dellamonica
  • “Tight Spot” by Kier Salmon
  • “Against the Wind” by Lauren C. Teffeau
  • “The Demons of Witmer Hall” by M. T. Reiten
  • “Bernie, Lord of the Apes” by John Jos. Miller
  • “The Seeker: A Poison in the Blood” by Victor Milán
  • “Grandpa’s Gift” by Terry D. England
  • “Fortune and Glory” by John Birmingham
  • “The Venetian Dialectic” by Walter Jon Williams
  • “The Soul Remembers Uncouth Noises” by John Barnes
  • “Topanga and the Chatsworth Lancers” by Harry Turtledove
  • “The Hermit and the Jackalopes” by Jane Lindskold
  • “The New Normal” by Jody Lynn Nye
  • “A Missed Connection” by Emily Mah Tippetts
  • “Deor” by Diana Paxson
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Russell Letson reviews Old Venus
« Reply #2219 on: 24-02-2015, 23:10:43 »
 Old Venus, a companion volume to last year’s Old Mars, again offers stories set on a version of the titular planet that no longer matches what science tells us about it. In the introduction, co-editor Gardner Dozois writes that he and George R.R. Martin were looking for a return to the ‘‘heyday of the Planetary Romance,’’ when ‘‘the solar system swarmed with alien races and civilizations, as crowded and chummy as an Elks picnic.’’ But in 1962, everybody’s fun with Venus was spoiled when information from the Mariner 2 spacecraft revealed that the real planet was not the home of tropical jungles and swamps, big lizards, lost temples, and sexy aliens, but a lifeless hellhole of heat, toxic chemicals, and crushing pressures, ‘‘duller than a supermarket parking lot.’’ These 16 stories, mostly of novelette length, aspire to resuscitate not only the obsolete, imaginary planetology of Old Venus, but the iconography and tropes that filled the pulp adventure stories once set there: the rain-soaked frontier outback where questionable characters meet in roughneck saloons before setting out to find abandoned temples or lost cities, guided or preyed upon by aquatic or amphibious natives, pursued by hungry local fauna, and perhaps tempted by exotic-erotic possibilities.
Venus is a tougher planet to re-imagine as a usable setting than is Mars, and part of the fun of these stories is noting the ways the collection’s participants refurbish the old setting as a story-space that contemporary SF readers will accept. The writers take a variety of approaches to this end, and the enabling devices are ingenious and often powerfully transformative: time travel, alternate history, far-future terraforming, and panspermia. Then there’s the brute-force option: no disbelief-suspending fig-leaves, just a naked assertion that Venus is the swampy, cloud-shrouded tropical jungle of the pulps, so the story can roll on without any worries about pesky counterfactuality.
On the motif-and-trope side, the one most often employed is the trek into the interior. Allen Steele’s ‘‘Frogheads’’ sends a private investigator to floating islands where drug dealers exploit the natives; Eleanor Arnason’s ‘‘Ruins’’ sends a National Geographic team out to get pictures of Venusian megafauna; Joe Haldeman’s ‘‘Living Hell’’ and Garth Nix’s ‘‘By Frogsled and Lizardback to Outcast Venusian Lepers’’ mount rescue missions; Paul McAuley’s ‘‘Planet of Fear’’ diverts a science expedition to investigate reports of miners being attacked by monsters; and Mike Resnick’s ‘‘The Godstone of Venus’’ sends a couple of stranded soldiers of fortune after a magical, mythical object.
Of course, a trek is just a framework on which to hang other fictionally interesting features, if only the touristic ogling of the lush landscape, indigenous critters, and colorful native folkways. We get plenty of that in all the above-mentioned stories, along with other agendas and frequent doses of authorial playfulness. The Arnason entry opens with an explicit acknowledgment of the collection’s rule-set: ‘‘Of course the story began in a low dive in Venusport, in the slums up on the hillside above the harbor.’’ Then it veers off into an alternate-history world (carefully outlined in an authorial postscript) that includes solar-system mechanics, the last extraterrestrial outpost of a failed Soviet system, CIA shenanigans, a lost city, and a talking pseudo-pterosaur named Baby. McAuley’s ‘‘Planet of Fear’’ also plays out against Cold War tensions that have been exported to Venus, though the foreground is a familiar McAuleyan hard-science evocation of an alien environment and biology, and of human adaptations to it. Cold War echoes also show up in Steele’s ‘‘Frogheads’’, which begins with a touchdown in Veneragrad, ‘‘utilitarian as only a Soviet-era artifact could be,’’ before moving on to those floating islands. The reappearance of this recurring Cold War motif is perhaps an inevitable option for writers to pick up, given the political atmosphere that dominated the last decade of the Old Venus story-space.
