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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2350 on: 22-05-2015, 10:38:36 »
The Scarlet Gospels by Clive Barker

The Scarlet Gospels takes readers back many years to the early days of two of Barker's most iconic characters in a battle of good and evil as old as time: The long-beleaguered detective Harry D'Amour, investigator of all supernatural, magical, and malevolent crimes faces off against his formidable, and intensely evil rival, Pinhead, the priest of hell.  Barker devotees have been waiting for The Scarlet Gospels with bated breath for years, and it's everything they've begged for and more. Bloody, terrifying, and brilliantly complex, fans and newcomers alike will not be disappointed by the epic, visionary tale that is The Scarlet Gospels. Barker's horror will make your worst nightmares seem like bedtime stories. The Gospels are coming. Are you ready?

Missim, stvarno. Ovi Ameri baš ne umeju da urade naslovnicu za Barkera. Trebalo je da angažuju Boba :D
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2351 on: 22-05-2015, 17:43:58 »
Definitivno maše naslovnice.

Nego, 'Flajeru, jel si čitao slow bullets? Meni je oblast otkrovenja od rejnoldsa vrhunski sf, pa me zanima šta cjeniš, valja li nabavljati spore metke i ako da, gde to da se obavi? ima li u Beogradu neka knjižara sa tim stranim izdanjima? Ili, još bolje, jel se spremaju prevodi za Alastera?


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2352 on: 22-05-2015, 18:43:17 »
Slow Bulets izlazi tek u junu, a - nažalost - više ne dobijam advanced reading copies. Novo je pravilo (ne tako novo, ima već nekoliko godina) da se ne šalju pdfovi prikazivačima, a papirni primerci se šalju samo na teritoriji SAD i Kanade, odnosno Velike Britanije.

To rekavši, Rejnolds je po kvalitetu konstantan. Ako ti se dopala "Oblast", dopašće ti se i ostalo.

Što se knjižara tiče, najbolji izbor je u Delfima u SKCu. Desi se i da u "Akademiji" u Knezu bude koješta dobro, ali mora da se kopa. Međutim, ne prate baš nove trendove. Uglavnom se drže neke standardne ponude, uz povremene novitete. No, vredi pročeprkati. Nalazio sam u Delfima dobre naslove po ok cenama.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2353 on: 22-05-2015, 19:01:26 »
Ružno neko pravilo:D

Ah, da, Delfi nisu loši. Možda kada izađe ovo svratim da vidim da li su dobili. Jel si možda u toku, planira li Laguna još da ga prevodi?


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2354 on: 22-05-2015, 19:07:06 »
Nisam u toku, ali - iskreno - ne verujem. Da im se prodavalo, do sada bi već izašlo nešto novo.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2355 on: 25-05-2015, 11:19:37 »

In the thrilling conclusion to the “deftly and originally executed” (Booklist) New York Times bestselling trilogy, Vaelin Al Sorna must help his Queen reclaim her Realm. Only his enemy has a dangerous new collaborator, one with powers darker than Vaelin has ever encountered…
  “The Ally is there, but only ever as a shadow, unexplained catastrophe or murder committed at the behest of a dark vengeful spirit. Sorting truth from myth is often a fruitless task.”
  After fighting back from the brink of death, Queen Lyrna is determined to repel the invading Volarian army and regain the independence of the Unified Realm. Except, to accomplish her goals, she must do more than rally her loyal supporters. She must align herself with forces she once found repugnant—those who possess the strange and varied gifts of the Dark—and take the war to her enemy’s doorstep.
  Victory rests on the shoulders of Vaelin Al Sorna, now named Battle Lord of the Realm. However, his path is riddled with difficulties. For the Volarian enemy has a new weapon on their side, one that Vaelin must destroy if the Realm is to prevail—a mysterious Ally with the ability to grant unnaturally long life to her servants. And defeating one who cannot be killed is a nearly impossible feat, especially when Vaelin’s blood-song, the mystical power which has made him the epic fighter he is, has gone ominously silent…
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2356 on: 29-05-2015, 11:54:30 »
The Liar's Key (The Red Queen's War) by Mark Lawrence

Nakon Grace of Kings, koji me nimalo nije kupio, ovo mi je najočekivaniji roman ove godine. Lorens je - nakon Aberkrombija - najistaknutiji predstavnik grimdarka i čak ima zaključaka da je "Lorens ubio grimdark", odnosno da nakon njega nema šta novo da se kaže. Njegovo izvanredno mešanje naučne fantastike i mača i magije vratilo je fantastiku u vreme pre žanrova i moglo bi se reći da je njegova prva trilogija bila toliko uspešna da ju je Aberkrombi na izvestan način oponašao u Shattered Sea romanima.

Za nekoliko dana izlazi ovaj središnji roman u Lorensovoj drugoj trilogiji i očekivanja su zaista ogromna.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2357 on: 30-05-2015, 10:53:43 »
DRAGON HEART by Cecelia Holland

Where the Cape of the Winds juts into the endless sea, there is Castle Ocean, and therein dwells the royal family that has ruled it from time immemorial. But there is an Empire growing in the east, and its forces have reached the castle. King Reymarro is dead in battle, and by the new treaty, Queen Marioza must marry one of the Emperor’s brothers. She loathes the idea, and has already killed the first brother, but a second arrives, escorted by more soldiers. While Marioza delays, her youngest son, Jeon, goes on a journey in search of his mute twin, Tirza, who needs to be present for the wedding.
As Jeon and Tirza return by sea, their ship is attacked by a shocking and powerful dragon, red as blood and big as the ship. Thrown into the water, Tirza clings to the dragon, and after an underwater journey, finds herself alone with the creature in an inland sea pool. Surprisingly, she is able to talk to the beast, and understand it.
So begins a saga of violence, destruction, and death, of love and monsters, human and otherwise.
Dragon Heart, Cecelia Holland, America’s most distinguished historical novelist steps fully into the realm of fantasy and makes it her own.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2358 on: 31-05-2015, 11:31:04 »
Gart Niks ima novu knjigu, što je priti big dil

