Author Topic: Duzan k'o Grcka  (Read 71063 times)

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Duzan k'o Grcka
« on: December 10, 2009, 05:23:29 AM »
Kako je ovo moguce da je EU dozvolila Grckoj 12% deficit, ja sam mislio da je limit bio 3%?

Former BOE Official Buiter Says Greece May Be First EU Default
Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Former Bank of England policy maker Willem Buiter said Greece may be the first major country in the European Union to default on its debts since the aftermath of World War II.

“It’s five minutes to midnight for Greece,” Buiter, who will join Citigroup Inc. as its chief economist next month, said in a Bloomberg Television interview today. “We could see our first EU 15 sovereign default since Germany had it in 1948.”

The EU’s economic affairs commissioner said late yesterday that officials are ready to help Greece with its budget deficit after concerns about its public finances sparked a rout in Greek government bonds. Fitch Ratings cut its rating on the nation’s debt yesterday to BBB+ and two other major ratings companies are threatening to follow.

“Default is not unavoidable,” Buiter said. “But unless there are radical fiscal actions, lasting cuts in spending and tax increases of at least 7 percent of GDP, the writing is on the wall” for Greece.

There’s “absolutely” no risk Greece will default, Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said in an interview today with Bloomberg Television. Greek banks are “fundamentally sound” and Greece will not seek an EU aid package, he said.

Greece, the lowest-rated country in the euro region, is struggling to cut a budget deficit of 12.7 percent of gross domestic product.

European Assistance

The European Commission “stands ready to assist the Greek government in setting out the comprehensive consolidation and reform program, in the framework of the treaty provisions for euro-area member states,” said Joaquin Almunia, who is in charge of EU economic and monetary policy. He didn’t say what form any assistance could take.

Greece can expect a bail out from the European Central Bank “only at a price,” Buiter said. “They’ll probably go to the IMF, have a credible standby program and then aid from Brussels and bilateral aid from selected sovereign governments in Europe and the U.S. will be available.”

The benchmark Athens Stock Exchange General Index has fallen more than 11 percent in the last three days. The spread between the Greek and German 10-year benchmark bonds widened to 221 basis points from 130 basis points on Oct.

Buiter, currently a professor of political economy at the London School of Economics, was one of the founding members of the U.K. central bank’s rate-setting panel when he joined in June 1997.
sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed

Offline vbo man

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 07:01:12 AM »
More economic news :

    Today, the Kuwait Investment Authority (hereinafter the "KIA") and its brutal body-blow to Citi demand our attention. While pinning solid figures on any of the sovereign wealth funds in the middle east is a speculative effort at best, it is difficult to come up with figures much smaller than $150-200 billion for KIA's assets under management, at least assuming no major losses in the last 24 months- potentially a generous modeling gift.  Moreover, the KIA, residing as it does within the borders of a "close friend" of the United States, has often enjoyed direct and indirect encouragement therefrom.  Further, a demonstrated willingness to invest in Western European concerns (e.g., Daimler) and American enterprises (e.g. Citigroup), particularly in times of distress, has cemented bonds between the United States and these petrolpowers.  The honeymoon might be over.  To wit:

           The Kuwait Investment Authority has held internal discussions about scaling back its banking relationship with Citigroup in a move that could include transferring funds currently deposited with the US bank, people familiar with the matter say.

            A withdrawal of KIA funds from Citi would mark another setback for the bank as it seeks to recover from the financial crisis and pay back government bail-out funds.

    Indeed.  In one fell swoop KIA might undo the Herculean YouTubeian pleadings by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairwoman Shelia Bair begging Americans to please, really, seriously, please just stop taking money out of absolutely, totally safe and solvent banks.  Oh, and paying off TARP is pretty much right out if Citi faces this kind of capital flight.

    Well, how bad could it be exactly?  Again, the Financial Times:

           According to KIA officials, most of Kuwait's oil revenues are deposited at Citi - a decades-long relationship.

    Ouch.  Well, that might not be all that much.  Right?