The range of textures and atmospheres is broad and impressive. Some contributors remain close to their pulp models. Mike Resnick’s ‘‘Godstone’’ and particularly Joe Lansdale’s ‘‘The Wizard of the Trees’’ (which is right out of the E.R. Burroughs/Otis Adelbert Kline bag) could have appeared in Planet Stories or Startling in 1953 and nobody would have blinked. Others drop in homages to C.L. Moore or Leigh Brackett. Lavie Tidhar’s ‘‘Drowned Celestial’’ plays a strong C.L. Moore hand (the story is sprinkled with references), mixing the hard-boiled and the exotic-homoerotic in a lost-temple framework. Gwyneth Jones’s ‘‘Planet Called Desire’’ takes its cue from a different part of the Moore-Kuttner repertory: an explorer crosses a gulf of space and time to encounter a world that satisfies his appetite for adventure and a mysterious and powerful not-human woman who satisfies other appetites. Garth Nix’s ‘‘By Frogsled and Lizardback to Outcast Venusian Lepers’’ (which should get the Gaudiest Title Award) offers a modern version of pulp adventure with contemporary genre furniture: a multi-Great-Power Solar System with a recent history of wars; tailored clone soldiers (retired but reactivated); Venus-bioadapted human settlers; linked-telepath communicators. Oh, and the title turns out to be as accurate as it is gaudy.
Pulp does not rule the entire volume. The SF machinery of Elizabeth Bear’s ‘‘The Heart’s Filthy Lesson’’ is even more modern than Nix’s – quantum-entangled lovers and extensive physical modifications – and, as the title suggests, its journey of exploration and discovery is as much inward as outbound. In ‘‘The Sunset of Time’’, Michael Cassutt builds a complex pattern of Earth exiles, a giant construction project, and a cross-species liaison, along with misunderstood alien cultural patterns. Stephen Leigh’s ‘‘Bones of Air, Bones of Stone’’ also plumbs the mysterious (literal) depths of Venusian religious beliefs and the human urge to go where nobody else has ever has – in this case, with good reason. Tobias Buckell’s ‘‘Pale Blue Memories’’ uses Venus as a stage for an adventure-parable about slavery and survival (perhaps with a sideways glance at Heinlein’s ‘‘Logic of Empire’’). David Brin’s ‘‘The Tumbledowns of Cleopatra Abyss’’ is partly a coming-of-age story and partly about what it is like to be on the receiving end of a far-future, generation-spanning terraforming project. (And, with its subaquatic colonies, there’s a distant echo of James Blish’s ‘‘Surface Tension’’.) Joe Haldeman’s ‘‘Living Hell’’ feels like one of his future-war stories, but here the enemy is an entire planet hungry enough to try to munch on indigestible Earth-folk, with unfortunate results for all involved. ‘‘The creatures who eat us get very sick,’’ the narrator observes, ‘‘which seems only fair.’’ The story’s payoff turns the whole thing around quite admirably. Matthew Hughes’ ‘‘Greeves and the Evening Star’’ gets the Most Unexpected Mashup Prize with its goofy mix of cross-species sex and Wodehousean silly-ass-Englishman nonsense.
Ian McDonald’s ‘‘Botanica Veneris’’ is perhaps the most complex structural and thematic response to the book’s challenge: it evokes those adventurous Victorian ladies who traveled the exotic and wild parts of the world, somehow carrying their First World culture in their extensive baggage, while still appreciating and even understanding what they encountered. It also recalls the touristic rambles of Jack Vance, with occasional whiffs of Wodehouse (again) and Jane Austen, plus stronger nods to Hemingway and Kipling in its embedded narratives.
Old Venus presents an impressive range of responses to the challenge of producing satisfying fiction while staying within the inhabitable-Venus givens. Some of the pleasures here come from watching the enabling devices get re-engineered and -deployed, but there is more on offer than clever retreads of the old tropes. For those of us who live with writers and are used to seeing the sausage factory in operation, watching craft become art is endlessly fascinating. For any reader, this is more than an exercise in nostalgia; it offers us a way to get from what we know to what we want to dream.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2220 on: 24-02-2015, 23:15:06 »
Sunce ti žarko, odličan lajnap autora. Martinove antologije su sve bolje i bolje. Jedino mi je žao što nema Stirlinga, ali pretpostavljam da je on bio zauzet svojom antologijom.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2221 on: 25-02-2015, 09:38:08 »
Sledeća će biti Stara Zemlja, verovatno. Eh, ovo treba prevesti na srpski, ali džaba se nadati.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2222 on: 25-02-2015, 11:21:14 »
And every life became
A brilliant breaking of the bank,
A quite unlosable game.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2223 on: 25-02-2015, 11:28:22 »
Zemlja je bila prva...