 To Hold the Bridge by Garth Nix

An entertaining short-story collection from bestselling fantasy author Garth Nix, including an Old Kingdom novella, a short story set in the same world as Shade's Children, and another story set in the world of A Confusion of Princes.
Garth Nix is renowned for his legendary fantasy works, but To Hold the Bridge showcases his versatility as the collection offers nineteen short stories from every genre of literature including science fiction, paranormal, realistic fiction, mystery, and adventure. Whether writing about vampires, detectives, ancient spirits, or odd jobs, Garth Nix's ability to pull his readers into new worlds is extraordinary.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2359 on: 01-06-2015, 22:16:18 »
Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky

 A race for survival among the stars... Humanity's last survivors escaped earth's ruins to find a new home. But when they find it, can their desperation overcome it's dangers? WHO WILL INHERIT THIS NEW EARTH?
The last remnants of the human race left a dying Earth, desperate to find a new home among the stars. Following in the footsteps of their ancestors, they discover the greatest treasure of the past age - a world terraformed and prepared for human life.
But all is not right in this new Eden. In the long years since the planet was abandoned, the work of its architects has borne disastrous fruit. The planet is not waiting for them, pristine and unoccupied. New masters have turned it from a refuge into mankind's worst nightmare.
Now two civilizations are on a collision course, both testing the boundaries of what they will do to survive. As the fate of humanity hangs in the balance, who are the true heirs of this new Earth?
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2360 on: 03-06-2015, 17:22:05 »
Prošli mesec je bio veoma mršav. Zato je ovaj krcat dobrim naslovima. Sezonu otvara prva antologija u serijalu The Change kanadsko-američkog pisca S. M. Strilinga (sa kojim sam radio dva intervjua) i u kojoj učestvuju neka značajna imena alt. istorije i naučne fantastike.

The Change: Tales of Downfall and Rebirth (Change Series) by S. M. Stirling

by S.M. Stirling, Harry Turtledove, Walter Jon Williams, John Birmingham, John Barnes, Jane Lindskold, and more...

“[A] vivid portrait of a world gone insane,”* S. M. Stirling’s New York Times bestselling Novels of the Change have depicted a vivid, utterly persuasive, and absorbingly unpredictable postapocalyptic wasteland in which all modern technology has been left in ashes, forcing humankind to rebuild an unknowable new world in the wake of unimaginable—and deliberate—chaos.

Now, in this startling new anthology, S. M. Stirling invites the most fertile minds in science fiction to join him in expanding his rich Emberverse canvas. Here are inventive new perspectives on the cultures, the survivors, and the battles arising across the years and across the globe following the Change.

In his all-new story “Hot Night at the Hopping Toad,” Stirling returns to his own continuing saga of the High Kingdom of Montival. In the accompanying stories are fortune seekers, voyagers, and dangers—from the ruins of Sydney to the Republic of Fargo and Northern Alberta to Venetian and Greek galleys clashing in the Mediterranean.

These new adventures revisit beloved people and places from Stirling’s fantastic universe, introduce us to new ones, and deliver endlessly fascinating challenges to conquer, all while unfolding in a “postapocalyptic landscape that illuminates both the best and the worst of which our species is capable,”** “a world you can see, feel, and touch.” ***

Contributors to The Change: Tales of Downfall and Rebirth Include
Introduction: The Change as Setting and Secondary World by S. M. Stirling
Hot Night at the Hopping Toad by S. M. Stirling
Rate of Exchange by A. M. Dellamonica
Tight Spot by Kier Salmon
Against the Wind by Lauren C. Teffeau
The Demons of Witmer Hall by M. T. Reiten
Bernie, Lord of the Apes by John Jos. Miller
The Seeker: A Poison in the Blood by Victor Milán
Grandpa’s Gift by Terry D. England
Fortune and Glory by John Birmingham
The Venetian Dialectic by Walter Jon Williams
The Soul Remembers Uncouth Noises by John Barnes
Topanga and the Chatsworth Lancers by Harry Turtledove
The Hermit and the Jackalopes by Jane Lindskold
The New Normal by Jody Lynn Nye
A Missed Connection by Emily Mah Tippetts
Deor by Diana Paxson
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2361 on: 04-06-2015, 12:39:39 »
U Laguni

Abadonova kapija
Džejms S. A. Kori

Eksplozivni treći roman u serijalu Prostranstvo.
 Bestseler New York Timesa.
 Generacijama je Sunčev sistem bio krajnja granica čovečanstva. Sve do sada. Tuđinski predmet koji obavlja svoj zadatak pod oblacima Venere pojavio se u Uranovoj orbiti, gde gradi ogromnu kapiju koja vodi u tminu lišenu zvezda.
 Džim Holden i posada Rosinantea deo su ogromne flotile naučnih i vojnih brodova koji su se zaputili da ispitaju taj objekt. Ali iza kulisa je pokrenut komplikovan plan sa glavnim ciljem da dovede do Holdenovog uništenja. Dok izaslanici ljudske rase pokušavaju da ustanove da li je kapija prilika ili pretnja, najveća opasnost je upravo ona koju oni donose sa sobom.
 „Roman koji vam ubrzava puls i nagoni vas da okrećete stranicu za stranicom... Savršeno su balansirane deonice sa razvojem likova i akcijom. Poklonicima serijala ovaj deo će se možda i najviše dopasti. Politika, filozofski ideali i humor pomešani su u priči koja će vas preneraziti i iznenaditi.“ Publishers Weekly
 „Velika pustolovina ravna najboljim delima spejs opere, sa najnovijom tehnologijom i grupom nezaboravnih likova, dovodi treći deo ove dramatične svemirske epopeje (posle Kalibanovog rata i Buđenja nemani) do završetka ispunjenog akcijom, sa dovoljno prostora za nove pripovesti. Ova izvrsna kolaboracija između pisaca fantastike Danijela Ejbrahama i Taja Frenka trebalo bi da ponovo pobudi interesovanje za staromodno pripovedanje i filmski ritam. Svesrdno preporučujemo.“ Library Journal
„Autori izvrsno barataju uzbudljivim temama: pučevi na svemirskim bodovima i bitke prate se sa velikim uzbuđenjem.“ Washington Post
 „Književna spejs opera u svom apsolutno najboljem izdanju.“

