We the child.
Meanwhile, in Arkansas...
"Voters who have known the Clintons the longest seem to
like Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton the
least, according to a new poll.
A poll of Arkansas voters released Monday shows
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump leading
Clinton by 56 percent to 33 percent."
"“Trump leads with all age groups across the state,
running particularly well with those in the 30-44 age
range. He is also winning in all corners of the state,”
commented Jay Barth, professor of political science at
Hendrix College.
Barth noted that Trump leads among Arkansas residents
regardless of gender or education."
"Clinton does lead
with all non-white voters, but Trump
runs up a large lead with white Arkansans, which
constitute 8 in 10 voters. She also leads with non-
churchgoers, a minority of the Arkansas population, but
those who are more religiously active support Trump,”
he added."
www.westernjournalism.com/trump-surges-to-23-point-lead-in-poll-from-clintons-former-home-state/Ovi izbori su popis stanovnistva, kao onaj popis u Jugoslaviji 1991., pred etnicki sukob.