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Started by Hate mail, April 21, 2010, 11:07:22 PM

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Hate mail

Samo da okacim za future reference...

Other Cultural Considerations

Often, an Arab's view of the world is based on five concepts: atomism,
fatalism, wish versus reality, extremism, and paranoia.

Atomism. Arabs tend to perceive events as isolated incidents. Emphasis
on the part rather than the whole is a key psychological feature of Arab
culture. Arabs do not generally subscribe to the Western concept of
cause and effect; they often dismiss causal chains of events. These
thought processes can cause Arabs and Arab rhetoric to seem illogical
or irrational to Westerners who look for a unifying concept.

Fatalism. Arabs usually believe that life is controlled by God's will, or
fate, rather than human beings. Contentment with the blessings of the
day, tranquility, and acceptance in the face of hardship are part of the
Islamic tradition. Fatalism complicates planning with Arabs to change
what they consider to be a natural, unchangeable chain of events.

Wish versus Reality. Arabs often use forceful and appealing rhetoric that
tends toward exaggeration. In their hyperbole, wish blends with reality;
the ideal becomes more real than fact until the Arab is forced to accept
reality. Even then, the reality is merely God's will, unalterable by human
beings. The tendency to blend ideals with reality makes Arab behavior
seem illogical to Westerners. The ability to blend wish and reality into a
psychologically acceptable concept explains how Arabs can live in an
atmosphere of seeming contradiction; their desire for modernity is contradicted
by a desire for Islamic tradition free of Western influence.

Extremism. Many Arabs perceive the world in extremes, perhaps due to
the harsh, desert environment that Arabs have lived in for thousands of
years. Either there was water or no water; it was either hot or cold. Surrounded
by an environment of extremes, Arabs perceive the world in
those terms, and this attitude remains prevalent in Arabic society. As a
result, Arabs do not address challenges as do Americans; if a plan,
project, or piece of equipment has a problem, then it means the entire
plan, project, or piece of equipment is a problem.

Paranoia. Arabs appear paranoid by Western standards. Many perceive
problems as part of a plot to foil their attempts to make life more pleasant.
Arab history of foreign domination and totalitarian governments
may be the root of this paranoia. It often means that Middle Easterners
view Americans living in the Middle East as secret operatives. Family
members may be suspected of plotting against other family members for
opportunities. The government is usually viewed as plotting against the
people for its own gain.

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Jesu li doprineli nesto civilizaciji od kad su primili Islam? Kultura koja je izmislila cifre..sta je doprinela zadnjih 1400 godina?
The bums will always loose.

Hate mail

To ne bih znao ali sudeci po ovom opisu spali su na nivo uzurpatoraTM Gornje Mezije. :mrgreen:
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Hate mail

Ne znam sta bih rekao.

Alo, slawene, vidjas li ti ovo? Gde je covek?

Eno ti sudije iz Guce na fresci...
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Quote from: Tromotorac on April 21, 2010, 11:12:14 PM
Jesu li doprineli nesto civilizaciji od kad su primili Islam? Kultura koja je izmislila cifre..sta je doprinela zadnjih 1400 godina?

Не спрдај се, човјек:


Tja, golden age im je bio oko 751, pa to nije ni vek od Muhameda. Kladim se da se tad Islam nije ni odomacio skroz kod svih Arapa. Decline im je vec tamo oko 12-13 veka.

Sta su od onda doprineli civilizaciji? Penicilin, asprin, ibuprofen, motor sa unutrasnjim sagorevanjem, kombajn, vrsalica, proizvodni proces, avion, raketni pogon, satelit, mobilna telefona... ne vidim nista od toga na spisku tamo, za jedan ipo milenijum.

Al' zato umeju da se biju...
The bums will always loose.

Hate mail

Aha, tu su majstori. K'o neki isto sto ih znam. :mrgreen:
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Hate mail

Sto rece Vidosav Stevanovic: "nikada nista nisu izmislili niti ce". Docim on nije o Arapima pisao. :mrgreen:
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


QuoteSta su od onda doprineli civilizaciji? Penicilin, asprin, ibuprofen, motor sa unutrasnjim sagorevanjem, kombajn, vrsalica, proizvodni proces, avion, raketni pogon, satelit, mobilna telefona... ne vidim nista od toga na spisku tamo, za jedan ipo milenijum.

Onda mozes da kazes da ni Grcka, Rim, Egipat, stara Indija i Kina, renesansna Evropa itd nisu nista doprinele


Search criteria je bio izmedju 700-2000te. Dakle, u tom periodu su i Grcka, i Rim i ostali podbacili :)
The bums will always loose.


The bums will always loose.


Quote from: Tromotorac on April 23, 2010, 04:14:04 PM
Search criteria je bio izmedju 700-2000te. Dakle, u tom periodu su i Grcka, i Rim i ostali podbacili :)

OK then

Hate mail

Ima i A-Rabs, to je neki narod o kome nasi (sada to smem reci) politicari a i vojnici stalno pricaju ali ja jos nisam provalio koji su to. Oh, well...
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


To su ti isti, ne glupiraj se.
The bums will always loose.

Hate mail

Ej-rebz.  xuzi xdrinka
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Don't argue with an Idiot.  He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience!

Hate mail

Oh, that's where they're from?
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"