Konacno mi je malo lakse. Juce sam mislio da cu umreti (well, not really, ali sam se vrlo lose osecao).
Moja prepiska sa Cameronom poslednja dva dana:
CamFeeling any better today?
IvanNot really. Finally found a doctor who would examine me at his house and it appears I have angina-streptococes. He gave me antibiotics for ten days but said I would feel much better in 2 days.
Surely don't feel that way now. I came home, took the antibiotic and my temp went to 39.6
I called him and he said to take luke-warm showers repeatedly. That brought the temp down to 38.5
Taking it now, so will now how we stand in a couple of minutes.
What worries me is that my ear started hurting again. Especially when I swallow.
I'm sure I'll have a difficult night, my last night wasn't good, but this will probably be worse.
I'm such a cry baby, you should see how my wife handles pain and sickness. With a lot of dignity and no complaining.
I honestly wish I was more like her in many ways. Learned so much from her. She's one great woman.
And while we're at it, in moment of weakness, when I saw 39.6 on the thermometer and realized how fragile life is and how much she means to me, I texted her about an account she didn't know about with some XXX usd in it. That was the only stash I had and now I no longer have it. Sucka!!!
But she deserves to know. I'm probably talking nonsense cos I'm so weak and fragile at the moment. I'll regret in a few days no doubt.
Hm, the current temperature 37.6. Granted it's after walking the dog out in the cold for 20 min and taking an almost cold shower for 5.
But my ear worries me
You working today and tmrw?
Say happy Holidays to Krasi and the kids. A little late, but the New Year is still to come
CamYes, I'm back at work. You should make yourself a little black book with your password & finances and who to get ahold of to sort out your life in case you get hit by a bus or even go into a coma. Feel free to have her get ahold of me if you don't have anybody over there that could sort it out without cheating her or screwing it up. You know I would do my best. Life is fragile. I was thinking about that last night when you didn't know what you had. Lord knows I've had plenty of run-ins with near death. I should do the same. My wife knows my passwords, but she doesn't know where all my accounts are. No, there is no money in them - but somebody will still have to sort things out. XXX is not much, my wife knowing that I have a life insurance policy could make a big difference. You know the life insurance people won't won't come knocking with a check in their hands. Let's hope the doc is right and if so you will see marked improvement in 2 days and most likely significant improvement in 1 day.
IvanYou had near death experiences??? Like in traffic or elsewhere? Feel free to share if you want.
Feeling better now. Temp still 38 to 38.5, but the antibiotics are kicking in.
As far as passwords etc, I had a mechanism in place. Not sure if you know, but godaddy email lets you decide when you want your emails sent. So a few years ago, I wrote a nice email to my wife, explaining that if she ever gets that email something probably happened to me and here are banks she should go to in order to get my money and I set it up to go out in 3 months. Let’s say August 1. Then I would set 2 alarms on my phone, one for July 29 and one for July 31 reminding me to cancel the email and reprogram it to go out on November 1. All my bank accounts were there except the one she found out about yesterday. There’s not much money there, maybe XXX altogether, but that and what she has in her account should keep her going for 3-4 years should something happen to me.
Everything worked fine for a few years, my alarms would go off, and I would cancel/postpone the email for another 3 months. Then last year. I think it was in October, the first alarm went off and I instant dismissed it, relying on the 2nd alarm. 2 days later the second and final alarm went off, but I was too busy playing starcraft and I dismissed it instead of snoozing it. I said to myself noway will I forget. Well, I did forget and the next day my wife got the email.
So, since then I don’t really have that money at my disposal any more, since she knows about it. I still had the XXX in the other account that wasn’t in the email, but that too is a thing of the past now.
I’m a broke and a broken man now
I’m kind of glad (except for the last XXX) cos I’m not always very responsible with money.
Did I tell you how we were gonna buy a car before our kid got born. We thought we would need a car with a baby coming and we decided to buy a nice 2nd hand car. We wanted something for up to 250K czk, but my wife gave me 300K just in case - the money was in her account (we had already kept money in her account for obvious reasons). She gave me the money a few days before we went to the hospital. I stayed with her at the hospital, we had a private room where I could sleep too, special care, dedicated doctor etc. It was nice and quite inexpensive. Anyway, my wife spent 4 days at the hospital before the doctor finally decided on caesarian. In the mean time, I would go home every day for a few hours to take care of things. And when I was done ‘taking care of things’ I would inevitably start playing a little. Short and dreadful story even shorter, I lost it all, ok. I mean the car money. It was all gone. I think I lost 50K the first day which was bad, but not terrible cos we were gonna buy something for up to 250K czk anyway. I lost another 50K the second day which was terrible, but not horrible, since I could still get a decent car for 200K. And the 3rd day I lost the rest.
I went back to the hospital and my wife gave birth the next day. It wasn’t until 2 days later that they brought her back to our room from intensive care. So, we’re sitting there, 3 of us, my wife, our new born baby boy and my good self. And for no apparent reason and something that struck me as out of the blue question, and one I was totally unprepared for, my wife asked me where’re we at as far as buying a car goes.
And maybe because she looked so weak and fragile after the operation or maybe because she had just given birth to my boy, I decided not to lie through my teeth as I usually would and deal with the problem later, but to tell her the truth. I told her I had lost the money gambling and that she should give me more money should we still want a car. Big mistake. Then, stupidly, I added, adding salt to the open injury, that I was running really bad, blaming it on bad luck thus. Even a bigger mistake.
She started crying bitterly clinging our baby to her chest. My wife laughs now when she tells that story to people, but I still shiver when I think of that. Right at that moment this fucking nurse walks in and sees my wife sobbing. She started comforting my wife throwing nasty looks at me. She must have thought I was mean or rude to my wife or something. It was horrible, absolutely horrible. And we stayed at that hospital for another 7 days till my wife healed and I had to face that nurse and her disapproving looks almost every day. Boy, was that unpleasant.