u svetu Nemesis Games (The Expanse) by James S.A. Corey

The fifth novel in James S.A. Corey's New York Times bestselling Expanse series--now being produced for television by the Syfy Channel!
A thousand worlds have opened, and the greatest land rush in human history has begun. As wave after wave of colonists leave, the power structures of the old solar system begin to buckle.
Ships are disappearing without a trace. Private armies are being secretly formed. The sole remaining protomolecule sample is stolen. Terrorist attacks previously considered impossible bring the inner planets to their knees. The sins of the past are returning to exact a terrible price.
And as a new human order is struggling to be born in blood and fire, James Holden and the crew of the Rocinante must struggle to survive and get back to the only home they have left.

Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2362 on: 04-06-2015, 13:07:53 »
Drugi nastavak me je prilično ohladio kada je u pitanju ovaj serijal. A smrzo sam se kada sam video da nije u pitanju trilogija, kako sam mislio, već da će da pišu u nedogled.

Ali ću svejedno dati šansu Abadonu. Nije da možemo mnogo da biramo, kada je sveži sf u pitanju.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2363 on: 04-06-2015, 14:07:58 »
Meni "Prostranstvo" nije među najdražim serijalima vaskolike spejs opere, ali mi je negde u "4+" teritoriji - a očigledno da je srpskoj publici ovaj serijal prihvatljiviji od gomile drugih. Ja da se pitam svakako bih više voleo "Vorkosigan", na primer, ali šta je tu je.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2364 on: 04-06-2015, 15:58:02 »
Meni je Kori na granici citljivosti, u smislu da je prelazi taman za toliko da ga ipak citam u nedostatku boljih izdatih stvari. Daleko od toga da je fantastican, mada mu neke stvari dobro leze, recimo opisi borbe. Tu je recimo za dve klase bolji od Ricarda Morgana cije su knjige tesko njesra a uzasno hajpovane, ili Alistera Rejnoldsa cije su knjige ispod granice nepismenosti (ali takodje marketinski dobro odradjene). Bujoldica nema kliker za opise borbe, ali ima kliker za dramatiku i likove, tako da svaki od ova dva serijala ima svoje jace i slabije strane, a meni su negde ujednaceni po ukupnom utisku. S obzirom na gomilu necitljivih serijala i pisaca koje Laguna trenutno izdaje (vec sam spomenuo Morgana, Rejnoldsa, a u toj grupi su i Glen Dankan sa kuravama vukodlačicama, Dzon dvanaest jastrebova ili Dzastin Kronin recimo), Kori pobedjuje prosto zato sto ga poredim sa gomilom ultra losih knjiga pa tako on ispadne jos i najmanje zlo. Jedini serijal koji pratim osim njega je jos i Bretov, a Aberkrobmija tek treba da dohvatim i procenim. E da, pisac koji mi se takodje svidja je Brendon Sanderson, ali i on pokazuje znacjane simptome skribomanije u novom serijalu zbog cega sam se zaustavio na njegovom Redu Magle koji mi je lepo legao.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2365 on: 04-06-2015, 16:29:52 »
Delimično se slažem s tobom :)

Morgan mi se pokazao daleko bolje u fantaziji nego u naučnoj fantastici, premda je zasrao kraj te trilogije. Bižol (ili kako god da se izgovara) zapravo nikada nisam ni čitao zbog fajtova. Zato se čita Dejvid Veber, na primer :D Prema Rejnoldsu sam indiferentan; nikada me nije posebno kupio. Dankana nisam hteo ni da pokušam da čitam i tako dalje.

Štaviše, možda bih stavio znak jednakosti između Kronina i Korija, u smislu da su njihovi serijali tipizirani i pisani sa idejom da se zadovolje tačno određeni prohtevi tačno određene publike. To je zanatski vrhunsko urađeno, ali opet se dobija nekakav mekdonalds ukus i ukutisak, za razliku od nečega što je plod nadahnuća i potrage za intimnom vizijom. To bi na primer bili Sandersonovi romani, koji su zanatski slabiji od pređašnje pomenutih, ali ne može mu se zameriti da izgara za to što piše.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2366 on: 05-06-2015, 14:13:40 »
The Liar's Key (The Red Queen's War) by Mark Lawrence

Nakon Grace of Kings, koji me nimalo nije kupio, ovo mi je najočekivaniji roman ove godine. Lorens je - nakon Aberkrombija - najistaknutiji predstavnik grimdarka i čak ima zaključaka da je "Lorens ubio grimdark", odnosno da nakon njega nema šta novo da se kaže. Njegovo izvanredno mešanje naučne fantastike i mača i magije vratilo je fantastiku u vreme pre žanrova i moglo bi se reći da je njegova prva trilogija bila toliko uspešna da ju je Aberkrombi na izvestan način oponašao u Shattered Sea romanima.

Za nekoliko dana izlazi ovaj središnji roman u Lorensovoj drugoj trilogiji i očekivanja su zaista ogromna.

Liar's Key za sada deliveruje. Lorens se iz romana u roman poboljšava kao pisac, a protagonista je relativno originalan za ovakvu vrstu fantastike (berzerker kukavica).
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2367 on: 08-06-2015, 23:24:32 »
Hello, my name is Nightflier and I'm an addict.