    KIA manages a series of assets (not least for the Ministry of Finance), but, probably more significantly, also the Kuwait Future Generations Fund (hereinafter the "FGF") and the Kuwait General Reserve Fund (hereinafter the "GRF").  By law, the FGF slurps in 10% of the general revenue of... well... all of Kuwait... every year.

The FGF contribution for 2008 was reported to have been $3 billion. But this is the second shoe Kuwait has dropped on Citi in the last few days.  See below.

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Kuwait's sovereign wealth fund on Sunday said it has sold a $4.1 billion stake in Citigroup, according to a news report. The Kuwait Investment Authority said it made a profit of $1.1 billion from the sale, or a 36.7% return on the investment, Dow Jones Newswires reported, citing an emailed statement,

The KIA invested $3 billion in Citibank /quotes/comstock/13*!c/quotes/nls/c (C 3.86, +0.03, +0.78%) and another $2 billion in Merrill Lynch at the beginning of 2008, the report said.

The Kuwait fund is one of the oldest and most experienced of government investment funds in the Middle East, with estimated assets of more than $200 billion, the report said.

The fund's investment in Citigroup was criticized by Kuwaiti lawmakers who were worried about major losses for Kuwait's overseas wealth, the report said.

LONDON, Dec 10 (Reuters) - The Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) has held internal discussions about scaling back its banking operations with Citigroup the Financial Times said, citing sources. The move could involve transferring funds deposited with the U.S. bank, the newspaper cites people familiar with the matter saying.

The newspaper said the deliberations had taken place in recent months while the fund was in the process of selling Citi shares it acquired in January 2008. On Sunday the KIA said it had sold its stake in Citigroup, making a $1.1 billion profit.

The KIA's internal talks on changing its relationship with Citi reflect irritation with what is seen as a lack of communication on the bank's part, the newspaper cites people familiar with the matter as saying.
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 07:21:03 AM »
Ajde da ne čitam sve ovo (ipak mene zamara čitanje previše texta na engleskom) je l' može razime: da li je kapitalizam već propao? :D

E, lepo je meni nekad govorila amans, ništa bez druga Fidela, a ja joj nisam verovao. :!:

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 08:20:42 AM »
Nije josh...a ka' ce ne znaaaamo :mrgreen:
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2009, 10:13:26 AM »
    The European Commission has called on Greece to step up its deficit cutting measures just hours after the embattled EU country had its credit rating cut on Tuesday (8 December).

    With Athens still reeling from two days of violent protests marking the anniversary of a police shooting of a 15-year old boy last year, credit ratings agency Fitch cut the country's debt grade to BBB plus - a new 10-year low.

    Greek public finances are in ruins

    News of the rating cut plunged shares on the Greek stock market by more than six percent and prompted the EU's economy commissioner Joaquin Almunia to speak out.

    "A difficult situation in one euro-area member state is a matter of common concern for the euro area as a whole," said Mr Almunia in a statement.

    "It is clear that Greece faces very substantial economic and fiscal challenges ... but more measures are required," he added.
By the way negde sam chitala da u Grchkoj ljudi ( dobro obrazovani) rade za 700-800 Eura za mesec...
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2009, 02:03:21 PM »
Limit je bio 3% samo da udjes u euro rezim.
Treba da refinansiraju preko $70B duga samo 2010.
CDS im je skuplji od Turske, Juzne Afrike, i krsha drugih zemalja.
Mislim, Serbia je 315 - 335 jutros, Grcka 225 - 238.
"Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future."
Niels Bohr

Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2009, 02:04:58 PM »
Ajde da ne čitam sve ovo (ipak mene zamara čitanje previše texta na engleskom) je l' može razime: da li je kapitalizam već propao? :D

E, lepo je meni nekad govorila amans, ništa bez druga Fidela, a ja joj nisam verovao. :!:

Mislim da je Grcka upravo suprotan primjer.  Ne znam kakve veze ima Kuvajt sa Grckom, ali  namjera mi je bila da potaknem razgovor sa onima koji su vise upuceni u to, pogotovo sto je Grcka vec duugo vremena u EU, a ja sam mislio da je problem bio samo u "new Europe", tipa Madjarska i Latvija koje su bile pred kolapsom ljetos.

