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Started by Pijanista, March 04, 2011, 06:01:45 AM

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Hate mail


A ja upravo provaljujem da postoji i nesto zvano "beach volleyball", stavise olimpijska je disciplina, a od cega moze i da se rikne/na nj moze i da se baci...

Ovog casa gledam dve Ruskinje i dve Brazilke kako se "chepaju" (Mislilc) po nekom pesku i jedva se obuzdavam...
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Ova pekarova vodila do nekih 5 km do cilja i verovatno bi uzela zlato...

Annemiek van Vleuten (@AvVleuten) | Twitter | 12 mins ago
I am now in the hospital with some injuries and fractures, but will be fine. Most of all super disappointed after best race of my career.
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.



Trump pictures himself striking tough deals with a like-minded strongman. He surely underestimates Putin's ruthlessness and is ignorant of his conception of U.S.-Russia relations as a zero-sum game. After 15 years in power, Putin is skilled at the arts of deception, betrayal, sabotage and tactical aggression. Trump, by comparison, is a dilettante. So the consequence of a Trump-Putin world would not just be the triumph of amoral statesmanship; it would be the rise of Russian influence at America's expense.

Hate mail

I'll take Russian influence over Tel Aviv's any day.
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Zipa Nevadu, iz kazina pravo u banku

Hate mail

Can we predict who will turn to crime? 'Minority Report' computers may soon mark out children as 'likely criminals'

- Data analysis could help point out criminals at a young age
- This could lead to pre-classifying some children as 'likely criminals'
- So far, algorithms are able to accurately who may be a low-risk individual
- But they are still not as accurate in predicting who might commit a crime

The comments below have not been moderated.

purplecandles, San Bernardino, United States, 13 hours ago
Ask any kindergarten teacher--they can tell you pretty accurately by the time a child turns 6.

ETP, Nowhereville, United States, 14 hours ago
If the name is Latosha, Shyrana, Trayvon, Dontrell, Leroy, Moesha, Barack, Sheniqua, Jamal, Donte, etc. that's a start..

ETP, Nowhereville, United States, 14 hours ago
If the name is Tyrone, Travon, Sheniqua, Shondrell, Barack, Leroy, Dontrell, Shequeena, Treyvon, Lamont, Latosha, etc. etc.- that's a start..

Henry V111, London, 17 hours ago
Cut the technology and just look around Liverpool.


"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Hate mail

Tricksareforkids, Nunya, United States, 18 hours ago
They put hillarys characteristics in the computer hit calculate and it short circuited  :|
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Quote from: Hate mail on August 10, 2016, 03:11:50 PM
ETP, Nowhereville, United States, 14 hours ago
If the name is Tyrone, Travon, Sheniqua, Shondrell, Barack, Leroy, Dontrell, Shequeena, Treyvon, Lamont, Latosha, etc. etc.- that's a start..


Baker's theory (english version)
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

Hate mail

End times...

Parents accused of beating five-month-old baby Dinah into a coma are charged with her murder after life support machines are turned off

Ismellarat, Somewhere, United States, 7 minutes ago
I hope Georgia has the death penalty.

SaraAnn, Atlanta, 28 minutes from now
We do. Six executed so far this year. Line em up.

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Hate mail

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"



Quote from: Hate mail on August 10, 2016, 05:07:14 PM

blago rečeno

pa vama arapi ne trebaju
imate local supply
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.




Hate mail

Pusti to (nama mladima/zivima) nego sta bi s' onu lisicu?
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"



Hate mail

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Quote from: Hate mail on August 11, 2016, 11:45:49 PM
"She need to chill".

400 godina i jos ne umeju engleski da govore.

Odeća za školu = kajle oko vrata, hoodie & AirMax..

Ona kuga što je satrla Mađar Janka je kurac prema ovome.

Hate mail

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


(au jebote, slucajno kliknuh na ignore, ode mi Hate na 30 sekundi)


Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

Hate mail

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


TWUMP 2016!

folirant 08:12 17.08.2016.
Od Velike Srbije osta samo veliki stomak.

Ivana 00:55 17.08.2016.
Nije trebalo da vidim ovo sa kafom u ustima. Moram da brišem monitor sada.

Mosha 19:27 16.08.2016.
Ova zemlja je show. Ovo samo da covek ima para i da ne odlazi nigde odavde, da mu zivot prodje u smehu
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

Hate mail

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

Hate mail

Ove dve glupace bi mogle da popuse alkosima, narkomanima i beskucnicima crncima koji vise (i redovno napadaju ljude) tu u tom parku/trgu.
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Šef Trampove kampanje podneo ostavku

Ukrajinski ured za borbu protiv korupcije objavio je u četvrtak računovodstvene izvode u kojima se nalazi ime Pola Manaforta, kao primatelja isplata u ukupnoj visini 12,7 miliona dolara između 2007. i 2012. godine.
Manafort je tada bio savetnik za odnose s medijima bivšeg ukrajinskog predsednika Viktora Janukoviča.
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.


Dosta vise sa Trumpom, poceo je da mi  se prividja svugde.


ovaj Milwaukee ti je iz novembra 2014-te
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

Hate mail

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"


Super, sad kad im "snajka" umre od side, morace da spale sina.

Hate mail

"John Jones 48, one of Britain's  top human rights lawyers, and a representative for Julian Assange, was killed last Monday, 15 August 2016, when he was struck by a commuter train.  The death is being called a suicide."

Why, of course it is.

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Hate mail

Nevidjene su to lopine i smradovi.
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

Hate mail

Ah, Hussein Obama: covek koji nikada nije imao pravi posao.

And the Clintons: dvoje pravnika koji su, zbog laganja pod zakletvom, oboje izgubili licencu da praktikuju pravo...

"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"