The sad truth is that I don't feel happy if I do not read. I am not productive, I can barely work and my hands start to shake. Fortunately or not, my job is to read - and after that to translate what I read. The trouble is that even when I become lost in translation for hours at a time, I still must greet the next day by reading a book. Over the past decade or so I've read thousands of novels, so I've become jaded and rare is the book that can tickle me and draw me in its world, making me loose my sleep or even work hours.

Yeah, well, The Liar's Key is one of those books, Gods damn you to Nine Hells, Mark Lawrence! Give me back my 4 nights without any sleep! (Just kidding. Give me the third book, like, right now! :) )

So, anyway, The Liar's Key marks significant improvement in both storytelling and writing skills of it's author. I might've mentioned this, but Lawrence reminds me of Jim Butcher in this way. His first novels were a bit shaky, but extremely interesting story-wise, although the world was depicted in broad strokes only, and characters were a bit simply built. As the story progressed, Lawrence became bolder, his writing more defined and his language more lyrical, defining his prose and differentiating it from the style of Joe Abercrombie or Richard Morgan.

At the beginning of his second trilogy those skills seem to have matured and Lawrence has grown into a writer with a sharply-defined style and his world grew with him. We see a lot more of the Broken Empire and in greater detail. His characters are more nuanced and although they seemingly have simple motivations, they are fully developed personalities with a lot of shades of light and dark in them. In fact, for his two main characters, quite literally.

The Liar's Key is not as big of a jump in quality when compared to the Prince of Fools as in comparison with the first trilogy. It's more like an evolution, which is another thing that tells us that Lawrence has matured as an author. The Key is less clunky in the parts which were clunky in the first novel, and more smooth in the parts that were smooth before, so I mark that as an improvement, but in a way it was an expected improvement. The last third of the book has some issues, though. To be honest, it's almost like the book ends at one point and then simply goes on. That last part seems to be artificially welded to the first part of the novel and although the ending manages to tie a lot of loose ends, it seems a bit forced and strained. But that very well may be a consequence of me reading way beyond my bed time and deciding to finish the book and read to 4 am instead of going to sleep at midnight.

So, as a passionate reader, I have very much enjoyed reading this one, and I would love to translate it someday. The Liar's Key is a novel that I sincerely recommend to you.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2368 on: 10-06-2015, 15:25:56 »
Nekoliko sjajnih romana majstora alternativne istorije, Harija Tartldava (i jednog od mojih omiljenih pisaca) pojavilo se u elektronskom obliku (zvanično)

Tartldav je objavljivan i kod nas, što pod svojim imenom, što pod pseudonimom. "Vizantijskog agenta" možete da nađete u Evolutinom izdanju.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2369 on: 25-06-2015, 10:59:11 »
 Queen of Fire (A Raven's Shadow Novel) by Anthony Ryan

In the thrilling conclusion to the “deftly and originally executed” (Booklist) New York Times bestselling trilogy, Vaelin Al Sorna must help his Queen reclaim her Realm. Only his enemy has a dangerous new collaborator, one with powers darker than Vaelin has ever encountered…

“The Ally is there, but only ever as a shadow, unexplained catastrophe or murder committed at the behest of a dark vengeful spirit. Sorting truth from myth is often a fruitless task.”

After fighting back from the brink of death, Queen Lyrna is determined to repel the invading Volarian army and regain the independence of the Unified Realm. Except, to accomplish her goals, she must do more than rally her loyal supporters. She must align herself with forces she once found repugnant—those who possess the strange and varied gifts of the Dark—and take the war to her enemy’s doorstep.

Victory rests on the shoulders of Vaelin Al Sorna, now named Battle Lord of the Realm. However, his path is riddled with difficulties. For the Volarian enemy has a new weapon on their side, one that Vaelin must destroy if the Realm is to prevail—a mysterious Ally with the ability to grant unnaturally long life to her servants. And defeating one who cannot be killed is a nearly impossible feat, especially when Vaelin’s blood-song, the mystical power which has made him the epic fighter he is, has gone ominously silent…

Završnica možda najznačajnije fantasy trilogije posle Rotfasovog "Kraljoubice". Nažalost, neće se (još. možda) pojaviti kod nas. Nekoliko puta sam pokušao da ubedim Lagunu da je objavi, ali Dejan nikako da da aminuje. Pokušaću opet čim budem završio Aberkrombija.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2370 on: 25-06-2015, 22:34:57 »
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2371 on: 26-06-2015, 08:44:07 »
The Change: Tales of Downfall and Rebirth (Change Series) by S. M. Stirling

by S.M. Stirling, Harry Turtledove, Walter Jon Williams, John Birmingham, John Barnes, Jane Lindskold, and more...

“[A] vivid portrait of a world gone insane,”* S. M. Stirling’s New York Times bestselling Novels of the Change have depicted a vivid, utterly persuasive, and absorbingly unpredictable postapocalyptic wasteland in which all modern technology has been left in ashes, forcing humankind to rebuild an unknowable new world in the wake of unimaginable—and deliberate—chaos.

Now, in this startling new anthology, S. M. Stirling invites the most fertile minds in science fiction to join him in expanding his rich Emberverse canvas. Here are inventive new perspectives on the cultures, the survivors, and the battles arising across the years and across the globe following the Change.

In his all-new story “Hot Night at the Hopping Toad,” Stirling returns to his own continuing saga of the High Kingdom of Montival. In the accompanying stories are fortune seekers, voyagers, and dangers—from the ruins of Sydney to the Republic of Fargo and Northern Alberta to Venetian and Greek galleys clashing in the Mediterranean.