Takodje, bio sam pod utiskom da je jedan od uslova za pridruzenje Eu stroga kontrola deficita, pa sam bas bio iznenadjen sa ovim vijestima iz Grcke.
sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed

Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2009, 02:10:56 PM »
Evo, dok sam kuckao, Zagor pojasnio.

Jebi ga, sta se kurce kad ne znaju da lete...

Jebala ih Olimpijada.
sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2009, 02:19:59 PM »
Najveci trenutni problem za Grcku je sledeci: do krize, ECB je kao kolateral za zajmove uzimao samo papir sa rejtingom do A-. Dakle, Grcke banke su mogle da podizu zajmove od ECB polazuci Grcke drzavne obveznice kao zalog. Zbog krize i lakseg pristupa kapitalu jedna od prvih mera ECB je bila da se kvalitet zaloga spusti na BBB. Medjutim, vec mesecima se prica da ce prva povratna mera normalnom stanju biti restitutio ad integrum u ovome, je li, domenu. E sad - Grcka je u medjuvremenu izgubila A- kreditni rejting, tako da bi ovo sasvim iskljucilo grcke banke iz ECB sistema - sto bi ih poobaralo kao domine u rekordno kratkom roku. A Bundesbanka je zeljna krizem koja bi PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece) malo dovela u red. Ima da ih najure u red za IMF program kao dva i dva.
"Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future."
Niels Bohr

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2009, 02:29:22 PM »
Sorry NE greshka ...trebalo je da ide na drugi topik :oops:
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2009, 02:34:31 PM »
A Bundesbanka je zeljna krizem koja bi PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece) malo dovela u red. Ima da ih najure u red za IMF program kao dva i dva.

Da to je vec komicno vise. Zivo me zanima sta to znaci za Evro srednjerocno.
sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2009, 02:39:22 PM »
E, lepo je meni nekad govorila amans, ništa bez druga Fidela, a ja joj nisam verovao. :!:

hehe wiz, move on:  

We're lost, but we're making good time.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2009, 12:37:35 PM »
A evo shta kaze jedan Grk , direktno sa licinog mesta...

A lot of people fear that we're being led to a structural collapse after 12 years of artificially high growth. The usual crowd hopes for some shock therapy.

Most of the past years' growth however was debt-fueled, something that some people noted at the time - and were ignored. Most of the gains went to profits. Wages as a portion of GDP were either steady or declined. More and more people were forced into temporary and precarious work and extra jobs. Outside of the official economy there exists a huge black economy, part of which was "officialized" a couple of years ago, but which still manages to make a mockery of measures to curb tax-evasion. Corruption is rampant and certainly not subsiding. Unemployment is now well into double digits and from what the labor minister has announced today, might reach 17-18% in 2010.
Trust in the political system and institutions is close to nil, and racism and xenophobia are on the rise, certainly in part due to the deteriorating economic climate. At the same time taxes are low, and are even lower if one takes the black economy (another 30% of the economy perhaps? no one knows for sure) into account. The official economic statistics on all this are highly dubious and Greek statistical service is a joke.

Parts of the population have been seeing real income declines for well over two decades now, especially but not only menial workers, as deindustrialization and illegally employed uninsured workers have been pushing wages down, most of the young work in temporary, uninsured or otherwise precarious working conditions and living costs have rose much faster than the official inflation rate, especially for the poor.

On top of this is a banking system and a host of large companies that have seen unprecedented profits these past 15-20 years, and a "corruption elite" made up of crooked public officials, tax-evading professionals and rentiers and black economy magnates and cadres, which have formed an upper stratum both detested and envied by much of the population.

So much of the population, will be rightly pissed off beyond words when mention of "excesses" comes up, and when they are called to pay for the crisis and the chronic mismanagement of the economy. And as things get worse I am not sure that people will take this silently and peacefully.