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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2224 on: 25-02-2015, 11:30:53 »
Inače, Songs i Warriors su jedine dve njihove antologije koje imam u papiru. Songs čak imam sa Martinovim potpisom. :) Svojevremeno sam planirao da ih sve kupim u HC verziji, ali odustao sam zbog realno osrednjosti nekih zbirki.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2225 on: 25-02-2015, 11:38:22 »
Dobro, dobro, shvatio sam poruku. Dalje prste od dobre stare Zemlje.  :lol:


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2226 on: 25-02-2015, 11:40:36 »
Živa je šteta za neke od ovih antologija. Zemlja je odlična, iako je zapravo nisam pročitao - pošto nisam čitao Vensovu (a to mi je ozbiljan propust). Mars je prilično OK, ono malo što sam pročitao. Zato su Mean Streats više nego osrednja antologija.
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Harrison Squared by Daryl Gregory
« Reply #2227 on: 26-02-2015, 12:02:36 »

Daril Gregori je vrlo verovatno najbolji žanrovski pisac na engleskom jeziku, a još je u usponu karijere. Ovaj autor je svojim prvim romanima pokazao da ne samo da u današnjem komercijalnom izdavaštvu fantastike ima prostora za samostalne romane, već i da se može pisati van uskih podžanrovskih okvira - koji, iskreni da budemo, večini autora služe kao smernice u pisanju, sa ciljem da zadovolje što širi krug potencijalne ciljne grupe. Gregori ne samo da to ne radi, već u svakom svom delu otvara nove granice i nijedan njegov naslov ne liči prethodnom - osim po izvanrednom stilskom umeću i jeziku. Iako nominovan za Dika, Mitopoejsku nagradu i WFA, Gregori nije dobio nijednu bitnu žanrovsku nagradu, dok za Huga i Nebulu nije ni bio nominovan, što samo pokazuje krajnji besmisao u koji su se te nagrade pretvorile.
Što se mene tiče, Gregori je naslednik Dika i pisaca novog talasa i obavezno je štivo za istinske žanrovske sladokusce.

From award winning author Daryl Gregory comes a thrilling and colorful Lovecraftian adventure of a teenage boy searching for his mother, and the macabre creatures he encounters.

Harrison Harrison—H2 to his mom—is a lonely teenager who’s been terrified of the water ever since he was a toddler in California, when a huge sea creature capsized their boat, and his father vanished.  One of the “sensitives” who are attuned to the supernatural world, Harrison and his mother have just moved to the worst possible place for a boy like him: Dunnsmouth, a Lovecraftian town perched on rocks above the Atlantic, where strange things go on by night, monsters lurk under the waves, and creepy teachers run the local high school.

On Harrison’s first day at school, his mother, a marine biologist, disappears at sea. Harrison must attempt to solve the mystery of her accident, which puts him in conflict with a strange church, a knife­wielding killer, and the Deep Ones, fish­-human hybrids that live in the bay. It will take all his resources—and an unusual host of allies—to defeat the danger and find his mother.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2228 on: 01-03-2015, 12:18:17 »
Ne znam za vas, meni februar izgleda ovako:


 Lazarus, Vol. 1: Family
 Lazarus, Vol. 2: Lift 5/5
 Kingdom Come 3/5
 Prophet, Volume 1: Remission 4/5
 Manifest Destiny, Vol. 1: Flora & Fauna 4/5
 Manifest Destiny, Vol. 2: Amphibia & Insecta 4/5
 Legends of Red Sonja 1/5
 Winterworld Volume 1: La Nina (Winterworld, #1) 2/5
 Revival, Vol. 1: You're Among Friends 5/5
 Revival, Vol. 2: Live Like You Mean It 5/5
 Revival, Vol. 3: A Faraway Place 5/5
 Revival, Vol. 4: Escape to Wisconsin 5/5
 Dirty Magic, Jaye Wells 3/5
 Grindlinked, Neal Asher 3/5
 The Shining Ones, David Eddings 3/5
 Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal 5/5
 Ms. Marvel, Vol. 2: Generation Why 5/5
 Impulse: The Lightship Chronicles 1/5
 Dark Currents, Jacqueline Carey 4/5
 Star Wars: Legacy, Vol. 1: Broken 3/5
 The Autumn Republic, Brian McClellan 5/5
 Pacific Fire, Greg Van Eekhout 5/5
 Clean, Alex Hughes 4/5
 First Light, Linda Nagata 3/5
 Fated, Alex Versus 1/5
[/size]Lazarus, Vol. 3: Conclave 5/5
 Moon's Artifice, Tom Lloyd
 A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, George R. R. Martin 5/5
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2229 on: 01-03-2015, 12:44:23 »
Što Gridlinked 3/5 (ako te ne mrzi)?


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2230 on: 01-03-2015, 12:52:55 »
Ne mrzi me, naravno.

Poglavlja sa Kormakom bila su mi odlična, dok su me poglavlja sa Pelterom davila kao zmija žabu. Takođe, čini mi se da je kraj nekako zbrzan/nedorečen/nešto mu fali. Mogao bih da detaljišem, ali suština je u prvom delu odgovora. Mislim da bi knjiga bila mnogo bolja da je pisac pratio samo Kormaka, već u tradiciji detektivskih romana (što Gridlinked jeste). Sve u svemu, tri zvezdice mu dođu "dobra knjiga". Nije me raspametila, ali ne kajem se što sam čitao.

Jesi li je ti čitala?
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2231 on: 01-03-2015, 13:00:47 »
Jesam, skoro ceo Polity universe. Prvih pet su, mislim, o Kormaku, ostali su...luđi (mada ne obavezno bolji). Meni je taj, khm, univerzum, super zbog osnovne premise, inače se u principu sve knjige o Kormaku svode na Džemsa Bonda u svemiru (što je naravno zabavno). Kasnije kreće da docira o svojim političkim i sličnim stavovima što mene jako nervira (i nije da toga nema u Gridlinked, ali je bar u funkciji priče/upoznavanja sa univerzumom). Drugim rečima, meni je Ašer uglavnom kul, ali moja perspektiva je iskrivljena i vrlo često nema veze sa književnim kvalitetima. 


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2232 on: 01-03-2015, 13:06:45 »
Džebeš književne kvalitete. To vrlo retko kada uzimam u obzir kada čitam žanrovsku književnost. Jesu li i ostale knjige podvojene na različite points of view? Razmišljam se da krenem sa poslednjom Polity knjigom...
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2233 on: 01-03-2015, 13:19:58 »
Nisam sad sigurna koja je poslednja  :(. Samo da znaš, Spatterjay serijal je vrlo različit od Kormaka, a samostalni romani (naročito The Tehnician) su potpuno različiti i od jednog i od drugog, osim što se načelno dešavaju u istom univerzumu.
Što se tački gledišta tiče, uglavnom jesu podeljene, s tim što sam sasvim sigurna da ima bar jedna koja je ispričana skroz iz trećeg lica (tj. ima sveznajućeg pripovedača, valjda) ali se ne sećam koja. Ja sam to čitala pre par godina, pa je moguće da me sećanje ne služi najbolje, tako da sve ovo uzmi s rezervom.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2234 on: 01-03-2015, 13:27:58 »
Poslednja je od pre mesec dana, Dark Intelligence

 One man will transcend death to seek vengeance. One woman will transform herself to gain power. And no one will emerge unscathed...

