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Robert Anton Wilson

Started by Kler_Vojant, 08-05-2010, 13:42:45

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iako je covek dobio prometheus hall sf nagradu, veci deo opusa mu je u nekim drugim vodama, pre svega u gestalt-integraciji joge misticizma droga gurdjijeva kvantne fizike frojda i jos kojecega u jedan sistem, to je sto se tice non-fictiona tj. pop-psiholoskih knjiga tipa prometheus rising.
sto se tice ostalog, fokus interesovanja se siri na teorije zavere (illuminatus! za koju je dobio pomenutu sf nagradu), barouzovsku paranoju, i cesto uspesne pokusaja indukovanja mistickih iskustava kroz kontemporarnu prozu. koga zanima nesto vise, nek overi ogroman clanak na engleskoj wikipediji, ili moju skromnu sumaciju istog, sa par malih recenzija Wilsonovih knjiga koje su mi tada kad sam to sklopio (2007 cini mi se) bile dostupne. http://www.duhovnirazvoj.com/Tekstovi/Robert%20Anton%20Vilson.htm
elem, da zakljucijem ovu pricicu, Wilson je jedan od retkih autora koje i dalje smatram da zaista vredi citati, covek koji pucao od sjajnog, pomalo neukusnog, ali jako obogacujuceg HUMORA i pisac koji uvek nalazi razloge da pretvorite svoj zivot u cistu eksploziju neurosomatskog zadovoljstva.

fantastican izvod iz everything is under control Wilsonove  enciklopedije teorija zavere.

James Jesus Angleton

James Jesus Angleton served as director of counterintelligence
for the CIA from 1954 to 1974 when he was removed for illegal
activities. He was a strange, brilliant, and paranoid person,
obsessed with the search for Soviet moles within the CIA and
suspicious of almost everybody. Apparently, he never did abandon
his beliefs that Tito was a Soviet mole and that the chief Soviet
mole in the CIA has reached a rank at least as high as his own.
As we hinted in the introduction, behavior that would rank as
clinical paranoia in ordinary life becomes pragmatic caution in
the world of "Intelligence." The KGB would love to have an agent
high in the CIA, Angleton knew; they were clever and tireless,
he also knew; ergo, they would eventually have a mole in the
Company, and maybe they had one already. He never stopped
hunting that Russian mole, and he operated with even more
secrecy than was normal in the CIA.

A.J. Weberman believes that Angleton masterminded the assassination
of John Kennedy, using an agent to implicate and frame
Lee Harvey Oswald. Most of the evidence for this hypothesis will
be found in the Weberman website cited below; but see also E.
Howard Hunt, Marina Oswald, The Three Tramps, and links
therefrom. If Angleton really did it, he probably believed Kennedy
was the "top Soviet mole" he'd been hunting so many years.
Angleton's obsession with this ambiguous Russian "mole"
code-named Sasha led him to shred documents totally, long before
that practice became common, fearing that the mole might
ransack his office at night.

Another CIA officer, Edward Petty, stated of Angleton, "He
was strictly a lone wolf, a strange bird. The man was doing all
sorts of things on his own that nobody ever told him to do....
What an Angleton operation was, nobody really knows."
Angleton helped form the P2 conspiracy in Rome, which used
drug dealing to finance anti-communist and pro-fascist activities,
sometimes using over 200 real and imaginary banks to launder
the money.

See also:
Roberto Calvi, David Ferrie, In Banks We Trust, Knights of Malta,
Octopus, General Robert C. Richardson III, Scandals of the Priory of
Sion, World Finance Corporation
Angleton's paranoia—
Angleton and JFK assassination—
Angleton and P2—