[As an aside: the idea has been floated that the greek government can find a bit of home financial support by floating bonds internally that would both offer higher rates than the banks are offering now to private depositors, but lower than it is being forced to pay by the intl markets. Does this seem feasible, wise or generally a good idea to the ET cognoscenti?]
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2009, 01:20:20 PM »
Grčka privreda ima jednu osobenost koja mnogima izmiče: siva ekonomija. Neka istraživanja pokazuju da van legalnih tokova ide 70% celokupnog prometa.
Meni je uvek bilo smešno kada se Slovenci recimo pale da im je nacionalni dohodak kao Grčki... budalaština.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2009, 01:30:03 PM »
Grčka privreda ima jednu osobenost koja mnogima izmiče: siva ekonomija. Neka istraživanja pokazuju da van legalnih tokova ide 70% celokupnog prometa.
Meni je uvek bilo smešno kada se Slovenci recimo pale da im je nacionalni dohodak kao Grčki... budalaština.
Da, bre... Njih ni Nemci nisu uspeli da dovedu u red za vreme WWII. Kako ono beshe - Nemci dele knjige a Grci zgrcu po 20 komada - i na sledecem uglu prodaju valjda ili za lozenje ili za stari papir (ako je taj fenomen postojao u to vreme)... Ovo iz knjige onog Shvabe sto je bio nekaakv glavni Rajhs-shef za logistiku na Balkanu.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2009, 08:10:39 PM »
Grčka privreda ima jednu osobenost koja mnogima izmiče: siva ekonomija. Neka istraživanja pokazuju da van legalnih tokova ide 70% celokupnog prometa.
Meni je uvek bilo smešno kada se Slovenci recimo pale da im je nacionalni dohodak kao Grčki... budalaština.

Код нас је изгледа барем 70% запослених на бело...

Radno aktivno je oko 3.300.000 ljudi.
U Srbiji je zaposleno 1.830.000 ljudi.
Nezaposleno je zvanično oko 750.000 ljudi.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2009, 10:25:59 PM »

Грчка дужна 300 милијарди евра

Атина под снажним притиском ЕУ да хитно спроведе радикалне привредне реформе, грчки синдикати најављују отпор
Финансијска криза могла би да изазове додатни социјални бунт у Грчкој

Према извештајима агенција
Атина, Брисел – Дужна свету 300 милијарди евра, Грчка је данас изложена страховитим страним и домаћим притисцима да што пре разреши егејску финансијско-економску кризу – најтежу унутар евро-зоне од њеног оснивања 1999. године.

Мрачан рендгенски снимак грчке привреде и финансија:
- незапосленост око 18 одсто,
- буџетски дефицит (12,7 одсто) – иначе четири пута већи од лимита у евро-зони,
- јавни дуг око 135 одсто бруто друштвеног производа...
избио је у жижу међународне пажње након дужничке кризе Дубаија и лоших оцена међународних кредитних рејтинг агенција.

Да ли је Грчка у стању да самостално и одговорно сервисира спољни дуг, скреше јавну потрошњу, заведе ред у пореском систему, искорени корупцију...?

Бриселска фамилија, глобалне берзе и домаћи синдикални покрети имају опречне процене способности Папандреуове владе да се у скорој будућности избори са кризом.

Премијер Јоргос Папандреу инсистирао је у четвртак увече у Бриселу да је Грчка одговорна земља која ће извршити све своје финансијске обавезе и колико већ почетком 2010. године почети са радикалним економским реформама.

„Грчка има солидну економију и спремна је на радикалне привредне реформе. У следеће четири године, Грчка ће оборити буџетски дефицит испод три одсто – колико је зацртани стандард за чланице ЕУ. Нема говора да ће садашње тешкоће изазвати излазак Грчке из евро-зоне”, поручио је Папандреу лидерима бриселске фамилије. Он је истовремено најавио да ће у понедељак саопштити прецизан план економских промена у егејској држави.

Окупљени лидери ЕУ изнијансирано су одреаговали на Папандреуово обећање хитног плана против привредног понирања најслабије економије јужног крила ЕУ.