Thorvald Spear wakes in a hospital to find he's been brought back from the dead. What's more, he died in a human vs. alien war that ended a century ago. Spear had been trapped on a world surrounded by hostile Prador forces, but Penny Royal, the AI inside the rescue ship sent to provide backup, turned rogue, annihilating friendly forces in a frenzy of destruction and killing Spear. One hundred years later the AI is still on the loose, and Spear vows for revenge at any cost.

Isobel Satomi ran a successful crime syndicate, but after competitors attacked she needed power and protection. Negotiating with Penny Royal, she got more than she bargained for: Turning part-AI herself gave Isobel frightening power, but the upgrades hid a horrifying secret, and the dark AI triggered a transformation that has been turning her into something far from human…

Spear hires Isobel to track Penny Royal across worlds to its last known whereabouts. But he cheats her in the process and quickly finds himself in her crosshairs. As Isobel continues to evolve into a monstrous predator, it’s clear her rage will eventually win out over reason. Will Spear finish his hunt before he himself becomes the hunted?

Dark Intelligence is the explosive first novel in a brand new trilogy from military SF master Neal Asher and a new chapter in his epic Polity universe.

Verovatno ću stići do nje krajem marta, odokativno.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2235 on: 01-03-2015, 13:34:51 »
Pa to nisam ni upratila da je izašlo. :(


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2236 on: 01-03-2015, 13:39:13 »
Tome služi ova tema :D
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A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab
« Reply #2237 on: 02-03-2015, 19:43:31 »
Ovo je za sada najhajpovanija knjiga ove godine. Stigao sam do trećine i utisci mi nisu srazmerni hajpovanju, ali nisu ni loši. Štaviše, za sada vrlo dobri. Roman se čita kao Nil Gejman kada nije na psihoaktivnim supstancama. Ima istoriografskih propusta, mora se priznati, a i romanu ne bi škodilo da bude malo britkiji. Mestimično jezik ne prati sumornu atmosferu koju je autorka zacrtala kao cilj. Ovo nesaglasje ne bi bilo upadljivo da autorka zapravo ne piše veoma dobro.

Naravno, ovo su prvi utisci. Nešto više kada završim roman.

 A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab

Most people only know one London; but what if there were several? Kell is one of the last Travelers - magicians with a rare ability to travel between parallel Londons. There's Grey London, dirty and crowded and without magic, home to the mad king George III. There's Red London, where life and magic are revered. Then, White London, ruled by whoever has murdered their way to the throne. But once upon a time, there was Black London..
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2238 on: 03-03-2015, 09:33:57 »
Zvuči kao igranje na kartu Nikadođije. Čitanje po zadatku ili jer ti se samo čita?


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2239 on: 03-03-2015, 11:51:46 »
U neku ruku i jedno i drugo.

Smatram svojevrsnom obavezom, a i dobrom poslovnom praksom, da ispratim koliko god mogu od novih dešavanja u žanrovskoj književnosti. Zato čitam i ono što mi se ne čita. U ovom slučaju, hteo sam da ćitam ADSoM, pošto mi se premisa učinila zanimljivom - ali svejedno bih ga uzeo u ruke zbog tolikog hajpa, pa samim tim i mogućnosti da me neko pita za taj roman.
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Brandon Sanderson’s Shadows of Self
« Reply #2240 on: 03-03-2015, 15:06:33 »
Nastavak veoma dobrog Alloy of Law trebalo bi da izađe čini mi se u oktobru, ali danas sam dobio ARC na uvid.

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The Cinder Spires: The Aeronaut's Windlass by Jim Butcher
« Reply #2241 on: 04-03-2015, 11:35:17 »

Bučer ima novi serijal, očito stimpankerske orijentacije. Pre nekoliko godina, Bučer je paralelno sa "Drezdenovim dosijeima" objavljivao i odličan "Alerski kodeks", što je u priličnoj meri popravilo i njegov glavni serijal. Bučer se poslednjih godina malo razmazio, pa je proredio naslove - dok je u vreme "Alere" objavljivao najmanje tri naslova u dve godine.