These new adventures revisit beloved people and places from Stirling’s fantastic universe, introduce us to new ones, and deliver endlessly fascinating challenges to conquer, all while unfolding in a “postapocalyptic landscape that illuminates both the best and the worst of which our species is capable,”** “a world you can see, feel, and touch.” ***

Contributors to The Change: Tales of Downfall and Rebirth Include
Introduction: The Change as Setting and Secondary World by S. M. Stirling
Hot Night at the Hopping Toad by S. M. Stirling
Rate of Exchange by A. M. Dellamonica
Tight Spot by Kier Salmon
Against the Wind by Lauren C. Teffeau
The Demons of Witmer Hall by M. T. Reiten
Bernie, Lord of the Apes by John Jos. Miller
The Seeker: A Poison in the Blood by Victor Milán
Grandpa’s Gift by Terry D. England
Fortune and Glory by John Birmingham
The Venetian Dialectic by Walter Jon Williams
The Soul Remembers Uncouth Noises by John Barnes
Topanga and the Chatsworth Lancers by Harry Turtledove
The Hermit and the Jackalopes by Jane Lindskold
The New Normal by Jody Lynn Nye
A Missed Connection by Emily Mah Tippetts
Deor by Diana Paxson

Pročitao sam skoro čitavu zbirku i za sada je lošnjikava. U najboljem slučaju 2/5. Posmatrano zasebno, priče su čak i bolje nego što je ukupan utisak o antologiji. Rekao bih da je ovo ipak preusko polje za tako mnogo raznorodnih autora.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2372 on: 26-06-2015, 14:25:27 »
Laguna već neko vreme planira novi fantazijski serijal. Doduše, mislim da je to mesto za sada popunjeno Aberkrombijevom trilogijom koju upravo prevodim. Nažalost, zakovali su se u ogromne serijale (Malazan, Olujna svetlost), koji troše abnormalno mnogo resursa. To ne može a da ne utiče na dolazak novih naslova.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2373 on: 26-06-2015, 16:10:55 »
Dali će Laguna u dogledno vrijeme objaviti Aberkrombijeve The Heroes i Red Country? Ili da se hvatam originala?


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2374 on: 26-06-2015, 17:25:34 »
Ne znam šta podrazumevaš kao dogledno vreme? :) Iskren da budem, zavisi od toga šta radi Nikola Pajvančić, koji je preveo prve četiri knjige. Pretpostavljam da postoji mogućnost i da mene prebace na Heroes kada završim Half a King. Imam sastanak u redakciji negde tokom naredne nedelje, pa ću pitati.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2375 on: 26-06-2015, 18:56:07 »

Since time immemorial, the Spires have sheltered humanity, towering for miles over the mist-shrouded surface of the world. Within their halls, aristocratic houses have ruled for generations, developing scientific marvels, fostering trade alliances, and building fleets of airships to keep the peace.
Captain Grimm commands the merchant ship Predator. Fiercely loyal to Spire Albion, he has taken their side in the cold war with Spire Aurora, disrupting the enemy’s shipping lines by attacking their cargo vessels. But when the Predator is severely damaged in combat, leaving captain and crew grounded, Grimm is offered a proposition from the leaders of Albion—to join a team of agents on a vital mission in exchange for fully restoring Predator to its fighting glory.
And even as Grimm undertakes this dangerous task, he will learn that the conflict between the Spires is merely a premonition of things to come. Humanity’s ancient enemy, silent for more than ten thousand years, has begun to stir once more. And death will follow in its wake…

Bučer je solidan pisac, a ponekad i više od toga. Njegov glavni serijal, "Drezdenovi dosijei", ima uspone i padove, ali nikada ne pada ispod solidne 3+, a dobacuje i do čistih petica. Codex Alera je bio odlična omladinska fantazija pa se i od ovog serijala mnogo očekuje.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2376 on: 30-06-2015, 15:12:47 »
Dali će Laguna u dogledno vrijeme objaviti Aberkrombijeve The Heroes i Red Country? Ili da se hvatam originala?

Heroes nisu u planu za ovu godinu. Laguna mora da pre toga izbaci Shattered Sea i to sa razmakom ne većim od tri meseca između knjiga.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2377 on: 01-07-2015, 11:39:17 »
Čeka, čekaj, Bučer, umjesto da završava Drezdena uzeo da piše nešto novo??? OMG, zakonom bi trebalo autorima fentazi serijala zabraniti pisanje bilo kakvih novih serijala, bilo kakav rad sa strane, učešće na projektima, pojavljivanje na konferencijama, davanje intervjua, i uvesti im obaveznu ljekarsku kontrolnu na svaka tri mjeseca!!!!!!!
There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2378 on: 01-07-2015, 11:51:18 »
Čeka, čekaj, Bučer, umjesto da završava Drezdena uzeo da piše nešto novo??? OMG, zakonom bi trebalo autorima fentazi serijala zabraniti pisanje bilo kakvih novih serijala, bilo kakav rad sa strane, učešće na projektima, pojavljivanje na konferencijama, davanje intervjua, i uvesti im obaveznu ljekarsku kontrolnu na svaka tri mjeseca!!!!!!!

Nije baš tako :)

Dok je Bučer pisao Codex Alera paralelno sa Drezdenom, objavljivao je tri naslova u dve godine, plus priče. Otkad piše samo Drezdena, objavljuje jedan naslov u dve godine. Kreativcima jednostavno dosadi da rade jedno te isto. Potrebno je nešto novo da ih gura. Nadam se da će ovaj novi serijal revitalizovati i Harija.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2379 on: 01-07-2015, 14:00:17 »
Dali će Laguna u dogledno vrijeme objaviti Aberkrombijeve The Heroes i Red Country? Ili da se hvatam originala?

Heroes nisu u planu za ovu godinu. Laguna mora da pre toga izbaci Shattered Sea i to sa razmakom ne većim od tri meseca između knjiga.

Hvala za info. Neću ih vala čekati...