Шведски премијер Фредрик Рајнфелд – иначе председавајући ЕУ – истакао је да је „грчки проблем базично домаћа ствар која се мора решити одлукама на домаћем терену”. Немачка канцеларка Ангела Меркел сматрала је да „бриселска заједница има заједничку одговорност према проблемима са којима се суочава појединачна земља-члан”. Грчки министар финансија Јоргос Папаконстантину изјавио је јуче у интервјуу француском „Фигароу” да ће Атина учинити „све што је неопходно да не буде приморана да се за финансијску помоћ обрати Међународном монетарном фонду”.

Светске берзе јуче нису имале много разумевања за обећања грчког политичког врха да ће се чеоно сукобити са кризом.

„Крајње је време да грчки политичари са великих речи пређу на дела. Питање је да ли и грчки премијер разуме у каквој озбиљној економској ситуацији је земља”, изјавио је представник кредитне агенције „Фич” агенцији „Блумберг”. „Грчка и Ирска су међу државама које су у економски недопустивој ситуацији, која може довести до неликвидности и чак изласка из евро-зоне до краја идуће године”, проценила је јуче „Стандард банка”.

Најава драстичних економских реформи наишла је већ на огорчени отпор грчких синдикалних организација.

„Нема варијанте да ће грчка радничка класа платити цену изласка из кризе”, упозорио је представник Удружења грчких синдикалиста Статис Анестис.

Да придобије благослов домаће политичке арене за предстојеће реформе, Јоргос Папандреу је за уторак заказао, за грчке прилике иначе ретки, састанак представника свих водећих партија . Четворица лидера водећих опозиционих грчких партија већ су прихватили позив за састанак са Папандреуом идуће седмице, преноси дневник „Катимерини”.

Т. В.
[објављено: 12/12/2009]


ovo Turcima dodje kao melem na ranu ...
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2009, 10:42:36 PM »
Goran Milic je razgovarao sa nekim Hrvatom u Nemackoj koji je u gradjevinskom biznisu.

Covek je objasnio da mu se ne isplati da zida na Jadranu ako ce prihode (od izdavanja hotela/soba) imati samo 3-4 meseca, i da zato radi/zida/izdaje u Nemackoj. Normalno da su cene soba nize u Nemackoj, ali ima goste preko cele godine (jer postoji i sadrzaj zbog kojeg dolaze gosti preko cele godine).
Više volim da mi se neko izveštačeno osmehne, nego da se spontano izdere na mene.

Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2009, 03:23:56 AM »
Evo jedne vijesti iz casino-kapitalizma domene ( vjerovatno je za svapsku alavost kriva Amerika):

Austrija preuzima Hipo banku
14. decembar 2009. 14. decembar 2009. | 11:56 
Austrijska banka "Hipo Alpe Adria" prećiće u potpuno državno vlasništvo, potvrdio je u Beču visoki austrijski vladin funkcioner.
sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2009, 04:21:50 AM »
    Greece will use its worst debt crisis in decades to rebuild itself, Prime Minister George Papandreou pledgedtonight as he unveiled reforms to set right the parlous state of the nation's public finances.

    In a televised address in which he acknowledged the "reasonable concerns" that the economy has caused for Greece's EU partners, Papandreou outlined "a road map" of change to shore up competitiveness, combat corruption, crack down on tax evasion and overhaul the public sector.

    "There are certain moments in the history of a nation when the choices made define the decades to come," the socialist leader said. "Today is such a moment. It is time to address and resolve, once and for all, deep-rooted problems that are holding the nation back."

Bice tuche xuzi
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2009, 07:47:10 AM »
Evo jedne vijesti iz casino-kapitalizma domene ( vjerovatno je za svapsku alavost kriva Amerika):

Austrija preuzima Hipo banku
14. decembar 2009. 14. decembar 2009. | 11:56 
Austrijska banka "Hipo Alpe Adria" prećiće u potpuno državno vlasništvo, potvrdio je u Beču visoki austrijski vladin funkcioner.

Јел' то банка оног рвацког преваранта?
Што купио ЦК од Мирослава, Милана & Миодрага (www.3М.rs)?
We take no cash unless we cash justice for you! Are you listenin' to me? I'm givin' ya pearls hеrе!