  Since time immemorial, the Spires have sheltered humanity, towering for miles over the mist-shrouded surface of the world. Within their halls, aristocratic houses have ruled for generations, developing scientific marvels, fostering trade alliances, and building fleets of airships to keep the peace.
 Captain Grimm commands the merchant ship,
Predator. Fiercely loyal to Spire Albion, he has taken their side in the cold war with Spire Aurora, disrupting the enemy's shipping lines by attacking their cargo vessels. But when the Predator is severely damaged in combat, leaving captain and crew grounded, Grimm is offered a proposition from the Spirearch of Albion—to join a team of agents on a vital mission in exchange for fully restoring Predator to its fighting glory.
 And even as Grimm undertakes this dangerous task, he will learn that the conflict between the Spires is merely a premonition of things to come. Humanity's ancient enemy, silent for more than ten thousand years, has begun to stir once more. And death will follow in its wake…
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2242 on: 05-03-2015, 13:02:17 »
Nastavak veoma dobrog Alloy of Law trebalo bi da izađe čini mi se u oktobru, ali danas sam dobio ARC na uvid.

Pročitao sam Shadows of Self. Moram reći da je lošiji od Alloy of Law. Sanderson sve više filozofira, što mu je veoma slaba tačka, a u ovom romanu još i preterano komplikuje zaplet. Ipak, solidnih 3,5 zvezdica, sa tendencijom ka 4/5
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Sezona kostiju - Samanta Šenon
« Reply #2243 on: 05-03-2015, 14:59:29 »

„Mračna i izuzetno pažljivo osmišljena fantastika kakvu do sada nismo sretali. Roman koji morate pročitati.“ Kami Garsija, koautorka serijala Predivna stvorenja
 Godina je 2059. Nekoliko svetskih prestonica pod kontrolom je snaga bezbednosti koje nazivaju Scion. Pejdž Mahoni radi u zločinačkom podzemlju scionskog Londona. Zadatak joj je neobičan: zalazi u ljudske umove kako bi došla do podataka. Pejdž je šetačica snovima, vidovnjakinja ‒ i u njenom svetu, scionskom svetu, vidovnjaci su krivi za izdaju samo zato što postoje.
 Kada Pejdž zarobe i uhapse, iz nje proizilazi snaga zlokobnija od Sciona. Zatvor za vidovnjake je u zasebnom gradu – Oksfordu ‒ koji je zbrisan s mape dve stotine godina ranije, a sada njime vlada moćna rasa. Ova stvorenja, refaiti, visoko cene vidovnjake – kao vojnike u svojoj vojsci. Pejdž je dodeljena refaitu Vardenu koji će biti zadužen za njenu obuku. On je njen gospodar. Njen prirodni neprijatelj. Ali ako Pejdž želi da se domogne slobode, moraće da nauči nešto o njegovom umu i njegovim tajanstvenim motivima. 
 Sezona kostiju vam predstavlja novu, fascinantnu književnu junakinju – mladu ženu koja uči kako da iskoristi svoje moći u svetu u kome joj je sve oduzeto. Takođe predstavlja mladu, izuzetnu spisateljicu velikih ambicija i bujne mašte. Samanta Šenon je stvorila smelu, novu stvarnost ovim opčinjavajućim romanom.
 „Roman koji je obuhvatio i temu političke tiranije o kakvoj je pisao Džordž Orvel i pastoralnu mitsku ikonografiju Tolkina.“ USA Today
 „Inteligentna, originalna, mračna priča koja me je motivisala da je pročitam u jednom dahu… Kroz ovaj distopijski univerzum čuje se odjek fantastike koju stvara Margaret Atvud i jezičke razigranosti kakvu je u Paklenoj pomorandži stvorio Entoni Bardžis.“
 „Nova generacija autora preuzima fantastiku. Na čelu im je Samanta Šenon.“ Harper’s Bazaar
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2244 on: 05-03-2015, 22:19:37 »

Those Above je roman koji sam u ovogodišnjoj produkciji najviše iščekivao. Međutim, u prvih 15% blago razočarava. Polanski je svoju trilogiju Low Town pisao iz prvog lica, duboko intimno i bravurozno. Those Above, pisan kao "klasični" high fantasy roman čita se više kao suvoparni infodump i uvod u atlas fantazijskog sveta nego kao išta očekivano od Polanskog. Razmere njegovog sveta svakako jesu epske, ali njegovi likovi - kojih upoznajemo nekoliko, svakog u svom PoV poglavlju - deluju nezanimljivo, neuverljivo i tipizirano. Kod nekih se vide naznake vrhunske karakterizacije koja je Polanskog i proslavila, ali prvih 15% romana uliva ozbiljnu sumnju da će ostatak dostići visine (ili dubine) njegove prethodne trilogije.
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The Thorn of Emberlain by Scott Lynch ove godine
« Reply #2245 on: 06-03-2015, 11:48:09 »
Tor je objavio naslovnicu za dugo iščekivani naredni roman u serijalu Skota Linča koji je otpočeo "Lažima Loka Lamore". Takođe je ozvaničeno da će se roman pojaviti tokom 2015. Naravno, to može svašta da znači - uključujući i decembarski datum objavljivanja, ali svakako je izvesno da će Laguna jedno šest meseci kasnije objaviti prevod.