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2380 on: 01-07-2015, 14:24:32 »
By all means, samo napred :)
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2381 on: 01-07-2015, 15:49:03 »
Ok, ovo je prva stvar u vezi s rebutovanim SW serijalom glede koje sam bašbaš uzbuđen:

Dark Disciple: Star Wars by Christie Golden

Based on unproduced episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this new novel features Asajj Ventress, former Sith apprentice turned bounty hunter and one of the great antiheroes in the Star Wars galaxy.

The only way to bring down the Sith’s most dangerous warrior may be to join forces with the dark side.

In the war for control of the galaxy between the armies of the dark side and the Republic, former Jedi Master turned ruthless Sith Lord Count Dooku has grown ever more brutal in his tactics. Despite the powers of the Jedi and the military prowess of their clone army, the sheer number of fatalities is taking a terrible toll. And when Dooku orders the massacre of a flotilla of helpless refugees, the Jedi Council feels it has no choice but to take drastic action: targeting the man responsible for so many war atrocities, Count Dooku himself.
 But the ever-elusive Dooku is dangerous prey for even the most skilled hunter. So the Council makes the bold decision to bring both sides of the Force’s power to bear—pairing brash Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos with infamous one-time Sith acolyte Asajj Ventress. Though Jedi distrust for the cunning killer who once served at Dooku’s side still runs deep, Ventress’s hatred for her former master runs deeper. She’s more than willing to lend her copious talents as a bounty hunter—and assassin—to Vos’s quest.
 Together, Ventress and Vos are the best hope for eliminating Dooku—as long as the emerging feelings between them don’t compromise their mission. But Ventress is determined to have her retribution and at last let go of her dark Sith past. Balancing the complicated emotions she feels for Vos with the fury of her warrior’s spirit, she resolves to claim victory on all fronts—a vow that will be mercilessly tested by her deadly enemy . . . and her own doubt.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2382 on: 01-07-2015, 19:41:34 »
Nedavno sam trgovao Kindle mašinu i manijakalno počeo da skidam knjige sa svih svojih višlisti, međutim primijetio sam da su pojedine, tj. dosta knjiga, skraćene ili šta li već, recimo Sandersonov Tha Way of Kings je smiješno kratak - upoređivao sam sa pejprbekom, niđe veze. Primijetio sam isto kod dosta knjiga. Fulam li gol sa dva metra ili nešto nije u redu?


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2383 on: 01-07-2015, 20:29:02 »
Nedavno sam trgovao Kindle mašinu i manijakalno počeo da skidam knjige sa svih svojih višlisti, međutim primijetio sam da su pojedine, tj. dosta knjiga, skraćene ili šta li već, recimo Sandersonov Tha Way of Kings je smiješno kratak - upoređivao sam sa pejprbekom, niđe veze. Primijetio sam isto kod dosta knjiga. Fulam li gol sa dva metra ili nešto nije u redu?

Pa sad, ne znam odakle si skidao i šta si skidao. Najbolje je da uporediš sadržaje, pa da vidiš da li su sva poglavlja na svom mestu. Ako su fajlovi označeni sa "retail" ili imaju numeričku oznaku 5.0 onda je verovatno sve na svom mestu.

Što se WoK tiče, taj roman je sve samo ne kratak.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2384 on: 01-07-2015, 20:31:57 »
Heroes nisu u planu za ovu godinu. Laguna mora da pre toga izbaci Shattered Sea i to sa razmakom ne većim od tri meseca između knjiga.

Ali ih imaju u planu nakon Shattered Sea?

Koliko znam, Aberkrombi je retka fantastika koja se prodaje, tako da ne verujem da bi odustali. Pre će biti da je ovde po sredi marifetluk Prava & Prevoda, koji su im verovatno najpre prodali prve četiri knjige iz sveta First Law, lako moguće jer su tada samo te četiri i bile objavljene, a sada su im uvalili Shattered Sea pošto je trilogija kompletirana i aktuelna.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2385 on: 01-07-2015, 21:30:18 »
Nedavno sam trgovao Kindle mašinu i manijakalno počeo da skidam knjige sa svih svojih višlisti, međutim primijetio sam da su pojedine, tj. dosta knjiga, skraćene ili šta li već, recimo Sandersonov Tha Way of Kings je smiješno kratak - upoređivao sam sa pejprbekom, niđe veze. Primijetio sam isto kod dosta knjiga. Fulam li gol sa dva metra ili nešto nije u redu?

Pa sad, ne znam odakle si skidao i šta si skidao. Najbolje je da uporediš sadržaje, pa da vidiš da li su sva poglavlja na svom mestu. Ako su fajlovi označeni sa "retail" ili imaju numeričku oznaku 5.0 onda je verovatno sve na svom mestu.

Što se WoK tiče, taj roman je sve samo ne kratak.

Analizirao sam materijale - knjige koje sam skinuo preko calibre-a su sve redom iste elektronske zapremine, tako da se izrazim, sto ce reci krace nego originali dok su knjige koje sam skinuo sa torenata sasvim OK. Dakle nedje kod calibre-a je problem...


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2386 on: 01-07-2015, 22:30:38 »
I imas li preporuku dje bih skidao SF naslove, narocito nove, za dzabe naravno...


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2387 on: 01-07-2015, 23:09:31 »
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2388 on: 01-07-2015, 23:20:33 »

Kaže čovek "Sons of Anarchy meets The Lord of the Rings". Naslovnica jeste jebozovna, mora se priznati...
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2389 on: 03-07-2015, 13:02:50 »
 The Change: Tales of Downfall and Rebirth (Change Series) by S. M. Stirling

by S.M. Stirling, Harry Turtledove, Walter Jon Williams, John Birmingham, John Barnes, Jane Lindskold, and more...

“[A] vivid portrait of a world gone insane,”* S. M. Stirling’s New York Times bestselling Novels of the Change have depicted a vivid, utterly persuasive, and absorbingly unpredictable postapocalyptic wasteland in which all modern technology has been left in ashes, forcing humankind to rebuild an unknowable new world in the wake of unimaginable—and deliberate—chaos.