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2009, 08:14:07 AM »
Јел' то банка оног рвацког преваранта?
Што купио ЦК од Мирослава, Милана & Миодрага (www.3М.rs)?
deder pojasni..

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2009, 08:21:22 AM »
Па ја сам тако чуо, не мора да значи да је истина.
We take no cash unless we cash justice for you! Are you listenin' to me? I'm givin' ya pearls hеrе!

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2009, 08:32:36 AM »

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2009, 08:37:56 AM »
Eto...nacionalizacija je u toku...
A svi kao imaju neshto protiv komunizma :mrgreen:
Samo ovo nije trajno ( nije ni kod nas trajalo :mrgreen:). Malo ce da ih nacionalizuju pa ce onda opet da ih prodaju ( sebi i svojima)...
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2009, 08:42:20 AM »
Да, у праву си Тарано, није, Хипо само рентира тај простор од МПЦ Петра Матића, сили ми....  :mrgreen:
Конзорцијум 3М (4М?) који је купио ЦК за милионче, беше, није никад ни постојао, а Алексић ("034") из Крагујевца никад није поскидао са бомбардоване зграде сав алуминијум за грчки Етем.
Много ја читам ове теорије завера, па ми то ударило у главу.
Ту се види да оних тричавих 800.000 које стављају Санадеру на душу заправо побијају ове претходне тврдње.
We take no cash unless we cash justice for you! Are you listenin' to me? I'm givin' ya pearls hеrе!

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2009, 08:51:24 AM »
Konzorcijum koji ne vi ste se odlichno uklopili u svetCka zbivanja xrofl
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2009, 09:03:07 AM »
Таки смо ти ми...
We take no cash unless we cash justice for you! Are you listenin' to me? I'm givin' ya pearls hеrе!

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2009, 12:50:33 PM »
$415 milijardi dolara duguje zemlja od, koliko, desetak miliona ljudi?
Nice one.
"Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future."
Niels Bohr

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2009, 12:58:05 PM »
$415 milijardi dolara
Nemoj da zezash? xrotaeye

A sorry mislish na Grchku ?
Ja reko ko bi Srbiji dao te pare xrofl
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2009, 01:08:01 PM »
Da, cek' da vidimo gde ce eur/usd da bude 2010; Grcka pred kolapsom, austrijske banke imaju exposure veci od austrijskog GDPja po Ukrajinama, Litvanijama i Letonijama planete, Spanija totalni raspad sistema, niko ne sme da razmislja o kapitalizaciji nemackih banaka. Bice zanimljivo.
"Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future."
Niels Bohr

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2009, 01:50:00 PM »
Ne znam šta se čudite; pa jedino se u tumbanju zarađuju velike pare.
Zapad je u jednom trenutku postavio prilično jasne granice prometa novca i otprilike za većinu je to značilo da ostaju gde jesu.
Ovako, kada krene haos, nikad se ne zna ko će da ušićari, a nezadovoljnih je uvek više nego zadovoljnih.
Zbog toga ljudi lako srljaju u turbulencije.
Evo, kod nas, jebiga, nekoliko desetina hiljada žive kao kraljevi; možda još stotinjak hiljada živi životom koji ne bi menjali, a svi ostali bi radije da se bilo šta promeni u iluzivnoj nadi da će u novom deljenju karata njima zapasti neki džoker.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2009, 08:10:31 PM »
Evo jedne vijesti iz casino-kapitalizma domene ( vjerovatno je za svapsku alavost kriva Amerika):

Austrija preuzima Hipo banku
14. decembar 2009. 14. decembar 2009. | 11:56 
Austrijska banka "Hipo Alpe Adria" prećiće u potpuno državno vlasništvo, potvrdio je u Beču visoki austrijski vladin funkcioner.