The Thorn of Emberlain [...] picks up about half a year after The Republic of Thieves and finds Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen trying to get back on their feet with a major con. They’re trying to sell the services of a non-existent mercenary company to the besieged city-state of Emberlain, hoping to escape with the hiring fees before the chaos of the Vadran civil war overruns Emberlain. Naturally, things don’t go according to plan…
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2246 on: 06-03-2015, 12:13:22 »
Nije da mi je previše bitno, ali nadam se da će Laguna iskoristiti neku drugu naslovnu. Stilski se ni malo ne uklapa sa naslovnim iskorišćenim za domaće prevode.

Ali što je najvažnije, biće uskoro dosta Loka i Žana. To bre!!!!  :lol:


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2247 on: 06-03-2015, 13:12:30 »
Ne znam da li su do sada koristili zvanične naslovnice ili radili svoje. Verujem da će nastaviti niz, kako god da su radili do sada.
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Guns of the Dawn - Adrian Tchaikovsky
« Reply #2248 on: 07-03-2015, 16:14:34 »
Those Above se zaista pokazao veoma razočaravajućim. Polovina romana je suvoparni worldbuilding, a polovina su mlaki likovi koji deluju kao reciklaža matorih klišea, pa tako imamo Whiskeyjackovog klona, zlu bliznakinju Mare iz Fajstove trilogije Empire i tako dalje.

Ovaj roman je veoma daleko od trilogije Low Town.


Sa druge strane, izašao je novi roman Ejdrijana Čajkovskog, pod naslovom Guns of the Dawn. Očito je reč o barutnoj fantastici, a za promenu je samostalni roman.

A standalone, action-packed pseudo-Napoleonic historical fantasy adventure from the esteemed author of the Shadows of the Apt series.

Denland and Lascanne have been allies for generations, but now the Denlanders have assassinated their king, overthrown the monarchy and marched on their northern neighbour. At the border, the war rages; Lascanne's brave redcoats against the revolutionaries of Denland.

Emily Marshwic has watched the war take her brother-in-law and now her young brother. Then comes the call for more soldiers, to a land already drained of husbands, fathers and sons. Every household must give up one woman to the army and Emily has no choice but to join the ranks of young women marching to the front.

In the midst of warfare, with just enough training to hold a musket, Emily comes face to face with the reality: the senseless slaughter; the weary cynicism of the Survivor's Club; the swamp's own natives hiding from the conflict.

As the war worsens, and Emily begins to have doubts about the justice of Lascanne's cause, she finds herself in a position where her choices will make or destroy both her own future and that of her nation.
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The Fifth Heart - Dan Simmons
« Reply #2249 on: 08-03-2015, 21:44:15 »

In 1893, Sherlock Holmes and Henry James come to America together to solve the mystery of the 1885 death of Clover Adams, wife of the esteemed historian Henry Adams--member of the Adams family that has given the United States two Presidents. Clover's suicide appears to be more than it at first seemed; the suspected foul play may involve matters of national importance.

Holmes is currently on his Great Hiatus--his three-year absence after Reichenbach Falls during which time the people of London believe him to be deceased. Holmes has faked his own death because, through his powers of ratiocination, the great detective has come to the conclusion that he is a fictional character.

This leads to serious complications for James--for if his esteemed fellow investigator is merely a work of fiction, what does that make him? And what can the master storyteller do to fight against the sinister power -- possibly named Moriarty -- that may or may not be controlling them from the shadows?

Može biti da bulaznim, ali silueta sa cilindrom mi liči na počivšeg Džeremija Breta - pa me je i ponukala na čitanje "Petog srca".
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