Now, in this startling new anthology, S. M. Stirling invites the most fertile minds in science fiction to join him in expanding his rich Emberverse canvas. Here are inventive new perspectives on the cultures, the survivors, and the battles arising across the years and across the globe following the Change.

In his all-new story “Hot Night at the Hopping Toad,” Stirling returns to his own continuing saga of the High Kingdom of Montival. In the accompanying stories are fortune seekers, voyagers, and dangers—from the ruins of Sydney to the Republic of Fargo and Northern Alberta to Venetian and Greek galleys clashing in the Mediterranean.

These new adventures revisit beloved people and places from Stirling’s fantastic universe, introduce us to new ones, and deliver endlessly fascinating challenges to conquer, all while unfolding in a “postapocalyptic landscape that illuminates both the best and the worst of which our species is capable,”** “a world you can see, feel, and touch.” ***

Contributors to The Change: Tales of Downfall and Rebirth Include
Introduction: The Change as Setting and Secondary World by S. M. Stirling
Hot Night at the Hopping Toad by S. M. Stirling
Rate of Exchange by A. M. Dellamonica
Tight Spot by Kier Salmon
Against the Wind by Lauren C. Teffeau
The Demons of Witmer Hall by M. T. Reiten
Bernie, Lord of the Apes by John Jos. Miller
The Seeker: A Poison in the Blood by Victor Milán
Grandpa’s Gift by Terry D. England
Fortune and Glory by John Birmingham
The Venetian Dialectic by Walter Jon Williams
The Soul Remembers Uncouth Noises by John Barnes
Topanga and the Chatsworth Lancers by Harry Turtledove
The Hermit and the Jackalopes by Jane Lindskold
The New Normal by Jody Lynn Nye
A Missed Connection by Emily Mah Tippetts
Deor by Diana Paxson

Stirling je trenutno moj omiljeni pisac, ali ova zbirka ipak neće dobiti bogznakako visoku ocenu. Sve priče su napisane veoma pismeno i vidi se da je neki urednik debelo radio na njima - ali velika većina priča je krajnje dosadna. Jedino se izdvajaju:

Hot Night at the Hopping Toad by S. M. Stirling
Rate of Exchange by A. M. Dellamonica
The Venetian Dialectic by Walter Jon Williams
Topanga and the Chatsworth Lancers by Harry Turtledove
Deor by Diana Paxson

Najbolja je Tartldavova, pa potom priča Dajane Pakson. Stirlingova je prosečna i čak otaljana, u smislu da prati trenutno glavne protagoniste njegovog serijala, a ne nudi ništa novo o njima, već se svodi na beznačajnu epizodu.

U iskušenju sam da dam dvojku, ali ipak 3/5.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2390 on: 04-07-2015, 17:09:45 »
Queen of Fire (A Raven's Shadow Novel) by Anthony Ryan

In the thrilling conclusion to the “deftly and originally executed” (Booklist) New York Times bestselling trilogy, Vaelin Al Sorna must help his Queen reclaim her Realm. Only his enemy has a dangerous new collaborator, one with powers darker than Vaelin has ever encountered…

“The Ally is there, but only ever as a shadow, unexplained catastrophe or murder committed at the behest of a dark vengeful spirit. Sorting truth from myth is often a fruitless task.”

After fighting back from the brink of death, Queen Lyrna is determined to repel the invading Volarian army and regain the independence of the Unified Realm. Except, to accomplish her goals, she must do more than rally her loyal supporters. She must align herself with forces she once found repugnant—those who possess the strange and varied gifts of the Dark—and take the war to her enemy’s doorstep.

Victory rests on the shoulders of Vaelin Al Sorna, now named Battle Lord of the Realm. However, his path is riddled with difficulties. For the Volarian enemy has a new weapon on their side, one that Vaelin must destroy if the Realm is to prevail—a mysterious Ally with the ability to grant unnaturally long life to her servants. And defeating one who cannot be killed is a nearly impossible feat, especially when Vaelin’s blood-song, the mystical power which has made him the epic fighter he is, has gone ominously silent…

Završnica možda najznačajnije fantasy trilogije posle Rotfasovog "Kraljoubice". Nažalost, neće se (još. možda) pojaviti kod nas. Nekoliko puta sam pokušao da ubedim Lagunu da je objavi, ali Dejan nikako da da aminuje. Pokušaću opet čim budem završio Aberkrombija.

Trenutno sam na nekih 11-12%. Čini se da je treća knjiga slabija od prve dve. Ostaje da se vidi koliko.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2391 on: 07-07-2015, 11:15:52 »
Pročitao dve trećine. Odustajem od pokušaja da ubedim Lagunu da ovo objavi. Ima pametnijih stvari. Nije baš epik fejl, ali nije ispunjeno ono što je prva knjiga obećavala.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2392 on: 07-07-2015, 11:43:04 »
Meni je i prva bila tek malo iznad proseka. Druga malo ispod proseka, a treću, po svemu sudeći, neću ni da čitam.


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2393 on: 07-07-2015, 11:49:46 »
To sad, valjda, zavisi šta uzimaš kao prosek. Prva je meni bila među tri najbolje fantazije te godine. Naravno, u poređenju sa ranim Martinom ili Eriksonom nije mogla ni da prismrdi, ali držala se sasvim solidno u poređenju sa Rotfasom, recimo. Čak je možda i bolja. Druga je već bila skretanje u šesnaestom smeru. Diversifikacija radnje je počela da opterećuje priču, kao i praćenje likova do kojih čitaocu, realno, nije stalo. Bojim se da će treća knjiga celom serijalu da obori ocenu na nekih 3+/4-
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2394 on: 07-07-2015, 18:34:33 »
Pa recimo da su mi prva tri Martina vrh epske fantastike (ocena 5). Pročitao sam prvih pet knjiga Malazana (one su mi u rasponu od 3,5 do 4,5). Prvi Rajan 3 (možda može da se navuče na 3,5), a drugi jedva 2,5. Kao i tebi, mnogo mi se svidela trilogija Polanskog, mada je po meni prva knjiga čist prosek (3-3,5). Ali su zato druga i treća, kao i novela, stvarno odlične (sve oko 4,5).