па то је већ банка која је у већинском власништву државе/а

Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2009, 08:41:16 PM »
Poenta nije u vlasnickoj strukturi, vec u tome da govorimo o njemacko-austrijskoj banci. Da ne ispadne da su za sranja u istocno-evropskim ekonomijama krivi casino-kapitalisti iz Amerike ( koja nista ne proizvodi, a i zli GE je odande).
sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed

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"Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future."
Niels Bohr

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2009, 09:21:20 PM »
Poenta nije u vlasnickoj strukturi, vec u tome da govorimo o njemacko-austrijskoj banci. Da ne ispadne da su za sranja u istocno-evropskim ekonomijama krivi casino-kapitalisti iz Amerike ( koja nista ne proizvodi, a i zli GE je odande).

Па добро, али од кога баварско-аустријски банкари примају инструкције ако то нису геј јеврејски казино банкари са Вол стрита8-)

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2009, 09:21:42 PM »
Da, cek' da vidimo gde ce eur/usd da bude 2010; Grcka pred kolapsom, austrijske banke imaju exposure veci od austrijskog GDPja po Ukrajinama, Litvanijama i Letonijama planete, Spanija totalni raspad sistema, niko ne sme da razmislja o kapitalizaciji nemackih banaka. Bice zanimljivo.

gdje vec dolar moze biti? bezvrijedan. ako ojaca, us-privreda kolabira. a jos im je u inetersu da obezvrijede milijarde dugova.
europa je daleko zdravija. pogotovo centralna; stanovnistvo je racionalnije, ne zvace samo zvakace, zdere secer i zivi na kredit.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2009, 09:30:25 PM »
Poenta nije u vlasnickoj strukturi, vec u tome da govorimo o njemacko-austrijskoj banci. Da ne ispadne da su za sranja u istocno-evropskim ekonomijama krivi casino-kapitalisti iz Amerike ( koja nista ne proizvodi, a i zli GE je odande).

Па добро, али од кога баварско-аустријски банкари примају инструкције ако то нису геј јеврејски казино банкари са Вол стрита8-)

"Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future."
Niels Bohr

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2009, 04:58:41 AM »
Poenta nije u vlasnickoj strukturi, vec u tome da govorimo o njemacko-austrijskoj banci. Da ne ispadne da su za sranja u istocno-evropskim ekonomijama krivi casino-kapitalisti iz Amerike ( koja nista ne proizvodi, a i zli GE je odande).

Па добро, али од кога баварско-аустријски банкари примају инструкције ако то нису геј јеврејски казино банкари са Вол стрита8-)

javilo im se  :twisted:
We're lost, but we're making good time.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2009, 09:39:33 AM »
SPIEGEL: EU to Solve Financial Fiasco Alone

    A growing roster of central bankers and politicians are opposed to the idea of an IMF bailout for Greece. They argue it would violate European Union law and that the bloc is big enough to solve the problem on its own.

    It is becoming increasingly unlikely that the European Union will allow the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to step in and provide ailing euro zone member state Greece with a bailout. A growing number of politicians and central bankers are opposed to any form of IMF intervention.

    "We don't need the IMF," Axel Weber, president of Germany's central bank, the Bundesbank, said, according to a report published in Monday's issue of SPIEGEL. Weber noted that it is illegal in Europe to finance budget deficits using the kind of central bank funds which are at the IMF's disposal. With his statement, Weber joins ranks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who believes IMF intervention would send the wrong political signal. The EU, she believes, is strong enough to handle Greece's problems on its own.
Evo Nemachki bankari kazu ne treba im IMF ( Medjunarodni monetarni fond) da spashavaju Grchku...mogu oni i sami...
Hvala Bogu nece da stavljaju jednog od svojih chlanova u " ralje" IMF-a. To je za glupu sirotinju :mrgreen:
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2010, 06:24:01 AM »
Bomb explodes outside Greek parliament | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 10.01.2010

    A bomb has exploded outside Greece's parliament in the heart of Athens. Police believe a leftist guerrilla group is responsible for the attack.

    A makeshift bomb has exploded outside Greece's parliament on Saturday evening, January 9, causing no injuries and minor damage.

    The explosion occurred in the heart of Athens, close to the finance ministry and the city's best hotels.

    "This was an unprecedented act of terrorism against the Greek people," said government spokesman George Petalotis.

    The bomb was placed next to a garbage bin at the monument of the unknown soldier outside the parliament building.

Izgleda da je pochelo u Grchkoj...
Nakotilo se terorista po vascelom svetu...
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train.

Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2010, 06:50:10 PM »
SPIEGEL: EU to Solve Financial Fiasco Alone

    A growing roster of central bankers and politicians are opposed to the idea of an IMF bailout for Greece. They argue it would violate European Union law and that the bloc is big enough to solve the problem on its own.

    It is becoming increasingly unlikely that the European Union will allow the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to step in and provide ailing euro zone member state Greece with a bailout. A growing number of politicians and central bankers are opposed to any form of IMF intervention.

    "We don't need the IMF," Axel Weber, president of Germany's central bank, the Bundesbank, said, according to a report published in Monday's issue of SPIEGEL. Weber noted that it is illegal in Europe to finance budget deficits using the kind of central bank funds which are at the IMF's disposal. With his statement, Weber joins ranks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who believes IMF intervention would send the wrong political signal. The EU, she believes, is strong enough to handle Greece's problems on its own.
Evo Nemachki bankari kazu ne treba im IMF ( Medjunarodni monetarni fond) da spashavaju Grchku...mogu oni i sami...
Hvala Bogu nece da stavljaju jednog od svojih chlanova u " ralje" IMF-a. To je za glupu sirotinju :mrgreen:

Ne, to ne znaci da ce ih EU izbaviti, vec ce jednostavno naterati Grcku da se spasu sebe samih. Ne moze se dovijeka pruzati preko gubera.

"“We will on Monday, as we have done for a few months already, alert the Greek authorities that they have to put forward a credible re-consolidation plan of their public finances,” Juncker said. “Greece has taken important steps in this direction; more have to follow.”

Greece shouldn’t count on its European allies to bail the country out if its finances deteriorate, Juncker said. “It would be wrong to imagine or let Greece believe that the other countries could solve the problems for Greece,” he said.

Juncker says that the Maastricht Treaty that led to the creation of the euro bars any bailout of a member state. "
sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2010, 05:00:00 PM »
Broj Atinjana koji su prilikom plaćanja poreza prijavili da imaju bazen: 324.

Broj kuća sa bazenom u Atini koji se vidi satelitskim snimkom: 16,974.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2010, 05:44:01 PM »
Ako Boga znas, skloni tu odvratnu sliku.
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2010, 05:21:59 PM »
Tamo bas zakuvalo.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2010, 09:24:57 PM »
"The modern Greek culture is so dependent upon government largesse, and is so used to the fact that Greek fiscal irresponsibility will be bailed out by the taxes paid by responsible German workers and businessmen, that we cannot see this being resolved short of Greece being summarily tossed out of the EMU, or removing itself voluntarily," he wrote.

He added that "we are not naive. Rather we are realists, and realists know that little other than chaos and the eventual breaking up of the EUR is the way of the future."
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2010, 09:29:51 PM »
Kolicina koejkakvih abnormalno-nenormalnih benefita je neopisiva. 13-14 plata, dodatak za zracenje od monitora (!), rana penzija, stajaznam, ..... Luda kuca.

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #47 on: May 06, 2010, 09:31:13 PM »
I gomile besposlicara/maminih sinova na ulici sa Ce Gevara majicama.
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2010, 09:32:05 PM »
Larry the Kudlow:

'Market chatter, at least in Europe, is suggesting that the $150 billion bailout is not enough. But it may be that the left-wing union mobs in Athens have caused a major backlash throughout Europe and elsewhere. Despite the mob, the Greek parliament was able to pass legislative approval of the bailout package. This caused a small stock rally for a brief time this morning.

The German parliament will vote tomorrow on this package. Should it be voted down, all hell will break loose again in world stock and credit markets. "
"You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddie!"

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Re: Duzan k'o Grcka
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2010, 09:35:15 PM »
Pazi, zapalili troje u banci. To kod nas nije bilo ni sa Jezdom i Dafinom. Bolje da su primili Jordan u EU od Grcke.