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2395 on: 07-07-2015, 19:02:40 »
Sve je stvar ukusa. Moji omiljeni pisci su Martin, Aberkrombi, Polanski, Kerni (Korvus i treći deo trilogije su mi odlični). Pročitao sam prvu Lorensovu knjigu i nije me oduševila (za mene prosek). Ne znam da li si čitao, ali meni su se dopale prve tri knjige Moontide kvadrologije Davida Haira.
Što se tiče Rajana, ništa nije vrhunsko. Priča - već viđena (više puta), stil pisanja - ništa posebno, worldbuilding - takođe ništa posebno. I dan danas se čudim zašto se oko te knjige digla tolika prašina. Isto važi i za Lorensa (doduše, originalniji je, a glavni junak je brutalni klinac, pa shvatam zašto je to izazvalo veliku pažnju).


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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2396 on: 07-07-2015, 19:35:07 »
Strožiji si od mene :)

Čitao sam sve Lorensovo. Nova trilogija mu je bolja od prethodne. Pisanje je poboljšano, premda eksperimentiše sa tehnikom, što me nervira. Hera sam probao (prvu) i nije me se posebno dojmio. Nažalost, na delu je uravnilovka diljem žanra, tako da se zanatski dobri autori primoravaju na teme koje su komercijalno prihvatljive, a urednici se plaše originalnosti. To je dovelo do retardacije fantastike negde u debele osamdesete godine, praktično elminisavši sve što su pisci devedesetih uradili za žanr.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2397 on: 09-07-2015, 00:30:15 »

Maks Gledston je najoriginalniji pisac epske fantastike u poslednjih pet godina. Odličan zanatlija besprekornog vladanja jezikom, maestralno barata worldbuildingom. Nažalost, hronologija mu nešto i ne ide od ruke. Tako po internoj hronologiji Last First Snow (poslednji objavljeni roman) treba čitati zapravo pre drugoobjavljenog Two Serpents Rise, pa onda prvoobjavljeni Three Parts Dead i na kraju Full Fathom Five. Ova hronologija će se verovatno promeniti već sa sledećim romanom. Istini za volju, ovo nije serijal već romani samo dele svet funkcionišući potpuno samostalno. No, ja sam alergičan na prikvele i flešbekove, tako da ću LFS preskočiti, iako sam veoma uživao u izvanrednom Two Serpents Rise.

Ali onima koji se tek upoznaju sa Gledstonom iskreno preporučujem da počnu redom (hronološkim).
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2398 on: 09-07-2015, 20:35:59 »
Queen of Fire (A Raven's Shadow Novel) by Anthony Ryan

In the thrilling conclusion to the “deftly and originally executed” (Booklist) New York Times bestselling trilogy, Vaelin Al Sorna must help his Queen reclaim her Realm. Only his enemy has a dangerous new collaborator, one with powers darker than Vaelin has ever encountered…

“The Ally is there, but only ever as a shadow, unexplained catastrophe or murder committed at the behest of a dark vengeful spirit. Sorting truth from myth is often a fruitless task.”

After fighting back from the brink of death, Queen Lyrna is determined to repel the invading Volarian army and regain the independence of the Unified Realm. Except, to accomplish her goals, she must do more than rally her loyal supporters. She must align herself with forces she once found repugnant—those who possess the strange and varied gifts of the Dark—and take the war to her enemy’s doorstep.

Victory rests on the shoulders of Vaelin Al Sorna, now named Battle Lord of the Realm. However, his path is riddled with difficulties. For the Volarian enemy has a new weapon on their side, one that Vaelin must destroy if the Realm is to prevail—a mysterious Ally with the ability to grant unnaturally long life to her servants. And defeating one who cannot be killed is a nearly impossible feat, especially when Vaelin’s blood-song, the mystical power which has made him the epic fighter he is, has gone ominously silent…

Završnica možda najznačajnije fantasy trilogije posle Rotfasovog "Kraljoubice". Nažalost, neće se (još. možda) pojaviti kod nas. Nekoliko puta sam pokušao da ubedim Lagunu da je objavi, ali Dejan nikako da da aminuje. Pokušaću opet čim budem završio Aberkrombija.

Na kraju jedva 3/5
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
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Re: Nove i pročitane knjige
« Reply #2399 on: 10-07-2015, 13:32:25 »
 The Way Into Chaos: Book One of The Great Way (Volume 1) by Harry Connolly

BOOK ONE OF THE GREAT WAY: The city of Peradain is the heart of an empire built with steel, spears,and a monopoly on magic… until, in a single day, it falls, overthrown by a swarm of supernatural creatures of incredible power and ferocity. Neither soldier nor spell caster can stand against them.  The empire's armies are crushed, its people scattered, its king and queen killed. Freed for the first time in generations,  city-states scramble to seize neighboring territories and capture imperial spell casters. But as the creatures spread across the land, these formerly conquered peoples discover they are not prepared to face the enemy that destroyed an empire.  Can the last Peradaini prince, pursued by the beasts that killed his parents, cross battle-torn lands to retrieve a spell that might—just might—turn the battle against this new enemy?

Ovo mi je promaklo prošlog decembra, verovatno stoga što sam bio u ludilu od posla. Enivejz, trenutno sam na 60%. Izvanredna epska fantastika zasnovana na orijentalnim motivima.
Sebarsko je da budu gladni.
First 666